
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/01 08:39:35


Change to the value of the renminbi is one of them.


Last week I met with the president of one of our client companies, one of the world's largest furniture businesses. The president is a real salt-of-the-earth guy. He lives in America's heartland and is the kind of fine gentleman you see on the sidelines of your children's Little League games cheering on the kids.


He's the kind of American patriot who displays an American flag on his porch, supports our men and women who fight for our freedom, and drives a Ford pick-up truck. He is not a vampire banker from Goldman Sachs ( GS - news - people ) or a greed-driven hedge fund manager seeking profits at any cost. He gives you a firm handshake and looks you squarely in the eye when talking.
We were sitting in my office overlooking Shanghai's financial district one smoggy day. I asked him what he thought about Congress pushing for appreciation of China's currency, the renminbi, or yuan. His immediate answer: "It would be the worst thing for my company." (His company is 100% owned by Americans, by the way.) First, he said, an appreciating renminbi cuts into his company's profits, which lowers bonuses, salaries and dividends for employees in the U.S. Why would anyone want to lower the profits of American companies during a financial crisis?


Second, an appreciating renminbi also would not save American jobs, he argued: "That saving American jobs argument is ridiculous." Companies would "transfer production to lower-cost places like Vietnam or Indonesia. There is no way companies will shift back to the United States." The shift to lower-cost production areas has already begun happening as labor and real estate costs have risen in China. Nike ( NKE - news - people ) and Adidas ( ADDDY.PK - news - people ) have started relocating their sneaker factories to Indonesia.


My firm, the China Market Research Group, interviewed executives at a hundred big American multinationals operating in China to see if they wanted the renminbi to appreciate. The results might surprise some. The vast majority said they didn't want the currency to rise too much, because that would cut into their profits. Like my client, they said that in that case they would either shift production to lower-cost countries or stay in China but pass their increased costs on to American consumers.


The next time you hear someone in Congress push to appreciate the renminbi, ask them why they would want to make prices higher for everyday Americans at Wal-Mart ( WMT - news - people ) and take away profits for American workers when they need it most. That endangers America's economy as well as China's.


There are two other big dangers facing China's economy.


First, we may be about to enter a period of trade wars that could severely hurt China's exporters. In the run-up to the midterm November elections, the only thing Democrats and Republicans can seem to agree on is to scapegoat China for all of America's economic ills. Ads aired in favor of Ohio representative Zack Space accuse his Republican opponent, Bob Gibbs, of sending Ohioans' jobs to China. In an ad featuring the ominous image of Chairman Mao, Spike Maynard, a Republican challenger for Congress in West Virginia, charges that incumbent Nick Rahall supported a bill that created wind-turbine manufacturing jobs in China instead of at home.


Many observers say that a trade war is not in the interests of anyone and the world's governments are too smart to allow one to break out. They are right that trade wars won't help the economy, but I'm not so sure about that second part. Since when have governments been immune to fits of stupidity? In our dismal current political climate, Republicans and Democrats are doing whatever they can to get elected, and they're proving all too willing to use bogeymen and push voodoo economics if they feel they need to.


Second, there is a danger that China's state-owned enterprises will re-emerge to dominate the country's economy. In truth, the state-owned sector saved China's economy during the financial crisis. Large state-owned banks like Bank of China and ICBC pumped liquidity into the system and rolled over loans, unlike in America, where JPMorgan and Citigroup ( C - news - people ) stopped lending and started foreclosing too much, destroying consumer confidence. Large Chinese companies promised not to lay off employees even if it cut into their profits. Such actions by the state-owned sector boosted business and consumer confidence in a way that low interest rates never could.


But no country's economy can be sustained in the long term by its state-owned businesses, and China is in danger of allowing state-owned firms to creep back to too much power in its economy after a long period of retreat. Most of those companies are lumbering, bureaucratic engines of inefficiency, driven more by politics than profit, and it will not be good if they are the ones responsible for propping up growth.


In the two decades before the financial crisis, 60% of new jobs in America were created by companies with fewer than 50 employees. More than 9 million Americans submitted their taxes as S corporations in 2008. In China, there is no equivalent of an S corporation.


Unlike in the U.S., where you can start a business out of your garage, as the founders of Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ - news - people ) did, in China you can't start up without first renting an official office and getting approvals from different ministries. Not only can navigating the bureaucracy take several months, but this increases entrepreneurs' financial risk. Far too many have to invest large amounts of capital up front to get an office and hire legal help before their business model is even tested.


Furthermore, new human resource laws implemented in the beginning of 2008 make it costlier to fire workers. As a result, companies are hesitant to add employees to their payrolls and can't hire short-term contract workers for more than a short fixed period.


China's economy remains strong, but the next six months will be rocky, as perils with the renminbi, the election season in the U.S. and a reinvigorated state-run sector threaten the country's long-term economic growth.


Shaun Rein is the founder and managing director of the China Market Research Group, a strategic market intelligence firm. He writes for Forbes on leadership, marketing and China. Follow him on Twitter@shaunrein.
