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SAT阅读 SSP文章模式
(2010-11-16 09:01:19)
SSP模式,即short single passage, 单篇短阅读模式。这是SAT阅读部分考试中相对容易的一种文章模式。
二.    做题策略:
(1)       迅速扫读题干
三.    边练边说
Each passage below is followed by questions based on its content. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in each passage and in any introductory material that may be provided.
Passage 1
Question 9-10 are based on the following passage.
Through a friend’s father, Elizabeth found a job at a publishing company. Her parents were puzzled by this. The daughters of their friends were announcing their engagements in the Times, and those who joined the Peace Corps or had gone to graduate school were filed under the heading of “Useful Service,” as if they had entered convents or dedicated themselves to the poor. Elizabeth further puzzled her parents by refusing to take a cent of their money, although her mother knew the truth: what you dole out to the young binds them to you. To have Elizabeth owing nothing was disconcerting, to say the least.
9. The narrator mentions the daughters of Elizabeth’s parents in line 3 primarily to
(A)  criticize a behavior
(B)  praise an activity
(C)  explain a reaction
(D)  note a transformation
(E)  advocate an action
10. The passage suggests that Elizabeth’s parents found which quality to be “disconcerting”                (line 11) in their daughter?
(A)  Magnanimity
(B)  Independence
(C)  Frugality
(D)  Lack of ambition
(E)  Unwillingness to take risks
以第9题, The narrator mentions the daughters of Elizabeth’s parents in line 3 primarily to…第10题The passage suggests that Elizabeth’s parents found which quality to be “disconcerting” (line 11) in their daughter为例:
根据题干中的关键信息The narrator mentions…primarily to…(可以再根据选项中给出的答案)确定这是一道作用题,属于推断性题目。而题干信息The passage suggests that…则告送我们这是一道推理题,仍然属于推断性题目。
根据in line 3我们可以很容易的在文中锁定题目的出处,接下来做的就是回归到第三行,仔细阅读第三行前后的语句。你可能需要的信息包括:Through a friend’s father, Elizabeth found a job at a publishing company. Her parents were puzzled by this. The daughters of their friends were announcing their engagements in the Times, and those who joined the Peace Corps or had gone to graduate school were filed under the heading of “Useful Service,” as if they had entered convents or dedicated themselves to the poor.
根据in line 11我们回到原文很容易就可以找到“disconcerting”这个词,下面就是寻找是哪一个quality让Elizabeth的父母很不安了。由于这个词出现的位置靠后,所以前面的Elizabeth further puzzled her parents by refusing to take a cent of their money, although her mother knew the truth: what you dole out to the young binds them to you.被列入我们的考虑范围。
先看第9题。通过分析我们认识到,Elizabeth通过朋友的父亲在出版公司找到了一份工作,这使得她的父母困惑不解。为什么要困惑不解呢?接下来我们看到的是 The daughters of their friends were…我们很容易发现这段话放在这里就是为了解释Elizabeth父母困惑不解的原因,女儿们都是怎么了?难道都想进修道院积善行得还是想贫困一生?(因为出版业在美国的薪金水平很低,身为父母他们可能真的不明白女儿为什么要做出这样的选择)。答案实际上已经揭晓了,我们在选项中看到选项(C)符合上述分析,接下来只需要把它选出来就可以了。
再看第10题。阅读上面的一句话我们就能发现,Elizabeth不止让她的父母吃了一次惊,她挣得钱本身不多,还拒绝要家里一个子,尽管她的母亲知道其中的奥妙—Elizabeth只是不想对家里产生依赖,但是家里人要是看到女儿经济状况不好,怎么能不着急呢。所以(B)  Independence是造成disconcerting的直接原因,答案也就不言自明了。
四.    实战演练
Passage 2
Question 11-12 are based on the following passage
Some critics believe that the frequent use of repetition in Native American ceremonial texts was a result of their oral nature and helped make the works easy to remember. Native American scholar Paula Gunn Allen argues that this factor must be peripheral, however, because people in societies without writing traditionally have had more finely developed memories than do people who use writing. Native American children learned early to remember complicated instructions and long stories by heart. For a person who couldn’t run to a bookshelf to look up information, reliance on memory became very important in everyday life. Such a highly developed everyday memory is not likely to fail on ceremonial occasions.
11. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A)  refute a claim
(B)  describe a process
(C)  analyze a discovery
(D)  advocate a practice
(E)  reveal a problem
12. In context, what does the final sentence suggest about Native American ceremonial texts?
(A)  Understanding them requires a highly developed memory.
(B)  Their inclusion of complicated and detailed material is traditional.
(C)  They are not always oral in nature, nor are they always repetitive.
(D)  They are important in the everyday lives of many Native Americans.
(E)  Their use of repetition cannot be explained as an aid to memorization.
这道题目要求你说出这篇短文的目的,那就不是只看一两句话就可以解决问题的了,这是一道主旨性题目,需要我们从宏观上做全面的把握。但实际上当我们读完Some critics believe that……Native American scholar Paula Gunn Allen argues that之后我们就能有一个大概的印象就是这是对一个问题的争论,通过对后面文字的进一步确认我们就能做出正确的选项。
简析:我们以suggest锁定这道题目为推断性的题目,以the final sentence锁定题目在文章中的出处,即Such a highly developed everyday memory is not likely to fail on ceremonial occasions. 根据文章内容,我们在分析后可选出最后答案