
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/03 11:16:17
瑞信女斗小三”事件英文回放 文 / Sophia



发件人: Zhang, Lily

发送时间: 2010年2月23日 10:23

收件人: (此处隐去所有的收件人及邮件地址)

抄送: Yale Yang

主题: Dear friends … Moving on

Dear friends: After 13 years and 2 beautiful children together, Yale and I have parted our ways. Yale moved out last week.


Dear Diane/Tao Dan Yang,

亲爱的Diane(Tao Dan Yang)

Over the past couple of years, you knew everything about my family. You knew when my kids had their soccer tournaments, you knew when they had their swimming practices. You even knew their baby nicknames. On December 18th, 2009, on a noon flight, I took my children to the U.S. for Christmas vacation. On the very same day, December 18th, 2009, on an afternoon flight, you and Yale took off for the beaches of Phuket and shopping streets of Bangkok for Christmas vacation. Diane, as a fellow woman, I often wondered if the level of ecstasy this vacation had brought you equates to the level of devastation this vacation had brought to my children and me. Diane, I often asked myself what was it like for you to sleep in the arms of another woman's husband, other children's father? I wondered if you ever thought about us, the children and the wife, that we are made of flesh and blood, that we have feelings, that we could get hurt, very hurt, devastatingly hurt. I pondered if you knew you were destroying a family, if you knew your joy would bring endless tears to us.


We went to Beijing last week for Chinese New Year. Your clothes were in our Beijing home. My son screamed:" Mommy, don't touch those, they are disgusting! Set them on fire, burn them to hell. They are the devil's cloth!" My children are hurt. My daughter, 9 years old, now says "Mommy, I don't ever want to get married." My son, 8 years old, says "Diane is our Voldemort!" The psychological damage this affair has done to my children is catastrophic. They are forever emotionally damaged. With this, I announce you the winner.


How do I feel, Diane? This affair is like 10 thousand knives stabbing and chopping my heart all at once. This affair has left me in so much pain that I don't know how to heal myself. This affair has taught me tear supply can actually be infinite.