Ted Goertzel's Home Page

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Welcome to Ted Goertzel's Home Page
In the Fall of 2008, Ted Goertzel will teach twoHybrid Internet courses which will meet on campus one Saturday a month with the rest of the instruction offered online.  The courses areMethods and Techniques of Social Research andCyberspace and Society.   For information on Hybrid Internet courses at Rutgers Camden,Click HERE.   Register for these courses in the same way as any other Rutgers Camden course.
Spring 2008 Classes: Social Movements - Methods of Research - Communications  -
Office Hours:  Monday and Wednesday 3 to 4.  Office:  Room 110,405 Cooper St., enter from the campus side on Lawrence Street.  No appointment necessary.  If you are coming for please have theDegree Navigator software check your courses against the requirements and bring a printout. Advising Information is available here.

Ted Goertzel is a professor in theSociology Department atRutgers University in Camden, NJ 08102.   Telephones: office 856 225-2714; home 609 953-1670.  Feel free to call at home during working hours.  He is easily reached byemail.  A full list of Dr. Goertzel's publications, including information on his books, is available on hisresume.  For the latest on Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Lula da Silva and Brazil go theFHC, Lula da Silva and Brazil Page.  For research on Welfare Reform in New Jersey go to theWelfare Reform Page.  tedslinks
Clickhere for information about: , Second  Edition (Great Potential Press, 2004).  Now available in paperback,$16.97 at amazon.com.
Papers Available Here:
"Capital Punishment and Homicide Rates:  Sociological Realities and Econometric Distortions,"  Critical Sociology 34(2):  239-254, 2008.
"There's a Place for All Kinds of Socialists at Brazil's Power Table," Brazzil Magazine, January 20, 2008. http://www.brazzil.com/content/view/10031/1/.
" Genoíno's Path from Guerrilla to Socialist Lite in Brazil's Congress,"  Brazzil Magazine, November 14, 2007. http://www.brazzil.com/content/view/9998/1/.
"Observations on Antioch," The Record, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, November 9, 2007, p. 9. http://recordonline.org.
"Brazil After Lula:  Some Predictions," Brazzil Magazine, October 17, 2007. http://www.brazzil.com/content/view/9986/1/
Ted Goertzel and Túlio Kahn, “Brazil:  The Unsung Story of São Paulo’s Dramatic Murder Rate Drop,”  Brazzil Magazine, May 18, 2007. http://www.brazzil.com/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=9881.   Also in New American Media, June 2007,http://news.ncmonline.com/news/view_article.html?article_id=0a7ee25d39a7d2b0737cef8c76bc84b5.
Corruption, Leadership and Development in Latin America," from Psicologia Politica, Valencia, Spain.  (pdf format)
Also available: "Betrayal of a Flawed Vision:  Corruption in Brazil's Workers Party Government", by Ted Goertzel.  OnInfoBrazil. Email me if you would like a copy with complete endnotes.
The Psychobiography of Argentine Politicians.
Review Essay in Political Sociology reviewing  Peter Marden, The Decline of Politics; Amitai Etzioni, From Empire to Community; Irving Louis Horowitz, ed., Civil Society and Class Politics:  Essays on the Political Sociology of Seymour Martin Lipset; and Jack Goldstone, ed., States, Parties, and Social Movements.  In the Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Volume 32, No 2, Winter 2004, pp. 277-281.
Two Committed People Find Enrichment in the [Quaker Clearness Committee] Process
Noam Chomsky and the Political Psychology of Anti-Imperialism.
Ralph Nader;  Portrait of a Puritannical Perfectionist.
Photographs of the Life of Lula da Silva (powerpoint)
Myths of Murder and Multiple Regression:  Econometrics as Junk Science, published inThe Skeptical Inquirer, Vol 26, No. 1, January/February 2002, pp 19-23.  This paper discusses the effect of "shall issue" gun control legislation, the death penalty, abortion and imprisonment on homicide rates.  A longer version with tables is availablehere.
Eight Years of Pragmatic Leadership in Brazil, the latest upplement to the English language edition ofFernando Henrique Cardoso:  Reinventing Democracy in Brazil.
The World Trade Center Bombing as a Fourth Generational Turning Point
9/11 as a Turning Point in History (power point presentation at the World Future Society, July 20, 2002)."September 11, 2001:  A Turning Point for America's Future" on the World Future Society home page.
Terrorist Beliefs and Terrorist Lives
Why Brazil Isn't Argentina.
Viable Utopia:  Fernando Henrique's Sociological Theory and Practice (power point presentation)
There's Something About South Jersey (suburban "sprawl" and development).
Review of Bin Laden:  Behind the Mask of the Terrorist by Adam Robinson, from Clio's Psyche, March 2002.
Public Opinion Concerning Sprawl and Smart Growth in Southern New Jersey
The "Fathers of Sociology":  Personal Troubles and Public Issues
in the lives of Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Max Weber and Karl Marx
Theoretical Models in Political Sociology (edited from an out-of-print textbook).
Probing Linus Pauling's Personality with the Rorschach Ink Blot Test.
Analyzing Linus Pauling's Personality, Oregon State University Libraries, 1996.
Albert Szymanski:  A Personal and Political Memoir, Critical Sociology, 1988.
"Foundations of Radical Sociology," by Albert Szymanski and Ted Goertzel, 1979.
My Trip to Moscow, Soviet-American Review, 1989.
My Internet Alter-Ego, Clio's Psyche, 1999.
Belief in Conspiracy Theories, Political Psychology, 1994.
Measuring the Prevalence of False Memories:
 A New Interpretation of a UFO Abduction Survey, Skeptical Inquirer, 1994.
The Myth of the Bell Curve, Humanity & Society, 1981.
The Gulf War as a Mental Disorder?:  A Statistical Test of DeMause's Hypothesis, Political Psychology, 1993
(a content analysis study of editorial cartoons)
Confessions of a Turncoat and Remembrance of a True Believer (1982)
President Cardoso Reflects on Brazil and Sociology (1995)
Pragmatism vs. Nationalism in Fernando Henrique Cardoso's Brazil (2000)
The Politics of Welfare Reform in New Jersey (1995)
Some notes on Quaker beliefs.
Generational Cycles in Mass Psychology:  Implications for the George W. Bush Administration.
Ben Goertzel:  "Waking Up from the Economy of Dreams:  The Intricate and Peculiar
Torture of Taking One's Tech Company Bankrupt"
Some Web Pages designed for use in Dr. Goertzel's courses are available.   These are for anyone who wants to use them for instructional purposes.  This includes a regularly updated page ofRecommended Links on Computers and Communications from the New York Times and other newspapers and magazines.
Streaming Video available here:  Ben Goertzel's lecture on the Webmind Artificial Intelligence System, Allan Combs' address on the impact of Chaos Theory on Modern Science, and Ted Goertzel on Generational Cycles in Mass Psychology
Penn Goertzel, Ted's youngest brother, died on August 18, 2001.  Victor Goertzel, Ted father, died on May 23, 1999.  Victor Goertzel'sobituary is available here and from theSeattle Times.  Mildred George Goertzel, Ted's mother, died on January 21, 2000.  Anobituary is available here and from theSeattle Times.