
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/02 19:03:14
GPIO,英文全称为General-Purpose IO ports,也就是通用IO口。嵌入式系统中常常有数量众多,但是结构却比较简单的外部设备/电路,对这些设备/电路有的需要CPU为之提供控制手段,有的则需要被CPU用作输入信号。而且,许多这样的设备/电路只要求一位,即只要有开/关两种状态就够了,比如灯亮与灭。对这些设备/电路的控制,使用传统的串行口或并行口都不合适。所以在微控制器芯片上一般都会提供一个“通用可编程IO接口”,即GPIO。
在实际的MCU中,GPIO是有多种形式的。比如,有的数据寄存器可以按照位寻址,有些却不能按照位寻址,这在编程时就要区分了。比如传统的8051系列,就区分成可位寻址和不可位寻址两种寄存器。另外,为了使用的方便,很多mcu把glue logic等集成到芯片内部,增强了系统的稳定性能,比如GPIO接口除去两个标准寄存器必须具备外,还提供上拉寄存器,可以设置IO的输出模式是高阻,还是带上拉的电平输出,或者不带上拉的电平输出。这在电路设计中,外围电路就可以简化不少。
#define A (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x48000000)
A = 0x01;
这实际上就是内存映射机制的方便性了。其中volatile关键字是嵌入式系统开发的一个重要特点。上述表达式拆开来分析,首先(volatile unsigned long *)0x48000000的意思是把0x48000000强制转换成volatile unsigned long类型的指针,暂记为p,那么就是#define A *p,即A为P指针指向位置的内容了。这里就是通过内存寻址访问到寄存器A,可以读/写操作。
s3c2410的GPIO有117pin,下面应该到9 IO ports看看详细部分了。
The S3C2410X has 117 multi-functional input/output port pins. The ports are:
— Port A (GPA): 23-output port
— Port B (GPB): 11-input/output port
— Port C (GPC): 16-input/output port
— Port D (GPD): 16-input/output port
— Port E (GPE): 16-input/output port
— Port F (GPF): 8-input/output port
— Port G (GPG): 16-input/output port
— Port H (GPH): 11-input/output port
初始化完成后,就可以通过对GPxDAT的操作来实现相应的应用了。其中,PORT A与PORT B-H在功能选择方面有所不同,GPACON的每一位对应一根引脚(共23pin有效)。当某位设为0,相应引脚为输出引脚,此时往GPADAT中写0/1,可以让引脚输出低电平/高电平;当某位设为1,则相应引脚为地址线,或者用于地址控制,此时GPADAT没有用了。
一般而言,GPACON通常全设为1,以便访问外部存储器件。PORT B-H在寄存器操作方面完全相同。
三 基本实验
VD[0:7] 对应 GPC[8:15]     VD[8:23] 对应 GPD[0:15]
(1)软件架构仿照了vivi,或者Linux Kernel。其实写这么小的程序用不到这么麻烦,但是可以训练这种架构,为写中型大型程序打好基础。
(2)注意C语言下实现寄存器读写的(*(volatile unsigned long *)(addr))。其实就是要掌握volatile和指针的用法。
(3)写c时,要注意头文件如何处理。写Makefile时,要注意是否采用隐含规则,如果不采用,就要自己定义明确规则,就像vivi里面的Rules.make。在这里,因为只是涉及到.s的编译不采用隐含规则,所以没有把Rules.make单独拿出,事实上可以单独写为Rules.make,然后在Makefile后加入include Rules.make就可以了。
(4)要调用C子程序,必须分配堆栈空间。因为子程序调用时,要进行入栈出栈处理。又因为从nand flash启动,而nand flash在S3C2410下的特点规定堆栈不能超过4K。

Using the I2C Bus
Judging from my emails, it is quite clear that the I2C bus can be very confusing for the newcomer. I have lots of examples on using the I2C bus on the website, but many of these are using high level controllers and do not show the detail of what is actually happening on the bus. This short article therefore tries to de-mystify the I2C bus, I hope it doesn‘t have the opposite effect!
The physical I2C bus
This is just two wires, called SCL and SDA. SCL is the clock line. It is used to synchronize all data transfers over the I2C bus. SDA is the data line. The SCL & SDA lines are connected to all devices on the I2C bus. There needs to be a third wire which is just the ground or 0 volts. There may also be a 5volt wire is power is being distributed to the devices. Both SCL and SDA lines are "open drain" drivers. What this means is that the chip can drive its output low, but it cannot drive it high. For the line to be able to go high you must provide pull-up resistors to the 5v supply. There should be a resistor from the SCL line to the 5v line and another from the SDA line to the 5v line. You only need one set of pull-up resistors for the whole I2C bus, not for each device, as illustrated below:

The value of the resistors is not critical. I have seen anything from 1k8 (1800 ohms) to 47k (47000 ohms) used. 1k8, 4k7 and 10k are common values, but anything in this range should work OK. I recommend 1k8 as this gives you the best performance. If the resistors are missing, the SCL and SDA lines will always be low - nearly 0 volts - and the I2C bus will not work.
Masters and Slaves
The devices on the I2C bus are either masters or slaves. The master is always the device that drives the SCL clock line. The slaves are the devices that respond to the master. A slave cannot initiate a transfer over the I2C bus, only a master can do that. There can be, and usually are, multiple slaves on the I2C bus, however there is normally only one master. It is possible to have multiple masters, but it is unusual and not covered here. On your robot, the master will be your controller and the slaves will be our modules such as the SRF08 or CMPS03. Slaves will never initiate a transfer. Both master and slave can transfer data over the I2C bus, but that transfer is always controlled by the master.
The I2C Physical Protocol
When the master (your controller) wishes to talk to a slave (our CMPS03 for example) it begins by issuing a start sequence on the I2C bus. A start sequence is one of two special sequences defined for the I2C bus, the other being the stop sequence. The start sequence and stop sequence are special in that these are the only places where the SDA (data line) is allowed to change while the SCL (clock line) is high. When data is being transferred, SDA must remain stable and not change whilst SCL is high. The start and stop sequences mark the beginning and end of a transaction with the slave device.

Data is transferred in sequences of 8 bits. The bits are placed on the SDA line starting with the MSB (Most Significant Bit). The SCL line is then pulsed high, then low. Remember that the chip cannot really drive the line high, it simply "lets go" of it and the resistor actually pulls it high. For every 8 bits transferred, the device receiving the data sends back an acknowledge bit, so there are actually 9 SCL clock pulses to transfer each 8 bit byte of data. If the receiving device sends back a low ACK bit, then it has received the data and is ready to accept another byte. If it sends back a high then it is indicating it cannot accept any further data and the master should terminate the transfer by sending a stop sequence.

How fast?
The standard clock (SCL) speed for I2C up to 100KHz. Philips do define faster speeds: Fast mode, which is up to 400KHz and High Speed mode which is up to 3.4MHz. All of our modules are designed to work at up to 100KHz. We have tested our modules up to 1MHz but this needs a small delay of a few uS between each byte transferred. In practical robots, we have never had any need to use high SCL speeds. Keep SCL at or below 100KHz and then forget about it.
I2C Device Addressing
All I2C addresses are either 7 bits or 10 bits. The use of 10 bit addresses is rare and is not covered here. All of our modules and the common chips you will use will have 7 bit addresses. This means that you can have up to 128 devices on the I2C bus, since a 7bit number can be from 0 to 127. When sending out the 7 bit address, we still always send 8 bits. The extra bit is used to inform the slave if the master is  writing to it or reading from it. If the bit is zero are master is writing to the slave. If the bit is 1 the master is reading from the slave. The 7 bit address is placed in the upper 7 bits of the byte and the Read/Write (R/W) bit is in the LSB (Least Significant Bit).

The placement of the 7 bit address in the upper 7 bits of the byte is a source of confusion for the newcomer. It means that to write to address 21, you must actually send out 42 which is 21 moved over by 1 bit. It is probably easier to think of the I2C bus addresses as 8 bit addresses, with even addresses as write only, and the odd addresses as the read address for the same device. To take our CMPS03 for example, this is at address 0xC0 ($C0). You would uses 0xC0 to write to the CMPS03 and 0xC1 to read from it. So the read/write bit just makes it an odd/even address.
The I2C Software Protocol
The first thing that will happen is that the master will send out a start sequence. This will alert all the slave devices on the bus that a transaction is starting and they should listen in incase it is for them. Next the master will send out the device address. The slave that matches this address will continue with the transaction, any others will ignore the rest of this transaction and wait for the next. Having addressed the slave device the master must now send out the internal location or register number inside the slave that it wishes to write to or read from. This number is obviously dependant on what the slave actually is and how many internal registers it has. Some very simple devices do not have any, but most do, including all of our modules. Our CMPS03 has 16 locations numbered 0-15. The SRF08 has 36. Having sent the I2C address and the internal register address  the master can now send the data byte (or bytes, it doesn‘t have to be just one). The master can continue to send data bytes to the slave and these will normally be placed in the following registers because the slave will automatically increment the internal register address after each byte. When the master has finished writing all data to the slave, it sends a stop sequence which completes the transaction. So to write to a slave device:
1. Send a start sequence
2. Send the I2C address of the slave with the R/W bit low (even address)
3. Send the internal register number you want to write to
4. Send the data byte
5. [Optionally, send any further data bytes]
6. Send the stop sequence.
As an example, you have an SRF08 at the factory default address of 0xE0. To start the SRF08 ranging you would write 0x51 to the command register at 0x00 like this:
1. Send a start sequence
2. Send 0xE0 ( I2C address of the SRF08 with the R/W bit low (even address)
3. Send 0x00 (Internal address of the command register)
4. Send 0x51 (The command to start the SRF08 ranging)
5. Send the stop sequence.
Reading from the Slave
This is a little more complicated - but not too much more. Before reading data from the slave device, you must tell it which of its internal addresses you want to read. So a read of the slave actually starts off by writing to it. This is the same as when you want to write to it: You send the start sequence, the I2C address of the slave with the R/W bit low (even address) and the internal register number you want to write to. Now you send another start sequence (sometimes called a restart) and the I2C address again - this time with the read bit set. You then read as many data bytes as you wish and terminate the transaction with a stop sequence. So to read the compass bearing as a byte from the CMPS03 module:
1. Send a start sequence
2. Send 0xC0 ( I2C address of the CMPS03 with the R/W bit low (even address)
3. Send 0x01 (Internal address of the bearing register)
4. Send a start sequence again (repeated start)
5. Send 0xC1 ( I2C address of the CMPS03 with the R/W bit high (odd address)
6. Read data byte from CMPS03
7. Send the stop sequence.
The bit sequence will look like this:

Wait a moment
That‘s almost it for simple I2C communications, but there is one more complication. When the master is reading from the slave, its the slave that places the data on the SDA line, but its the master that controls the clock. What if the slave is not ready to send the data! With devices such as EEPROMs this is not a problem, but when the slave device is actually a microprocessor with other things to do, it can be a problem. The microprocessor on the slave device will need to go to an interrupt routine, save its working registers, find out what address the master wants to read from, get the data and place it in its transmission register. This can take many uS to happen, meanwhile the master is blissfully sending out clock pulses on the SCL line that the slave cannot respond to. The I2C protocol provides a solution to this: the slave is allowed to hold the SCL line low! This is called clock stretching. When the slave gets the read command from the master it holds the clock line low. The microprocessor then gets the requested data, places it in the transmission register and releases the clock line allowing the pull-up resistor to finally pull it high. From the masters point of view, it will issue the first clock pulse of the read by making SCL high and then check to see if it really has gone high. If its still low then its the slave that holding it low and the master should wait until it goes high before continuing. Luckily the hardware I2C ports on most microprocessors will handle this automatically.
Sometimes however, the master I2C is just a collection of subroutines and there are a few implementations out there that completely ignore clock stretching. They work with things like EEPROM‘s but not with microprocessor slaves that use clock stretching. The result is that erroneous data is read from the slave. Beware!
Example Master Code
This example shows how to implement a software I2C master, including clock stretching. It is written in C for the PIC processor, but should be applicable to most processors with minor changes to the I/O pin definitions. It is suitable for controlling all of our I2C based robot modules. Since the SCL and SDA lines are open drain type, we use the tristate control register to control the output, keeping the output register low. The port pins still need to be read though, so they‘re defined as SCL_IN and SDA_IN. This definition and the initialization is probably all you‘ll need to change for a different processor.
#define SCL     TRISB4 // I2C bus
#define SDA     TRISB1 //
#define SCL_IN  RB4    //
#define SDA_IN  RB1    //
To initialize the ports set the output resisters to 0 and the tristate registers to 1 which disables the outputs and allows them to be pulled high by the resistors.
SDA = SCL = 1;
SCL_IN = SDA_IN = 0;
We use a small delay routine between SDA and SCL changes to give a clear sequence on the I2C bus. This is nothing more than a subroutine call and return.
void i2c_dly(void)
The following 4 functions provide the primitive start, stop, read and write sequences. All I2C transactions can be built up from these.
void i2c_start(void)
SDA = 1;             // i2c start bit sequence
SCL = 1;
SDA = 0;
SCL = 0;
void i2c_stop(void)
SDA = 0;             // i2c stop bit sequence
SCL = 1;
SDA = 1;
unsigned char i2c_rx(char ack)
char x, d=0;
SDA = 1;
for(x=0; x<8; x++) {
d <<= 1;
do {
SCL = 1;
while(SCL_IN==0);    // wait for any SCL clock stretching
if(SDA_IN) d |= 1;
SCL = 0;
if(ack) SDA = 0;
else SDA = 1;
SCL = 1;
i2c_dly();             // send (N)ACK bit
SCL = 0;
SDA = 1;
return d;
bit i2c_tx(unsigned char d)
char x;
static bit b;
for(x=8; x; x--) {
if(d&0x80) SDA = 1;
else SDA = 0;
SCL = 1;
d <<= 1;
SCL = 0;
SDA = 1;
SCL = 1;
b = SDA_IN;          // possible ACK bit
SCL = 0;
return b;
The 4 primitive functions above can easily be put together to form complete I2C transactions. Here‘s and example to start an SRF08 ranging in cm:
i2c_start();              // send start sequence
i2c_tx(0xE0);             // SRF08 I2C address with R/W bit clear
i2c_tx(0x00);             // SRF08 command register address
i2c_tx(0x51);             // command to start ranging in cm
i2c_stop();               // send stop sequence
Now after waiting 65mS for the ranging to complete (I‘ve left that to you) the following example shows how to read the light sensor value from register 1 and the range result from registers 2 & 3.
i2c_start();              // send start sequence
i2c_tx(0xE0);             // SRF08 I2C address with R/W bit clear
i2c_tx(0x01);             // SRF08 light sensor register address
i2c_start();              // send a restart sequence
i2c_tx(0xE1);             // SRF08 I2C address with R/W bit set
lightsensor = i2c_rx(1);  // get light sensor and send acknowledge. Internal register address will increment automatically.
rangehigh = i2c_rx(1);    // get the high byte of the range and send acknowledge.
rangelow = i2c_rx(0);     // get low byte of the range - note we don‘t acknowledge the last byte.
i2c_stop();               // send stop sequence
Easy isn‘t it?
The definitive specs on the I2C bus can be found on the Philips website. It currentlyhere but if its moved you‘ll find it easily be googleing on "i2c bus specification".


等等,一张CD的容量应该是640MB,那就是说前边的44.1kHZ取样率和16位精度这两个数据中至少有一个不准确。 第一个得745M是正确的,变成640M是因为cd音源写入碟片采用了PCM预测编码,编码的目的就是压缩,但是压缩很小,失真就小,所以说cd格式几乎是未压缩的。

假设现在对一个模拟信号 x(t) 每隔Δ t 时间采样一次。时间间隔Δ t 被称为采样间隔或者采样周期。它的倒数 1/ Δ t 被称为采样频率,单位是采样数 / 每秒。 t=0, Δ t ,2 Δ t ,3 Δ t …… 等等, x(t) 的数值就被称为采样值。所有 x(0),x( Δ t),x(2 Δ t ) 都是采样值。这样信号 x(t) 可以用一组分散的采样值来表示:下图显示了一个模拟信号和它采样后的采样值。采样间隔是Δ t ,注意,采样点在时域上是分散的。

图 1 模拟信号和采样显示
如果对信号 x(t) 采集 N 个采样点,那么 x(t) 就可以用下面这个数列表示:
这个数列被称为信号 x(t) 的数字化显示或者采样显示。注意这个数列中仅仅用下标变量编制索引,而不含有任何关于采样率(或Δ t )的信息。所以如果只知道该信号的采样值,并不能知道它的采样率,缺少了时间尺度,也不可能知道信号 x(t) 的频率。
根据采样定理,最低采样频率必须是信号频率的两倍。反过来说,如果给定了采样频率,那么能够正确显示信号而不发生畸变的最大频率叫做恩奎斯特频率,它是采样频率的一半。如果信号中包含频率高于奈奎斯特频率的成分,信号将在直流和恩奎斯特频率之间畸变。 图2显示了一个信号分别用合适的采样率和过低的采样率进行采样的结果。
采样率过低的结果是还原的信号的频率看上去与原始信号不同。这种信号畸变叫做混叠( alias )。 出现的混频偏差( alias frequency )是输入信号的频率和最靠近的采样率整数倍的差的绝对值。
图 2 不同采样率的采样结果
图3给出了一个例子。假设采样频率 fs 是 100HZ, ,信号中含有 25 、 70 、 160 、和 510 Hz 的成分。
图3 说明混叠的例子
采样的结果将会是低于奈奎斯特频率( fs/2=50 Hz )的信号可以被正确采样。而频率高于 50HZ 的信号成分采样时会发生畸变。分别产生了 30 、 40 和 10 Hz 的畸变频率 F2 、 F3 和 F4 。计算混频偏差的公式是:
混频偏差= ABS (采样频率的最近整数倍-输入频率)
其中 ABS 表示“绝对值”,例如:
混频偏差 F2 = |100 – 70| = 30 Hz
混频偏差 F3 = |(2)100 – 160| = 40 Hz
混频偏差 F4 = |(5)100 – 510| = 10 Hz
为了避免这种情况的发生,通常在信号被采集( A/D )之前,经过一个低通滤波器,将信号中高于奈奎斯特频率的信号成分滤去。在图3的例子中,这个滤波器的截止频率自然是 25HZ 。这个滤波器称为 抗混叠滤波器
通常,信号采集后都要去做适当的信号处理,例如 FFT 等。这里对样本数又有一个要求,一般不能只提供一个信号周期的数据样本,希望有5~10个周期,甚至更多的样本。并且希望所提供的样本总数是整周期个数的。这里又发生一个困难,有时我们并不知道,或不确切知道被采信号的频率,因此不但采样率不一定是信号频率的整倍数,也不能保证提供整周期数的样本。我们所有的仅仅是一个时间序列的离散的函数 x(n) 和采样频率。这是我们测量与分析的唯一依据。

图4  数据采集系统结构
上图表示了数据采集的结构。在数据采集之前,程序将对采集板卡初始化,板卡上和内存中的 Buffer 是数据采集存储的中间环节。需要注意的两个问题是:是否使用 Buffer ?是否使用外触发启动、停止或同步一个操作。