The Interdepartmental Undergraduate Neuroscience Program of Johns Hopkins University

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B.A. Major Requirements
Studentsmajoring in neuroscience must complete all of the course requirementslisted in the sections below. In the junior year, students will meetwith their faculty advisors to review their progress and determinerequirements reamaining to be eligible for graduation. Students mustreceive a grade of C- or better in all major requirements.
Neuroscience Sequence (12 credits)
These courses are normally taken during the semester listed and in the following order:
080.203 Cognitive Neuroscience - Freshman Spring
080.305 The Nervous System I (or 080.205) - Sophomore Fall
080.306 The Nervous System II (or 080.304) - Sophomore Spring
080.250 Neuroscience Lab - Junior Fall or Spring
Mathematics and Science Courses (49 credits)
110.106 Calculus I for Biological Sciences (or 110.108)
110.107 Calculus II for Biological Sciences (or 110.109)
030.101 Introductory Chemistry I
030.105 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I
030.204 Introductory Chemistry II
030.106 030.106 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II
030.205 Introductory Organic Chemistry I
171.101 General Physics I (or 171.103)
171.111 General Physics Laboratory I
171.102 General Physics II (or 171.104)
171.112 General Physics Laboratory II
Additional Requirements for Premedical Students
These courses are optional for students not seeking a premedical degree track
030.206 Introductory Organic Chemistry II
030.225 Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Cellular and Molecular Concentration
020.305 Biochemistry
020.315 Biochemistry Lab
020.306 Cell Biology
020.315 Cell Biology Lab
Cognitive and Systems Concentrations
Studentsfollowing a Cognitive or Systems Concentration degree track mustcomplete either the above Biochemistry/Cell Biology sequence or thefollowing:
020.151 General Biology I
020.153 General Biology Laboratory I
020.152 General Biology II
020.154 General Biology Laboratory II
Advanced Courses (12 credits)
Twelve(12) credits of advanced neuroscience coursework (300 level or above)are required for the major. Nine (9) of the credits must be in thestudent‘s chosen area of concentration. Only courses from the followinglist will be accepted.
Fall Courses (when available):
020.607 Special Topics in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (CM)
020.614 Neuronal Signaling Mechanisms (CM)
050.232 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (CG)
050.372 Formal Methods in Cognitive Science (CG)
050.801 Research Seminar in Cognitive Neuropsychology (CG)
080.330 Brain Injury and Recovery of Function (CM), (ST), (W)
080.335 Neuroscience of Pain (ST)
080.352 Primate Brain Function (ST)
080.450 Computational Neuroscience (CP), (ST)
200.312 Imaging the Human Mind (CG), (ST)
200.344 Behavioral Endocrinology (ST), (W)
200.357 Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory (CG), (W)
200.642 Neural Circuits and Behavior (ST)
250.345 Cellular and Molecular Physiology (CM)
580.625 Structure and Function Auditory and Vestibular Systems (CM)
580.626 Structure and Function Auditory and Vestibular Systems (CM)
Spring Courses (when available):
020.313 Neurobiology of Sensation (CM)
050.311 Reading and Writing: Normal Processing and Disorders (CG), (W)
050.315 Cognitive Neuropsychology of Visual Perception (CG)
050.326 Foundations of Cognitive Science A (CG), (W)
050.332 Developmental Cog. Neuroscience (CG)
050.341 Foundations of Cognitive Science B (CG)
050.358 Language and Thought (CG)
080.310 Communication Between Cells (CM)
080.340 Neuroplasticity (CM), (ST), (W)
080.811 Readings in Systems Neuroscience II (ST)
200.304 Introduction to the Neuroscience of Decision Making (CG), (ST)
200.329 Brain, Communication, and Evlolution (ST)
200.368 Sleep, Dreams and Altered States of Consciousness (CG), (ST)
200.370 Functional Human Neuroanatomy (ST), (CG)
200.372 Psychology of Aging (ST), (W)
200.376 Psychopharmacology (CM), (ST)
580.425 Ionic Channels in Excitable Membranes (CM)
580.439 Models of the Neuron (CP)
580.630 Theoretcial Neuroscience (CP)
Area Designators: Cellular and Molecular (CM), Systems (ST), Computational (CP), Writing Intensive (W)
Research (6 credits)
Six(6) credits of research, obtained through work in one of theneuroscience laboratories participating in the program, is required forcompletion of the major. Students register for 080.5xx, Research inNeuroscience, where the last two digits of the course number correspondto the student‘s year and semester. Students may take no more than 3credits per term and no more that 6 credits per academic year.
Distribution Requirements (30 credits)
Studentsare required to take 18 credits in the humanities and/or socialsciences. These courses cannot include courses taken to fulfill majorrequirements. Additionally, 12 credits of course work must be taken inthe Humanities, Social Sciences, Quantitative Sciences and/orEngineering. This requirement can include courses taken to fulfill themajor.
University Requirements
Asstudents fulfill the course requirements, they need to ensure that thefollowing requirements are also met in order to be eligible forgraduation:
120 total credits
60 credits at Johns Hopkins
4 Semesters at Johns Hopkins
4 writing intensive courses (12 credits)
No more than 18 D credits
No more than 5 SPSBE courses
C average or better in your major
No more than 12 transfer credits
LanguageElements Courses: Students who take the first semester of an elementarylanguage course in French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, ModernHebrew, Portuguese or Spanish must complete the second semester courseaw well or lose the credit for the first term.
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