
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 15:23:10


(2007-01-20 22:02:11)转载 分类: 英语&翻译 请先看一段文字:
Q: I have a question on the environmental pollution. I have this idea that no matter what kind of achievements you can score in terms of industrial development, if the water in the cities of the country is no longer suitable for drinking, probably your achievements at the end of the term of office will be compromised.
Wen: You touched upon a very important issue. It is true that we are now faced with the very serious problem of environmental pollution and this is a major problem plaguing China's development. Even till this day, we fail to see a proper solution to this problem. Talking about the 10th Five-Year Plan, I can tell you that we have been able to meet the original goals in most of the categories and at the same time to be honest with you, we fail to deliver on the targets concerning environmental protection.
We have stressed the importance of taking remedies and measures after polluting the environment on various occasions and we also stressed the importance of leaving verdant mountains and clear water to the future generations in this country. This is not enough in itself. What is important is that we need to take practical and forceful measures to follow up on these goals. I think we need to take measures on the following areas: First, in formulating development goals, we should not only keep our eyes on the economic growth rate alone. We need see more the importance of energy conservation and protection of natural environment.
Second, we must strictly enforce our industrial policies especially in the development of infrastructure and in the approval of market access to enterprises. We must not give the green light to the enterprises and infrastructure projects that waste resources and pollute the environment.
Third, we need to step up our efforts in carrying out the special environmental and ecological campaign and projects in environmental protection and resource conservation. Particularly, we need to pay attention to the protection of major waters, air and non-point pollution on the land.
Fourth, we need to enforce the law strictly. To protect the environment according to the law holds the key to the solution of the problem. This is also among the most difficult part of the job. We need to close down the enterprises that waste energy and pollute the environment. We also need to hold those entities, enterprises as well as individuals accountable for the pollution accidents and incidents that pollute the environment and cause major losses to the people and society.

When Taiwan is mentioned, lots of feelings well up. I cannot help thinking of the late Mr. Yu Youren, a founding member of Kuomintang and participant in the Revolution of 1911. He wrote a poem to express his grief over national division. He wrote such a poem: Burying me on the highest mountaintop so that I can get a sight of my mainland. Mainland I see none, tears of sorrow cascade. Burying me on the highest mountaintop so that I can get a glimpse of my hometown. Hometown I see none, but lives forever in my mind. The lofty sky is deeply blue, the vast wildness not seen through. Oh, boundless universe, would you hear me and this elegy of the nation. What a touching poem he has written, which strikes a cord on the sentiment of all the Chinese people.
