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中文部分来源:2001年10月4日《南方周末》方 舟 子文章《科学地解决道德难题?》


英文部分来源:2001年9月14 日美国《科学》杂志格林等人的论文《道德困境的功能磁共振成像(fMRI)研究》(《An fMRI Investigation of Emotional Engagement in Moral Judgment》)


方 舟 子:科学地解决道德难题?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003年07月24日 13:37 南方周末

方 舟 子/文  


The present study was inspired by a family of ethical dilemmas familiar  to  contemporary  moral  philosophers.  One  such  dilemma  is  the  trolley dilemma:  A  runaway  trolley  is  headed  for  five  people  who  will  be  killed  if  it proceeds on its present course. The only way to save them is to hit a switch that will turn the trolley onto an alternate set of tracks where it will kill one person instead of five. Ought you to turn the trolley in order to save five people at the expense of one? Most people say yes.



Now  consider  a  similar  problem,  the  footbridge  dilemma.  As before, a trolley threatens to kill five people. You are standing next to a large stranger on a footbridge that spans the tracks, in between the oncoming trolley and the five people. In this scenario, the only way to save the five people is to push this stranger off the bridge, onto the tracks below. He will die if you do this, but his body will stop the trolley from reaching the others. Ought you to save the five others by pushing this stranger to his death? Most people say no.



Taken  together,  these  two  dilemmas  create  a  puzzle  for  moral philosophers: What makes it morally acceptable to sacrifice one life to save five in the trolley dilemma but not in the footbridge dilemma? Many  answers  have  been  proposed.  For  example,  one  might suggest, in a Kantian vein, that the difference between these two cases lies in the fact that in the footbridge dilemma one literally uses a fellow human being as a means to some  independent  end,  whereas  in  the  trolley dilemma  the unfortunate  person  just happens to be in the way. This answer, however, runs into trouble with a variant of the  trolley  dilemma  in  which  the  track  leading  to  the  one  person  loops  around  to connect  with  the  track  leading  to  the  five  people.  Here  we  will  suppose  that without a body on the alternate track, the trolley would, if turned that way, make its way  to  the  other  track  and  kill  the  five  people  as  well.  In  this  variant,  as  in  the footbridge dilemma, you would use someone's body to stop the trolley from killing the five. Most agree, nevertheless, that it is still appropriate to turn the trolley in this case in spite of the fact that here, too, we have a case of "using."




最近,美国普林斯顿大学的心理学家用实验对这个“感情说”进行了验证。他们让试验对象对60个难题做出决定,并用“功能性磁共振影像技术”监测大脑功能区的变化。大脑功能区被激活后,那里的血流和脑氧代谢都增加,用磁共振对大脑进行扫描就可以形象地展现大脑各个功能区的活动情况。这60个难题分为三组:一组是与人身密切相关(也即可能会调动感情)的道德难题,包括“天桥难题”和其他类似的道德难题(像偷了一个人的内脏器官去拯救五个人,是否应该?在救生艇因超载面临沉没时,是否应该把某个人扔到海里?等等);一组是与人身关系不密切或无关的非人化的道德难题,包括“电车难题”和类似的道德难题(例如捡到了钱,该不该还给失主?);还有一组做为空白对照,是与道德无关的难题(例如出门旅行,是坐汽车还是坐火车好?)。  (此段为格林等人报告中的研究成果)


结果表明,人们在判断人身化道德难题时,与判断非人化道德难题和非道德难题相比,大脑中与感情有关的区域明显变得活跃,而与记忆有关的区域则活跃程度明显降低(以前的研究已表明,人们在处理感情问题时,大脑记忆区域受到抑制)。少数人对“天桥难题”这类问题做出了“应该”的回答,而他们花的时间要比那些回答“不应该”的人长得多,这也是可以理解的,他们要花更多的时间思考,让理智战胜感情。而对非人化道德难题和非道德难题,回答“应该”和“不应该”所用的时间没有差别。  (此段为格林等人报告中的研究成果)



The  long-standing  rationalist  tradition  in  moral  psychology emphasizes  the  role  of  reason  in  moral  judgment.  more  recent  trend  places increased emphasis on emotion. The  present  results  raise  but  do  not  answer  a  more  general question  concerning  the  relation  between  the  aforementioned  philosophical  and psychological puzzles


How will a better understanding of the mechanisms that give rise to our moral judgments alter our attitudes toward the moral judgments we make?





    中文部分来源:2006年6月21《北京科技报》方 舟 子文《学生剽窃 导师有责》




学生剽窃 导师有责

方 舟 子/文

Student Plagiarism, Faculty Responsibility




2003年,托马斯•马特卡(Thomas A. Matrka)在当了十年工程师后,决定回到大学深造,成了美国俄亥俄大学工程院一名硕士研究生。他的课程学得不错,但是到了2004年夏天,他在写毕业论文时却遇到了麻烦。他的导师多次对他的论文进展表示不满。于是他到学校的图书馆翻阅该导师以前指导的研究生学位论文,想看看有没有可供借鉴之处。

In 2003, 10 years into his engineering career, he enrolled at Ohio to get a master’s degree. He got good grades, but as he worked on his thesis, he says, his adviser, M.K. Alam, the Moss Professor of Mechanical Engineering, repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with his work. (Alam did not respond to requests for comment for this article.) Hoping for insight into projects that had previously won Alam’s approval, Matrka spent some time in the university’s library in the summer of 2004 thumbing through past theses.



He was struck by what he found. As he looked the papers over, Matrka says, he noted similarities — occasionally blatant, extended ones — between many of them. He discovered four theses, for example, in which the third chapters on “fluent and multiphase models” were virtually word for word. Two were from 1997 and two from 1998. Three others, from as many as six years apart, contained paragraphs and drawings that were almost identical. (Matrka provided pages from some of these theses to Inside Higher Ed for review.)  



Some of the overlap is so obvious, he says, that it would be impossible for the professors who oversaw the theses not to have known about it.



The dean of Ohio’s Russ College of Engineering and Technology, Dennis Irwin……and Matrka first brought them to the attention of Irwin, who Matrka says told him that he would investigate but did not take him up on his offer to share more information……taking his charges to the university ombuds office, an associate provost, and a number of other officials at Ohio and elsewhere. At every stage, he says, officials either have expressed little interest in what he has found, discouraged him, or said it was outside their scope of responsibility.


马特卡换了导师,通过答辩,在2005年6月顺利毕业,获得硕士学位,离开了俄亥俄大学到一家化工厂工作。但是他继续进行“打假”,Matrka switched advisers and prepared a project thesis (“Design of an Experiment to Measure Plane Strain Flow Stress at Elevated Temperatures”) that passed muster; he earned his degree in June 2005. Though he has left the university, his campaign has continued.向俄亥俄大学理事会和高校认证机构寄去揭发材料,呼吁他们进行调查。In recent weeks, he has sent packets of materials containing examples of the alleged plagiarism to Ohio University’s Board of Regents, the Accrediting Board for Engineering and Technology, a national accreditor, and the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, which accredits Ohio University as a whole. Last month he laid out his allegations before the university’s Graduate Student Senate. 他同时也向媒体反映,借助舆论向校方施加压力。一个在2004年才创办、但是已经在美国高校中很受欢迎的网站“高校内幕”在去年11月份最早报道了这个事件。



“They’re compromising the value of the degree of honest students by not distinguishing between the plagiarism and the honest works,” says Matrka.“I’m no expert – I’m one guy over there poking around the library. I just want them to look into it and remove these from the public record, because you’ve tainted all of us by leaving them there.”



The dean of Ohio’s Russ College of Engineering and Technology, Dennis Irwin, rejects Matrka’s view that a widespread plagiarism problem exists in the engineering program, and says the former student is wrong to believe that Ohio officials haven’t taken his charges seriously. The college, he says, has investigated the “four or five” cases that Matrka has brought to his attention, and while Irwin asserts that a federal student privacy law prevents him from discussing details of the review……


Irwin adds: “I know Mr. Matrka is not satisfied with our actions to date, but all I’ve heard are accusations, and I haven’t been presented with any evidence that those accusations are true.”Part of the problem, the dean says, may be a “different in interpretation between what [Matrka] considers to be plagiarism” and the university’s own interpretation. With technical works like engineering theses, he says, “there are going to be similarities, particularly in equations and diagrams.” He adds: “If the same two people worked on the same experiment or apparatus, it is conceivable that they would jointly develop schematic drawing of that that might be used in both of their theses.”




Irwin says college officials have also altered their policies in ways that will improve their ability to monitor potential plagiarism in student work in the future, including by requiring electronic submission and using software to check new theses against those previously submitted electronically. But the university has no plans, the dean says, to invest the faculty time necessary for what he calls a “witch hunt” to review the hundreds of past engineering theses and dissertations in the library.



……of alleged plagiarism that a college committee investigated in the wake of Matrka’s charges.……They noted that of the 55 graduate theses in which students had plagiarized their own work or others’, the vast majority were overseen by three faculty members, who “either failed to monitor the writing in their advisees’ theses or simply ignored academic honesty, integrity and basically supported academic fraudulence. We consider this most serious.”……One investigation by the engineering college’s academic honesty committee, released in March, found widespread plagiarism by graduate students but did not place any blame on professors, which Matrka said ignored a central part of the problem.




professors, Meyer and Bloemer did not call for letting the plagiarists themselves off easily. ……Meyer and Bloemer said the former students should be forced to defend their theses again and to reenroll for at least one credit hour during that time. ……the vast majority were overseen by three faculty members……The review called for the dismissal of two of the professors, including the mechanical engineering department’s chairman, and to bar the third professor from overseeing theses for two years.……In addition to releasing the latest report, Ohio administrators also announced that Gary Pavela, the director of judicial programs and student ethical development at the University of Maryland and a leading expert on academic integrity, would advise the university on how to proceed with its investigation and its future policies on plagiarism, both to ensure fair treatment for the subjects of its investigations and to help it put in place policies to stop such problems in the future.






    中文部分来源:2004年9月号《科学世界》杂志方 舟 子文章《植物中的神秘数字》。






Suppose a newly-born pair of rabbits, one male, one female, are put in a field. Rabbits are able to mate at the age of one month so that at the end of its second month a female can produce another pair of rabbits. Suppose that our rabbits never die and that the female always produces one new pair (one male, one female) every month from the second month on. The puzzle that Fibonacci posed was... "How many pairs will there be in one year?