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各國失業率列表维基百科,自由的百科全书跳轉到: 導航, 搜尋 2009年時的各國(地區)失業率示意圖


國家或地區 失業率(%) 來源與統計時間  阿富汗 35.0 2008[2]  阿爾巴尼亞 13.75 2009 (Q4)[3]  阿爾及利亞 10.2 2009 (Q4)[4]  美屬薩摩亞美國) 29.8 2005[2]  安道爾 0.0 2009 (June)[5]  安圭拉英國) 7.8 2002 (July)[6]  安地卡及巴布達 11.0 2001[2]  阿根廷 7.0 2010 (Q1)[7]  亞美尼亞 7.2 2010 (April)[8]  阿魯巴荷蘭) 5.7 2007 [9]  澳大利亞 5.1 2010 (August)[10]  奧地利 4.3 2010 (August)[11]  亞塞拜然 6.0 2009 [12]  巴林 3.7 2010 (February)[13]  孟加拉國 5.0 2009[14]  巴貝多 9.4 2009 (Q4)[15]  白俄羅斯 0.9 2009 (December) [16]  比利時 8.7 2010 (August)[11]  貝里斯 8.2 2008 (May)[17]  百慕達 4.5 2009 (May)[18]  不丹 4.0 2009[19]  玻利維亞 7.4 2009 (Q4)[20]  波赫 42.5 2010 (April) [21]  波札那 7.5 2007[2]  巴西 7.3 2010 (April)[22]  英屬維京群島英國) 3.1 2007[23]  汶萊 3.7 2008[2]  保加利亞 10.1 2010 (August)[11]  緬甸 4.9 2009[2]  柬埔寨 1.68 2008[24]  喀麥隆 4.4(75.8未充分就業);30.0(CIA估計)[2] 2005[25]  加拿大 7.9 2010 (June)[26]  加那利群島 27.68 2010 (Q1)[27]  維德角 13.1 2010 (May)[28]  開曼群島英國) 4.0(5.5為2010年估計)[29] 2008 [30]  中非 8.0 2001[2]  智利 8.6 2010 (April)[31]  中國 9.0 2009 (September)[2]  科科斯群島澳大利亞) 60.0 2000[2]  哥倫比亞 12.2 2010 (April)[32]  葛摩 20.0 1996[2]  庫克群島紐西蘭) 13.1 2001[33]  哥斯大黎加 7.8 2009 (October)[34]  克羅埃西亞 12.4 2010 (August)[11]  古巴 1.6 2009[2]  賽普勒斯 7.2 2010 (August)[11]  捷克 7.0 2010 (August)[11]  丹麥 6.9 2010 (August)[11]  吉布地 59.0 2007[2]  多米尼克 23.0 2000[2]  多明尼加 14.4 2010 (April)[35]  東帝汶 20.0 2006  厄瓜多 7.7 2010 (Q2)[20]  埃及 9.4 2009 (Q4)[20][36]  薩爾瓦多 7.2 2009[2]  赤道幾內亞 30.0 1998[2]  愛沙尼亞 19.8 2010 (May)[37]  歐盟 9.7 2010 (April)[38]  法羅群島丹麥) 5.9 2010 (May) [39]  斐濟 8.6 2007[40][41]  芬蘭 8.5 2010 (August)[11]  法國 10.1 2010 (August)[11]  法屬玻里尼西亞法國) 11.7 2007[42]  加彭 21.0 2006[2]  加薩走廊 33.9 2010 (March)[43]  喬治亞 16.9 2009[44]  德國 6.8 2010 (August)[11]  迦納 3.6 2008 (September)[45]  直布羅陀英國) 3.3 2005[46]  希臘 11 2010 (March)[11]  格陵蘭丹麥) 7.8 2009[47]  格瑞那達 24.5 2009 (June)[48]  關島美國) 9.6 2010 (August)[49]  瓜地馬拉 3.2 2005[2]  根西島英國) 1.5 2010 (Q2)[50]  蓋亞那 9.0 2009 (July)[51]  宏都拉斯 27.8 2007  香港中國) 4.2 2010 (July)[52]  匈牙利 10.9 2010 (August)[53][54]  冰島 7.6 2010 (June)[55][56]  印度 10.7 2009[2]  印度尼西亞 7.14 2010 (February)[57]  伊朗 11.3 2009 (Q3)[20]  伊拉克 18.0 2009 (February)[58]  愛爾蘭 13.9 2010 (August)[11]  曼恩島 1.8 2010 (August)[59]  以色列 6.5 2010 (May)[60]  義大利 8.2 2010 (August)[61]  牙買加 11.3 2009 (July)[62]  日本 5.1 2010 (August)[63]  澤西島英國) 2.7 2009 (July)[64]  約旦 12.2 2010 (Q2)[65]  哈薩克 6.1 2010 (May)[66]  肯亞 40.0 2009[67]  吉里巴斯 38.2 2006[68]  科索沃 [a] 73 2010[69]  科威特 1.5 2008 (March)[70]  吉爾吉斯 8.2 2008 [71][72]  寮國 2.5 2009[2]  拉脫維亞 20.0 2010 (May)[11]  黎巴嫩 10.0 2009 (July)[73]  賴索托 22.7 2008[74]  賴比瑞亞 85.0[75];88%(年輕人中)[76] 2009 (July)  利比亞 13.0 2005 (May)[77]  列支敦斯登 1.5 2007 (December)[2]  立陶宛 17.4 2010 (April)[11]  盧森堡 5.0 2010 (August)[11]  澳門特別行政區中國) 3.0 2010 (April)[78]  馬其頓 32.2 2009 [79]  馬來西亞 3.2 2010 (April)[80]  馬里 30.0 2004[2]  馬爾他 6.2 2010 (August)[11]  馬紹爾群島 30.9 1999[81]  茅利塔尼亞 30.0 2008[2]  模里西斯 8.4 2010 (Q1) [82]  馬約特法國) 25.4 2005[2]  墨西哥 5.5 2010 (April)[53]  密克羅尼西亞 22.0 2000[83]  摩爾多瓦 9.1 2010 (Q1)[84]  摩納哥 0.0 2005[2]  蒙古 12.2 2010 (Q1)[85]  黑山 20.3 2009 (Q4)[86]  蒙塞拉特英國) 6.0 1998[2]  摩洛哥 10.0 2010 (Q1) [87][88]  莫三比克 60.0 2009  納米比亞 51.2 2008[2]  諾魯 90.0 2004[2]  尼泊爾 46.0 2008[2]  荷蘭 4.4 2010 (September)[89]  荷屬安地列斯荷蘭) 10.0 2008[90]  新喀里多尼亞法國) 17.1 2004[2]  紐西蘭 6.8 2010 (June)[91]  尼加拉瓜 5.9 2009[2]  奈及利亞 19.7 2009 (March)[92]  紐埃紐西蘭) 10.7 2006 [93]  北馬里亞納群島美國) 8.0 2005 est.[94]  挪威 3.3 2010 (July)[11]  阿曼 15.0 2004[2]  巴基斯坦 5.2(官方);15.2(CIA估計)[2] 2008[95]  帛琉 4.2 2005[2]  巴拿馬 7.1 2009[2]  巴布亞紐幾內亞 1.8 2004[2]  巴拉圭 7.9 2009[2]  秘魯 7.7 2010 (May)[96]  菲律賓 8.0 2010 (April) [97]  波蘭 9.4 2010 (August))[11]  葡萄牙 10.7 2010 (August)[11]  波多黎各美國) 15.6 2010 (August)[98]  卡達 0.5 2009[2]  羅馬尼亞 8.36 2010 (March)[11]  俄羅斯 9.2 2010 (January)[99][100]  聖赫勒拿英國) 14.0 1998[2]  聖克里斯多福及尼維斯 4.5 1997[2]  聖露西亞 15.7 2006[101]  聖皮埃爾和密克隆群島法國) 10.3 1999[2]  聖文森及格瑞那丁 18.0 2009 (June)[48]  聖馬利諾 3.1 2008[2]  沙特 11.6 2009 (amongst males)[102]  塞內加爾 48.0[來源請求];30%(不到24歲的成年人中)[76] 2007  塞爾維亞 16.1 2009[103]  新加坡 2.2 2010 (March)[104]  斯洛伐克 14.6 2010 (August))[11]  斯洛維尼亞 7.3 2010 (August)[11]  南非 25.3 2010 (Q2)[105]  韓國 3.7 2010 (April)[53]  西班牙 20.05 2010 (Q1)[106]  斯里蘭卡 5.9 2009 (Q3)[107]  蘇丹 18.7 2002[2]  蘇利南 9.5 2004[2]  史瓦濟蘭 40.6 2007[108]  瑞典 8.5 2010 (September)[53]  瑞士 4.0 2010 (May)[109]  敘利亞 9.2 2009[2]  台灣中華民國) 5.14 2010 (May)[110]  塔吉克 60.0 2008 (August)[111]  泰國 1.2 2009 (September)[112]  巴哈馬 12.6 2009 (September)[113]  東加 1.1 2006[114]  特立尼達和多巴哥 5.8 2009 (Q3)[20]  突尼斯 13.3 2009[115]  土耳其 10.5 2010 (May)  土庫曼 70.0 2008 (November)[116]  特克斯和凱科斯群島英國) 5.4 2007[117]  烏克蘭 9.2 2009 (December)[20]  阿聯 12.7 2008[118]  英國 7.8 2010 (May)[119]  美國 9.6 2010 (June)[120]  烏拉圭 6.9 2010 (April)[121]  烏茲別克 8.0 2008 (December)[122]  萬那杜 78.21 1999[123]  委內瑞拉 8.2 2010 (April)[124]  越南 2.9 2009 (April)[2]  美屬維京群島美國) 7.9 2010 (April)[125]  瓦利斯及富圖納群島法國) 12.2 2008[126]  約旦河西岸 16.5 2010 (March)[43]  葉門 35.0 2009 (June)[127]  尚比亞 16.0 2005[128]  辛巴威 95.0 2009 (June)[129]

[編輯] 資料來源

  1. ^ https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2129rank.html The World Factbook
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.45 CIA The World Factbook. CIA [2010-06-24]. 
  3. ^ [1] Institute of Statistics - Albania
  4. ^ [2] Office National des Statistiques (ONS) - Algeria
  5. ^ Andorra employs 100% of its population as well as citizens of neighboring countries English Angle: Five Things You Didn't Know About Andorra Goal
  6. ^ [3] Statistics Department - Anguilla
  7. ^ Rate of unemployment in Argentina. National Statistics and Censuses Institute [2009-09-16] (Spanish). 
  8. ^ [4] National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia
  9. ^ http://[www.cbs.aw/cbs/manageDocument.do?dispatch=view&id=22] CBS Aruba The Central Bureau of Statistics
  10. ^ [5] Australian Bureau of Statistics
  11. ^ 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 11.18 11.19 11.20 11.21 Harmonised unemployment rate by gender. Eurostat [2010-03-29]. 
  12. ^ [6] The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  13. ^ [www.menafn.com/qn_news_story_s.asp?StoryId=1093313857 Baharain unemployment slides to 3.7%] Menafn.com
  14. ^ [7] Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
  15. ^ [8] Barbados Statistical Service
  16. ^ [9] National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus
  17. ^ [10] Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB)
  18. ^ [11] Bermuda Government, Department of Statistics
  19. ^ [12] The National Statistics Bureau (NSB) - Bhutan
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online. UN [2010-06-24]. 
  21. ^ [13] Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  22. ^ [14] Yahoo Finance
  23. ^ [15] Development Planning Unit (DPU) - Virgin Islands (UK)
  24. ^ [16] The National Institute of Statistics (NIS) - Cambodia
  25. ^ [17] Institut National de la Statistique du Cameroun
  26. ^ Latest release from the Labour Force Survey. Statistics Canada. Accessed 2010-06-04.
  27. ^ Latest release from ISTAC. Statistics Canary
  29. ^ [18] Cayman News Service
  30. ^ [19] Economics and Statistics Office - Cayman Islands
  31. ^ [20] Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas de Chile (INE)
  32. ^ [21] The National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) - Colombia
  33. ^ [22] Cook Islands Statistics Office (CISO)
  34. ^ http://en.centralamericadata.com/en/article/home/Record_High_Unemployment_in_Costa_Rica
  35. ^ Dominican Republic』s 7.5% growth births 0.5% more jobs Dominicantoday
  36. ^ [23] Central Agency for Public Mobilization And Statistics - Arab Republic of Egypt
  37. ^ [24] Statistics Estonia
  38. ^ Harmonised unemployment rate by gender Totals Eurostat
  39. ^ [25] Statistics Faroe Islands
  40. ^ [26] Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics (FIBOS)
  41. ^ Fiji targets 4.2 percent unemployment rate Fijilive
  42. ^ [27] Institut de la statistique de la Polynésie française
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 [28] Palestine Investment Conference
  44. ^ [29] National Statistics Service of Georgia
  45. ^ GHANA LIVING STANDARDS SURVEY (GLSS 5) Ghana Statistical Service
  46. ^ [30] European Social Fund in England
  47. ^ [31] Statistics Greenland
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 pm: T&T reaching out Trinidad and Tobago Express
  49. ^ [32] Bureau of Labor Statistics
  50. ^ [33] The Official Guernsey Government Website
  51. ^ Rupturing an old friend Stabroek News
  52. ^ [34] The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD)
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 [35] OECD Unemployment Statistics
  54. ^ [36] Hungarian Central Statistical Office
  55. ^ [37] Statistics Iceland
  56. ^ {http://icelandreview.com/icelandreview/daily_news/?cat_id=29314&ew_0_a_id=365013} Unemployment in Iceland 7.6 Percent in June
  57. ^ Indonesia』s unemployment rate down Siam Daily News
  58. ^ IRAQ: Growing unemployment threatens stability, UN says Global Security
  59. ^ [38] Economic Affairs Division - Isle of Man
  60. ^ [39] The Central Bureau of Statistics
  61. ^ [40] Ocse, tasso di disoccupazione stabile nell'eurozona
  62. ^ [41] Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN)
  63. ^ [42] Japan Statistics Bureau & Statistics Center
  64. ^ http://[www.gov.je/Government/JerseyWorld/StatisticsUnit/EmploymentEarnings/Pages/RegisteredUnemployment.aspx] States of Jersey Statistics Unit
  65. ^ [43] The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Department of Statistics (DOS)
  66. ^ [44] The Agency of Statistics of the Republic of kazakhstan
  67. ^ Krishnamurthy Sriramesh and Dejan Ver?i?. The Global Public Relations Handbook Revised Edition, 331. (Taylor & Francis: 2009).
  68. ^ [45] Kiribati National Statistics Office
  69. ^ SETimes
  70. ^ Kuwait has low unemployment rates compared with Arab countries -- economists Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)
  71. ^ [46] National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic (In russian)
  72. ^ [47] National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic (In russian)
  73. ^ Major reforms needed to reduce Lebanon』s unemployment The Daily Star
  74. ^ [48] Lesotho Bureau of Statistics
  75. ^ Liberians get by selling coconuts, saving dollar by dollar World Focus
  76. ^ 76.0 76.1 Multinational Companies Tackle Youth Unemployment in West Africa VOA News
  77. ^ Libya grapples with unemployment BBC News
  78. ^ [49] Statistics and Census Service Macao SAR Government
  79. ^ [50] Republic of Macedonia - State Statistical Office
  80. ^ [51] Department of Statistics Malaysia
  81. ^ [52] Planning and Statistics Office - Marshall Islands
  82. ^ [53] The Central Statistics Office (CSO) - Republic of Mauritius
  83. ^ [54] Federated States of Micronesia Division of Statistics
  84. ^ [55] National Bureau of Statistics - Moldova
  85. ^ [56] National Statistical Office of Mongolia
  86. ^ [57] Statistical Office of Montenegro
  87. ^ [58] MENAFN
  88. ^ [59] HCP Morocco Statistics
  89. ^ [60] Statistics Netherlands
  90. ^ [61] Central Bureau of Statistics Netherlands Antilles
  91. ^ [62] Statistics New Zealand
  92. ^ [63] National Bureau of Statistics, Federal Republic of Nigeria
  93. ^ [64] Niue Census 2006
  94. ^ [65] CIA World Factbook
  95. ^ [66] Ministry of Economic Affairs and Statistics - Government of Pakistan
  96. ^ [67] National Institution of Statistics and Information (INEI) - Peru
  97. ^ [68] NSO National Statistics Office of the Philippines
  98. ^ [69] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  99. ^ [70] World Socialist Website
  100. ^ [71] Federal State Statistics Service - Rosstat
  101. ^ [72] Saint Lucia's Official Statistics
  102. ^ Country Comparison to the World: unemployment rate. CIA World Factbook. CIA [2010-05-27]. 
  103. ^ [73] The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
  104. ^ [74] Statistics Singapore
  105. ^ [75] Statistics South Africa
  106. ^ [76] National Statistics Institute - Spain
  107. ^ [77] Department of Census and Statistics Sri Lanka
  108. ^ [78] Swaziland Government - The Central Statistical Office
  109. ^ http://www.seco.admin.ch/aktuell/00277/01164/01980/index.html?lang=en&msg-id=33511
  110. ^ [79] National Statistics - Republic of China(Taiwan)
  111. ^ PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 28 Georgetown University Eurasian Strategy Project
  112. ^ [80] TNSO The National Statistical Office of Thailand
  113. ^ [81] Bahamas Department of Statistics
  114. ^ [82] Tonga Department of Statistics
  116. ^ Background Note: Turkmenistan U.S. Department of State
  117. ^ [84] Department of Economic Planning and Statistics - Turks and Caicos
  118. ^ UAE jobless rate to rise slightly in 2009 Emirates Business 24/7
  119. ^ Employment: Rate up to 72.3 per cent. Office for National Statistics. 2010-07-14 [2010-07-14]. 
  120. ^ Employment Situation Summary United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
  121. ^ [85] National Institute of Statistics (INE) - Uruguay
  122. ^ Background Note: Uzbekistan U.S. Department of State
  123. ^ [86] The Vanuatu National Statistics Office (VNSO)
  124. ^ [87] National Institute of Statistics (INE) - Venezuela
  125. ^ [88] The Virgin Islands Department of Labor
  126. ^ [89] Service Territorial de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STSEE)
  127. ^ Microcredit and microfinance the solution to Yemen's employment problem Zawya
  128. ^ [90] Central Statistical Office, Zambia
  129. ^ [91]

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