2007年JavaOne大会提出的10个最热门的下一代Web开发技术!(页 1) - Ja...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/03 02:41:32
The web has entered the next generation of its development -- often dubbed Web 2.0 -- a second generation of online services built on wide-scale sharing and participation. Solutions work together to let developers easily enrich web applications and achieve desktop-like interactivity. Java technology continues to play a dominant role in the web's development as enterprises thrive with Java technology. The openness of the Java platform and the Java Community Process program have created an environment that has produced a wealth of technology aimed at bringing Web 2.0 practices to developers worldwide.
The Next-Generation Web track at the 2007 JavaOne conference showcases the best examples of technologies that do the following:
* Leverage the network effect to create unique value, including participatory web sites, tagging, annotation, sharing, blogs, and wikis
* Use Ajax to deliver desktop-quality user experiences from web applications and use back-end resources more effectively
* Open the Java Virtual Machine to new languages and frameworks that make up Web 2.0, such as Ruby on Rails, Python, and JavaScript technology
With those ideas in mind, here are the top 10 next-generation web sessions to attend at the 2007 JavaOne conference. Note: The schedule of sessions and speakers is subject to change, so check the content catalog periodically.
1. Web Algorithms (TS-6045)
Speaker: Jason Hunter, Mark Logic
If you've done any back-end web programming, you've likely come across various algorithms and techniques that you use again and again.
From the abstract: "This session explains -- without any needless math or boring proofs -- several fun algorithms of interest to back-end web programmers. Each algorithm was selected because it's really practical, really interesting, or both. The algorithms aren't always the same but can include public key cryptography, credit card checksum validation, TCP Slow Start, 2's complement, priority queues, the XOR swap, and the Google MapReduce function for massively distributed calculation."
2. The Future of the Java Technology Web Tier (TS-6381)
Speakers: Rajiv Mordani and Jiandong Guo, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
This will be a good round-up session to see what's happening on the web tier -- there are some exciting things happening that you don't want to miss.
From the abstract: "The Java technology web tier in Java EE includes servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology, expression language (EL), and JavaServer Faces technology. The next versions of these technologies are now being developed in open source in the GlassFish project, which, among other things, is adding features for building Web 2.0-style applications. This session provides an overview of all the new features being added or that are planned for addition to the components as well as new features targeted for Java EE 6."
3. JSR 311: The Java API for RESTful Web Services (TS-6411)
Speakers: Marc Hadley, Paul Sandoz, and Peter Liu, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
A well-written abstract for this session highlights both the problem and the solution for Java REST programmers: "Lightweight, RESTful approaches are emerging as a popular alternative to SOAP-based technologies for deployment of services on the Internet. However, development of such services using the Java platform is significantly more complex than development of SOAP-based services, due to the low-level nature of the current platform APIs.
"The goal of the Java API for RESTful web services is to provide a high-level declarative programming model for such services that is easy to use and encourages development according to REST tenets. Services built with the API will be deployable by use of a variety of web container technologies and will benefit from built-in support for a variety of HTTP usage patterns and conventions. This session provides a brief REST primer and then reviews progress on the JSR to date, outlining the current API design and highlighting issues currently under discussion by the expert group. Live code demonstrations illustrate the API discussion."
4. Creating Amazing Web Interfaces With Ajax (TS-6836)
Speakers: Dion Almaer and Ben Galbraith, Ajaxian.com
Let's face it: When you put the words Ajax and amazing in the same sentence, people's ears perk up.
From the abstract: "How far we've come from the conventional wisdom of just a few years [ago] that web interfaces could never be 'rich.' In this session, Dion Almaer and Ben Galbraith of Ajaxian.com demonstrate exactly how to create rich web interfaces by using modern techniques pioneered by the Ajax community. They do this by presenting a variety of specific interface scenarios and case studies." This session has been very popular in the past, to the point where even the repeat performances are standing-room only.
5. jMaki: Web 2.0 App Building Made Easy (TS-6375)
Speakers: Carla Mott and Greg Murray, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
jMaki is quickly becoming a popular Web 2.0 technology. This is a fantastic session to attend if you want to learn how to use jMaki applications in your own Web 2.0 solutions.
From the abstract: "Everyone is trying to build cool Web 2.0 applications. jMaki is a lightweight client-server framework for creating JavaScript programming-language-centric Web 2.0 applications using CSS layouts, the widget model, client services such as publish/subscribe events to tie widgets together, JavaScript programming language action handlers, and a generic proxy to interact with external RESTful web services.
"This session covers how to use jMaki to build an application and talks about the widget model, how to enable communication between widgets, connecting to RESTful web services, and customizing the look of the application using CSS. jMaki is a great framework for creating applications, whether you are familiar with Java technology, the JavaScript programming language, or PHP."
6. Fast, Beautiful, Easy: Pick Three -- Building Web User Interfaces in the Java Programming Language With Google Web Toolkit (TS-6475)
Speakers: Bruce Johnson and Joel Webber, Google
This session, a play on words from the "better, faster, cheaper -- pick any two" business model, describes one of the neatest technologies to come out of Google, a cross-compiler that translates Java into JavaScript with supporting libraries called the Google Web Toolkit (GWT).
The abstract: "GWT was introduced at the JavaOne conference exactly one year ago. At that time, the goal was to explain the basic GWT architecture: GWT enables developers on the Java platform to leverage great Java programming language tools to create Ajax applications by compiling Java programming language source code into the JavaScript programming language. This year, with the preliminaries out of the way, this presentation moves on to something even more fun: creating world-class user interfaces with GWT. The session demonstrates techniques for easily building beautiful, usable, and extremely fast web UIs that take maximum advantage of GWT's integration with the Java programming language and tools."
7. Ingredients for a Killer App: Adding Mojo to Your Swing and Ajax Applications With Seamless Web Browser Integration (BOF-6745)
Speaker: Eric Monk, McDonald Bradley, Inc.
It's rare that you see Swing and Ajax mentioned side-by-side. Your eyes are not deceiving you, so you definitely don't want to miss this session.
"The session focuses on two bidirectional integration issues: (1) integration between a Swing application and the JDIC web browser component and (2) integration between a GWT application and the content in a GWT frame widget. The Swing example uses the JDIC web browser component to load up Ajax-based Google Maps. Then it adds functionality for the Swing application to receive events when the user clicks on areas within Google Maps.
"The presentation discusses the coordination required between Java and JavaScript technology to make this happen. The GWT example uses a GWT application to retrieve any web page, process it to add interactive JavaScript markup, and display it in a GWT frame widget. When the user clicks on the interactive markup, the GWT application will receive the event notification and take appropriate action. The presentation also discusses the use of GWT's JavaScript Native Interface (JSNI) and the necessary coordination between Java and JavaScript code to perform this integration."
8. Blueprints for Mashups: Practical Strategies, Tips, and Code for Designing and Building (TS-6676)
Speakers: Sean Brydon, Mark Basler, and Gregory Murray, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Put succinctly, a mashup is a web site or application that combines content from more than one source -- typically another service on the Internet -- into a single web application.
From the abstract: "Web applications are making their functionality and data available as a live service, so that other applications can combine, or mash up, with those live services to offer a new and creative user experience. This presentation identifies some of the key problems and issues facing developers and provides some practical strategies and code examples for successfully jump-starting your own mashups. The session looks under the hood, examines popular live services, and identifies common problems and some of the underlying designs and technical choices of building mashup applications. It also discusses some of the issues you face when building your own live mashups. After exploring the concepts, the session discusses building a web application as a service and also building a mashup that combines [these services]."
9. Project Phobos: Server-Side Scripting for the Java Platform (TS-6957)
Speakers: Ludovic Champenois and Roberto Chinnici, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Project Phobos is "a lightweight, scripting-friendly, web application environment." For those of you who prefer server-side scripting, Phobos is an exciting technology to keep your eyes on.
From the abstract: "This presentation shows how the combination of scripting languages and the Java platform provides a development and deployment environment for web applications that is vastly superior to either one of its components. It describes the basic architecture of a Phobos application and demonstrates how scripting languages and the Java platform can combine to provide a dynamic, interactive, tool-rich environment for building web applications involving Ajax, REST, RSS/Atom, mashups, and more."
10. Ajax for Average Joes: Enterprise Ajax Adoption Without Rocket Scientists (BOF-6042)
Speaker: Coach Wei, Nexaweb Technologies, Inc.
Ajax has significant development and maintenance challenges. From the abstract: "This BOF session presents techniques and approaches that significantly simplify Ajax development and maintenance. Starting by introducing the declarative and programmatic programming models and different levels of Ajax adoption, the session addresses questions such as, what are the right ways to develop Ajax applications? How do you reduce the skill set requirements for development of Ajax applications by average corporate developers? How [can you] make Ajax scale well to large, distributed team-based development projects? The session presents code and application examples; recommends techniques and approaches for different levels of Ajax usage; and demonstrates the results of such techniques and approaches by building a sophisticated Ajax application that leverages many existing community offerings, such as Dojo, Eclipse, and Apache."
These and a host of other sessions should make the 2007 JavaOne conference a valuable destination for any beginning or advanced Web 2.0 developer.