
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/08 15:43:15


1 1979年是我儿子出生的一年。
1979 was the year when my son was born .
2 一滴雨点儿落在我手上。
A drop of rain fell on my hand .
3 他们中间有几个人懂英语。
A few of them know English .
4 开始刮东南风。
A southeast wind was blowing .
5 抱着两个婴儿的妇女正向托儿所走来。
A woman with two babies is coming to the nursery .
6 我剩下要做的事就是告辞了。
All that remains for me to do is to say good-bye .
7 全体老少社员都收割庄稼去了。
All the commune members , young and old , went out to hervest the crops .
8 象是巨大的动物。
An elephant is a great animal .
9 一头公牛在拉车。
An ox is pulling a cart .
10 你去听今天下午的音乐会吗?
Are you going to this afternoon‘s concert ?
11 他们一建成商业管理大楼,我们的办公室就搬迁。
As soon as they finish the new businese administration building , our offices are going to be moved .
12 秋天是北京最好的季节。
Autumn is the best season in Beijing .
13 下次小心一点。
Be more careful next time .
14 不管项链如何漂亮,我们认为价钱太贵,还是没有买它。
Beautiful though the necklace was , we thought it was over-priced so we didn‘t buy it .
15 北京上海是中国的两大城市。
Beijing and Shanghai are two large cities in China.
16 给你父亲买一件礼物吧。
Buy your father a present .
17 到去年年底,我们已学会了两千多个英语单词和词组。
By the end of last year, we had learned over 2,000 English words and phrases .
18 你会下国际象棋吗?
Can you play chess ?
19 你会打网球吗?
Can you play tennis ?
20 孩子们都盼望着新年。
Children are looking forward to New Year‘s Day .
21 创作方法很重要。
Creation method is very important.
22 商店今晚7点关门吗?
Do the shops close at 7 tonight ?
23 你喜欢吃芒果吗?
Do you like to eat mangos ?
24 你打桥牌吗?
Do you play bridge ?
25 你真的要知道我的想法吗?
Do you really want to know what I think ?
26 要再来一杯咖啡吗?
Do you want another cup of coffee ?
27 不是他就是我要到实验室去。
Either he or I am to go to the laboratory .
28 即使我们不喜欢,也必须去做。
Even if we don‘t like it, we must do it .
29 每个男孩和女孩都应该把头发梳理整洁。
Every boy and girl should have his hair neatly combed .
30 男的、女的都参加这个会。
Every man and woman attends the meeting .
31 万物是由原子构成的。
Everything is built up of atoms .
32 农民养羊取毛。
Farmers keep sheep for their wool .
33 去年二月有二十九天。
February had 29 days last year .
34 有五百元一月就够生活了。
Five hundred dollars a month is enough to live in .
35 全世界都有人踢足球。
Football is played all over the world .
36 再给新士兵们演示一遍。
Give the new soldiers a demonstration again .
37 奶奶是我们家中最老的。
Grandmother is the oldest in my family .
38 桂林是我去过的最美丽的地方。
Guilin is the most beautiful place I have ever visited .
39 这个孩子有半个苹果就够了。
Half of the apple is enough for the child .
40 我们班有一半学生是团员。
Half of the students in our class are League members .
41 火腿蛋是我最喜欢吃的早餐。
Ham and eggs is my favorite breakfast .
42 他在合同上签字了吗?
Has he signed the contract ?
43 我和他都是学生。
He and I are both students.
44 他回答得和他妹妹一样快。
He answers as quickly as his sister .
45 他买了一本漂亮的英语小词典。
He bought a small elegant English dictionary .
46 他能吃两碗菜。
He can eat two bowls of dish .
47 他找不着钢笔,所以他用铅笔写。
He couldn‘t find his pen , so he wrote in pencil .
48 他吃完午饭而后去买东西。
He finished lunch and went shopping .
49 他给了我一本书。
He gave me a book.
50 他给了我一张五百元的支票。
He gave me a cheque for $500 .
51 他三年前来过中国。
He had been in China three years ago .
52 他对工厂的意见很大。
He has a lot of complaints about the factory.
53 他有一条新裤子。
He has a pair of new trousers .
54 他有一副眼镜。
He has a pairs of glasses .
55 他卖了房子及房内的许多家具。
He has sold his house and a lot of furniture in it .
56 他是我的朋友。
He is a friend of mine .(He is one of my friends .)
57 他是我父亲的朋友。
He is a friend of my father‘s .
58 这人身材很高。
He is a tall man.
59 他是我的老朋友。
He is an old friend of mine .
60 他是一位老人。
He is an old man .
61 他像牛一样壮。
He is as strong as a horse .
62 他对工厂的困难毫不关心。
He is not concerned with the difficulties of the factory at all.
63 他不但是一位作家,而且是一位画家。
He is not only a writer , but also a painter .
64 他在开门。
He is opening the door.
65 他是我们的第一位英语教师。
He is our first English teacher .
66 他在修理老王的自行车。
He is repairing Laowang‘s bicycle.
67 他很少生病。
He is seldom ill .
68 他是我们学校最坏的学生。
He is the worst boy in our school .
69 他习惯于戴眼镜看书。
He is used to reading with his glasses on.
70 他现在老了。
He is very old now .
71 他夏天喜欢穿短裤。
He likes to wear shorts in Summer .
72 他的练习没有什么错。
He made few mistakes in his exercises .
73 他既不会讲法语,也听不懂法语。
He neither speaks French , nor understands it .
74 他或者我要去铲雪。
He or I am to shovel the snow .
75 他的篮球比我打的好。
He plays basketball better than I.
76 他越跑越快。
He ran faster and faster .
77 他反应如此敏捷以致无人比得上他。
He reacts so quickly that no one can match him .
78 他跑得很快。
He runs very fast.
79 他在二班游泳最好。
He swims the best in Class Two .
80 他每天晚饭后散步。
He takes a walk after supper everyday .
81 他告诉了我关于比赛取消的消息。
He told me about the cancellation of the match .
82 他被任命为主席。
He was appointed chairman .
83 他年龄够大了,能获得驾驶证了。
He was old enough to get a driver‘s license .
84 他给我洗衣服。
He washed the clothes for me.
85 他会来找我的。
He will come to me.
86 他后天要来看你。
He will come to see you the day after tomorrow .
87 他是一位老朋友。
He‘s an old friend .
88 他的英语够好的了,可以通过托福考试。
His English was good enough for him to pass the TOEFL .
89 他的球比我的新。
His ball is newer than mine.
90 他有个孩子在上大学。
His son is at university.
91 你怎么把腿摔断了?
How did you break your leg ?
92 北京到天津有多远?
How far is it from Beijing to Tianjin ?
93 到那儿有多远?
How far is it to there ?
94 这本杂志多少钱?
How much is this magazine ?
95 我们过多久才能知道结果?
How soon will we know the results ?
96 不管你多么聪明,也不可能什么都知道。
However brilliant you are , you can‘t know everything .
97 不管有多远,我今晚也要开车到那儿去。
However far it is , I intend to drive there tonight .
98 不管我怎样用心,还是记不住人们的名字。
However hard I try , I can‘t remember people‘s names .
99 我跟他一样高。
I am as tall as he .
100 我今天已是十五岁了。
I am fifteen years old today .
101 我正在听她唱歌。
I am listining to her sweet song .
102 我快饿死了。
I am very hungry.
103 我在桌上写信。
I am writing a letter at the table.
104 我到得很早,以免错过什么。
I arrived early in order that I might not miss anything .
105 我买了一把锁。
I bought a lock.
106 我买了一件雨衣。
I bought a raincoat .
107 我今天早上刮破了脸。
I cut myself a shaving this morning .
108 我不认为你能帮助我们。
I don‘t suppose you can help us .
109 我感到内疚,因为我近来一直没有给她写信。
I feel guilty because I haven‘t written to her lately .
110 我给他一串葡萄。
I gave him a bunch of grapes .
111 我星期天去做礼拜。
I go to church on Sunday .
112 我接到很多从意大利来的信件。
I got a lot of mail from Italy .
113 我十五岁就上了大学。
I had already been a university student at 15.
114 我两小时前就吃过早饭了。
I had breakfast two hours ago .
115 我有一把红绿相间的伞。
I have a red and green umbrella .
116 我的钱包里有五英镑。
I have five pounds in my purse .
117 我有很多钱。
I have much money .
118 我一直吃食堂。
I have my meals in the cafeteria all along.
119 我从来没见过这样一种机床。
I have never seen such a machine tool .
120 我曾经乘飞机环游世界。
I have traveled round the world by air .
121 我有两套春装。
I have two suits of spring clothes .
122 我希望明年夏天毕业。
I hope to graduate next summer .
123 我知道比赛将被取消。
I know that the match will be cancelled .
124 我立刻就走。
I leave at once.
125 我在1939年夏天离开伦敦。
I left London in the summer of 1939 .
126 我一出门就碰上老王了。
I met Lao Wang as soon as I went out of the door.
127 今天我见到过他两次。
I met him twice today .
128 我必须走着去。
I must be on foot.
129 我喜欢冬天的天气。
I prefer winter weather .
130 我穿上衣服。
I put on clothes .
131 我不断地按铃。
I rang the bell repeatedly .
132 我想你帮不了我们。
I suppose you can‘t help us .
133 我和他谈过了。
I talked with him.
134 我晚饭后通常听点音乐。
I usually listen to a little music after dinner .
135 我要一枝笔和一瓶墨水。
I want a pen and a bottle of ink .
136 我跟你打听一件事。
I want to ask you about something.
137 我要吃大碗。
I want to eat with a big bowl.
138 我要四十个鸡蛋。
I want two score eggs .
139 我是1963年出生的。
I was born in 1963 .
140 有人给我看了照片。
I was shown the photo .
141 昨天晚上八点钟我就睡了。
I went to bed at eight o‘clock last night .
142 我想要一个苹果和桔子。
I‘d like an apple and an orange .
143 我来替你做这顿晚餐。
I‘ll cook the dinner for you .
144 我将在五点三十分下班,六点钟以前回到家。
I‘ll finish working at 5:30 and get home by 6 o‘clock .
145 我感兴趣的是他什么时候干了此事。
I‘m interested in when he did it .
146 我曾到过英吉利海峡。
I‘ve been to the English Channel .
147 如果可能的话,请在今晚以前告诉我。
If possible , please let me know by this evening .
148 无知与疏忽是这错误的原因。
Ignorance and negligence has caused this mistake .
149 1940年,爱因斯坦成为一名美国公民。
In 1940 , Einstein became an Americen citizen .
150 在这个国家里,老人得到很好的照顾,青年人受到很好的教育。
In this country the old get well cared and the young well educated .
151 今天报上有什么重要消息吗?
Is there anything important in today‘s paper ?
152 刚刚下过雪。
It has just snowed .
153 这个月到目前为止每天都在下雨。
It has rained every day so far this month .
154 今天天气不好。
It is bad today .
155 现在七点半。
It is half past seven .
156 这是唯一可能的解决方法。
It is the only solution possible .
157 锻炼身体很重要。
It is very important to take exercise.
158 天气又冷又潮湿。
It was cold and wet .
159 天渐渐冷起来了。
It was getting cold .
160 天气已不冷也不潮湿。
It was neither cold nor wet .
161 太晚了,赶不上飞机了。
It was too late to catch the plane .
162 气温为摄氏37度。
It‘s 37 centigrade .
163 现在是阴天。
It‘s cloudy now .
164 天气越来越冷了。
It‘s getting colder and colder .
165 明天将要下雨。
It‘s going to rain tomorrow .
166 上午来找我的是我父亲。
It‘s my father who came here to look for me this morning.
167 这不是一个小问题。
It‘s not a small matter .
168 雨越下越大了。
It‘s raining worse than ever .
169 今天还要冷一些。
It‘s still colder today .
170 这是我所见过的唯一的一座全部用玻璃造的建筑物。
It‘s the only building I‘ve ever seen which is made entirely of glass .
171 这是我听说过的最愚蠢的论点。
It‘s the silliest argument I‘ve ever heard .
172 六月是我喜爱的月份。
June is my favourite month .
173 知识和才能只能从实践中来。
Knowledge and talent come only from practice .
174 昨天晚上我们去看电影了。
Last night we went to the cinema .
175 从古希腊人起,铅就一直被用作雕刻材料。
Lead has been used as a material for sculptures since the time of the early Greeks .
176 第二课很容易。
Lesson Two is easy .
177 让油蒸汽通过一个冷凝器。
Let the oil vapor pass through a condenser .
178 现在让我们开始吧。
Let‘s begin now .
179 我们抽根烟吧。
Let‘s have a smoke .
180 咱们吃早饭吧。
Let‘s have breakfast .
181 很多人喜欢过乡村生活。
Many people like to live a rural life .
182 许多学生和老师正在该厂实习。
Many students and a teacher is having practice in this plant .
183 金属也具有可焊接的重要特性。
Metals also possess the important property of being welsable
184 王师傅是修理自行车的能手。
Mr.Wang is skillful at repairing bicycle.
185 珠穆朗玛峰是世界最高峰。
Mt.Jolmolungma is the world‘s highest peak .
186 我弟弟比我小两岁。
My brother is two years younger than I .
187 我的祖父母住在上海。
My grandparents live in Shanghai .
188 我的手很干净。
My hands are clean .
189 我的国籍是中国。
My nationality is Chinese .
190 我妹妹高,我哥哥更高。
My sister is tall , my brother is taller .
191 我的表一天慢三分钟。
My watch loses three minutes a day .
192 自从开始下雨以来,我的伤口一直在疼。
My wound has been aching ever since it started to rain .
193 邻里之间应该互相尊重。
Neighbours ought to respect one another .
194 他们两个都不聪明。
Neither of them is very bright .
195 在世界史上,从未有过这样的冲突。
Never , in world history , has there been such a conflict .
196 毫无疑问,你肯定想知道我离开学校以来的情况。
No doubt you would like to know how I have been getting along since I left school .
197 无论你到哪里,都不可能摆脱你自己。
No matter where you go , you can‘t escape from yourself .
198 没有一个人对这种新理论知道得很多。
None knows/know a great deal about this new theory .
199 不但是空气,而且天然气也是由若干种物质组成的。
Not only air, but natural gas consists of some substances .
200 我们的国家越来越强大。
201 我们工厂正在生产一种新型车床。
Our factory is producing a new type of machine tool .
202 牛津大街是伦敦最繁华的大街之一。
Oxford Street is one of the busiest streets in London .
203 人们说他很聪明。
People say that he is very clever .
204 彼得是一个十岁的男孩。
Peter was a boy of ten years of age ./Peter was a boy ten years old ./Peter was a ten-year old boy .
205 请不要打搅我。
Please don‘t annoy me .
206 要把问题摆到桌面上来。
Please put problems on the table .
207 这本词典七元钱太便宜了。
Seven yuan is too cheap for this dictionary .
208 她和其他学生一样,也学会了这种方法。
She as well as the other students has learned this method .
209 她吃了很多马铃薯。
She ate a lot of potatoes .
210 她买了两把牙刷。
She bought two tooth-brushes .
211 她戴着一只表。
She carries a watch .
212 她乘火车上学。
She goes to school by train .
213 她今天稍微好一些。
She had slightly better today .
214 她有两条围巾。
She has two scarfs .
215 她是个小女孩。
She is a little girl .
216 她像以前那样忙。
She is as busy as before .
217 她比以前幸福。
She is happier than before .
218 她不再是小孩子了。
She is no longer a child .
219 她是我们的英语老师。
She is our English teacher .
220 她在唱西藏民歌。
She is singing a Xizang folk song .
221 她就是我给她钱的那个妇女。
She is the woman whom I gave the money to .
222 她就是汽车被盗的那个人。
She is the woman whose car was stolen .
223 她喜欢唱歌跳舞。
She likes singing and dancing.
224 她把一束花放在桌边。
She put a bunch of flowers by the edge of the table .
225 她把蜡烛竖在地板上。
She stood the candle on the floor .
226 她生于一九八零年九月八日凌晨两点钟。
She was born at two o‘clock in the morning September eighth 1980 .
227 她拿着一把绿色的长伞。
She was carrying a long green umbrella .
228 她戴着眼镜,穿着一件厚毛衣。
She wore glasses and a thick wool .
229 如果你看见他的话,请代我向他问候。
Should you see him , please give him my regards .
230 既然你不愿意帮我的忙,我就要自己一个人干这个工作。
Since you won‘t help me , I must do the work myself .
231 春天是可爱的季节。
Spring is a lovely season .
232 10年是一段很长的时间。
Ten years is a long time .
233 那顶帽子很小。
That cap is small .
234 那是一个大城市。
That is a large city .
235 这是个十分有趣的假设。
That is a very interesting hypothesis .
236 那台机器正在全速运转。
That machine is working in full .
237 那台收音机更好些。
That radio is ever better .
238 比赛肯定已被取消了。
That the match will be cancelled is now certain .
239 这就是他不喜欢我的原因。
That‘s the reason why he dislikes me .
240 大西洋位于欧洲与美洲之间。
The Atlantic Ocean lies between Europe and America .
241 中华人民共和国于一九四九年十月一日成立。
The People‘s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949 .
242 第二次世界大战是一九四五年八月十五日结束的。
The Second World War ended on August 15th , 1945 ./World War II came to an end on August 15th , 194
243 美国成为现今世界上最富有的国家。
The United States has become the richest country in the world .
244 黄河是中国第二大河。
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China .
245 空气污染已成为大问题。
The air pollution has become a big problem .
246 一发现起火,警报器就响起来。
The alarm was raised as soon as the fire was discovered .
247 礼堂不够大,所以容不下所有的听众。
The auditorium isn‘t large enough to hold all the audience .
248 孩子用他的两只小手抓着妈**一只手。
The baby took the mother‘s hand with its tiny hands .
249 这张床坏了。
The bed is broken.
250 是老板而不是他的秘书将飞往北京。
The boss but not his secretary is flying to Beijing .
251 那个男孩早餐常吃两个面包。
The boy usually eats two loaves of bread for breakfast .
252 那个男孩被送到特为聋哑人办的学校去了。
The boy was sent to a special school for the deaf .
253 他越忙,越感到高兴。
The busier he is , the happier he feels .
254 孩子睡着了。
The child has fallen into sleep/asleep.
255 孩子们在吃苹果。
The children are eating apples.
256 孩子们七点就睡着了,但现在他们醒了。
The children were asleep at 7, but now they‘re awake .
257 孩子们当时正在外面玩。
The children were playing outside .
258 从贝加尔湖吹来的冷风在呼啸。
The cold wind from Lake Baikal is blowing hard .
259 公司举办三个月训练课程。
The company provides a three-month training course .
260 中国在两千年前发明了指南针。
The compass was invented in China two thousand years ago .
261 竞赛将分区进行。
The contest will be held in different districts.
262 医生给病人开了一个药方。
The doctor wrote a prescription for the patient.
263 门是他开的。
The door was opened by him .
264 地球围绕太阳运行。
The earth moves round the sun .
265 东风刮得很大。
The east wind blew hard .
266 科学种田的经验值得**。
The experience of scientific planting is worth popularizing.
267 厂长跟代表们进行了谈判。
The factory manager negotiated with deputies.
268 全家正在听广播。
The family were listening to the radio .
269 错误显然在你那一边。
The fault clearly lies with your side .
270 穿红衣服的女孩在比赛中名列第一。
The girl in red came out first in the contest .
271 这个小姑娘从盒子里拿了一块方糖。
The girl takes a lump of sugar from the box .
272 货物没有及时送出去。
The goods were not delivered in time .
273 旅馆招待员想知道我们明天早上什么时候离开。
The hotel receptionist wants to know when we will be checking out tomorrow morning .
274 这旅馆很便宜却很干净。
The hotel was cheap but clean .
275 最轻的元素是氢。
The lightest element is hydrogen .
276 那个偷了钱的人跑掉了。
The man who stole the money ran away .
277 这座山很高。
The mountain is very high.
278 家中无猫,老鼠闹翻天。
The mouse have been playing today ; the cat is away .
279 这位音乐家是小提琴专家。
The musician was an expert on the Violin .
280 这位老教授是在1949年回到中国的,当时大陆刚解放。
The old prefessor came back to Chine in 1949 when the mainland had just been liberated .
281 桃树开花了。
The peach trees are blooming.
282 有人将照片给我看了。
The photo was shown to me .
283 那位诗人兼作家来了。
The poet and writer has come .
284 警察调查了车祸的原因。
The policemen investigated the causes of the accident .
285 中国的人口比美国多得多。
The population of China is much larger than of America .
286 这里所说的问题有普遍的意义。
The problem discussed here is of general significance .
287 这个问题可以在下次会上讨论。
The question can be discussed at the next meeting .
288 问题是他是否在合同上签了字。
The question is whether he has signed the contract .
289 这床被子该洗了。
The quilt needs washing.
290 仓库爆炸的原因不清楚。
The reason why the store explodes is not clear.
291 这条河有二十英里长。
The river is twenty miles long .
292 五月的第二个星期天是母亲节。
The second Sunday of May is Mother‘s Day .
293 第二比第一好。
The second is better than the first .
294 船停在河口以外。
The ship is lying off the mouth of the river .
295 这个商店关门了。
The shop is closed .
296 这个商店下午六点关门了。
The shop was closed at six o‘clock in the afternoon .
297 那个士兵未请假离队三个星期。
The soldier absented himself without leave for three weeks .
298 这个游泳池有二十五米宽。
The swimming pool is 25 meters broad .
299 事实真相不久就会告诉你。
The truth will be told to you soon .
300 这两位女人都站在马路上。
The two women are both standing on the street .
301 假期从明天开始。
The vaction begins tomorrow .
302 全社会都应关心孩子的健康成长。
The whole society should be concerned about the health and sound growth of children.
303 自然界中有许多化合物。
There are a great many compounds in nature .
304 任何事情都有正反两面。
There are always two sides to everything .
305 上午有四节课。
There are four classes in the morning .
306 盒子里有很多铅笔。
There are many pencils in the box .
307 世界上没有直路。
There are no stright roads in th world .
308 森林里有几只鹿。
There are some deer in the woods .
309 湖里有三只鹅。
There are three geese in the lake .
310 这学校有三千名学生。
There are three thousand students in the school .
311 公园里到处都有树。
There are trees all round in the park .
312 桌子上有两个盒子。
There are two boxes on the table .
313 桌子上放着两本词典。
There are two dictionaries on the table .
314 桌子上有两副筷子。
There are two pairs of chopsticks on the table .
315 在那儿他度过了几十个艰苦的年头。
There he spent scores of very difficult years .
316 桌子上有一本英文书。
There is an English book on the table .
317 今天的报纸上没有什么有趣的事情。
There is nothing interesting in today‘s paper .
318 这个句子没有不对的地方。
There is nothing wrong with the sentence .
319 这屋子里有过几个男人。
There were several men in the house .
320 今晚有凉爽的微风。
There‘s a cool breeze this evening .
321 这些是捉到了耗子的猫。
These are the cats which caught the mice .
322 这些是我拍的照片。
These are the photos I took .
323 这三位年轻的漂亮的小姐是护士。
These three young beautiful ladies are nurses .
324 他们全体昨天在这里工作得很努力。
They all worked very hard here yesterday .
325 他们任命他为主席。
They appointed him chairman .
326 他们在学习文件。
They are studying documents.
327 他们就是住在隔壁的那些男人。
They are the men who live next door .
328 他们为自己的祖国献出了生命,被誉为英雄。
They gave their lives for their country and were honoured as heroes .
329 他们在感恩节感谢上帝。
They give thanks to God on Thankgiving Day .
330 为了不留下指纹,他们一定戴上了手套。
They must have worn gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints .
331 他们想知道你什么时候写完这篇文章。
They wanted to know when you would finish the article .
332 这本书是一个工程师写的。
This book was written by an engineer .
333 这份学习文件很重要。
This document is very important.
334 这个公式已经在上面讨论过。
This formula has already been mantioned above .
335 这是一只银手镯。
This is silver bracelet .
336 这是一张旧票。
This is an old ticket ./This ticket is old .
337 这是我看过的最好的电影。
This is the best film that I have ever seen .
338 这就是那所窗户被打破了的房子。
This is the house where the windows were broken .
339 这是我煮了牛奶的锅。
This is the pan in which I boiled the milk .
340 这是我生长的地方。
This is the place in which I grew up .
341 这就是他们所做的事。
This is what they did .
342 这把刀很快。
This knife is very sharp.
343 这肉味道很美。
This meat is very delicious .
344 这间房子并不比那间大。
This room is not bigger than that one .
345 这个工具是你的,那个是我的。
This tool is yours and that one is mine .
346 虽然空气有重量,但是它很轻。
Though air has weight, it is very light .
347 尽管天下着雨,他还是去了。
Though it rained, he still went.
348 那年饥荒饿死了几千人。
Thousands of people were starved to death during the famine year.
349 苹果坏了四分之三。
Three-fourths of the apples were ruined .
350 四分之三的收成都毁了。
Three-fourths of the crop was ruined .
351 田珊和刘冰是同班同学。
Tian Shan and Liu Bing are classmates .
352 为了进入大学你必须通过一系列考试。
To get into university you have to pass a number of examinations .
353 烟草是从美国传到欧洲的。
Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America .
354 今天是十月一日。
Today is October (the) first .
355 今天是又冷又刮风的一天。
Today is a cold (and) windy day .
356 人家给了汤姆一张小额支票。
Tom was given a small cheque .
357 两只鸟栖息在树枝上。
Two birds are sitting on the branches .
358 我们完成这项工作两个小时就够了。
Two hours is enough for us to complete the work .
359 教室里开了两盏灯。
Two lights are turned on in the classroom.
360 请付现金,除非使用信用卡。
Unless paying by credit card , please pay in cash .
361 我们以每小时一哩的速度行进。
We are walking at the speed of one mile at hour .
362 我们昨天买了一些新剪刀。
We bought some new scissors yesterday .
363 我们不能让别人来做这件事。
We cannot got the work done by the others .
364 在晚会上我们很开心。
We enjoyed ourselves at the party .
365 我们把她从车站接来了。
We fetched her from the station .
366 秋天我们的苹果丰收。
We get a good crop of apples in autumn .
367 我们热爱首都北京。
We have ardent love for Beijing , the capital.
368 我们一星期有四节英文课。
We have four English classes a week .
369 我们邀请他来这儿讲演,所以我们最好去听讲。
We have invite him here to speak , so we‘d better go to his lecture .
370 我们有很多家具。
We have much furniture .
371 我们曾听见他在唱歌。
We heard him singing .
372 我们开了一个会。
We held a meeting.
373 我们帮助他们,他们也帮助我们。
We help them and they help us .
374 我们邀请珍妮吃晚饭。
We invited Jane to dinner .
375 我们必须经常保持牙齿清洁。
We must always keep our teeth clean .
376 在儿童时代我们经常玩一些危险的游戏。
We often played dangerous games when we were children .
377 我们把汽车停在停车场了。
We parked the car in the car park .
378 我们很少住旅馆,因为我们住不起。
We rarely stay in hotels , for we can‘t afford it .
379 我们在娱乐场确实玩得很开心。
We really enjoyed ourselves at th funfair .
380 我们一整夜又唱又跳。
We sang and danced all night .
381 我们要将革命进行到底。
We should carry the revolution through to the end.
382 明天我们坐火车去上海。
We will go to Shanghai by train tomorrow .
383 明天我们骑车去天安门。
We will go to Tian‘anmen by bicycle tomorrow .
384 我们宁愿住郊区而不愿住城里。
We would rather live in the suburbs than in the city .
385 这列火车开得多慢呀!
What a slow train this is !
386 昨天星期几?
What day was yesterday ?
387 他发生什么事了?
What happened to him ?
388 你最喜欢吃哪一种水果?
What kind of fruit do you like best ?
389 是什么使得他干了这事?
What made him do it ?
390 最要紧的是有个好的身体。
What matters most is good health .
391 昨天下午四点左右你在做什么?
What were you doing at about 4 o‘clock yesterday afternoon ?
392 他什么时候干了这件事是个谜。
When he did it is a mystery .
393 小王开着一辆大卡车。
Xiao Wang is driving a truck.
394 这些唱片你愿意保留多久都行。
You can keep these records as long as you like .
395 你不会讲英语,是吗?
You can‘t speak English , can you ?
396 你掉了几粒米。
You dropped a few grains of rice .
397 你可以自己去问校长。
You may go and ask the president yourself .
398 你不久将得知事实真相。
You will be told the truth soon .
399 你的文章读起来不错。
Your essay reads well .
400 你的刀子快。
Your knife is sharp .