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1。《耶鲁大学开放课程:聆听音乐》(Open Yale course:Listening to Music)[YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕]


2。《耶鲁大学开放课程:基础物理》(Open Yale course:Fundamentals of Physics)[YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕]


3。《耶鲁大学开放课程:生物医学工程探索》 (Open Yale course:Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering) [YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕]


4。《耶鲁大学开放课程:1871年后的法国》(Open Yale course:France Since 1871) [YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕]


5。《耶鲁大学开放课程—哲学:死亡》(Open Yale course—Philosophy:Death) [YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕]


6。《耶鲁大学开放课程:金融市场》(Open Yale course:Financial Markets)[YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕]


7。 《耶鲁大学开放课程:心理学导论》(Open Yale course:Introduction to Psychology) [YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕]


8。《耶鲁大学开放课程:博弈论》(Open Yale course:Game Theory)[YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕]


9。《耶鲁大学开放课程:1648-1945年的欧洲文明》(Open Yale course: European Civilization, 1648-1945) [YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕]


10。《耶鲁大学开放课程:古希腊历史简介》(Open Yale course:Introduction to Ancient Greek History ) [YYeTs人人影视出品][中英双语字幕]






耶鲁大学(Yale University),旧译“耶劳大书院”,是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,今为常青藤联盟的成员之一。

在 2007英国泰晤士专上教育增刊(Times Higher Education Supplement)的世界大学排名,耶鲁大学在总平均排名与剑桥、牛津大学并列世界第二。美国普林斯顿评论(Princeton Review)在2006把耶鲁大学在全美最难进的大学里排第二。



毫无疑问,这一举动极大地方便了全球其他地方的学生能够接触到美国高等学府的课程,大家可以到Open Yale Courses的 站点查看。值得提到的一点是,所有的课程材料都采用了Creative Commons的Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0协议。因此所有的使用者都可以下载,分享这些材料,甚至对所有的课程材料进行演绎,只要不是用于商业用途,并且署名为Yale。

1。中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:聆听音乐

英文名: Open Yale course:Listening to Music




Craig Wright在1966年于the Eastman School获得钢琴乐和音乐史双学位,在1972年于哈佛大学获得博士学位。
Craig Wright从1973年开始在耶鲁大学任教,目前是the Henry L. and Lucy G的音乐教授。
在耶鲁大学,Craig Wright的成就包括常年流行的入门课程“聆听音乐”和选择性研讨会“探索大自然的天才”。
他的六本著述包括:巴黎圣母院中的音乐 (1989)、西方文明中的音乐 (2005)、 聆听音乐 (5th edition, 2007)、聆听西方音乐(2007).
在2004年Craig Wright被芝加哥大学授予人文学名誉博士学位。


2。中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:基础物理

英文名: Open Yale course:Fundamentals of Physics



About the Course

This course provides a thorough introduction to the principles and methods of physics for students who have good preparation in physics and mathematics. Emphasis is placed on problem solving and quantitative reasoning. This course covers Newtonian mechanics, special relativity, gravitation, thermodynamics, and waves.

关于Ramamurti Shankar教授
Ramamurti Shankar是耶鲁大学物理系John Randolph Huffman教授。他在马德拉斯印度技术学院获得电气工程学学士学位,随后在美国加州大学伯克利分校研究粒子物理理论获得博士学位。在哈佛研究员协会工作3年后,他与1977年加入耶鲁大学。他一直致力于教学,已经出版了两本教科书:量子力学原理和数学方面的基础训练:适合理科大学生的计划

About Professor Ramamurti Shankar

Ramamurti Shankar is John Randolph Huffman Professor of Physics at Yale. He received his B. Tech in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Madras and his Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics from the University of California, Berkeley. He joined the Yale faculty in 1977 after three years at the Harvard Society of Fellows. He is dedicated to teaching and has published two texts: Principles of Quantum Mechanics and Basic Training in Mathematics: A Fitness Program for Science Students.


3。中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:生物医学工程探索

英文名: Open Yale course:Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering



About the Course

The course covers basic concepts of biomedical engineering and their connection with the spectrum of human activity. It serves as an introduction to the fundamental science and engineering on which biomedical engineering is based. Case studies of drugs and medical products illustrate the product development-product testing cycle, patent protection, and FDA approval. It is designed for science and non-science majors.

Course Structure:This Yale College course, taught on campus twice per week for 50 minutes, was recorded for Open Yale Courses in Spring 2008.
W. 马克索尔兹曼是耶鲁大学化学和生物医学工程 Goizueta 基金会教授。他的著作包括施药:药物治疗的工程原理和组织工程学原理:用于替换器官和组织的设计原理,他的许多文章刊登在Biomaterials和 Nature Materials上。作为生物医学工程系主任,教授索尔兹曼也是耶鲁大学,约翰霍普金斯,康奈尔大学,宾夕法尼亚大学这些高校杰出教学奖励的获得者。

About Professor W. Mark Saltzman

W. Mark Saltzman is the Goizueta Foundation Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at Yale University. His books include Drug Delivery: Engineering Principles for Drug Therapy and Tissue Engineering: Engineering Principles for the Design of Replacement Organs and Tissues, and his articles have appeared in Biomaterials and Nature Materials. The chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Professor Saltzman is also the recipient of numerous distinguished teaching awards from Yale, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania.


4。中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:1871年后的法国

英文名: Open Yale course:France Since 1871



About the Course

This course covers the emergence of modern France. Topics include the social, economic, and political transformation of France; the impact of France's revolutionary heritage, of industrialization, and of the dislocation wrought by two world wars; and the political response of the Left and the Right to changing French society.

教授约翰梅里曼是耶鲁大学Charles Seymour 历史学教授 。 他的专业是法国和现代的欧洲历史吧,并且获得密歇根大学的博士学位。他的刊物包括有共和国的痛苦: 革命的法国,1848年-1851年、 从文艺复兴及警察故事到现代欧洲的历史:法国政府的组成 1815年-1851年。 2000 年,约翰梅里曼 教授获得了耶鲁大学 Byrnes Sewall 教学奖。

About Professor John Merriman

John Merriman is Charles Seymour Professor of History at Yale University. Specializing in French and modern European history, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. His publications include The Agony of the Republic: The Repression of the Left in Revolutionary France, 1848-1851, A History of Modern Europe Since the Renaissance, and Police Stories: Making the French State, 1815-1851. He is currently at work on Dynamite: Emile Henry, the Café Terminus, and the Origins of Modern Terrorism in Fin-de-Siecle Paris. In 2000, Professor Merriman was the recipient of the Yale University Byrnes-Sewall Teaching Prize.

5。中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程—哲学:死亡

英文名: Open Yale course—Philosophy:Death


这次讲课的教授是个大仙.他那么"朴素",我是说他的坐姿那么朴素,因为人类自古就是那样坐的,盘腿坐.不过他是盘腿坐在讲台上,这就不是很朴素了,因为古代没有桌子,大家都坐在地上。 我大学的时候,美国老师屁股一扭坐在课桌或讲台上,我们这些有着“师道尊严”的中国人是很“友邦惊诧”的,但时间长了就习惯了。英国人不这样,他们总那么严谨严肃,有点象中国人——但千万别真的以为英国人象中国人,与其说英国人与中国人象,不如说美国人与中国人更象一些:都很粗俗豪放,并且中国与美国越来越象了。

这老师穿着鞋子直接盘腿坐在讲台上,还好他穿的球鞋很白很干净,不太碍眼。他长得有点象撒达姆大叔,还满脸胡须,但他个子很小,所以他要坐在桌子上才能显眼一些,台下据说有150-180名学生,是个大教堂,要我个子那么小我也“坐”桌子上。他常说,we are sitting here to ...,确实彼此都“坐着”,很平等。相比古代的大师,比如柏拉图或佛都是如此随意开讲座谈生死的吧。看着他那样手舞足蹈的乱说一气,我觉得很舒服。这大叔一定是个很怪的人,这从一开课就看出来了。不过不会特别怪,因为这里毕竟是耶鲁,我是说,假如他有精神病啊什么的偏差,心理学院的老师们肯定就早就派上用场了。 他一上来就说,别管我叫什么什么“教授”,我喜欢听你们叫我shelly。

从他的简历看,他应该是个伦理学专家,写过一些这方面的书籍。 今天香港著名艺人肥姐逝世,这就是活生生的死亡。死亡对普通人意味着什么?死亡对哲学家又意味着什么?实际上讲死亡的哲学就是在讲哲学家们如何看待死亡。当然不同的哲学家可以有不同的死亡哲学,哲学不是科学,随便说随便假设。

我还没有看文字稿子,大约听了一遍,中间漏了一部分,发现shelly多数时间在讲自己是个什么样的人,一直到结束。还好,我只是来学英语的,否则不气死我了。 后来看稿子,发现中间有一段是介绍这门概论课的核心是什么,说,其中前半期会是行而上学性质的,后半期将涉及价值理论,当然都围绕死亡展开。 其中他的一句话很有趣,大家都觉得死亡bad,那么,起码对于死者,他死了就不存在了,还有什么“好”“坏”呢?还有自杀,理性与道德之间怎么划分。其他方面我们经常能想到的死亡话题,他一一否定,说我们都不谈,真的那些才是我真正关心的,看来我走错课堂了,不过为了学英语过一遍吧。



Professor Shelly Kagan


6。中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:金融市场

英文名: Open Yale course:Financial Markets







Robert J. Shiller是Yale大学Arthur M. Okun经济学讲座教授和Yale大学管理学院国际金融中心研究员. Shiller教授的研究领域包括行为金融学和房地产,并在“金融经济学杂志”,“美国经济评论”,“金融学杂志”,“华尔街杂志”和“金融时报”等著名刊物发表文章. 主要著作包括“市场波动”,“宏观市场”(凭借此书他获得了TIAA-CREF的保罗 A. 萨缪尔森奖),“非理性繁荣和金融新秩序:二十一世纪的风险”

Robert J. Shiller is Arthur M. Okun Professor of Economics at Yale University and a Fellow at the International Center for Finance at the Yale School of Management. Specializing in behavioral finance and real estate, Professor Shiller has published in Journal of Financial Economics, American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Wall Street Journal, and Financial Times. His books include Market Volatility, Macro Markets (for which he won the TIAA-CREF's Paul A. Samuelson Award), Irrational Exuberance and The New Financial Order: Risk in the Twenty-First Century.

7。中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:心理学导论

英文名: Open Yale course:Introduction to Psychology



Paul Bloom

Paul Bloom是耶鲁大学的心理学教授。他出生在加拿大的蒙特利尔,是加拿大麦基尔大学的本科生,之后他在麻省理工学院做博士后的工作。他多次发表文章在科学期刊Nature和Science以及流行杂志如《纽约时报》和《大西洋月刊》上面。他是《共同的行为与脑科学》的编辑。他的著作包括:《How Children Learn the Meanings of Words》和《How the Science of Child Development Explains What Makes Us Human. 》他的研究专注于儿童对艺术、宗教、道德的认识。



8。中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:博弈论

英文名: Open Yale course:Game Theory



关于课程主讲人:Ben Polak教授任职于耶鲁大学管理学院经济系。他在剑桥大学Trinity College获得学士学位,在西北大学获得硕士学位,在哈佛大学获得博士学位。他是微观经济理论和经济史方面的专家。他的论文在Economic Letters、Journal of Economic Theory、Journal of Economic History、Journal of Legal Studies、 Journal of Theoretical and Institutional Economics、Econometrica等学术期刊多次发表。他最近的研究是“广义功利主义和海萨尼的公正观察员定理”和“平均分散的偏好”



9。中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:1648-1945年的欧洲文明

英文名: Open Yale course: European Civilization, 1648-1945


本课程提供从三十年战争到第二次世界大战结束的欧洲近代史的广泛调查。考虑到一些重大事件和人物如法国大革命和拿破仑,把注意力放在了一般人在这个动乱和过渡时期的经历上。 因此审视这段期间的历史我们应该通过人口变化、政治革命和文化发展的复杂关系这一镜头来观察,而不是单纯的将它视为历史的必然性,或者是伟大人物的安排,课本中还将穿插一些对艺术作品、文学和电影的值得效仿的研究的学习。

About the Course

This course offers a broad survey of modern European history, from the end of the Thirty Years' War to the aftermath of World War II. Along with the consideration of major events and figures such as the French Revolution and Napoleon, attention will be paid to the experience of ordinary people in times of upheaval and transition. The period will thus be viewed neither in terms of historical inevitability nor as a procession of great men, but rather through the lens of the complex interrelations between demographic change, political revolution, and cultural development. Textbook accounts will be accompanied by the study of exemplary works of art, literature, and cinema.

Course Structure:
This Yale College course, taught on campus twice per week for 50 minutes, was recorded for Open Yale Courses in Fall 2008.
有关教授 John Merriman

John Merriman是耶鲁大学Charles Seymour 历史学教授 。 他的专业是法国和现代的欧洲历史吧,并且获得密歇根大学的博士学位。他的刊物包括有共和国的痛苦: 革命的法国,1848年-1851年、 从文艺复兴及警察故事到现代欧洲的历史:法国政府的组成 1815年-1851年。 2000 年,Merriman 教授获得了耶鲁大学 Byrnes Sewall 教学奖。

About Professor John Merriman

John Merriman is Charles Seymour Professor of History at Yale University. Specializing in French and modern European history, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. His publications include The Agony of the Republic: The Repression of the Left in Revolutionary France, 1848-1851, A History of Modern Europe Since the Renaissance, and Police Stories: Making the French State, 1815-1851. He is currently at work on Dynamite: Emile Henry, the Café Terminus, and the Origins of Modern Terrorism in Fin-de-Siecle Paris. In 2000, Professor Merriman was the recipient of the Yale University Byrnes-Sewall Teaching Prize.


10。中文名: 耶鲁大学开放课程:古希腊历史简介

英文名: Open Yale course:Introduction to Ancient Greek History



About the Course

This is an introductory course in Greek history tracing the development of Greek civilization as manifested in political, intellectual, and creative achievements from the Bronze Age to the end of the classical period. Students read original sources in translation as well as the works of modern scholars.


唐纳德卡根是耶鲁大学经典与历史学院Sterling教授。耶鲁大学的前院长,他在1958年从俄亥俄州立大学获得博士学位博士。他的著作包括 Archidamian战争,尼西阿斯和平和西西里远征,伯里克利和关于战争的起源与维护和平,和伯罗奔尼撒战争中雅典帝国的诞生。2002年,他是全国人文奖章获得人,2005年被任命为国家人文基金会杰斐逊讲师。

About Professor Donald Kagan

Donald Kagan is Sterling Professor of Classics and History at Yale University. A former dean of Yale College, he received his Ph.D. in 1958 from The Ohio State University. His publications include The Archidamian War, The Peace of Nicias and the Sicilian Expedition, Pericles and the Birth of the Athenian Empire, On the Origins of War and the Preservation of Peace, and The Peloponnesian War. In 2002 he was the recipient of the National Humanities Medal and in 2005 was named the National Endowment for the Humanities Jefferson Lecturer.