分析:中国“先下手为强控通胀” China: the long-awaited Xmas gift

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/07 08:10:52
2010年12月27日 07:43 AM

分析:中国“先下手为强控通胀”China: the long-awaited Xmas gift

英国《金融时报》 斯蒂芬•瓦格斯蒂尔 报道 

China’s decision to raise interest rates on Christmas Day has given investors time to digest the news without rushing into action. Even when trading resumes on Monday, it is likely to be quiet, with the last week of the year traditionally a time for low volumes and subdued price movements.


The 25 basis point increase in lending rates to 5.81 per cent was widely expected, after Beijing officials repeatedly signalled their concerns about possible over-heating in the property market and growing inflationary pressures.


The People’s Bank of China raised rates in October, for the first time in three years, and has increased six times this year the ratios of deposits banks must deposit at the central bank. Economists expect further tightening in the New Year – of up to 100 basis points through 2011 as the authorities grapple with inflation, especially politically-sensitive food price inflation.


As Jamil Anderlini reports from Beijing for the FT, the latest consumer inflation figures – for November – showed the annual rate rising to 5.1 per cent, up from 4.4 per cent a month earlier. Food price inflation was 11.7 per cent.

英国《金融时报》记者吉密欧(Jamil Anderlini)报道称,最新的(11月)居民消费价格(CPI)数据表明,中国的年化通胀率已达5.1%,高于此前一个月的4.4%。食品价格同期上涨了11.7%。

“This rate hike demonstrates the Chinese authorities’ determination to keep inflation under control up front, or front-loaded tightening,” said Wang Qing, China economist at Morgan Stanley, according to Anderlini.

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)中国经济学家王庆说:“这次升息显示出中国官方先下手为强控制通胀的决心。”

“The stronger than originally expected outlook for the US economy after the extension of [the] Bush tax cuts should also help remove some concerns about the potential weakness in external demand and make Chinese authorities more likely to tighten earlier and more aggressively, in our view.”


So expect more well-signalled hikes next year.
