Chinese first aid rule no. 1: Don't touch anything!

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/05 20:59:05
Chinese first aid rule no. 1: Don't touch anything!

We were late for our gig at the hot springs resort. Our breadbox car swerved angrily around the mountain corners, the horn blaring a warning to any invisible drivers who might have been blinded by our high beams. Finally, we were within a kilometer of our mountain resort destination and rounding one of the last turns when a shirtless truck driver leaped in front of our vehicle, hailing us to stop. It was lucky that we did and none too soon. Our front tires were less than a meter away from the two bodies already in the road.Full Story >>

From   Michael McShane (Su Yang)more

China's era marked by peace without hegemony 2010-08-12 08:21:23
Last year a British scholar, Martin Jacques, published his latest book titled "When China Rules the World." In the prevailing global publishing and media environment, the title of Jacques latest book clearly owes much to an editorial emphasis on ensuring headlines and titles are punchy and can immediately attract the public's attention. However, it was the subtitle of the book which really enticed me to buy and read this book: "The Rise of the Middle Kingdom and the End of the Western World."

From    Stuart Wigginmore

American Dream now a Chinese reality 2010-08-10 09:11:39
Political commentators, especially within Asia, have been keen to stress the evolving relationship which has become apparent between East and West as the developed world has slumped into recession. Talks between the United States and China were heralded as an attempt by President Barack Obama to pave the way for a more constructive relationship between two powers with big ideological differences.

From    Laura Daguerremore

Girl-eat-dog kind of world 2010-08-04 08:27:15
My one vow before coming to China was that I was going to find a way to consume dog before I left. Naturally, when the opportunity presented itself I leaped at it with open arms (or rather with an open mouth). My hosts for this glorious excursion were a local pastor and his wife as well as a pastor visiting from Taiwan.


  1. Rickshaw at Houhai Area

  2. Beijing's Tanghulu

  3. Beijing's Hutong

  4. Going to the Great Wall, and becoming a "real man"

  5. Polo convoy to Shidu

  6. Hanggai – "makes you homesick for a place you've never been"

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    Washington Post
    Labor unrest in China reflects changing demographics, more awareness of rights
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    PD User
    This is an excellent article with many good points. Let's work together, it is worth it.
    Very nice site!
    Karl Erickson
    A very good article and photos. I enjoy learning about China.
    |I was in China in 1945. The people were hungry and we used to say that there was no such thing as a fat Chinese.A regular task was the removal of bodies from the streets.Nowadays,as a very old man,I look at the T.V.anmd see the healthy,well-fed young people and I rejoice! The victory of the P.L.A. was a triumph,n ot only for China, but for the world!

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