
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/02 19:11:15



美国第一任总统没有亲生的儿女,但是是他1759年与寡妇Martha Custis结婚后成为她的个孩子的继父。在上面这张1961年的图片,约翰·“杰克”Parke Custis是左边这位,玛莎“帕斯媞”Parke Custis则是中间这位。这两个孩子过早的死去,杰克参加了继父的军队后不久就死于痢疾,而玛莎饱受癫痫病折磨17岁就死去了。

George Washington
America's first President had no biological children, but he became stepfather to the two children of the widow Martha Custis when he married her in 1759: John "Jacky" Parke Custis, left in the c. 1761 illustration above, and Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis. Both of the Custis children met with untimely ends; Jacky joined his stepfather's army but died from dysentery soon thereafter, while Martha suffered from epilepsy and died at 17.




Ulysses S. Grant
Three of Grant's four children gathered for this multigenerational portrait taken around 1880: his only daughter Nellie, far left, his youngest son Jesse (behind her) and the eldest, Frederick, standing toward the right, with hand on hip. Jesse was an author, engineer and world traveler. Frederick served with his father on the major battlefields of the Civil War. Nellie was married twice, the first time to a dissolute diplomat whose death left her a wealthy woman.




Abraham Lincoln
When the Lincolns moved into the White House in 1861, Thomas "Tad" Lincoln was 7 years old. Several sources report that the President was extremely indulgent of his younger son and tolerated behavior from him and his brother Willie that scandalized the White House staff, including a notorious incident in which Tad fired his toy cannon upon the door of the Cabinet room while his father was meeting with some advisers inside.




Theodore Roosevelt
The Roosevelt family poses for the camera two years after moving into the White House. They are, from left, Quentin, who would die as a fighter pilot in World War I; President Roosevelt; Ted, a highly decorated soldier who saw service in both World Wars; Archie, a businessman; Alice, the only child from Roosevelt's first marriage; Kermit, an adventurer and soldier of fortune; First Lady Edith; and Ethel, who served as a nurse in France during World War I and later became involved with the Red Cross.


这是慢慢扩大的罗斯福家庭在1928年的相片,那时他正在精选纽约州长。相片上的人从左起:艾略特,一个战争英雄和作家;未来的第一夫人埃莉诺;Curtis Dall(安娜的丈夫,安娜是一位记者,正坐在丈夫前面);约翰,坐着那位,是一个零售商兼银行家;詹姆斯,站着那位,他父亲的白宫秘书和6任国会议员;未来总统罗斯福;富兰克林·Jr,在参议院工作;富兰克林·罗斯福的母亲萨拉·德拉诺·罗斯福。;罗斯福曾有第六个孩子但不幸在婴儿时期就死亡了。

Franklin Roosevelt
F.D.R.'s slightly extended family sat for this photo in 1928, around the time when he was running for governor of New York. They are, from left: Elliott, a war hero and author; future First Lady Eleanor; Curtis Dall (husband to Anna, a journalist, who sits in front of him); John, seated, a retailer and banker; James, standing, White House secretary for his father and a six-term Congressman; future President Roosevelt; Franklin Jr., who also served in Congress; and F.D.R.'s mother Sara Delano Roosevelt. The Roosevelts also had a sixth child who died in infancy.


玛格丽特·杜鲁门,左边这位,是哈里和贝斯的唯一的孩子,在她父亲任总统期间她正谋求成为一名歌手。在她生命的后期,她作为谋杀神秘小说、历史故事以及她父亲的传记写作者取得很大的成功。在上面这张1952年的相片中,她和父亲来到Kalispell, Mont,在那里他们参加了为亨格里霍斯坝启用仪式。

Harry S. Truman
Margaret Truman, left, the only child of Harry and Bess, pursued a career as a singer during the period her father served as President. Later in life, she enjoyed a successful career as a writer of murder mysteries, historical works and biographies of her parents. In the 1952 photo above, she joins her father in Kalispell, Mont., where he had been invited to throw a ceremonial switch, marking the start-up of the Hungry Horse Dam.



John F. Kennedy
J.F.K. claps while his daughter Caroline and son John Jr. dance in the Oval Office in 1962. John Jr. was a magazine publisher, an assistant district attorney and a staple of the social pages and tabloids until his untimely death in a plane crash in 1999. Caroline has devoted her life to writing and philanthropy. She has recently expressed interest in assuming the New York Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton.


1969年的白宫草坪上,左边这位是茱莉亚,特蕾莎正在向父亲展示迷你冲浪滑板。姐姐茱莉亚嫁给了美国第34任总统的孙子约翰·艾森豪威尔,他的职业是作家。特蕾莎嫁给了Ed Cox,他们的婚礼也是在白宫庭园中举行的最近的一次婚礼。特蕾莎在父亲辞去总统职位后也淡出了公众的视野。

 Richard M. Nixon

Julie, left, and Tricia present their father with a mini surfboard on the lawn of the White House in 1969. The elder Julie married John Eisenhower, grandson of the 34th President in 1968, and pursued a career as a writer. Tricia's marriage to Ed Cox was the last wedding to take place on White House grounds. She has remained out of the public eye since her father resigned the presidency.



Gerald Ford
The Ford family gathers in the Oval Office on Aug. 9, 1974, the day that Gerald was sworn in as President. They are, from left: John, a future businessman; Steven, an actor (his credits include Black Hawk Down and When Harry Met Sally); First Lady Betty; President Ford; Susan, a writer and photographer (and the only presidential child whose senior prom was held at the White House); daughter-in-law Gayle; and Gayle's husband Michael, now a minister.



Jimmy Carter
Roslyn and Jimmy had four children, but their three eldest, all boys, were on their own by the time the Carters moved into the White House in 1977. It was their daughter Amy, 9 years old when her father was inaugurated, who captured America's attention. Since leaving the White House, she has worked as an artist and activist.



Ronald Reagan
A 1967 photograph captures Ronald, Nancy and their two children, Patricia, 13, and Ronald Jr., 8, as they take stock of their new home, the California governor's mansion. Ronald Jr. pursued careers as a ballet dancer and journalist; Patti was an outspoken opponent of many of her father's policies. During his first marriage to Jane Wyman, Reagan fathered two children, Maureen, an actress and public servant, and Christine, who died in infancy. They also adopted Michael, who became a popular syndicated talk-show host.



George H.W. Bush
The first President Bush and his wife Barbara have five living children, all of whom appear in this 1986 group shot taken in front of the family's Kennebunkport, Maine, home. Neil, a businessman, is at far left in the red jacket; George W., the 43rd President, is seated third from left; Marvin, an investment banker, is in the back row in the Dodgers jacket; Dorothy, known as "Doro," is seated next to the child on the bicycle; and Jeb, the former governor of Florida, is toward the right with his children in a blue and red jacket.



Bill Clinton
Chelsea Clinton, the only child of Bill and Hillary Clinton, was 12 years old when her father was elected President. A graduate of Stanford, she has worked in consulting and investment banking. During the 2008 presidential election, she frequently appeared in her mother's campaign for President and introduced Hillary at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.



George W. Bush
Fraternal twins Jenna (seated on the stone wall) and Barbara were born minutes apart in 1981. Jenna is a graduate of the University of Texas and has authored two books; the first is a chronicle of her experiences working with UNICEF in Latin America, while the other, co-authored with her mother, is designed to encourage children to read. Barbara attended Yale (as did three generations of Bushes before her) and has worked with the Smithsonian and Cooper-Hewitt museums in New York.



Barack Obama
The Obamas' children, from left, Sasha, 7, and Malia, 10, are the youngest children to live in the White House since the Kennedy Administration. They now attend the Sidwell Friends school.