Best Practical

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/08 10:14:59

    RT stands out by a huge margin as the best thought out, most easily used and appropriate piece of software for managing high volume...

    —Andy Nash, Product Development Manager,

    In less than 3 hours I had [RT] up and running and a staff of 25 tech support staff using it to field queries from customers. No training, no mess, no fuss. It just worked.

    —David Troy


    Best Practical offers training sessions taught by the people who built RT. Learn how to get the most out of RT!

    Get up to speed on RT in an instant with the simple how-to instructions and the detailed explanations in RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.

    Buy your copy today!

    Best Practical makes software to help you get more done. Our major products include Hiveminder , RT and SVK.

    Hiveminder is a web-based tool to help you get (and stay) organized. Hiveminder helps you keep track of what you need to do, assign tasks to anyone with an email address and share tasks with anyone you collaborate with. Basic Hiveminder accounts are free. Sign up today!

    SVK is the only distributed version control system in the world designed from the ground up to integrate cleanly with Subversion, the emerging standard in enterprise version control. With SVK, advanced branching and merging and even offline commits are a breeze. Find out more.

    We also make RT: Request Tracker, the leading open-source issue-tracking system. We've designed RT to make it easy for your organization to track any sort of "task". Various organizations, ranging in size from Fortune 50 Corporations to the smallest nonprofit use RT to manage a wide range of business processes. Frequent uses include the tracking of software defects, customer service inquiries, internal workflow, project management, network operations and even youth counselling. RT is powerful, flexible and built from the ground up to adapt to your organization and needs. While RT is available without charge as open-source software, we provide a full range of support, training and development services.