
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/06 09:16:59




* 做事拖拖拉拉
* 容易分心
* 上网强迫症患者
* 攒了一大堆琐事要处理的人
* 对如何将规模较大的工作分批处理有困难的人


1. 必须设置简单
2. 超市里卖的那种厨房用计时器就很好

如果您对这篇文章感兴趣,相信你会对PSYTOPIC同样感兴趣,网址是Psytopic.com 这是Psytopic的指纹密码:aHR0cDovL3d3dy5wc3l0b3BpYy5jb20v,您可以凭这个指纹在google搜索到我们的网站。

3. 也可以是一个计时器软件

2.一个简化过的行事列表(Todo List)
1. 能够在十分钟一个周期的条件下去做的事情(不需要是十分钟内能完成的)。
2. 按照GTD原则:下一件能马上开始动手去做的工作。

3. 一个小时的时间

4. 你那拖拖拉拉的臭毛病



* 10-在十分钟内全心全意的只做一件事情,100%投入工作状态,时间到了再休息。
* 2-十分钟一到,休息两分钟,喝喝茶,上上网,干什么都行。但是两分钟一到,立刻回到工作状态,开始列表中的下一件事。
* *5-一个小时,刚好把这种方式循环五次。


* 不需要在十分钟内非得完成你的工作,只需要取得进展就可以。
* 如果还没到10分钟就完成了,停止,休息2分钟,然后再进入下一个10分钟。
* 不要跳过休息时间!不允许你这么做,时间一到必须休息。



原文:《Procrastination hack: “(10+2)*5”》/VIA:生活帮-LifeBang


Following on the idea of the procrastination dash and Jeff’s progressive dash, I’ve been experimenting with a squirelly new system to pound through my procrastinated to-do list. Brace yourself, because it is a bit more byzantine than is Merlin 2005’s newly stripped-down habit. It’s called (10+2)*5, and today it will save your ass.

Who it’s for


* procrastinators
* the easily distracted
* compulsive web-surfers
* people with a long list of very short tasks (a/k/a “mosquitos”)
* people having trouble chipping away at very large tasks

What you’ll need

1. a timer
* must be easy to reset
* electronic kitchen timer is particularly good (pref. with multiple alarm memories), or
* an app like Minuteur (get the newest version—several cool new features)
2. a reduced subset of your to-do list
* tasks that can be worked on (not necessarily completed) in blocks of 10 minutes or less
* GTD people: next actions only, please
3. an hour of your time (less is potentially okay, but it’s non-canonical)
4. your sorry, procrastinating ass

How it works

It’s called “(10+2)*5” and here’s why:

* 10 – Work for ten minutes with single-minded focus on moving toward completion on a single task. Ten minutes, and that’s all you’re allowed to do is work, work, work. No cheating, because (DING!) you actually get a break when you’re done…
* 2 – After ten minutes of sweaty, dedicated work you get a 2-minute break to do whatever you want—drink coffee, read 5ives, call your bookie, whatever. When the two minutes are up, it’s back to work on the next task on your list. This is important.
* *5 – You’re going to iterate this four more times for a total of one hour’s working/breaking

Important squirrely rules

* You do not need to finish your task or your project in ten minutes; you just need to move it forward
* If you finish a satisfying amount of work in fewer than ten minutes, STOP, and go right to your 2-minute break, than start another 10-minute dash
* Do NOT skip breaks! You are not allowed. Breaks cannot be missed. Period. Go surf the web. Now. Seriously. GO!

What will happen

You’ll blaze through an hour’s worth of work/not work and will find yourself looking forward to both the breaking and working parts of the cycle. (Dang, how’s that for a change?)

The MacGuffin

Okay, you caught me. That’s the hack: you can and eventually will skip breaks.

In his (extremely wonderful) The Now Habit, Neil Fiore suggests a similar habit of “unscheduling,” where you only make obligations to the things that you enjoy and that are not the source of procrastination. John Perry suggests “Structured Procrastination,” where you only give high priority to “unimportant” tasks. Of course, this is taken to a hilarious extreme with Joshua Newman’s plan for scheduling just a few minutes of work per hour, and then focusing on the “more important” tasks like DVD re-arranging.

In all these cases—each of which will surely seem ludicrous to the “Why don’t you just go do your damned work?” crowd—the trick is to snap your mind out of the inert state that’s allowing procrastination to take over. You’re breaking down whatever resistance has made you not do what your brain knows needs to be done.

Your hacks for your problems

“(10+2)*5” can be adapted in any number of ways (change any of the three numerals to your liking), but remember: these goofy hacks only work because you’re a pathetic bastard like me whose mind can be tricked into work as easily as it can be lulled into torpor. Set your rules, follow your rules, and keep moving forward. Snap that procrastination by slipping your work through the back door.

Now go take a break. You’ve earned, you hard-working hacker, you.

(10+2)*5可根据您的实际情况修改为任意的数字(三个数字均可修改),例如:(15+5)*3 ,也可以一边尝试一边修改到最适合自己为止;建立自己的工作规则,遵循规则,不断改善吧。现在不妨先休息一会。