陈志杰2008: Share one tip for learning English:

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/02 17:37:12
Share one tip for learning English:
1. Enjoy it! Enjoy the process as well as the end result.
Have fun, and don‘t be afraid to laugh at yourself.---Vickie Pettis
2. Immerse yourself in the language. Speak it, read it, watch it, listen to it. ---Rachel Sawatzky
3. Review often!---Gabe (Gabriel) Harbour
4. Read some English every day. ---Ken Lee
5. Be bold and grasp any opportunity to speak in English. ---Michelle Ho
6. Find a balance between studying English for school and speaking English for fun! --- Steve Marth
7. Learn a little, use a lot. ---Liz Archer
8. Make English fun! ---Hazel Johansen
9. Listen to English music! You can learn so much faster by learning English songs and singing them.
You could even put the words you are studying into your own song.
It‘s fun, and you can learn at the same time. ---  Zorina London
10. Read! Read and read some more! ---Linda Ludwig
11.Practice! Practice! Practice! Have no fear, and use what you know, and what you just learned!
---Andrea Brodersen
如何学习英语: 空中英语教室的外教们提出以上建议,希望对大家有所启发.