
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/09/29 05:31:13
We have all had one time or another where we have had a crush on a friend or even a best friend. If you are caught up in the crush and are enjoying the flirting and your friend doesn’t seem to mind, then that is fine. If it is the feel of the chase you love then you might need to mature a bit more in the relationship and love department before you attempt to make a move on your closest friend. This type of situation may lead to massive disappointment for both of you and injure what you have. If you are thinking of disclosing your hearts desire to your best friend and they have never shown you any love signs then you might want to think again. If you are lucky and you know that your best friend feels the same way then this might be an option for you to try, but if there is no reciprocation, flirtation or feelings, then your heart might be in for a let down. Love is such a precious feeling and has to be treasured and respected. It is good to truly sit down and think about why you want to take things further. Ask yourself these questions. Would they be a suitable match for me? Is there a future for us? Am I attracted to my best friend sexually? What are my real reasons? Am I afraid to be alone?我们都曾经会有那么一段时间忽然对一位朋友或是过去的好友产生情愫。假如你深陷其中,习惯了和你的这位朋友打情骂俏,假如他(她)不怎么介意,那还好说。如果你觉得这就是追逐真爱,那或许在试图采取下一步行动前,你得试着让自己在对待友情和爱情关系方面更成熟一点。这种情况发展下去往往导致双方失望透顶并伤害到之前已经建立的关系。如果你打算现在就向你的朋友说出心里话,但他(她)却从来没传达过任何爱的讯号,那你最好三思而后行。假如你足够幸运,而你的朋友和你心思一样,或许这对你们还是一种可行的选择。但是如果根本得不到什么答复,暧昧或感动,你或许马上就会心碎如焚。爱情如此宝贵,每个人都应倍加珍视和爱惜。你最好还是坐下来好好问问自己为什么要发展到下一步。你需要回答这么急个问题:他(她)是我的天命真女(子)吗?我们有未来吗?我在我的好友眼里有足够性吸引力吗?我到底想什么呢?哥我是不是太寂寞了?Sometimes it is better to keep a best friend a friend and stay that way. When you cross the line with your best friend, your friendship will be changed forever. Even if you can put what happened or what was said behind you, one of you may end up broken hearted because these feelings brought up were not acknowledged in the end. This can lead to resentment and jealousy in the future and destroy a friendship. Because two friends hang out so much together, the one that is in love or has an attraction begins to see themselves as a couple. This can end up becoming a distorted view and can result in so many painful feelings when the feelings are not returned. Unrequited love is a hard situation to go through and can take a long time to heal from. This is why in some friendships it is best to reconsider before taking the friendship to a new level.有时还是保持朋友关系维持原状的好。当你捅破朋友之间的那层窗户纸,你们的友谊就一去不归了。即使你能把做出的事说出的话揽在自己身上,你们中间的某个也会因为已经流露出的感情得不到回应早就伤心透了。这终将导致怨恨猜忌并摧毁朋友之情。因为朋友总需要呆在一起形影不离的,一旦其中一个有了追求者或是爱上了谁,另一个会怎么想?因为付出得不到回报,这种憋屈之感会让人备受煎熬。单相思是种很苦的病,不是那么容易痊愈的。这就是为什么在某些友谊中最好保持清醒,不要轻易跨过雷池。Many people think how wonderful it will be to begin a new love relationship with their best friend. They are around all the time, they trust you, you trust them, their cute enough, they are a good friend..there is no reason not to! But there is something missing though and that is the level of love and passion that happens and sparks between two people when they fall in love. Make sure you really think this one over before making any sudden moves because your choice can result in three different ways. You either are best friends for life, broken hearted, or for the lucky ones; you have your soul mate. This is quite the gamble to take, so think it through before you jump the gun.很多人会觉得和自己的密友开始一段恋情是多么美妙的事。他们总是陪着你,信任你,你也信任他们,他们够可爱,他们是那么好的朋友。。。那么多顾虑多累啊!但坠入爱河后迸发的炽热火花和激情仍然与这有很大的境界上的差别。在你有所行动前务必慎重思量,这可能导致三种结果。你们要么是生活中最好的朋友,要么彻底破裂,要么是那足够幸运的一对;你现在还有你的红颜知己,拿这个来赌真的有点大了,所以在你以身试法前还是悠着点吧!