OpenSymphony - Welcome To OpenSymphony

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Welcome To OpenSymphony
OpenSymphony is an Open Source project dedicated to providing enterprise class J2EE components. Our components aim to stress simplicity, integration, pluggability and specification compliance. Please see the individual projects for more information.April 17, 2006
Compass 0.9 Released
OpenSymphony and theCompass (a Java Search Engine Framework) team are proud to announce the major release of version 0.9. Major features includesearchable Java 5 annotations,EJB3 JPA integration, and simplified xml schema basedconfiguration (includes integration with new Spring 2 configuration).
Posted by Shay Banon at 08:30 PM |Permalink |Comments (2) |TrackBacks (0)
April 13, 2006
OpenSymphony welcomes Compass
The OpenSymphony group is proud to welcome Compass as a new project. Compass is a first class open source Java Search Engine Framework built on top of Lucene. Compass integrates seamlessly with popular development frameworks like Hibernate, Spring, and JPA. It provides search capability to your application data model and synchronizes changes with the datasource. With Compass: write less code, find data quicker.
Welcome to the family!
Posted by Hani Suleiman at 03:25 PM |Permalink |Comments (0) |TrackBacks (0)
March 23, 2006
WebWork 2.2.2 released
OpenSymphony and theWebWork team are proud to announce the release of WebWork version 2.2.2.
WebWork 2.2.2 is mainly a bugfix release with some additions and improvements for the view components.
Release notesChangelogDownload here
Thanks to the entireWebWork team for all their hard work, especially during the past couple of weeks.
Amazing efforts have finally come to a good end, nonetheless marking the starting point for an even greater effort.
This release will be the last of the 2.2 series and we want to thank the entire OpenSymphony community for all their work, contributions, suggestions and comments in the past years.
We are now starting the migration process to Apache Struts Action 2.0 which will form the next generation of action based web frameworks.
Good luck to all of us in making the Struts/WebWork merger a success.
The WebWork Development Team
Posted by Rainer Hermanns at 10:37 PM |Permalink |TrackBacks (0)
March 06, 2006
OSCache 2.3 Released
Version 2.3 of the popular open-source J2EE cacheOSCache was released on 6th March 2006. This release includes additional improvements to theCacheFilter:
CRON expressions to expire content at specific dates and/or times Pluggable EntryRefreshPolicy Reduced memory consumption
Disk persistence:
Faster disk persistence Avoid DiskPersistenceListener deadlocks if process has no rights to delete cache file
Further changes are:
new JSP tag addgroups interface to get a list of the cache event listeners commons collection dependency removed Java 1.3 support dropped
This release can bedownloaded now.
Posted by Lars Torunski at 09:09 PM |Permalink |Comments (0) |TrackBacks (0)
March 04, 2006
Quartz 1.5.2 Released
The OpenSymphony group is proud to announce the release of Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler version 1.5.2. This release contains several bug fixes and a few new features.
* Quartz:
* Release notes and changes:
* Documentation:
* Download:
Thanks to the several contributors that helped make this release happen, including notable efforts made by Jasper Rosenberg and Aaron Craven.
Posted by James House at 02:11 AM |Permalink |Comments (0) |TrackBacks (0)
February 06, 2006
OSWorkflow 2.8 released!
The OpenSymphony team is proud to announce the long awaited release of OSWorkflow 2.8.0. This version includes numerous bugfixes, enhancements, and new features.
Release notes can be found at, and a full download, including sample applications, is at OSWorkflow documentation, a webstart version of the designer, and the introductory tutorial can be found at
Posted by Hani Suleiman at 10:27 PM |Permalink alive!
Thanks to the awesome guys atContegix, who provided OpenSymphony with amazing 24/7 infrastructure support, we now have a new Maven repository you can use with your Maven projects. The URL is
In addition to all the released OpenSymphony projects, WebWork and XWork both push out snapshot builds here. This repository is also synced with the ibiblio repository every few hours, so you only really need to use this repository if you want to use the very latest builds.
Posted by Patrick Lightbody at 09:41 PM |Permalink |Comments (3) |TrackBacks (0)
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