闲话广告 ---赵清涛工作室

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/05 20:25:23
便池中的设计 苍蝇
I have seen one of the finest instances of user interface design ever, and I saw it in the men's room at Schipol airport in Amsterdam.

In each of the urinals, there is a little printed blue fly. It looks a lot like a real fly, but it's definitely iconic - you're not supposed to believe it's a real fly. It's printed near the drain, and slightly to the left.
I asked a user interface designer I knew at Nortel about this, who happened to be Dutch and who was familiar with this particular piece of toilet technology. And he told me that washrooms are much cleaner when these flies are there. Presumably because they encourage, in a very subtle way, good aim.
Now I love this kind of interface, because it's so psychologically clever. If they had put big circular targets, and arrows with a little printed message pee here! (like it would probably be if anybody ever tried such a thing in America), it would backfire. A certain percentage of men would deliberately try to disobey this instruction.
But this innocuous little fly just invites being peed upon, if such a thing makes any sense, but in a non-insistent, gentle, and entirely effective way. If you're the user interface specialist Donald Norman, I suppose you'd say the fly affords being peed on.
但是这只无伤大雅的小苍蝇却可以“邀请”大家这么做。如果这件事有什么意义的话,也是在以一种不经意的,温和的,并且非常生动的方式感染你。即使你是用户界面的专家Donald Norman,我想你也会毫不客气地说“这只苍蝇活该被淹死”。
I would love to know if Dutch toilet user interface designers (there's a title for a business card!) tried focus groups with other icons - bees, smiley faces, eye icons, circles, letters? I would love to know what process they used to decide that it should be slightly to the left.
My hat is off to the inventor of this design.
So I've now had e-mails from some friendly Dutch industrial designers and other interface professionals, who are happier than one might normally predict to tell me the details of their nation's clever solutions for pee-pee time.
A Google search onvlieg urinoir turns up some interesting stuff. For those who don't read Dutch (which includes me - I can make out the gist if I squint real hard and pretend it's badly-spelled German), here are the interesting findings: (Thanks to correspondents Branko Collin and Inne ten Have)
用Google搜索vlieg urinoir(男用便池)会出现许多有趣的资料。对于那些不能理解荷兰语(包括我——只有将它看做拼写不正确的德文时我才能明白个大概),这里有一些有趣的新发现(感谢与我通信的Branko和Inne ten Have)。
A discussion about the question why the fly is on the left and not in the middle:
Men are mostly righthanded, so they hold their little fella slightly aimed to the left. (Really? Wouldn't the pull be more to the right?)
1 人们大多习惯用右手,他们使用他们的小伙伴时目标将会稍稍偏左。(真的吗?难道不会由于拉力更偏右)
Pure physics: if the fly were in the middle, all the splatter would come back; now it splashes to the side
2 纯物理角度:如果苍蝇在中间,所有液体都要弹回来;现在它们弹向另一边。
A new technology is being introduced: this is a plastic strip that will change color when peed upon. (This seems to me like a reasonable next step. User Interfaces typically benefit from immediate feedback, after all.)
An alternate design shows a urinal with the image of a burning candle, right in the center this time. Apparently, it is special that in this case the image is part of the ceramic, which saves on cleaning. The flame is apparently an invention by scientists of a German university so that men can quench their boyhood desire to become a fire fighter. (!)
After the Dutch industrial designers weighed in, I started getting e-mail from British folks knowledgeable in Victorian toilet technology. They have been able to provide the most likely origin of the idea (thanks to correspondents Rupert Goodwins and Jez):