
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/05 13:58:48
Checking in with NASA's Cassini spacecraft, our current emissary toSaturn, some 1.5 billion kilometers (932 million miles) distant fromEarth, we find it recently gathering images of the Saturnian system atequinox.与美国航天局的卡西尼号飞船检查,我们目前的使者到土星,一些150000万公里(932万英里)距离地球遥远,我们发现它最近在搜集春分土星系统映像。 During the equinox, the sunlight casts long shadows acrossSaturn's rings, highlighting previously known phenomena and revealing afew never-before seen images.在春分,阳光笼罩着土星环的长影,以前称为突出现象,暴露出一些以前从未看到的一幕。Cassini continues to orbit Saturn, part of its extended Equinox Mission,funded through through September2010.卡西尼号土星轨道继续,其扩展春分团经费通过2010年9月通过的一部分。 A proposal for a furtherextension is under consideration, one that would keep Cassini in orbituntil 2017, ending with a spectacular series of orbits inside the ringsfollowed by a suicide plunge into Saturn on Sept. 15, 2017.甲
From 20 degrees above the ring plane, Cassini's wide angle camerashot 75 exposures in succession for this mosaic showing Saturn, itsrings, and a few of its moons a day and a half after exact Saturnequinox, when the sun's disk was exactly overhead at the planet'sequator.从20度以上的环平面,卡西尼号的广角镜头,连续75个暴露这个马赛克显示土星环和其卫星一天半的一些具体土星春分后,当太阳的磁盘上,正是开销地球的赤道。 The images were taken on Aug. 12, 2009, at a distance ofapproximately 847,000 km (526,000 mi) fromSaturn.这些照片是在2009年8月12日,在约八十四万七千公里(526000英里的土星)的距离。 (NASA/JPL/SpaceScience Institute) (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
Cassini captured this image of a dimly lit Titan as Saturn's largestmoon was eclipsed by the planet on May 7,2009.卡西尼号拍摄的形象,这在灯光昏暗的行星土星最大的卫星土卫六被掩盖于2009年5月7日。 Lit terrain seen hereis on the Saturn-facing side of Titan.点燃地形这里看到的是对土星,面对土卫六的一面。 InSaturn's shadow, the southern hemisphere of Titan is lit by two sources:sunlight scattered through the planet's rings and refracted sunlightpassing through the edge of Saturn'satmosphere.在土星的阴影下,土卫六的南半球是一盏两个来源:通过地球上的戒指和折射阳光透过土星大气层的边缘通过对阳光的散射。 Starsin this image are smeared by the long camera exposure time of 560seconds needed to capture the faint light onTitan.在这个明星的形象抹黑的长镜头捕捉所需在土卫六微光五六〇秒曝光时间。 (NASA/JPL/Space ScienceInstitute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
This series of images of Janus, one of Saturns's smaller moons,shows strips of light and shadow passing over itsface.这种对骏利,在土星的小卫星之一一系列图像,显示了光影条通过对其脸。 Janus is in the shadow ofSaturn's rings, and is briefly lit by a stripe of sunlight as it passesbehind a gap in the rings. Janus是在土星光环的阴影,并简要由条纹阳光点燃,因为它牵动了环的差距通过。Photos taken on August 27, 2009.于2009年8月27日拍摄的照片。 (NASA/JPL/SpaceScience Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
The moon Prometheus and its nearby disturbance of Saturn's Fring.月亮普罗米修斯和土星的F环附近的干扰。 Prometheus periodically gores the F ring,drawing out streamers of material from the ring.普罗米修斯定期球体的F环,绘画从环材料飘带。The image was taken in visible light at a distance of approximately950,000 km (590,000 mi) from Saturn.该图片摄于可见光在一个约95万公里(590,000英里的土星)的距离。(NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
Rays of light from the sun have taken many different paths tocompose this image of Saturn and itsrings.在光线从太阳已经采取了许多不同的道路,谱写这个土星及其环形象。 This view looks toward theunilluminated (north) side of the rings and, at the top of the image,the night side of Saturn.这种观点看起来对unilluminated(北)的环一边,在图像的顶部,在土星的夜晚的一面。Sunlight has been reflected off the illuminated side of the rings tolight the planet's southern hemisphere, seen here as a bright band ofyellow-orange.阳光被反射的环光照明方地球的南半球,被看作是黄色鲜明的橘红色这里。 The northern hemisphere,in the top left corner of the image, is dimly lit by light diffuselyscattered through the rings.在北半球,在顶部的图像的左上角,是在昏暗的弥漫通过环散射光。 The planet'sshadow cuts across the rings, but light reflected off the southernhemisphere backlights parts of the C ring, making them visible insilhouette.整个环地球的影子削减,但光线反射南半球背光部分的C环,使它们可见的轮廓
Cassini eyes a prominent crater on the moonJanus.卡西尼眼睛杰纳斯在月球上著名的火山口。 The south pole lies on the terminator at thetop right of the image.南极是在图像的右上角上终止符。 This view was acquired on July26, 2009 at a distance of approximately 98,000 kilometers (61,000 miles)from Janus.这种观点是7月26日获得2009年约九点八零零万公里(六点一〇 〇万英里从骏利)的距离。 (NASA/JPL/SpaceScience Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
A view of Saturn's moon Tethys and its cratered surface, taken byCassini on October 14, 2009.阿土星的卫星土卫三观及其坑坑洼洼的表面,由卡西尼采取09年10月14日。(NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
Jagged looking shadows stretch away from vertical structures of ringmaterial created by the moon Daphnis, a bright dot (8 km, or 5 miacross) casting a thin shadow just to the left of the center of theimage.寻找阴影交错延伸远离环材料垂直由月亮达夫尼,建立结构一亮点(8公里,跨越5米)投下阴影只是薄了图像的中心的左边。 The moonhas an inclined orbit, and its gravitational pull perturbs the orbits ofthe particles of the A ring forming the Keeler Gap's edge and sculptingthe edge into waves having both horizontal (radial) and out-of-planecomponents.月球有一个倾斜轨道上,它的引力扰动对阿形成基勒环缝边缘环的粒子的轨道,并雕刻成具有横向(径向波边)和外的飞机部件。These scenes are possible only during the few months before and afterSaturn's equinox, which occurs only once in about 15 Earthyears.这些场景是可能只在前后土星的春分,是只发生一次,地球上大约15年的数个月。 This image was taken invisible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on June26, 2009, at a distance of a
Another view of waves in the edges of the Keeler gap in Saturn's Aring, created by the embedded moonDaphnis.另一个在土星A环的基勒环缝边缘鉴于波,通过嵌入式月球达夫尼创建。 Image acquired on July 11,2009, at a distance of approximately 496,000 km (308,000 mi) fromDaphnis.图像收购的2009年7月11日,在约四十九点六〇万公里(308,000英里的达夫尼)的距离。 (NASA/JPL/SpaceScience Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
A close view of the surface of Saturn's large moon Rhea, as Cassinipasses by on October 13, 2009.一个在土星的卫星土卫五表面大量近景,为卡西尼流逝,10月13日,2009。(NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
The gravity of potato-shaped Prometheus (86 km, or 53 mi across)periodically creates streamer-channels in the Fring.马铃薯的重力型普罗米修斯(86公里,53米跨)定期创建横幅,在F环的渠道。 This view looks toward theunilluminated side of the rings from about 9 degrees above theringplane.从这个观点看来约9度以上ringplane向着环unilluminated一边。 The image was takenin visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on May26, 2009 from approximately 922,000 km (573,000 mi) fromSaturn.该图像,对2009年5月26日,大约从九二二〇 〇 〇公里(57.3万英里的土星)与卡西尼号飞船的窄角相机可见光。(NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
An unusual-looking moon shadow crosses Saturn'srings.一个不寻常的前瞻性月球阴影穿过土星环。 The shadow appears to 'skip' certain ringbands in a photo taken looking at the unlit side of Saturn'srings.阴影似乎'跳',在采取了土星环的亮灯一边看照片的某些环带。 Reflected sunlight and variable ringtransparencies appear to be responsble for the stripedshadow.反射阳光和可变环似乎是透明的条纹阴影responsble。 More on the this phenomenon here.更多关于这一现象在这里 。 (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) #(美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
Two sources of light illuminate the textured surface of the moonEnceladus.两种光源照亮月球土卫二表面纹理。 On the right of the image, sunlight bathesthe anti-Saturn side of this geologically activemoon.论形象权,阳光沐浴反土星这地质运动活跃的月亮的一面。 Saturnshine dimly lights theSaturn-facing side of the moon on the left of the image.Saturnshine依稀灯的土星上面临的月球方左侧的形象。 The moon's surface is scarred byfractures, folds, and ridges.在月球表面的创伤,骨折,倍,山脊。 This view looks towardthe trailing hemisphere of Enceladus (504 kilometers, or 313 milesacross).这种观点似乎朝着恩克尾随半球(504公里,或313英里对面)。 North on Enceladus is up.土卫二上北了。The image was taken on July 26, 2009, at a distance of approximately199,000 kilometers (124,000 miles) fromEnceladus.该图像,对2009年7月26日,在约199000公里(124,000英里土卫二)的距离。 (NASA/JPL/SpaceScience Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
The shadow of Saturn's moon Mimas dips onto the planet's rings andstraddles the Cassini Division in this natural color image taken asSaturn approaches its August 2009equinox.在地球上的影子环土星的卫星土卫逢低和横跨在这自然的颜色土星接近其2009年8月所拍摄的照片春分卡西尼司。 Imagestaken using red, green and blue spectral filters were combined to createthis natural color view.拍摄的图像采用红色,绿色和蓝色光谱过滤器组合创造这种自然色看法。 The imageswere obtained with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera on April 8,2009 at a distance of approximately 1.1 million km (684,000 mi) fromSaturn.这些图像,得到了广泛的卡西尼号飞船对2009年4月8日角相机在一个约110万公里(684000英里的土星)的距离。(NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
Cassini captured this image of a small object in the outer portionof Saturn's B ring casting a shadow on the rings as Saturn approachesits August 2009 equinox, on July 26,2009.卡西尼抓获这在土星的B外部部分小物体的图像作为环土星铸造方法对2009年7月26日的2009年8月春分,吊环阴影。 This newmoonlet, situated about 480 km (300 mi) inward from the outer edge ofthe B ring, was found by detection of its shadow which stretches 41 km(25 mi) across therings.这个新的小卫星,约480公里(300英里)从B环外缘向内,位于被发现的阴影检测有着绵延41公里(25英里整个环)。 Theshadow length implies the moonlet is protruding about 200 meters, or 660feet, above the ring plane.影子长度意味着小卫星是突出约200米,或660英尺以上的环平面。 If themoonlet is orbiting in the same plane as the ring material surroundingit, which is likely, it must be about 400 meters, or 1,300 feet,across.如果小卫星是在与周围的物质环,这可能也同机轨道,必须约400米,或一千三百英尺,跨越。 (NASA/JPL/SpaceScience Institute) # (美国
Cassini looks down on the north pole of Titan, showing night and dayin the northern hemisphere of Saturn's largestmoon.卡西尼看不起土卫六北极,显示在土星最大的卫星北半球白天和黑夜。 The north pole of Titan is rotatedabout 23 degrees to the left and it lies on the terminator above and tothe left of the center of the image.北土卫六极旋转约23度,左,它位于上述终止以及对图像的中心的左边。Images taken using red, green and blue spectral filters were combined tocreate this natural color view of Titan (5,150 km, or 3,200 miacross).拍摄的图像采用红色,绿色和蓝色光谱过滤器结合起来,造成了这一自然的色彩认为土卫六(5150公里,跨越3200英里)。 Theimages were obtained on June 6, 2009 at a distance of approximately194,000 km (121,000 mi) from Titan.这些图像是6月6日获得2009年的大约194000公里(121,000英里的土卫六)的距离。 Image scale is 11 km (7 mi) perpixel.图像规模为11公里(7英里)每个像素。 (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) #(美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
Plumes of tiny ice particles being ejected from the surface of themoon Enceladus are visible in the scattered sunlight in this image,acquired by Cassini on October 13,2009.冰羽流微小的粒子被逐出月球表面的土卫二是在收购由卡西尼于2009年10月13号这个形象,阳光的散射可见。(NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
A big shadow from Saturn's largest moon, Titan, darkens the planetin the lower right of this image taken shortly after Saturn's August2009 equinox.来自土星最大的卫星土卫六,巨大的阴影在变暗的土星后不久的2009年8月春分采取这个图片右下角的星球。 Saturnis overexposed in this image because the camera's long exposure time wasset to show the rings which are dimly lit atequinox.土星是曝光过度,在这个形象,因为相机的长时间曝光时间设置为显示是在春分光线昏暗环。 Saturn's rings, whichare 10 to 100 meters (30 to 300 feet) thick for the most part, cast anarrow shadow onto theplanet.土星环,这是10至100米(30至300英尺)的大部分厚,投射到地球上一个狭窄的阴影。 The image was takenon Aug. 19, 2009, at a distance of approximately 2.3 million km (1.4million mi) from Saturn.该图像,对2009年8月19日,在约230万公里(一百四十零点〇 〇万英里的土星)的距离。(NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
Saturn's moon Tethys passes between Cassini and distant Titan inthis image acquired on October 17,2009.土星的卫星土卫三通过关于2009年10月17号获得这个图片与卡西尼和遥远的土卫六。 (NASA/JPL/Space ScienceInstitute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
Cassini looks closely at the outer B ring and the Cassini Division,revealing clump-like structures in the outer edge of the Bring.卡西尼一直密切关注外部B环和卡西尼,揭示丛科类在B环外缘结构。 The scrambled pattern in the Bring's outer edge is the result of the gravitational clumping ofparticles there.在B环的外缘炒格局的结果是粒子的重力有结块。 This image was taken with theCassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on July 10, 2009, at a distanceof approximately 320,000 km (199,000 mi) fromSaturn.此图片被卡西尼号飞船与窄于2009年7月10日角相机,在约三十二点○○万公里(199,000英里的土星)的距离。(NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
This animated series of images of Saturn's F Ring was acquired byCassini on June 10, 2009.这对土星的F环的图像动画系列收购了卡西尼于2009年6月10号。 Shepherd moonsPrometheus (inner) and Pandora (outer) pass by, alternately smoothingand disturbing the particles that make up thering.牧羊人卫星普罗米修斯(内)和潘多拉(外)经过,交替平滑和令人不安的粒子组成的环。 Kinks, knots, wakes anddisturbances are apparent in the thin ring as itrotates.扭结,节,醒来和动乱是明显的瘦环,因为它旋转。 (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) #(美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
The shadow of the moon Mimas has just slipped off Saturn's rings andonto the planet in this Cassini spacecraftimage.月亮土卫一的阴影刚刚脱下土星环和在地球上这个卡西尼号飞船的形象。 The shadow is visible as a shortdash below the rings' shadows on the planet.阴影是可看见下面这个星球上环'的阴影短期冲刺。 Atthis exposure setting, the rings are too dim to be seeneasily.在此曝光设置,环太暗淡,是显而易见的。 Images taken using red, green and bluespectral filters were combined to create this natural colorview.拍摄的图像采用红色,绿色和蓝色光谱过滤器组合创造这种自然色看法。 The images were obtained on April30, 2009 at a distance of approximately 1.4 million km (870,000 mi) fromSaturn.这些图像是4月30日获得2009年的大约140万公里(870,000英里的土星)的距离。 (NASA/JPL/SpaceScience Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)
Saturn's large moon Tethys appears before Saturn's rings and asmaller moonlet on October 16, 2009.土星的卫星土卫三大型之前出现土星环和对2009年10月16号小的小卫星。Just above Tethys, the far side of the rings can be seen disappearingbehind Saturn's dark side, slightly fading along the edge seen throughthe upper atmosphere.特提斯上方,该环背面可以看到背后土星的黑暗面消失,略一直透过高层大气的边缘出现褪色。(NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute) # (美国航天局/喷气推进实验室/太空科学研究所)