双语对照 - 人漂亮,人品就好?

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/02 16:31:31
科学日报(2001年12月21日)—— 大不列颠哥伦比亚大学的最新研究发现,在短时间的接触中判断对方人格特质时,人们对外表出众者的判断结果更为准确。

The study, published in the December edition of  Psychological Science , suggests people pay closer attention to people they find attractive, and is the latest scientific evidence of the advantages of perceived beauty. Previous research has shown that individuals tend to find attractive people more intelligent, friendly and competent than others.

研究结果发表在十二月的Psychological Science(心理科学)期刊上,结果表明人们更加关注他们觉得有吸引力的对象。这是关于外在美的优势最新的科学证据。此前已有研究表明,人们往往会发现有吸引力的人更聪明,友好,比别人能干。

The goal of the study was to determine whether a person's attractiveness impacts others' ability to discern their personality traits, says Prof. Jeremy Biesanz, UBC Dept. of Psychology, who co-authored the study with PhD student Lauren Human and undergraduate student Genevieve Lorenzo.

这项研究的目的是确定个人的吸引力是否能够影响他人对自己个性特质的判断,大不列颠哥伦比亚大学心理学系教授Jeremy Biesanz说。研究论文由他和博士研究生Lauren Human、本科生Genevieve Lorenzo共同发表。

For the study, researchers placed more than 75 male and female participants into groups of five to 11 people for three-minute, one-on-one conversations. After each interaction, study participants rated partners on physical attractiveness and five major personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. Each person also rated their own personality.


Researchers were able to determine the accuracy of people's perceptions by comparing participants' ratings of others' personality traits with how individuals rated their own traits, says Biesanz, adding that steps were taken to control for the positive bias that can occur in self-reporting.


Despite an overall positive bias towards people they found attractive (as expected from previous research), study participants identified the "relative ordering" of personality traits of attractive participants more accurately than others, researchers found.


"If people think Jane is beautiful, and she is very organized and somewhat generous, people will see her as more organized and generous than she actually is," says Biesanz. "Despite this bias, our study shows that people will also correctly discern the relative ordering of Jane's personality traits -- that she is more organized than generous -- better than others they find less attractive."

“如果人们认为Jane是漂亮的,而她非常有组织力但仅有些宽容。在别人眼里,她的组织力和宽容程度要更高。”Biesanz说, “我们的研究表明,尽管有这种偏见,人们也能更好地准确识别简的个性特征的相对顺序 - 她更有组织力,超过她的宽容程度。比对平常人的识别更准确。”

The researchers say this is because people are motivated to pay closer attention to beautiful people for many reasons, including curiosity, romantic interest or a desire for friendship or social status. "Not only do we judge books by their covers, we read the ones with beautiful covers much closer than others," says Biesanz, noting the study focused on first impressions of personality in social situations, like cocktail parties.

研究人员说,这是因为出于种种原因,如好奇心,猎艳心理或对友谊或社会地位的需求,人们更加关注漂亮的人。 “我们不仅通过封面判断一本书的好坏,拥有漂亮外表的人也更加吸引我们的眼球。”Biesanz说。他解释说这项研究更集中在一些社交场合时对人品的第一印象,如在鸡尾酒会上。

Although participants largely agreed on group members' attractiveness, the study reaffirms that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Participants were best at identifying the personalities of people they found attractive, regardless of whether others found them attractive.


According to Biesanz, scientists spent considerable efforts a half-century ago seeking to determine what types of people perceive personality best, to largely mixed results. With this study, the team chose to investigate this longstanding question from another direction, he says, focusing not on who judges personality best, but rather whether some people's personalities are better perceived.
