沪江论坛社区-- 中国雪灾报道中的十个常用词

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/04 20:24:39
In Guangzhou, the booming southern industrial city, authorities said they expected as many as 600,000 train passengers to be stranded there by Monday.——《纽约时报》
About 10,000 passengers were stranded at Baiyun Airport in Guangzhou after 55 flights were canceled.——《纽约时报》
power failure 停电
这次湖南省停电造成的京广线瘫痪被广泛报道,因此power failure经常被提及。
In the southern city of Guangzhou, as many as 500,000 train passengers were stranded the past few days when a power failure in neighboring Hunan province crippled the regular train services, local officials said.——CNN
A power failure on Saturday night in Hunan Province was blamed for many of the rail delays, stranding 136 electric trains, scores serving the north-south Beijing-Guangzhou route.——《纽约时报》
The country’s transportation problems have been deepened by power brownouts in about half of the 31 provinces. ——《纽约时报》
Railway and highway routes have been brought to astandstill, several regional airports have been closed and many provinces have imposed power "brownouts" to conserve energy.——CNN
Blocked roads and railways have also choked coal shipments, magnifying energy shortages that have caused power brownouts in 17 of China's 31 provinces and province-status cities.——路透社
severe a. 严格的,凶猛的,严肃的,严重的,严厉的,朴素的
Icy temperatures, snow and sleet blanketing much of central, eastern and southern China have crippled thousands of trucks and trains loaded with coal, food and passengers in the most severe winter weather seen in 50 years.——路透社
Severe snowstorms over broad swaths of eastern and central China have wreakedhavoc on traffic throughout the country, creating gigantic passenger backups, spawning accidents and leaving at least 24 people dead, according to state news reports.——《纽约时报》
Blizzards have snapped power lines and destroyed houses and farmland, prompting fears of food and energy shortages.——CNN
A new round of blizzards threatened central Chinese provinces Monday, putting more pressure on already strained transport, communications and power grids. The weather has already affected 67 million people.——《时代周刊》
snap的意思比较多,比如“掐断”,报道里用的除了这个意思之外,还用了名词义的“天气突变”,用英语解释就是a spell of cold weather。
But the cold snap is hampering travel plans.——CNN
Hunan's Huanghua Airport has been closed since Friday in the worst cold snap in a decade.——《中国日报》
evacuate vt. vi. 疏散,撤出,排泄
Twenty-four people have died and some 827,000 people have been evacuated in 14 different provinces, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said Monday.——CNN
Some 827,000 people have been evacuated in 14 provinces since January 10, the ministry said, and damages were estimated at 22 billion yuan ($3 billion).——CNN
halt n. 停止,立定,休息 vt.使停止,使立定 vi. 立定,停止,蹒跚,踌躇
To cope with the crisis, authorities in Guangzhou have ordered a temporary halt to the sale of train tickets and urged migrants from other provinces to spend the Spring Festival in Guangdong Province.For safety reasons, Jiangxi Province has halted all provincial bus service. ——《纽约时报》
Road traffic between Hunan and Guangdong provinces has also ground to a halt.——《中国日报》
paralyze vt. 使瘫痪,使麻痹
Passenger build-up in Guangzhou has been especially heavy because the southern end of the Beijing-Guangzhou rail line, a north-south trunk railroad, has been paralyzed because of heavy snow in the central Hunan Province where power transmission facilities have been knocked out.——《中国日报》
The snow and sleet have paralyzed roads, railways and airports, leaving tens of millions of travelers marooned, officials say. Many of them are bound for home ahead of the traditional Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, which falls on February 7.——CNN
red alert 红色警报
China's weather bureau Monday issued a rare "red alert," warning of more severe snowstorms in the coming days. ——CNN
In issuing a rare red alert on Monday, the China Meteorological Administration warned local governments to prepare for the worst.——CNN
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