Haitian authorities refuse to annul election

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Haitian authorities refuse to annul election

08:17, November 29, 2010      

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President of Haiti's Provisional Electoral Council (PEC) Gailloto Dorsainvil on Sunday ruled out any possibility of annulling the nation's general elections in a public response to fraud accusations by the majority of presidential candidates.

He categorically ruled out any suspension following a public request by 12 candidates, including the woman who was leading voting intentions in recent surveys. Dorsainvil also denied that any irregularities had occurred.

At the same press conference, PEC Director General Pierre Louis Opont said that none had prevented any registered voters from exercising their rights and argued that some people had had the wrong information about which polling station they should go to, and had been refused access because their names were not on the list.

Officials said that elections had gone normally and polls were closed at 4 p.m. local time (2100 GMT).

Source: XinhuaRelated Reading
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