Poor county attracts 5 billion yuan to rebuild ancient kingdom

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Poor county attracts 5 billion yuan to rebuild ancient kingdom

08:59, October 20, 2010      

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The news that Xinhuang, a poverty-stricken county in south-central China's Hunan Province, plans to invest 5 billion yuan to rebuild the ancient Yelang Kingdom has caused quite a stir in China. Some people expressed their doubts about the huge investment: where does a poverty-stricken county get all that money?

Yelang Kingdom was an ancient political entity first described in the third century B.C. Estimated to have been active for over 200 years, it was an alliance of tribes rather than a conventional state.

Legend has it that the Kingdom of Yelang was a prosperous ethnic kingdom on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Around 26 B.C., the kingdom disappeared.

"The 5 billion yuan comes entirely from private companies, and the county government does not need to pay a penny," a local official familiar with the matter told reporters on Oct. 17.

Investors will pay all costs, including design, planning and construction, and local government and residents will cooperate in a positive manner, the official said.

Wu Jili, director of the Xinhuang Tourism Bureau, said that Hunan Jiulian Construction Company and the China operation of the U.S.-based Pei's P&D, Inc. will jointly undertake the project, and their "Conceptual Plan for the Yelang Kingdom Project in China's Xinhuang County" recently gained approval in Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province. According to the plan, the two companies will invest a total of 5 billion yuan to build four landscapes, namely the Yelang Kingdom, Yelang Grand Canyon, Yanlai Temple and Wushui Corridor, consisting of 20 thematic scenic spots within 10 years.

Wu said that 5 billion yuan is certainly a large amount of money for the poor county Xinhuang.

"The annual fiscal revenue of Xinhuang County is only 70 million yuan. Therefore, everyone who knows the actual situation of Xinhuang County knew that it was impossible for Xinhuang County to pay for the project. This is also the reason why a vast number of netizens have disputes on the funding sources," Wu said.

Wu also said that Xinhuang County is rich in tourism resources. In addition to natural landscapes, such as the Cambrian Grand Canyon, which has wonderful mountains and hills and the Bajiangkou hot springs, it is also the region with the most completely preserved Chinese rice culture, drum tower culture and witchcraft culture.

The unique ethnic customs, such as "Bamboo Worship" and "Cattle Totem" as well as bullfights and dog fights, that have been going on for centuries form the mysterious Yelang culture with rich content. However, it is a pity that such good resources are still kept in the mountains where nobody knows about them.

Zeng Dapeng, chairman of the Jiulian Trading and Business Company, the investor of the "New Xinhuang Ancient Country" project, also agrees with the aforementioned opinion. He said that his reason for trustingly investing 5 billion yuan to the virgin land is that he saw the enormous natural and cultural tourism value of Xinhuang County.

The website chinanews.com contributes to this report.

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