Chinese company to sue Apple over iPad trademark

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Chinese company to sue Apple over iPad trademark

08:42, October 27, 2010      

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iPad, Apple's tablet computer, is being subjected to a trademark crisis because a Chinese company called Proview International claims it has the rights over the iPad trademark and will sue Apple for 10 billion yuan in losses, according to Beijing's local newspaper.

Proview International said its subsidiary Proview Taipei registered the trademarks of iPad computer and other electronics products in Europe and other places in 2000. In July and September of 2001, Proview Technology (Shenzhen) company, wholly owned by Proview International, applied to register two iPad trademarks in China.

The iPad computer, made by Proview Taipei, did not achieve market success at that time, so Apple bought the rights to use the trademark iPad from Proview Taipei. However, Proview Technology (Shenzhen) company still reserved the rights to use the iPad trademark in China. The two sides are entangled in a legal battle with each other.

But Proview Technology (Shenzhen) company is currently suffering from a debt crisis.

Apple has stopped its negotiations the lawsuit against Proview Technology (Shenzhen) company, which is facing bankruptcy, while the ownership of the iPad trademark is not clear.

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