MIT开放课件 » 外国语言与文学

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Foreign Languages and Literatures

The study of foreign languages and literature provides valuable experience and a potential edge for future career development for our students. Scientists and engineers function in a global market: they rely on primary sources published in other languages, attend international consortia, and often find themselves interacting across national, cultural, and linguistic borders. Government and industry often give preference to job applicants who are proficient in a foreign language. MIT students are encouraged to work and study abroad in conjunction with university, private, and public organizations.
The faculty of the FL&L Section, the language coordinators, and the Undergraduate Academic Administrator can provide assistance in choosing an appropriate program and granting transfer credit from overseas or domestic programs. MIT provides a unique perspective on foreign languages because of the opportunities available to integrate the study of natural languages with the latest  technological advances in multimedia and interactive learning. FL&L-affiliated faculty are exploring and implementing methods in which multimedia technology can be used to make learning a foreign language a more authentic experience.
Although MIT is known throughout the world for its programs in science and engineering, MIT is also an institution where the humanities, arts, and social sciences play an integral role in the educational mission. Together, they help to make MIT much more than just an institute of technology.
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Available Courses »View courses alphabetically


MIT Course # Course Title
21F.013Out of Ground Zero: Catastrophe and Memory, Fall 2002
21F.017Germany and its European Context, Fall 2002
21F.020JAfter Columbus, Fall 2003
21F.022JInternational Women‘s Voices, Spring 2004
21F.027JVisualizing Cultures, Spring 2003
21F.030East Asian Cultures: From Zen to Pop, Fall 2002
21F.035Topics in Culture and Globalization, Fall 2003
21F.037Japanese Popular Culture, Spring 2003
21F.037Topics in Culture and Globalization, Fall 2003
21F.039Japanese Popular Culture, Spring 2003
21F.043JIntroduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture, & Historical Experience, Fall 2002
21F.044Traditional Chinese Literature: Poetry, Fiction and Drama, Fall 2002
21F.056Visual Histories: German Cinema 1945 to Present, Fall 2003
21F.059Paradigms of European Thought and Culture, Fall 2003
21F.061Advanced Topics: Plotting Terror in European Culture, Spring 2004
21F.084JIntroduction to Latin American Studies, Spring 2002
21F.103Chinese III (Regular), Fall 2003
21F.104Chinese IV (Regular), Spring 2004
21F.105Chinese V (Regular): Chinese Cultures & Society, Fall 2003
21F.106Chinese VI (Regular): Discovering Chinese Cultures and Societies, Spring 2003
21F.107Chinese I (Streamlined), Fall 2002
21F.110Chinese IV (Streamlined), Spring 2004
21F.191Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Chinese East Asia, Fall 2004
21F.222Expository Writing for Bilingual Students, Fall 2002
21F.311Introduction to French Culture, Fall 2004
21F.312Introduction to French Culture, Fall 2004
21F.401German I, Fall 2003
21F.402German II, Spring 2003
21F.403German III, Spring 2004
21F.404German IV, Spring 2003
21F.405Germany Today: Intensive Study of German Language & Culture, January (IAP) 2003
21F.501Beginning Japanese I, Fall 2004
21F.502Beginning Japanese II, Spring 2005
21F.503Intermediate Japanese I, Fall 2004
21F.703Spanish 3, Spring 2003
21F.704Spanish 4, Spring 2002
21F.705Oral Communication in Spanish, Spring 2004
21F.711Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition, Spring 2002
21F.712Spanish Conversation and Composition, Fall 2003
21F.714Spanish for Bilingual Students, Spring 2003
21F.730Twentieth and Twentyfirst-Century Spanish American Literature, Spring 2003
21F.991Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Chinese East Asia, Fall 2004

MIT Course # Course Title
21F.034Media, Education, and the Marketplace, Fall 2001

MIT Course # Course Title
21F.019Communicating Across Cultures, Spring 2003
21F.021Communicating Across Cultures, Spring 2003
21F.031JTopics in the Avant-Garde in Literature and Cinema, Spring 2003
21F.101Chinese I (Regular), Spring 2005
21F.102Chinese II, Spring 2005
21F.108Chinese II (Streamlined), Spring 2003
21F.109Chinese III (Streamlined), Fall 2002
21F.151Chinese I (Regular), Spring 2005
21F.152Chinese II, Spring 2005
21F.158Chinese II (Streamlined), Spring 2003
21F.213High-Intermediate Academic Communication, Spring 2004
21F.214High-Intermediate Academic Communication, Spring 2004
21F.223Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation, Fall 2004
21F.224Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation, Fall 2004
21F.225Advanced Workshop in Writing for Science and Engineering: ESL, Spring 2003
21F.226Advanced Workshop in Writing for Science and Engineering: ESL, Spring 2003
21F.301French I, Fall 2004
21F.302French II, Fall 2004
21F.351French I, Fall 2004
21F.352French II, Fall 2004
21F.414German Culture, Media, and Society, Fall 2004
21F.701Spanish 1, Fall 2003
21F.702Spanish 2, Spring 2004
21F.751Spanish 1, Fall 2003
21F.752Spanish 2, Spring 2004