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An Architect‘s Perspective on Application Quality
By Allen Stoker
According to Allen Stoker, problems arise when we continue to build applications with increasing levels of complexity and don‘t effectively plan to manage that complexity. In this article, Stoker discusses implementation and testing for two quality-related goals.
The Mac as a Java Development and Execution Platform
By Eugene Ciurana
Nobody can deny that Apple manufactures very handsome machines but there are endless debates about whether they perform better than equivalent machines running Linux or Windows. In this article, Eugene Ciurana shows through a series of tests that, considering equivalent metrics and similar system configurations, different systems can perform better than others due to a variety of factors.

Introducing Axiom
By Eran Chinthaka
The Apache Web services community introduced AXIOM (Apache aXIs Object Model) as a fast-performing and memory-efficient object model for their Web service engine, Axis2. In this article, Eran Chinthaka describes the architecture of Axiom and explains how it works with StAX.
Role of Testing in Agile Projects
By Jon Kern
According to Jon Kern, the difficulty with "agile development" and "testing" is that they can both be "in the eye of the beholder." This article outlines the different roles that various tests can play in agile development.
Pipeline to Visitor Design Pattern
By Waleed Hassan
This article presents a new design pattern, Pipeline to Visitor, that handles the issue of building software components in a way that makes software maintainable.
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Object-Relational Mapping
Hibernate vs. Rails: The Persistence Showdown JDO Community Process: JDO 2 Queries - Part 2 JDO Community Process: JDO 2 Queries - Part 1 Cayenne: Being Productive with Object Relational Mapping Introduction to Hibernate Simplifying Domain Model Persistence in a J2EE application by using JDO JDO 2.0 Kickoff MeetingJava Data ObjectsCraig Russell Responds to Roger Sessions‘ Critique of JDO
Testing a persistent domain model Understanding the User Experience Ready to Test SOA, Web Services, ESBs, and BI? JavaServer Faces vs Tapestry - A Head-to-Head Comparison Migrating to TestNG Test Framework Comparison Tuning Your Stress Test Harness Unit-Testing Hibernate With HSQLDB Container Driven Testing Series
Testing Inside the Container
Testing Entity Beans
Advanced Testing TechniquesTest-Driven Development Series Part 1 - Overview Test-Driven Development Series Part 2 - Testing Java Classes with JUnit Sampling JUnit, Testing in isolation with mock objects Testing: Cactus and JUnit, Struts TagLibs and JSPs
Data Tier
Taking the load off: OSCache helps databases cope Performance Tips for the Data Tier (JDBC) Series
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Retrieving Only Required Data
Selecting Functions that Optimize Performance
Managing Connections and Updates Give your DB a Break Domain Logic and Distribution Patterns SQLExecutor - A Simple, Open Source JDBC Framework Speeding Up J2EE Development and Increasing Reusability Using a Two Level Domain Model Data List Handler: A Pattern for Large Search Result Sets Implementing a Data Cache using Readers And WritersWhy Prepared Statements are important and how to use them "properly"
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Web Services
An Approach to Web Services Non-Functional Requirements Using WSDL Annotations
Optimizing the Client Side
SSO and Identity Management
Ajax in Action excerpt: Using the Model to Generate the View
Leveraging Open Source for Web services Development
JAX-RPC, Service-Oriented Architecture, Transaction Management
Making your J2EE Application Web Services ready - The XML Business Delegate Pattern Developing Web Services Series:
Part 1 - Developing my first Web Service in 30 minutes
Part 2 - A Detailed Look at SOAP
Part 3 - Web Services Security
Part 4 - Web Services and J2EE
Part 5 - Integrating Java and Microsoft .NET
Part 6 - Securing Web Services with Single Sign-On
Part 7 - Web Services PublishingIntegrating Apache SOAP with an EJB ServerWhen is SOAP a good idea in a projectDeveloper‘s Guide to Building XML-based Web Services with the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)Requirements for Building Industrial Strength Web Services: The Service BrokerWeb Services: A Business Perspective on Platform ChoiceJ2EE vs. Microsoft.NET: A comparison of building XML-based web services
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TheServerSide at JavaOne 2006
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Book Reviews
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Corporate Data Centers, a soon to be extinct species?Succeeding as a developer in today‘s economy
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Free books for downloadFree books for downloadFree books for download

Mastering EJB 3.0
The fourth edition in the Mastering EJB series, this book provides in-depth coverage on the changes that come with EJB 3.0. More than 50% new and revised, the free download covers the latest features of the new release and information on the Java Persistence API and the entities defined therein.
Mastering EJB Third Edition
Mastering EJB was one of the original and most influential EJB books in the industry. Mastering EJB III now returns with two new expert co-authors, updated for EJB 2.1 and 30% new chapters including security, integration, best practices, open source, and more.
The J2EE Architect‘s Handbook
This book is written for technical architects and senior developers tasked with designing and leading the development of J2EE java applications. This book will guide the architect through the entire process of delivering a project from analysis through application deployment providing numerous tips, tricks, and "best practices" along the way.
Servlets and JavaServer Pages: The J2EE Technology Web Tier
Servlets and JSP: the J2EE Web Tier covers how to install a Servlet/JSP environment and what is in the JSP 2.0, Servlet 2.4, and JSTL 1.0 specs. The later chapters cover state management, design patterns, internationalization support, multi-client design, Java database connectivity.
Java Testing and Design
Java Testing and Design teaches you how to build production-worthy, scalable, and well performing Web-enabled applications and presents techniques and tools to enable developers, QA technicians, and IT managers to be productive in development and test automation.
Jakarta-Struts Live
Jakarta Struts Live covers the Struts MVC architecture and building each of the Struts components of this architecture. You‘ll learn to use vital features like Tiles, the Validator, DynaActionForms, plug-ins, and internationalization.
EJB Design Patterns
A companion/standalone book to Mastering EJB 2, EJB Design Patterns seeks to solidify and centralize all the cutting edge strategies and design patterns in use today.
Books under public reviewBooks under public reviewBooks under public review

Java Doctor
Java Doctor is a book about diagnosing and troubleshooting enterprise applications, covering the methodologies, techniques and tools needed to successfully identify problems in scalability, performance and availability.
Patterns of Enterprise Business Solutions
Patterns of Enterprise Business Solutions presents a higher order of software pattern--the Enterprise Business Pattern. Enterprise Business Patterns consume design, architecture, and integration patterns in large quantities. They define the essence of large, complex, industry-standard, product-based solutions.
Educational resourcesEducational resourcesEducational resources

JDBC and XML Survey Report
What JDBC 3.0 features matter? Are many developers storing XML data directly in the database? On behalf of data connectivity company DataDirect Technologies, TSS emailed a small group of TSS subscribers to take part in a survey on their JDBC and XML usage habits.Survey
Performance and Scalability of EJB Applications (Rice University White paper)
This paper investigates the combined effect of application implementation, container design, and efficiency of communication layers on the performance scalability of J2EE application servers through the measurement and profiling of an auction site server.White Paper - PDF

This whitepaper will teach you the best practices that will help you get the most reliability and scalability out of your J2EE based application and the most productivity out of your developers. It covers all elements of the software development cycle, from design through deployment.White Paper - PDF
Integrating Corba & EJB
This paper explains in detail the relationship between Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) and CORBA. It discusses in depth why it is important for EJB-compliant application servers to be based on CORBA, spells out the benefit of such an approach to developers and end-users, and discusses scenarios which address frequently asked questions about using CORBA and EJB together.White Paper - PDF
J2EE vs. Microsoft.NET: A comparison of building XML-based web services
This whitepaper will make a powerful comparison between the two choices that businesses have for building XML-based web services: the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and Microsoft.NET 2.White Paper - PDF
Developers Guide to building XML-based Web Services with J2EE
Web services using XML standards is a new paradigm in the way B2B collaborations are modeled. It provides a conceptual and architectural foundation which can be implemented using a variety of platforms and products. Today, developers can use J2EE and leverage existing J2EE technologies to build XML-based web services.White Paper - PDF
EJB Design Strategies and Performance Optimizations
Ed Roman‘s Java OneTechnical Session slides attended by over 2500 people - 2 megs (PDF)
Design Patterns and Architecture behind TheServerSide
Slides from the Java One BOF talk by Floyd Marinescu- 700k (PDF) newsletters newsletter and event notifications link you to enterprise Java technical articles and executive thought pieces, as well as important industry news, new features on TheServerSide, application server reviews, learning opportunities, and conferences.
The newsletter is distributed on a biweekly basis. It contains a key headlines section which can provide you with a timeline of important events in the J2EE World!
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