体验英语学习中心对话原文 -0级...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/08 10:18:49
He Bin: Hello, my name's He Bin. Are you one of the new students?
Linda Brown: Yes, I am. My name is Linda Brown.
He Bin: Are you from America?
Linda Brown: No, I'm from Canada. I've come here to learn Chinese.
He Bin: Oh, really? My major is Chinese, too. Which class are you in?
Linda Brown: I'm in Class One. And you?
He Bin: Great! I'm in Class One, too.

A: How do you do, Mr Wang?
B: How do you do, Mr...?
A: Ben Johnson. Please let me introduce myself. I'm Ben Johnson from Teda Company. This is my name card.
B: Thank you. This is mine.
A: I'm very interested in your new product. Would you please tell me something more about it?

Lin Fei: Hi, I'm Lin Fei. We are in the same company, aren't we?
Carl Stone: Yes. My name is Carl Stone. Are you a new employee?
Lin Fei: Yes. Actually this is my first day here. I'm very glad to meet you.
Carl Stone: Me too. Oh, excuse me, here comes my bus. I must run. See you tomorrow.
Lin Fei: See you.

Dick: Hi. Sorry we're late.
Lu Yi: Oh, that's OK. I just got here myself.
Dick: Lu Yi, this is my girlfriend, Jenny. Jenny, this is my colleague, Lu Yi.
Jenny: Hi, Lu Yi. Nice to meet you.
Dick: Nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you.
Jenny: All good, I hope!
Dick: This is Jenny's first visit to China.
Lu Yi: Really. What's your first impression of China?
Jenny: Fantastic! I really love the country.

A: Good morning, Mr Lin.
B: Good morning, Miss Chen. I'd like you to meet Professor Jessica Robinson. Robinson, this is Chen Xin, the director of the Human Resources Department.
C: How do you do, Miss Chen?
A: How do you do, Professor Robinson? Welcome to our company.
C: Thank you.
A: Is this your first time here in Xi'an?
C: Yes. I'm so excited. I can't believe I'm actually here in this historic city.
A: When you have settled down, I'll show you around.
C: That would be great. Thanks a lot.

A: May I help you?
B: Yes, I'd like to apply for a credit card.
A: First we have to fill out the form. Your name, please?
B: Sharon Hepburn.
A: How do you spell your last name?
B: It's h-e-p-b-u-r-n.
A: OK. Could I have your address?
B: Sure. 28, Xinhua Street, Beijing. And the zip code is 100061.
A: Thank you.

A: How do you do, Mr Paine. I'm Lin Hong from ABC Company.
B: How do you do, Ms Lin.
A: I'm very interested in your new products. Could you please send me your latest catalog?
B: Of course. Your address, please?
A: ABC Company, 12, Fuxing Street, Beijing. Zip code 100036. And my e-mail address is Linhong@sohu.com.
B: OK. I'll email you the catalog as soon as possible.
A: Thank you.
B: You are welcome.

Policeman: How old is your son, madam?
Woman: Five.
Policeman: What does he look like?
Woman: He has a lovely round face with big bright eyes.
Policeman: What is his hair like?
Woman: It's brown, medium length and curly.
Policeman: What was he wearing when he got lost?
Woman: He had on a white T-shirt and blue shorts.
Policeman: Don't worry. I'm sure we'll find him soon.

Interviewee: I'm Lin Feng. I'm here to be interviewed for the position of computer programmer.
Interviewer: Take a seat, please. I'm glad you were able to make it on time in spite of the traffic today.
Interviewee: Thank you.
Interviewer: What have you been doing at universities?
Interviewee: I took a Master's degree in computer science at Tsinghua University.
Interviewer: Oh really? What kind of experience have you got for this position?
Interviewee: I worked as a computer programmer in Techson Company for 2 years.
Interviewer: Good. Well, please fill in this form and we'll let you know as soon as possible.

Liu Mei: So, Sam, where are you from?
Sam: I'm from America.
Liu Mei: From America? Were you born there?
Sam: No. Actually, I was born in Italy. We moved to the US when I was 9.
Liu Mei: So you can speak Italian, right?
Sam: Of course! Italian is my mother tongue.
Liu Mei: And now, you've come here to learn Chinese?
Sam: Right! I'd also like to learn a little Korean.

C: Hello, Mr Johnson. I'm Zhou Ping from Higher Education Press.
F: How do you do, Zhou Ping? Nice to meet you.
C: Nice to meet you, too. Welcome to Beijing. You've come when Beijing looks its best!
F: Oh, the airport is rather nice too.
C: Mr Johnson, the car is outside. Shall we go?
F: OK, thank you.

C: Excuse me, are you Mr Robert Miller from Canada?
F: Yes, I am.
C: How do you do, Mr Miller? I'm Zhou Ping from Higher Education Press. Welcome to our company.
F: Thank you. Here is my business card.
C: Thanks. This is mine.

C: Excuse me, but aren't you Mr Miller?
F: Yes, I am.
C: I'm Zhou Ping and I'll be acting as your interpreter during your stay in China. Is this your first trip to China?
F: No, this is my second trip actually.

C: How do you do, Mr Miller?
F: How do you do, Mr...?
C: My name is Lin Feng. I'm from High Education Press. Welcome to China.
F: Thank you. It's very kind of you to come and meet me here.
C: Did you have a pleasant journey?
F: Yes, pretty good in fact.

C: Hi, Sam. I haven't seen you for ages.
F: Yes. It was a years ago - when I first came here.
C: How is everything going with you?
F: Quite good. How about you?
C: Fine, thank you. How long will you be staying this time?
F: Roughly about a month.
C: Well, have a great visit!
F: Thank you.

C: Have you finished packing yet?
F: Yes. When should we arrive at the airport?
C: Before 11:00. We have plenty of time. Let's check everything before we set off: passport, ticket and luggage. Anything else?

F: Have you got everything ready for the trip?
B: Yes. Thank you for your kindness.
C: I'd like to see you off at the station.
F: It's very nice of you. But I think I can manage everything by myself. Thank you all the same.
C: In that case, I'll have to say goodbye to you now. Have a great trip!
F: Thank you. I'll contact you when I get back. Goodbye!

F: I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me.
C: I'm glad I could help.
F: I hope we can meet again some day.
C: So do I. Have a pleasant journey.

F: It's very kind of you to see me off, Mr Bai.
C: It's my pleasure, Mr Johnson. I wish you a pleasant journey home.
F: Thank you. Please keep in touch with me.
C: Yes, I will. Bye! And thank you again for everything you have done for me.

F: Thanks a lot for seeing me off at the airport.
C: You are welcome, Mr Johnson. How did you enjoy your stay?
F: Well, I must say I had a very good time indeed.
C: I'm very pleased to hear that. Hope you'll visit China again soon.
F: I'm sure I will before long.

Ann: Hello, Li Ping!
Li Ping: Hi, Ann. What have you got there?
Ann: Photos of my family.
Li Ping: Can I look at them?
Ann: Sure! Have a look! These are my parents.
Li Ping: Oh, you really look like your mother. And who's that in the photo?
Ann: That's my little brother, Ted.
Li Ping: What a cute little boy!

Karen: Actually, I've been on a business trip for two months. I really miss my family.
Li Ming: Two months is quite a long time to be away. Do you have any children?
Karen: Yes. I have two. A boy and a girl.
Li Ming: How old are they?
Karen: My son is five and my daughter is three. Oh, would you like to see a picture of them?
Li Ming: How nice! You certainly have a lovely family.
Karen: Thank you.

Tom: Hi, Du Fang. How are you?
Du Fang: Hi, Tom. I'm fine. What are you doing here?
Tom: I live here. That's my house over there, next to the school.
Du Fang: How nice! Is it big?
Tom: Well, yes. It's quite big. It's got a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, three bedrooms and a garden.
Du Fang: Really! You have a garden!?
Tom: That's right. My grandparents really love it.
Du Fang: That sounds great!

Tom: Well, do you live alone?
Du Fang: No, I live with my parents and grandparents.
Tom: And do you have any brothers and sisters?
Du Fang: No, I'm an only child. How about you?
Tom: I have a sister but no brother.
Du Fang: Is she married?
Tom: No, she's single actually.

Du Fang: What are you doing, Tom?
Tom: Oh, Hi. I'm just painting the house?
Du Fang: Really? You do the painting all by yourself?
Tom: Yes. I'm quite a DIY enthusiast actually.
Du Fang: What color have you decided on?
Tom: I want to paint the living room yellow. What do you think?
Du Fang: I love yellow. It's bright and cheerful.

A: Do you often do physical exercise?
B: Yes, many people like sport in China.
A: What's the most popular sport?
B: Table tennis, of course. It is our national game.
A: Let me try to play your national game.
B: Do you want to try it out first?
A: Well, I have never played it before. It's not very popular in our country.

B: Michael, I beat you 17-11 at the end of the second set.
A: Yes, I know. But I don't play it well. My returns are poor.
B: Watch the way I serve.
A: How can you strike the ball so hard?
B: First, I use the pen-hold grip that gives me more control. Most importantly, I practice more.

A: Wang, which do you prefer: track events or field events?
B: I like track events more. I think the men's 100-meter sprint is the most exciting event of all. The mixed relay race is also very exciting.
A: Yes, but long distance running is the most demanding.
B: Michael, the broadcast just announced that Johnson has broken the world men's 100-meter record.
A: By how many seconds did he break the mark?
B: He clocked 9. 25 seconds.

A: I'm crazy about music. But my stereo broke down last night. I have to pay an arm and a leg to have it repaired.
B: It'll nearly cost as much as buying a new one.
A: But I can't do without my CDs.
B: Forget your CDs, they're ancient history. You should buy one of these little beauties ? an MP3 player.
A: I've heard about them. How do they work?
B: It's a digital device. You can store music files from your computer on it. The sound quality is amazing.

A: Hey guys! What are you up to?
B: Not much. We are talking about what to do tonight.
A: Listen. I'm glad I ran into you. I'm thinking about joining the football team.
B: Just turn up at training with your boots, Michael.
A: Are you playing tonight then?
B: Yes, what position do you play?
A: I'm a goalkeeper.
B: You are kidding. We need a goalkeeper for tonight. Our goalkeeper's got the flu or something. Anyway, he always drops the ball. The only thing he can catch is a cold.

A: What do you like to do in your free time?
B: I like to relax and listen to music.
A: What kind of music do you like?
A: I like rock 'n' roll, and pop music, and classical music too.
B: Oh, what's your favorite band?
A: I like the Beatles the most of all. I'm a John Lenon fan. But Michael Learns To Rock is also terrific.

A: You're interested in sports! Me too.
B: Great! I like football and table tennis.
A: Do you play them?
B: Well, my children play, I just watch! What sports are you interested in?
A: Um, I often watch basketball matches on TV.
B: But I like watching football matches too.

A: How do you spend your spare time? I mean, do you have any special interests other than your job?
B: Of course. Almost everyone has some kind of hobby to get his mind off his work.
A: Yes, you're right. Do you have a hobby?
B: I'm a man of many interests. I'm keen on fishing and reading in my spare time. I enjoy jogging and I'm crazy about playing board games, especially Chinese chess.
A: Oh! Board games. That's a great pastime.

A: Shall we go out for some exercise?
B: Yes, I'd love to.
A: Do you play tennis?
B: It's my favorite sport.
A: How often do you play?
B: At least once a week. Frankly, when it comes to tennis, I get very excited. I am fascinated by the game.
A: I'm pretty poor at it, but I'm fond of it all the same.
B: Never mind, let's go to the court and have a game.

A: You look sleepy, Li Ming.
B: Yes, I didn't go to bed until 3 o'clock this morning.
A: Why not?
B: I was on the computer.
A: Were you playing games?
B: Yes, but how do you know that?
A: Everyone knows you are crazy about computer games. Playing games is nothing but a waste of time.
B: You're right. But it can also be very interesting too.
A: Yes, but is it more important than sleep?
B: Er...maybe I should spend less time on computer games.

A: Hello, MM Company. May I help you?
B: Hello. This is Richard Green. May I speak to Mr Lu Yi?
A: I'm sorry, but he's not in at the moment.
B: When will he be expected?
A: He'll be back in a few minutes.
B: Thank you, I'll call back later.

A: Hello. May I speak to Mr Lu Yi?
B: I'm sorry, but he is not here right now. Can I take a message?
A: Yes. Please tell him to call 2301 2268, Richard Green.
B: Ok. I'll tell him as soon as he comes home.
A: Thanks a lot.
B: You're welcome. Goodbye.

A: Hello.
B: Hello. I'd like to speak to Mr Miller.
A: Pardon?
B: Mr William Miller.
A: Nobody here by that name.
B: I'm sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number.

A: Hello. ABC company. Can I help you?
B: Hello. Could I have extension 6271?
A: One moment, please. I'll transfer your call.
B: Thank you.
A: Sorry, the line is busy.
B: Ok. I'll call back.

A: Hello. Higher Education Press.
B: Hello. May I speak to Mr Lu Yi, please?
A: Yes, this is Lu Yi. Speaking.
B: Hi, Lu Yi! This is Dick. Shall we have a talk about the contract tomorrow afternoon?
A: Fine. I'd be glad to. See you then.
B: See you.

Jason: Maria, we've got two weeks off this summer.
Maria: How marvelous!
Jason: How about going to Jiuzhaigou for holidays?
Maria: That's a terrific idea.
Jason: I'm going to book the plane tickets right now. Shall we leave in three days?
Maria: In three days! How exciting! We'd better take a camera with us so that we can take some photos of wonderful Jiuzhaigou.
Jason: That's a good idea. We can also enjoy some Sichuan snacks.

Clerk: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
Jason: Do you arrange tours? I want to have a trip.
Clerk: A one-way or round trip?
Jason: A round trip.
Clerk: Yes, sir. Where would you like to go?
Jason: What's your suggestion?
Clerk: Well, it depends on how much time you plan to spend on your trip.
Jason: A week or so.
Clerk: Well, I suggest you visit Jiuzhaigou, in Sichuan province. It is one of the most beautiful places in China. It really is worth visiting.

Maria: What a wonderful place this is!
Jason: Yes, I feel relaxed and happy to be here with you.
Maria: Me too. Look at the sky. It's so blue and clear, with only a few white clouds floating overhead.
Jason: It seems there's no pollution here at all.
Maria: Look at those beautiful kingfishers in the trees.
Jason: Yes. Stay put! Don't scare them away. I'll take a picture of them.

Jason: Do you still remember the days we spent in Jiuzhaigou last year, Maria?
Maria: How can I forget it. It was the time and place where we fell in love.
Jason: If we hadn't had those two weeks off that year, perhaps we might not even have been together now!
Maria: That's right. We should thank our manager for giving us two weeks off work.
Jason: Yes, I remember you had blisters on your feet.
Maria: And you fixed them up with the plasters in your first-aid kit.

Jason: Yes, it's a great experience to travel about and to see the wonderful world around us. And it's relaxing too.
Jim: Oh, I'd rather stay at home and watch TV.
Jason: How strange!
Jim: I don't think traveling is as good as you make it out to be. It wastes time, costs a lot, and is invariably exhausting.
Jason: But you may learn a lot from traveling.
Jim: You can still learn more by just tapping the keyboard of your computer and surfing the Internet.
Jason: As they say "One man's meat is another's poison".
Jim: Right, I quite agree with you.

Wayne: Is this the Sheraton Hotel?
Miss: Yes, sir. Can I help you?
Wayne: I'd like to make a reservation for a single room here.
Miss: May I have your name, sir?
Wayne: Wayne, John Wayne.
Miss: Just a minute, sir. Mr John Wayne. When will you check in and check out?
Wayne: I will check in tomorrow morning and check out on the 3rd of March, 2004.
Miss: So, Mr John Wayne, you want a single room, you will check in tomorrow morning, and leave on the 3rd of March, 2004.

Receptionist: Good morning, sir, Can I help you?
Wayne: Good morning! I have a reservation for a single room here. My name is John Wayne.
Re: Just a minute, sir. Yes, we do have a reservation for you, Mr Wayne. Would you please fill out this form?
Wayne: Here you are. I think I've filled in everything.
Re: Let me see... name, address, nationality, forwarding address, passport number, place of issue, signature, date of departure.
Wayne: Is everything OK?
Re: Yes. Here is your key, Mr Wayne. Your room number is 1228, on the 12th floor.

R.S: Excuse me. Housekeeping. May I come in?
Wayne: Yes, come on in.
R.S: Would you like me to make your bed now?
Wayne: Yes, please. By the way, do you know where I can have my clothes cleaned?
R.S: Please dial extension 1001, they will come to take your clothes and clean them.
Wayne: How much do you charge for the laundry?
R.S: I'm not sure. It depends. When you ask for laundry to attend to your clothes, be sure to show your key card. You also need to show it when you sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurant and bars.
Wayne: Thanks a lot.
R.S: You're welcome.

A: Hello! I'd like to reserve a one-way flight for the 3rd of March, 2004 to New York.
B: Could you repeat that, please?
A: I'd like to reserve a one-way flight for the 3rd of March, 2004 to New York.
B: Fine. Could I have your name, please?
A: I am John Wayne.
B: Could you spell your surname, please?
A: Yes, it's W-A-Y-N-E.
B: Uh, W-A-Y-N-E. And your room number, please?
A: 1-2-2-8.
B: 1-2-2-8. OK, so you are Mr John Wayne. Want one ticket for the 3rd, March, 2004 to New York. How will you be paying, Mr Wayne? In cash or by credit card?
A: In cash. Thank you and goodbye!
B: Thank you! Goodbye.

Re: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?
Wayne: I want to check out. I'm leaving at ten, so I'd like to settle my account now.
Re: Yes, sir. May I have your room number?
Wayne: Room 1228. The name is John Wayne.
Re: Just a moment, please. I'll get your bill ready for you right away.
Wayne: Thanks.
Re: Here's your bill. The daily rate is $60 per night, it comes to $300 altogether. Plus $100 for your meals. It is $400 in all.
Wayne: Well, $400. Here you are.
Re: Thank you! Here's your receipt. And have a good trip.


A: Do you need any help, sir?
B: No, thanks. I'm just having a look.
A: If you need any help, please feel free to ask.
B: Do you have men's vests in extra large?
A: Yes, we do. The men's wear department is over there.

A: Excuse me, how much is that green T-shirt with the elephant on it?
B: It's 35 yuan. It's hand-painted.
A: 35 yuan? I'll give you 20.
B: Give me 28 and the T-shirt is yours.
A: All right! Here's 30.
B: Lovely. Here is your T-shirt, young lady, and 2 yuan change.
A: Thanks.

A: Can I help you, sir?
B: Yes. I'm trying to find a pair of sports shoes, size 45.
A: Sorry, we've just sold out. We only have size 44.
B: But size 44 is a little small for me.
A: Don' t worry, sir. Could you leave your phone number with us? Once we have size 45, we'll let you know.
B: It's very kind of you. Thank you.
A: You're welcome.

A: Excuse me. Do you think I can return this scarf?
B: What's wrong with it?
A: It's broken here, you see. Besides I don't really like the color.
B: Didn't you buy it yourself?
A: Well, as a matter of fact, I got it as a gift.
B: Then are you sure it was from this store?
A: Yes. Here's the receipt.
B: OK... I'll return the money to you.
A: Thank you.

A: Excuse me. Can I have these prescriptions filled, please?
B: Certainly, I'll have them ready for you if you can just wait a few minutes.
A: Thank you.
B: Here's your medicine. That'll be 14 dollars and fifty cents in total, please.

A: Would you like some tea or coffee?
B: Coffee, please.
A: How do you take your coffee?
B: Milk with sugar, please. What about you?
A: I'll have a cup of black coffee, please.

A: What would you like to eat?
B: A hamburger with lettuce and tomato.
A: What else?
B: Fruit salad, French fried potatoes and a Coke.
A: Sorry, we don't have fruit salad. Would you like a vegetable salad?
B: No, thank you.

A: What are you going to have?
B: I'll try a steak sandwich.
A: And to follow?
B: A glass of orange juice.
A: Anything else?
B: No, thanks.

A: Have you decided on something?
B: Yes. I'll have a beefsteak.
A: How do you like your steak cooked?
B: I'd like it well-done. And what vegetables come with the steak?
A: Peas and potatoes.
B: That'll be fine.

A: May I have the menu, please.
B: Here you are.
A: What do you recommend?
B: Will you try some sea-food?
A: OK. I'd like to have some fresh oyster.
B: All right. And what else?
A: Let me see ...

A: I want to send a registered letter to New York. How much should I pay for the stamps?
B: Let me weigh it first. May I know what's inside?
A: A Christmas card and a short note.
B: Nowadays our mail service is quite safe. I think you'd better send it by ordinary airmail. It's cheaper.

A: Can I cash a money order here?
B: Let me have a look. I'm afraid you can't cash it today.
A: Why not?
B: Because it's a large amount. It's over ten thousand RMB.
A: Then how can I cash it?
B: Please make a phone call to the office in advance telling them when you would like to come. They will then get the money ready for you.

A: I'd like to mail this package, please.
B: Where is it going?
A: To London.
B: How do you want to send it?
A: By airmail. How much is it?
B: It's 250 yuan including a charge for being overweight. Do you want to insure it?
B: Yes, please insure it for ten pounds and 50 pence.

A: Good morning, Sir. Is there anything I can do for you?
B: Yes, I'm expecting some money from Scotland. Is it in yet?
A: Let me check it. Sorry, the money isn't in yet. Did they send it by cable?
B: No. They sent it by airmail.
A: If it's coming by airmail, it'll take longer for delivery. We'll ring you up as soon as the money is in.
B: You could call me at my office, 62458671.

A: Will you please tell me something about the mail service in the US?
B: I would say it's quite expensive.
A: Could you please tell me what " first class mail" means?
B: Well, " first class mail" is used to send personal mail. It takes a shorter time for delivery.
A: How could I send newspapers and magazines?
B: I suggest you send them another way. Other classes of mail are less expensive than "first class".
A: If I had something urgent to send, what should I use then?
B: You can ask at the post office for "Special Delivery". Of course, it's very expensive.

A: What is the proper way of opening a savings account?
B: First, fill out the form and then we'll give you a passbook.
A: Do I have to pay a certain amount of money for the first deposit?
B: Yes, you can deposit ten yuan in your account, if you like. Or even one yuan will do.
A: May I know the interest rate?
B: It varies from time to time. At present it is 0.9%.

A: Good morning. What can I do for you, sir?
B: Good morning. I want to open an account.
A: A current account or a fixed deposit account?
B: A fixed deposit account, please. Can you let me know the interest on this account?
A: Sure. The interest on a three month fixed deposit is 1.7% per year, on a six month 1.89%, and on a twelve month 1.98%.
B: I'm interested in the twelve month fixed deposit account.
A: OK. Here you are. The certificate of your twelve month fixed deposit for one thousand US dollars.

A: I want to change some greenbacks into pounds.
B: Pardon? I didn't catch you.
A: I want to exchange some US dollars for pounds.
B: How much do you want to exchange?
A: Eight hundred.
B: Very well, Sir.

A: Could you tell me the exchange rate for US dollars today?
B: Wait a moment, please. I'll just find out the rate of exchange. It's 826.48 RMB for 100 US dollars. Do you want to exchange RMB for US dollars or the other way round?
A: I want to exchange two hundred US dollars for RMB.
B: That will be one thousand six hundred and fifty-two yuan, nine jiao and six fen. Do check the account, Sir.
B: Thank you.

A: I'd like to deposit this in my savings account.
B: All right. Please write down the amount, your name, the account number and the number of your ID card on this slip, Sir.
A: Is there any service charge for the savings account?
B: No, there is no charge for the savings.
B: Your passbook, please.
A: Would you kindly say it again?
B: Please show me your passbook. A passbook is a small book recording the amount of money you pay in or take out of a savings account at a bank.

A: You look terrible, Ally. What's wrong with you?
Ally: I have a sick feeling in my stomach and I'm aching from head to toe.
A: Let me feel your head, Ally. Oh, you're burning up. You must be running a temperature.
Ally: I feel like I've caught the flu.
A: You should go and see a doctor.
Ally: Right. I've made an appointment for this afternoon.

Doctor: What's the matter with you, Ally?
Ally: I've got a fever. My throat hurts and I feel dizzy.
Doctor: You've got the flu, the viruses are quite fierce.
Ally: Should I have a shot?
Doctor: Yes, I think so.
Ally: Oh, no. Could I just take some medicine instead of having a shot?
Doctor: I suggest you take both. If you take my advice you'll be back on your feet again in no time at all.

Doctor: What do you complain of?
B: A tooth in my lower jaw is sensitive to cold and hot things.
Doctor: Let me check it. Is it this one?
B: Right. That's it.
Doctor: You'll have to have it pulled out, I'm afraid.
B: Do I have to? Can I have it filled?
Doctor: Oh, let me check it again.

A: What seems to be the problem with my lungs, Doctor?
Doctor: The X-ray shows it's a case of TB.
A: Is it serious?
Doctor: Not very, but you should be hospitalized right now.
A: Will I have to stay in hospital for a long time?
Doctor: It depends. And I think a month at a health resort will do you good after that.

A: I've been having pains in my back recently.
B: Have you taken any medicines?
A: Yes, but they don't work for me.
B: I suggest you try some traditional treatment, such as massage or medicinal plaster.
A: I'll do that. Thank you for your advice.
B: You're welcome.