积极生活的动力 [标签 心理 哲理]

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 16:09:02
To be the owner of the your life THE POWER OF POSITIVE LIVINGEveryday Psychology for Getting What You Want out of Life­Ask for It IS IT GOOD? Is it just? Are you prepared for it? Then ask for it! Adopt the positive attitude, and ask for what you want from life.  Simple as it may seem, there is a positive quality of magic in this proposal. But be very careful what you ask for, since in all probability you will get it. Midas[1] asked for the golden touch and turned his beloved daughter into a golden image. On reflection, you will realize that you have asked for most of your triumphs(n.成功) and, through the very request, motivated their achievement. ­ Ask for it. But test it first. Is it good? Is it just? Are you equipped to have and hold and develop what you desire for good purposes?  Many of the richest rewards of life, material as well as spiritual, are never acquired simply because they aren’t asked for. It is because this principle is so simple that it is so frequently not even recognized, not put into ­daily practice. Yet it is a fundamental principle of life.  Babies know it. They get what they want by bellowing(v.吼叫) and no fooling(机警). The trouble is that, with the mounting(v.增长) years, skepticism and other elements of negativism are born in us because of occasional defeats and frustrations.  [1] Midas 迈达斯:传说中的弗里吉亚国王,酒神狄俄尼索斯赐给他一种力量使他能够把他用手触摸的任何东西变成金子 积极生活的动力每天都想从生活中获取所求勇于追求 那样好吗?那样合适吗?你准备好了?那么就去争取它吧!采取积极的态度,去争取你想从生活中得到的东西。(努力追求)看似如此简单,却有着能带来神奇的上等品质。但对于你所要的东西需要非常谨慎,因为很有可能你会如愿。迈达斯国王求得了金手指,却把他心爱的女儿变成了黄金像。沉思中,你会感悟到你所要求的很多成功,正是由于你的索求,才激励着你达到最后的成功。勇于追求。但是首先要先揣测一下。那样好吗?那样合适吗?你是否准备好了拥有并实现你所渴望的美好结果?生活中的许多最宝贵的财富,不管是物质上的还是精神上的,因为没有去追求而往往无法轻易得到。道理如此简单,以至于常常被忽视,也没有运用到生活中。但是,它却是生活中最基本的道理。连婴儿都懂得这个道理。他们通过啼哭聪明地得到他们想要的东西。问题是,随着岁月的流逝,因为不时的失败和挫折使得怀疑和其它消极因素在我们的心中滋生。