译言网 | 10件你自己都不了解的你的事情

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10 Things You Didn’t Know About You10件你自己都不了解的你的事情
Our body is full of mysteries and things we might never know about, in our entire life, so here we made a list of 10 things you probably didn’t know about yourself.在我们的一生中,我们的身体里蕴藏着连我们都不知道的无数秘密,在这篇文章里我们会为您列举10件可能你有所不知的你的秘密。
10 Your Stomach Secretes Corrosive Acid10. 你的胃会分泌腐蚀酸

There’s one dangerous liquid no airport security can confiscate from you: It’s in your gut. Your stomach cells secrete hydrochloric acid, a corrosive compound used to treat metals in the industrial world. It can pickle steel, but mucous lining the stomach wall keeps this poisonous liquid safely in the digestive system, breaking down lunch.你的内脏里有一种危险液体,但是任何一个机场安检都没有办法没收。你的胃会分泌盐酸,这是工业中用来处理金属的腐蚀性化合物。它可以清洗钢铁,但是胃壁上的粘膜可以让有毒的盐酸安全的待在消化系统内,帮我们消化食物。 9 Body Position Affects Your Memory9. 身体的姿势可以唤起你的记忆

Can’t remember your anniversary, hubby? Try getting down on one knee. Memories are highly embodied in our senses. A scentor sound may evoke a distant episode from one’s childhood. The connections can be obvious (a bicycle bell makes you remember your old paper route) or inscrutable. A recent study helps decipher some of this embodiment. An article in the January 2007 issue of Cognition reports that episodes from your past are remembered faster and better while in a body position similar to the pose struck during the event.丈夫们,是不是想不起来你跟太太的结婚纪念日是哪天了?那就跪下来试试看把。记忆是我们感觉的具体阐释。一种香味或者一个声音都有可能唤起你儿时一个遥远的片段。其中是有某种关联却又那么不可思议(一阵自行车铃的声音会让你回想起过去骑车的路线)。最近的一份研究对解释这种神秘的联系有一定帮助,《认知》杂志2007年1月刊上的一篇文章上说,当你在保持跟过去做这件事一样的姿势时,你会更快更好的回忆起当时发生的事情。
8 Bones Break (Down) to Balance Minerals8. 骨头会为平衡体内钙含量而分解

In addition to supporting the bag of organs and muscles that is our body, bones help regulate our calcium levels. Bones contain both phosphorus and calcium, the latter of which is needed by muscles and nerves. If the element is in short supply, certain hormones will cause bones to break downeupping calcium levels in the bodyeuntil the appropriate extracellular concentration is reached.除了要支撑起我们的器官和肌肉,骨头还会帮我们调节我们体内的钙含量。骨头里含有磷和钙,而其中的钙对于肌肉和神经来说必不可少。如果体内钙元素减少了,一种特定的荷尔蒙就会让骨头分解,释放出一些钙,以保证体内的钙含量达到合适的浓度。
7 Much of a Meal is Food For Thought7. 精神食粮不是吃饭就够的

Though it makes up only 2 percent of our total body weight, thebrain demands 20 percent of the body’s oxygen and calories. To keep our noggin well-stocked with resources, three major cerebral arteries are constantly pumping in oxygen. A blockage or break in one of them starves brain cells of the energy they require to function, impairing the functions controlled by that region. This is a stroke.尽管大脑只占我们人体总重量的2%,它对氧气和热量的需求量却占我们人体所需总量的20%。为了让我们的大脑能很好的储备丰富的资源,三条主要的脑动脉中要始终保持有充足的氧气含量。三条主要脑动脉中如果有阻碍或者被损坏,都会让脑细胞因没有工作所需的能量而饿死,从而损害这些包细胞的工作区域。这就是中风。
6 Thousands of Eggs Unused by Ovaries6. 卵巢中有几千个卵子卵巢从来没有用过

When a woman reaches her late 40s or early 50s, the monthlymenstrual cycle that controls her hormone levels and readies ova for insemination ceases. Her ovaries have been producing less and less estrogen, inciting physical and emotional changes across her body. Her underdeveloped egg follicles begin to fail to release ova as regularly as before. The average adolescent girl has 34,000 underdeveloped egg follicles, although only 350 or so mature during her life (at the rate of about one per month). The unused egg follicles then deteriorate. With no potential pregnancy on the horizon, the brain can stop managing the release of ova.当一个女人48、9或者50出头的时候,控制她体内荷尔蒙水平以及为她提供卵子准备受精的月经周期就会停止。她的卵巢会分泌越来越少的雌性激素,这会使得她的身体和心理上都发生变化,而未发育完全的卵泡就不能像以前一样很有规律的孕育卵子。通常来说,青春期少女体内有34000个发育不完全的卵泡,而其中只有350个会在她以后的的生活中慢慢成熟,变成卵子(大概一个月一个)。没有用过的卵泡就会慢慢退化。如果近期没有怀孕,大脑就可以停止对排卵的干涉。
5 Puberty Reshapes Brain Structure, Makes for Missed Curfews5. 青春期可以重塑大脑结构

We know that hormone-fueled changes in the body are necessary to encourage growth and ready the body for reproduction. But why is adolescence so emotionally unpleasant? Hormones liketestosterone actually influence the development of neurons in the brain, and the changes made to brain structure have many behavioral consequences. Expect emotional awkwardness,apathy and poor decision-making skills as regions in the frontal cortex mature.众所周知,受荷尔蒙的作用,体内的变化对于身体发育来和繁衍生息来说都是极其需要的。但是为什么青少年情绪上会这么不稳定?荷尔蒙像睾丸激素一样,会影响大脑神经细胞的发育,而这些受荷尔蒙作用的变化会让大脑结构相应发生变化,所以就导致了许多行为发生变化。有些不善表达自己情感的、冷漠的、决策力不足的表现都是受前额皮层是否成熟影响。
4 Cell Hairs Move Mucus4. 毛细胞会分泌粘液

Most cells in our bodies sport hair-like organelles called cilia that help out with a variety of functions, from digestion to hearing. In the nose, cilia help to drain mucus from the nasal cavity down to the throat. Cold weather slows down the draining process, causing a mucus backup that can leave you with snotty sleeves. Swollen nasal membranes or condensation can also cause a stuffed schnozzle.我们体内的大部分细胞都是由像头发一样的、被称为纤毛的细胞器中产生的,它们的作用多种多样,不管是消化系统还是听力方面。比方说鼻子,纤毛可以帮助粘液从鼻腔流到喉咙。如果天气冷,这个流动的速度会变慢,粘液就会回流,你就会流鼻涕了。鼻粘膜肿胀或者凝结则会让鼻子不通气(塞住)。
3 Big Brains Cause Cramped Mouths3. 脑子变大会让嘴巴里的空间变小

Evolution isn’t perfect. If it were, we might have wings instead ofwisdom teeth. Sometimes useless features stick around in a species simply because they’re not doing much harm. But wisdom teeth weren’t always a cash crop for oral surgeons. Long ago, they served as a useful third set of meat-mashing molars. But as our brains grew our jawbone structure changed, leaving us with expensively overcrowded mouths.进化并不是那么完美。如果真的无可挑剔,那我们就应该长翅膀而不是智齿。有时人们不会去改掉一些没有用的特点,只因为它们并没有什么坏处。很久以前,智齿是作为把肉嚼碎的第三磨牙而派大用处的,不是像现在只是留给口腔医生去拔掉。随着大脑不断进化,下颚骨的结构也随之发生改变,最终导致我们嘴巴里的空间越来越小,有些牙齿的存在就有点多余了。
2 The World Laughs with You2. 你笑的时候全世界都笑了

Just as watching someone yawn can induce the behavior in yourself, recent evidence suggests that laughter is a social cue for mimicry. Hearing a laugh actually stimulates the brain region associated with facial movements. Mimicry plays an important role in social interaction. Cues like sneezing, laughing, crying and yawning may be ways of creating strong social bonds within a group.就像看着其他人打哈欠,你也会跟着打哈欠一样,最近有证据表明,笑也是研究模仿的一条线索。听见有人在笑真的会刺激大脑连接面部动作的区域。模仿在社会的相互作用间发挥着重要作用。打喷嚏、笑、哭、打哈欠都是让你跟一个群体建立强烈社会联系的方法。
1 Your Skin Has Four Colors1. 你的皮肤有四种颜色

All skin, without coloring, would appear creamy white. Near-surface blood vessels add a blush of red. A yellow pigment also tints the canvas. Lastly, sepia-toned melanin, created in response to ultraviolet rays, appears black in large amounts. These four hues mix in different proportions to create the skin colors of all the peoples of Earth.所有没有着色过的天然皮肤都是奶白色的。近表皮的血管给奶白色添了一抹红晕。黄色素会让你的皮肤变得有点黄色。最后,紫外线会产生黑色素,看上去皮肤会变黑。这四种色调混合的比例有所不同,但是它们却一起合成了地球人的皮肤颜色。