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Trend Analysis by Dr Patrick DixonFuturist
Video / Articles by Patrick Dixon - 24 million requests in year - 10 million visitors -Conference Speech/Event?
Some Videos on this Site
Over 500,000 people out of 10 million visitors to this site have watched videos, here or on ourYouTube Channel or on Google Video. Here are some Google videos of one hour multimedia keynote presentations at conferences - Dr Patrick Dixon has spoken at events in 51 countries. Other shorter videos on a wide range of issues are listed further down the page.Book Patrick Dixon for an event.
Future of phones, computers, consumer choices and lifestyle changes in emerging markets - staged multimedia event for 450 of MTN's global leadership team - South Africa 2007.
Future customer trends, consumers, marketing, products and services - event for 350 clients of Siemens, mostly Chief Technology Offices, or Chief Information Officers, from multinationals.
How the future of America will be dominated by older consumers, lifestyle choices and growth of financial and political power of senior citizens - presentation for national leadership team of AARP (American association for people over the age of 50) - 2005..
Future technology trends and what people really want - personally and in business - seminar for 25 leaders at Dimension Data in Johannesburg with video-linked audiences in three other site - 2007.
The Future of Education - lecture for 100 Head Teachers of US high schools (NAIS). What kind of education do tomorrow's citizens need? How does the way we teach people need to change? What kind of world do we need to prepare students for? - 2006.
Future trends and their impact on investment banking, fund management and related financial services - Credit Suisse seminar - 2006.
Future of Consumers, Technology and Communications - one hour presentation for 600 clients of Toshiba in Sydney. Major shift, new fashions and fads, convergence and divergence and the need to make a difference - 2006.
Future of the European Petrochemical Industry - logistics and supply chain - half hour keynote presentation for the European Petrochemical Association (EPCA). This is an example of a highly customised presentation for a specific audience - 2007.
How to Make Great Things Happen - presentation for 250 government workers organised by the Welsh Parliament (Assembly). Participants from health, education, police, fire services, social services, transport. Keys to effective leadership, change management and improved productivity - 2007.
Take Hold of Your Future - technology and other major trends affecting the future of large cororporations. Event for 2,000 clients of Fujitsu Siemens - 2005.
Futurewise - Six Faces of Global Change and the Future of Banking - keynote lecture to 400 financial intermediaries of UBS, with focus on fund management, financial services and wealth management - 2006.
Future of medicine, biotechnology, health care, the pharmaceutical industry - and related trends - biotech investors conference in Switzerland - 2003.
Future of Logistics, Distribution, Global Transportation and other Trends - client event for IBS - 2005.
Future of digital technology and other global trends - client event for 2000 CIOs and CTOs of Fujitsu Siemens on major trends and their impact on multinational business - not only in technology - 2006
Dr Patrick Dixon chairing conferences and running panel interviews
Google Zeitgeist CEO Summit - 5 minute intro of session on future of entertainment, media, advertising, online communities such as YouTube and perhaps the ultimate consumer experience - space travel with Virgin Galactic
Google Zeitgeist CEO Summit - Chairing session on future of broadcasting and the BBC - guest Mark Thompson, Director General BBC
Google Zeitgeist CEO Summit - Chairing discussion with co-founder of YouTube Chad Hurley - on meteoric rise of YouTube
Google Zeitgeist CEO Summit - Space Tourism and Virgin Galactic - Chairing session with remarkeable video of early flight, discussion and then closing with whole panel of 5 on range of issues relating to entertainment and virtual life
Book Patrick Dixon for an event
Short video clips on major issues
The truth about global warming
Mobile phone radiation - truth about health scares, cancer and other issues
Future of government, politics and single issue activism - radical
Why most new phones will be sold to people on low incomes in poorest nations
Power of tribalism - in conflicts, communities, corporations
How low cost prevention programmes can stop AIDS in Africa
Impact of low cost computers and phones in Africa and Asia
The scandal of unreliable and bug-ridden technology
Urbanisation, demographics and mobile phones in emerging nations
Convergence and divergence in technology products innovation
How mobile phones are having an impact in places like DR Congo
How to lose 30% of your business in 30 seconds
Impact of SMS and mobile phones on life in Africa
Market research - why consumers can't be trusted to give right answers about future
Market research and consumer emotion - listen to your customers but don't believe what they say
Managing uncertainty - wild cards: low probability, high impact events
Why market research does not work - and future of marketing
Human cloning - who is carrying out human cloning research, how it is being done and why. Why investors are moving away from human cloning and human embryo experiments to invest in adult stem cell technology.
Managing rapid change - secret of change management and leadership
AIDS and HIV infection - symptoms of HIV and AIDS and what to do if you are worried - Dr Patrick Dixon founded theinternational AIDS agency ACET in 1988 and is Chairman of ACET International Alliance, with programmes in Russia, India, Thailand, Uganda, South Africa and many other nations.
Take hold of your future or the future will take hold of you
Book Patrick Dixon for an event
10 billion computers the size of a grain of sand
Connecting with emotion of customers online
1 billion new consumers - future
Human cloning - part one - who is doing human cloning
Human cloning - part two - why investors don't like cloning
Future of genetic engineering
Future of Ukraine - economy and country
Future of Malaysia Economy
Future of Kazakhstan - economy
Future will be driven by emotion - take hold of your future!
Make It Work! Scandal: technology sold which doesn't work
Motivation, leadership, change management, passion
Mobile phone sales in emerging economies - bottom of pyramid
Why consumers won't wait - impatience online
Can we stop getting old - reverse ageing? New research.
Impact of ageing population in Europe and Russia
Secret of Change Management - by Patrick Dixon
Purpose of fund management - by Patrick Dixon
Fund Management Risks - Potential Crisis - Patrick Dixon
Wild cards - low probability, high impact events
Tribalism - greatest force in world today
Low cost mobile phones in emerging nation / Africa
Why market research gives wrong results - blogging
Mobile phone radiation - health risks - facts
Convergence and Divergence - future technology and consumers
Mobile phone impact on poorest nations
The world is changing faster than you can make decisions
Stopping spread of AIDS in Africa
Truth about global warming and practical answers
Future of Malaysia
Book Patrick Dixon for an event
More YouTube videos by Dr Patrick Dixon
Funny cartoon about US immigration - lessons for customer services
Funny cartoon about call-centre customer frustrations
Can we find a cure for diabetes?
Can we find a cure for rheumatoid arthritis?
Joint replacement for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
Future of the pharmaceutical industry
What is a Futurist?
How do you become a Futurist?
Futurist methodology - research into trends
How do you keep up to date as a Futurist?
What have I got wrong as a Futurist?
Work-life balance - future working patterns
Work-life balance in emerging economies
Real estate and construction industry trends
Life insurance, pensions and life expectancy trends
Staying young: impact of anti-ageing research
Leadership and motivation at work
How business can reduce global poverty
Limits to economic growth and sustainability
Why ports, ships and shipping will dominate global trade
Global warming and sustainability
Global warming - why planting trees has limited impact
Water wars - and water shortages
More nations, rise of nationalism
Economic growth of former Soviet Bloc nations, Russia etc
Too late for outsourcing?
Outsourcing in India, China, Asia and Central Europe
Mobile phones, banking and financial services trends
Convergence and divergence
Power of tribes, clash of cultures and impact on consumer groups
Bottom of the pyramid - selling to the world's poor and making a difference
Microloans, microfinance, microcredit and future of banking
Motivation at work - leadership and passion
Intellectual copyright - protection of patents
Motivation at work - increase work place motivation
Business values - corporate and social responsibility really matters
Global brands, mergers and demergers
Customer focus and call-centre disasters
Women consumers rule - female customer trends
Insurance market in India, China and rest of Asia
Online communities and impact on marketing
Migration, immigration and the ageing crisis
Future of the Petrochemical Industry
Sovereign wealth funds - investment trends
Commodity shortages and prices - global trends
Retail revolution in India
Demographic impact on business
Trust and business leadership, marketing and brand image
Market research - how to get results
Risk management - leadership in uncertain times - wild cards
People do crazy things under pressure - power of emotion
Managing speed of change - leadership styles
Six faces of the future
Institutional blindness
Future of education
Education trends in a fast-changing world
Future technology and education
Future education - instant knowledge
Biotech / genetic revolution impact on ageing and education
Tribalism in education
Globalisation - educating students for a lifetime
Digital memory - plug in for your brain
Radical activism - impact on education
Why teaching is such an important calling
Archive of old videos - RealVideo format
All videos below are RealVideo comment by Dr Patrick Dixon and date from 1998 to 2005.  Many video slices play at 28.8kbps, with some able to adjust to up to 300kbps (broadband video) for exceptional quality.  The RealVideo player is a free addition to your browser.   http://proforma.real.com/real/player/
Future of technology and management - one hour of multimedia keynote presentation to 2,000 clients of Fujitsu SiemensVideoconference - intro and then demoOne hour keynote lecture on global trends /future of food and drink industryOne hour keynote lecture on future of medicine / biotech / genetics/ healthOne hour keynote in China on the future of real estate industryOne hour keynote lecture on future of corporate travel industryRecent lectures - 30 minutes with introGrowing Reaction to Globalisation - videoHead transplants in monkeys, headless frogs, cloned sheep, designer humans - yes everything is different nowProfessor Sam Berry on EnvironmentCancer cure? - video comment on angiostatin and endostatinWAP - the truth about WAP and mobile phone internetCancer cure news - video comment on recent headlinesDr Patrick Dixon - World Economic Forum DavosCelebrex - arthritis pain wonder-drug?Human cloning video: What is a Clone and how are they made ? - Dr Patrick DixonDo clones have souls? - a common questionElectromagnetic radiation and cancer?WAP problems - why WAP for mobile phones often failsCyberbanking demand grows - videoDr Patrick Dixon at the World Economic ForumWhy I am completely opposed to cloning humansShould scientists be told when to stop? Human cloning etcCould we ever clone the dead?Drumcree - Orange Order - future of tribalism in Ulster / Northern Ireland - videoEaster Day - biggest Easter ever - Why?Futurewise - Six Faces of the Future - Video by Dr Patrick DixonHuman milk from cows and other issues in farming - videoFive Minutes to Video Streaming - video interviewFuturists, Futurologists and the RestBiological warfare / weapons- mutant superbugs, viruses, plagueHeadless humans clones will grow organs in ten years - VideoHuman cloning: Should infertile couples be cloned? - videoPeople with deep personal needs want to be clonedHuman cloning: Will he ever be able to make a new body?Video: Language translation and speech recognition - end to interpreters at conferences?LBC BodytalkHuman cloning video: After live BBC TV debate with Dr Richard SeedUsing electricity cables to connect direct to the web - VideoDigital Meltdown of Financial Services - videoHuman cloning: What would Hitler have done? - videoAsian Crisis - will China avoid devaluation?Could cloning provide couples with designer children?Sky News - Dr Patrick Dixon on embryonic stem cellsComputer Speech Recognition - 100 words per minute - video demo using Dragon NaturallySpeakingViagra - miracle impotence drug? - Viagra Web TVVideoconferencing is a dead technologyAnthrax video
If videos fail to play check you have the latest version(free).  RealVideo likes to hide the RealPlayer basic version which is free so hunt around carefully before spending money there.http://proforma.real.com/real/player/   Still problems or unsure how to get player?  Press here forhelp.
Blogs - web / video diaries on trends / management by Dr Patrick Dixon
Future Trends - main blog
Future of Banking and Financial Services
Future of Digital Technology
Future of the Telecom Industry
Future of the Pharmaceutical Industry
Future of Management
Future of Marketing
Conference Speakers
Lectures, Slides and Videos
AIDS Care Education and Training (ACET)

Press / TV |Lectures |Dr Patrick Dixon |Future of Banking |Digital Consumers
Genetics and Cloning |Life & Health |Global Change |Search our site


Should scientists be told when to stop?
Dr Dixon on BBC TV News commenting on claims by Clonaid that they have made 3 baby clones - see alsoNEWS REPORT
Human cloning: How clones are being made
Do human clones have souls? A common human cloning question
Reasons why I am against human cloning
Have scientists cloned a dead Japanese baby boy?
Human milk from cows and other strange creations
Human cloning to make spare parts for people?
Should human cloning be allowed for infertile couples who cannot have IVF ?
Designer babies - how they will be made using human cloning
Headless human clones could grow organs in ten years
Comment after my TV human cloning debate with Dr Richard Seed who says he wants to do it now
Psychological problems of many who want human cloning - of themselves
What would Hitler have done with human cloning?
Transplanting heads from one monkey to another, headless frogs and human cloning - whatever next?
Biological warfare, chemical warfare, nuclear weapons,Iraq, war against terrorism and weapons of mass destruction
60 other videos on this site


What will the future be like?

The future of the health care industry - global trends

Stem Cells and Cloning: growing new brain, heart and other tissues
Designer Life - The future of human genetics and genetic engineering
