
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/01 22:44:41
来源In pictures: Wildlife photographers put focus on Great Bear rainforest | Environment | guardiancouk
A team of internationally renowned photographers has released a series of stunning images captured during its rapid assessment visual expedition (Rave) to British Colombia's Great Bear rainforest over the summer. Led by the International League of Conservation Photographers and conservation organisation Pacific Wild, they hope their work will highlight the species and habitats that are under threat from a proposed oil pipeline

一个由国际著名摄影师组成的研究小组最近公布了一系列令人惊叹的照片,这些照片都是今夏该小组在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Colombia)的大熊雨林展开快速评估视觉远征(Rave:Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition)的过程中所拍摄的。在国际自然保护主义摄影师联盟(International League of Conservation Photographers:iLCP)和环保组织太平洋野生动物(Pacific Wild)的领导之下,摄影师们希望他们的工作能使那些正在受到输油管道威胁的物种和栖息地得到国际社会的关注

The Great Bear rainforest is one of the largest remaining tracts of unspoiled temperate rainforest left in the world


Photograph: Jack Dykinga/iLCP

图片来源:Jack Dykinga/iLCP

A coastal wolf. The Great Bear rainforest is home to hundreds of species, including cougars, wolves, salmon, grizzly bears, and the 'spirit' bear, a unique subspecies of the black bear, in which one in 10 cubs displays a recessive white coloured coat


Photograph: Joe Riis/iLCP

图片来源:Joe Riis/iLCP

As well as 'spirit bears', the region's ancient forests and stunning marine biodiversity make it one of the planet's most priceless treasures, the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP) says


Photograph: Daniel Beltra/iCLP

图片来源:Daniel Beltra/iLCP

Enbridge, the world's largest pipeline construction company, has filed an application to the Canadian National Energy Board to build a 750-mile (1,200km) twin pipeline between Alberta's tar sands and British Columbia's north Pacific coast

世界上最大的管道建筑公司英桥公司(Enbridge)已经向加拿大能源管理局(Canadian National Energy Board)递交了申请,准备在阿尔伯塔省(Alberta)的油砂矿和不列颠哥伦比亚省的太平洋沿岸之间修建一条长达1200公里的双管输油管道

Photograph: Jack Dykinga/iLCP

图片来源:Jack Dykinga/iLCP

Curious sea lions approach the photographer in the coastal waters off Hartley Bay, British Columbia. The pipeline would bring 525,000 barrels of oil to the coast per day from the tar sands of Alberta. These would be picked up by tankers negotiating the narrow passages along the coast

在靠近不列颠哥伦比亚省哈特利湾(Hartley Bay)的沿海水域,好奇的海狮们就在摄影师身边游弋。输油管道每天会从阿尔伯塔省的油砂矿输出52.5万桶原油到海边,再通过油轮将这些原油从海岸附近的狭窄水道运出

Photograph: Thomas P. Peschak/iLCP

图片来源:Thomas P. Peschak/iLCP

Freshwater streams fed by snow melt empty out into the rich marine ecosystems of the coastal region of Northern British Columbia. Pacific Wild says that under Enbridge's current proposal, 220 supertankers laden with fossil fuels could sail right through the region each year. They say it could 'very easily lead to a repeat of the Exxon Valdez'

在不列颠哥伦比亚的北方沿海地区,积雪融化形成的淡水河流流入了种类丰富的海洋生态系统中。太平洋野生动物组织表示,按照英桥公司当前拟定的计划计算,每年会有220艘满载着原油的超级油轮在这一地区穿梭,很容易重蹈当年埃克森瓦尔迪兹号(Exxon Valdez)油轮的悲剧

Photograph: Andrew S. Wright/iLCP

图片来源:Andrew S. Wright/iLCP

A starfish is exposed during the low tide. The marine flora and fauna that inhabit the intertidal zone in the Great Bear rainforest supports a vast array of wildlife and human communities


Photograph: Jack Dykinga/iLCP

图片来源:Jack Dykinga/iLCP

Annetta Robinson hangs slices of halibut to dry. The Gitga'at people, like other First Nations along the coast of British Columbia, depend on healthy ecosystems for their survival

阿内塔·罗宾逊(Annetta Robinson)正在将大比目鱼的鱼片挂起来晾干。和其他生活在不列颠哥伦比亚海岸的原住民一样,吉塔嘉特(Gitga'at)人的生计也需要仰仗健康的生态系统

Photograph: Cristina Mittermeier/iLCP

图片来源:Cristina Mittermeier/iLCP

Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) migrating upriver to spawn. The pipeline would pass through watersheds important to Canada's commercial fishing industry

粉红鲑鱼(Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)正在往上游迁徙产卵。输油管道将要经过的这片水域对加拿大的商业性渔业极为重要

Photograph: Thomas P. Peschak/iLCP

图片来源:Thomas P. Peschak/iLCP

Coastal wolves roam along the edge of the water looking for molluscs, clams and salmon spawn to eat


Photograph: Ian McAllister/iLCP

图片来源:Ian McAllister/iLCP

A dense school of lion's mane (Cyanea capillata) and moon (Aurelia labiata) jellyfish trapped by tides and currents in a river mouth, Great Bear rainforest

狮鬃水母(Cyanea capillata)和月亮水母聚焦在一起,它们被大熊雨林河口的潮汐困住了

Photograph: Thomas P. Peschak/iLCP

图片来源:Thomas P. Peschak/iLCP

A humpback whale breaches in the afternoon sunshine. The many inlets and fjords along the coast provide a sanctuary for hundreds of whales and other marine mammals that spend the summer months feeding in the rich waters


Photograph: Jack Dykinga/iLCP

图片来源:Jack Dykinga/iLCP

Northern giant kelp (Macrocystis integrifolia), up to 30m long

北方巨型海带(Macrocystis integrifolia)可以长到30米长

Photograph: Thomas P. Peschak/iLCP

图片来源:Thomas P. Peschak/iLCP

First Nations of the Heilsuk tribe protest in opposition to the pipeline. The threat is not just to plants and animals: the lifestyle of the First Nations people living in and around the rainforest would be at risk

第一民族(First Nations:即原住民)的黑尔苏克(Heilsuk)部落正在抗议输油管道的修建。输油管道不光会对动植物构成威胁,而且也会使生活在雨林之中和附近的第一民族居民的生活方式陷入危险

Photograph: Cristina Mittermeier/iLCP

图片来源:Cristina Mittermeier/iLCP

The late chief Qwatsinas - or Edward Moody - of the Nuxalk Nation, looks up at a giant cedar tree in the South Benink Fjord near Bella Colla, British Columbia. Qwatsinas had been visiting this tree since he was a child. The tree was protected by the Nuxalk during the height of the logging era in this area. Sadly, Qwatsinas died soon after this image was made. He was a great environmentalist and protector of the Great Bear Rainforest. In 2006 British Columbia legislated protection for nearly 30% of the Great Bear rainforest

努索尔克族(Nuxalk Nation)的酋长奎瓦斯纳斯(Qwatsinas)——又名爱德华·穆迪(Edward Moody)正在仰视一棵巨型雪松,这棵雪松位于不列颠哥伦比亚省贝拉·可拉(Bella Colla)附近南本因克峡湾(South Benink Fjord)。从孩提时代起,奎瓦斯纳斯就经常来拜访这棵巨松。得益于努索尔克人的保护,这棵树在这一地区的伐木活动达到白热化时没有被砍伐。令人感到遗憾的是,在这张照片拍摄后不久,奎瓦斯纳斯就去世了。他是一位伟大的环保主义者,同时也是大熊雨林的保护者。2006年,不列颠哥伦比亚省对大熊雨林将近30%的区域实施了立法保护

Photograph: Cristina Mittermeier/iLCP

图片来源:Cristina Mittermeier/iLCP

A brown bear. Rave is an initiative of the iLCP. Rave deploys a multi-disciplinary team that includes several specialised photographers (landscape, wildlife, macro, camera trapping, portraiture), writers and cameramen. Their job is to bring back a comprehensive portrait of a conservation issue or threat in a very short period of time. The iLCP says Rave has proven to be a valuable tool for conservation


Photograph: Ian McAllister/iLCP

图片来源:Ian McAllister/iLCP

A sea star is exposed during the low tide. Some of the photographers working on the project are National Geographic photographer Paul Nicklen; World Press winner Daniel Beltra and Pulitzer prize-winning photographer Jack Dykinga

低潮位时,一只海星暴露了出来。这支摄影师团队中包括《国家地理》摄影师保罗·尼克伦(Paul Nicklen);世界新闻摄影比赛冠军丹尼尔·贝尔特拉(Daniel Beltra)和普利策奖获得者杰克·迪金卡(Jack Dykinga)

Photograph: Ian McAllister/iLCP

图片来源:Ian McAllister/iLCP

The photographers' work to highlight the ecological value of the region will be shared with international media and travel in an exhibition across North America and Europe


Photograph: Ian Mcallister/iLCP

图片来源:Ian McAllister/iLCP




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