9A Unit3

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 15:57:34
1. 发胖                                                                  2. 尝试更多的锻炼
3. 处理                                                                  4. 时不时地,有时
5. 有足够的时间做作业                                         6. 有充足的睡眠
7. 几乎把我逼疯                                                    8. 没有可交谈的亲密朋友
9. 有太多的测验和考试                                         10. 与家庭成员没有交流
11.     Tom has to give up ________________(play)computer games.
12.     Yesterday he __________________(quarrel) with a policeman in the street at that time.
13.     I don’t know how ________________(solve)the problem.
14.     I told her what _______________(do) in PE lessons.
15.     I _______________(wait) for the bus at five yesterday afternoon.
16.     It’s said that Yao Ming ______________(come) to our city next week.
17.     She was not strong enough ___________(move) the desk.
18.     It is important for us ___________(spend) some time on our hobbies.
19.     Time ________(fly). Two years _____________(pass) since I saw him last time.
20.     Mary ______________(not believe) it until she __________(see) it with her own eyes.
21.     I feel tired in class. (画线提问)_______________________________________.
22.     Maybe you’re right. (改为同义句)You ______________________________ right.
23.     I am crazy about games. (画线提问)___________________ you __________________ ?
24.     Painting is my favourite. (改为同义句)I ______________________________ .
25.     Many students asked me how they could solve their problems. (改为同义句)
Many students asked me _______________________ their problems.
26.     Can you tell us who to talk to and where to get help when we have problems? (改为同义句)
Can you tell us _____________ talk to and ____________  get help when we have problems?
27.     Let’s __________ the egg _________.
A. colour, red            B. colours, into red        C. colours, red                     D. colour, in red
28.     Nobody except Li Ping and Liu Hai _______at school this time yesterday.
A. are                    B. is                        C. were                   D. was
29.     I would prefer you _________on Sunday.
A. to swim             B. swim                   C. swimming            D. swam
30.     He ___________here for about two hours.
A. has come           B. has arrived           C.  has been                   D. has got to
31.     ‘Must I finish the homework today?’  ‘No, you___________.’
A. mustn’t             B. don’t                   C. can’t                   D. needn’t
32.     ---Why not read the evening newspaper today?           ---Because there’s __________in it.
A. important things    B. something important        C. anything important   D. nothing important
33.     吃的太多对你的胃没有好处。__________________________________________.
34.     也许他能给你一些如何处理这些问题的建议。
35.     过多的抽烟喝酒有害你的健康。______________________________________________.
36.     喝足够的牛奶有益于青少年保持健康。_________________________________________.
37.     家太吵了。电视总是开着。____________________________________.
38.     她的堂姐总是大吵大闹,并且当她学习时妨碍她.
39.     他没有亲密的朋友。但他不觉得孤独。____________________________________________.
Many people believe they are supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day, or about two liters. Why? Because that is what they have been told all their life. But a recent medical report offers some different advice. Experts suggest people should obey their bodies: they should drink as much water as they feel like drinking.
The report says most healthy people meet their daily needs for liquid by letting thirst be their guide. The report is from the Institute of Medicine, which provides scientific and technical advice to the government and the public. The report contains some general suggestions. It says women should get about 2.7 liters of water daily and men about 3.7 liters. But wait -- in each case, that is more than eight glasses.
There is one important difference. The report does not tell people how many glasses of water are needed to meet these guidelines. This is because the daily water requirement can include the water content in foods.
As you might expect, the Institute of Medicine says people need to drink more water when they are physically active. The same is true of those who live in hot climates. Depending on heat and activity, people could need twice as much water as others do.
All this, however, does not answer one question. No one seems sure why people have idea that good health requires eight glasses of water daily. It may have started with a misunderstanding.
How much water should we drink every day
belief or advice
the ______40._________ of water needed daily
______41.________ public belief
eight glasses of water
____43.________ glasses of water
a recent ____42.______ report
3.7 liters of water
2.7 liters of water
while doing hard _____44.__________ or in the hot ______45.____________
7.4 liters of water
____46._______ liters of water
Generally ________47._________ amount of water needed daily
as much as our bodies need, _____48._________ the water from other 49.______________
1. 拒绝做那么多的作业                       2. 变得越来越瘦
3. 按时上交作业                            4. 陷入麻烦
5. 允许我在外面玩                           6. 达成二者之间的平衡
7. 为英语疯狂                              8. 对学生严格
9. 呆在外面很迟                            10. 期望收到你的信
11. 第二天感到更累                           12. 向我提供一些建议
13.     I can’t sleep at all because some people __________________(吵架) upstairs.
14.     Is Sandy your __________(亲密) friend?
15.     I’m sorry to __________________(打扰) so early.
16.     Thank you for giving us so many  _______________. (建议)
17.     Our teachers are ____________(严格) because they want us to be the best.
18.     What do you often do in your _______________ (闲暇) time?
19.     Can you tell me how ____________ (solve) the problem.
20.     Do you know UNICEF is one of the charity _____________(organize)?
21.     His ___________(hobby) are dancing and swimming.
22.     She was so _____________(worry) that she couldn’t keep calm.
23.     She is ____________(require) to finish the work in two hours.
24.     Thanks for _____________(share) your happiness with all of us.
25.     Watching films ____________(help) me forget my problems.
26.     She felt _____________(stress) from time to time.
27.     They did nothing but _______________ (watch) TV last night.
28.     There is _______ “u” and ______ “s” in the word “use”
A. a; a                          B. a; an                     C. an; a                  D. an; an
29.     -- Mike has lunch at school.         -- __________.
A. So does Tom         B So has Tom             C So Tom has             D So has Tom
30.     What________ I’m from the USA?
A. does make you think                                    B. makes you thinking
C. makes you think                                         D. make you think
31.     Ted is _______ boy. He can swim and surf.
A. a 11-year-old          B. an 11-year-old         C. a 11-years-old         D. an 11-years-old
32.     Where and when ______ the accident _______?
A. has; happened         B. was; happened        C. is; happening         D. did; happen
33.     They have _________ since the factory opened.
A. left the school        B. joined the team        C. become a worker  D. worked there
34.     I’ll______ when I _________low marks.
A. get sad; get             B. sad; have                       C. be sad; got              D. get sadly; get
35.     —— How many kites can you see in the sky?   —— ________ at all.
A. Nothing        B. None           C. Not              D. Some
36.     他感到有点孤独,因为他没有亲密的朋友交谈。
37.     有些学生总是忘记准时交作业。
38.     父母不理解我们为什么在业余爱好上花这么多的时间。
39.     我这么做的原因是我对绘画太痴迷了。
40.     姚明在打篮球上获得了成功。
41.     谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。
42.     格林先生总是乐意给你们提一些有关怎样养宠物的建议。
43.     我想知道如何达到学与玩之间的平衡。
If you do not use your arms and legs for some time, they will become weak. When you start u  44    them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the s   45    way.
When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his m   46  in practice by using it. When someone says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough c   47     to become strong.
If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a p   48    memory, many of us think his parents may be blamed, and f  49  of us know that it is his own fault. Have you ever f  50    that some people can not read or write but usually they have b   51    memories? This is because they can’t read or write and they have to remember things. They can not write t  52  in a small notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs, and stories, s   53    their memory is always being exercised.
So if you want to have a good memory, practice remembering things in a way as other people do.
1.处理、对付                               2. 没有空闲时间来顾及爱好
3. 集中精力在作业上                         4. 没有选择
5. 熬夜干某事                               6. 对……感到很难受
7. 值得一读                                 8. 盼望一个假期
9. 与某人就某事争吵                         10. 大量的
11.允许某人干某事                            12. 对……疯狂执着
13.拥有我父母的支持                         14. 采纳某人的建议
15.     Our English teacher is very s__________ with us. He’s a good teacher.
16.     You can’t go to college without your parents’ s__________.
17.     If you want to s__________,you must keep on working hard.
18.     You’d better make a l__________ of what you want to buy.
19.     No one can a___________ anything without effort.
20.   It’s a serious problem that a lot of water ____________ (waste)in our city every day.
21.   By now, he with his family ____________(live) on the farm for nearly 20 years.
22.   ---Hey, how do you like the city of Nanjing?
--- It’s beautiful. I like the scenery and the food here. I __________(stay) here for another week.
23.   The shoes aren’t worth ___________(buy) at all.
24.   I wish I __________(have) your support.
25.   It’s said that Mr Xu ________________ (interview) Yao Ming tomorrow.
26.   Time __________(fly). Ten years __________(pass) since I left my hometown.
27.   I really don’t know when __________(begin) the meeting.
28.   How important it is ____________(learn) English well.
29.   Books and magazines can’t __________(take) out of the library.
四. 选择填空
30.  _____ may not seem very _____.
A. Watch TV; useful B. Watch TV; usefully    C. Watching TV; usefully D. Watching TV; useful
31.  Jim sat _____ to his mother with his eyes half _____ .
A. closed; opened   B. close; open               C. closely; opening        D. closely; opened
32.  We must be strict _____ ourselves and strict _____ our work.
A. in; with         B. with; in              C. in; in                D. with; with
33.  Don’t open the window, _____ ?
A. shall we         B. won’t you            C. do you                      D. will you
34.  Do you have any other _____ to make on the subject?
A. advices          B. information            C. suggestions           D. news
35.  The workers were made _____ the whole day.
A. work            B. to work              C. worked              D. working
36.  I can’t decide _____ .
A. what to do it   B. how shall I do it        C. how to do it          D. what shall I do it
37.  The students went out of the classroom _____ .
A. noise              B. noisy               C. noisily                 D. quiet
38.  _____ of the twins has been there before.
A. Both                 B. Neither             C. all                    D. None
39.  The colours of his trousers are different from _____ of yours.
A. one              B. ones             C. that                     D. those
40.  “What do you think of his surfing?”    “Oh, no one does _____ .”
A. good             B. well                C. better                  D. best
41.  Running and swimming _____ good for you.
A. be               B. is                   C. are                  D. maybe
42. 房间的灯还亮着,你能把它们关掉吗?__________________________________?
43. 我希望这条建议能对你有帮助。_______________________________________________.
44. 运动能帮助我们放松,让我们的生活丰富多彩。
45. 你能告诉我如何在这两者之间达到平衡吗?
46. 目前打排球是他最喜欢的业余爱好._____________________________________________.
47. 一些父母要求孩子放弃爱好而集中精力学习._______________________________________.
48. 我时常感到有压力和生气,因为我的父母对我要求很严格.
49. 你能给我提供一些建议吗?他们将对我很有价值。
Shenzhen is a city in South China.It is not very big, but it has attracted people of the whole country and the whole world as well. Just about twenty years ago, it was only a small fishing village. There were not many people there. Most of them lived on fishing. Things have greatly changed since the 1980’s. It became the first special economic zone(经济特区) in China.
Because of the opening policy(政策), economic changes between China and the outside world have increased greatly.People can come and go easily between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.Both foreigners and Chinese have built a lot of factories, companies and tourists' attractions there.People all over the country have come to find jobs.Many of them have settled down in this new booming(兴起的) city.
Shenzhen is developing so fast that it has become a well-known metropolis(大都市) in China.
50.Shenzhen lies     China.
A.in the south of                B.to the south of                    C.in the north of               D.on the south of
51.About twenty years ago most of the people in Shenzhen      .
A.  worked in the factories                                       B.did housework
C.caught fish for a living                                        D.lived a happy life
52.When did Shenzhen become a special economic zone﹖
A.十九世纪八十年代。                                           B.二十世纪八十年代。
C.十九世纪八十年代初。                                        D.十八世纪九十年代。
53. What have foreigners done in Shenzhen﹖
A.      They have come to visit their friends.         B. They have built a lot of factories and companies.
C.      They have got plenty of money from China.  D.They have come to buy things.
54.Many of them have settled down in this new booming city.“settled down” means     .
A.made down              B.sat down                C.began to work        D.stayed there
1.允诺上学不再迟到                                                     2.允许我外出
3.要求学生不要在课上大叫                                           4.最后一个离开的
5.发现她的房子着火了                                                  6.没有必要做某事
7.说实话                                                                       8.没有勇气和朋友分担我的烦恼
9.找到一个宁静的学习地方                          10.为我腾出时间
11.只关心考试后的分数                                                12.调低电视音量
13.把某人单独留下                                                       14.让父母看到你的进步
15.     We don’t know _________________.
A. to do what                B. what to do                C. how to do                D. what to do it
16.     The sun is shining. _____________ fine day it is!
A. How                        B. How a                      C. What a                     D. What
17.     Could you tell me _______ the Internet?
A. how to search           B. how search               C. how can I search             D. how searching
18.     The boy is crazy about football. He often plays it for three hours and forgets _______ to stop.
A. what                        B. when                       C. how                         D. where
19.     He says he always quarrels ________ his cousin.
A. to                            B. with                         C. in                                   D. on
20.     Doing eye exercises ______ good _______ your health.
A. is; at                        B. are; at                      C. is; for                      D. are; for
21.     During the Spring Festival friends get together and go ____________ greeting each other.
A. from a house to a house                                B. from a house to house
C. from house to house                                     D. from house to a house
A. Subject     B. Predicative       C. Object     D. Object complement      E. Attributive
F. Adverbial (to express purpose)      G. Adverbial (to express result)
22.     (      ) I hope to visit the Great Wall in July.
23.     (      ) Simon often stays out late to play football.
24.     (      ) My dream is to be a teacher.
25.     (      ) It is important to learn English well.
26.     (      ) The teacher advises him to achieve a balance between work and play.
27.     (      ) He’s not a person to get along well with.
28.     (      ) The little baby has grown up to be a beautiful girl.
when, where, who, what, which, how
29.     He doesn’t know ______to get there. I think he can take a bus.
30.     He doesn’t know _______ to buy a good camera. I think he can get one in Five Star Mall.
31.     He doesn’t know _______to hand in the homework. I think he may do it tomorrow.
32.     He doesn’t know ______ to ask for help. I think he can go to the teacher.
33.     He doesn’t know _______to buy. I told him there is nothing in the fridge.
34.     Long long ago, people didn’t know _______________( what to make / how to make) a fire.
35.     It’s hard for Eddie to decide _________________ (what to wear/ when to wear).
36.     Mr Smith is learning _______________ (how to use / which to use) chopsticks.
37.     Let’s decide _________________ (what to go on / where to go on) the summer holiday.
38.     There isn’t any time left. Can you tell me ____________ (when to leave for / where to leave for) the train station?
39.     I don’t have close friends so I can’t find ________________ (what to talk with / who to talk with) when I have problems.
40.     Calm down and I will tell you _________________ (how to do / what to do) next.
41.     I don’t know _______________ (which to choose / how to choose), the red shirt or the blue one.
42.     Sandy wants to know where to ask for advice.
Sandy wants to know _________ _________ _________ _________ for advice.
43.     Linda knows who to talk to for help.
Linda knows _________ ________ ________ ________ for help.
44.     They asked when they should leave for London.
They asked _________ ________ ________ for London.
45.     The youth workers at your own school can help you.
You can ________ ________ ________ the youth workers at your own school.
46.     Could you tell us where we can show our tickets?
Could you tell us _________ ________ ________ our tickets?
47.     “Don’t make the same mistake again ,” our Maths teacher always says.
Our Maths teacher always tells us _______ _______ _______ the same mistake again.
48.     I would like to give up English because it is hard to learn.
English is _________ hard ________ I ________ ________ giving it up.
49.     我不知道如何解决这个问题。
50.     Tom不知道该和谁玩。
51.     我忘了下一步应该做什么了。
52.     我们还没有决定是否要请求一些建议。
53.     请告诉我何时把它递给你。
54.     他需要学会如何达到工作和玩耍之间的平衡。
1.  __________ the disabled is one of our duties.
A. Help              B. Helping               C. To help               D. B and C
2.  My dream is __________ a dancer.
A. be                B. become              C. becoming             D. to become
3.  Many visitors come to China ___________ the Great Wall.
A. see               B. to see               C. seeing                D. will see
4.  In the past, the boss often made some teenagers _________ twenty hours a day.
A. to work           B. work                C. working               D. worked
5.  Don’t read in the sun, __________?
A. do you            B. are you              C. will you               D. don’t you
6.  The little girl often ___________ whether it is true.
A. knows            B. tells                 C. doubts                D. says
7.  Remember to close the door when you leave.   -- _______________.
A. Ok, I will              B. No, I won’t                   C. No, I don’t               D. Yes, I do
8.  Do you remember __________ to do next to restart the computer?
A. how             B. when                 C. where                D. what
9.  __________ fine weather it __________ yesterday!
A. How, was        B. What a, were                 C. What, was             D. How a, were
10.     You’d better learn __________ a balance between work and rest.
A. how to achieve          B. how can you achieve C. what to achieve   D. What you should achieve
11.     I don’t have enough time on my hobbies.
12.     What lovely weather!
13.     I often go to see my grandparents.
14.     How much I miss you!
15.     Where can I find a taxi?
16.     Must I finish the work today?
17.     You’ll come here, won’t you?
18.     Help! Help!
19.     Who will teach us English, Mr Li or Mr Wang?
20.     Let’s go and play football.
Positive Statement ______________                Question with or ______________
Negative Statement _______________              Tag questions _________________
Yes/No question __________________            Imperatives __________________
Wh- questions ___________________         .   Exclamations _________________
22.     Mrs Kim, my aunt, will come soon.                      (         )
23.     It is his father’s company.                              (         )
24.     Do you like playing basketball.                    (         ) (         )
25.     We should try our best to study hard.                       (         )
26.     Some people think you are selfish at times.                   (         )
27.     Anybody who feels tired or weak should wear colors that make you feel energetic.        (         ) (         )
28.     We consider Mr Zhang the best teacher.                   (         )
29.     Anybody who see anything unusual at the scene of the crime can call the police.    (         ) (         )
30.     Do you think he is rather clever.                           (         )
31.     Did your parents give you a birthday present.                         (         ) (         )
32.     虽然她已经给我提供了很多建议,但我仍然不知道如何学习。
33.     说实话,Kate是我们班最有活力的女孩。_________________________________________.
34.     Smith先生对我们非常严格,但是慢慢地我发现他很幽默。
35.     不要忘记明天晚上早一点回家,我们得为晚会做准备。
36.     我的父母很少关心我在学习上的进步,他们总是因为生活中的小事与我争吵。
Maybe you are w___37___ how we students spend our free time, so I’ll tell you what I did last weekend.
On Saturday morning, I stayed in bed until 9 o’clock, w___38___ my mother woke me up, “Wendy! Get out of bed, you lazy little pig!” she said. “You can’t lie in bed all day, and you’ve got homework to do, haven’t you?” Are all mothers so angry like that?
Anyway, I got out of bed and asked for a hamburger. But my mother said, “ No, Wendy. You can have hamburgers only three times a week, and you’ve had t___39___, you have them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So I’m going to give you a glass of milk, an egg and some fruit for your breakfast. It’s good for your health.” You see, my mother had already p___40___ everything for me.
After breakfast I got out my workbook. I had to do my maths homework on Saturday. But I think we never need to use maths in our d__41__ lives. Computers can do all our counting, can’t they? I spent the whole morning doing the maths exercises. My mother watched me all the time.
At last I finished all! My mother was pleased. But I said in my h__42____, “ I hate maths!”
S__43__ after lunch, Mother said, “Wendy, it’s already time for you to do your geography homework!” Geography! How I like geography! I like Mr Tomlinson. He always takes us a__44___ the world in his class. Mr Tomlinson asked us to plan a trip to Egypt. I made my plan carefully. It took me nearly the whole afternoon. Mother was a b__45__ worried. She asked, “When will you do your other homework?” So I had to spend the whole evening not watching TV b__46___ doing homework.
1.  I think studying is _______ important work.
A. a                                        B. an                            C. /                              D. the
2.  ‘Help _______ to some beef,’ said Mr Green to Wang Lin and John.
A. you                                    B. your                         C. yourself                   D. yourselves
3.  Mr Read asked me _____ I was going to study abroad and I said ‘Yes.’
A. how                                   B. when                       C. why                         D. whether
4.  -- Do you know Jack well?   -- Certainly. We _____ friends since ten years ago.
A. were                                  B. have become             C. have made                D. have been
5.  Look out, Jenny. Don’t ______ your shirt wet.
A. get                                     B. made                        C. keep                        D. let
6.  -- I have got a problem. I am worried.   --____________.
A. I’m glad to hear that                                               B. I’m sorry to hear that
C. What are the problems                                           D. What’s wrong with you?
7.  My friend hasn’t _______ my e-mail.
A. answer                               B. reply to                    C. answered to                     D. replied to
8.  --Thank you for your advice.  --__________.
A. It’s all right                         B. All right                    C. Never mind                     D. My pleasure
9.  She still found sport _______ for her but she could deal with it.
A. easy                                  B. difficulty                  C. is difficult                D. difficult
10.     Seventy percent of people of our city _____ workers.
A. am                                  B. is                             C. are                           D. has
11.     I am greatly interested in this painting. Something in it ____ the painter’s deep love for nature.
A. expresses                        B. discusses                  C. expects                    D. imagines
12.     It’s said in the newspaper that 215 more new schools ______ in Zhengzhou by 2020.
A. are building                     B. were built                 C. have built                 D. will be built
13.     -- You look so ______ in this picture. You usually don’t dress like that.
-- Oh, I was at a party. I took it just for fun.
A. serious                           B. different                   C. worried                    D. friendly
14.     Could you tell me whom the radio _____  by?  -- Sorry, I have no idea.
A. invents                            B. invented                   C. is invented                D. was invented
15.     -- Excuse me, Mr Li, I don’t know the meaning of the whole sentence. What shall I do?
-- You’d better first _______ the new words.
A. look for                           B. look up                     C. look through             D. look at
16.     Some of the children are not sure how to d_______ with sudden events.
17.     Good friends can s___________ sadness as well as happiness.
18.     I was just to r___________ to the phone when you came in.
19.     You should tell us the t_______________ , or we can’t help you.
20.     Animals are our friends, so p__________ them is our duty.
21.     Would you mind ________ (look) after my pet dog while I am away?
22.     Who does well in __________ (draw) in our class?
23.     _____________ (not laugh) at the people in trouble. We should do something to help them.
24.     The man’s job is _____________ (mend) cars.
25.     Thanks for _____________ (listen) to my problem and _________ (give) me your advice.
四、 翻译
26.     Lisa 在考试中成绩优异。但运动方面却不擅长。
27.     觉得难过时,就和你最好的朋友谈谈吧。_________________________________________.
28.     好朋友是可以相互分享快乐和悲伤的。__________________________________________.
29.     嘲笑别人是一种不礼貌的行为。________________________________________.
30.     你回信给他了么?_____________________________________________?
31.     大风使得气温似乎比实际的气温要低。_________________________________________.
32.     当同学们答不出问题时,我们不应当嘲笑他们。_____________________________.
33.     请注意你的文章中几个拼写错误。____________________________________.
All over the world people swim for fun. Swimming is enjoyed by people of 1 ages, from the very young to the very old. There are many places for people to swim in swimming pools. Many schools, hotels and clubs have swimming pools. Some people have pools of 2 in their yards.
Swimming is one of 3 forms of exercise. It can 4 hearts and bodies strong. It can also help blood circulate(循环). Handicapped people can keep their bodies in better condition by swimming 5 they can't enjoy sports.  6  is a good idea for parents to see to it(务必做到) that their children learn to swim 7 an early age. So their children will 8 it for the rest of their lives.
There are many rules for water safety. These rules can help save not only your life 9 the life of a friend. First of all, know 10 . Many schools 11  swimming lessons to children. Adults can learn to swim at public pools.  12  rule to remember is never to swim  13 . Always swim with a friend and know  14  in the water at all times. It is best to swim  15  in safe places if you are beginners. If every one learned to swim and obeyed the rules for water safety, most drawing(溺水) could be avoided.
(   ) 1. A. all          B. any                       C. some                      D. both
(   ) 2.A.themselves    B. their own                  C. theirs own               D. their own’s
(   ) 3.A.good         B. better                          C. best                        D. the best
(   ) 4.A.help         B. let                                C. make                      D. show
(   ) 5.A.though       B. as                               C. so                          D. until
(   ) 6.A.That         B. There                          C. This                       D. It
(   ) 7.A.over         B. during                           C. at                         D. on
(   ) 8.A.learn         B. enjoy                            C. stop                      D.know
(   ) 9.A.and aim      B. still                                C.and yet                   D. but also
(   ) 10.A.how to swim  B. why swimming          C. how swimming   D. why to swim
(   ) 11.A.have        B. take                              C. give                       D. make
(   ) 12.A.The other one   B. Other             C. An other         D. Another
(   ) 13.A.alone        B. yourself                       C. lonely                    D. together
(   ) 14.A.who what person is            B. where that person is
C. who is that person             D. where is that person
(   ) 15. A. nearly      B. hardly                      C. almost                        D. only
1、对某人大喊                        2、责备你的父母
3、实际上                            4、与某人同年龄的
5、同样的问题                        6、变得更糟糕
7、遭受疾病之苦                      8、产生压力的原因
9、提前计划                         10、解决压力的办法
1.         “This made me feel angry.” is a kind of _____ structure.(结构)
A. S + V + O         B. S + V + DO              C. S + V + IO + DO      D. S + V + DO + OC
2.         The teacher asked Mr. Smith to _____ for a moment.
A. hold up                B. hold on            C. hold off                            D. hand in
3.         _____ may not seem very _____.
A. Watch TV; useful B. Watch TV; usefully  C. Watching TV; usefully D. Watching TV; useful
4.         No matter _______ the weather is like, he will go swimming.
A. how                      B. what                     C. if                               D. what’s
5.       I’ll______ when I _________low marks.
A. be sad; got                B. get sad; get                C. sad; have                       D. get sadly; get
6.       ____ Tim ____ Lucy may go with you because one of them has to stay at home.
A. Neither; nor               B. So; that                  C. Both; and                   D. Either; or
7.       --Take a cigarette(香烟), please. -- No, thanks. _______ three years since I stopped smoking.
A. It was                    B. They have been          C. It is                            D. There was
8.       We must be strict _____ ourselves and strict _____ our work.
A. in; with                 B. with; with          C. with; in                    D. in; in
9.       Eating more vegetables and having enough sleep _____ good for you.
A. be                     B. is                   C. are                                D. maybe
10.   Can you please spend _____ explaining it _____ us?
A. sometimes; to           B. some time; to          C. some times; for              D. sometime; for
11.     What can we do _______ money for the homeless children?
A. raise                        B. raising                      C. raised                       D. to raise
12.     Jack is ______ of the two boys.
A. tall                           B. taller                        C. the taller                   D. the tallest one
13.     We _______ friends for almost ten years.
A. used to be                B. have been                 C. has been                   D. will be
14.     Mr Wang offered _______ me some books.
A. give                         B. to give                      C. giving                      D. given
15.     Have you ever _______ Jackson – a very famous pop singer in the US?
A. heard of                   B. hear of                            C . heard                      D. heard from
16.     You have watered Mother’s plants, haven’t you?  --_________. I’ll do it now.
A. Yes, I have               B. No, I have                C. Yes, yet                    D. Not yet
17.     Now we only play ________ songs anytime anywhere.
A. ours                         B. ourselves                  C. our own                   D. ours own
18.     Yesterday evening I heard someone else next door ______ for a whole night.
A. sang                        B. sung                        C. sings                        D. sing
19.     Our teacher asked us to clean up our classroom ______.
A. to turns                    B. by turns                   C. on turns                   D. from turns
20.     You’d better ______ upstairs and tell the children ______ make so much noise.
A. to go, to                   B. go, don’t                  C. to go, not to             D. go, not to
1. -- ___________ you ever __________ (ride) a horse?  -- No, not even once.
2. How happy we are ____________ (see) each other again!
3. What ________ you __________ (do) from 7:00 to 9:00yesterday evening?
4. It _________ just __________ (rain) heavily. The ground is quite wet.
5. Jim _____________ (come) back to England next week, is he?
6. The teacher let him _________ (copy) all the new words three times.
7. Didn’t you hear the sound of the cats ___________ (fight) last night?
8. Keep quiet, please! The sisters _____________. (sleep)
9. He ________ your glasses and ran away. (break)
10.My brother ___________ a lot of money on books last year. (spend)
11. Li Qiang is __________ (good) at sports than the others in his school.
12. Millie has written a report on the ____________ (solve) to stress.
13. _____________ (plan) ahead can help you do better.
14. At first, the visitor _______________ (pay) no attention to the dog.
15. What ____________ (worry) the students most is their low mark.
16. She _________ (suffer) from headaches sometimes.
17. There is only one way ___________ (deal) with his problem.
18. He ________________ (choose) to be a doctor after his mother died.
19. Where ________ you _________ (be) these days?
20. We ___________ (see) several members of the family since we __________ (arrive)
11.     有几种解决压力的简单办法。________________________________________________.
12.     事实上和我同龄的很多学生都感到有压力。_____________________________________ .
13.     他们中的一部分人不能肯定如何处理这个问题。____________________________________ .
14.     父母可能认为看电视没有用。_________________________________________________.
15.     如果你不知道和谁谈,你始终可以给我写信。________________________________________.
16.     把你的烦恼留给自己只能使压力问题变得更糟。____________________________________.
21.     别担心你的问题。我有一些有用的方法解决它们。
22.     我们把墙刷成蓝色。这样能帮助我们放松自己。
23.     多精彩的比赛啊! 我从没看过比这更好的了。_____________________________________.
24.     我们好象比较喜欢呆在外面很晚,以来放松自己。
25.     虽然Sandy已经给我提供了很多建议,但我仍然不知道如何与同学相处。
1. 忙于做作业                               2. 受洪涝之苦
3. 那场交通事故的原因                                         4. 因体重感到难过
5. 去最喜欢的饭店美餐一顿                       6. 回复他们的信件
7.    ______ you _________ Yao Ming before? (interview)
8.    The boy promised _____________ (not be ) late for school again..
9.    It           (rain) heavily when school was over yesterday.
10.     Metal is often used to ____________(make) medals.
11.     His son used to ________ ( play ) computer games after school.
12.     He was used to __________ (get ) up late.
13.     --Have you seen the man ____________(lie) on the ground?
-- Yes. He ________ (lie) there since yesterday.
14.     There is no need ______________(disturb) him.
15.     I’m not sure if it ________(rain) next Sunday. If it ___________(rain), we will stay at home.
16.     Her sister __________(have) her mobile phone________ (steal) on the bus last Sunday.
17.     Visitors are not allowed ____________ (take) photos in the museum.
18.     The foreign visitors_____________ (show) around our school yesterday.
19.     I saw the traffic accident ____________ yesterday. ( happen )
20.     She         (wonder) whether this film is worth __________ (see).
21.     When she opened the door, she found everything ___________(cover) with snow.
22.     We don’t allow _________ (smoke) in the office.
23.     Our teacher asked us to answer these questions _____.
A. to turns                           B. from turns                C. by turns                   D. on turns
24.     Jim sat ________ to his mother with his eyes half __________.
A. closely; opened                B. closed; opened          C. closely; opening        D. close; open
25.     Do you have any other ___________to make on the subject?
A. advices                           B. information               C. suggestions                     D. news
26.     The colours of his trousers are different from ________ of yours.
A. one                                 B. ones                         C. that                          D. those
27.     -- What do you think of his drawing?   --Oh, no one does _________.
A. good                               B. well                         C. better                       D. best
28.     The little girl often ___________ whether it is true.
A. knows                             B. tells                 C. doubts                D. says
29.     “We consider him very patient.” is a kind of _____ structure.(结构)
A. S + V + O                B. S + V + IO + DO     C. S + V + DO              D. S + V + DO + OC
30.     The teacher asked Mr. Smith to _____ for a moment.
A. hand in                           B. hold up                C. hold off                    D. hold on
31. ____ Tim ____ Lucy may go with you because one of them has to stay at home.
A. Neither; nor                     B. So; that                  C. Both; and             D. Either; or
32.   My teachers are always strict ______ us and strict ______ our manners.
A. in; with                        B. with; in             C. in; in                D. with; with
33.   There seems ________ a lot of money in his pocket.
A. to have                             B. having                      C. to be                        D. being
34.   ________ useful advice he has given!
A. What an                          B. What a                     C. What                       D. How
35.   I really don’t know what __________.
A. are they listening              B. are they listening to    C. they are listening      D. they are listening to
36.   Would you please _______ tomorrow?
A. hand in it                         B. hand it in                  C. to hand in it                     D. to hand it in
37.   My parents always _______ when I ______ low marks.
A. get angrily; get                B. be angry; got            C. angry; have              D. get angry;
38.   我要她不要注意嘲笑她的那些学生。________________________________________.
39.   他太骄傲了以致没有勇气和朋友分担烦恼。
40.   非常感谢倾听我的问题并给我提建议。__________________________________________.
41.   我父母不关心考试后的成绩,但每天留一些时间陪我。
42.   我们总是从老师那里得到很多作业。________________________________________.
43.   这本书很有价值,值得一读。_____________________________________________.
Let’s go hiking!
Most people enjoy hiking. Hiking is not only a healthy but also a relaxing activity. The reason why people go hiking is different from person to person. Here are some of the most popular reasons for people to hike:
First of all, hiking is very good exercise which will improve people’s body. It’s good exercise that doesn’t hurt your body. Secondly, hiking is simple and cheap. All you need to do is to wear a pair of hiking boots and your smile to start. Finally, hiking is the best way to get away from your everyday life. You could hike alone or go with your friends. After hiking, you will have a clear mind and then return to work with confidence. So why not plan your hiking route right away? (2007  成都)
The reasons why hiking is  _44_________________
General reason
It’s  _45______________ and  _46_________________
Reason 1
It’s good exercise that can  _47_____________ without  _48______________it.
Reason 2
It’s simple and cheap because buying  _49__________ and wearing your  _50_____________ are enough.
Reason 3
It’s the best way to get away from everyday life and return with _51_____________ and  _52________________.