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2009-09-14 18:02:23 原文地址: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/621f79ae0100f0j4 [查看原文]

Semper Reformanda ­

World Alliance of Reformed Churches ­



Agreed statement on Christology ­


Orthodox-Reformed dialogue, Limassol, Cyprus, January 1994 ­

东正教最新对话 19941月于塞浦路斯Limassol.


1. In accordance with the Nicene Creed we affirm the basic interconnection between the doctrine of the Trinity and the doctrine of Christ. Our common belief in One God, the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is bound up with our belief in Jesus Christ who reveals the mystery of the Holy Trinity.  It affirms that the God of the Old Testament Scriptures who led his people Israel from oppression to new shores of freedom is the Father of Jesus of Nazareth who sends forth his Life-giving Spirit. He is one and the same God who encounters us in the resurrected Christ and in the Holy Spirit acting in his Church.



As regards the connection between the doctrine of the Trinity and the doctrine of the Incarnation, Orthodox and Reformed seem to follow two different kinds of approach which, however, are not incompatible. The Orthodox approach takes its beginning in the Mystery of the Incarnation which includes the whole saving economy as it is proclaimed in the Bible, confessed in the Patristic Tradition and experienced in the Divine Liturgy. ­The starting point of the Reformed approach to Christology and the mystery of the Trinity is the scriptural witness to the life, death and ­resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Both agree that their teaching about Trinity and Incarnation reflects the encounter with the reality of God as revealed in Christ.



2. Following the witness of the Gospel as it is declared in the second article of the Nicene Creed, Orthodox and Reformed confess that Jesus Christ is the eternal and Only-begotten Son and Logos of God, the second person of the Holy Trinity, who became fully human, without ceasing to be God, by being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Both confess the apostolic faith that the Incarnation took place in the fullness of time, when God "sent his own Son to be born of a woman under the Law to redeem those under the Law and grant to us adoption as children" (Gal 4.4-5). Thus understood, the Incarnate Son is the manifestation of the Holy Trinity in the sphere of earthly human history. The Incarnate Son as a concrete historical person demonstrates that human nature is not fundamentally foreign to God. It reveals rather what was hidden in the primordial nature of the Logos. Through the Incarnation the life of God is manifested under the conditions of human existence. God assumes the human condition and nature in all their aspects and dimensions. All this takes place for us human beings and for our salvation, so that we may become participants in the "treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col 2.3) hidden in Christ. ­



3. The Incarnation of the Son of God belongs to the very same existence and life of God. As the divine will to create the world and humanity is connected with God's being, so also the will to save them was "a mystery hidden before the ages in God who created all things" (Eph 3.9). Creation and incarnation, then, belong together to God's original plan. Thus, Christ's redemptive work "was predestined before the foundation of the world, but was manifested in the end of time" (I Pet 1.20). Being the Head of all creation by whom all things were formed the Son who was by nature eternally of the same uncreated nature with the Father and the Spirit, received to Himself the created human nature and became fully human in body and soul so that through it he might unite himself with the entire creation. ­
