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Address at Center for Strategic and International Studies, delivered by
Gen. Xu Caihou, Vice Chairman, Central Military Commission, P. R. China

26 October 2009


Respected Mr. Hamre, Ladies and gentlemen,


It is my great pleasure to meet you, my friends, here at this prestigious think tank today during my visit to your country in this golden season of fall. CSIS has long been actively dedicated to deeper understanding and greater cooperation between our two nations and armed forces. I commend and appreciate that many of you present here today have made strenuous efforts in enhancing friendship between our two peoples and improving bilateral relations between our two nations.


Standing here today I feel very pleased to share thoughts with you with an introduction on Chinese military. That being said, it is also quite a challenge to present a comprehensive and objective picture of PLA and help you understand our strategic thinking on the development and employment of armed forces, within forty minutes. I intend to entitle this speech as Chinese Military – a Force for Multiple Military Tasks. I notice that our concept of “Multiple Military Tasks” shares some similarities with the 6 “core mission areas” articulated in the Quadrennial Roles and Mission Review Report issued by US Department of Defense in January this year. I hope what I’m going to talk about will make you interested.


Since the beginning of the new century, President Hu Jintao has made new conclusions and elaborations on the historic missions of Chinese military. He further proposes to improve capabilities in responding to multiple security threats and fulfilling multiple military tasks. Such an important proposition is based on our nation’s reality and aligned with PLA’s founding nature and goal, and answers for the new changes in national interests in security and development.


We believe that multiple military tasks include combat operations and military operations other than war (MOOTW). To deter and win a war remains the top priority of the armed forces and the capability to win local wars in conditions of informationalization is vital to the capabilities for multiple military tasks. In keeping with the new trend of world military development and in line with the requirement of national security and development strategy, we have decided that our strategic goal is to build an informationalized force that is capable of winning informationalized warfare. We are actively pressing ahead with revolution in military affairs with Chinese characteristics and PLA’s defensive capabilities are greatly strengthened through the emphasis on science and technology, the Strategic Project for Talented People, the reform on military training and the research and development of complete systems of weaponary and equipments.


Meanwhile, we also believe that in current era when the tides for peace, development and cooperation are ever more keenly felt, to conduct military operations other than war is becoming an increasingly important form of applying military force. The routine and constant missions for the military are tasks that involve counter-terrorism, disaster relief, peace keeping, protection of interests, international search and rescue, as well as security and protection. We have an old saying in China, ‘armies are to be maintained in the course of long years, but to be used in the nick of time’. Now it seems more relevant to change it into ‘armies are to be maintained in the course of long years, and to be used for long years’.


The current situation is that international terrorism is increasingly rampant and signs of its expansion are conspicuous in recent years. We notice that the United States regards terrorism as today’s major security threat. The threats facing China, caused by secessionist, extremist and terrorist forces are also on a clear rise. The ‘East Turkistan’ separatist forces have made several terrorist attacks within and outside China’s borders. During and around last year’s Beijing Olympic Games, they launched 4 attacks in Xinjiang, causing 49 casualties. Faced with such serious situation, we see the prevention and strike against terrorism as an important task, particularly for the People’s Armed Police Force, an important component of China’s armed forces, which has input large resources in this aspect in recent years. During the Beijing Olympics, we contributed 46,000 troops to the land, air and maritime security of the Olympics in prevention of terrorist attacks. The security of the Olympics was thus ensured. Next year, we will also take up important security tasks for World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. At the same time, we are actively enhancing international cooperation in counter-terrorism and engaging in international technical and intelligence cooperation. We have also conducted 27 bilateral or multilateral joint exercises focused on counter-terrorism with 21 countries since 2002.


China is among the countries that see most natural disasters. Various kinds of disasters that take place frequently in China often cause severe damages. In the past century, there were about 40 earthquakes measuring 7 or above on the Richter scale, among which 9 took place in China and cost nearly 600,000 lives, 53% of the world’s total. In the past 60 years since the founding of PRC, over 50 severe floods inflicted China, far more frequent than that in developed countries. Chinese military has been the backbone and vanguard in past relief operations. For Chinese military, each relief operation equals a special battle to protect people’s lives and assets. You might still have fresh memories of last year’s Wenchuan earthquake in China. We activated emergency response mechanism 13 minutes after the earthquake and dispatched troops immediately to disaster-affected areas for the most urgent, difficult and dangerous relief missions. In order to gain entry into Wenchuan, the epicenter, 15 paratroopers risked their lives by jumping from an altitude of 5,000 meters despite extremely unfavorable weather conditions and complicated terrains. In order to rescue lives, PLA Army Aviation helicopters flew through mountains and valleys and blazed an air corridor of life, at the cost of the lives of 5 crew members. Through unremitting efforts in search and rescue, we successfully rescued 2 survivors 7 days after the quake. 146,000 military troops were deployed in the relief effort. They rescued 3,338 survivors, evacuated 1.4 million people, repaired nearly 10,000 kilometers of roads and set up over 250,000 makeshift houses. I would also make a special mention here that US military aircraft helped transport America-donated materials to the quake-hit region at a time when much help was needed during the disaster relief operations. It is greatly appreciated and surely remembered by the Chinese people.


China is the largest developing country with a population of 1.3 billion. Although much has been done since the reform and opening-up, China’s per capita GDP still stands after 100th place in global ranking. We still have more than 40 million people in poverty. Development is China’s top priority. To focus on economic growth and improvement of people’s livelihood remains the most important matter for China at present and in the next decades. It is imperative for the military to be subordinated to and in the service of the overall development strategy of the country and make active but unremunerated contributions to national economy. China’s 12 western provinces and regions remain relatively underdeveloped in terms of economy and social development. In 2000, the Chinese government began to implement the strategy of “Western Development”. Ever since then, Chinese military has contributed over 3.7 million troops/time to over 1,200 national and provincial key projects, including the Three Gorges Project, transmission of natural gas from the west to the east, transmission of electricity from the west to the east and Qinghai-Tibet Railway construction. A large part of western China is barren mountains or mere deserts. For the transformation of the ecological environment, Chinese military has helped plant over 1.2 million hectares of trees with additional 700,000 and more hectares of trees planted by aerial seeding. Some regions in western China is in such a shortage of water that use of water for local people is awfully difficult. Some villages are even named as “water calling”. We have several water supply engineering units that have routine tasks of exploring and drilling wells for local population. Over 1,000 wells have been drilled, each of which is hurrahed by local people. Also in western China, many children could not go to school because of poverty. The PLA has so far donated over 1.1 billion RMB yuan, built over 1,500 schools and sponsored 200,000 poor students, in an effort to support education in western China. We have also offered intellectual, technological and hardware assistance to more than 500 county or township hospitals in this region.


As a responsible developing country, China, as always, regards it an important mission to safeguard world peace and promote common development. Since 1990, Chinese military has sent more than 13,000 military personnel/time to participate in 18 UN peace-keeping operations, leading amongst the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. At present, we still have about 2,000 peace-keeping personnel serving in 9 UN mission areas. We have lost 8 men in those peace-keeping operations. The Chinese military has, on 18 occasions, sent rescue teams to participate in international humanitarian rescue and relief missions during and after the Indian Ocean tsunami, the earthquake in Pakistan, the Yogyakarta earthquake in Indonesia and the violent tropical storm in Myanmar, etc.. China also engages in naval escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia.


Chinese military’s commitment to upgrading capabilities for carrying out multiple military tasks, particularly for fulfilling the de manding obligations when the nation and people are in peril, is fundamentally necessitated by the interests of the nation and people. Our military is a people’s force, with its fundamental goal being serving the people whole-heartedly. The core values of the contemporary Chinese servicemen are ‘loyalty to the Party, love of people, service to the country, dedication to the mission and belief in honor’. It is because of this value that Chinese men and women in uniform always prioritize interests of the country and people over everything. Any call by the country and people entails incumbent responsibilities of the military. Meanwhile, the fulfillment of multiple military tasks wins increasing commendation and appreciation of the people, thus enhancing PLA men’s sense of duty and honor. In Guangzhou, China, local residents voluntarily sponsored a statue entitled Nine Days and Nine Nights, which is based on a photo about our participation in relief missions in the sleet-and-blizzard disaster last year – four soldiers fell asleep against street rails due to extreme fatigue after continuous work. Two lines are engraved on the base of the statue, “while awake, they are walls that protect lives; while asleep, they are mountains that stun souls”.


Ladies and gentlemen,


This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. We just concluded a series of ceremonial programs including a grand military parade. Generally speaking, it is well received in international public opinions. Meanwhile, I also notice some suspicions and misunderstanding in the press, and some reports are not objective enough. Although remarkable progress has been made since the reform and opening-up, there is still a huge gap between China and the developed world. We are now predominantly committed to peaceful development and we will not and could not challenge or threat any other country.


The Chinese nation honors peace. The central philosophy in traditional Chinese culture is harmony and peaceful coexistence, advocating “being peaceful though different” or “accommodating diversities”. We believe that we should prudently handle current and future international affairs with a way of thinking that seeks accommodation instead of confrontation and win-win instead of zero-sum games. The essence of traditional Chinese military culture is “prudence in war”, “termination of war” and “war in virtue”. As early as 600 years ago, China owned world’s largest ocean-going fleet commanded by Adm. Zheng He. Though he made seven ocean voyages, no territorial expansions were ever made. The language in his credentials reads, “no difference shall be made among everything underneath the heaven and above the earth. No bullies shall be made by the numerically and physically stronger against the weaker.” This is a good testimony to China’s traditional perception in foreign affairs that emphasizes peace and harmony among neighbors and partners. Today, China’s defense policy remains defensive. Strategically, it adheres to the principle of featuring defensive operations, self-defense and striking and getting the better of the enemy only after the enemy has started an attack. I also need to point out that China has vast territory and long border and coastal lines. Other uncertainties are also found in peripheral regions. China’s defense and military development starts from fairly poor fundamentals. We are only making early steps in informationalization of the force while our plan for mechanization is yet to be accomplished. Our input in defense building and development of armament, including those displayed in the National Day military parade, is totally based on the most fundamental requirement of national security.


Here I would like to cite the solemn statement of President Hu Jintao from his address on the 60th National Day celebration: “We will unswervingly maintain an independent foreign policy of peace. We will follow a path of peaceful development. We will seek a strategy of win-win cooperation based on the five cardinal Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We will develop friendly relations and cooperation with all nations. We join hands with the people from all over the world in pushing forward the lofty cause of making the world more peaceful and progressive and building a harmonious world of long-lasting peace and prosperity.” This reaffirms the unequivocal position and sincere aspiration of the Chinese government. No matter now or in the future, and no matter how modern and developed it would be, China will never seek hegemony, military expansion or arms race. Chinese military will continue with its military strategy of active defense, earnest observation of relevant international obligations and engagement in exchanges and cooperation with foreign militaries. Chinese military will always be a staunch force for preserving world peace and promoting common development.


Ladies and gentlemen,


Since the beginning of the new century, profound and complex changes have been taking place in international landscape. Although peace and development remains the theme of the time, global challenges are growing, local wars and armed conflicts remain common, and hot-spot issues still keep cropping up. Situation in nuclear proliferation is complicated and grave. International terrorism is rampant. Financial crisis causes far-reaching consequences. Issues such as energy security, information security, public health security, natural disasters, climate change and cross-border crimes are increasingly prominent. Instabilities and uncertainties in the international situation pose significant challenges for world peace and development. Common interests and interdependence are growing and the call for cooperation in joint response to challenges is ever more urgent.


Last month in the general debate of UN General Assembly, President Hu Jintao delivered a speech entitled Unite as one and Work for a Bright Future, which expounded our proposal for building a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity. The New Security Concept of “mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination” was reiterated. It was suggested that the international community should join hands in sharing opportunities for development and make concerted response to handle various challenges. This important thought is based on a scientific conclusion on the changes in world strategic configuration and in relations among major powers. Chinese people and military stand ready to work with foreign countries and militaries in making due contributions to the lofty cause of peace and development for the mankind.


Both China and the United States have significant influence in the world. We share common interests in various areas and in major global and regional issues. China-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. Exchanges and cooperation between China and US are important for world peace and development, as well as the fundamental interests of two nations. We are heartened to see that with concerted efforts, since President Obama swore in, China-US relations have maintained a smooth and positive momentum of development. President Hu and President Obama reached important consensus on developing an positive, cooperative and comprehensive bilateral relations for the 21st century in their meeting in London in April this year. The two heads of state met again in September and reaffirmed the orientation of this relationship. It signifies a new stage of development in China-US relations.


The military-to-military relationship constitutes an important part of the bilateral relations. It is important not only to strategic trust and comprehensive and practical cooperation between our two countries, but also to regional stability and world peace. The Chinese military is positive towards the development of China-U.S. military-to-military relations. We won’t forget that over 60 years ago, in order to safeguard human justice, China and US fought shoulder to shoulder against Fascist forces. I would therefore raise your attention to military archive cooperation between our two nations. Archivist Liu Yiquan of PLA Archives, despite suffering cancer, has been working tirelessly in searching tens of thousand archives for clues of US MIA personnel. He has found a great deal of valuable information. The photo and ID of USAF Captain Gilbert Tenney that I bring with me were discovered by Archivist Liu Yiquan and his colleagues through strenuous work. His dedication is a testimony to the great value that Chinese military personnel place on China-U.S. military-to-military relations. Chinese military’s execution of multiple military tasks provides more extensive space for China-US military exchanges and cooperation. We will continue to make unremitting efforts in invigorating military-to-military relations on the principles of “mutual respect, mutual trust, reciprocity and mutual benefit”.


Ladies and gentlemen,


I visited Mt. Vernon yesterday. It is said that among the well grown trees there, some were personally planted by President George Washington. Before I conclude my speech today and join you in thinking about the future of our bilateral relations, I’d like to quote President George Washington, “true friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation.” I believe that the friendship between Chinese and American peoples and cooperation between our militaries might have to withstand some shocks of adversity, but it is our concerted care for its growth that deserves our dedication. You all have great expertise in strategic studies. I invite you to visit my country to gain a deeper understanding of the country and the military. I expect your wisdom, sensibility and influence would enable you to render continuous contribution to the state-to-state and military-to-military relations between China and the United States.


Thank you.

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