
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/03 08:37:55

Andy Rash别以为加薪是不可能的事。虽然目前的经济形势不利于增加工资,但专家们说,对于那些有突出价值和富于谈判技巧的员工而言,还是有加薪机会的。

在经济低迷时期,要求加薪时把握好时机尤其关键。洛杉矶职业和商业策略师辛希娅•夏皮罗(Cynthia Shapiro)说,多数员工都会等到作业绩评估时才会要求加薪,但要求加薪的最佳时机是你刚刚做了件真正了不起的工作后,或是在你刚获得某项荣誉后。




明尼苏达州圣保罗的圣托马斯大学(University of St. Thomas)薪酬和福利主管彼得•龙扎(Peter Ronza)说,在要求加薪之前,要尽可能多地了解你公司的经营状况以及你上司可能面临的种种限制。






伊利诺伊州威尔米特的薪资谈判顾问杰克•查普曼(Jack Chapman)说,公司裁员能为那些被留用的员工创造加薪机会。
















Ruth Mantell  As companies cut employees and freeze wages, the future may seem bleak even to those workers who still have a job. After all, bills keep rolling in and many have lost significant dollars on their investments. A salary increase could come in mighty handy.

Don't assume it's out of the question. While economic circumstances have stacked the deck against you, there is room for raises for those workers with outstanding value and a fair amount of finesse when it comes to negotiating, experts say.

Especially in this anemic economy, timing is key in asking for a raise. 'Most employees wait for a review period. But the best time to do it is right after you do something really great, or right after you get kudos,' says Cynthia Shapiro, a career and business strategist based in Los Angeles.

In contrast, if the company 'just had big layoffs or lost a major client, that is not the right time,' she adds.

Here are five things you'll need to do in order to have a chance at scoring a salary increase in this economy:

1. Know your boss
Before asking for a raise, educate yourself as much as possible about the health of your company and any limitations your boss may face, says Peter Ronza, director of compensation and benefits at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn.

'You really can't go in there and just say 'my light bill went up and I need more money,' ' Mr. Ronza says. 'You need to know what your employer is going through, and your supervisor or manager. They have constraints, whether budgetary or operational.'

If you are making a case that you need a raise for personal reasons, it's critical that you have a close relationship with your boss, he says. If it's not close, he says, you are more likely to get turned down.

2. Leverage your talent
Even during tough times, companies have to retain key talent -- which could work in your favor when it comes to a raise, Mr. Ronza says.

'They know that when the recovery starts they have to have the right people in the right places. They are going to invest in you because they need you. That is a point of leverage -- if you play it right, you could get something,' he says.

The layoffs of other workers can create an opportunity for a raise for those who are still employed, says Jack Chapman, a salary-negotiation coach based in Wilmette, Ill.

'If you are still there, you are one of the people they still value,' he says. 'The work does get spread around and you are asked to do more with less.'

3. Show your worth
Make your accomplishments clear to your boss, experts say.

'In tough times, the people that [companies] want to reward are the people who are producing value for them,' Mr. Chapman says. 'If there is some value you can produce and other people can't, that makes you more eligible for a raise. Focus on making yourself indispensable.'

Ms. Shapiro recommends keeping a list of accomplishments to make an objective case that you are worth more. If others have been laid off, you may have picked up new tasks to highlight.

'You need to prove that you are worth more to the company,' Ms. Shapiro says. 'Go in and say: 'I really value working here. I've been doing these things I don't know if you're aware of.' '

4. Care about the company
You need to demonstrate to your employer that you are concerned about the company's bottom line, even as you ask for more money, experts say.

'The way to get a raise is to show that you care for the company like it's your own,' Ms. Shapiro says. 'No matter how badly you want a raise, you can't demand anything. You have to treat the company's bottom line as your own.'

Don't be belligerent or appear to be working at cross purposes with the company, she says.

'You don't know how tenuous your job is,' Ms. Shapiro adds. 'You have to have a lot of respect and understanding for what the company is dealing with financially. You don't want to become one of their financial stresses. If you do become one of them, you'll be out.'

5. Keep the right attitude
Though it may be tough, try to stay upbeat in the office even in this rough economy, Ms. Shapiro says.

'A big part of this whole process is keeping that smile on your face,' she says. 'When times are tough, companies do not want complaining employees. You have to have a positive approach during this time or the company will see you as part of the problem instead of part of the solution.'

Firms want to believe that workers are there because they love it, she adds. 'So if you want to grease the wheels in your favor, you can't be a clock watcher or just be in it for the money.'

Ruth Mantell