社会 2008年01-05期

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/03 03:21:30
目 录
Zhang Xue-cheng's Ideas of Statecraft (jingshi) and the Ideology Construction by the Emperors of Early Qing Dynasty  杨念群
Renouncer (yin) in Ideology:A footnote to China's Gentry  梁永佳
Observation on Modernity:New vision of Luhmann's systems theory  肖文明
Beyond the Sociology of Christianity:Probing the applicability of the religious economy model to China  卢云峰
Marriage Age,Number of Children Ever Born,and the Ethnic Identification of Children of Inter-ethnic Marriage:Evidence from China population census in 2000  郭志刚 李睿
The Urban New Immigrants' Social Inclusion:Internal structure,present situation and influential factors  张文宏 雷开春
Social Capital and Political Participation of Urban Residents  胡荣
Equity in Health Care Financing in Rural Area in China:Case studies of Health Care Financing System in eight rural counties  王晶
The Affection of Cultural Anthropology to the Research of Classics and History in The Period of Republic:A case study of kinship term  赵满海
Bring the Class Back In? Paradigm shift in Chinese social inequality research  冯仕政
 发现社会生活的阶序逻辑——路易·杜蒙和他的《阶序人》  夏希原
目 录
The Changing Chinese Model of Economic Development and the Institutional Perspectives in Economic Sociology  高柏
The Southeast and the Southwest:Searching for the connections between "academic regions"  王铭铭
How to Go beyond the Classical Secularization Theory? On three postsecularization approaches in the sociology of religion  汲喆
Modern Individuals in Divine Society:On the relation between individual and society in Durkheim's thoughts  孙帅
How Did France Say Farewell to Revolution? Pierre Rosanvallon's interpretation of the history of democracy in France  乐启良
Pierre Bourdieu's Ultimate Concern  刘拥华
Diversity of Social Network and Labor Market Outcome:A study on how social contacts affect the wage of migrant workers  张春泥 刘林平
Understanding the Concept of Social Policy:Reviews and reflections  黄晨熹
A Confirmative Research on Prototype Concept Structure of Prosocial Behavior Endorsed by Adolescents  张庆鹏 寇彧
S.E.Finer and the Study of Historical Government  赵鼎新
 纠纷解决仪式的象征之维——评维克多·特纳的《象征之林》  曾令健
 公民权社会学的先声——读T.H.马歇尔《公民权与社会阶级》  陈鹏
目 录
Cooperation and Unconfrontational Resistance:Tenacious weapons of the weak  折晓叶
The Crisis of Legitimacy and Space of Rationality in Urban Development  陈映芳
Changing in the Work-unit and Differentiation in the System:The large state-owned enterprise with restricted incorporation (LSOERI) as an example  刘平 王汉生 张笑会
Tocqueville's Unique Interpretation of Democracy:democracy as "état social"  倪玉珍
The Informal Constraint of Local Governments:A case study of conflict between law and folk conventions  曹正汉 史晋川
Measuring Community Social Capital:An empirical study  桂勇 黄荣贵
Consumer Society and Remaking the Subjectivities of "New Generation of Dagongmei"  余晓敏 潘毅
Non-routine Action and Social Change:A new concept and topic  张兆曙
 从个人选择到社会选择的理论扩展——评阿马蒂亚·森《理性与自由》对理性选择研究的理论贡献  李文祥
 从抽象到具体:对科层组织运作动态的分析——以《工业组织的科层制类型》、《科层组织的动态》为线索  王旭辉
 管中豹、巴别塔或其他——格伦斯基《社会分层》及其中译本述评  张欢华
目 录
Democracy and Social Reform:Tocqueville on social problems  崇明
Transition of Policy-Making and Elite Advantage  朱旭峰
The Transformation of Civil Examinations and the Evolvement of Social Structure in Tang and Song Dynasty  吴铮强
Gender Income Gap under Redistribution and Its Evolution:1995-2003  王天夫 赖扬恩 李博柏
An Assessment of Citizenship  杨宜音
Housing Power and Citizenship:The fourth group in the urban reconstruction  赵晔琴
Informal Politics and Acting Tactics of a Grassroot NGO:A case study of the Preparatory Committee of Guangzhou Proprietor Committee's Friendship Association  张紧跟 庄文嘉
The Survey of Ding County:The landmark of social surveys of rural China  李金铮
Community Issue:Change of urban community in China's social transition  黎熙元 陈福平
 跟随行动者重组社会——读拉图尔的《重组社会:行动者网络理论》  吴莹 卢雨霞 陈家建 王一鸽
 分类体系的社会秩序建构——对《洁净与危险》的述评  朱文斌
Rising Gender Income Gap and Its Dynamics in China:Market competition or sex discrimination?  李春玲 李实
目 录
The "Establishing Schools with Temples' Assets" Movement and The Transition in Village Power in Late Qing:The case of Baixian county  梁勇
On Individual Welfare and Responsibilities of State and Society  杨伟民
State,Market and Society:The multidimensional impetus of reducing the Qinhuai River's pollution  周晓虹
 “斯科特与中国农村:阅读和对话”研讨会在北京举行  王晓毅
Pluralistic Discourse Analysis:Analyzing the social stratification phenomenon as an illustration  谢立中
The Narrative of "Suffering People" as the Historical Testimony  郭于华
The Vicissitudes of Phenomenology in Sociology in the Last Century  吕炳强 刘保禧
 社会学的公共关怀和道德担当——评介麦克·布洛维的《公共社会学》  闻翔
Studies on Social Organization and Its Kinship System  张岩
 社会学视野下的世纪社会变迁——读费希尔和豪特《差异的世纪》  周雪光
 政治经济学视角下的从众模型——评库兰的偏好伪装机制  周翼虎
The Social Construction Logic of Property Rights:A review on the property rights studies of Chinese sociologists from the perspective of game theory  曹正汉
Exit Cost,Information and Conflict:A case study of massive failure of bidding-ROSCAs  张翔
目 录
Social Network and People's Wellbeing in Urban and Rural Areas  赵延东
An Analysis of the Cohesive Subgroup Structures in the Social Networks of the Rural-Urban Migrants in China  任义科 杜海峰 喻晓 李树茁 费尔德曼
Two Spaces of Contemporary Communities:Geography and Social Network  陈福平 黎熙元
The State Ideal of Egalitarianism and the Bureaucratic System of Particularism:A New Model of Social Stratification Structure  王天夫 李博柏
 香港市民阶层流动意识探析 结构与认同下难圆的“香港梦”
A Discussion on the Consciousness of Class Mobility of Hong Kong People-the "Hong Kong Dream" Difficult to Come True under the Structure and Identity  黄晓星 唐亮
The Lone Survivor, Drowning, Floating:In Search of the Point of Return for the Social Action Theory  郭强
 双组织承诺:在西方的复兴和在中国的前景 双组织承诺研究述评(1980-2006)
A Review of Dual Commitment from 1980 to 2006:Renewal in the West and Future in China  李虎 董必荣 张娟 季飞鹏
 调控失灵与社会的生产 以房地产业为个案及个案拓展
Malfunctioned Regulation and Production in Society:The Case of Real Estate in China and Its Expansion  王星
 村庄声誉:一个无法略去的集体符号 H村现象的社会学思考
The Reputation of a Village:A Non-Omissible Collective Symbol-Sociological Reflections on the Village H Phenomenon  周怡
Stereotype Threat and the Test Performance of the Chinese Students  崔明 Edmond R.Venator
Research on Assessment Indexes of Clean Local Government Construction in China  汤艳文 敬乂嘉 刘春荣
目 录
 跨国资本与中国中产阶级的生产 以在华跨国公司中方高端劳动力为例
Transnational Capitals and the Emergence of the Middle Class in China:the Highest Chinese Labor Force in the Multinational Corporations  佟新
 代工产业中的劳工团结 以兴达公司员工委员会试验为例
Labor Solidarity in Contract Manufacturing:the Staff Committee Experiment in Xinda Company as an Example  黄岩
The Weak identity as a Weapon:Subaltern Politics of the Peasant Resistance for Rights  董海军
Reexamine the Class Theory and Its Concepts at the Theoretical Level  吴清军
 税费改革后中西部地区乡镇政权自主空间的营造 以河北Y县为例
The Creation of Autonomic-Space by the Township Governments in Western and Central China after the Tax Reform:A Case Study of County Y in Hebei Province  杨善华 宋倩
 合法性的时空转换 以南方市福街草根民间商会为例
The Legitimacy of Space-Time Conversion:A Case Study on the Grassroots Chamber of Commerce in Fujie  陶庆
 污名化情境及其应对策略 流动人口的城市适应及其社区变迁的个案研究
The Stigmatic Situation and the Coping Strategies:A Case Study of the Adaptation of the Floating Population to Urban Life and the Community Change  张友庭
 利益、博弈与养老金改革 对养老金制度的政治社会学分析
Interests,Games,and Pension Reform:Analysis of Pension System by Political Sociology  杨立雄
American Family in the Postmodern Era:Theoretical Disputes and Empirical Studies  陈璇
 《社会》杂志进入国际著名权威数据库CSA  英浩
 草原沙漠化问题的一项环境人类学研究 以毛乌素沙地北部边缘的B嘎查为例
An Environmental Anthropology Approach to Grassland Desertification:Village B in Northern Maowusu Desert as an Example  张雯
Attitudes Towards Risks:A Study on Security of the Public  王俊秀
目 录
 现代性与中国经验  李培林
 利益关系形成与社会结构变迁  孙立平
 又一个三十年? 转型社会学视野下的社会建设  沈原
 社会分层结构的变革:从“决定性”到“交易性”  李路路
 变迁中的中国单位制度 回顾中的思考  李汉林
 产权保护与社会认可 对产权结构进一步完善的探讨  刘世定
 利益关系分化中的意识形态变迁  刘少杰
 试分析国家政策影响社会分层结构的具体机制  李强
 改善民生与“以人为本”的境界变化  李友梅
 社会转型过程中社会网络资本的变迁  张文宏
Otis Dudley Duncan’s Legacy:the Demographic Approach to Quantitative Reasoning in Social Science  谢宇 姜洋
Positivism,Hermeneutism and Discourse:Studying Modernization as an Example  谢立中
 象征差异与权力 试论布迪厄的象征支配理论
Symbolic Distinction and Power:A Discussion about Bourdieu’s Theory of Symbolic Domination  朱伟珏
 动员式改革 中国农村改革理论与经验的再探讨
Reform by Mobilizing:Rethinking of the Theories and Experiences of China’s Rural Reform  邓万春
The Paradox of Urban Community Elections:between Political Apathy and High Turnout Rates  熊易寒
 社会转型时期的情感经营 《第二轮班1:职业父母与家庭变革》评述  淡卫军
 “中国社会理论的研究现状与展望”研讨会综述  林晓珊
目 录
The Social Transformation and Social Stratification in Russia  庄晓惠 侯钧生
 安置方式、人际交往与移民适应 江苏、浙江343户三峡农村移民的比较研究
Resettlement Forms,Interpersonal Communication,and Migrants' Adaptation:A Comparative Study on the 343 Rural Migrant Households from the Three Gorges that Resettled in the Provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang  风笑天
The Scope,Identity,and Social Attitudes of the Middle Class in China  李培林 张翼
Conflict and Reconciliation:Intergenerational Relationships in the Context of Globalization  周晓虹
 法人团体:一种“总体的社会组织”的想象 涂尔干的社会团结思想研究
Corporation:An Imagination on "Total Social Organization":On Durkheim's Thoughts of Social Solidarity  肖瑛
 社会转型中的象征二元结构 以农民工群体为中心的微观权力分析
The Symbolic and Dualistic Structure in Social Transition:An Analysis of the Micro-Power Structure in the Peasant Migrant Group  王建民
Lefebvre's Sociological City Space Theory and Its Significance in China  吴宁
 “区域社会与文化类型”国际学术研讨会综述  董敬畏
 影响高校大学生职业选择的因素分析 基于社会资本和人力资本的双重考察
Analysis of the Factors Influencing Undergraduates' Occupation Choices:Based on the Investigation of Both Social Capital and Human Capital  李黎明 张顺国
 中日都市社区教育比较研究 以上海静安寺街道社区学校和大阪大开市民终身学习室为例
A Comparative Study on Urban Community Education in China and Japan:Shanghai's Jing'an Temple Community School & Osaka's Oobiraki Citizen Lifelong Learning Centre as the Cases  秦钠
目 录
Types of the Ethnic Relationships in Modern China  马戎
The Morality in Compensation and Its Accomplishment  何健 秦启文 周永康 张彦
 社会报酬与中国城市社区积极分子 上海市S社区楼组长群体的个案研究
Social Reward and Activists in Chinese Urban Communities:A Case Study of the Building Leaders(louzuzhang) in Community S,Shanghai  李辉
The Old-Age Social Welfare Model of Hong Kong  刘祖云 田北海
 “中国社会与中国研究”国际学术研讨会综述  钱力成 孟庆延
 “和谐社会视野下的城市农民工问题”学术研讨会综述  卢俊秀
 苗村观察:村落研究中的调查者与当地人之间的交换 兼论人类学田野调查对少数民族社区的影响
Observation of Village Miao:The Surveyor-Native Exchange in the Village Research——the Influence of the Fieldwork of Anthropology on the Minority Community  谭华
 从结论看方法:社会学研究的现实性维度思考 关于美国社会学者对中国社会分层研究的讨论
Retracing the Method from the Conclusion:Sociological Reflection on the Reality——A Discussion of China's Social Stratification by American Sociologists  张乐 张翼
Studying Urban Movement:Clarification of Theoretical Traditions and the Insertion of the Chinese Experience  魏伟
 如何做中国组织社会学研究 2007年“组织社会学工作坊”综述  任敏
 不同代别农民工生育意愿及其影响因素 基于厦门市912位农村流动人口的实证研究
The Procreation Desire of Peasant Workers of Different Generations and Its Influencing Factors:A Survey of the Floating Peasant Workers in the City of Xiamen  庄渝霞
 流动:农村家庭消费观念现代化的动力 基于中西部五省的实证研究
Migration:The Driving Force for Modernizing the Consuming Concepts of Rural Families——An Empirical Study Based on the Survey of Five Provinces in Eastern and Middle China  刘程 黄春桥