台湾石斑鱼进入大陆市场 Taiwan caters to China’s appetite for giant fish

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/06 09:05:20

Choosing your own dinner from a large fish tank is a central attraction of Hong Kong’s famous seafood restaurants.


As the rest of China grows increasingly enamoured with Cantonese cuisine, a Taiwanese company is hoping to cash in, with a boost from a landmark trade deal between Taiwan and China.


The most valuable fish from Long Diann Marine Bio Technology’s aquaculture farms in the Taiwanese seaside town of Fangliao is unlikely to be found in any restaurant tank. The giant grouper, whose steamed flesh is the most prized among Hong Kong gastronomes, can reach 2.5 metres long and weigh 600 kilos.

龙佃海洋生物科技有限公司(Long Diann Marine Bio Technology)的水产养殖场位于台湾海滨小镇枋寮。这里最名贵的鱼——鞍带石斑鱼——在任何一家餐馆的水族箱都不太可能看到。这种鱼身长可达 2.5米,重达600公斤。清蒸鞍带石斑是最受香港美食家热捧的菜肴。

Tai Kun-tsai, the owner of Long Diann, was the first in the world to reliably breed the huge fish for farming. Mr Tai, who keeps two 150kg pet grouper in a tank in his living room, has since emerged as Taiwan's biggest grouper farmer.


Partly because of Mr Tai’s technology, Taiwan has emerged as the world’s only significant exporter of farmed giant grouper. Other countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand ship wild giant grouper caught from the sea.


Almost all of Mr Tai’s T$200m ($6.3m) sales last year were to Hong Kong, the world’s biggest market for grouper. Over the past year, however, Mr Tai has seen demand surge from mainland Chinese cities such as Shanghai and Beijing. Prices for farmed giant grouper have almost doubled from T$280 a kilo a year ago to T$480 ($15).


“The surge in demand and the rise in prices for grouper over the past year was the biggest I have seen since I began this business more than 20 years ago,” Mr Tai says.


China’s growing appetite stands to make Mr Tai and Fangliao’s other grouper farmers significant beneficiaries of the Economic Co-operation Framework Agreement, the first formal trade deal between rivals Taiwan and China. China considers Taiwan part of its territory even though the island has been ruled as a de facto independent state since 1949.


Besides eliminating the current 13 per cent Chinese tariff on live fish, the deal, which came into affect this month, will see Beijing remove tariffs on more than 500 products from Taiwan to the benefit of the island’s bicycle, petrochemicals and machinery industries.


“The growth of the mainland Chinese market has really just begun,” Mr Tai said. “We expect the greater China market to grow by 20 per cent every year.”


Mr Tai’s efforts are backed by the government, which is promoting grouper as a new national export. James Sha, director-general of Taiwan’s Fisheries Agency, says grouper avoid direct competition with China, whose coastal areas become too cold for the species during the winter. “There are very few grouper farmers in China,” he said. “They mostly focus on freshwater fish.”

戴昆财的努力得到了台湾政府的支持。台湾政府正努力将石斑鱼推广为新的民族出口产业。 台湾渔业署(Fisheries Agency)署长沙志一(James Sha)表示,石斑鱼养殖不会与中国大陆形成直接竞争——大陆海域冬季温度过低,不适宜该鱼种生存。“中国大陆养殖石斑鱼的人非常少,”沙志一表示。“他 们主要在养殖淡水鱼。”

Mr Sha says the recent trade deal opens the door for grouper farmers, typically small family businesses, to develop into bigger companies by entering new markets such as supplying frozen fish to inland Chinese provinces.

