
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 01:14:12


     众所周知,中国有古老而光荣的历史,从公元前222年结束的战国时期,到封建帝国的分分合合,再到近代,有超过4000年的王朝统治。可能也为大家熟知的是,从面条到火药,中国有许多奇妙而实用的发明。但是这份清单将从一个稍稍不同的角度来发掘:长时间里不被西方所知或采用的中国发明或技术发展。此清单(基本上)按照发明或开发的时间顺序。请注意,这些都是发明和技术的发展,而不是对自然世界的发现 - 尽管在对自然界的发现方面,古中国的科学家们也往往超前于西方(如威廉哈维在1628年描述了血液循环,被冠以发现头衔。而公元前2世纪的中国文件中就已出现了此描述)。

Row Planting


Feudal Period – 6 Century BC

战国时代 - 公元前6世纪

The Chinese started planting crops in rows sometime in the 6th century BC. This technique allows the crops to grow faster and stronger. It facilitates more efficient planting, watering, weeding and harvesting. There is also documentation that they realized that as the wind travels over rows of plants there is less damage. This obvious development was not instituted in the western world for another 2200 years. Master Lu wrote in the “Spring and Autumn Annals”: ‘If the crops are grown in rows they will mature rapidly because they will not interfere with each other’s growth. The horizontal rows must be well drawn, the vertical rows made with skill, for if the lines are straight the wind will pass gently through.’ This text was compiled around 240 BC.





Feudal period – 4th Cent BC

战国时代 - 公元前4世纪

The Chinese developed a lodestone compass to indicate direction sometime in the 4th century BC. These compasses were south pointing and were primarily used on land as divination tools and direct finders. Written in the 4th Century BC, in the Book of the Devil Valley Master it is written: “lodestone makes iron come or it attracts it”. The spoons were made from lodestone, while the plates were of bronze. Thermo-remanence needles were being produced for mariners by the year 1040, with common use recorded by 1119. Thermo-remanence technology, still in use today, was ‘discovered’ by William Gilbert in about 1600.



The Seed Drill


Han Dynasty: circa 202 BC – 220 AD

汉:约公元前202年 - 公元220年

The Seed Drill is used to plant seeds into the soil at a uniform depth and covers it. Without this tool seeds are tossed by hand over the ground resulting in waste and inefficient, uneven growth. Chinese farmers were using seed drills as early as the 2nd Century BC. The first known European instance was a patent issued to Camillo Torello in 1566, but was not adopted by Europeans into general use until the mid 1800’s.


Iron Plows


Han Dynasty: circa 202 BC – 220 AD

汉:约公元前202年 - 公元220年

One of the major developments of the ancient Chinese agriculture was the use of the iron moldboard plows. Though probably first developed in the 4th century BC and promoted by the central government, they were popular and common by the Han Dynasty. (So I am using the more conservative date). A major invention was the adjustable strut which, by altering the distance of the blade and the beam, could precisely set the depth of the plow. This technology was not instituted into England and Holland until the 17th century, sparking an abundance of food which some experts say was a necessary prerequisite for the industrial revolution.

对古代中国农业的主要发展之一是铁制推板犁耙的使用。虽然可能在公元前4世纪就已经出现并得到中央集权的推动,铁犁是在汉代才开始流行。 (因此这里采用的是较为保守的汉代)。其中一个重大的发明是可调节的支柱,通过改变刀板与横梁的距离,可以精确地设置犁的深度。这项技术直到17世纪才传到到英国和荷兰,一些专家认为此技术带来的粮食丰收是工业革命的必要前提条件。

Deep Drilling


Han Dynasty: circa 202 BC – 220 AD

By the first century BC the Chinese had developed the technology for deep drilling boreholes. Some of these reached depths of 4800 feet (about 1.5 km). They used technology that would be easily recognizable to a modern engineer and lay person alike. Derricks would rise as much as 180 feet above the borehole. They stacked rocks with center holes (tube or doughnut shaped) from the surface to the deep stone layer as a guide for their drills (similar to today’s guide tubes). With hemp ropes and bamboo cables reaching deep into the ground, they employed cast iron drills to reach the natural gas they used as a fuel to evaporate water from brine to produce salt. The natural gas was carried via bamboo pipes to where it was needed. There is also some evidence that the gas was used for light. While I could not find exactly when deep drilling was first used by the Europeans, I did not find any evidence prior to the early industrial revolution (mid 18th century). In the United States, the first recorded deep drill was in West Virginia in the 1820’s.

汉:约公元前202年 - 公元220年

到公元前一世纪,中国人已经开发了深井钻探技术。一些深井达到4800英尺(约1.5公里)的深度。他们使用的技术无论对一个现代的工程师和外行人来说都很明了。吊杆会升到到高达钻孔上方180英尺。管状或中空管状的中心孔从地表到深石岩石层放满石头,以作为铁转的探头,作用类似今天的导管。 麻绳和竹管被深入到地下深处,以铸铁深钻直到得到天然气,并以此为燃料将卤水中的水蒸发来生产食盐。天然气通过竹管运输到需要之处。也有证据说明这些气体也被用来照明。虽然我不能准确地找到欧洲人最早使用深钻的时间,我没有发现任何在早期工业革命(18世纪中期)之前使用这项技术的证据。在美国,第一次有记录的深钻是十九世纪20年代在西弗吉尼亚州。




Ship’s Rudder
Han Dynasty: circa 202 BC – 220 AD

汉:约公元前202年 - 公元220年


Chinese naval developments occurred far earlier than similar western technology. The first recorded use of rudder technology in the West was in 1180. Chinese pottery models of sophisticated slung axial rudders (enabling the rudder to be lifted in shallow waters) dating from the 1st century have been found. Early rudder technology (c 100 AD) also included the easier to use balanced rudder (where part of the blade was in front of the steering post), first adopted by England in 1843 – some 1700 years later. In another naval development, fenestrated rudders were common on Chinese ships by the 13th century which were not introduced to the west until 1901. Fenestration is the adding of holes to the rudder where it does not affect the steering, yet make the rudder easy to turn. This innovation finally enabled European torpedo boats to use their rudders while traveling at high speed (about 30 knots).

中国海军的发展出现远早于类似的西方技术。使用船舵技术的最早记录在西方是在1180年。公元一世纪制作的以精密吊轴舵(使舵在浅水中能被提起)为模型的中国陶器已经存在。早期舵技术(约公元100年)中还包括更易使用的平衡舵(部分舵叶在舵位之前),直到1843年才首先被英国采用 -- 差不多是1700年以后了。另一个海军技术,开孔舵,在13世纪时已普遍在中国船只上采用而直到1901年才被引入到西方。开孔舵叶上的开孔不影响方向但令船舵更易操作。后来这一创新使欧洲鱼雷艇可以在高速(约30海里)航行的情况下还得以使用船舵。

Harness for Horses


Age of Division; circa 220 – 581 AD

三国及南北朝时期, 约公元220-581年

Picture 4-16

Throat harnesses have been used throughout the world to harness horses to carts and sleds. These harnesses press back on the neck of the horse thus limiting the full strength of the animal. In the late feudal period (4th Century BC) there is pictorial evidence (from the Chinese state of Chu) of a horse with a wooden chest yoke. By the late Han Dynasty the yoke was made from softer straps and was used throughout the country. By the 5Th century, the horse collar (pictured above), which allows the horse to push with its shoulders, was developed. This critical invention was introduced into Europe approximately by 970 and became widespread within 200 years. Because of the greater speed of horses over oxen, as well as greater endurance, agricultural output throughout Europe increased significantly.




Sui Dynasty: 581 – 618 AD


Picture 3-24
Porcelain is a very specific kind of ceramic produced by the extreme temperatures of a kiln. The materials fuse and form a glass and mineral compound known for its strength, translucence and beauty. Invented during the Sui Dynasty (but possibly earlier) and perfected during the Tang Dynasty (618-906), most notably by Tao-Yue (c. 608 – c. 676), Chinese porcelain was highly prized throughout the world. The porcelain of Tao-Yue used a ‘white clay’ that was found on the edge of the Yangtze River, where he lived. By the time of the Sung Dynasty (960-1279) the art of porcelain had reached its peak. In 1708 the German Physicist Tschirnhausen invented European porcelain, thus ending the Chinese monopoly. The picture above is a teabowl with black glaze and leaf pattern from the Southern Sung Dynasty (1127-1279).

瓷器是一种非常特殊的陶品,由瓷窑所产生的极端温度打造。各种原料相互熔合,形成一种玻璃与矿物质的复合物,以其强度,透明度和美而闻名。该技术发明于隋朝(但可能更早),在唐代(618-906年)达到完善,其中以陶乐(608 - 676年)最为著名(注:景德镇陶窑),他选用他居住的长江边上的“白土”(注:高岭土)来烧瓷。中国当时瓷器在整个世界都享与盛誉。宋朝时(960-1279)瓷器艺术达到了顶峰。 1708年,德国物理学家欽豪申发明了欧洲瓷器,从而结束了中国在瓷器上的垄断。左图是南宋(1127-1279)黑釉叶纹茶碗。



Toilet Paper
Sui Dynasty: 581 – 618 AD



As noted above, paper was an early invention of China. One of the first recorded accounts of using hygienic paper was during the Sui Dynasty in 589. In 851 an Arab traveler reported (with some amazement) that the Chinese used paper in place of water to cleanse themselves. By the late 1300’s, approximately 720,000 sheets per year was produced in packages of 1,000 to 10,000 sheets. In colonial times in America (late 1700’s) it was still common to use corn-cobs or leaves. Commercial toilet paper was not introduced until the 1857 and at least one early advertiser noted that their product was ‘splinter free’ – something quite far from today’s ‘ultra-soft’. One rather odd piece of trivia I picked up during my research is that the Romans used a sponge tied to the end of a stick – which may have been the origin of the expression “to grab the wrong end of the stick”.






Printing – movable type

宋朝: 公元960 - 1279年

Song Dynasty: 960 – 1279 AD
Picture 2-60

That paper was invented by the Chinese is well known (by Cai Lun c 50-121 AD), and it is one of the great Chinese inventions. The recipe for this paper still exists and can be followed by today’s artisans. In 868 the first printed book, using full page woodcuts, was produced. About 100 years later the innovations of Bi Sheng, pictured above, (990-1051) were described. Using clay fired characters he made re-usable type and developed typesetting techniques. Though used successfully to produce books, his technology was not perfected until 1298. By contrast, Gutenberg’s bibles – the first European book printed with movable type – were printed in the 1450’s. Interestingly, the Chinese did not start using metal type until the 1490’s.
