
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/05 21:41:49
Ella Fitzgerald sings "GET HAPPY" on the RADIO. Carolyn drives SINGING along. Her face has dropped the resolute determination we're used to; she's actually enjoying herself spontaneously, and the lack of her usual self-consciousness allows us to see just how beautiful she is. She reaches over suddenly and opens the glove compartment.
ANGLE ON the open glove compartment: Carolyn's GLOCK 19 rests on top of some CDs.
Carolyn takes the gun out and holds it at arm's length, admiring it as she continues to SING.
The MERCEDES-BENZ ML320 turns onto ROBIN Hood Trail.
Carolyn's POV: We approach the Burnham house and turn into the driveway. A red 1972 PONTIAC GTO with black racing stripes blocks our access to the garage. We come to a stop.
ANGLE ON Carolyn's face as she stares at the GTO. She doesn't like having things in her way.
ANGLE ON Carolyn's face as she stares at the GTO. She doesn't like having things in her way.
CLOSE on the TV screen: The "FLINTSTONES" THEME SONG plays, and Fred Flintstone bangs on the door of his prehistoric home, yelling, "Wilma!" as the closing credits scroll past.
LESTER is sprawled on the couch IN his underwear, drinking abeer and watching TV. His working out is beginning to produce results. Carolyn enters through the kitchen. She stands there, staring at Lester. After a moment, he looks up at her.
CAROLYNWhose car is that out front?
LESTERMine. 1972 Pontiac GTO. The car I always wanted and now I have it. I rule!
CAROLYNWhere's the Camry?
LESTERI traded it in.
CAROLYNShouldn't you have consulted me first?
LESTERHm. Let me think... No.(off her look)You never drove it.
A beat.
CAROLYNWhere's Jane?
LESTER(mimicking her) Where's the Camry? Where's Jane? Where's my butt?(then)I don't know where Jane is. She's probably as far away from you as she could get.
Carolyn regards him Through narrow eyes, filled with hate.
CAROLYN(quietly)I'm not as helpless as you think I am.
He looks UP at her. Carolyn holds his gaze FOR a beat, thenturns and walks out of the room.
We HEAR Babybird's "ATOMIC SODA."
ON VIDEO: We're outside, in a wooded area, looking up at the sun through tree branches, then we PAN down to see a path through the trees in front of us. SOMETHING OUT OF FOCUS crosses by in front us, obscuring our view. We slowly ZOOM back and see that it's Jane, or rather, just a corner of her face, as she looks at us, her eyes shining. Her hand brushes the hair off her face and we stay on her hand. It swings back and forth gracefully she walks ahead in front of us... we JUMP CUT to:
ON VIDEO: CLOSE on Jane's naked calves, her jeans rolled up, as she dangles her feet in a pond. The water RIPPLES in concentric circles every time she dips her toes in, not unlike the water in the jail cell sink at the beginning... we JUMP CUT to:
ON VIDEO: We're MOVING in a circle, as Jane runs around us in the opposite direction, so that we see only FLASHES OF HER RUNNING by, LAUGHING... JUMP CUT to:
On VIDEO: JANE IN profile, looking toward the sky, her yesshut, enjoying the sun on her face.
RICKY (O.C.)Jesus, you're beautiful.
She looks at us and smiles, her guard down, her face empty OFits usual vaguely contemptuous expression, and, indeed, she is beautiful: young, happy, hopeful. We linger on her face for a moment. She brings her hand up to caress her cheek, and then, still smiling, she slowly flips us the bird... we JUMP CUT to:
ON VIDEO: We're looking at Jane's SHADOW, clearly delineated by the bright sun against a textured carpet of fallen leaves on the forest floor. We HEAR her GIGGLE as she makes shadow puppets with her hand, then we MOVE around so that we're looking up at her, silhouetted against the Bun. Even though we can't make out her features, this image seems transcendent, almost religious.
ON VIDEO: Jane in Ricky's bed, naked. She quickly pulls a sheet up over her breasts.
JANE(shy)Don' t.
PULLING BACK, we see we've been watching the WIDE-SCREEN TV in Ricky's room.
A CORD leads from the TV to Ricky's VIDEO CAMERA. Ricky holds the camera, sitting naked in his desk chair. It's been almost a month since he was beaten up by his father, and there are a couple of slight SCARS on his face. He's focusing his camera on Jane, who's lying in his bed. We see her image on the TV. Babybird's "ATOMIC SODA" plays on the STEREO.
JANE(re: image on TV)It's okay when you're just filming me, because that's just you, looking at me. But it's weird, watching myself. I don't like how I look.
RICKYI can't believe you don't know how beautiful you are.
JANELook, I'm not going to sit here for that shit.
She gets out OF bed, takes his camera and focuses it on him.We see his image on the TV as she videotapes.
JANE (cont'd)Ha. How does it feel now?
JANEYou don't feel naked?
RICKYI am naked.
JANEYou know what I mean.
Jane ZOOMS in on his face, which remains placid, still, expressionless.
JANE (cont'd)Tell me about being in the hospital.
RICKY smiles.
RICKYWhen I was fourteen, my dad caught me smoking dope. He totally freaked and sent me to military school. I told you his whole thing about structure, and discipline, right?(laughs)Well, of course, I got kicked out. Dad and I had this huge fight, and he hit me... and then the next day, at school, some kid made a crack about my haircut, and I just... snapped. I wanted to kill him. And I would have, if they hadn't pulled me off him.(then)That's when my dad put me in the hospital. They drugged me up and I wasthere for almost two years.
JANEYou must really hate him.
RICKYHe's not really a bad man. He's just one of those people who needs everybody to make the same choices he did. So he can feel good about himself.
JANEYeah, but you lost two whole years of your life.
RICKYI didn't lose them. It taught me how to step back, and just... watch, and not take everything so personally. And that's something I needed to learn. That's something everybody needs to learn.
He grabs a half-smoked JOINT from an ashtray and LIGHTS it.
JANEWell... you better believe I'd hate my father if he did something like thatto me.(laughs)Wait. I do hate my father.
He passes her the JOINT, then takes the camera and focuses iton her. We see her image on the TV as he videotapes.
JANEHe's a total asshole and he's got the hots for my friend Angela and it's disgusting.
RICKYWhat, you'd rather he had the hots for you?
JANEGross, no!(then)But it'd be nice if I was anywhere near as important to him as she is.
She LAUGHS, then leans BACK and takes a drag off the joint.
JANEI know you think my dad's harmless, but you're wrong. He's doing massive psychological damage to me.
JANE looks into the camera, a loopy, stoned grin on her face.
JANEHey. I need structure, okay? I need discipline.
She LAUGHS. So does Ricky, and Jane's image on the TV SHAKES a little. She takes a deep drag off the joint, and Ricky ZOOMS in on her face as she exhales.
JANE (cont'd)I'm serious, though. How can he not be damaging me? I need a father who's a role model, not some horny geek-boy who's gonna spray his shorts whenever I bring a girlfriend home from school.(snorts)Like he'd ever have a chance with her. What a lame-o. Somebody really should put him out of his misery.
A beat. JANE plays with her hair, lost IN thought.
RICKYWant me to kill him for you?
JANE stares at him incredulously, then LAUGHS.
JANEYeah, would you?
RICKYIt'll cost you.
JANEI've been baby-sitting since I was ten, I've got almost three thousand dollars. I was saving it for a boob job.
She stands and shakes her breasts, then falls BACK on to thebed, LAUGHING.
JANE (cont'd) But my tits can wait.
RICKYYou know, that's not a very nice thing to do, hiring somebody to kill your dad.
JANEWell, I guess I'm just not a very nice girl, then, am I?
She smiles dreamily at him. He turns other camera off andthe TV screen goes BLUE. He lowers the camera and looks at her intently.
JANE (cont'd)(suddenly nervous)You know I'm not serious, right?
RICKYOf course.
He puts the camera down and joins JANE on the bed. a longmoment where neither of them speaks. He caresses her hair, gazing into her eyes. Jane touches one of the scars on his face. He smiles.
RICKY (cont'd)Do you know how lucky we are to have found each other?
We re FLYING high above ROBIN HOOD TRAIL, just as we were atthe beginning, during Lester's dream. We see the BURNHAM1S HOUSE below us as we approach it steadily. The Jims' dog Bitsy looks up at us and BARKS from their yard across the street.
LESTER (V.O.)Remember those posters that said, Today is the first day of the rest of your life? Well, that's true of every day except one.(a beat)The day that you die.
We're almost on top of the Burnham house now, as Lester, wearing sweatpants and running shoes, bursts out of the front door and dashes up the driveway. 
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