Cadres should effectively improve strategic, creative and dialectical thinking abilities

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/02 18:31:59
Cadres should effectively improve strategic, creative and dialectical thinking abilities  The Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) focused on strengthening and improving Party building under the new situation, explicitly stated the requirements for the senior leadership of the Party to conscientiously study Marxism, in particular the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to effectively improve strategic thinking, creative thinking and dialectical thinking.

This is the inevitable requirement for strengthening the Party's governance capability, and it has an important strategic significance for building a high-quality leading cadres team which is good at promoting scientific development and social harmony.

The abilities of strategic, creative and dialectical thinking are the essential qualities of the Party's senior leadership.

Cadres to improve the "three thinking" is a necessity for responding to the complex and changeable international situation and the international financial crisis, as well as maintaining stable and rapid economic development. Currently, the international financial crisis has brought a serious impact on the world economy. In this case, the leading cadres should continuously improve their strategic, creative and dialectical thinking ability, in order to determine the complicated international situation, especially the impact on China's economic development brought by the international financial crisis, accurately grasp the development trend in today's world, and thereby adopt effective targeted measures and maintain the steady and rapid development of China's economy.

Improving cadres' "three thinking," is the objective requirements of promoting the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the founding of the PRC, especially since the reform and opening up three decades ago, China has made remarkable achievements, and its international status improved significantly. But, overall, the basic national condition of primary stage socialism that China is still and will be in for the long-term has not changed, while China's development presents a series of new phase features and a series of new situations and new problems. Efforts to adapt to the new situation and to concentrate on development are major tasks for all levels of cadres. In this case, the cadres should continuously improve their strategic thinking, creative thinking and dialectical thinking ability, in order to accurately grasp the practicality of reform and development, and to better promote the scientific development and social harmony.

Improving cadres' "three thinking," is to improve the Party's governing capability. Our Party always focuses on strengthening Party building, and becoming the strong leadership core of China's socialist construction and reform, has won the wholehearted support of China's people in all nationalities. It should be noted that the profound changes of world and state situations make new requirements to the Party. The leading cadres should continuously improve strategic thinking, creative thinking and dialectical thinking in order to accurately grasp the historical position of our Party and the central task, adhere to the spirit of reform and innovation to strengthen and improve Party building under the new situation, and further improve the Party's governing capability and leading levels.

By People's Daily Online