
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 18:19:30
Chinese paintings to enjoy the newtranslation ------- Chinese paintings and calligraphy works, I see theappreciation of Chinese painting
Author shaohua-gu
The aesthetic characteristics of Chinesepaintings will be keen understanding of our intuition, when combinedwith the appreciation imagine, can appreciate the works of culturalbackgrounds and Qiyun, charm, cultivate sentiments。 Chinese calligraphyand painting is in a unique and ancient civilization in the environment。For thousands of years, they have gone through from the originator,Tongzhi, to mature distillation of change, from the practical to the artof the long journey。 No exaggeration to say that the painting is theChinese nation and the intelligence and creativity of the performance ofone of the most concentrated, and in a sense, marks the Chinesecivilization in the field of classical culture and the arts the higheststandards。
Chinaand the Eastern world views of the universe\\\'s natural, social andpersonnel on the attitude of the United States and the pursuit of theeternal, all in Chinese painting, has been significant, and throughthem, and access to the millions of Chinese, Oriental and friends aroundthe world Friend\\\'s identity。 Zhizhuo, or those of the previousXiongjian or beautiful Beitie law books, those mysterious or brilliantor elegant paintings pruducts, are our nation\\\'s best - painting andcalligraphy artists (including the civil Yijiang First name Last nameunknown) to aesthetic way With the main object of the soul of the worldto record the image of the phrase。 This kind of language sometimes reacha height of philosophy, - "Ruozuo, if the trip, Ruofei, if the dynamic"between the vertical and horizontal strokes, "by Feng, Piaomiao" Tsituation like in Mexico , Contains a Qingsi, but also the "Road", theperformance of the personality of the universe and of life experience。
It can be said, each word, setting anational painting and have the mentality of the era, steeped in theculture of the national spirit。 As art, as the Chinese mentality of thecrystallization of painting and calligraphy art, the more Budai astatement。 But not everyone is able to enjoy a higher level of paintingand calligraphy art。 It is so rich and long, delicate and Shenmiao! Inorder to understand and feel the mysterious painted pottery, bronzeornamentation Ning Li, Jingmu the Buddha with the intention of ink fromthe literati paintings and a high degree of abstraction, the flow ofcalligraphy, is zoned structure, we need the knowledge andself-cultivation。 Appreciate Chinese paintings and calligraphy, allowingholders to enjoy some kind of subjective approach, which requiresemotion and imagination。 Needs a rational, precise knowledge andjudgement。 Will combine the two, is the author trying to guide readersof both shows, and on knowledge of the article。
Traditional Chinese painting with a brush,ink, mineral pigments, silk silk, Xuan paper as the tools (rawmaterials) from the performance of the Fine Brushwork form and freehandbrushwork paintings. That figure painting "vivid" and through thecharacters facial expressions (especially the eyes of the portrait),body language, and environmental performance, to write to-God, prominentfigures of the inner world. Landscapes stressed that "poetic"magnificent performance of wild or beautiful mountain-Jun Mei, wontonfog screen - scenes that blend to create the moods: Nature\\\'s Beautyand the literati Yiqu (Chinese culture) closer together, "lofty, Pingfar, far-reaching "(or a distant third) of the structure of the screento white when the black approach. Flowers and Birds Painting ofstatement-while child care, by-Shuhuai; life to praise, praise of nature- Huisa "Xiong Yi." In pen and ink color on stress: 1, abundanttechnique, intensity, or infiltration solemn, or Kuse fast disease, orcenter, or the inverse front, side or front, or drag pen, or casual T.2, multi-level Mexican law changes (5 6 ink color - Coke, thick, heavy,light, the color-plus paper), or plot Mexico, Mexico or broken, or Pomo.3, with the color categories to give emotional color, such as color,and stress Mexican gas, calmly (ink color to the main bone and exerciseDancai) and Meticulous re-Cai. The pursuit of traditional culture ingeneral (internal) and the line to form the ink Interest (explicit)integration, namely: poetic and "Qiyun," "charm". Modeling is notrigidly adhere to the appearance of Xiaosi (realistic), and imagesfocused on the internal performance of "Qiyun," "charm" and the artist"Xiongyi" wrote the play (to express). In composition, perspective onthe treatment is different from Western painting, a multi-angle,multi-perspective (mobile), "Scatter Focus" performance artists to thesubjective intent of an ensemble of space. NA me how to appreciate whatwe do ? I believe that from the following aspects to appreciate:China\\\'s history, cultural background, literature and art (poetic) andChinese ink painting techniques and color of the charm of the areas totaste (appreciate) works of Chinese painting.
1                 中国画史:
1 Chinese Painting History:
Chinese paintingart, a long history and magnificent in the world art history form themost prosperous and a special style of painting system (the more thenation will be a world-wide); Cai Yuanpei advocate "aesthetic andreligious," art education only to see; Micang origin palace and thebigwigs of the art history, has also have scattered to the public, thenintroduced abroad has aroused world attention to the praise, compete onthis situation, in turn, stimulate China\\\'s scholars, China\\\'smodern pain The traditional art research inadequate。 Birthplace of theWorld Cultural research: the West for the Italian peninsula, east ofChina。 Italy absorption of ancient Egypt and Central Asia civilizedstandards, inspired in Greece, Rome two times, distributed in Europe,transplanted in the Americas, China has adopted the U。S。 cable 8Mesopotamia (ancient Greeks said the region as "the U。S。 cable 8 DamianAsia ", which means the land between two rivers, the so-called tworivers, is in Asia this western Iraq in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers。This area of small, largely equivalent to the current Iraq。) Irrigationwith the Indian civilization , Huicheng East special source of thesystem; along North Korea and China\\\'s Taiwan area spread in Okinawa,Japan various domains, painting, not on this trail。 Therefore, Westernpainting, to Italy for the mother, and Oriental paintings, with China asthe ancestor of just。 Chinese painting by the Chinese traditionalculture (Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism) the impact, in particularthe "Doctrine of the Mean", "and" thinking - impartiality, not left notright, "including but not reveal" the humanistic spirit; Therefore, thehidden culvert, is characterized by Boniface; addition, the tools theyuse, development, and so on, all the modeling and Western painting, thepursuit of fun, and so not the same。
我国自有绘画以来,经古人专心致志的探求,四、五千年间长期的演变和进步,作手名家,人才辈出,你追我赶,且遍布华夏,各发挥一代之光彩。如顾恺之、陆探微、张僧繇、展子虔等都能以画而称为大家;到了唐代,有李思训、王维等成为南北二大派(风格)的代表。之后,继承传统作家如风云涌起,可谓数不胜数。所以说上下数千年的中国绘画史,于叙事上简便起见,大略可分为古代史,上世史,中世史,近世史,四篇,以寻求其变迁推移之痕迹。而顾恺之《女史箴图》,    亦尚留存于人间,足以供我们参考。此画曾被记录于《宣和画谱》、《米芾画史》、《陈继儒妮古录》、《朱彝尊曝书亭书画跋》、《石渠宝笈》等诸书。因清代末列强的掠夺而散失,今藏于英国博物馆。无论其为摹本,修缮本,都足以窥见顾氏(顾恺之)及当时画风都是与之相似。虽然在此之间的画风及技巧诸方面,有多次的变化,如:两汉的雄浑朴厚,六朝开始逐渐精细(工笔),隋朝就画得很精致华丽了;然而大体都是先以墨线勾轮廓(以线造型),再赋以彩色,并在此前后都是遵循这一程序(系统)来进行的;这种方法成为亚洲大陆共同的绘画式样。印度阿近他窟,我国敦煌石室,日本法隆寺金堂等之壁画,均系类似手法。
China\\\'sown paintings, as the ancients dedicated explore, four, five thousandyears of long-term evolution and progress, famous for hand, talentedpeople, Nizhuiwogan, and all over China, all play a generation of glory。Such as Gu Kaizhi, Lu On, Mr。 Monk Yao, Qian exhibition of paintings,and so can to everyone and called up to the Tang Dynasty, Li Xun, Wangwill become the major north-south camp (style) representatives。 Aftercarrying forward the tradition writers such as the situation filled, isendless。 So, from top to bottom several thousand years of history ofChinese painting, in the narrative on the simplicity\\\'s sake, can beroughly divided into ancient history, Shangshi history, the history ofthe World, Modern History, 4, to find traces of their passage changes。And Gu Kaizhi, "the history of women Zhen map", also was retained in theworld, sufficient for our reference。 This painting had been recorded inthe "sun and Huapu," "Mi Fu painting history", "Chen Jiru Minnieancient recorded", "Zhu Yizun exposed Shuting painting Postscript,""Shiqu Baoji" Zhu Shu。 Because of the predatory powers at the end of theQing Dynasty and lost, this possession in the British Museum。 Whetherit was Moben, the repair, are sufficient insight into Gu (Gu Kaizhi) andthen with the style are similar。 Although in this style and skillsbetween the various aspects, there are a number of changes, such as: thepowerful Puhou the Han Dynasty, began gradually refined the SixDynasties (Meticulous), the Sui Dynasty painting on a very delicategorgeous, but generally are first Mexican contour lines to hook (in linemodeling), and then given to color, and Before and after this procedureare followed (system) to carry out; such as the Asian continent commonmethod of painting style。 India A near his cave, China\\\'s Dunhuangsarcophagus, Japan Horyuji Jintang, such as the murals, are in a similarway。
魏晋以后,我国的书学(书法)大发展,绘画上亦开始受书法运笔之影响。到了唐代就更盛行了,大大地发挥毛笔画线上的抑、扬、顿、挫之特有的趣味,开吴道子“兰叶描”(十八描的一种)等诸新法,一变隋陈细润之习,成正大雄浑之风格。    兼以唐、宋二代,禅风与诗理学之互相因缘,大大地促进了水墨画的发展,与山水、花鸟画之流行,使玩赏绘画者得到最大益处——“赏心悦目”;这样一来顿时成为当时社会(唐、宋)的新趋势(时尚),从而开辟了我国绘画史上的新纪元。元代的画风,虽是唐、宋二世的过渡之桥梁,然而大体上承唐宋之余波,仍可划入于“中世”。明、清二代,除明初画院中的水墨苍劲派外,其画风都可以概括为以“纤、浓、轻、软”呈现其特色,而存在有向近体转变的姿态。虽然,在这期间实际上是风俗画(传统绘画)之兴起与西洋画风的输入,这两者之间相互作用、相互交融,开一时之新生面,而呈现其变革(并延续至今)。然而这些变革的均系局部中之小波澜。虽然,绘画为艺术之一种,其演进之途程,总是依随当时的政治、思想、教育及特殊之环境而异其趋向。我国四、五千年来,随思潮之起落,战争之频发,政局之更易,则变化多端,其直接或间接地影响于绘画;因此,在绘画形式、绘画内容和绘画风格上各具变化与政治是形影之相随;也就是人们常说的:“艺术当随时代变”。近一百年间特别是近二十年来随艺术流派、艺术形式的纷繁,以创新为目的画作也频频地出现在我们的视野里,真是“百花齐放、百家争鸣”。他们是:1、以传统绘画美为美的代表画家:齐白石、张大千、唐云、   溥佐、   于非闇、   黄胄、   付抱石、   王雪涛、   朱屺瞻、田世光、   张世简、叶浅予、     姚有多、白雪石、   宋文治、任率英、   陈师曾等。    2、传统绘画美结合西方绘画美的代表画家:徐悲鸿、蒋兆和、林凤眠等。
Wei-Jin (dynasty), the book ofChina (calligraphy) development, also started by painting on the impactof calligraphy Yunbi。 To the Tang Dynasty more prevalent, greatly grossstroke play online suppression, Yang, Dayton, down the specialinterests, Wu Daozi a "depiction of the Koran" (a depiction 18), all thenew law, a change Chen Xi Xi Run of the Sui Dynasty, as the Zhengdapowerful style。 And the Tang and Song II, Zen poem jurisprudence of thewind and each other Causes, greatly promoted the development of Chineseink painting, and Landscape, Flowers and Birds Painting of the epidemicso that the fun of painting to receive the maximum benefit - "pleasing"This has suddenly At that time, become a social (Tang, Song) to the newtrend (fashion), thus opening up a new era of the history of painting inChina。 Yuan\\\'s style, although Tang, Song II, the transition of thebridge, but largely for the aftermath of the Tang and Song Dynasties canbe included in the "in the world。" Ming and Qing second-generation,with the exception of the early Ming Ink Painting Studio in Cangjincamp, their style can be summed up as "fiber, dense, light, soft,"showed the character, and there was to change the attitude of the past。Although, in this period is actually folk paintings (traditionalpainting) and the Rise of Western style of input, interaction betweenthe two, mutual exchanges, opened at the new face, and showed itschanges (and renewal date)。 However, these changes are part of the smallwaves。 Although the painting as a kind of art, the evolution of thecarriage, always in accordance with the prevailing political,ideological, special education and the environment vary its trend。 China4, 5,000 years ago, with thoughts of the ups and downs, the frequencyof the war, the more councils, changeable, directly or indirectly impacton the painting; Therefore, in the form of painting, drawing andpainting style on the content of the various changes and Xingying ofpolitics is accompanied; is often said: "When the arts change with thetimes。" Nearly 100 years in particular the last 20 years with the artschools, art forms ever to innovation for the purpose of the paintingsalso frequently appear in our view, is "letting a hundred flowersblossom and a hundred schools contend。" They are: 1, the traditionalpainting to the United States and the United States on behalf ofartists: baishi-qi, daqian-zhang,yun-tang,zuo-pu,feian-yu,zhou-huang,baoshi-fu, xuetao-wan, qishan-zhu,shiguang-tian, shijian-zhang, qianyu-ye , Youduo-yao, xueshi-bai,wenzhi-song, shuaiying-ren, shiceng-chen,and so on。 2, combiningtraditional painting the United States and the United States and Westernpainting on behalf of artists: beihong-xu, zhaohe-jiang, fengmian-lin,and so on。
2                  文化背景
2 cultural background
1、    统文化的融合
1,the integration of cultural integration
Most of the ancient literati painting for more than dependingon, with the calligraphy used to enrich themselves as the spiritualhome, get emotional venting, the spiritual purification. Such as MiFu\'s painting, ink little bit, as for drama, the author is free, ofcourse, not dancing portrayal of the mentality of Guchang. Some artistsas painting to life, indifferent to fame and fortune, and life-longsearch for the arts, equally respected by people. If the Qing Shi Tao,although the monk to monk, but in the creation of painting has devoted agreat deal of effort and sweat, his painting on the unique innovation,incurring the ridicule of their fellow around and ridiculed. But he\'snot around when the wind to promote a painting of the law, that artistswould like to take painting to express Zhenqingshigan not Jinjinjijiao1. 1 painting in the gains and losses, we should focus on the overallsituation. Therefore, he\'s landscape, figure painting patterns Zisi,informal Shengmo. Their "standing in the spirit of Mexico" was the mainthrust of future generations widely famous. Through the above analysis,we can give inspiration to the following three points: First, properlylyric sheet intended to ink a profound and extensive efforts of schoolsupport for the foundation. Although picturesque, the creative pen andpaper to get rid of restrictions, create new moods, all subordinated tothe lyrical theme, but it should be clear that the technique is a solidbasis for the expression of emotion, skilled cool to control the inkDanqing , Can be effective. Literati painters - all paintings generalJianshan, such as Su Shi and Mi Fu, they are Song of the altar, thepainting of Niuer, after learning model is the model. Continue tostrengthen its cultivation, Chengche heart is the text of the basicskills to the artist.
According to the ancientConfucian literati often, according to the Road, Yi in Zen,Confucianism, Taoism, Zen theories steeped Poshen, thereby greatlyenriched the culture of traditional Chinese literati thinking andenhance the cultural quality of the literati, also on the spirit ofsublimation Played a role can not be ignored, so that they reflect thepaintings on the multiple connotations, with real artistic value.Second, regardless of the literati painters honour gains and losses,always obsessed with the painting in the matter. This is, of course, andliterati paintings unique Jiqing function. In - the extent, the textalso reflected the people\'s fascination with this art and love, lifeBuchuo. Mr. Li Kuchan in the Predicament of life before liberation, butalso often face coercion or inducement of the Japanese invaders, evenShenxianlingyu Huayi still an obsession. He works in Eagle, bearingextraordinary, Muguangjiongjiong, proud to see the sky is not Mr. Li HuiWanjie a vivid portrayal. Qi Baishi, is unique in the Chinese artworld, promoting a new style, but others were objectionable, and thesiege, but the elderly are "not Aima Zhang Buda" calm response,described by the group he co-chasing shrimp play, Happy freely. Andpaintings by the people, we can know the painter\'s obsession withhearts of the art. Third, the creation of the mind when something verynatural to us. Painter is the art of painting the Kingdom of the key, asophisticated pen and ink work, you can forget all the time being, withrapt attention to his own artistic language records and think theythink. This creative process does not need any disguise or artificial,will not do anything to the fame and fortune, the pursuit of natural,pure, this is the ideal creative process: that in order to create abetter mood, can become works of fine Jiqing write-in for. On thepicturesque, with the mentality of our creative painting creation is ofgreat significance.
2、        诗情画意与中国画的意境:
2, poetic and artisticconception of Chinese Painting:
"Nopoetry can not be a painting, not painting can not be poetry" (withoutthe poems can not be a painting, nor did the painting can not be writtenpoems)。 Artists in the paintings on the title to poetry, or a note ofcreative background, or just write a concise and clear that thepaintings, by such Tiba, - express their ideas, express their feelingson the other hand, also painted the Mood More profound, more prominenttheme, layout composition more perfect, if Tiba is the exquisitecalligraphy, in Shanghua guests at the same time, but also get to enjoythe beauty of calligraphy, paintings of this is not a more perfect ?
Chinesepaintings by the poetic is the highest pursuit of the "realm" andpoetry, books, paintings, India is known as the "four no。" This isbecause the poetry and painting are people drawn to write King; poetryand painting simultaneously, Xiangying Shenghui, a Chinese painting abeautiful landscape。 Clearly, the relationship between them should beorganically integrated, and can not be seen as superfluous to poetry。The painter Huang Binhong once said: "Chinese paintings are San Buxiu",including the "One immortal poem painting also。"
Infact, since ancient times, the ingenious combination of poetry paintingsof many people。 For example: wei-xu artists in the "grape" on theTishi: "Lapo is a half-Weng, independent Den Xiao Wan Feng, have nowhereto sell T at the end of Pearl, left idle in the leisure throwing YeTeng。" Cast aside if this poem , The only - only string of grape, whatsignificance。 Painter banqiao-zheng life love bamboo, Huazhu his "ZhuDan," the poem says: "Castle Peak Yaoding not relax, rooted in therock-breaking; grinding 000-1000 Kennedy also strong, Seoul, the Southand the North East and West Wind。" He Bamboo self-evident, Gangzhiintegrity。 Clearly, good poetry can make paintings that draw the moodeven more profound, more prominent themes meaningful, even toDiandanchengjin, decadent to the magic of the role。 Friends in apainting landscapes in Tiba: "stoning pile water Yihong, Cao She placedwild forest, away from dust-listen Niaoyu, of his spring and summer andautumn and winter。" "Autumn farmers" in the title Said: "Who saysXiaosen autumn weather, the more the spirit of cream colored leaves, donot at home at Wo, Xunqin visit so-knock on the door。" In a "waterfallmap" in the title: "Chingchuankang Chushan kept interest rates, shortlife hard Since Fenti。 "In another in a landscape that said:" shorepremises dense shade, Chuan Bo Jiang in a clear water。 Static view fromthe clouds and cloud-to sit bow to Fisherman。 "This is the artistthinking of emotion Of something very natural to us, Xie Jing lyric likea simple "green food"。
(例如:顾绍骅创作的中国山水诗意画——《送僧游山》 Chinese landscapepoetry painting-《send to a monk to swim mountain 》
【原诗(词)】:云身自在山山去,何处灵山不是归。——唐朝·熊孺登明《送僧游山》诗意【Original poem translation 】the white cloud atliberty flies around in the top of hill, where beautiful mountain againisn\'t "Buddhism" to practice moral teachings the best dwelling place?
【Analyze 】:The poetrydeeply enriches a Chan interest-the Chan heart be like cloud, fromcomfortable at of facing one mountain another mountain fly to, and thenhave work properly of place mountain can\'t return?
规格:100×68cm      纸本设色  2006年创作)
The author (shaohua-gu) is "self-portraits" in this title:"Confucian family door catch a melon, Yan Luodian on Xianzao killing。Hanlin House Third Lu Jing, Gui Palace toad first four victims。" I(author Lu Yu Accident, and risk the lives of mourning; afterrehabilitation, and education in China Shuxie training centre on theHigh calligraphy class, written by a "flu case of" poetry。Interpretation: Shuxiang family of a boy of Health, Yan Wangdian onnearly been killed。 (In) Hallym University (Calligraphy TrainingCentre), as the Hanshin year to study at ① (Note ①: Hanshin school year,the division test his sincerity and determination, when the bridge willbe interested in the shoes lost underneath, Hanshin to be teachers whenShihui shoes and hands Jingfeng to teachers so three times, all this。The division moved by it, then granted Bingshu three volumes, and toguide, National Cheng Kung University to end the Hanshin industry。 Thisis "a bridge 3 King fit the shoes "of the historical story), a sincereand determined to study hard; Xuecheng Hou some outstanding achievementsto serve the motherland。 )。 A painting in it no matter how good theimages reflect the performance space is limited, only poetry andpainting simultaneously, to performance time and space, Yuyishenke。
Painterbaishi-qi a banner, painted just below the painting of the threechicks。 All the rest is blank, just in the upper right, that the long,black or white when, with actual situation, Poetry and complement eachother, Xiangying Shenghui, do not have some fun。 Painting poetry, sothat artists can also love, loathe, grief, worry about, pao, derogatory,Yang, disposable, and other emotions more strongly into the picture。Another example is in the works, "Bu Daoweng" that: "The fans like whiteyarn Ukrainian officials, not the original mud inverted half-Mission,RU to break all of a sudden, Tongshen where a heart and liver。" Tibamake such a simple painting changed Bu Daoweng Mood in the far-reachingsignificance extraordinary。 If not this poem, painting in the Bu Daowengit is meaningless。
Painterbaishi-qi "Bu Daoweng" the poetry of that painting that Daomaoanran,Hisai high, the lack of any self-cultivation, it will only oppress thepeople of Fantongcaobao official to give a strong lashes。 What artistslove, hate what the banner is very clear, strong feelings often。 Xu Weithat grapes such as the poetry, Zheng Banqiao\'s poems that are at thepainter strongly into the thoughts and feelings。 Painter financialsituation in painting, poetry speak by Xiong Yi。 See the paintings,Duzhe poetry, painting to be strongly of the infection。 Painting andpoetry for a more emotional appeal; painting and poetry for moreextraordinary significance。 Poetry and complement each other, similarpaintings that good poetry in the contemporary art world is also notuncommon。 Chinese painting thus constitutes a unique artistic features,to a high-level aesthetic level, this is not by any other comparable tothe art。 There are poems: and if it is not appropriate-Hill。 "Chinesepainting is the theory of the case。
Chinesegarden stress "Qujingtongyou" type of circuit to the gallery,the waterbridge division of space, creating a visual blur the hiddenbeauty。Chinese ink painting in Yichang, as the habitat in pursuit offuzzy Healso vital, non-Feibi this, as the super-to, the artistic Deqiring ineffect。 Its charm lies precisely with the help of the spirit ofthe formof poetic temperament, triggered images of people on limitedLenovo, themost difficult painting to express the Italian state intoovertones andlook good response, so that appreciation can in aninstant access to aDrawing on the overall understanding and grasp ofSpace and Time。 Suchawareness is usually a fuzzy object on aestheticof the overall pictureof the show, not rigidly adhere to certaindetails。 And is more concernedabout, such as tactful, subtle and wereplagued with setbacks context ofthe use of language; concern and joy,clarity, meaning, as the voice ofthe business concept of strategy;Zhang Yan Yuan "art history in mind" instresses "the intention of Tfirst , The painting was intended to do,"freehand brushwork is theancient concept of national art, Chinesepainting art is the aestheticprinciples of the so-called" one leaf ofcustoms intelligence, "we arepaintings of plants, it no feelings, noideology, and artists oftenGive them some kind of meaning, that is, theartist shows thecharacteristics of natural beauty subjective role of thepainter\'stouch some emotion, "by King lyric, of words-" the painterwho is intheir own unique perspective and determine their own senseof"purposive "To express their feelings," conception "is not apurelysubjective minds, it is the painter\'s life experience understandit isa result of the understanding and awareness of the United States,italso includes the people\'s thinking, feelings, ideals,cultivationinside 。 Through the "division of good fortune, in the heartof thesource," that is passed to the objective things to feel differentafterthe formation and found that the general awareness of this isintended----" "can also say" Italy "full of all works of art Soul: Onlyin thefeelings and understanding of the basis for refining the firsthalf,summed up, and a distillation of the "conception", is thepaintingsshould be said that the "intention" into the fullintelligencesituation is "intended" basis。
"Art of Rodin" said "Art is emotional,"not based on feelings of theart, that is not touched by their ownhistory can not be moved by thethings we appreciate other people\'spaintings, when the artistic charmof its implicit Attracted by painting avery Interest, subjectivethinking of mutual exchanges; painting, forthe meaning of string,moved by feelings, the mould, by infection, whichis the "mood" in…:"Mood" is the soul of art, is an objective Part of theconcentratedessence of things, coupled with people\'s thoughts andfeelings of theTao Zhu, after processing to achieve a high degree ofartisticintegration scenario, lyric by King, demonstrated by the stateof theart is fresh and vivid。
The great ancient poetjuyi-bai that the division of impermanence, itrefers to its one-one ofItaly, are often transported in and God willthink。 "In his" Huazhu Song"wrote:" The roots from the Italian Healthand Health, bamboo shootsFormed by the T-…… Mandrax do not give it thefirst painting, lowlistened suspect hands with sound。 "China seems tohave already realizethe painting," Miao-like and not like in between"the real Dili。 Chinesepainters and poets" You heart lies ", that isits own unique sentiment ofthe good fortune of U。S。 natural habitats,to create the image。 Thisdecision, Chinese painting throughout thecomplex and the Romantic poetryof the ER。 Dong Qichang was right whenhe said: "Poetry for Habitat tothe mountains and rivers, mountains andrivers also poems for Habitat。"Artist Endowment heart of the poem, theimage of all things poetryheart, mountains and the earth is theuniverse is the impact of heartpoetry, poet, painter of the soulactive, is itself the founding of theuniverse, its volume Shu choice,Taixu-like clouds, Han Tang Yan tracks,Kong Ling and natural。 Poet,painter China "traces of natural habitatsdue to heart-made, to dancesong wonders of virtual Yi Ying" (Zong Baihualanguage), can be said tobe the basic features of Chinese poetry andpainting。 Is alsoadvocating " And joy, "the beauty of the freehandbrushwork of theChinese paintings and a" solid "-(Parmenides of Being)of the Westernclassical painting in the creative concept of the biggestdifference。
In arthistory, since ancient times are two completely differentperformance: areproduction of the objective world of art consistingmainly of realism,which to Western classical paintings asrepresentatives; performance is asubjective and emotional-based XinxuRomantic, performance-based art。Chinese painting is the latter itsbasic characteristics of the。Romantic, performance of the painting, asearly as the Warring StatesPeriod, Chu Tomb of the Bohua "PeopleKui-feng map" and the bannerpainted in Mawangdui Han Dynasty have beenemerging。 Since the start ofthe Tang dynasty literati paintings,Chinese painting is more emphasis oncare of lyric and music topainting send the use of means of expression。"Painting to the shape,see neighbors and children," Su Shi is also thesages who practice theart of summing up。 It has been able to exist andhas strong vitality,the text has been painting for the people want toarguments, thereasons for the Chinese philosophy is inseparable from thejoy of theuniverse (Laozi, "all things are born, not born") impact Theartists ofthe spirit of poetry, in the form of poetic quality andappearance ofthe eternal pursuit。 Indeed, Chinese painting of thisconcept isexactly grasped the essence of Chinese art, poetry grasp ofthe Chineseart of the quality characteristics, it has withstood the testof timewind and rain, and have been affected so far。 Song DynastyphilosopherCheng Yichuan, said: "No-I Jammu, and has a ZhaoranVientiane。" ZhaoranVientiane to desert no-I-based, so that it is in avirtual, it is falsein health, air, the aftermath, not absolutelyNiaoniao , "The paintingsare not as Miaojing" (Qing Dynasty literarycritics chongguang-da(1623-1692) the phrase), this is the Chinesepaintings in the UnitedStates and the mood in the pursuit of the spiritof the non-Yan Zhuan。
3、              传说、典故、神话
3, legend, story, myth
1    考画院的传说
Anexamination of the Painting Studio legend
平庸的画师们将“踏花归去马蹄香”的画面表现为:一匹飞驰的骏马,跑过花园……;将“深山藏古寺” 的画面表现为:残锈班驳的佛堂被高耸云天、粗壮的古榕树所“半遮半现”……将“万绿丛中一点红” 的画面表现为:一片绿茵茵的杂树林里,一枝紫红色的美人蕉在一枝独绣地绽放……。
Chinese paintingis very particular about the "possession" and "disclosure" of relations,especially stress how "possession" of flavor. The Song Dynasty EmperorZhao Ji (Huizong) have in the country and the poor "Jingkang the shame,"he able to book good painting, poetry is extraordinary effort hecreated "the skinny body," the image of delicate calligraphy andpainting bird painting Spread so far, be called generation master. It issaid that during the Song Dynasty test Gongtinghuashi a few, such that:"Flower Guiqu horseshoe-riding", "Tibetan mountain temple" and"point-green leaves."
Mediocre portrait masters will "spend Guiquhorseshoe-riding" for the screen performance: a speeding of the Horse,running across Garden…. . . "Temple of the mountains" for the screenperformance: residual rust Banbo the hall was high Yun Tian, Stout bythe ancient banyan tree "is a half-shelter"…… "little green leaves red"for the screen performance: a Lvyin Yin miscellaneous woods, the Cannain a purple embroidered in a single bloom…….
Kimwill sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding"for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road,from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recentMati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations forCaimi, and another along the "road-" has been exiting…. . . forward inthe "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rockcliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the oldmonk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to themountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…. . . In the"green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fieldsand jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to sendthe rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of theShanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open thegirls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun,disclosed the spring atmosphere……. Summer-kyu due to end well with the"possession" and "open" and admitted to the relationship between aportrait master. Namely: "Flower Guiqu horseshoe-riding", "possession ofthe Temple of the mountains" were hiding "Ma" and "temple" First: "MatiYin" to performance of a horse, using bees to reflect the theme of thescreen -- Hong Kong; Second: the "two old monk\'s faltering" to theperformance of this hidden "temple", to "contain not reveal, implicationWonderland" purposes. In the "green leaves little red" adopted "greenjungle" and "Ziyi girls" portrait of human nature and exposed the two,"Chun Yi."
2    人们喜爱的“吉祥画”
2 people\'s favorite "lucky draw"
⑶《前程万里》:古钱、拂尘、万年青、李子(一种水果),摆在“乳臭未干”的孩子身边;以示“前程万里”。(钱:“前” 的谐音字、尘“程” 的谐音字、李“里” 的谐音字。)
Suchas: "Sanyangkaitai", "Fushoushan map", "Mileage Plus", "Taijidali。"
⑴"Sanyangkaitai": Guiwei, have to, but also a Year of the Goat。Sheep-"Xiang", and "yang" homonym, the Yanger has always been regardedas auspicious symbol。 Three sheep - implication from the "San-Yang KaiTai", from winter to Spring, Yin Xiao Yang of meaning。 Therefore, duringthe Year of the Goat, as a painter in the painting are many topics。
⑵"Fushoushan map": on the screen are a symbol of good fortune -longevity Shoudai birds (Shou: TING homonym, namely: the meaning oflongevity), Shou Tao, fruit cents (bergamot)。
⑶ "Mileage Plus":Guqian, Fu Chen, Wan Nianqing, plums (a fruit), placed in the"Ruxiuweigan" children who, to show "Mileage Plus。" (Money: "before" thehomonym characters, dust, "Cheng" homonym characters, Lee "," homonym。)
⑷ "Dajitaili": the screen is Xiong Jiujiu, gas Angang of therooster with a "family" - his wife and a group of children stumbletoddlers, the full fruits of the end of litchi trees……。 Chicken: "Kat"homonym of the word; Lai: "benefits" of homophonic word。 Chicken andlychee, together is the "auspicious" means.
(5) "uphill Tiger": themountains are any implication tiger "up, Geely, awe-inspiring ferocity"Therefore, government officials, business (especially the stock marketis doing) to "seek auspicious", and "uphill tiger "(Such as: Thisarticle introduces the" Yukigaya Chuan Xiao Sheng ") is the favorite ofChinese people.
3    典故
⑴ kuiling-liu of the "One-Day"
Allusions to thepicturesque representation - "One-Day", LIU Kui TSE still take theiranimals are most familiar with the performance of the Chinese nationsubject to the four traditional virtues - dogs in our tradition - hasalways been a "loyalty" of representatives; Sheep and "filial piety" andhave close links, "Zengguangxianwen" in the "milk of the sheep have tokneel TU, A is nurturing the meaning of" sentence, the sheep isauspicious animals, when Chinai are Guizhao , Was the ancients regardedas Thanksgiving, the symbol of filial piety; cattle Chikunailao, highstatus in the eyes of the ancients, has many places are still spread allkinds of "cattle-justice," the story, thus cattle to "justice" asynonym for Is also appropriate; kuiling-liu As for the performance ofMalays by "Day" is derived from the Opium War in a story。 January 1841,British troops captured Fort Humen Haikou, the Sha Kok, Shouqiangliansheng-chen the expense of his war horses were forced to the Britishgarrison in Hong Kong。 This horse temperament Ganglie, Yingren not feedthe food, while riding a lost past of the kick, only Chinesehands食料Weita, it Caiken eat, as long as the one mentionedliansheng-chen\'s name more than it tears 。 Some say it should be sentback to the Humen, it will be accompanied Yao Wei, but it ultimatelyfailed to go back。 Later in the evening it did not take on Mian GaoGang, Wang and North Sima, eventually starve to death in Hong Kong,known as "Ma Day。" At that time, many people have made a "PoetryFestival Ma," "Day-map" to commemorate it。 (Kuiling-liu (1885-1967),modern painter。 Characters Yiu-chen, Tianjin Ren。 Served as the ChineseArtists Association, vice chairman of the Tianjin Branch。 His goodpainting animals, birds and flowers, especially Shihu Kyo, in additionto mountains and rivers can also figures 。 "One Day" to the names of thefour screen people think it is very easy to figure painting。)
⑵ "Chun Figure 8" and yingquan-chen
Ming-chi to therepresentation of paintings - "eight Chun map。" 1945 late spring, "withthe 1894 G" in the famous painter wuchang-zheng, yachen-wang, hufang-wu,qingxin-yang, dramatist lanfang-mei, xinfang-zhou, jingling-hong,writer yanqiao-fan, etc。 Eight persons by "eight weeks Mu Wang Chun,"the story, invited eight paintings at the time the sea horse paintingmaster cooperation, "Chun Figure 8", "G 1894 with the" eight colleagueson the signing of the plan to show what his intention。 Plans toparticipate in the creation of this artist as: songquan-xiong,jingyu-zhao, xianglang-ge, zhixiang-yin, zhiguang-xie, biyue-xie,yingquan-chen, shaojiu-xu。 They were each painted Yi-chun, for asymbolic "with the 1894 G" in the eight Chester。 This map by thecalligrapher gongyu-ma that sign。 Tiba, there are paintings-fu `an-wang,daqian-zhang, chaoran-feng, yunmo-shen, gunian-zhang, qinmeng-pan andzhihui-wu, shizeng-li, such as a large number of celebrities。 This mapis - pieces of "survival 8 Jun, Li Zhi-ages" of art treasures。
This"eight Chun map", in 1985, "Xiling Arts" published on the first issue,the matter then in contemporary Yiyuan Reply to Meitan。 However,wuchang-zheng, and so on for eight Fellows of the Juyi, painting masterMa songquan-xiong, jingyu-zhao, xianglang-ge, zhixiang-yin,zhiguang-xie, five have died one after another, one of biyue-xie,shaojiu-xu two unidentified present situation, if still alive, then whenthe elderly also are the oldest old。 Fortunately, one of yingquan-chen,is still active in the Gusuyiyuan。
三、    笔墨特点         
Third, the characteristics of ink
China is known as "painting identity,"said; regardless of books and paintings, using the tools are the same。 TBank, Yunbi skills such as the same, Chinese calligraphy is"line-defined" and Chinese painting has always been a "line modeling"(lines as the main means of modeling)。 Despite the innovation of Chinesepainting in color as a breakthrough point, and a lot of color mainly tothe modern works, but the line still plays an important role intraditional painting lines superb performance skills and excellentcultural connotations, has been inherited and By innovation。 Therefore,the study of Chinese painting lines of historical developmenttrajectory, so that we Chinese painting lines on the inheritance andinnovation of a more sober understanding is very important。 Chinesepainting lines is a prominent characteristic of the rich performance, itis so far the majority of countries in the art of painting the linesand by the level of difficulty。
Begood at "holding line to walk," the German modernist master Klee said:"The handwriting is the most crucial performance rather than Gongzheng。Please consider - the practice of the Chinese people。" Performance linesof Chinese painting techniques while the maturity far earlier than theWest However, it is not a one-step, but through a long development。Fixed-line to move the line。 In primitive society created by humanlines, is a straight line, horizontal line and the Circle Line。 As theuse of these lines, people can object on the screen to draw thestructure, to convey the message。 With the development of civilizationsince then, people also feel a straight line, horizontal line and theCircle Line relatively inflexible, rigid and lack of dynamism andvitality, thus creating a number of wavy, uneven thickness, full oftension lines。 We from the Zhou Dynasty bronze "Tantalizing GUI", theHan Dynasty stone portraits of "Riding" can be seen in Chinese paintinglines from the 10th century BC, there will be a huge development: fromthe line-is full of vitality into the gradually-moving Lines。 Thischange is reflected in how it ?
 (934to 960) during the painter yuan-dong "Xiaoxiang" Chinese Painting
Thisline from the location, direction of movement, tension, and other areasto study。 First of all, these two works in a wavy line (also known assnake-like line)。 The location of such lines and not a straight line asfixed direction, it seems to be swinging in the direction of uncertaintyand activities, so that people with visual on the dynamic。 Secondly,the two entries in the past, not straight lines as straight uniform, butthere are a small rough, So, the author Yunbi used by the intensity andspeed is uneven。 Such intensity and speed of different lines on theshow in space and time on the campaign, which gives a dynamic; again, weTantalizing head in the opposite direction of exaggerated movement oflines, from the largest four-legged horse Limits to the extension of thedifferent directions can be seen in the gesture, the author attemptingto use the enormous tension lines to performance Tantalizing, Marousing, bronze, stone on the animal gives a strong visual sense ofmovement。 It is through this sense of movement, so that it works shownstrong vitality。 From the contour of the performance, space, thebrightness of。 Some people used "single-Ping Tu," to summarize thecharacteristics of Chinese painting, this is incorrect。 Single-Ping Tuis a common human characteristic of the early paintings。 Since the LateHan Dynasty, the characteristics of Chinese paintings will be difficultto use a single, clear-coated。 Contour Wei purpose by painting images ofthe surrounding line。 It is the face of the painting and its images inwhich the relationship between space, it is only a background of imagesfrom the separated, and can not show the images of the internalstructure and light distribution。 Since the Chinese artists to create aunique Cunfa, depiction and rub into law, the internal structure andoptical images of the treatment, not with perspective, shading, but tothis nation unique form of expression painted out。 From the FiveDynasties period, Dong Yuan "Xiaoxiang map", we can see the developmentof Chinese painting lines changes:
This painting used todefine the contours of the space-location and the overall trend, Duishanthe various components of the body, are in long lines Phi Ma Cun pointsto increase performance。 Phi Ma Cun many points of the lines andorderly, on the one hand sculpts the mountain in a certain light shiningunder the Cun Wen, on the other hand Chushan performance in variousparts of the organic combination, effectively depicts the structure ofthe mountain。 Cun performance of these lines, points and contourintegration, Hill Xiongzi show on the state to the eyes。
This painting does not use thesame perspective to draw images of space and distance, is due to thepainter flexibility in the use of the Cun lines and points。 Screen thevision of the artist using a shorter, smaller, lighter and Cun-pointclose-range part, with longer, the Jiaonong Cun; Beiyin part of themountain, with the short-term and Jiaonong points; Overlap with thevarious sects of paint, the artists use these methods Chushanperformance of the Zongshen Gan。 Some people think that this method doesnot accurately scientific perspective。 Of course, the perspective ofthe images painted in very realistic。 However, the Gestalt psychologistspointed out: Perspective is built on the exact perspective and theperspective reduced on the basis of the deformation, it is onlytwo-dimensional space in the performance of three-dimensional illusion,the eyes of "deception。" Therefore, we do not have to use perspective toexpect with Cun, the points of overlap and show images from space - the"depth" of Chinese painting。
此画没有用明暗法也画出了物象的光分布。这是因为画家利用皴线有疏有密的排列与部分留自来描绘山体的明部与暗部。显然,这幅画似乎没有固定光源和合乎比例的明暗层次(亮度梯度),但这样的作品并不像有人说的只强调线条韵律不要光,而是采用垂直光分布、正面光(正面留白)来表现光亮,背面、侧面用密集的短皴与点来表现。这种特殊的正面光与明暗分布法,源于道家哲学“万物负阴而抱阳”的观点。董源之后,画家们又把皴与擦融为一体,   进一步表现了物象的明暗层次,色彩的渲染对用皴擦表现光分布也起了辅助作用。这样在表现光的过程中,各种线条一直起着主导作用。董源作品中的线条组合,不仅表现了物象的光分布,而且表现了空气的湿度——南方群山的华滋湿润、苍茫葱郁。这是在西洋画中难以见到的。
 This paintingis of no use to draw the shades of images of light distribution。 This isbecause the artists use Cun lines are infrequent and are of the orderto remain part of the mountain of unsolicited depict the dark and theDepartment of the Ministry。 It is clear that the painting did not seemto be a fixed proportion of light and shades (brightness gradient), butthis does not work like some people say that the rhythm of lines thatwill not only light, but use of the vertical distribution of light, apositive light (positive blank ) To performance Bright, back, side withthe short-Cun and point performance。 This special positive light anddark distribution method, derived from Taoist philosophy of "all thingswhich have negative yin-yang" point of view。 Dong Yuan, painters andwipe again Cun integration, further demonstrated the shades images, thecolor rendering of using performance-Cun wiping distribution also playeda supporting role。 This performance in light of the process, thevarious lines has played a leading role。 Dong Yuan works in thecombination of lines, not only the distribution of images of light, butalso the humidity of the air - the southern mountains, mayonnaise andhumid, lush Cangmang。 This is in Western painting it is difficult tosee。
From the "shapeof" the lyric lines to the lines。 Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinesepainting to reflect the social life, depicting Mingjun, loyal, martyrs,Zhennv such as the main characters。 The capacity to stay true historicalfigures, the painting is superior to other works, Lu Ji said: "Theshape of good at-painting。" Habit of painting lines in service at themain function "of shape," painted an objective that is the real target。
Sincethe Song Dynasty (960-1279), Yuan Dynasty (1271 -1368), the Chinesepaintings from the main characters, and gradually into the landscape,birds and flowers mainly from the social life, depicting historicalfigures and reality-based, to To Refractive to depict nature of sociallife, to express feelings of the main artists。 To submit to this end,the painter who made the bold lines of innovation, creation of theindependent aesthetic value of the lyric lines。 This lyrical lines andrealism of the main differences between lines in the following twoaspects。 First, the lyrical lines attached particular importance to theself-tension lines。 The so-called tension, in a nutshell, is a contrastXiang-cheng of the force。 Tension combination of tension lines can bedivided into two with its own tension。 Gu Kaizhi only horizontal linesand tilt curly lines portfolio, depicts a figure on the morphology anddynamics。 However, he used the uniform of this slender lines, there wasno apparent tension itself。
梁楷的《六祖斫竹图》、   倪云林的《紫芝山房图》、    华岩的《金谷园图》等,就与顾恺之的线条不同了,其线条借鉴了书法线条的特点,自身具有明显的张力。画家在画线条时,不仅像书法家那“欲左先右”、“欲上先下”,而且要使线条有虚有实、有曲有直、有浓有淡、有轻有重、有粗有细、有断有续、有行有留等等。把以前平直、均匀、细韧的线条变得曲折顿挫、千姿百态,极富情致。画家复杂多变的情感,借助这种多姿多变的线条得到了充分的宣泄。这正是中国画线条发展到高级阶段所呈现的奥秘与难以企及之处,它是几十个画家共同创造的成果。
kai-liang\'s "Liu Zuzhuo bamboo map", yunlin-ni "Zizhi Shan FangShi map", yan-hua "Jingu park map", with kaizhi-gu different lines, thelines drawn calligraphy lines The characteristics of their own obvioustension。 Painter painting in the lines, not only calligraphers like that"to the left to right," "For the first", but if there is virtual linesare, a song straight, thick with short, light a weight, Rough is fine,there have continued off and will stay there, and so on。 Of the previousstraight, uniform, fine lines become tough Duncuo twists and turns,Qianzibaitai, very Qingzhi。 Painter complex and changeable emotions, bychanging the lines of this scene was fully venting。 This is preciselythe development of Chinese painting lines presented by the advancedstage of the mystery and difficult to reach in, it is dozens of artistswork together to create results。
Second,the lyric line is not the natural state lines, but a technique of thelines。 China brushes law mainly refers to a pen method。 It is anotherimportant Chinese paintings mystery。 China brushes, in addition to thefamiliar Western painting is different from the written law, the mostworthy of attention is Yunbi law, but also different types of lines havedifferent Yunbi law。 Yunbi law is Bifeng contact paper, how to run themethod, it takes many forms, in general, can be divided into space andtime form of sports movement forms。 The outline of different lines,different Cunfa, the depiction of its lines of space and time form ofmovement is not the same。 Space the form of dozens of sports, mainly tothe rotation (able to), translation, swing, pop, and so calmly。 Time hasa variety of movement forms, mainly late disease (including fast,medium speed, slow), to stay the pace, such as Shibuya Bank and thebeating。 Chinese artists since the master the technique, not only can"lead line to walk," but also by virtue of its flying in the Kingdom ofArt, depicts the various images, to express complex emotions andperformance of different personality。 This technique is being modernpainter inheritance, development, and has strong vitality。
Modern Chinese Paintingin the lines。 Chinese painting lines in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qingdynasties, such as after a large number of artists to create, to reach anew height。 However arts indefinitely, with the progress of the times,people\'s ability to improve the aesthetic, Chinese painting lines arestill developing。 In recent decades, especially in the last 10 years,many modern Chinese painters in succession on the basis of previoustechniques, has created many unprecedented new lines。
例如,李可染创造了深邃含蓄的“金错刀式”的线条;朱屺瞻创造厂老辣雄健的“铁干银钩式”的线条;刘文西创造了长于描绘北方人物古朴刚劲的线条;黄永玉创造了曲折多姿的“不连贯”线条;吴冠中创造了极富韵律美的与点分离的长线条;黄胄创造了具有力度美的近似面的宽线条;周韶华创造了线与面、线与色混融一体的具有面的效果的线条;富中奇创造了具有装饰美的表现乡土情结的线条;邱笑秋、宋雨桂等创造了以色彩笔触与水墨线条相融合的新线条等等。这些线条的创造,丰富了中国画的表现力与抒情功能。关注绘画艺术本体中点、线、面、笔墨等抽象的艺术形式;关注绘画空间上的模糊性所引发的观众的想象与再创造。因而,中国传统绘画艺术具有象征、写意、表现的基本特征。以想象真实代替视觉真实是它有别于西方古典写实性艺术的特征,也是中国画诗意化的体现方式。在观察与表现手法上,中国画“外师造化,中得心源”(张躁语)。并不是完全照抄模仿自然的客观物象,而是加入了创造者很强的主观色彩,即在造化自然的基础上,有所思想,有所寄意。 当前,中国画家正在越来越多地使用墨彩与色彩,全色彩“没骨画”得到了长足的发展。但是,线条并没有被削弱,更不会消失,而是在不断创新中形成新的形态、获得新的生命力,显现出更有时代特点的东方绘画韵味。      
Forexample, keran-li created a profound implication of "the wrongknife-style" lines; qizhan-zhu plant Laola Xiongjian create the "Ironstem Yingou" lines; wenxi-liu longer than that depicted the Northcreated a figure of the ancient lines Gangjin ; Yongyu-huang created avariety of twists and turns "not coherent" lines; guanzhong-wu created avery rhythm of the separation points and the long lines; zhou-huang hascreated the intensity of the United States has the approximate width ofthe lines; shaohua - zhou created a line and face, one Hunrong colorand line with the results of the line; rich in creating a singularperformance of the United States decorated with native complex lines;xiaoqiu-qiu, yugui-song, and so create a color strokes and Ink lines ofthe integration of new lines, and so on。 The creation of these lines,enriching the performance of Chinese painting and lyric function。Concerned about the midpoint of body painting art, line, flour, ink, andother abstract art form; drawing attention on the fuzzy space triggeredby the audience\'s imagination and the re-creation。 As a result,traditional Chinese painting art symbolic, Freehand, the performance ofthe basic characteristics。 To replace the vision to imagine the realtruth is it different from Western classical realism of thecharacteristics of art, Chinese painting is the embodiment of poeticway。 In the observation and performance practices, the Chinese painting"division of good fortune, in the heart of the source" (zao-zhanglanguage)。 Mechanically imitate nature is not entirely the objectiveimages, but joined the creators of the highly subjective, that isnatural on the basis of good fortune, some thought, to send Italy。 Atpresent, the Chinese artists are more and more use of color ink andcolor, full-color "no bone painting" has been developed by leaps andbounds。 However, the lines have not been weakened, will not disappear,but in the constant innovation in a new shape, with new vitality,showing more characteristics of the times Oriental painting flavor。
四、    中国画色彩的魅力
Fourth, the charm of Chinese painting color
AncientChinese painting has never been to the use of color, history paintingof the color of the study achieved a high level of the ancient artistshave long summed up the season, different climate caused by changes incolor images, and hot and cold on the use of color 。
[AncientTang dynasty] wei-wang (701-761) in "Landscape" said: (Chinese paintingpaintings), "regardless of world weather, things did not identify,…… YuTing-yun is up to the sky blue, the fog is Thin, Cui Tian Shan of Chinaand Japan in recent ramp-hui。 Qianshan as early as the King Yushui,little fog, clouds obscured the moon is about to dawn, his luster hasbeen dark。 Wanjing is the title of Red Hill, Vol Fan Jiang Houzhu,… …Chunjing lock Yanlong, fog, smoke Reply-long, with water as blue, greenShanse gradually。 Xia Jing, Gumubitian, no-green water。…… Qiujing, suchas water color days, Cucuyoulin,…… Dongjing, Jiedi for snow, Qiao whopaid negative, Yuzhou rely upon the shore, shallow sand-ping。"Landscapes of China\'s family at this time that the climate, overnight,seasonal changes in color have a more in-depth and meticulous analysisand creative use of painting He said。
 [Song]Guo Xi "Linquan to high" (Chinese painting paintings) pointed out:"Color: Spring Green, Xia Bi, Autumn Green, black winter。 The weather:Haruaki, Xia Bi, a net fall and winter An。 "Guo Xi is the ancientChinese painters, painting is an outstanding theorist, he summed up thegeneral water color of the weather and seasonal changes。 [-] Tangdai inthe "micro-painted the incident," said: "The mountains are 4 color, windand rain Huiming, change varies as to its non-colored old。 Yanye theso-called spring-like and laugh, but as summer-green drops, Akiyama andreduces noise reduction resulting such as desalination, Dongshan andgloomy as sleeping, and 4 of this gas also。 "[Qing] Zong Qian in"mustard of the boat for painting "vivid and concrete also introduced thefour seasons of color landscape painting:" For Chunjing Its beautiful,all grassland Shushao to be a fresh inquiry, and he was at aparticularly bleak Yuyi。 Guzuochunjing, not more Shi Nenlv of color。 -……Xiajing to its Congcui, the Peak-Britain, to be Green-and blue, greenface and Caolv。… Qiujing to its reduces noise reduction resulting inWoodland Shuaicao, Bai Wu Chang Jia,…… Dongjing to its bleak, all thefeatures, but pine and cypress trees and bamboo, use the old Green, MsHowever, desalination Zhe and black only。 "Color image to describe thecharacteristics of the four seasons, shows that the Chinese must also bepainted with color performance of the season and climate change。
ZongQian also talked about the human body color painting: "People of color,from the old and less susceptible at any time, the baby, muscular youngjustifications small, color crystal, when the powder-like now, lessShih Mexico halo, such as flowers early Release of color。 Prime time,the blood-foot-wang, bone uplift, when the ink in the main extension,from the color of mention that the Vietnamese have our signs。 If themiddle-aged, the gas on the decline in order Convergence。 Although thecolor Run-and with Cang, angular creases, are both full-significant,when bone graft to ink and color to melting of God, to makefertilizer-taek, who not let the grinding edge, thin-Jun, rather thandeliberately。 If in old age, the skin Crepe bad blood, embedded deepcreases, gas, bad and asymptotic Cangmang, color vertical Low and lesshaggard, or even if the scale freeze pears, such as crepe or dead wood,and when all seeking to Mexico, with its shape。 Repeated use coloredstains , Was its color。 Banbo not be very kind to dust Zi, extremelyChan Yan and get its own integration。 All this is still specialstatement about their ears。 As for the change of Hope, a non-Almost asif people are to Convex color to the light, and I do not know Toumian onits outstanding on the fixed-wind, its color will be deep。 Theirdepression, the less wind to, its color will be shallow。…… And peopleare women and juveniles The color should welcome the Nenhong, and I donot know juveniles and women who are extremely Cang color。 Middle-agedand older persons to have a very soft colors, but less and color Cang,the study of juvenile looks, but not with the elderly Categories, oldand soft colors。 This is the gas-aged, not the same with Junior。 "Colouron the human body because of gender, age, health conditions and havedifferent characteristics put it in depth and meticulous。 In particular,to the dialectical analysis of the law and special phenomenon all overthe link, is a brilliant exposition of color, it is worth us toappreciate and learning。
Theso-called is a very lively rhythm, the rhythm of images in sports,modern society has entered the digital era, the rhythm is the high-speedmovement, the painter can not be thinking of escapism, to the thoughtsand feelings of today\'s assimilation into a painting by painting Wustatement to express their Feelings - so that the freehand brushworkwrite this era of Italy, wrote a sense of real life; has said; color forthe freehand brushwork and gorgeous Banlan today is the need forsensory stimulation and colorful world, has entered the internationalpainting, in carrying forward the tradition On the basis of catch upwith the trend of the times。 As Shi Tao said: "When the ink with thetimes" with the level of exquisite color characteristics, can arouse asoul; \'speech can not express the feelings of delicate, but the tableas the first layer to stimulate people and not only because of thenature and the pursuit of extinction 。
Colorof the sensory stimulation is always there, awakening people not toignore it End months, and this produced a color ink on the performanceof the world and the lack of adequate theory: Light and Color in thefact that there is indeed a space for the ink can not be totally intothe compound The natural objects; "sunshine incense burners producepurple clouds" Purple is 11 more delicate observation of the experience。"Choi Wan in the morning surrounded by Cibie Baidicheng" Choi Wan,"Trinidad Yingti Green Yinghong" Wealthy "window of the ages of XilingSnow" beautiful, "green mountains as spectacular as the sea, the eveningas the sun Like the bright red blood, "the Haozhuang, the color oftheir strong visual stimulation can not but come to GuangcaizhaorenConverse and the images revealed in the hearts of artists, among T; Stepbeyond those of the literati, but also thought-ink color to the lack of, In particular, Flowers and Birds Painting in the story: "HuangFu-yin" (Peony), "XU Xi Ye Yi" (Lanzhu) a leading position: This isperhaps the literati psychological stresses Water Warning is inadequate,but the fact is: the average distribution Autumn scenery, the coloritself is the natural time and space to the heart that give the freeshow, flowers Whispering almost every year as blood; Chaozhaomumu repeatevery day, while the plateau grass-to-day strong, beautiful Gangnam is abeautiful time In the even of natural overlap of the type also BAICheng, color, Lu Yun, loess, grass, green water, and so on all of this,it is more colorful painting art world。 Therefore, Qiao Yi comply withthe full color and the middle of cattle, the artist\'s task is how tofind their own language to express the times That sincere emotion。
5    中国画的用光
5 Chinese paintings of light
A great artistonce said, the importance of an artists, he is by the introduction ofinnovation in the language of art the size of the number of symbols ofthe decision。 Chinese classical painting in the light, most of thedistribution of brightness performance。 Modern Chinese Painting in thelight, not only brightness distribution, and a portrait image, prominenttheme, emotional performance artists of the new artistic language。 Themodern Chinese painters such creation, the innovation of ChinesePainting and development achievements can not be ignored。 We must givethem adequate attention。
王履《华山图画》   Wang Li, "Huashan picture。"
明初画家元履以自然为师,所作<华山图》册页四十幅,皆由写生观察得来,光感甚强,故山石明亮坚实,气势雄伟;而冷谦的《白岳图》纯用下:笔焦墨擦出的山石。明暗分明,光感显著,尢其画幅中部树林的顶稍留出光亮部位,与山石白云亮部协调统一,深得自然光影之妙 浙派画家继承南宋水墨苍劲的画法,全以大斧劈及拖泥带水皴勾斫,多近块的造型,放山头每出现明显的光感。试看张平山的《山雨欲来图》上部的山峰,   竟有类似逆光的感觉,更属奇特。吴派画家唐寅十分注重画的明度,如《深山伴侣》中的山石,明部过渡自然、暗部对比强烈、调子准确,显得整幅画面明媚动人,非对光的明度有深入观察不能表现至此。清代力倡革新的石涛,所作山水极有创意,并且“搜尽奇峰打草稿”,努力表现对自然景物的真切感受、其画山石每留出空白面,而在山顶和山脚用浓墨衬托,显得光洁明净,水墨淋漓,画面中山水更得光影微妙之趣。他的《搜尽奇峰图卷》   和《双清阁图卷》中,对树林的光影表现更是奇妙之至、在中国画“用光”史上值得大笔一书的是金陵八家之首的龚贤—其作品墨韵深厚、层次丰富,在乌黑亮泽中迫出强烈的—)亡感。
Early Ming painter yuan to Li for the natural division, made bythe
Forestand the point of rendering features often demonstrate the mysteriouslight, a lot of inspiration for future generations; needs to be pointedout that the late Qing Dynasty with the Western Church entered theso-called missionary territories artists, such as Lang Shining, theEnlightenment, such as Viagra, they basically Chinese painting is thesubject of painting tools and Western painting, Western perspective onthe whole screen brightness relations carved shaver, animals or birdsand flowers made by both figures landscapes, are a typical "hook andline drawings" type of painting, because of their lack of ink Qiyun Andinterest, the lack of traditional Chinese painting temperament, Guyiwith this attempt to create "light" system-free。 In sum, traditionalChinese painting in the past have had no lack of light observation andperformance artists or works, although these are mostly unconsciousperformance, and Robinson extent with our modern light of observationand understanding vary widely, But can also prove that the "light" onthe painting as an indispensable factor in China for thousands of yearsthe painting is indeed universal practice exists, and the developmentand progress of China\'s paintings have the effect can not be ignored。
Chinesepaintings to form lines as the main means, especially since the Songand Yuan Dynasties, the text of the painter had been "to ink for" thelight color on a secondary position, but also light and color in a stateof separation, so some people mistakenly believe that: " Chinesepainting is of the rhythm。 Do not light, the shadow will not。 "In fact,if there is no light on the painting, then a dark, be called a pictureof how it? Therefore, Song Han Zhuo said: "brush to stand upCampaign-based, the depth of color ink used to distinguish between Eastand West and North-South backlit by the smooth surface, and so on。 "ZongQing Qian further said:" The color paintings, non-lead Dan Jiang Qingof that is in the shades between the Hui "he said。" Yin and Yang ","Ming Hui "in the" Yang "and" Ming "refers to the light, only lightcolored Chinese painters is the philosophy of knowledge, the experienceonly。 Therefore, the Chinese Health and video artists do not have theoriginal, derivative video, full brightness, color, and so the wholeconcept, but the light on the screen is divided into positive light,light fixed, flat light, and so on。 By modern Chinese painters of modernphilosophy, modern science and modern aesthetic requirements of theaffected, the light on the screen for the treatment has undergoneenormous changes, while retaining some of the habits of the Chineseaesthetic, and bold breakthrough in positive light, fixed-plane Theshackles of light, creating a new light-color language。 With brightlights, roof light, to replace Kai-positive light。 The so-calledpositive light, is light images from the front-Shedao on。 Yang ispositive, is subject to smooth; back of the Yam, is backlit face。Positive light from the performance of Taoism。
Ancient "Taoist" founder - Lao-tzu in thearticle said: "Health, a life of two, three of Health, tertiary things,things which have negative yin-yang, salt air and that" he said。"Negative yin-yang hold" (that is, the back Yam-positive) is thedistribution of Chinese painting light of the general rule。 By modernChinese painters of modern optics, the impact of color, to recognizethat the sun is more oriented to the light source, light can bepositive, but also from above, side, back, the images of the artists onthe smooth and smooth The treatment is varied。 In modern Chinesepainting, a lot of people use such lights。 Strong light on the centralscreen and not necessarily positive。 It stressed that the role not onlyin the light of the screen, also stressed a sense, has become a newmodeling language。 A panoramic image, and more space to the portfolioperformance of the natural overlap of "unlimited。" The on-screenclose-range, low light and dark vision of both the Department。 Thepainting of cloud water from the glare said。 Comparison of abstractimages, a giant Ran "Akiyama asked map" the implication, of living incloud water access between life and the universe for the metaphysicalthinking and beyond。 This is the aesthetic of thought and philosophicalthinking of Hu Rong。 Although this is still light philosophy,experience, but has not completely Taoist the "Road", but theconvergence of the theory of relativity, modern philosophy and scienceof "Road。"
Beat with light, replace the fixed-floating light。Classical artists on "negative yin-yang have" dealt with the concept oflight, do not consider different sources of light and color of differentcolors of light environment by painting images of the impact, and notto air the images and artists from the perspective of the impact ofimages, In light of the positive performance at the same time, fixed thevertical distribution of light。 Fixed-brightness so that images clear,strong sense of relief, but the light of the diversity, dynamic andsubjectivity has been hidden。
现代中国画家受到现代审美动力学和欧洲印象派绘画的影响,开始打破固定光的束缚。程十发的《喂羊》、    杨延文的《村妞》等作品中的光,   都是不规则的、跳跃的。《改革之年》的画面上部有几道闪电般的光,从顶部早斜线射向中部。这种跳动的光,使整个画面受到震动,暗示改革势头锐不可挡,似乎讲述着改革之年人们奋发向上的冲劲。这种光不是依附于物象之上的,在独立发挥自身的功能。《村妞》使我们联想到蒙德里安的某些作品,    但又与它不同。此画是用水墨染成的大都市朦胧夜景。朦胧的夜色中,各种灯光的闪烁、跳动,表现出大都市的喧器、繁荣和彻夜的骚动。画面上的白光、红光、黄光、蓝光以及长光、短光跳跃着,互相映照,把大都市夜生活渲染得淋漓尽致。这种对光的处理,既有民族“基因”,又有现代性,因此它必然能与世界美术接轨。画家们突破了传统固定光的观念,可能得益于现代科学的影响。固定光的基本功能在描绘物象的明暗分布上,主要是客观的。现代中国画中许多飘浮之光,则带有很大的主观性。张民生的《山光》中没有固定的光。强光分散在几个部位互不联系,没有统一的光源与光亮梯度,强光笼罩在某些物象之上。它主要不是说明物象之上真实的光分布,而是体现画家的主观意图——强调新时期山民新的生活。张海东的《红花图》,光分布更显得极不规则,随意飘浮。强光既不遵守透视规则也不囿于光分布的固定要求,有的落在人物的上身,有的落在人物的胳膊或脚上,有的落在飞鸟的头部或背景上。白色的强光与偏冷的红花形成对比,突出表现红花园中奏笛的三女于优雅的神态。飘忽的强光使清晰的画面变得有些朦陇,呈现一种含蓄的诗意美。张广俊的《竹乡初雪》画面:   一轮皓月照亮一片被茂密竹林遮住,又时隐时现的在小山村上;这里船儿歇了,村庄“睡了”,雪儿在静静地下……;一切是多么的恬静。画家用“顶光”处理:被撒上朦胧月光的山村、小河与大地,竹林时隐时现,画中散落着白雪。这是自然美与心灵美的和谐融合。这种美的现代感很强,又在似与不似之间表现对象,抒发了画家的情思,表现出东方艺术的韵昧。
By modern Chinese painters of modern aestheticdynamics and the impact of the European Impressionist paintings, beganto break the shackles of fixed-kwong. - 10 of the "Hey sheep," YangYanwen "Niu Village" and other works in the light, are irregular, thejumping. "Year of reform" You Jidao upper part of the screen lightninglight, from the top as early as slash exposure to the Central. This beatthe light, the entire screen by the vibration, suggesting that themomentum of reform Ruibukedang seems to be on the reform of the peopleto make progress in the drive. This light is not dependent on the imagesabove, the independent play to its own function. "Village Niu" We thinkthat some of Mondrian works, but with its different . This painting isstained with ink metropolis hazy night. Obscurity in the darkness, allthe lights flashing, beating, showing the city Xuan, prosperity and theriots throughout the night. On the screen of white, red, yellow, blueand long - and short-jumping with each other reflects the city nightliferendering most vividly. This light treatment, both national "gene",another modern, so it is bound to convergence with the world of art.Artists had to overcome the traditional fixed-concept, might benefitfrom the impact of modern science. The basic function of fixed-paintedin the brightness of images, mainly objective. Many of the modernChinese paintings floating in the light, with a lot of subjectivity. Ofthe people\'s livelihood, "Hill - "There is no fixed in the light. Lightscattered in several parts are not linked, there is no uniform gradientof light and bright, bright lights shrouded in some images on. It isnot the main note on real images of light distribution, but thesubjective intent of the painter - that the new era mountain people anew life. Hai-Dong Zhang\'s "saffron map", a more even distribution oflight is very irregular, free floating. Glare does not comply with therules of perspective is not limited to a fixed-distributionrequirements, and some people fall on the upper body, and some peoplefall on the arms or feet, and some of the birds landed on his head orbackground. And the white glare of saffron Pianleng contrast,outstanding performance in the Red Garden played in the 2007\'s andthree women elegant expression. Piaohu the glare of the screen hasbecome clear that some Meng Long, showing a subtle poetry of the UnitedStates. Zhang Guangjun "Zhu Xiang First Snow" screen: a Haoyue lit up bya dense bamboo forest cover, and when the time is now hidden a smallmountain village; Chuaner hysteria here, the village "to sleep," Cherquietly in the underground……; Everything is very quiet. Painters "toplight" treatment : Sprinkle with dim moonlight by the village, river andland, when bamboo is implicit when, paintings scattered in the snow.This is the natural beauty and soul of a harmonious integration of theUnited States. The contemporary United States such a strong, and inbetween it and do not like performance targets, to express the artist\'sQingsi, showing the Oriental Art Yun Mei.
三、    用点光、变调光取代平面光。我国除了一部分花鸟画外,大部分山水画、工笔人物画的色彩都是平面的。平面色彩之上的光缺少层次、冷暖、明暗变化,因此是平面光。现代中国画家从我国舞台美术、民间美术和西方现代主义绘画中吸取有益的因素,采用点光、色彩变调所呈现的有层次、有变化的光,来突破传统的平面光,并使这种光成为画面灵动活泼的语言。点光,就是把强光分解成许许多多的“点”,使之散落在画面的各个部分、各个角落,使画面的动力性增强,并呈现丰富多彩的光分布。姚卫国的《希望的早晨》,整个画面是偏冷灰调子。在一片暗灰色建筑物中,到处可见白色的亮点,把一所希望小学照亮。大大小小的亮点,似乎汇成了优美的旋律,奏响希望小学新一天的晨曲。闪烁的众多亮点,使画面富有动感,表现出早晨生机勃勃的景象。作者用被大大小小亮点包围的、饱和度不相同的偏灰紫小色块来构成画面,打破了传统重彩画的平面光画法,使画面显现出强烈的节奏感。这种节奏感的高潮在画面的远景——小学生举行升国旗仪式部分,红旗与众多白色亮点互相呼应,让人看到画面上不同形状光点的组合,都是为主题服务的。另外,我们在晁海的《晨曦》、孙玉香的《悠悠岁月》、牛锡珠的《护林人家》等作品中,都看到了作者使用点光来取代平面光,取得了良好的表现效果。    突破平面光的另一个有效方法是采用色彩转调光。色彩转调通常是由某种色相所呈现的冷暖、明暗变化体现的。朱建平的《世纪森林之春》中的群山是微微发红的绿色,森林是蓝绿色。作者用同一色调描绘同一类型的物象(群山与森林)而使不同树木与山峦区别开来,依靠的是色调的冷暖、明暗变化。作者不用线条勾勒,完全突破平面光,使画面的光在同一色调的冷暖、明暗对比中显现出来,使画面既保留了装饰性也显得很美,洋溢着诗情。  
3, withpoint-kwong, pitch shifter replace the light-plane. In addition to ourpart of Flowers and Birds Painting, most landscape painting, figurepainting Meticulous colors are flat. Light plane on the lack of colorlevels, and well-being, the brightness changes, it is light plane.Modern Chinese artists from China\'s stage arts, folk art and modernWestern painting and drawing useful, a point-kwong, presented by thecolor tone sandhi a level, the changes in light, to break through thetraditional flat light, and that this light A screen Smart livelylanguage. Point light, the light is broken down into so many "points" sothat it scattered in various parts of the screen, every corner, so thatthe momentum of strengthening the screen and showed colorful lightdistribution. Yao Weiguo of the "hope that the Morning", the entirescreen is Pianleng gray tone. In a dark grey buildings, the bright spotof white seen everywhere, a hope that the primary lit up. The brightlights of all sizes, it seems Huicheng a beautiful melody, played thehope that the new primary school day morning song. Flashes of the manyhighlights, so that the screen full of dynamism and vitality of themorning show scene. The author used was surrounded by large and small,bright spot, not the same degree of saturation partial gray color purpleto a small screen, breaking the traditional Zhongcai Hua-painting theplane, the screen showed a strong sense of rhythm. This sense of rhythmin the climax of the vision of the screen - part of primary schoolstudents held flag-raising ceremony, the red flag with white highlightsmany echo each other, people see different shapes on the screen, acombination of light, are the theme of the service. In addition, weChaohai in the "Operation Dawn", Sun Yuxiang the "long time",cattle-Chu\'s "forest people" and other works, the authors have seen theuse of point-to replace the light plane made a good performance results. Another breakthrough flat-effective way is to use color-transfer.Color is usually transferred from a certain hue presented by thewell-being, reflected in changes in brightness. Zhu Jianping of the"century of forest Spring" in the mountains is slightly redness of thegreen, the forest is blue and green. The author used the same colorimages depicting the same type of (mountains and forests) and makesdifferent distinguish between trees and mountains, relying on thewell-being is the color, brightness changes. Authors do not have to drawlines, totally breakthrough plane light, so that the screen in thelight of the well-being of the same hue, brightness contrast in theshow, so that the screen is to retain the decorative looks beautiful,filled with a poetic.
六、      中国画的“品位”
6, the Chinese Painting "grade"
Painting is the level and quality。 Ancient Chinesepaintings on the painting materials divided into many levels, ingeneral, the wonderful work than the usual works, and works magic thanwonderful works of high-and high-level artists should pursue the highestlevels of course - the magic works 。 The magic works also need to worknormally and wonderful works for the foundation, even the works areusually can not, how to become a wonderful works? ?The same token, eventhe beauty of the works are not, how can we become It works magic?visible。 The magic of goods to and inseparable from the works ofwonderful works, usually works and wonderful work is the magic works andthe necessary preparations for the necessary conditions, and the magicworks is usually works and the wonderful works of the highest results:
Allworks of art, are composed of three levels。 The first level is theartistic language。 It is works of art in the form of levels, includingthe structure and form of artistic language。 Is the unique performanceart methods and means。 In the main means of painting lines, a brush withMose\'s "Kung Fu", color, structure, and so on。
Theseartistic language is not only the image of performance art to createways and means, but in itself is independent of the aesthetic value ofthe use of high and low language arts, the creation of artistic imageplays a direct role, artists, it is through language arts, to shape theThe image of various kinds of art and artists to express their naturallife and the unique experience and feelings。
Asartistic language in works of art have a vital role, so the art attachedgreat importance to the art of language study and use End, alsoattached great importance to innovation and artistic language ofexploration。 Works of art to the second level is the artistic image, itis the content of works of art the United States。 The major works ofvisual art shaping the image, put it directly to enjoy the visualsenses, especially with so intuitive, vivid and concrete。
Inworks of art, the art works of art image is the core and key。 InPainting。 Not for the ink and pen and ink, we can not search for thearts and language arts, language arts is to create the ultimate image ofthe arts, and the Meaning of Art also contains the image of the arts,in this sense there will be no image of art works of art。 Thedistinctive artistic image, the more typical, works of art the morevitality; one of the artist\'s mission is to create a typical, clear,vivid and beautiful image of the art。 Art not only has the image ofconcrete sense of the image, but also a typical and all-embracing, thevery rich life with the typical image of the way to summarize。
Artimage but also has emotion and thought。 In the artistic image, to beincorporated into the artist\'s happy, angry, loved, hated the feelingof living artists infiltration into the thinking and evaluation。Artistic image of Zhang Yi also has aesthetic, it embodied artistsaesthetic ideal and aesthetic appeal, which radiates with the brilliantartistic creation, who can appreciate the enjoyment to the UnitedStates。 As the artists not only to the pursuit of artistic languagemainly to the formal beauty, but also to further the pursuit of artisticimage of the United States-based content, from the level of art terms,as the United States and higher than the formal beauty even moredifficult。 Of course, inseparable from the content from the UnitedStates and formal beauty, there is no such form without content, contentis always certain to pass some form of order shown, the content offormal beauty is a necessary condition for the United States and thenecessary preparations, but the content is the form of the United StatesThe purpose of the United States and the end result。
Works of art the third level is the Meaning ofArt, which is the highest level of works of art, the artist is also alifelong struggle goals: Implications of art is in the works of artcontains a deep philosophy of life, poetic or spiritual connotation。 Itis the artistic image of artists, art or typical mood of profoundunderstanding and create the results。
黑格尔在《美学》中认为:“意蕴总是比直接显现的形象更为深远的一种东西。艺术作品应该具有意蕴”(见《美学》第一卷25页)。艺术意蕴也就是唐代诗论家司空图提出的“象外之象、”“景外之景”、“韵外之致”、“味外之旨”,也就是比艺术形象本身更加深广隽永的精神内涵,这种内涵蕴藏在艺术形象之内,只有凭借欣赏者的细心体察、玩味、感悟、领会,才能真正认识知押解例如:徐悲鸿在抗日战争期间画的《风雨鸡鸣》除了娴熟的笔墨和生动、准确、优美的艺术形象外,还有着深刻的艺术意蕴, 当时正值日寇铁蹄践踏神州大地、中华民族处在水深火热之中,徐悲鸿画了一个挺胸昂首,站在石头上引吭高鸣的大公呜。来激发人们奋起抗日、还我江山的勇气和决心,表现了徐悲鸿强烈的爱国主丈情怀和民族的自信心。艺术意蕴要求艺术家在有限中体现出无限,在偶然中蕴藏必然,在个别中包含普遍,艺术意蕴可以看作是内容与形式的统一、感性与理性的统一、客观与主观的统一、再现与表现的统一、具象与抽象的统一、形象与哲理的统一。  
Hegelin the "aesthetic": "The implication is always direct than the imageappear even more far-reaching thing. Implication of works of art shouldbe" (see "aesthetic" vol 25). Meaning of Art is the Tang Dynasty Poemshome Sikong Tu\'s "image, the image," "scenic landscape," and "flavor ofthe spirits" and "fun to be outside the meaning of the expression",that is, than the artistic image of itself more deeply Meaningful Thespiritual connotation, which contains the artistic content of the image,only to enjoy by virtue of the carefully observe, pondering, sentimentand understanding, can we truly understand that Escort, for example:beihong-xu painting during the War of Resistance Against Japan in the"wind and rain chicken is" in addition Skilful pen and ink and vivid,accurate and beautiful image of the art, there is a profound implicationof art, at the time when the Japanese invaders cruel trampling on China, The Chinese nation is in dire straits, beihong-xu painting a chestraised his head station The rocks on the rise sing the Emirates Ming. Tostimulate the people rose up against Japanese aggression, I Jiangshanthe courage and determination shown beihong-xu main Zhang strongpatriotic sentiments and national self-confidence. Meaning of Artartists in the limited requirements embodied in the unlimited, naturalreserves in the accident, in individual included in general, artImplication of the content and can be seen as a form of unity, the unityof emotional and rational, objective and subjective reunification,reproduction and performance The unity of the abstract and as a unity,the unity of image and philosophy.
Meaningof Art has more meaning and ambiguity of the characteristics of boththe identification of specific, is also uncertain。 Meaning of art can beregarded as not entirely reflected by the artistic image of the themeof thinking, thinking of it than the more general theme of even moreprofound, it is a more metaphysical things, it is a philosophical andpoetic, often can only Tacit , Yan Zhuan difficult, it only accessible,it can not come to an end, that is, "herein are Zhenyi, to have beenforgotten were made by the defence。" Implications of the need toappreciate the arts with all its soul and intellect to explore andunderstand, is art for the perfect combination of level, it formed aworks handed down。 Goods with the enduring charm of the root causes ofthe arts。 The visionary artist, can not be satisfied with language artsand the arts explore and create the image, but also a higher level, andthe pursuit of artistic creation has a profound implication of theworks。
Well-known art historian Kenneth Cheng-chang said:"Looking at the Central and Western painting, and found the order oftheir evolution, can be divided into four-way, the first Tu-Man, theshape of second-and third-Gongqiao, the fourth-deification。" One thingIt must be pointed out: the level of works of art in the form of, anyworks must have the first two levels, but can not remain at two levels(that is, language arts and artistic image), but should try to seek athird Level, that is, Meaning of Art。 As the highest level of artisticimplication, not every one works of art must have a certain emphasis onentertainment, utilitarian or commemorative works, often non-existentthis level, or that difficult to achieve the third Level, but, generallyspeaking, it is these works of art in these three levels are relativelyindependent significance, which, each level has its own aestheticvalue, and some works of art which may be only a certain level ofoutstanding , Or a unique artistic language, or a moving image of theart, or a 10 Xunwei and the Meaning of Art。 However, the trulyoutstanding works of art, always in these three areas are renowned fortheir achievements, and a perfect fusion of these three levels as awhole, the only way the works, in order to become immortal handed downthe fine arts。 (Van Gogh\'s painting Why create the world alonepaintings at the highest ?Van Gogh post-impressionist Why become one ofthe great masters of the three? late Impressionist abandon the naturalshape, emerging from a "normal" and "logical" Ji Lashing, into themodern art publicized personality。 Van Gogh\'s greatest works of artwith the intense emotion of the performance, he works like the emotional"The outbreak of the volcano", very warm unrestrained, shocked souls,on this point, before The painter, not a painter, and he can becompared, and that is why he is forever in the annals of history, ageneration demeanor, is precisely because of this, his works beforecreating the world\'s highest price。 Painter from the success of manysuccessful mystery It is not difficult to draw a conclusion in: drawing,painting not only true, we can not stay in reproduction, must drawtheir own feelings, this is one of the secrets of successful artists。)
七、    一点(今后的)思考
7, thought for the future
Chinesepainting is the art treasure-house of Oriental culture in a very brightpearl, ages, it has been in development, like a long river, although,as stormy weather and floods fast, and sometimes stagnation addition tothe gentle flowing rivers, but Did not occur stop (no development),which has been in development forward, forward, and finally pooled intotoday a mighty river of art, Chinese painting rally in the developmentof painting and the number of people to explore the crystallization ofstruggle, which requires Every one interested in Chinese paintings ofpeople in search of treasure.
Chinese paintings, no matter what age, what,landscapes, flowers and birds, figures, we can not do without thetraditional. Because the traditional left is the "rootless flowers,passive water."
However, the Chinese paintings in the "foreign used by theChinese, ancient by today\'s" process of increasing loss of nationalcharacteristics. A few years ago, had a painter\'s "Bumu Chinesepainting" Oil Painting Exhibition to be classified matter, shocked theChinese painting circles…… therefore produce such as "dead-end ChinesePainting" and "zero ink" and other pessimistic view. A Chinese paintingof the Israel-loving painter said that China should be painted so thatwe like Chinese paintings of people look or Chinese painting.
Traditional Chinese painting to freehand brushwork mainly good atfeelings and moods performance, but in the performance of specific thanabstract images. "The Western concept of modeling into the Chinesepaintings, Chinese paintings enhance the performance of the scope andcapacity, is today engaged in the art of Chinese painting by the pursuitof efforts." Chinese Artists Association of China, director of the HuaYi, Flowers and Birds Painting Jia Guo Yizong that is conducive tolearning from Chinese paintings to the development of the times.However, in the development process to prevent Chinese and Westernpainting boundaries increasingly blurred. Many Chinese paintings and oilpaintings in the composition, methods, and so has a surprisinglysimilar, if not been told this is the Chinese paintings, only vagueslide in the judgement, it is natural that is painting. "This is themodern Chinese paintings of the greatest problems."
 Art critic LiuXi Lin said with concern. Chinese painting as the representative of theOriental paintings and oil paintings as the representative of Westernpainting, all in their path of development has created countlessbrilliant: But because the East and the West in mode of thinking,philosophy and aesthetic concepts, and so on the basis of thedifference. In a different painting is very clear. For example, althoughin the beginning of painting, East-West lines are used to describe theimages, but in the future development of Western painting of the "blockface" in Chinese painting and the concept of lines and use, a hugedifference: Western painting Gradually embarked on the path ofscientific realism, and then embarked on a Chinese painting freehandbrushwork of the road: two lines in the drawing system, the status androle of a significant distinction. Mr. Peng Jixiang a noted scholar ofChinese and Western painting have made the difference summed up asfollows: "If China is still Italian painting, Western painting is stillshape; Chinese painting-performance, heavy emotion, the weight ofWestern painting reproduction, re-rational; Chinese painting to Modelinglines as the main means of Western painting was mainly to performanceby the light and color images; Chinese painting from the limitations ofspace and time, Western painting, strictly abide by the limits of spaceand time. In short, Western-oriented representation and realistpainting, with the Chinese painting freehand brushwork and focus onperformance, a sharp difference. "
The maincharacteristics of Chinese painting is the pursuit of "poetic" - barlyric realism painting and the combination of the basic creative style,but also the vast number of people seeking heart of the aesthetic,emotional and revealed by the author in the works, received many scenesfrom entering a "story" Plot, vivid portrait as vivid details of the twosides (the author and readers) emotional exchange of informationcarrier.
For example: shaohua-gupoetic creativity of the Chinese landscape painting - "Goldsmithappointment map"
【Analyze】high mountain\'s being the tallest be such of, water of the waterfallsflies from the air;That mountain is very big, top elephant connect day,underneath immediately after, the on the side of mountain is manyelephant knifes to chop down to onely stand;In spring just inchoatetime, the tree starts the color which changes into green;My good friendwill go to original place an official, our preparation separate of time,all feel in a bad humor, mutually loathe to give up leave the otherparty;……That is very high big, dangerous of in plant and thick tree,weed...etc. in Tashan, the good elephant is obstructing my friendlyfriend right away.Imitate Fo to"spread" waterfalls to fly to flow tokeep next huge voice and the sweep of bise from the appearance, theintertexture together makes the person feel natural build the greatnessof thing.Have a strong art atmosphere.
Poetry has to prove: stand upin the mountains, none can not go to see downward, as old friends metthe same can not be separated. Because once the spring, melting snow,with friends in the "Mountain" in each other. There are brightmoonlight, to ask you to the news from afar. Each other to be returnedare uncertain what our respective occupation "Shiyan East."
This paintingused to ink the color of the main (five-ink color - Coke, thick, short,the Qing), "Qianjiang colors," lining into the back of the painting, itis "not injured ink" simple, The elegant and so on.
136×34cm  纸本设色    2007年作)

"Painting thebest way to objects in between like and do not like; too much like thereaders to think too ordinary, boring, not as it is to deceive thepeople of the world (readers)." This is the generation of masterbaishi-qi elderly sentiment , But also the aesthetic Interest of theChinese nation.
Chinese paintings and oil paintings are themain difference between the following points;
(1) Chinese paintingas early as the time painting, forming the only paintings, Chinesepaintings in the Eastern Jin Dynasty period (304-589 AD), molding,painting the molding at least the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
(2)Chinese painting history of remote recovery for thousands of years,traditional Chinese art treasures. Chinese painting is the biggestcharacteristic of poetry, books, paintings, seal the works, and apainting on their own with the Chinese cultural heritage in Westernpainting is not the most important feature of the arts; Chinese paintingis set literature, the arts as one of the crystallization of gems.Therefore, the painting is better than no.
(3) Chinese painting istaken by the casual point perspective, the painting is taken by theFocus Lens, so Chinese painting can draw a wide range of landscapepainting figures (such as the "Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness") andnot painting, oil painting can draw the object strongly Chinese paintingand texture effects can not.
(4) Chinese paintings do not normallyre-used color, color, the type less, the color degree of heavy oilpainting, the use of the color of a lot.
(5) attaches greatimportance to mounting Chinese paintings, oil paintings were largelyignored this.
(6) Chinese paintings are generally a combination ofprivate and Zhang Jin calligraphy inscriptions, and basically no oilpainting.
(7) in the development of Chinese painting and schoolsrelatively fixed and not divide, in the development of oil painting andmany schools have big differences.
This should be the two major East-West parallel School -Western oil paintings, Chinese paintings keep pace with the east, buttoday\'s result: a "nutritional excess" (painting), while the other is aserious "lack of nutrition。" These are the things that exist because ofcultural background, cultural habits, economic development or not, andmany other factors caused by the impact; As a result of theinternational community to Western painting - painting the times oflove, the Oriental Painting - Chinese Painting Great indifference。 This"ignore" We will lead to a very reluctant to see the results - "survivalof the fittest。" Perhaps now or in the near future Chinese Painting"variation" it will "skin" for the artistic value is low, no ink, nopoetic, not the "three far" (without the characteristics of Chinesepainting), in the outside world under the pressure of the derived "Deformed children "- only strange colors, block-and special techniques(material) by the performance of the texture effect the so-called"innovation of Chinese Painting。 "
Therefore, I urge this: thedeveloped countries-loving art (especially Oriental art-loving) groupsor friends and ask you to protect the world\'s treasure house of art in amagnificent display of wonderful work - Chinese painting, into a forceof its own !
In addition: to get the Chinese paintings can really bethe peoples of the world\'s favorite, Chinese paintings and calligraphyon the need to "study and training" classes around the world to do so;Now, as China\'s international cultural exchanges, the Chinese culturalsystem reform, Chinese culture Art gems - will become more and moreChinese paintings and calligraphy by the peoples of the world\'sunderstanding and love of Chinese painting "study and training" classesaround the world to do the dream will soon become a reality only whenall countries in the world people love the arts through study ,Understand and know how to appreciate Chinese paintings and calligraphyworks of art "true meaning" in order to love and protect the healthydevelopment of Chinese painting; believe that by that time, the gapbetween the prices of Western painting can be improved。 We look forwardto an early arrival of that day!
注·本文参考的文献:1、《中国绘画史》潘天寿著;2、《中国书画鉴赏辞典》;3、《中国画色彩学》;4、《中国书画报》;5、《国画家》;6、《翰园书画报》;7、《中国书画艺术报》香港版。8、《中国画往何处去?许群 》;9、《论当代中国画的发展方向与画家的自我追求》等
Note · paper referenceliterature: 1, "the history of Chinese painting," a Pan Tianshou, 2,"Dictionary of Chinese painting Appreciation"; 3, "Chinese paintings ofcolor"; 4, "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy", 5, "the painter"; 6,"John Park painting", 7, "Chinese painting and calligraphy art" HongKong version. 8, "Chinese paintings to where to Xu Qun ?" 9, "On thedevelopment of contemporary Chinese art direction and the painter\'sself-seeking."
In thispaper, as in October 2003 (August 08 reorganization)