北京空气污染“逼疯”美使馆 美国网民如是说

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/03 08:55:57
北京, 空气污染, 美国大使馆, 美国网民   美联社发自北京的消息指出,北京的空气污染非常严重,一直在独立监测空气质量的美国大使馆,把传统的形容词全部用尽了,十九日居然称之为「疯狂的糟」(crazy bad)。



英文标题:U.S. Embassy: Beijing Air Quality Is 'Crazy Bad'


huanmateme   05:25 AM on 11/22/2010
4 Fans
One more thing: American booming comes from tolerance for all kind of culture, based on this, it gathered lots of engineers and techs in WWI, WWII, a lot of booming belongs to all human beings. Make yourself selfish and narrow-heared will destroy your booming, no one beat you except yourself.

mike72   09:20 AM on 11/21/2010
62 Fans
I have a friend working Beijing for our company. And she said most of the days the weather is fine. Most dust actually comes due to sand storm from Gobi dessert not too far away up north west.

I think US embassy is just getting too politically invovled in Hilary's Contain China strategy, now doing it on the propaganda "soft" side.

sonofsamphm1c   12:02 PM on 11/21/2010
84 Fans
If China stopped burning fossil fuels to make electricity, what would happen to our air?

treebob   08:18 AM on 11/21/2010
0 Fans
I am in Beijing.I havn't heard of this

lodger16x   05:09 AM on 11/21/2010
409 Fans
I wouldn't even worry about it, because American scientists like Rush, Glen, and Sean have proven by oral argument that there is no such thing as man-made pollution or temperature change.
Them so smart!
我从不担心这个,因为美国科学家比如Rush, Glen, 以及 Sean已经口头辩论证明了没有人工污染及温度升高这回事。

CLamb   05:28 PM on 11/20/2010
2 Fans
Unlike the USA the biggest use for coal in Beijing is for heating buildings and cooking. The coal being used has a high sulfur content. On a winter morning you can feel the sulfuric acid burning in your throat when you take a deep breath. Factories and power plants are big enough users of coal that they can install scrubbers to remove the sulfur oxides from the exhaust. Small coal burners like those in homes and apartments can't afford to do this. The big cities of the eastern USA also burned coal in the early part of the 20th century before the use of gas and fuel oil was common. The USA had the advantage because supplies of low-sulfur cleaner burning anthracite coal were available from mines in Pennsylvania. China has no significant deposits of anthracite and hence must burn the dirtier bituminous coal.

mamacat   05:04 AM on 11/20/2010
528 Fans
I was reading on another website that by the end of the year China will have passed the U.S. as the largest generator of electricity through windpower on the planet.
They have a long way to go, but they appear to be working very hard to fix their problems. I hope they succeed - sooner, rather than later.

loki   11:41 AM on 11/20/2010
334 Fans
we did the same when we were charging to the top of the economic heap.

Sans Octavian   08:16 PM on 11/19/2010
37 Fans
If you want to see something awful, look at a Chinese river.

mike72   08:23 AM on 11/20/2010
62 Fans
Yeah ... just look at your sneakers. They are the reason why the Chinese rivers turn black.

Edward Standley   12:25 PM on 11/21/2010
279 Fans
I heard on the radio, maybe as long as 5 yrs ago, that the Yangtze river was receiving up to 12 million tons of raw sewage daily, and that the Yellow (sp?) river deposited tons of heavy metal industrial waste into their largest agricultural areas, causing their produce to be quite dangerous..

toocoolfoschool1234   06:12 PM on 11/19/2010
92 Fans
What do global warming deniers think about this? Clearly pollution is bad. No matter what you think is going to happen (and nobody knows for sure) it is going to be bad for humans.

loki   05:52 PM on 11/19/2010
334 Fans
granted, its been a few years since I have been there, but when I was going to Beijing the air quality on a bad day didnt seem much worse than St.louis on a hot summers day. But Im no expert.

ThatsTheTheWayItIs   04:29 PM on 11/19/2010
453 Fans
About 30% of China's air pollution comes from making products for export.
They are breathing our polluted air for us. We don't just export jobs, we export pollution.

Sans Octavian   08:15 PM on 11/19/2010
37 Fans
I would rather that they breath it, than US.

Indiegirl99   03:44 PM on 11/19/2010
36 Fans
I remember a couple of years ago Ellen had on her show a young Chinese girl acrobat and when she was asked what her favorite thing about being in America was, the girl replied "the blue skies" How sad that where she was from, that is a very rare sight because of all of the pollution.

Somali   02:57 PM on 11/19/2010
41 Fans
Looks like I am going to have to postpone my trip to Beijing