Japan's claim on Diaoyu Islands distorts facts, Russian experts say

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Japan's claim on Diaoyu Islands distorts facts, Russian experts say

09:51, September 24, 2010      

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It is an indisputable historical fact that the Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times, and Japan's claim on the land will do harm to its national image, Russian experts say.

The islands were discovered by the Chinese so long ago that until the end of the 19th century nobody ever put their sovereign right in question, Alexander Khramchikhin, deputy director of the Moscow Institute of Military Analysis, told Xinhua in a recent interview.

"These islands'discovery dates back to the Chinese Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)," Khramchikhin said.

It was not until 1895 when arguments between China and Japan mounted after the islands Tokyo calls Senkaku were occupied by the Japanese. Japan subsequently lost Diaoyu as a result of the Second World War, the expert pointed out.

"It was quite logical to suppose that the islands would be returned to their original possessor China. However, the historical gimmick was that the Diaoyu were taken over from the Japanese by the Americans," Khramchikhin said.

He said the U.S. controlled the islands as part of its occupation of Okinawa from 1945. Soon after Tokyo's surrender, aligning of forces turned upside down. The U.S., he said, began considering its former ally China as a new enemy.

"The United States sided with their recent enemy and handed Diaoyu back over to Japan in 1972," Khramchikhin said.

Thus, the U.S. effectively disposed of a stranger's property as if it was its own, Khramchikhin said, noting that the Japanese themselves administered the islands as a part of Taiwan, which is a Chinese territory.

"In fact, Tokyo's claim on the Diaoyu Islands has been an attempt to reconsider the results of World War II, where Japan was an aggressor, first of all. Secondly, if somebody -- Japan -- takes away one's possessions and the third party -- the U.S., in that particular case, -- arbitrarily decided that these possessions should remain at the hands of an aggressor, the right of the initial owner to demand its property returned has been undoubted," he said.

Yuri Chudodeev of Moscow's Institute for Oriental Studies said that Chinese chronicles have mentioned the islands ever since the 14th century, and that they were part of the Qing dynasty until the very end of the 19th century.

"Japan seized Diaoyu together with Taiwan-Formosa and included them into a single administrative unit. Therefore, after Japan returned Taiwan to China in 1945, these islands should automatically be returned under Beijing jurisdiction," the scholar said.

Alexander Fedorovsky, head of the Asian-Pacific sector in Moscow's World Economy & International Relations Institute, told Xinhua that Japan's claim on the Diaoyu Islands would not only fail to resolve the territory dispute but also damage its image.

"Take Japanese history textbooks. They harm national feelings of the country's neighbors deeply," the expert said, adding that such a backward mentality prevented Tokyo from finding its new image and place in the modern world.

"Japan has territorial disputes with China, Russia, Republic of Korea -- and it is hardly possible to settle one dispute separately from the others," Fedorovsky said.

Source: Xinhua
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