
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 01:03:43
  来源5 Most Useful But Simple Inventions
There are many inventions which contributes a great share in our works, never realize there importance and keep utilizing them. We bring you some of the inventions which became an integral part of our lives and didn’t even claimed the title of an invention.

许多小发明对于方便我们的生活功不可没, 我们一直在用却没有意识到它们的重要性。下面介绍的一些小发明已经成为我们生活中必不可少的一部分,甚至没有人称其为“发明”。

1. Rubber Bands


Rubber bands were invented by Stephen Perry in 1845 under the banner of Messers Perry & Co, England. He invented rubber band through vulcanized rubber. Ever since that day it has become an integral part of our offices. Whenever we want to bind something the first solution we think of is rubber band.

1845年,Stephen Perry发明了橡皮筋,是用硫化橡胶制成的。从那时起,橡皮筋就成了我们办公室的必不可少的一部分。要绑东西,我们首先想到的就是橡皮筋。

2. Paper Clip


Other important things without which our office stationary cannot be completed are paper clips. This amazing invention is a brain child of John Vaaler a Norwegian patent clerk in 1890. He created one through having a paper clip of “two tongues” and thin spring-steel wire with two square ends. Vaaler originated his invention first in Germany and then later in USA in 1901. Although the current shape of paper clip was designed by William Middlebrook of Waterbury, USA in 1899.

另一个缺一不可的办公用品就是曲别针。1890年,这个非凡的发明诞生于挪威专利局职员John Vaaler的孩子手上。他发明的第一个曲别针是带有“两个舌头”和方形两端的细弹簧钢丝。Vaaler在德国发明了曲别针然后在1901年推广到美国。1890年,William.Middlebrook在美国的沃特博里重新设计了曲别针的外观,就是现在的样子

3. Straws


This amazing piece of discovery came from Marvin Stone in 1888 AD. At first he winded a piece of paper around a pencil and glued it. Then he replaced the paper with paraffin-coated Manila paper so that straws do not become soggy. After several failed attempts he came to the conclusion that its length should be 8 inches and diameter just enough to avoid any seeds. Thanks to Marvin, we can now drink more conveniently.

这顶了不起的发现来自1888年的Marvin Stone。他先拿一张纸卷在铅笔上,然后将结合处粘住。后来他用涂上石蜡的马尼拉纸代替了普通纸,这样吸管就不会被弄湿。经过几次失败的尝试后,他发现吸管的长度应该是8英寸,直径大小应该足够小以免吸进种子。多亏了Marvin,我们现在喝水才这么方便。

4. Ropes


Ropes were first used by Ancient Egyptians somewhere around 3500BC. Ropes at that time was made from silk fibers, animal fur etc. Idea of making a rope came from vines. Twisting these vines made their way to the discovery of ropes. Today ropes are widely used in mountain climbing, construction and of course tighten stuff.


5. Shopping Bags


Shopping bags were invented by Mr.Walter H.Deubner, owner of a small grocery store in St. Paul, Minnesota. One day sitting behind the cash counter he noticed that people used to buy limited stuff so that they can carry them conveniently. He then invented prefabricated package, inexpensive that was strong enough to carry 75 pounds of grocery. Within three years he patented his product and it gained a quick popularity and he earned millions in a year.

购物袋是由明尼苏达州圣保罗市的一家杂货店老板Walter H. Deubner先生发明的。有一天,他坐在收银台后面,注意到客人往往会少买东西,免得拿起来不方便。他于是发明了定制的包装袋,不贵但很结实,足够装75磅的商品。三年后,他申请了该专利。购物袋的迅速风靡让他在一年内赚足了数百万元。






