Beijing to issue more rigid measures to reduce traffic congestion

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/03 08:25:35

Beijing to issue more rigid measures to reduce traffic congestion

15:46, December 08, 2010      

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Beijing will publish more strict and effective measures to relieve traffic congestion and these measures have gotten the nod in principle from the State Council, one of China's highest decision-making bodies.

The moves mainly include limiting the increase and use of vehicles, greatly improving the transfer conditions of public transport. This will be done through promoting park and rides, raising the parking fees and achieving full coverage of intelligent transportation within the five ring roads.

Guan Hongzhi, professor of Beijing University of Technology, said raising parking fees will increase costs of car use and so the car owners will drive less.

Wang Jiangyan, an expert in transport, thinks Beijing should further expand areas where different parking fees are charged and adjust the travel demand through economic means.

In addition, Beijing should improve the transfer conditions and services of public transport to attract more residents, according to Wang.

Park and rides are generally located in the suburbs of metropolitan areas or on the outer edges of large cities. The facilities allow commuters to avoid the stress of driving a congested part of their journey and facing scarce, expensive city centre parking. The aim is to make it easier for people to use public transport in an urban area with traffic congestion.

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