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在这课里我们要学习用 one o-n-e one "一个" 跟 which one "哪一个" 作句子.我们也要学用单字介词, 比方: on, in, under, at, 跟一个字以上, 比较长的介词, 比方: in front of "在什么什么前面", in back of "在什么什么后面" 作句子. 我们先学 the one 跟 which one. 现在请你听一段对话, 是说一对
夫妇亨利 Henry 跟凯特 Kate 到飞机场去接亨利的表妹苏珊 Susan. 现在请你注意听:

M: Kate, look! The passengers are coming from the plane, and there's Susan.
F: Which one ?
M: The tall one next to the window.
F: The one with the suitcase?
M: No. The one with the package under her arm.
F: Oh, yes! That's Susan !
M: Hello, Susan! How was the trip?
F: Fine. It was a very good flight.


M: Kate, look! The passengers are coming from the plane, and there's Susan.
F: Which one?
M: The tall one next to the window.
F: The one with the suitcase?
M: No. The one with the package under her arm.
F: Oh,yes! That's Susan!
M: Hello, Susan! How was the trip?
F: Fine. It was a very good flight.

现在我们把会话里有 the one 跟 which one 的句子挑出来, 用慢速度再念一遍,请你注意听.

F: Which one?
M: The tall one next to the window.
F: The one with the suitcase?
M: The one with the package under her arm.

二.Which one 和 one 练习

现在我们来作一组练习. 老师先问 Which one? 然后他再念一个词组, 请你用 the one 跟这个词组来回答问题, 最后请你注意听正确答案.

F: Which one?
F: with the suitcase
M: The one with the suitcase.
F: Which one?
F: with the red dress
M: The one with the red dress.
F: Which one?
F: with the long hair
M: The one with the long hair.
F: Which one?
F: with the package
M: The one with the package.
F: Which one?
F: with the black shoes
M: The one with the black shoes.

现在我们换一个方式作练习, 这组练习的内容是说 Henry 跟 Kate 要去赴一个宴 会,商量穿什么衣服,还揣测宴会是大是小. 练习的作法是老师先提出一个有选择的问句, 然后给你一个形容词, 请你用这个形容词跟 one 来回答问题. 我们先 举一个例子给你听.

F: Are you going to wear the yellow shirt or the white shirt?

M: white

F: I'm going to wear the white one.

请你注意答案里的 one 这个字指的就是问句里的 shirt 那个字. 现在我们开始 练习. 在你回答之后, 请听正确答案.

F: Are you going to wear the yellow shirt or the white shirt?
F: white
M: I'm going to wear the white one.
F: Are you going to wear a long coat or a short coat?
F: long
M: I'm going to wear a long one.
F: Is it going to be a big party or a small party?
F: small
M: It's going to be a small one.

请你注意: 凡是多数名词, 应该用 ones. 下面我们来练习:

F: Are you going to wear white shoes or black shoes?
F: black
M: I'm going to wear the black ones.
F: Are you going to wear blue pants or brown pants?
F: blue
M: I'm going to wear the blue ones.
F: Are you going to wear new gloves or old gloves?
F: new
M: I'm going to wear the new ones.


刚才我们练习了用 one 跟 which one 作句子, 现在让我们看一看怎么用单字介词 preposition 作句子. 比如: on, o-n, on "上面", under, u-n-d-e-r, under "下面", in, i-n, in "里面", 等等都是介词.
我们还要学一个字以上的介词, 比如: in front of "在什么什么前面", in back of "在什么什么后面
之类的短语来作句子. 首先请你注意听一些有介词跟介词短语的句子, 内容是说 Susan 坐在那儿吃早点, 桌上有面包, 有一杯牛奶, 天花板上吊着一盏灯, 桌底下有只狗. 好, 现在 请你注意听, 每个句子我们念两遍.

M: Susan is at the table.
F: Susan is at the table.
M: The bread is on the table.
F: The bread is on the table.
M: The milk is in the glass.
F: The milk is in the glass.
M: The dog is under the table.
F: The dog is under the table.
M: The lamp is over the table.
F: The lamp is over the table.

下面我们来做换字练习. 先由老师念一个句子, 接着老师提出一个介词短语, 请学生把这个介词短语换到
句子里. 首先给你举个例子:

M: The suitcase is under the seat.
M: under the table
F: The suitcase is under the table.

好, 我们正式开始. 在你回答之后, 请你听正确答案.

M: The suitcase is under the seat.
M: under the table
F: The suitcase is under the table.
M: under the chair
F: The suitcase is under the chair.
M: under the desk
F: The suitcase is under the desk.


M: Susan is next to the window.
M: next to the door
F: Susan is next to the door.
M: next to the table
F: Susan is next to the table.
M: next to her parents
F: Susan is next to her parents.


M: Henry is in front of the door.
M: in front of the window
F: Henry is in front of the window.
M: in front of the table
F: Henry is in front of the table.
M: in front of the seat
F: Henry is in front of the seat.


M: Henry's house is near the airport.
M: near the railroad station
F: Henry's house is near the railroad station.
M: near the park
F: Henry's house is near the park.
M: near the school
F: Henry's house is near the school.


M: Kate lives far from the city.
M: far from the office
F: Kate lives far from the office.
M: far from the store
F: Kate lives far from the store.
M: far from the university
F: Kate lives far from the university.


好了, 现在让我们看一看怎么样把介词短语当作形容词来用. 比如有一句话: The suitcase is under the seat. "小提箱是在座位底下", 还有另外一句话: The suitcase is red. "小提箱是红颜色的", 把这两话句并成一句, 我们可以这样说: The suitcase under the seat is red. "座位底下的小提箱是红颜色的", 于是, 介词 短语 under the seat 是用来形容小提箱的.下面我们要练习这类句子. 首先由老师念两个句子,学生把两句并成一句, 听了合并的句子以后, 请你跟着重复. 现在我们开始.

M: The suitcase is under the seat.
M: The suitcase is red.
F: The suitcase under the seat is red.
M: The woman is next to the children.
M: The woman is Susan.
F: The woman next to the children is Susan.
M: The package is under her arm.
M: The package is brown.
F: The package under her arm is brown.
M: The flag is over the airport.
M: The flag is red and blue.
F: The flag over the airport is red and blue.
M: The milk is in the glass.
M: The milk is cold.
F: The milk in the glass is cold.
M: The man is on top of the airport building.
M: The man is Henry.
F: The man on top of the airport building is Henry.
M: The woman is in front of the door.
M: The woman is Kate.
F: The woman in front of the door is Kate.


现在我们要念一段文章给你听. 文章里包括今天学的一些介词和介词短语, 文章的内容是说 Susan 乘飞机到美国西部的西雅图市去看表哥 Henry, 表嫂 Kate 跟外甥.好了, 我们先用自然的速度念一遍给你听, 等一会儿还要请你回答三个问题.

Susan is very excited about her trip. She is going to Seattle to visit her cousins Henry, Kate, and their children. She is bringing them presents. She has sweaters for Henry and Kate; a brown one for him and a pink one for her. She is also bringing games, one for each of the children. The presents are in a package under the seat in front of Susan. She is sitting in a seat next to the window. Now she sees the flag over the Seattle airport. She also sees some people on top of the airport building.

这段文章不知道你听懂了多少? 假如没有全听懂, 不要着急, 等一会儿我们还要用慢速度再念一遍. 现在请注意听我们今天要问的三个问题.

M: Where is Susan going?

M: Who is Susan visiting?

M: What is Susan bringing her cousins?

好了, 现在我们再把文章念一遍. 这次念得比较慢, 请你特别注意前面三个问题的答案:

Susan is very excited about her trip. She is going to Seattle to visit her cousins Henry, Kate, and their children. She is bringing them presents. She has sweaters for Henry and Kate; a brown one for him and a pink one for her. She is also bringing games, one for each of the children. The presents are in a package under the seat in front of Susan. She is sitting in a seat next to the window. Now she sees the flag over the Seattle airport. She also sees some people on top of the airport building.

现在请你回答问题. 回答之后请听正确答案.

M: Where is Susan going?
F: Susan is going to Seattle.

M: Who is Susan visiting?
F: Susan is visiting her cousins Henry,Kate,and their children.

M: What is Susan bringing her cousins?
F: She has sweaters for them; a brown one for Henry and a pink one for Kate.




今天我们要练习两个词组, 一个是 used to, u-s-e-d t-o, used to, 另外一个是动词加上 to, t-o, to 再加上动词, 也就是 like to do 和 want to go 等等的动词短语.首先请你听一段对话, 内容是说Henry 跟他表妹 Susan 在谈做运动. 我们先把这段对话用正常速度念一遍, 请你注意正确的发音跟语调的抑扬顿挫.

M: Susan, what do you do for exercise?
F: I go swimming once a week.
M: I used to swim in high school, but I don't have time anymore.
F: That's too bad. Exercise is really important.
M: I know. I'm getting a little fat. I didn't use to be this heavy.
F: Well, I'm going swimming tonight. Do you want to go with me?
M: Okay. I really need to get in shape again.

现在我们把这段对话用慢速度再念一遍, 请注意听.

M: Susan, what do you do for exercise?
F: I go swimming once a week.
M: I used to swim in high school, but I don't have time anymore.
F: That's too bad. Exercise is really important.
M: I know. I'm getting a little fat. I didn't use to be this heavy.
F: Well, I'm going swimming tonight. Do you want to go with me?
M: Okay. I really need to get in shape again.

现在我们把刚才那段会话里包含了今天要学的语法, 也就是有 used to 跟有动词加上 to 再加上动词的句子挑出来用慢速度再念一遍给你听.

M: I used to swim in high school.
M: I didn't use to be this heavy.
F: Do you want to go with me?
M: I really need to get in shape again.


首先我们练习 used to 的用法. 这个词组是表示过去常常做一件事而现在不再做了.
下面我们用 used to 跟在上一课里学过的字作句子; 每个句子念两遍, 请你注意

听, 同时, 在念第二遍的时候也请你跟着说.

M: Henry used to wear old gloves.
F: Henry used to wear old gloves.
M: He used to sit next to me in school.
F: He used to sit next to me in school.
M: Susan used to drink a lot of milk.
F: Susan used to drink a lot of milk.
M: She used to live far from the store.
F: She used to live far from the store.
M: Henry and Kate used to go to small parties.
F: Henry and Kate used to go to small parties.
M: They used to go out to eat.
F: They used to go out to eat.

下面我们来作换字练习. 先由老师念一个有 used to 这个词组的句子, 接着老师念一个短语, 学生就把这个短语换进句子里. 现在先举个例子:

M: I used to swim in high school.
M: to play basketball
F: I used to play basketball in high school.

好, 现在我们开始. 在学生做练习的时候, 请你也一起做.

M: I used to swim in high school.
M: to play basketball
F: I used to play basketball in high school.
M: to play volleyball
F: I used to play volleyball in high school.
M: to exercise
F: I used to exercise in high school.
M: to run
F: I used to run in high school.

好了, 现在我们看一看怎么样把 He used to swim in high school. 变成问句. 在把这个句子变成问句的时候必须用did, d-i-d, did 开头,于是这句话就变成了Did he use to swim in high school? 再举一个例子: 把 She used to exercise in highschool. 这句话变成问句, 就要这样说: Did she use to exercise in high school?现在我们来做练习. 由老师念一个有 used to 这个词组的句子,叫学生把这些句子改为问句. 现在请你注意听.

M: He used to swim in high school.
F: Did he use to swim in high school?
M: She used to play basketball in high school.
F: Did she use to play basketball in high school?
M: You used to play volleyball in high school.
F: Did you use to play volleyball in high school?
M: They used to exercise in high school.
F: Did they use to exercise in high school?
M: Henry used to run in high school.
F: Did Henry use to run in high school?

现在我们换一个方法作练习.由老师念一个句子,请你用where, w-h-e-r-e, where 这个字, 把句子改成问句. 首先还是举个例子:

M: He used to swim in a river.
F: Where did he use to swim?

好, 现在我们正式开始. 在你把句子改为问句之后, 请听正确答案.

M: He used to swim in a river.
F: Where did he use to swim?
M: She used to work in the factory.
F: Where did she use to work?
M: They used to play volleyball in their backyard.
F: Where did they use to play volleyball?
M: Susan used to run in the park.
F: Where did Susan use to run?

现在我们再换一个方式来做练习. 先由老师用 when, w-h-e-n, when这个字, 问一个有 used to 这个词组的问句, 接着老师提出一个说明时间的词组, 请你用时间词组来回答问题. 首先举个例子:

M: When did he use to get up?
M: at seven o'clock
F: He used to get up at seven o'clock.

现在我们正式开始. 在你回答之后, 还是请你听我们的正确答案.

M: When did he use to get up?
M: at seven o'clock
F: He used to get up at seven o'clock.
M: When did she use to have a lot of time?
M: after school
F: She used to have a lot of time after school.
M: When did they use to go to soccer games?
M: on Sundays
F: They used to go to soccer games on Sundays.
M: When did Kate use to have a vacation?
M: in the summer
F: Kate used to have a vacation in the summer.

三.动词 + TO + 动词

刚才我们练习了怎么用 used to 这个词组, 现在我们来学习动词加上 to, t-o, to 再加上动词的用法. 首先请你听一个句子: I like to play volleyball. 这个句子有两个动词like 和play. 这两个动词是由 to, 这个字联在一起的, to play volleyball 就是 like 这个动词的宾语. 再举一个例子: She likes to listen to music. 这个句子的宾语就是 to listen to music. 现在我们来练习这类句子. 练习的内容都是说亨利到了周未喜欢在家做些什么.每个句子我们念两遍, 在念第二遍的时候请你跟着念.

M: Henry likes to eat at home on weekends.
F: Henry likes to eat at home on weekends.
M: Henry likes to cook his own dinner on weekends.
F: Henry likes to cook his own dinner on weekends.
M: Henry likes to make fancy dishes on weekends.
F: Henry likes to make fancy dishes on weekends.
M: Henry likes to invite friends on weekends.
F: Henry likes to invite friends on weekends.

除了 like 这个动词, 其他动词, 比方: love, l-o-v-e, love, want, w-a-n-t, want, plan,p-l-a-n, plan, try, t-r-y, try, need, n-e-e-d, need, prefer, p-r-e-f-e-r, prefer, 都可以这样用. 现在我们用这些动词来作换字练习. 首先举个例子:

M: Susan loves to exercise.
M: wants to play tennis
F: Susan wants to play tennis.

好, 现在我们开始. 在你回答之后, 请注意听正确答案.

M: Susan loves to exercise.
M: wants to play tennis
F: Susan wants to play tennis.
M: plans to go swimming
F: Susan plans to go swimming.
M: tries to run very fast
F: Susan tries to run very fast.
M: needs to study hard
F: Susan needs to study hard.
M: prefers to travel by train.
F: Susan prefers to travel by train.

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 先由老师念一个陈述句, 叫学生改为问句. 请你注意, 改为问句的时候必须要用 does, d-o-e-s, does. 现在请你注意听.

M: Susan loves to exercise.
F: Does Susan love to exercise?
M: Susan wants to play tennis.
F: Does Susan want to play tennis?
M: Susan plans to go swimming.
F: Does Susan plan to go swimming?
M: Susan tries to run very fast.
F: Does Susan try to run very fast?
M: Susan needs to study hard.
F: Does Susan need to study hard?
M: Susan prefers to travel by train.
F: Does Susan prefer to travel by train?

在下面一组练习里, 由老师念一些句子, 请你用what, w-h-a-t, what 这个字把原来的句子改为问句, 然后请你听正确答案.

M: Henry loves to cook his own dinner.
F: What does Henry love to cook?
M: Henry likes to make fancy dishes.
F: What does Henry like to make?
M: Susan wants to play tennis.
F: What does Susan want to play?
M: Susan needs to study for test.
F: What does Susan need to study for?
M: Kate plans to buy a dress.
F: What does Kate plan to buy?
M: Kate prefers to have a small party.
F: What does Kate prefer to have?

四. 听短文回答问题

现在我们来测验一下你的听力.首先请你听一段文章,内容是说亨利一家人怎么旅行, 谈到了坐火车有什么好处.好, 现在请你注意听.

Henry used to travel by train. Nowadays there are fewer trains and Henry, like most people, prefers to travel by car. Henry's wife, Kate, however, still likes to travel by train. She wants to relax and she doesn't need to worry about gas, repairs, or parking when traveling by train. Henry's cousin, Susan, and her parents live in New York. They take the train to their jobs everyday. They travel by train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.

刚才那段文章不知道你听懂了多少? 等一会儿, 我们再用慢速度给你念一遍.现在请你注意听我们要测验的三个问题.

M: How did Henry use to travel?

M: Does Kate still like to travel by train?

M: Why do Susan and her parents take the train to their jobs?


Henry used to travel by train. Nowadays there are fewer trains and Henry, like most people, prefers to travel by car. Henry's wife, Kate, however, still likes to travel by train. She wants to relax and she doesn't need to worry about gas, repairs, or parking when traveling by train. Henry's cousin, Susan, and her parents live in New York. They take the train to their jobs everyday. They travel by train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.

好了, 现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在回答之后, 请你注意听正确答案.

M: How did Henry use to travel?
F: He used to travel by train.

M: Does Kate still like to travel by train?
F: Yes,she still likes to travel by train.

第三个问题比较长, 请你注意听:
M: Why do Susan and her parents take the train to their jobs?
F: They take the train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.



在这课里我们要学习怎么用many, m-a-n-y, many 跟 much, m-u-c-h, much.这两个字都有 "很多" 的意思,可是用法不同.另外我们还要学习用 there is 跟 there are 做句子.首先还是请你听一段对话,内容是说 Henry 跟 Kate 的儿子 Peter 要参加学校办的夏季旅行团到纽约去玩.他问妈妈应该带几个箱子, 带多少钱等等问题.我们还是先用正常速度把这段会话念一遍,请你注意英文老师的发音和声调:

M: Mom, I'm going to spend two weeks in New York this summer.
F: That's wonderful!
M: How many suitcases do I have to take?
F: Take two - a big one and a small one.
M: How much money do I need to take?
F: About three hundred dollars.
M: Are there many interesting places in New York?
F: Yes,there are a lot of museums and beautiful churches.


M: Mom, I'm going to spend two weeks in New York this summer.
F: That's wonderful!
M: How many suitcases do I have to take?
F: Take two - a big one and a small one.
M: How much money do I need to take?
F: About three hundred dollars.
M: Are there many interesting places in New York?
F: Yes, there are a lot of museums and beautiful churches.

刚才那段话, 不知道你听懂了多少? 现在我再把对话里有 many, much, 跟 there are 的句子挑出来,用慢速度念一遍:

M: How many suitcases do I have to take?
M: How much money do I need to take?
M: Are there many interesting places in New York?
F: Yes,there are a lot of museums and beautiful churches.


下面我们看看什么时候用many, 什么时候用much. 刚才我说过这两个字的意思都是 "很多",相当于 a lot of 这个词组,可是在用法上的区别是凡是指可以数的东西就用 many,指不可以数的或是统称性的名词就用 much.一般说来 many 跟 much 多半是用在疑问句和否定句里, 而 a lot of 则不受限制.现在我们来作一组练习,内容都是说到 Peter 的朋友问他关于到纽约去的事情.请注意朋友提出的问句用的都是 many, 而 Peter 都是用 a lot of 作肯定的回答.好,现在我们开始练习. 请你每听一句就跟着重复.

F: Are you going to New York with many friends?
M: Yes, I'm going to New York with a lot of friends.
F: Are you going to visit many interesting places in New York?
M: Yes, I'm going to visit a lot of interesting places.
F: Are you going to eat in many restaurants?
M: Yes, I'm going to eat in a lot of restaurants.
F: Are you going to write many letters to your parents?
M: Yes, I'm going to write a lot of letters to my parents.

下面一组练习谈的还是 Peter 到纽约的事情.这次朋友用的是 a lot of 来提出问句,可是 Peter 用 much 作否定的答覆.还是请你听一句,重复一句.

F: Do you need a lot of time to pack?
M: No, I don't need much time to pack.
F: Do you plan to take a lot of money with you to New York?
M: No, I don't plan to take much money with me to New York.
F: Do you want to spend a lot of time shopping in New York?
M: No, I don't want to spend much time shopping in New York.
F: Do you plan to spend a lot of money in New York?
M: No, I don't plan to spend much money in New York.

下面我们给你多举一些例子, 内容都是说 Kate 需要到市场去买些什么菜. 第一组练习是用 many.每个句子我们念两遍,请你跟着练习.

M: How many chickens does Kate need to buy?
F: How many chickens does Kate need to buy?
M: How many tomatoes does Kate need to buy?
F: How many tomatoes does Kate need to buy?
M: How many eggs does Kate need to buy?
F: How many eggs does Kate need to buy?
M: How many heads of cabbage does Kate need to buy?
F: How many heads of cabbage does Kate need to buy?

下面这些句子用的是 much. 还是请你跟着练习.

M: How much bread does Kate need to buy?
F: How much bread does Kate need to buy?
M: How much butter does Kate need to buy?
F: How much butter does Kate need to buy?
M: How much milk does Kate need to buy?
F: How much milk does Kate need to buy?
M: How much fruit does Kate need to buy?
F: How much fruit does Kate need to buy?

现在我们来作换字练习. 先由老师念一个句子, 你先重复一遍. 接着老师给你一个名词,请你换进原来的句子里. 请注意在作练习的时候, 你必须要斟酌情况决定用 many 或是 much.好,现在我们开始. 在作完一句之后, 请你听我们的正确答案.

M: Kate doesn't need to buy many chickens.
M: tomatoes
F: Kate doesn't need to buy many tomatoes.
M: butter
F: Kate doesn't need to buy much butter.
M: fruit
F: Kate doesn't need to buy much fruit.
M: milk
F: Kate doesn't need to buy much milk.
M: eggs
F: Kate doesn't need to buy many eggs.
M: bread
F: Kate doesn't need to buy much bread.


刚才我们练习了怎么用 many 和 much 来表示数量, 现在我们来看一看在英文里什么时候用 There is, 什么时候用 There are. 简单的说, 主词是单数的时候就 用 There is, 多数的时侯就用 There are.
现在我们先举几个例子, 由老师念一句, 学生跟着重复一句. 在学生重复的时候 也请你一起重复.

M: There is a supermarket near Henry's house.
F: There is a supermarket near Henry's house.
M: There is a bank next to the supermarket.
F: There is a bank next to the supermarket.
M: There is a lot of money in Henry's pocket.
F: There is a lot of money in Henry's pocket.
M: There is enough fruit in the house.
F: There is enough fruit in the house.
M: There is a loaf of bread on the table.
F: There is a loaf of bread on the table.

下面的句子用的都是 There are:

M: There are two banks near Henry's house.
F: There are two banks near Henry's house.
M: There are a lot of people in Henry's family.
F: There are a lot of people in Henry's family.
M: There are ten dollars in Henry's pocket.
F: There are ten dollars in Henry's pocket.
M: There are four tomatoes in Henry's basket.
F: There are four tomatoes in Henry's basket.
M: There are a dozen eggs in Henry's box.
F: There are a dozen eggs in Henry's box.

好, 现在我们来作换字练习. 首先由老师念一个句子, 接着他就给你一个词组,请你看情况决定用 There is 或是 There are 来完成新句子. 现在我们正式开始. 在你回答之后请注意听正确答案:

M: There is a loaf of bread on the table.
M: two quarts of milk
F: There are two quarts of milk on the table.
M: a dozen eggs
F: There are a dozen eggs on the table.
M: a head of cabbage
F: There is a head of cabbage on the table.
M: several kinds of vegetables
F: There are several kinds of vegetables on the table.
M: a glass of milk
F: There is a glass of milk on the table.
M: four tomatoes
F: There are four tomatoes on the table.
M: fruit
F: There is fruit on the table.
M: butter
F: There is butter on the table.
M: three loaves of bread
F: There are three loaves of bread on the table.


我们还是依照惯例念一段文章给你听, 听完之后请你回答三个问题. 今天这段文章主要是说 Kate 要到超级市场去买鸡, 买青菜, 买面包, 牛奶等等. 现在我们先用正常速度念给你听.

Kate is going to the supermarket to buy some groceries today. First, she checks to see what she needs to buy. How much bread does she need? How much butter? What kind of vegetables? Is there enough fruit? Next, Kate makes a shopping list. She is planning to buy two chickens,two heads of cabbage, four tomatoes,and two loaves of bread. She's also going to need two quarts of milk and a dozen eggs. Then, she thinks about money. How much money does she need? Ten dollars? No, maybe twenty. There isn't a lot of money in her purse. She'll have to stop at the bank on her way to the supermarket.

刚才那段文章你都听懂了吗? 假如没全懂,等一会儿还有机会听. 现在请你注意听我们今天要问的三个问题.

M: What is Kate going to do?

M: What food is Kate going to buy?

M: Where does she have to stop on her way to the supermarket?


Kate is going to the supermarket to buy some groceries today. First, she checks to see what she needs to buy. How much bread does she need? How much butter? What kind of vegetables? Is there enough fruit? Next, Kate makes a shopping list. She is planning to buy two chickens,two heads of cabbage, four tomatoes,and two loaves of bread. She's also going to need two quarts of milk and a dozen eggs. Then, she thinks about money. How much money does she need? Ten dollars? No, maybe twenty. There isn't a lot of money in her purse. She'll have to stop at the bank on her way to the supermarket.

下面请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在你回答之后请听正确答案.

M: What is Kate going to do?
F: She is going to buy some groceries.

M: What food is Kate going to buy?
F: She is going to buy chickens,cabbage,tomatoes,bread,milk and eggs.

M: Where does she have to stop on her way to the supermarket?




在这一课里我们要学习怎么用助动词 can, c-a-n, can, may, m-a-y, may, will,w-i-l-l, will 和might, m-i-g-h-t, might.首先我们依照惯例, 先请你听一段对话, 内容是说 peter 在学校里跟同学 Mary谈到了学校里的活动. 我们还是先用自然速度念一遍, 请你注意听英文老师的发音和声调.

M: Hi, Mary.
F: Oh, hello, Peter. How are you?
M: I'm fine. Can you have a cup of coffee with me?
F: I can't now. I have an exam tomorrow. I have to study for it.
M: You're taking a lot of courses this year.
F: I might drop some of them. Are you still with the football team?
M: Yes, we will play a game this Friday.
F: May I go to see you play?
M: Yes, of course.
F: I hope the weather will be sunny Friday.
M: I hope so, too.


M: Hi, Mary.
F: Oh, hello, Peter. How are you?
M: I'm fine. Can you have a cup of coffee with me?
F: I can't now. I have an exam tomorrow. I have to study for it.
M: You're taking too many courses this year.
F: I might drop some of them. Are you still with the football team?
M: Yes, we will play a game this Friday.
F: May I go to see you play?
M: Yes, of course.
F: I hope the weather will be sunny Friday.
M: I hope so, too.

现在我把刚才那段会话里包含了助动词的句子挑出来, 用慢速度再念一遍给你听.

M: Can you have a cup of coffee with me?
F: I can't now.
M: I might drop some of them.
M: We will play a game this Friday.
F: May I go to see you play?
F: I hope the weather will be sunny Friday.


首先我们学习怎么用 can, c-a-n, can. 这个字表示 "有能力" 作一件事. 它的否定式是 cannot, c-a-n-n-o-t, cannot, 可以减缩为 can't, 意思当然就是说 "没有能力"作一件事. 在第一组练习里, 我们给你举一些例子, 说 Peter 和 Mary 能作什么事而不能作什么事. 每个句子我们念两次, 在念第二次的时候请你也跟着念.

M: Peter can have a cup of coffee but Mary can't.
F: Peter can have a cup of coffee but Mary can't.
M: Peter can play football but Mary can't.
F: Peter can play football but Mary can't.
M: Peter can swim but Mary can't.
F: Peter can swim but Mary can't.
M: Mary can dance but Peter can't.
F: Mary can dance but Peter can't.
M: Mary can sing but Peter can't.
F: Mary can sing but Peter can't.
M: Mary can speak French but Peter can't.
F: Mary can speak French but Peter can't.

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 由学生问老师: "我能作什么呢?" 然后老师提出一个词组, 请学生用这个词组来回答问题. 我先举一个例子:

F: What can I do?
M: join the gymnastics team
F: I can join the gymnastics team.
M: join the track team
F: I can join the track team.

好, 现在我们开始做练习:

F: What can I do?
M: join the gymnastics team
F: I can join the gymnastics team.
M: join the track team
F: I can join the track team.
M: drive a car
F: I can drive a car.
M: cook fancy dishes
F: I can cook fancy dishes.
M: speak English well
F: I can speak English well.
M: run fast
F: I can run fast.
M: sing an American song
F: I can sing an American song.


学完了 can 的用法, 现在我们看看怎么用助动词 may 和 might. 这两个字都表示将来事情可能发生,在句子里可以交换使用.比方 "将来彼得可能成为职业选手"这句话可以这么说: Peter may become a professional player. 也可以这么说:Peter might become a professional player. 好,下面我们来作一组练习. 练习的内容都是说彼得将来可能有什么成就. 现在我们请英文老师提出一个用 may 这个字的句子, 请学生用might 这个字来代替.在学生作练习的时候也请你跟着作.

M: Peter may become a professional player.
F: Peter might become a professional player.
M: Peter may become a sport star.
F: Peter might become a sport star.
M: Peter may play in the Olympic Games.
F: Peter might play in the Olympic Games.

下面我们来看一看玛丽将来可能有什么成就. 还是请你照样跟着练习.

M: Mary may become a professional singer.
F: Mary might become a professional singer.
M: Mary may have a career in singing.
F: Mary might have a career in singing.
M: Mary may sing in a concert.
F: Mary might sing in a concert.

四.用 MAY 表请求

刚才我们学习了 can 跟 can't, 还有 may 跟 might 的用法, 下面我们要学习 may 的另外一种用法. may 这个字除了可以表示可能性之外还可以用来表示允许或是请求.在上一课里我们提到彼得夏天里要到纽约去旅行的事情; 下面一组练习谈的都是彼得问妈妈到了纽约准不准他作什么事的问题.首先由彼得问一个问题,然后你会听到 yes 或是no. 请你根据你听到的来回答问题. 首先举个例子:

M: May I go to New York with the school tour?
F: Yes!
F: Yes, you may go to New York with the school tour

好, 现在我们开始做练习, 在你答覆问题之后, 请你听正确答案.

M: May I go to New York with the school tour?
F: Yes!
F: Yes, you may go to New York with the school tour.
M: May I go to New York alone?
F: No!
F: No, you may not go to New York alone.
M: May I take a lot of money with me?
F: No!
F: No, you may not take a lot of money with you.
M: May I take two suitcases with me?
F: Yes!
F: Yes, you may take two suitcases with you.
M: May I visit some beautiful churches in New York?
F: Yes!
F: Yes, you may visit some beautiful churches in New York.

下面我们多举几个例子. 每个例子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 重复一遍:

M: May I have a cup of coffee with you?
F: May I have a cup of coffee with you?
M: May I go to see you play football?
F: May I go to see you play football?
M: May I have four tomatoes and a dozen eggs?
F: May I have four tomatoes and a dozen eggs?
M: May I sit next to you?
F: May I sit next to you?
M: May I dance with you?
F: May I dance with you?
M: May I take you home?
F: May I take you home?
M: May I use your telephone?
F: May I use your telephone?
M: May I help you?
F: May I help you?


好了, 现在我们学习今天要教的最后一个助动词 will. 这个字是表示将来会发生什么事.下面我们举一些例子.每个句子还是念两遍,还是请你听一遍,重复一遍.

M: Peter will play football this Friday.
F: Peter will play football this Friday.
M: Mary will go to see the football game this Friday.
F: Mary will go to see the football game this Friday.
M: Mary will see Peter this Friday.
F: Mary will see Peter this Friday.
M: The weather will be sunny this Friday.
F: The weather will be sunny this Friday.

现在我们学习怎么样把刚才那些句子加上疑问词变成问句. 比方老师说: Peter will play football this Friday. 接着老师给你一个疑问词 what, 你就把句子改成: What will Peter play this Friday? 好, 现在我们开始做练习. 在你作完一个问句之后, 就请注意听正确的答案.

M: Peter will play football this Friday.
M: What
F: What will Peter play this Friday?
M: Mary will go to see the football game this Friday.
M: When
F: When will Mary go to see the football game?
M: Mary will see Peter this Friday.
M: Who
F: Who will Mary see this Friday?
M: The weather will be sunny this Friday.
M: How
F: How will the weather be this Friday?

will 这个字还可以用来表示一个人的志愿. 下面这组练习内容都是问你肯不肯做什么事. 每个句子我们还是念两遍, 请你听一遍, 重复一遍.

M: Will you sing a song for us?
F: Will you sing a song for us?
M: Will you go to the bank with me?
F: Will you go to the bank with me?
M: Will you take me to the airport?
F: Will you take me to the airport?
M: Will you buy two loaves of bread?
F: Will you buy two loaves of bread?

下面一组练习是把 will 跟它的否定式 will not 也就是 won't 作个比较. 还是请你听一遍, 跟着重复一遍.

M: Peter won't go to the supermarket but Mary will.
F: Peter won't go to the supermarket but Mary will.
M: Peter won't cook for you but Mary will.
F: Peter won't cook for you but Mary will.
M: Mary won't go swimming with you but Peter will.
F: Mary won't go swimming with you but Peter will.
M: Mary won't have a cup of coffee but Peter will.
F: Mary won't have a cup of coffee but Peter will.


现在我们来作听力测验. 首先还是请你听一段文章, 内容是说一般美国中学生,比方彼得, 在学校里面能够参加什么样的体育活动,将来可能有什么样的成就.我们是先用正常速度念一遍, 请你注意地听.

American high school students, like Peter, may play on school sports teams. Most high schools have football, baseball, basketball and track teams. Some schools might also have swimming teams, gymnastics teams and tennis teams. Good players can join university teams when they graduate from high schools. The very best will become popular sports stars. The best football, basketball and tennis players can become professional. That means they will have a career in sports and will get money when they play. The best track and gymnastics students may go to the Olympic Games on the U.S. Olympic team.

刚才那段文章你听懂了没有? 要是没全部懂, 等一会儿还有机会听. 现在我先请英文老师把今天测验的三个问题念给你听.

M: What sports teams do most American high schools have?

M: What kind of players will become popular sports stars?

M: What does "professional players" mean?

好, 现在我们再把刚才那段文章用慢速度念一遍, 请你注意听:

American high school students, like Peter, may play on school sports teams. Most high schools have football, baseball, basketball and track teams. Some schools might also have swimming teams, gymnastics teams and tennis teams. Good players can join university teams when they graduate from high schools. The very best will become popular sports stars. The best football, basketball and tennis players can become professional. That means they will have a career in sports and will get money when they play. The best track and gymnastics students may go to the Olympic Games on the U.S. Olympic team.

现在要请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在你回答之后, 还是请你听正确的答案,看你答对了没有.

M: What sports teams do most American high schools have?
F: They have football,baseball,basketball and track teams.

M: What kind of players will become popular sports stars?
F: The very best players will become popular sports stars.

M: What does "professional players" mean?
F: It means to have a career in sports and to get money to play.




在这一课里, 我们要学习的是助动词 should, s-h-o-u-l-d, should 跟 must,m-u-s-t, must 的用法. 我们也要看看这两个助动词的否定式 should not也就是 shouldn't 和 must not 也就是 mustn't 在意思上跟 don't have to这个词组有什么分别. 首先我还是请两位英文老师给你念一段对话, 请你注意听英文老师的发音和声调.

F: Peter, can you help me for a minute?
M: Yes, what do you want me to do?
F: Will you take the garbage out?
M: Do I have to do it now?
F: Well, you don't have to it now. But don't forget to do it today.
M: All right. I really must go now; otherwise I'll be late for school.
F: You have an exam this morning, don't you? You mustn't be late. Maybe you should ask your father for a ride.

好, 现在我们再把刚才那段对话用慢速度念一遍, 请你注意听:

F: Peter, can you help me for a minute?
M: Yes, what do you want me to do?
F: Will you take the garbage out?
M: Do I have to do it now?
F: Well, you don't have to. But don't forget to do it today.
M: All right. I really must go now; otherwise I'll be late for school.
F: You have an exam this morning, don't you? You mustn't be late. Maybe you should ask your father for a ride.

在彼得跟他母亲的这段对话里, 有几个句子用了我们今天要学的助动词 should, must 跟它们的否定式 shouldn't, mustn't 还有 have to 跟 don't have to 这两个词组, 现在我请老师把包含了这些词的句子用慢速度再念一遍给你听:

M: Do I have to do it now?
F: You don't have to.
M: I really must go now.
F: You mustn't be late. Maybe you should ask your father for a ride.


好了, 现在该作练习了. 首先我们来学怎么用 should. 这个字是用来劝告别人应该做些什么事. 比方有一句话: "天冷了, 你应该穿毛衣," 这句话, 你可以这样说: It's cold. You should wear a sweater.
好, 现在我们给你多举一些例子. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着重复一遍.

M: It's cold. You should wear a sweater.
F: It's cold.You should wear a sweater.
M: Peter is late. He should ask his father for a ride.
F: Peter is late. He should ask his father for a ride.
M: Henry is heavy. He should get in shape again.
F: Henry is heavy. He should get in shape again.
M: Kate is hungry. She should eat something.
F: Kate is hungry. She should eat something.
M: Your room is messy. You should clean it up.
F: Your room is messy. You should clean it up.

好, 现在我们换一个方式作练习, 先由老师说一句话, 比方: "下雨了!" It's raining. 接着老师给你一个词组: "带雨伞" carry an umbrella 请你用 should 这个字来完成句子, 所以答案就是: "下雨了, 你应该带雨伞". It's raining. You should carry an umbrella. 好, 现在我们开始练习. 在你作完句子之后,请注意听正确的答案.

M: Peter is a good player.
M: join the team
F: peter is a good player. He should join the team.
M: Henry is tired.
M: take a rest
F: Henry is tired. He should take a rest.
M: Kate is thirsty.
M: have a glass of water.
F: Kate is thirsty. She should have a glass of water.
M: Your shirt is dirty.
M: change into a clean one
F: Your shirt is dirty. You should change into a clean one.
M: It's raining.
M: carry an umbrella
F: It's raining. You should carry an umbrella.

刚才那组练习你都作对了吗? 下面我们来练习 should 的否定式 should not. 这两个字可以简缩为 shouldn't, 意思就是劝人不要做什么事. 我们作的是换字练习. 老师先念一句话, 接着老师给你一个新的词组, 请你把新的词组代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句, 就请你听正确答案.

M: You shouldn't spend so much money.
M: drink so much coffee
F: You shouldn't drink so much coffee.
M: buy so many records
F: You shouldn't buy so many records.
M: go to so many movies
F: You shouldn't go to so many movies.
M: drive so fast
F: You shouldn't drive so fast.


下面我们来学另外一个助动词 must. 这个字表示必须作某件事情, 没有其他选择. 比方有一句话: " 亨利要上飞机了, 他非有飞机票不可 ", 这句话英文可以这么说: Henry is going on an airplane. He must have a ticket. 现在我们给你多举一些例子. 每个句子我们还是念两遍, 还是请你听一遍, 重复一遍.

M: Henry is going on an airplane. He must have a ticket.
F: Henry is going on an airplane. He must have a ticket.
M: Kate is going to a formal party. She must wear a dress.
F: Kate is going to a formal party. She must wear a dress.
M: Linda is going to buy a record. She must save some money.
F: Linda is going to buy a record. She must save some money.
M: Mary has an exam tomorrow. She must study hard.
F: Mary has an exam tomorrow. She must study hard.
M: Peter has a class at 7 o'clock. He must get up early.
F: Peter has a class at 7 o'clock. He must get up early.
M: Susan doesn't have a car. She must go to her job by train.
F: Susan doesn't have a car. She must go to her job by train.

must 的否定式是 must not, 也可以简缩为 mustn't. 这个词是用来表示一定不应该作的事. 下面这组练习内容都是说彼得在上课的时候不应该作的一些事. 由老师先念一个句子: peter mustn't sleep in class. 接着老师念一个新词组: eat lunch. 请你用新词组把原来的句子改为: Peter mustn't eat lunch in class. 好, 现在我们开始作换字练习. 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Peter mustn't sleep in class.
M: eat lunch
F: Peter mustn't eat lunch in class.
M: talk
F: Peter mustn't talk in class.
M: smoke
F: Peter mustn't smoke in class.
M: write letters
F: Peter mustn't write letters in class.
M: look out of window
F: Peter mustn't look out of window in class.
M: listen to the radio
F: Peter mustn't listen to the radio in class.


刚才我们学习了两个助动词 should 和 must, 还有它们的否定式 shouldn't 和 mustn't, 现在我们来学习另外一个意思跟 must 相同的词组 have to. 这个词组也是用来表示非作某件事不可. 比方有一句话: "你非得清理院子吗?" 英文可以这样说: Do you have to clean the yard? 另外一句话: "你非得工作挣零用钱吗?" 英文可以这样说: Do you have to work to earn your allowance? 好, 现在我们来练习这类句子.由老师念一个句子, 然后老师给你一个新词组, 请你用这个新词组作换字练习. 作完一句就听正确答案.

M: Do you have to clean the yard?
M: practice everyday
F: Do you have to practice everyday?
M: go to the supermarket
F: Do you have to go to the supermarket?
M: wash the dishes
F: Do you have to wash the dishes?
M: change your clothes
F: Do you have to change your clothes?
M: work to earn your allowance
F: Do you have to work to earn your allowance?

凡是陈述句的主词是第三人称 "他" 的时候, 就应该用 has to. 下面我们要练习这类句子. 老师先用 does, d-o-e-s, does 开头作问句, 请你用 has to 来回答问题. 作完一句还是请你听正确答案.

M: Does he have to go to New York?
F: Yes, he has to go to New York.
M: Does he have to clean up his room?
F: Yes, he has to clean up his room.
M: Does she have to take the bus?
F: Yes, she has to take the bus.
M: Does she have to drop this course?
F: Yes, she has to drop this course.

have to 的否定式 don't have to 跟 has to 的否定式 doesn't have to 都可以用来表示不一定非得作某件事, 而有其他选择. 在下面一组练习里, 我们要多学学这类句子. 每个句子我们还是念两遍, 还是请你听一遍, 重复一遍:

M: I don't have to buy records. I can listen to the radio.
F: I don't have to buy records. I can listen to the radio.
M: You don't have to go to the movies. You can stay home and watch television.
F: You don't have to go to the movies. You can stay home and watch television.
M: We don't have to take the train. We can take the bus.
F: We don't have to take the train. We can take the bus.
M: They don't have to drink coffee. They can drink tea.
F: They don't have to drink coffee. They can drink tea.
M: He doesn't have to wear a white shirt. He can wear a blue one.
F: He doesn't have to wear a white shirt. He can wear a blue one.
M: She doesn't have to cook. She can go out to eat.
F: She doesn't have to cook. She can go out to eat.


首先还是请你听一段文章, 内容是说彼得跟琳达兄妹两个人应该帮着作些什么家事才能每星期拿零用钱.

Every week Peter and Linda receive five dollars from their parents. This money is their weekly allowance. It is not a gift. Peter and Linda must work for the family to earn the money. Peter takes out the garbage and cleans the yard around the house. He should do it everyday, but sometimes he forgets. Linda helps her mother with the cooking. She also washes the dishes after dinner. Peter and Linda don't have to use their money for food. They use it for their entertainment. Sometimes they go to the movies. Sometimes they buy records. Each week they save some of their money to buy something more expensive.

刚才那段文章你听懂了多少? 文章里包含了今天教的语法, 你是不是注意到了? 等一会儿我们会把整段文章再念一遍. 现在我们把今天测验的三个问题先念一遍给你听.

M: What should Peter do to earn his weekly allowance?

M: Does Linda have to use her allowance for food?

M: How do Peter and Linda spend their money?

好了, 现在我们再把刚才那段文章用慢速度念一遍给你听, 请你特别注意刚才那三个问题的答案.

Every week Peter and Linda receive five dollars from their parents. This money is their weekly allowance. It is not a gift. Peter and Linda must work for the family to earn the money. Peter takes out the garbage and cleans the yard around the house. He should do it everyday, but sometimes he forgets. Linda helps her mother with the cooking. She also washes the dishes after dinner. Peter and Linda don't have to use their money for food. They use it for their entertainment. Sometimes they go to the movies. Sometimes they buy records. Each week they save some of their money to buy something more expensive.

现在要请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在你回答以后, 请你听老师说正确答案, 看你答对了没有.

M: What should Peter do to earn his weekly allowance?
F: He should take out the garbage and clean the yard around the house.

M: Does Linda have to use her allowance for food?
F: No, she doesn't have to use her allowance for food.

M: How do Peter and Linda spend their money?
F: Sometimes they go to the movies. Sometimes they buy records




在这一课里, 我们要学习助动词 could, c-o-u-l-d, could 和两个助动词短语 would like to, w-o-u-l-d l-i-k-e t-o, would like to 跟 ought to, o-u-g-h-t t-o, ought to. 我们也要学习用连接词 because, b-e-c-a-u-s-e, because 作句子.首先我还是请两位英文老师给你念一段对话,内容是说亨利跟他的同事南希聊天的情况. 我请英文老师先用自然速度念一遍, 请你注意听英文老师的发音和声调.

M: Hello, Nancy! Where were you yesterday?
F: I didn't come in because I was sick.
M: You still look a little sick. You ought to go back to bed.
F: I'm going home now.
M: Did you drive today?
F: No, I don't have a car.
M: I can take you home. Would you like a ride?
F: Yes, I'll appreciate it very much. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? I need to buy some aspirin.

好, 现在我请英文老师再把刚才那段对话用慢速度念一遍, 请你注意听:

M: Hello, Nancy! Where were you yesterday?
F: I didn't come in because I was sick.
M: You still look a little sick. You ought to go back to bed.
F: I'm going home now.
M: Did you drive today?
F: No, I don't have a car.
M: I can take you home. Would you like a ride?
F: Yes, I'll appreciate it very much. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? I need to buy some aspirin.

在刚才那段对话里, 有几个句子用了我们今天要学的语法, 也就是 could, would like to, ought to 跟 because 的用法, 现在我请英文老师把这几个句子念出来给你听.

F: I didn't come in because I was sick.
M: You ought to go back to bed.
M: Would you like a ride?
F: Could you stop at the drugstore on the way?


好了, 现在我们来作练习. 首先我们学习助动词 could 的用法. 这个字是 can,c-a-n, can 的过去式, 是用来表示过去有能力作一件事. 不过这个字还有另外一个用法, 就是可以用在问句里表示客气地提出请求. 比方有一句话: "我没有车,你能开车送我吗?" 用英文可以这样说: I don't have a car. Could you give me a ride? 好, 现在我们来练习这种用法. 由老师念一些句子, 内容都是说南希病了, 她客气地请人帮忙. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着重复一遍.

M: I don't feel well. Could you help me?
F: I don't feel well. Could you help me?
M: I am sick. Could you take me to a doctor?
F: I am sick. Could you take me to a doctor?
M: I don't have a car. Could you give me a ride?
F: I don't have a car. Could you give me a ride?
M: I need to buy some medicine. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way?
F: I need to buy some medicine. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way?
M: I need to take the medicine. Could you give me a glass of water?
F: I need to take the medicine. Could you give me a glass of water?

下面我们来作换字练习.由老师念一个句子,比方: "我能借你的字典吗?" Could I borrow your dictionary? 然后老师给你一个新词组, 比方: 用你的电话 use your telephone, 请你把新词组代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.好, 现在我们开始.

M: Could I borrow your dictionary?
M: use your telephone
F: Could I use your telephone?
M: read your newspaper
F: Could I read your newspaper?
M: take you home
F: Could I take you home?
M: see you tomorrow
F: Could I see you tomorrow?
M: talk to you later
F: Could I talk to you later?

三.词组Would like to

现在我们来学另外一种客气话, 也就是 would like to. 这个词组就是 "要" want to, w-a-n-t t-o, want to 的意思, 不过比较客气. 下面我们要作一组练习. 由老师念两个句子, 第一个句子用 want to, 第二个句子用的是 would like to. 这两句话意思一样.

M: Nancy wants to see a doctor.
F: Nancy would like to see a doctor.
M: Henry wants to watch television.
F: Henry would like to watch television.
M: Kate wants to buy a sweater.
F: Kate would like to buy a sweater.
M: Susan wants to visit her cousins.
F: Susan would like to visit her cousins.
M: Peter wants to become a sport star.
F: Peter would like to become a sport star.
M: Mary wants to have a weekly allowance.
F: Mary would like to have a weekly allowance.

刚才我们学习了怎么用客气话 would like' to 作陈述句, 下面我们看一看怎么用这个词组作问句. 比方有一句话: "你要做一个打字员吗?" 英文可以这么说: Would you like to be a typist? 另外一句话: "你要做市政府工作人员吗?" 英文可以这么说: Would you like to be a city worker? 好, 现在我们来作换字练习. 老师先念一个句子, 接着老师念一个新词组, 请你把新词组代换进去. 作完之后, 请你注意听正确答案.

M: Would you like to be a typist?
M: be a city worker
F: Would you like to be a city worker?
M: sing in a concert
F: Would you like to sing in a concert?
M: live near the university
F: Would you like to live near the university?
M: sit next to the window
F: Would you like to sit next to the window?
M: take two suitcases to New York
F: Would you like to take two suitcases to New York?

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 老师用 would you like to 作一个问句, 比方: "你要作一个救火员吗?" Would you like to be a fire fighter? 然后你会听到老师说 Yes或是 No, 请你根据你所听到的回答问题. 如果是肯定的, 就用 would 回答, 是否定的就用 would not, 也就是 wouldn't 回答. 作了答案之后, 请你听正确答案.

M: Would you like to be a fire fighter?
M: Yes
F: Yes, I would like to be a fire fighter.
M: Would you like to buy this record?
M: No
F: No, I wouldn't like to buy this record.
M: Would you like to have a glass of milk?
M: No
F: No, I wouldn't like to have a glass of milk.
M: Would you like to live near the factory?
M: No
F: No, I wouldn't like to live near the factory.
M: Would you like to play football this Friday?
M: Yes
F: Yes, I would like to play football this Friday.

四.词组Ought to

下面我们来学一个新词组 ought to. 这个词组的意思等于我们以前学过的助动词 should, s-h-o-u-l-d, should, 意思就是劝人应该作某一件事.比方有一句话: "你应该在银行停一下", 英文可以这样说: You should stop at the bank. 也可以这样说: You ought to stop at the bank. 现在我们来作练习. 由老师先用 should 作一个句子,请学生用 ought to 代替. 请你在学生念句子的时候跟着重复. 现在我们开始:

M: Nancy should see a doctor.
F: Nancy ought to see a doctor.
M: Kate should stop at the bank.
F: Kate ought to stop at the bank.
M: Henry should get in shape again.
F: Henry ought to get in shape again.
M: Peter should take out the garbage.
F: Peter ought to take out the garbage.
M: Linda should save some of her weekly allowance.
F: Linda ought to save some of her weekly allowance.
M: Mary should clean up her room.
F: Mary ought to clean up her room.

五.连接词 Because

好了, 现在我们来学这一课要教的最后一个语法, 也就是连接词because "因为"的用法. 要是有人问你: "为什么人们给市政府工作呢?" Why do people work for city governments? 你可以这样回答: 因为市政府工作人员退休时候有不少退休金. Because city workers get a good pension when they retire.
下面这组练习, 是由老师根据这一课开头那段说到南希生病的对话提出几个问题, 请学生用 because 来回答问题. 请你注意听.

M: Why does Nancy have to go home?
F: She has to go home because she needs to rest.
M: Why should Nancy go back to bed?
F: She should go back to bed because she is sick.
M: Why does Nancy have to stop at the drugstore?
F: She has to stop because she wants to buy some aspirin.
M: Why doesn't Nancy drive to work?
F: She doesn't drive to work because she doesn't have a car.

下面这组练习是由老师提出一个问题. 接着他再念一个短句, 请你用 because 跟这个短句来回答问题. 在你回答之后请你注意听正确答案. 好, 现在我们就开始:

M: Why do you study English?
M: It's useful.
F: I study English because it's useful.
M: Why is he listening to radio?
M: There is a good program.
F: He is listening to radio because there is a good program.
M: Why can't we play tennis now?
M: It's raining.
F: We can't because it's raining.
M: Why didn't she go to the party with us?
M: She had to work.
F: She didn't because she had to work.


今天要听的文章是说到亨利和南希都是市政府工作人员, 谈到了他们两个人工作的性质. 请你注意听:

Many Americans work for city governments. There are office workers, fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers. Most city workers might not earn a lot of money but when they retire they get a good pension. Henry and Nancy are employees of the city of Seattle. He is a fire fighter. He is on duty eight hours a day. During his shift he eats and sleeps at the firehouse because the fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm. Nancy is a typist in Henry's office. She works from 9 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. She works five days a week, Monday through Friday. Her job is to type reports of fire.

等一下我们还会把刚才那段文章用慢速度再念一遍. 现在我们先把今天要测验的三个问题用慢速度念一遍给你听.

M: What are some of the city government jobs?

M: Why do people work for city governments?

M: When does Nancy work?

刚才那三个问题你都听懂了吗? 等一会儿我们还会再念一遍给你听. 现在请你先听老师用慢速度再把刚才那段文章念一次.

Many Americans work for city governments. There are office workers, fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers. Most city workers might not earn a lot of money but when they retire they get a good pension. Henry and Nancy are employees of the city of Seattle. He is a fire fighter. He is on duty eight hours a day. During his shift he eats and sleeps at the firehouse because the fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm. Nancy is a typist in Henry's office. She works from 9 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. She works five days a week, Monday through Friday. Her job is to type reports of fire.

好, 现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在你回答问题之后, 请听老师给你念正确的答案.

M: What are some of the city government jobs?
F: Fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers are some of the city
government jobs.

M: Why do people work for city governments?
F: People work for city governments because they get a good pension when they retire.

M: When does Nancy work?
F: Nancy works from 9 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, five days a week,Monday through Friday.




在这一课里, 我们要学习动词的简单过去式, 看看在叙述过去发生的事情的时候动词有什么样的变化.现在我们先来听一段会话, 内容是说彼得和他的同学玛丽谈论他们去年的暑假作了些什么事情. 这段会话里用的动词大多数是简单过去式, 请你特别注意听,同时也要注意英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Where did you go during vacation?
F: I didn't go anywhere. I stayed home.
M: Did you work?
F: No, I took two courses in summer school.
M: Why did you do that?
F: Because I wanted to get ahead a little.
M: How were those courses?
F: They were interesting and I met a lot of people.
M: You were very busy then.
F: Yes, I enjoyed the summer very much.


M: Where did you go during vacation?
F: I didn't go anywhere. I stayed home.
M: Did you work?
F: No, I took two courses in summer school.
M: Why did you do that?
F: Because I wanted to get ahead a little.
M: How were those courses?
F: They were interesting and I met a lot of people.
M: You were very busy then.
F: Yes, I enjoyed the summer very much.

在刚才那段会话里, 用了许多过去式动词, 现在我请英文老师再把那些句子挑选几个出来, 用慢速度念一遍给你听.

M: Where did you go during vacation?
F: I stayed home.
F: I took two courses in summer school.
F: I wanted to get ahead a little.
M: How were those courses?
F: I met a lot of people.
F: I enjoyed the summer very much.

二. 规则动词的过去式

听了刚才那段会话,你或许已经注意到了英文动词分为规则动词和不规则动词.规则动词的过去式就是: 在现在式动词后面加上 e-d, 比方: "停留" stay, s-t-a-y,stay, "要" want, w-a-n-t, want, 都是这类动词. 下面我们用这些过去式动词作句子.下面这些句子叙述玛丽去年夏天作的事.每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着重复一遍:

M: Mary stayed home last summer.
F: Mary stayed home last summer.
M: Mary enjoyed going to summer school.
F: Mary enjoyed going to summer school.
M: Mary traveled to interesting places.
F: Mary traveled to interesting places.
M: Mary visited her friends.
F: Mary visited her friends.

下面这些句子叙述彼得去年夏天的活动. 还是请你听一遍, 跟着重复一遍.

M: Peter worked at a gasoline station.
F: Peter worked at a gasoline station.
M: Peter repaired cars.
F: Peter repaired cars.
M: Peter saved a lot of money.
F: Peter saved a lot of money.
M: Peter helped his father.
F: Peter helped his father.

下面我们来作换字练习. 练习的内容都是说玛丽昨天晚上作了什么事, 比方她弹吉他, 学法文等等. 首先由老师念一个句子, 然后老师给你一个新词组, 请你把新词组代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句就请你听正确的答案.

M: Mary played guitar last night.
M: listened to the radio
F: Mary listened to the radio last night.
M: washed dishes
F: Mary washed dishes last night.
M: typed a letter
F: Mary typed a letter last night.
M: studied French
F: Mary studied French last night.

下面一组代换练习叙述的是彼得昨天晚上的活动. 还是请你跟刚才一样练习.每作完一句就听我们的正确答案.

M: Peter talked to his father last night.
M: needed some money
F: Peter needed some money last night.
M: borrowed ten dollars
F: Peter borrowed ten dollars last night.
M: watched television
F: Peter watched television last night.
M: cleaned up his room
F: Peter cleaned up his room last night.

刚才我们练习了用规则动词过去式作肯定句, 现在我们看一看怎么样把那些句子变成问句. 在把过去式句子变成问句的时候要用 did, d-i-d, did 开头. 请注意:用了did 之后, 句子里的主要动词保持现在式. 现在我们来作一组练习. 由老师用 did 开头作一些过去式的问句, 请学生作简短的答覆. 现在请你注意听.

M: Did Mary stay home last summer?
F: Yes, she did.
M: Did Mary enjoy going to summer school?
F: Yes, she did.
M: Did Mary work last summer?
F: No, she didn't.
M: Did Peter work at a gasoline station?
F: Yes, he did.
M: Did Peter travel last summer?
F: No, he didn't.
M: Did Peter save a lot of money last summer?
F: Yes, he did.

现在我们换一个方式作练习. 由老师以过去式动词作一个陈述句, 请学生用did跟老师提出的新主词把原来的句子改成问句; 然后学生再用 didn't 作否定的答覆. 首先我们要举个例子:

M: Peter watched television last weekend.
M: Mary
F: Did Mary watch television last weekend?
F: No, she didn't watch.

现在我们开始. 请你在学生作练习的时候也跟着作.

M: Peter watched television last weekend.
M: Mary
F: Did Mary watch television last weekend?
F: No, she didn't watch.
M: Mary listened to the radio last night.
M: Peter
F: Did Peter listen to the radio last night?
F: No, he didn't listen.
M: Henry worked in the office yesterday.
M: Nancy
F: Did Nancy work in the office yesterday?
F: No, she didn't work.
M: Kate cooked last night.
M: Henry
F: Did Henry cook last night?
F: No, he didn't cook.


学完了规则动词过去式, 现在我们来学比较难一点儿的, 也就是不规则动词. 我们给你举一些例子, 男老师念现在式动词, 接着女老师念过去式动词. 请你注意听. 现在我们开始:
.  M    
作  do   
吃  eat  
给  give 
去  go   
有  have  
制作 make  
遇到 meet  
看见 see  
卖  sell  
坐  sit  
花费 spend 
拿  take  took

好了, 现在我们来作换字练习. 练习的内容都是说彼得昨天在学校作了什么事.比方: 他发表了演说; 跟玛丽吃了午饭等等. 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Peter went to school yesterday.
M: saw Mary in school
F: Peter saw Mary in school yesterday.
M: met a lot of friends
F: Peter met a lot of friends yesterday.
M: made a speech
F: Peter made a speech yesterday.
M: ate lunch with Mary
F: Peter ate lunch with Mary yesterday.
M: had a cup of coffee
F: Peter had a cup of coffee yesterday.
M: sat next to Mary in the library
F: Peter sat next to Mary in the library yesterday.
M: sold two books
F: Peter sold two books yesterday.
M: took Mary home
F: Peter took Mary home yesterday.
M: gave Mary a ride
F: Peter gave Mary a ride yesterday.

在下面一组练习里, 老师用did 作一个过去式的问句,请学生作肯定的答覆.别忘了,在作肯定答覆的时侯, 必须把现在式动词改成过去式. 好,现在我们开始. 请你在学生作练习的时候也跟着作.

M: Did Peter spend some money yesterday?
F: Yes, he spent some money yesterday
M: Did Mary meet a lot of friends in summer school?
F: Yes, she met a lot of friends in summer school.
M: Did Peter go to school yesterday?
F: Yes, he went to school yesterday.
M: Did Mary sit next to Peter in class yesterday?
F: Yes, she sat next to Peter in class yesterday.
M: Did Peter eat lunch yesterday?
F: Yes, he ate lunch yesterday.
M: Did Mary have an exam yesterday?
F: Yes, she had an exam yesterday.
M: Did Henry make a fancy dish last week?
F: Yes, he made a fancy dish last week.
M: Did Henry give Nancy a ride to the drugstore last week?
F: Yes, he gave Nancy a ride to the drugstore last week.
M: Did Henry take Nancy home last week?
F: Yes, he took Nancy home last week.
M: Did Nancy see a doctor last week?
F: Yes, she saw a doctor last week.


首先请你听一段文章, 内容是说彼得和玛丽去年暑假里各作了些什么事,比方玛丽上了暑期学校, 又跟家里人去旅行了;彼得呢在加油站工作, 给人修车, 存了不少钱作大学学费等等.现在老师先用自然速度念一遍给你听.

Most American school students have a long summer vacation. It is usually from June to September. During this vacation, students often travel or have summer jobs. Some students take courses in summer school. Mary spent her last summer in summer school. She studied two courses and she traveled with her family. They saw interesting places near their home in Seattle. Mary's friend, Peter, worked at a gasoline station during the summer. He sold gasoline and repaired cars. He made a lot of money and saved nearly all of it. Peter is going to the university next year. He needs money for the university tuition.

等一会儿, 我再请英文老师把整段文章用慢速度念一遍. 现在我们先把今天测验的三个问题念给你听.

M: What do American students do in the summer vacation?

M: What did Mary do last summer?

M: Why did Peter save nearly all of his money?

下面我请英文老师再把整段文章用慢速度念一遍, 请你特别注意刚才三个问题的答案.

Most American school students have a long summer vacation. It is usually from June to September. During this vacation, students often travel or have summer jobs. Some students take courses in summer school. Mary spent her last summer in summer school. She studied two courses and she traveled with her family. They saw interesting places near their home in Seattle. Mary's friend, Peter, worked at a gasoline station during the summer. He sold gasoline and repaired cars. He made a lot of money and saved nearly all of it. Peter is going to the university next year. He needs money for the university tuition.

好, 现在请你回答问题. 回答之后, 老师会念出正确的答案, 你自己比较一下, 看答对了没有.

M: What do American students do in the summer vacation?
F: They travel,have summer jobs or take summer courses in summer school.

M: What did Mary do last summer?
F: She studied two courses in summer school and traveled with her family.

M: Why did Peter save nearly all of his money?
F: He did it because he needs money for the university tuition.




在这一课里, 我们继续学习过去式动词.首先还是依照惯例, 请你听一段对话, 内容是说彼得星期六下午遇见了他的同学玛丽,两个人谈到星期五晚上学校开舞会的事情. 现在我请两位英文老师念这段对话, 请你特别注意英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Where were you this morning?
F: This morning? I was at home, helping my mother.
M: Why weren't you at school? Weren't you on the clean up committee for the dance?
F: No, I wasn't on that committee. I was on the decorating committee.
M: Oh! Well, the decorations were very nice.
F: We worked on them all day Friday. Were you at the dance last night?
M: Yes, I was. I didn't see you there.
F: I was there, but there were a lot of people, and I didn't stay very long.
M: It was a nice dance, wasn't it?
F: Yes, I enjoyed it very much.

现在我再请英文老师把整段对话用慢速度念一遍. 这次请你特别注意对话里的过去式动词.

M: Where were you this morning?
F: This morning? I was at home, helping my mother.
M: Why weren't you at school? Weren't you on the clean up committee for the dance?
F: No, I wasn't on that committee. I was on the decorating committee.
M: Oh! Well, the decorations were very nice.
F: We worked on them all day Friday. Were you at the dance last night?
M: Yes, I was. I didn't see you there.
F: I was there, but there were a lot of people, and I didn't stay very long.
M: It was a nice dance, wasn't it?
F: Yes, I enjoyed it very much.

在刚才那段对话里有几种不同的过去式动词, 现在我挑选出几个例子, 请英文老师再用慢速度念一遍:

M: Where were you this morning?
F: I was at home.
M: Why weren't you at school?
F: I wasn't on that committee.
F: We worked on them all day Friday.
M: I didn't see you there.
F: I enjoyed it very much.


好了, 现在我们开始作练习. 首先我们练习动词 be, b-e, be 的过去式.下面我举的例子都是跟刚才那段对话有关系的. 比方彼得跟玛丽参加了学校的舞会, 这个舞会是在学校体育馆举行的等等. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一句, 跟着老师重复一句.

M: Peter and Mary were at the dance last Friday night.
F: Peter and Mary were at the dance last Friday night.
M: There were a lot of people at the dance.
F: There were a lot of people at the dance.
M: It was a nice dance.
F: It was a nice dance.
M: The dance was in the school gymnasium.
F: The dance was in the school gymnasium.
M: Mary was on the decorating committee.
F: Mary was on the decorating committee.
M: Peter was on the clean up committee.
F: Peter was on the clean up committee.

下面一组练习是把 was 跟否定式 was not 也就是 wasn't 作个比较. 句子的内容还是跟刚才那段对话有关系. 每个句子我们还是念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着老师重复一遍.

M: Mary was at home this morning, but Peter wasn't.
F: Mary was at home this morning, but Peter wasn't.
M: Peter was at school this morning, but Mary wasn't.
F: Peter was at school this morning, but Mary wasn't.
M: Mary was on the decorating committee, but Peter wasn't.
F: Mary was on the decorating committee, but Peter wasn't.
M: Peter was on the clean up committee, but Mary wasn't.
F: Peter was on the clean up committee, but Mary wasn't.

下面一组练习是比较 were 跟否定式 were not 也就是 weren't. 还是请你听一遍跟着老师重复一遍.

M: Peter and Mary were at the dance last Friday night, but Henry and Kate weren't.
F: Peter and Mary were at the dance last Friday night, but Henry and Kate weren't.
M: There were a lot of students at the dance, but there weren't a lot of teachers.
F: There were a lot of students at the dance, but there weren't a lot of teachers.


现在我们来复习规则动词过去式. 下面这组换字练习的内容是说学生举行舞会的经过, 比方他们舞会之前画海报, 请乐队, 舞会之后清理会场等等. 老师先念一个句子, 接着老师念一个新词组, 叫学生把新词组代换到原来的句子里. 请你跟学生一起作练习. 现在我们开始.

M: The students worked very hard for the dance.
M: needed to decorate the gymnasium
F: The students needed to decorate the gymnasium.
M: painted posters for the dance
F: The students painted posters for the dance.
M: hired a band to play music
F: The students hired a band to play music.
M: danced with their partners
F: The students danced with their partners.
M: talked when they danced
F: The students talked when they danced.
M: enjoyed the dance very much
F: The students enjoyed the dance very much.
M: cleaned up the gymnasium after the dance
F: The students cleaned up the gymnasium after the dance.


下面我们练习几个不规则动词过去式. 首先我们学习 pay, p-a-y, pay 的过去式 paid, p-a-i-d, paid. 现在英文老师用 did 提出一些跟学生舞会有关系的过去式问句, 每问一句, 他就给你一个简短的答覆, 请你根据他提出的词组和 paid 来回答问题. 我先给你举一个例子.

M: Did the students pay some money for the dance?
M: Yes
F: Yes, the students paid some money for the dance.

好了, 现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句, 老师会念出正确的答案, 你自己比较一下, 看作得对不对.

M: Did the students pay some money for the dance?
M: Yes
F: Yes, the students paid some money for the dance.
M: Did all of them pay?
M: Yes
F: Yes, all of them paid.
M: When did they pay the money?
M: last Monday
F: They paid the money last Monday.

下面我们要练习的两个动词 buy, b-u-y, buy 跟 bring, b-r-i-n-g, bring 在变成过去式的时候有共同点: buy 变成 bought, b-o-u-g-h-t, bought; bring 变成 brought,b-r-o-u-g-h-t, brought. 现在我们来练习这两个不规则动词过去式. 还是由老师用did 和现在式动词提出问句, 然后老师给你一个词组,请你用这个词组跟 bought 或是 brought 回答问题. 这些问题都是说到学生为了开舞会,到超级市场买了食物和饮料, 他们带了朋友一起参加舞会之类跟舞会有关系的问题. 在你回答问题之后还是请你听正确的答案.

M: Did the students buy a lot of things for the dance?
M: Yes
F: Yes, they bought a lot of things.
M: What did they buy?
M: food and drinks
F: They bought food and drinks.
M: Where did they buy them?
M: in the supermarket
F: They bought them in the supermarket.
M: Who did the students bring to the dance?
M: their friends
F: They brought their friends to the dance.
M: Where did the students bring their friends?
M: gymnasium
F: They brought their friends to the gymnasium.

下面我们要练习的三个不规则动词 begin, b-e-g-i-n, begin, drink, d-r-i-n-k, drink 跟 sing, s-i-n-g, sing 在变成过去式的时候 "i" 都变成 "a", 所以 begin 变成了began; drink 变成了 drank; sing 了变成 sang. 现在我们还是跟刚才一样作练习.老师提出的问题还是都是跟舞会有关系的, 比方舞会几点钟开始, 学生在舞会里喝了柠檬水跟可口可乐, 玛丽在舞会里唱了什么歌等等. 还是请你根据老师
给你的词组来回答问题. 回答之后, 还是请你听正确答案.

M: When did the dance begin?
M: at 7 o'clock
F: The dance began at 7 o'clock
M: When did the students begin to dance?
M: at 7:30
F: They began to dance at 7:30.
M: What did the students drink at the dance?
M: lemonade and Coca Cola
F: They drank lemonade and Coca Cola.
M: Did some of them drink coffee?
M: Yes
F: Yes, some of them drank coffee.
M: Did Mary sing at the dance?
M: Yes
F: Yes, Mary sang at the dance.
M: What did Mary sing?
M: an American song
F: Mary sang an American song.

我们今天要练习的最后一个不规则动词过去式就是come, c-o-m-e, come 的过去式 came, c-a-m-e, came. 现在我们按照刚才的方式来练习. 请你用老师提出的词组跟 came 回答学生是几点钟来到会场, 他们是怎么去的等等有关舞会的问题. 回答之后, 请你跟老师念的正确答案作个比较.

M: Did a lot of people come to the dance?
M: Yes
F: Yes, a lot of people came to the dance.
M: When did most of them come?
M: at 7 o'clock
F: Most of them came at 7 o'clock.
M: How did most of them come?
M: by car
F: Most of them came by car.


首先还是请你听一段文章, 内容是说在美国大学和高中里学生为了周未开舞会成立委员会的事情, 还提到了彼德和玛丽学校里开舞会的种种情况.现在请你注意听.

In American colleges and high schools, students often have dances at their schools on
weekends. Students usually plan the dances and do a lot of work for them. They do this in
committees. There was a dance last Friday night at Peter and Mary's school. Mary was on
the decorating committee and Peter was on the clean up committee. The dance was in the
school gymnasium. Every student paid two dollars for the dance. They spent some of the
money on decorations and they hired a band to play music. They also bought some food
and drinks. The dance began at 7 o' clock. Nearly 500 people came. Most of them were
students of Peter and Mary's school. Some students brought friends from other schools.
Everyone danced and had a good time.

刚才那段文章比较长, 但是我们今天的练习都是根据那段文章编的, 所以应该不太难懂. 你要是没全懂, 等一会儿老师会再念一遍. 现在老师先把今天测验的三个问题念给你听.

M: What do American students often do on weekends?

M: What committees were Peter and Mary on?

M: How did the students spend their money for the dance?

现在老师再把整段文章念一遍, 请你注意刚才三个问题的答案.

In American colleges and high schools, students often have dances at their schools on
weekends. Students usually plan the dances and do a lot of work for them. They do this in
committees. There was a dance last Friday night at Peter and Mary's school. Mary was on
the decorating committee and Peter was on the clean up committee. The dance was in the
school gymnasium. Every student paid two dollars for the dance. They spent some of the
money on decorations and they hired a band to play music. They also bought some food
and drinks. The dance began at 7 o' clock. Nearly 500 people came. Most of them were
students of Peter and Mary's school. Some students brought friends from other schools.
Everyone danced and had a good time.

现在请你回答问题. 回答之后, 请你听正确答案.

M: What do American students often do on weekends?
F: They often have dances at their schools on weekends.

M: What committees were Peter and Mary on?
F: They were on the decorating and clean up committees.

M: How did the students spend their money for the dance?
F: They spent some of the money for decorations. They hired a band and they bought
  some food and drinks.




在这一课里, 我们要学习形容词比较级, 像是: "比较高", "比较好" 等等. 现在我们先听一段对话, 内容是说亨利跟他表妹苏珊在电话里话家常.我请两位英文老师用正常速度念这段对话, 请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Hello, Susan. How is everything in New York?
F: Never better, Henry. How are you? How is the family?
M: Everyone's fine. But actually, I'm feeling a little tired these days.
F: You're getting older, Henry, and you are heavier than you used to be.
M: Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever. What's your secret?
F: There is no secret. I get more exercise than you. And I am careful about my diet.
You should too.
M: You are right. When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.
F: No, Henry. You should start now.
M: Okey. I will start today. Thank you for the advice.

现在我们把整段对话再听一遍. 可是英文老师念得比较慢, 你注意听, 看看能懂多少.

M: Hello, Susan. How is everything in New York?
F: Never better, Henry. How are you? How is the family?
M: Everyone's fine. But actually, I'm feeling a little tired these days.
F: You're getting older, Henry, and you are heavier than you used to be.
M: Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever. What's your secret?
F: There is no secret. I get more exercise than you. And I am careful about my diet. You
   should too.
M: You are right. When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.
F: No, Henry. You should start now.
M: Okey. I will start today. Thank you for the advice.

在刚才那段对话里有不少比较级用法, 现在我挑出几个例子, 请英文老师用慢速度再念一遍给你听:

F: Never better.
F: You're getting older.
F: You are heavier than you used to be.
M: Everyone gets older.
M: You look younger than ever.
M: When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.


听了刚才那段对话, 也许你已经注意到在英文里形容词比较级就是在一般短的形容词后面加上 e-r, 比方 "高" 是 tall, t-a-l-l, tall, "比较高" 就是 taller, t-a-l-l-e-r,taller.下面我们给你举一些例子比较亨利和苏珊两个人谁老,谁年轻,谁胖,谁瘦, 谁高,谁矮等等. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着老师重复一遍.

M: Henry is older; Susan is younger.
F: Henry is older; Susan is younger.
M: Henry is fatter; Susan is thinner.
F: Henry is fatter; Susan is thinner.
M: Henry is taller; Susan is shorter.
F: Henry is taller; Susan is shorter.
M: Henry is weaker; Susan is stronger.
F: Henry is weaker; Susan is stronger.

如果把 "亨利比较老; 苏珊比较年轻 " 这句话简化为 "亨利比苏珊老", 在英文里就必须用 than, t-h-a-n, than 这个字; 整句话就是 Henry is older than Susan. 下面我们来作换字练习, 多学学这个句型. 首先老师念一个句子, 然后老师给你一个新的比较级形容词,请你把形容词代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句, 老师会念出正确作法, 你自己比较一下看作对了没有. 现在我们开始.

M: Henry is older than Susan.
M: fatter
F: Henry is fatter than Susan.
M: weaker
F: Henry is weaker than Susan.
M: heavier
F: Henry is heavier than Susan.
M: busier
F: Henry is busier than Susan.

刚才那些句子都是以亨利为主词, 下面这些句子是以苏珊为主词; 还是把她和亨利作个比较, 比方 "苏珊比亨利年轻" 等等. 还是请你跟刚才一样作代换练习.

M: Susan is younger than Henry.
M: thinner
F: Susan is thinner than Henry.
M: shorter
F: Susan is shorter than Henry.
M: stronger
F: Susan is stronger than Henry.
M: healthier
F: Susan is healthier than Henry.
现在我们再来学习形容词比较级. 首先由老师提出一个问句, 接着他又提出一个词组作主词, 请学生用这个主词来回答问题, 然后老师又提出一个词组作受词, 请学生用 than 这个字把受词用进句子里. 首先我给你举一个例子.

M: Which table is longer?
M: this table
F: This table is longer.
M: that one
F: This table is longer than that one.

好, 现在我们开始作练习. 请你在学生作练习的时候也跟着作.

M: Which table is longer?
M: this table
F: This table is longer.
M: that one
F: This table is longer than that one.
M: Which dress is shorter?
M: the blue dress
F: The blue dress is shorter.
M: the red one
F: The blue dress is shorter than the red one.
M: Which car is newer?
M: the green car
F: The green car is newer.
M: the brown one
F: The green car is newer than the brown one
M: Which house is older?
M: the big house
F: The big house is older.
M: the small one
F: The big house is older than the small one.
M: Which city is warmer?
M: Washington, D.C.
F: Washington, D.C., is warmer.
M: New York
F: Washington, D.C., is warmer than New York.
M: Which day is colder?
M: today
F: Today is colder.
M: yesterday
F: Today is colder than yesterday.
M: Whose room is bigger?
M: Peter's
F: Peter's room is bigger.
M: Mary's
F: Peter's room is bigger than Mary's.
M: Whose cup is smaller?
M: Linda's
F: Linda's cup is smaller.
M: Peter's
F: Linda's cup is smaller than Peter's.
M: What is faster?
M: the airplane
F: The airplane is faster.
M: the car
F: The airplane is faster than the car.
M: What is slower?
M: the train
F: The train is slower.
M: the airplane
F: The train is slower than the airplane.


除了变化规则的形容词比较级之外, 在英文里有很少数几个形容词比较级的变化是不规则的. 比方 "好" good, g-o-o-d, good 变成 better, b-e-t-t-e-r, better; "坏"bad, b-a-d bad 变成 worse, w-o-r-s-e, worse. 现在我们来作换字练习. 首先学学 better 的用法. 由老师念一个句子, 然后老师给你一个新名词, 请你代换到原来的句子里. 比方老师说: This student is good,but that student is better. 接着老师给你一个名词 teacher 请你作代换练习, 正确答案应该是 This teacher is good, but that teacher is better. 现在我们开始作练习.每作完一句, 就请你听正确答案.

M: This student is good, but that student is better.
M: teacher
F: This teacher is good, but that teacher is better.
M: dictionary
F: This dictionary is good. but that dictionary is better.
M: report
F: This report is good, but that report is better.

下面我们用同样的方式来练习 worse 的用法.

M: This school is bad, but that school is worse.
M: college
F: This college is bad,but that college is worse.
M: university
F: This university is bad, but that university is worse.
F: library
F: This library is bad, but that library is worse.

另外两个变化不规则的形容词是 many, m-a-n-y, many. 跟 much, m-u-c-h, much.这两个字的比较级都是 more, m-o-r-e, more. 现在我们给你举一些例子, 先比较 much 跟 more. 句子的内容还是把苏珊跟亨利作个比较, 比方苏珊赚的钱比较少, 亨利赚得比较多等等. 每个句子老师念两次,请你听一次, 跟着老师重复一次.

M: Susan doesn't earn much money; Henry earns more.
F: Susan doesn't earn much money; Henry earns more.
M: Susan doesn't drink much coffee; Henry drinks more.
F: Susan doesn't drink much coffee; Henry drinks more.
M: Susan doesn't eat much meat; Henry eats more.
F: Susan doesn't eat much meat; Henry eats more.

下面几个句子是比较 many 跟 more. 请你还是跟刚才一样练习.

M: Henry doesn't read many books; Susan reads more.
F: Henry doesn't read many books; Susan reads more.
M: Henry doesn't have many records; Susan has more.
F: Henry doesn't have many records; Susan has more.
M: Henry doesn't take many trips; Susan takes more.
F: Henry doesn't take many trips; Susan takes more.



Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He wants to lose some weight. So he is on a diet. He tries not to eat too much and he eats very little sugar because it will make him fat. He also does exercises everyday. He swims, and he runs about two miles a day. Now he is stronger than before. Henry's cousin, Susan, is healthier than Henry. She is also younger and thinner than he is. She exercises everyday. She doesn't eat much meat. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, because she thinks they are better for her health.

等一会儿, 英文老师还会用慢速度把整段文章念一遍. 现在我们先把今天测验的三个问题念给你听.

M: What does Henry want to be?

M: What is Henry doing to get in shape again?

M: Compare Henry and Susan.

现在我们再听英文老师用慢速度把刚才那段文章念一遍, 请你特别注意刚才那三个问题的答案.

Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He wants to lose some weight. So he is on a diet. He tries not to eat too much and he eats very little sugar because it will make him fat. He also does exercises everyday. He swims, and he runs about two miles a day. Now he is stronger than before. Henry's cousin, Susan, is healthier than Henry. She is also younger and thinner than he is. She exercises everyday. She doesn't eat much meat. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, because she thinks they are better for her health.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 你回答之后, 老师会给你念正确答案, 你自己比较一下看是不是作对了. 在你比较的时候只要意思对了就行, 不必每一个字跟老师的答案一样.

M: What does Henry want to be?
F: He wants to be thinner.

M: What is Henry doing to get in shape again?
F: He tries not to eat too much. He eats very little sugar. He does exercises. He swims
  and runs.

M: Compare Henry and Susan.
F: Henry is fatter and older. Susan is younger, thinner and healthier.




在这一课里,我们还是学习形容词比较级. 我们还要学习一个新的句型, as, a-s, as 加上形容词再加上 as,像是 as useful as "跟什么什么一样有用", as practical as "跟什么什么一样实用" 等等.现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Hello, Mary! How was your exam yesterday?
F: Not too good. It wasn't as easy as the last one, and it was longer than before.
M: Well, the final exam is always more difficult. You have to work harder. You will ertainly
  do better next time.
F: I worked very hard, but I was too careless. I made some stupid mistakes. I should be   
more careful next time.
M: Maybe you took too many courses this year.
F: No, I took as many courses as last year.
M: Well, it's no use worrying about the exam now. Let's talk about the football game onight.
  It's much more interesting.

现在我们再把整段对话听一遍. 这次英文老师念得比较慢,请你注意听, 看看能听懂多少?

M: Hello, Mary! How was your exam yesterday?
F: Not too good. It wasn't as easy as the last one, and it was longer than before.
M: Well, the final exam is always more difficult. You have to work harder. You will ertainly
  do better next time.
F: I worked very hard, but I was too careless. I made some stupid mistakes. I should be more  
careful next time.
M: Maybe you took too many courses this year.
F: No, I took as many courses as last year.
M: Well, it's no use worrying about the exam now. Let's talk about the football game onight.
  It's much more interesting.

现在我把刚才那段对话里包含了今天要学的语法的句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍给你听.

F: It wasn't as easy as the last one, and it was longer than before.
M: The final exam is always more difficult.
F: I should be more careful next time.
F: I took as many courses as last year.
M: It's much more interesting.


现在我们来作练习. 上一课里我们学的形容词比较级, 是在短的形容词后面加上 e-r, 现在我们来学另外一种形容词比较级, 就是在比较长的形容词前面加上more, m-o-r-e , more, 比方 "比较聪明" more intelligent, "比较有天份", more talented, "比较有耐心", more patient, "比较有雄心" more ambitious 等等. 现在我们用刚才举出的那些形容词比较级作句子, 把彼得和玛丽作个比较. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着老师重复一遍.

M: Peter is more careful than Mary.
F: Peter is more careful than Mary.
M: Mary is more careless than Peter.
F: Mary is more careless than Peter.
M: Peter is more intelligent than Mary.
F: Peter is more intelligent than Mary.
M: Mary is more talented than Peter.
F: Mary is more talented than Peter.
M: Peter is more patient than Mary.
F: Peter is more patient than Mary.
M: Mary is more ambitious than Peter.
F: Mary is more ambitious than Peter.

现在我们来作代换练习. 首先由老师念一个句子, 接着老师给你一个形容词, 请你把这个形容词的比较级代换到原来的句子里. 请你注意: 老师给你的形容词在变成比较级的时候有的应该加上 e-r; 有的应该加上 more, 你必须要斟酌情况加以变化. 每作完一句, 老师会念出正确答案, 你自己比较一下, 看看作对了没有. 现在我们开始.

M: Mary is younger than Peter.
M: talented
F: Mary is more talented than Peter.
M: ambitious
F: Mary is more ambitious than Peter.
M: short
F: Mary is shorter than Peter.
M: thin
F: Mary is thinner than Peter.
M: careless
F: Mary is more careless than Peter.

下面我们来学习另外几个用 more 的形容词比较级, 比方: "比较有趣" more enjoyable, "比较舒服" more comfortable, "比较昂贵" more expensive 等等.在下面这组练习里, 彼得问老师一些问题, 老师一一的给他肯定的答覆. 比方彼得问老师: "庙宇比教室好看吗?" Is a temple more beautiful than a classroom? 老师回答说: "对了!庙宇比教室好看." Yes, a temple is more beautiful than a
classroom. 好, 现在我们开始作练习. 请你在老师答覆彼得的时候也跟着老师重复.

M: Is this movie more enjoyable than that one?
F: Yes, this movie is more enjoyable than that one.
M: Is reading more interesting than cooking?
F: Yes, reading is more interesting than cooking.
M: Is this radio more expensive than that one?
F: Yes, this radio is more expensive than that one.
M: Is taking a train more comfortable than taking an airplane?
F: Yes, taking a train is more comfortable than taking an airplane.
M: Is a final exam more difficult than a regular test?
F: Yes, a final exam is more difficult than a regular exam.
M: Is a temple more beautiful than a classroom?
F: Yes, a temple is more beautiful than a classroom.

三.AS + 形容词 + AS

下面我们来学习 as 加上形容词再加上 as 的用法, 比方 as tall as "跟什么什么一样高 ", as important as "跟什么什么一样重要 ", as practical as "跟什么什么一样实用" 等等.首先我们来作换字练习, 把玛丽和琳达作个比较, 比方玛丽跟琳达一样聪明等等. 还是由老师念一个句子, 接着老师给你一个形容词, 请你把这个形容词代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句就听老师念正确答案. 现在我们开始.

M: Mary is as tall as Linda.
M: old
F: Mary is as old as Linda.
M: intelligent
F: Mary is as intelligent as Linda.
M: thin
F: Mary is as thin as Linda.
M: beautiful
F: Mary is as beautiful as Linda.
M: healthy
F: Mary is as healthy as Linda.

在下面这一组练习里, 老师先提出一个问句, 比方: Is Mary as tall as Peter? 接着老师说 No, 那么你就应该作否定的答覆: No, Mary isn't as tall as Peter. 然后你再补充说明: 彼得比较高 Peter is taller. 好, 现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句老师会念出正确答案, 你自己作个比较,看你作对了没有.

M: Is Mary as old as Peter? (No)
F: No, Mary isn't as old as Peter. Peter is older.
M: Is Peter as talented as Mary? (No)
F: No, Peter isn't as talented as Mary. Mary is more talented.
M: Is Peter as ambitious as Mary? (No)
F: No, Peter isn't as ambitious as Mary, Mary is more ambitious.
M: Is Mary as patient as Peter? (No)
F: No, Mary isn't as patient as Peter. Peter is more patient.
M: Is Mary as strong as Peter? (No)
F: No, Mary isn't as strong as Peter. Peter is stronger.

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 由玛丽问老师一些有关学校课程的问题, 比方:"电脑比外国语言实用吗?" Is computer science more practical than foreign languages? 老师回答说: "不对! 外国语言跟电脑一样实用." No, foreign languages are as practical as computer science. 再举个例子: 比方玛丽问老师: "马可波罗比哥伦布有名吗?" Is Marco Polo more famous than Columbus? 老师回答说: "不对! 哥伦布跟马可波罗一样有名. "No,Columbus is as famous as Marco Polo. 在这个练习里有一些课程的名字, 比方: chemistry "化学", physics "物理", home economics "家政", electives "选修课程" 等等.这些词汇在今天的听力测验里还会出现. 现在请你注意听玛丽问问题, 然后请你在老师回答玛丽问题的时候也跟着重复:

F: Is chemistry more important than physics?
M: No, physics is as important as chemistry.
F: Is home economics more important than biology?
M: No, biology is as important as home economics.
F: Is history more useful than math?
M: No, math is as useful as history.
F: Is literature more useful than science?
M: No, science is as useful as literature.
F: Is New York more famous than Washington, D.C.?
M: No, Washington, D.C., is as famous as New York.
F: Is Marco Polo more famous than Columbus?
M: No, Columbus is as famous as Marco Polo.
F: Are basic courses more practical than electives?
M: No, electives are as practical as basic courses.
F: Is computer science more practical than foreign languages?
M: No, foreign languages are as practical as computer science.


首先还是请你听一段文章, 内容是说在美国中学里,学生应该念什么课程, 他们可以选修什么课程等等.这段文章里有今天学过的语法和词汇. 请你注意听, 看看能够听懂多少.

In American high schools, most students take English, science, math and history. These are basic courses and each course is as useful as the others. In English class, the students study grammar and read famous literature. In science class, they study biology, chemistry or physics. History is more interesting to some students because they learn about important events and places in the United States. Students take other courses too. These are electives. Some of them are music, home economics and computer science. Students don't have to take all of these courses. Some study music because they feel it is more enjoyable. Some study computer science because they think it is more practical. In each class, teachers give students exams. Some exams are more difficult than others, but a good student can always do well.

刚才那段文章如果你没有全懂, 等一会儿老师还会再念一遍给你听.现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: What are some of the basic American high school courses?

M: What do students learn in history classes?

M: Do all American high school students study music?

好, 现在我们再听英文老师用慢速度把刚才那段文章念一遍, 请你特别注意刚才那三个问题的答案.

In American high schools, most students take English, science, math and history. These are basic courses and each course is as useful as the others. In English class, the students study grammar and read famous literature. In science class, they study biology, chemistry or physics. History is more interesting to some students because they learn about important events and places in the United States. Students take other courses too. These are electives. Some of them are music, home economics and computer science. Students don't have to take all of these courses. Some study music because they feel it is more enjoyable. Some study computer science because they think it is more practical. In each class, teachers give students exams. Some exams are more difficult than others, but a good student can always do well.

好, 现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题; 你回答之后, 老师会念出正确答案, 让你作个比较, 看你答对了没有.

M: What are some of the basic American high school courses?
F: They are English, science and history.

M: What do students learn in history classes?
F: They learn about important events and places in the United States.

M: Do all American high school students study music?
F: No, not all of them study music.




在上一课里, 我们学习了形容词比较级, 也学习了 as 加上形容词再加上 as 的用法. 比方: as good as, "跟什么什么一样好" 等等. 今天我们学习怎么用 the same, t-h-e s-a-m-e, the same 加上名词再加上 as, 比方: the same length as "长度跟什么什么一样", the same style as "款式跟什么什么一样" 等等. 另外我们还要学习 different from, d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t f-r-o-m, different from "跟什么什么不一样" 的用法. 首先我们还是听一段对话,内容是说琳达到百货商店去给姐姐珍妮买生日礼物.请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调.

M: May I help you?
F: Yes, I would like to buy a swimming suit for my older sister as a birthday present.
M: What size does she wear?
F: Medium. The same size as I do.
M: Would she like this style?
F: No, do you have something different from this one?
M: What about that one?
F: The style is fine, but the color is too dark, Do you have something brighter?
M: How about this one?
F: It's too expensive.Do you have something cheaper?
M: Yes, we do. There is a budget department on the first floor. Why don't you check there?
F: Okay. Thank you very much.

现在我请英文老师再把整段对话念一遍, 请你注意听.

M: May I help you?
F: Yes, I would like to buy a swimming suit for my older sister as a birthday present.
M: What size does she wear?
F: Medium. The same size as I do.
M: Would she like this style?
F: No, do you have something different from this one?
M: What about that one?
F: The style is fine, but the color is too dark, Do you have something brighter?
M: How about this one?
F: It's too expensive.Do you have something cheaper?
M: Yes, we do. There is a budget department on the first floor. Why don't you check there?
F: Okay. Thank you very much.

刚才那段对话里有些句子用了形容词比较级, 有些句子用了我们今天要学的语法, 现在我把这些句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍.

F: I would like to buy a swimming suit for my older sister.
F: The same size as I do.
F: Do you have something different from this one?
F: Do you have something brighter?
F: Do you have something cheaper?


首先请你听一句话: Linda isn't as tall as Jenny. 这句话换个方式也可以这样说: Linda isn't the same height as Jenny. 现在我们用这两种说法把珍妮和琳达两个姐妹作个比较. 在下面这组练习里有几个字你可能不太熟, 比方 "女用手提包"purse 和 "女衬衫" blouse. 这些字等一会儿我们还会重复练习. 现在我们开始作语法练习. 请你注意听.

M: Linda isn't as tall as Jenny.
F: Linda isn't the same height as Jenny.
M: Linda isn't as old as Jenny.
F: Linda isn't the same age as Jenny.
M: Linda's swimming suit isn't as expensive as Jenny's.
F: Linda's swimming suit isn't the same price as Jenny's.
M: Linda's hair isn't as brown as Jenny's.
F: Linda's hair isn't the same color as Jenny's.
M: Linda's skirt isn't as long as Jenny's.
F: Linda's skirt isn't the same length as Jenny's.
M: Linda's purse isn't as formal as Jenny's.
F: Linda's purse isn't the same style as Jenny's.
M: Linda's blouse isn't as big as Jenny's
F: Linda's blouse isn't the same size as Jenny's.

现在我们来作代换练习. 老师先说一句话: This dress is the same length as that one. "这件连衣裙的长度跟那件一样". 接着老师给你一个字: style,你就把句子改成: This dress is the same style as that one.老师也可能给你另外一个东西的名称, 比方: "外套" coat, 那么你就应该把句子改成: This coat is the same length as that one. 好,现在我们开始作练习.请你斟酌情况看看应该代换哪个字.每作完一句,你就跟老师念的正确答案比较一下, 看你作对了没有.

M: This dress is the same length as that one.
M: style
F: This dress is the same style as that one.
M: purse
F: This purse is the same style as that one.
M: color
F: This purse is the same color as that one.
M: skirt
F: This skirt is the same color as that one.
M: price
F: This skirt is the same price as that one.
M: blouse
F: This blouse is the same price as that one.
M: size
F: This blouse is the same size as that one.
M: coat
F: This coat is the same size as that one.
M: length
F: This coat is the same length as that one.

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 练习的内容还是提到百货商店里卖的东西, 比方"一双短袜" a pair of socks, "一双女人穿的长袜子" a pair of stockings, "一条牛仔裤" a pair of jeans, "一双靴子" a pair of boots 等等. 练习的作法是由老师提出一个问题, 比方: Is this pair of socks the same color as that pair? 接着老师说: dark, 学生就用这个形容词的比较级作否定的答覆, 所以答案就是: No, this pair of socks is darker than that pair. 好, 现在我们开始作练习. 请你在学生回答问题

M: Is this pair of socks the same color as that pair?
M: dark
F: No, this pair of socks is darker than that pair.
M: Is this pair of stockings the same length as that pair?
M: short
F: No, this pair of stockings is shorter than that pair.
M: Is this pair of boots the same price as that pair?
M: expensive
F: No, this pair of boots is more expensive than that pair.
M: Is this pair of pants the same size as that pair?
M: small
F: No, this pair of pants is smaller than that pair.
M: Is this pair of gloves the same style as that pair?
M: formal
F: No, this pair of gloves is more formal than that pair.
M: Is this pair of glasses the same price as that pair?
M: cheap
F: No, this pair of glasses is cheaper than that pair.
M: Is this pair of jeans the same length as that pair?
M: long
F: No, this pair of jeans is longer than that pair.


现在我们要学习怎么用 different from, "跟什么什么不同". 第一组练习是在比较琳达跟她姐姐珍妮在外表,穿着和兴趣各方面有什么不同,比方琳达的头发又长又直, 珍妮的头发又短又卷等等. 练习的作法是由老师先念一个句子,比方:Linda's hair is long and straight; Jenny's hair is short and curly.
学生就把句子改成: Linda's hair is different from Jenny's. 现在我们开始作练习.在学生作练习的时候也请你一起作.

M: Linda's hair is long and straight; Jenny's hair is short and curly.
F: Linda's hair is different from Jenny's.
M: Linda's dress is casual; Jenny's dress is formal.
F: Linda's dress is different from Jenny's.
M: Linda is interested in music;Jenny is interested in foreign languages.
F: Linda's interest is different from Jenny's.
M: Linda is in high school; Jenny is in the university.
F: Linda's school is different from Jenny's.

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 练习的内容都是说到珍妮和琳达常常作的活动,比方: "烤蛋糕" baking a cake, "作饼干" making cookies, "骑自行车" riding a bicycle, "坐地铁" taking the subway, "在海滩上玩" playing on the beach, "作一种像馅饼的美国牛肉饼" cooking hamburgers 等等. 练习的作法是由老师提出一个问题, 比方: What is different from running? 接着老师给学生一个字或是一个词组,比方: swimming, 然后学生就回答说: Swimming is different from running,好, 现在我们开始作练习. 在学生回答问题的时候, 也请你一起回答.

M: What is different from running?
M: swimming
F: Swimming is different from running.
M: What is different from riding a bicycle?
M: driving a car
F: Driving a car is different from riding a bicycle.
M: What is different from baking a cake?
M: making cookies
F: Making cookies is different from baking a cake.
M: What is different from cooking hamburgers?
M: cooking Chinese food
F: Cooking Chinese food is different from cooking hamburgers.
M: What is different from playing on the beach?
M: Studying for an exam
F: Studying for an exam is different from playing on the beach.
M: What is different from taking the subway?
M: taking the bus
F: Taking the bus is different from taking the subway.


现在我们来作听力测验, 首先我们还是来听一段文章, 内容是说珍妮和琳达两姐妹在暑假里做什么活动, 比方他们可以到海边去晒太阳, 在沙滩上玩一种扔圆形塑料碟子的游戏,这种塑料碟子英文叫 frisbee, 要是饿了呢,他们就在沙滩上生火, 烤牛肉饼, 或是吃三明治.这些活动都是美国年轻人最喜爱的活动.

Summer vacation is here. Jenny and Linda, like many American teenagers, plan to have a good time. Their plans for sunny days are different from their plans for rainy days. On sunny days, they ride their bicycles with their friends to the beach. Jenny gets up at the same time as Linda and they usually leave before breakfast. They take sandwiches and cans of
Coca Cola or they make a fire and cook hamburgers on the beach. There are a lot of ctivities at the beach. They can swim, take a walk or throw frisbees. Linda is learning to play the guitar, so sometimes they sing by the fire. Sometimes they play volleyball or lie down on the beach to enjoy the sun. On rainy days, Jenny and Linda stay at home. They often read or watch television. Sometimes, they make cookies or bake a cake. They also talk about their boyfriends.


M: What do American teenagers often eat on the beach?

M: What are some of the activities at the beach?

M: What do Jenny and Linda do on rainy days?

好, 现在我们再听英文老师用慢速度把整段文章念一遍, 请你特别注意刚才那三个问题的答案:

Summer vacation is here. Jenny and Linda, like many American teenagers, plan to have a
good time. Their plans for sunny days are different from their plans for rainy days. On sunny days, they ride their bicycles with their friends to the beach. Jenny gets up at the same time as Linda and they usually leave before breakfast. They take sandwiches and cans of
Coca Cola or they make a fire and cook hamburgers on the beach. There are a lot of activities at the beach. They can swim, take a walk or throw frisbees. Linda is learning to
play the guitar, so sometimes they sing by the fire. Sometimes they play volleyball or lie
down on the beach to enjoy the sun. On rainy days, Jenny and Linda stay at home. They often read or watch television. Sometimes, they make cookies or bake a cake. They also talk about their boyfriends.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 回答之后, 请你听老师念正确答案.

M: What do American teenagers often eat on the beach?
F: They eat sandwiches or hamburgers.

M: What are some of the activities at the beach?
F: Swimming, walking, throwing frisbees, playing guitar, playing volleyball, making       hamburgers are some of the activities at the beach.

M: What do Jenny and Linda do on rainy days?
F: They read, watch television, make cookies or bake a cake. They also talk about their




在这一课里, 我们学习形容词最高级, 比方: "最高", "最好", "最快" 等等. 现在我们来听这一课的对话, 请你注意听老师的发音和语调.

M: Nancy, I have to submit a report on the big fire last night. Can you help me type it?
F: Why me? I have a lot of work to do.
M: Because you are the best typist in the office.
F: But you always write the longest reports.
M: Well, this one is very long because it's about the biggest fire in months.
F: And this is the most important report, right?
M: Yes, and I type very slowly. So, please help me.
F: All right. Can I do it tomorrow? This is my busiest day.
M: Sure. Thank you very much. You are the greatest.

现在我们把整段对话再听一遍. 这次老师念的比较慢, 请你注意听:

M: Nancy, I have to submit a report on the big fire last night. Can you help me type it?
F: Why me? I have a lot of work to do.
M: Because you are the best typist in the office.
F: But you always write the longest reports.
M: Well, this one is very long because it's about the biggest fire in months.
F: And this is the most important report, right?
M: Yes, and I type very slowly. So, please help me.
F: All right. Can I do it tomorrow? This is my busiest day.
M: Sure. Thank you very much. You are the greatest.

在刚才那段对话里, 有一些形容词最高级的例子, 现在我请英文老师把这些例子念出来, 请你注意听.

M: You are the best typist in the office.
F: You write the longest reports.
M: It's about the biggest fire in months.
F: This is the most important report.
F: This is my busiest day.
M: You are the greatest.


从刚才那段对话里, 你可能已经听出来英语的形容词最高级基本上有两种. 一种是在短的形容词后面加上e-s-t, 比方: longest, biggest 等等; 另外一种是在长的形容词的前面加上most,m-o-s-t, most, 比方: most intelligent, most beautiful 等等. 不过也有例外, 比方: "最好" 是 best, b-e-s-t, best, "最坏" 是 worst, w-o-r-s-t, worst. 而且在形容词最高级的前面通常要加 the, t-h-e, the.下面来我们作一组练习. 由老师念一些跟刚才那段对话有关系的句子, 请学生把句子里的形容词, 改为形容词最高级说出来. 比方老师说: Nancy is a good typist. 学生就说: Nancy is the best typist. 现在我们开始作练习. 请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作.

M: Nancy is a good typist.
F: Nancy is the best typist.
M: Nancy is a busy typist.
F: Nancy is the busiest typist.
M: Nancy is a great friend.
F: Nancy is the greatest friend.
M: Henry wrote a long report.
F: Henry wrote the longest report.
M: It is an important report.
F: It is the most important report.

下面我们来听一段对话,内容是说南希跟亨利聊天, 谈到亨利有几个孩子, 哪个最大, 哪个最小, 谁最高, 谁最聪明等等. 现在请你注意听, 等一会儿我们要根据这段对话作练习.

F: How many children do you have?
M: I have three. Peter, Jenny and Linda.
F: Is Peter the oldest one?
M: No, he isn't. Jenny is the oldest. Linda is the youngest. Peter is in the middle; but he
  is the tallest one. He is even taller than I am.
F: Is Peter in the university?
M: No, he is a senior in high school. I think he is the most intelligent one in the family.   But Jenny is the most beautiful one and Linda is the most ambitious one. My wife, Kate,  
and I are very proud of them.
F: Does your wife work?
M: Yes, she teaches in an elementary school. She is the busiest one in the family.

刚才那段对话里有很多形容词最高级的例子, 现在我们来练习这些最高级形容词.练习的作法是由老师用比较级形容词提出一个问句,请你用形容词最高级作肯定的答覆. 比方老师问你: Is Henry older than Peter? 你就回答说: Yes, Henry is the oldest one in the family. 现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句, 就请你听正确答案.

M: Is Henry older than Peter?
F: Yes, Henry is the oldest one in the family.
M: Is Kate busier than Jenny?
F: Yes, Kate is the busiest one in the family.
M: Is Jenny more beautiful than Linda?
F: Yes, Jenny is the most beautiful one in the family.
M: Is Linda younger than Peter?
F: Yes, Linda is the youngest one in the family.
M: Is Linda more ambitious than Peter?
F: Yes, Linda is the most ambitious one in the family.
M: Is Peter more intelligent than Jenny?
F: Yes, Peter is the most intelligent one in the family.
M: Is Peter taller than Henry?
F: Yes, Peter is the tallest one in the family.


下面我们再来听一段对话, 内容是说亨利问南希她老家在哪儿? 家乡还有亲戚朋友吗? 南希告诉亨利: 她最要好的朋友给国会议员工作等等. 现在请你注意听. 听完之后, 我们还是要根据对话作练习.

M: Where are you from originally?
F: I am from Washington, D.C. I think it is the most colorful city in the United States. I
  really would like to go back there to visit.
M: Do you still have relatives and friends there?
F: Yes, my best friend still lives there. But she told me, Washington, D.C., is one of the  
most expensive cities to live in nowadays; and it has the worst city traffic.
M: Does your friend drive to work everyday?
F: No, she takes the subway. She thinks that's the most practical way to get to work in
Washington, D.C.
M: Does your friends work for the government?
F: Yes, she works for a congressman. She thinks she is working for the most important person   in Congress, and I think she has the most interesting job.

现在我们来作练习. 这组练习可以帮助你了解刚才那段对话. 练习的作法是由老师根据对话, 用普通形容词提出问句, 请你用形容词最高级作肯定的答覆.比方老师说: "华盛顿是美国一个多彩多姿的城市吗?" Is Washington, D. C., a colorful city in the United States? 你就回答说: "对了, 它是美国最多彩多姿的城市." Yes, it is the most colorful city in the United States. 请你注意凡是形容词
最高级前面有人名或是代名词的时候就不必用 t-h-e, the. 比方: Nancy's best friend lives in Washington, D.C. 好, 现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句, 还是请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Is Washington, D.C., a colorful city in the United States?
F: Yes, it is the most colorful city in the United States.
M: Is Washington, D.C., one of the expensive cities to live in?
F: Yes, it is one of the most expensive cities to live in.
M: Does Washington, D.C., have bad city traffic?
F: Yes, it has the worst city traffic.
M: Does Nancy's friend work for an important person in Congress?
F: Yes, she works for the most important person in Congress.
M: Does Nancy's friend have an interesting job?
F: Yes, she has the most interesting job.


在刚才那个练习里, 我们提到了美国首都华盛顿风景优美. 有人认为, 这也是华盛顿的特点之一; 其实美国许许多多大城都各有特色, 比方:大西洋沿岸的纽约,太平洋沿岸的旧金山, 洛杉矶, 还有亨利一家人住的西雅图也都有令人偏爱的地方. 美国各个州也都不同, 比方: 加利福尼亚州人口最多, 阿拉斯加州面积最大, 佛罗里达州气候最热等等.下面我们来听一段文章. 这段文章的内容就是谈到美国的几个州和大城.
请你注意听. 听完之后, 我们要作听力测验.

There are fifty states in the United States. The largest in population is California; the largest in area is Alaska. Alaska is the smallest in population and Rhode Island is the smallest in size. The oldest states are the ones along the Atlantic coast. The newest states are Alaska and Hawaii. Alaska is also the coldest state. California and Florida are the warmest. Henry and his family live in Seattle, a big city on the Pacific coast. But Los Angeles and San Francisco, also on the Pacific coast, are larger than Seattle. Henry's cousin, Susan, lives in New York. It is the largest city in the United States. Thousands of people visit New York each year. The most important city in the United States is Washington, D.C. It is the capital, but it is much smaller than New York.

刚才那段文章你听懂了多少? 等一会儿我请英文老师再把整段文章用慢速度念一遍. 现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: Among the fifty American states, which is the largest, newest and coldest?

M: Why is Washington,D.C., the most important city in the United States?

M: What are some of the large American cities on the Pacific coast?

现在我请英文老师再把文章用慢速度念一遍, 请你注意听.

There are fifty states in the United States. The largest in population is California; the largest in area is Alaska. Alaska is the smallest in population and Rhode Island is the smallest in size. The oldest states are the ones along the Atlantic coast. The newest states are Alaska and Hawaii. Alaska is also the coldest state. California and Florida are the warmest.Henry and his family live in Seattle, a big city on the Pacific coast. But Los Angeles and San Francisco, also on the Pacific coast, are larger than Seattle. Henry's cousin, Susan, lives in New York. It is the largest city in the United States. Thousands of people visit New York each year. The most important city in the United States is Washington, D.C. It is the capital, but it is much smaller than New York.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 回答之后, 老师会念出正确答案, 你己比较一下看看答对了没有.

M: Among the fifty American states, which is the largest, newest and coldest?
F: Alaska is the largest, newest and coldest state in the United States.

M: Why is Washington,D.C., the most important city in the United States?
F: Washington, D.C., is the most important American city because it is the capital of the
  United States.

M: What are some of the large American cities on the Pacific coast?
F: Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco are some of the large American cities on the
  Pacific coast.




在这课里, 我们要学习 have been, h-a-v-e b-e-e-n, have been 跟 has been, h-a-s b-e-e-n, has been 的用法. 我们也要学习其他现在完成式的句子. 另外我们还要 学习 yet, y-e-t, yet 跟 already, a-l-r-e-a-d-y, already 的用法. 首先我们来听一段对话, 内容是说亨利的大女儿珍妮上大学了, 她上学第一个星期在校园里遇见她的同学鲍勃, 两个人谈起上课的情况. 请你注意听英文老 师的发音和语调.
M: Hi, Jenny! How do you like the university?
F: Hello, Bob! I like it very much.
M: Have you started your classes yet?
F: I have been to two lectures, chemistry and history.
M: Well, how were they?
F: They were very large. I'm not used to 300 students in class.
M: My lectures have been large too.
F: Have you been to your English class yet?
M: Yes. It was quite small. There were only about 20 students in it.
F: My classes are so far apart. The campus is sure big.
M: It sure is. My morning classes are in different buildings. I have to run between them.
Otherwise I'll be late.
F: I guess we'll get used to it.

现在我请英文老师再把对话念一遍. 请你注意听.

M: Hi, Jenny! How do you like the university?
F: Hello, Bob! I like it very much.
M: Have you started your classes yet?
F: I have been to two lectures, chemistry and history.
M: Well, how were they?
F: They were very large. I'm not used to 300 students in class.
M: My lectures have been large too.
F: Have you been to your English class yet?
M: Yes. It was quite small. There were only about 20 students in it.
F: My classes are so far apart. The campus is sure big.
M: It sure is. My morning classes are in different buildings. I have to run between them.
  Otherwise I'll be late.
F: I guess we'll get used to it.

刚才那段对话里有些句子包含了我们今天要学的语法, 现在我们再把这些句子听一遍.

M: Have you started your classes yet?
F: I have been to two lectures.
M: My lectures have been large too.
F: Have you been to your English class yet?


现在我们开始作练习. 首先请你听一个英文句子: The campus is noisy today. "今天校园里很吵", 如果我们不指明校园哪一天很吵, 只说 "校园里一直很吵", 用英文可以这样说: The campus has been noisy. 下面我们多多练习这类句子. 这些句子都是跟学校生活有关系的, 比方宿舍一直很吵, 食堂一直很挤等等. 每个句子老师念两遍.

M: The campus has been noisy.
F: The campus has been noisy.
M: The dormitory has been noisy.
F: The dormitory has been noisy.
M: The student center has been crowded.
F: The student center has been crowded.
M: The cafeteria has been crowded.
F: The cafeteria has been crowded.

下面一些句子的主词都是多数的, 所以用 have been.

M: The students have been enthusiastic.
F: The students have been enthusiastic.
M: The courses have been difficult.
F: The courses have been difficult.
M: The lectures have been interesting.
F: The lectures have been interesting.
M: The professors have been busy.
F: The professors have been busy.

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 由老师提出一个问题, 比方: "鲍勃一直很懒吗?" Has Bob been lazy? 或是 "食堂一直很脏吗?" Has the cafeteria been dirty? 听了 老师的问题之后, 请你用 has not, 也就是 hasn't 作否定的答覆. 每作完一句, 就 请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Has Bob been lazy?
F: No, Bob hasn't been lazy.
M: Has the cafeteria been dirty?
F: No, the cafeteria hasn't been dirty.
M: Has the dormitory been quiet?
F: No, the dormitory hasn't been quiet.
M: Has the library been crowded?
F: No, the library hasn't been crowded.

请你用 have not, 也就是 haven't 回答下面几个问题.

M: Have the students been late?
F: No, the students haven't been late.
M: Have the exams been easy?
F: No, the exams haven't been easy.
M: Have the lectures been boring?
F: No, the lectures haven't been boring.
M: Have the professors been strict?
F: No, the professors haven't been strict.


刚才我们学习了用 has been 和 have been 来表示从过去到现在一直不变的情况,下面我们学习包含了规则动词, 过去分词. 比方: "抵达" arrived, a-r-r-i-v-e-d, arrived跟 "注册" registered, r-e-g-i-s-t-e-r-e-d, registered 等等字眼的现在完成式 句子. 这种句子表示事情已经发生.下面这组练习谈的都是珍妮在大学里已经作的事, 比方:她已经到了学校, 已经 搬进了宿舍, 已经打了电话给父母, 已经跟指导教授谈了话,上了课等等. 练习的作法是老师先念一个句子, 接着老师提出一个词组, 学生就把这个词组代换到原来的句子里.

M: Jenny has arrived at the university.
M: moved into the dormitory
F: Jenny has moved into the dormitory.
M: cleaned up her room
F: Jenny has cleaned up her room.
M: called her parents
F: Jenny has called her parents.
M: talked to her advisor
F: Jenny has talked to her advisor.
M: registered
F: Jenny has registered.
M: attended classes
F: Jenny has attended classes.


下面我们来学习两个时常跟现在完成式句子一起出现的时间副词, 也就是yet, y-e-t, yet 跟 already, a-l-r-e-a-d-y, already. 这两个字都表示 "已经", 而且都用在 句尾; 不过不同的是 yet 用在问句里, 而 already 用在肯定句里. 下面一组练习谈的还是珍妮跟鲍勃在大学里已经作的事. 由老师用 yet 提出问 句, 请你用 already 作肯定的答覆. 首先举个例子.

M:Have Bob and Jenny moved into the dormitory yet?
F: Yes, they have moved into the dormitory already.

好, 现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句, 就请你听正确答案.

M: Have Bob and Jenny moved into the dormitory yet?
F: Yes, they have moved into the dormitory already.
M: Have Bob and Jenny cleaned up their rooms yet?
F: Yes, they have cleaned up their rooms already.
M: Have Bob and Jenny called their parents yet?
F: Yes, they have called their parents already.
M: Have Bob and Jenny talked to their advisors yet?
F: Yes, they have talked to their advisors already.
M: Have Bob and Jenny registered yet?
F: Yes, they have registered already.
M: Have Bob and Jenny attended classes yet?
F: Yes, they have attended classes already.

在否定句里也可以用 yet 来表示 "还没有" 作某件事. 在下面一组练习里, 老师 提出一个问句, 请学生用 yet 作否定的答覆. 这些问题谈的还是鲍勃和珍妮在学校的生活, 比方他们是不是已经自己作饭, 是不是已经参加了学生委员会等等. 请你注意听, 并且在学生回答问题的时候也一起回答.

M: Have Bob and Jenny cooked for themselves yet?
F: No, they haven't cooked for themselves yet.
M: Have Bob and Jenny joined the student committee yet?
F: No, they haven't joined the student committee yet.
M: Have Bob and Jenny borrowed books from the library yet?
F: No, they haven't borrowed books from the library yet.
M: Have Bob and Jenny finished a course yet?
F: No, they haven't finished a course yet.


现在我们来作听力测验. 首先我们还是听一段文章. 这段文章的内容是说鲍勃和珍妮在上州立大学, 这些大学有多少学生, 教室散布在校园不同地区, 学生们赶着上课的情况.文章里也提到美国大学生应该念什么课, 哪些是选修, 哪些是必修,什么时候上专业课等等. 现在请你注意听.

There are thousands of colleges and universities in the United States. Nearly half of the
high school graduates in America go on to college. Most, like Bob and Jenny, go to large
universities. These are state universities. Some of these universities have 40,000 or more
students. There are also many small universities with only a few hundred students.
Large universities have many buildings,each building for a particular subject. The buildings
are in a large area. This area is the university campus. Students often must go from one
class in one building to the next class in another building across campus. They may have
only a few minutes between classes to go from one building to another.
When students begin the university, they must take classes in many subjects. These are
the required courses. English and math are usually required courses and often a history
and a science course are required too. Bob and Jenny will study mostly required courses
during their first year. Later, they will specialize, and take courses in one subject.

今天这段文章比较长, 等一会儿我会请英文老师再用慢速度念一遍.现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: Are all American universities the same size?

M: Do American university students study different subjects in the same building?

M: What are some of the required courses in American universities?


There are thousands of colleges and universities in the United States. Nearly half of the
high school graduates in America go on to college. Most, like Bob and Jenny, go to large
universities. These are state universities. Some of these universities have 40,000 or more
students. There are also many small universities with only a few hundred students.
Large universities have many buildings,each building for a particular subject. The buildings
are in a large area. This area is the university campus. Students often must go from one
class in one building to the next class in another building across campus. They may have
only a few minutes between classes to go from one building to another.
When students begin the university, they must take classes in many subjects. These are
the required courses. English and math are usually required courses and often a history
and a science course are required too. Bob and Jenny will study mostly required courses
during their first year. Later, they will specialize, and take courses in one subject.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 回答之后, 请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Are all American universities the same size?
F: No, they are not the same size. Some are large, and some are small.

M: Do American university students study different subjects in the same building?
F: No, they study different subjects in different buildings on the campus.

M: What are some of the required courses in American universities?
F: English and math are usually required. A history and a science course are often
  required too.




在这一课里我们继续学习现在完成式; 我们也要学习 ever, e-v-e-r, ever 跟 never, n-e-v-e-r, never 以及 wish, w-i-s-h, wish的用法. 现在我们来听今天这一课的会话,内容是说学校放寒假了, 珍妮离开学校以前在校园里遇见同学鲍勃;两个人谈话的经过.请你注意英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Where have you been?
M: I have been over at the library. I have begun studying for the next semester.
F: The campus is quiet today.
M: Yes, a lot of people have gone home. Do you have any plans?
F: I'm going home to see my parents. I have invited a friend to come with me. What about
M: I'm not going anywhere.
F: Why not?
M: I have decided to save my money for a trip to China next year.
F: China? That's really exciting. I wish I could go.

现在我请英文老师再把整段对话用慢速度念一遍, 请你注意听.

F: Where have you been?
M: I have been over at the library. I have begun studying for the next semester.
F: The campus is quiet today.
M: Yes, a lot of people have gone home. Do you have any plans?
F: I'm going home to see my parents. I have invited a friend to come with me. What about
M: I'm not going anywhere.
F: Why not?
M: I have decided to save my money for a trip to China next year.
F: China? That's really exciting. I wish I could go.


M: I have begun studying for the next semester.
M: A lot of people have gone home.
F: I have invited a friend to come with me.
M: I have decided to save my money for a trip to China next year.
F: I wish I could go.


首先我们听老师念一些叙述大学生活的现在完成式句子. 这些句子都表示事情到目前为止已经发生. 有些句子用的是规则动词过去分词, 比方 finished, f-i-n-i-s-h-e-d, finished; 有些是不规则动词过去分词, 比方 "离开" left, l-e-f-t, left,"去" gone, g-o-n-e, gone, "开始" begun, b-e-g-u-n, begun 等等. 现在请你注意听男老师念句子, 然后跟着女老师一起重复.

M: The semester has finished.
F: The semester has finished.
M: The semester break has started.
F: The semester break has started.
M: Many students have left the campus.
F: Many students have left the campus.
M: A lot of students have gone home.
F: A lot of students have gone home.
M: Some professors and students have decided to take a vacation.
F: Some professors and students have decided to take a vacation.
M: Some of them have made other plans.
F: Some of them have made other plans.
M: Bob has begun studying for the next semester.
F: Bob has begun studying for the next semester.
M: He has saved some money for a trip to China.
F: He has saved some money for a trip to China.
M: Jenny has planned to go home.
F: Jenny has planned to go home.
M: She has invited a friend to visit her family.
F: She has invited a friend to visit her family.

下面我们来作代换练习. 这个练习里的句子都是说珍妮在寒假里已经作了的事情. 老师先念一个句子, 然后老师给你一个新词组, 请你代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句老师会念出正确答案让你作个比较. 请你注意, 在你作练习的时候你必须把老师给你的原型动词改为过去分词.

M: Jenny has done a lot of things.
M: be home with her parents
F: Jenny has been home with her parents.
M: see her old friends
F: Jenny has seen her old friends.
M: meet some new friends
F: Jenny has met some new friends.
M: go to many places with her sister,Linda
F: Jenny has gone to many places with her sister,Linda.
M: spend some time with her brother,Peter
F: Jenny has spent some time with her brother,Peter.

下面我们看一看鲍勃在寒假里已经作了什么事. 请你跟刚才一样作练习.

M: Bob has stayed in the university.
M: buy his Chinese textbook
F: Bob has bought his Chinese textbook.
M: study Chinese
F: Bob has studied Chinese.
M: write two reports
F: Bob has written two reports.
M: take a job
F: Bob has taken a job.
M: work in a restaurant
F: Bob has worked in a restaurant.


刚才我们练习了一些现在完成式句子, 现在我们来学两个时常跟这类句子一起用的副词, 一个是 ever, 一个是 never. 如果把 ever 这个字用在现在完成式疑问句里就表示到目前为止是否已经作过某件事. 比方 "你吃过美国牛肉饼吗?" 这句话英文可以这样说: Have you ever eaten a hamburger? 下面我们以代换练习的方式多练习这类句子. 练习的内容是说珍妮带了一个从中国到美国不久的同学到她家去玩. 珍妮的弟弟彼得很好奇, 于是问他对美国生活有多少了解, 比方吃过这个, 看过那个没有. 现在我们开始跟刚才一样作换字练习, 作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案

M: Have you ever eaten a hamburger?
M: have coffee
F: Have you ever had coffee?
M: drive a car
F: Have you ever driven a car?
M: hear an American song
F: Have you ever heard an American song?
M: read an American novel
F: Have you ever read an American novel?


现在我们来作另外一组练习, 内容是说鲍勃带珍妮到大学附近一个广东馆子吃中国饭. 鲍勃是中国后裔美国人, 对中国文化有了解, 可是珍妮却没有接触过中国文化,所以鲍勃问珍妮许多问题,比方吃过广东菜没有? 用过筷子没有?喝过绿茶没有? 珍妮只好一一用 never 答覆说从来没有. 下面就是一个例子:

M: Have you ever eaten Cantonese food?
F: No,I have never eaten Cantonese food.

现在我们开始作练习, 请你注意听鲍勃问问题, 并且在珍妮回答问题的时候一起回答.

M: Have you ever eaten Cantonese food?
F: No, I have never eaten Cantonese food.
M: Have you ever used chopsticks?
F: No, I have never used chopsticks.
M: Have you ever had green tea?
F: No, I have never had green tea.
M: Have you ever seen a Chinese painting?
F: No, I have never seen a Chinese painting.
M: Have you ever heard a Chinese song?
F: No, I have never heard a Chinese song.
M: Have you ever gone to a Chinese movie?
F: No, I have never gone to a Chinese movie.
M: Have you ever read a book about China?
F: No, I have never read a book about China.


现在我们来学习怎么用 wish, w-i-s-h, wish.这个字跟过去式从句一起用可以表示无法实现的愿望. 比方在今天这一课的对话里珍妮表示希望到中国去,可惜不能. 那句话英文是: I wish I could go to China. 下面我们来练习这些句子, 请你注意听男老师念普通否定句, 然后请你改用wish 把珍妮无法实现的愿望说出来. 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: I can't sing.
F: I wish I could sing.
M: I can't use chopsticks.
F: I wish I could use chopsticks.
M: I can't go to China.
F: I wish I could go to China.
M: I don't know Chinese.
F: I wish I knew Chinese.
M: I don't know Bob's parents.
F: I wish I knew Bob's parents.
M: I don't have money to go to China.
F: I wish I had money to go to China.

凡是句子的动词是 am, are 或是 is 的时候如果跟 wish 一起用, 那么就一律改成 were. w-e-r-e, were. 下面就是一些例子, 还是请你跟刚才一样练习.

M: I am not rich.
F: I wish I were rich.
M: I am not tall.
F: I wish I were tall.
M: I am not strong.
F: I wish I were strong.
M: She is not a professor.
F: She wishes she were a professor.
M: She is not at home.
F: She wishes she were at home.


现在我们来作听力测验. 首先还是请你听一段文章,内容是说大学秋季班结束了, 学生已经开始过寒假, 有的学生回家了, 有的学生到纽约或是旧金山去玩等等. 请你特别注意听文章里的现在完成式句子.

The students at the university have finished their final exams. The full semester has
ended and the students have begun their semester break. They have three weeks to relax before the spring semester begins. The first weekend the weather has been good. It has been warm and it hasn't rained. Most students have left the university for a vacation. Some have gone to famous places like New York or San Francisco to see the sights. Others have gone to the beaches in California and Florida. Many students' home are not near the university. They have taken this chance to visit their families at home. Jenny has invited a friend to come to her home to meet her family. She has also spent some time with her old friends from high school.

等一会儿我会请英文老师把整段文章再念一遍. 现在请你注意听今天要测验的三个问题.

M: How long is the break between the semesters?

M: What have students done during the semester break?

M: How did Jenny spend her vacation?


The students at the university have finished their final exams. The full semester has
ended and the students have begun their semester break. They have three weeks to relax before the spring semester begins. The first weekend the weather has been good. It has been warm and it hasn't rained. Most students have left the university for a vacation. Some have gone to famous places like New York or San Francisco to see the sights. Others have gone to the beaches in California and Florida. Many students' home are not near the university. They have taken this chance to visit their families at home. Jenny has invited a friend to come to her home to meet her family. She has also spent some time with her old friends from high school.

好, 现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 回答之后请你跟正确答案比较一下看答对了没有. 现在开始.

M: How long is the break between the semesters?
F: It is three weeks.

M: What have students done during the semester break?
F: Some of them have gone home. Some of them have gone to famous places to see the
  sights, Some of them have gone to the beaches.

M: How did Jenny spend her vacation?
F: She has invited a friend to her home. She has seen her parents and




在这一课里我们要复习现在完成式, 并且要学习两个时常跟现在完成式句子一起用的连词, 一个是 since, s-i-n-c-e, since, 一个是 for, f-o-r, for. 现在我们还是按照惯例, 先请英文老师念一段会话,请你听的时候特别注意两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Where have you been, Kate?
F: I've been at the garage for the last two hours.
M: What happened? Did you have an accident?
F: No, nothing happened. But we haven't had the car checked since February. It's needed an
  oil change for a long time.
M: I know. Have you gotten the car back?
F: No. They've worked on it since four thirty, but they haven't finished it yet.
M: Well, when can we get it back?
F: I'll pick it up on Friday.
M: That's good. Then, we'll have it for the weekend.


M: Where have you been, Kate?
F: I've been at the garage for the last two hours.
M: What happened? Did you have an accident?
F: No, nothing happened. But we haven't had the car checked since February. It's needed an
  oil change for a long time.
M: I know. Have you gotten the car back?
F: No. They've worked on it since four thirty, but they haven't finished it yet.
M: Well, when can we get it back?
F: I'll pick it up on Friday.
M: That's good. Then, we'll have it for the weekend.


F: I've been at the garage for the last two hours.
F: We haven't had the car checked since February.
F: It's needed an oil change for a long time.
F: They've worked on it since four thirty.


听完对话, 现在我们该作练习了. 首先我们来复习现在完成式.下面这组练习的内容是说亨利从早上到现在已经作了什么事, 比方他已经到过办公室, 已经写了一份报告, 已经见到了办公室打字员南希等等. 你先跟着老师重复一个句子, 然后老师会提出一个新的词组, 请你把词组里的动词改成过去分词, 代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句老师会念出正确答案, 你自己作个比较, 看你作对了没有. 现在开始.

M: Henry has been in his office.
M: have a cup of coffee
F: Henry has had a cup of coffee.
M: read today's newspaper
F: Henry has read today's newspaper.
M: do some exercises
F: Henry has done some exercises.
M: write a report
F: Henry has written a report.
M: see Nancy
F: Henry has seen Nancy.

下面一组练习是说凯特到修车厂买汽油, 顺便请人换机油的事情.老师用慢速度提出一些现在完成式问句, 请学生作肯定的答覆, 请你在学生回答的时候也跟着回答.

M: Has Kate taken her car to the garage?
F: Yes, she has taken her car to the garage.
M: Has Kate bought some gasoline there?
F: Yes, she has bought some gasoline there.
M: Has Kate paid for the gasoline?
F: Yes, she has paid for the gasoline.
M: Has the gasoline been quite expensive recently?
F: Yes, it has been quite expensive recently.
M: Has the cost of gasoline increased?
F: Yes, it has increased.
M: Has Kate's car needed an oil change for a long time?
F: Yes, it has needed an oil change for a long time.
M: Has Kate waited in the garage?
F: Yes, she has waited in the garage.

三.I've 和 She's

以前我们练习过把 have not 简缩为 haven't, 把 has not 简缩为 hasn't. 下面我们来练习怎么样把代名词跟 have 或是 has 连起来说. 比方 I have 说成 I've,they have 说成 they've, she has 说成 she's 等等. 现在我们来作两组练习, 内容都是亨利和凯特吃过晚饭之后话家常. 第一组练习是亨利问凯特是否已经作了某些事情, 凯特用 I've 作肯定的答覆.请你注意听亨利问问题, 并且跟凯特一起回答问题.

M: Have you taken the car to the garage yet?
F: Yes, I've taken it to the garage.
M: Have you been to the new supermarket yet?
F: Yes, I've been there.
M: Have you given Peter his weekly allowance?
F: Yes, I've given him his weekly allowance.
M: Have you sent the package to Jenny yet?
F: Yes, I've sent it to Jenny.
M: Have you heard about Linda's new boyfriend?
F: Yes, I've heard about him.

下面凯特问亨利一些有关亨利的同事南希的问题, 比方南希是否已经搬到郊区, 是否已经决定结婚, 是否谈起到纽约渡蜜月的事情. 亨利用 she's 作肯定的答覆. 请你注意听, 并且跟亨利一起回答.

F: Has Nancy moved to the suburb yet?
M: Yes, she's moved to the suburb.
F: Has Nancy bought a car yet?
M: Yes, she's bought a car.
F: Has Nancy gotten used to driving to work?
M: Yes, she's gotten used to it.
F: Has Nancy decided to get married?
M: Yes, she's decided to get married.
F: Has she told you about going to New York for her honeymoon?
M: Yes, she's told me about it.
F: Has Nancy planned to come over for dinner next Saturday?
M: Yes, she's planned to come over.


刚才我们复习了现在完成式,同时也学了一些新词,现在我们要学习两个连词,也就是 since 跟 for 的用法. 这个两个字常常跟现在完成式句子一起用. since 表示 "自从一个特定的时间开始", for 表示 "时间持续了多久". 现在我们来听英文老师念一些句子, 比较这两个连词的用法.

M: Henry and Kate have been married since 1962.
F: They have been married for a long time.
M: Henry and Kate have lived in Seattle since 1965.
F: They have lived in Seattle for a long time.
M: Henry has worked as a fireman since 1970.
F: He has worked as a fireman for many years.

下面这组练习是由老师问你一个问题, 然后, 他提出一个特定的时间请你用since 跟这个特定的时间回答问题. 这些问题都是跟亨利作救火员有关系的.每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Has Henry wanted to be a fireman?
M: He was a child.
F: Henry has wanted to be a fireman since he was a child.
M: Has Henry worked as a fireman for a long time?
M: 1970
F: Henry has worked as a fireman since 1970.
M: Has Henry ever worked for the city government?
M: He got married.
F: Henry has worked for the city government since he got married.
M: Has Henry been very busy with his job?
M: last month
F: Henry has been very busy with his job since last month.

在下面一组练习里老师问学生一些有关凯特当教员的问题, 每问一句, 老师就提出一个指明时间长短的词组, 请学生用 for 跟这个词组来回答问题. 请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作.

M: How long has Kate been a teacher?
M: a long time
F: She's been a teacher for a long time.
M: How long has Kate taught in elementary school?
M: many years
F: Kate's taught in elementary school for many years.
M: How long has Kate taught this year?
M: 6 months
F: Kate's taught for six months this year.
M: How long has Kate been in school today?
M: 4 hours
F: Kate's been in school for 4 hours today.

下面一个练习是由老师给你念一个现在完成式否定句, 接着老师提出一个表
明时间的词组, 请你把这个词组用进原来的句子里. 注意凡是指明特定的时间
你就必须用 since, 凡是说明时间长短的词组, 你就必须用 for. 每作完一句就
请你听老师念正确答案. 看你作对了没有.

M: Henry hasn't seen his cousin, Susan.
M: last year
F: Henry hasn't seen his cousin, Susan, since last year.
M: Henry hasn't written to his daughter, Jenny.
M: two weeks
F: Henry hasn't written to his daughter,Jenny,for two weeks.
M: Henry hasn't eaten any meat.
M: last week
F: Henry hasn't eaten any meat since last week.
M: Kate hasn't heard from her sister.
M: April
F: Kate hasn't heard from her sister since April.
M: Kate hasn't taken a trip
M: the year before last
F: Kate hasn't taken a trip since the year before last.
M: Kate hasn't bought any expensive clothes.
M: 10 months
F: Kate hasn't bought any expensive clothes for 10 months.


刚才那个练习你都作对了吗? 现在我们来作今天的听力测验.今天老师要念的文章是说汽车在美国变得很普遍, 人们以汽车为主要交通工具, 上班, 上街, 去旅行都要靠汽车.现在请你注意听, 等一会儿老师会根据这段文章问你几个问题.

Perhaps more than any other people, Americans have come to depend on their cars.
The family car has been a common thing since the early 20th century, and it has changed
American life. Many people have moved outside of the large cities to the suburbs.
Some Americans spend two hours a day or more in their cars going to work and home
again. Cars have become the means of transportation for most Americans going
shopping, and even going on vacations.
Americans used to like big cars, and gasoline used to be very inexpensive. Recently,
however, the cost of gasoline has increased, smaller cars have become more common.
Also foreign cars have become very common. Americans have bought large numbers of
Japanese and German cars. They have bought cars from several other countries as well.

刚才那段文章要是你没有全懂, 没有关系, 等一会儿我请英文老师再给你念一遍. 现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: How long has the family car been a common thing in the United States?

M: How has the family car changed American life?

M: Do Americans only buy American cars?


Perhaps more than any other people, Americans have come to depend on their cars.
The family car has been a common thing since the early 20th century, and it has changed
American life. Many people have moved outside of the large cities to the suburbs.
Some Americans spend two hours a day or more in their cars going to work and home
again. Cars have become the means of transportation for most Americans going
shopping, and even going on vacations.
Americans used to like big cars, and gasoline used to be very inexpensive. Recently,
however, the cost of gasoline has increased, smaller cars have become more common.
Also foreign cars have become very common. Americans have bought large numbers of
Japanese and German cars. They have bought cars from several other countries as well.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 每回答一句就请你自己跟老师念的正确答案比较一下, 看你答对了没有.

M: How long has the family car been a common thing in the United States?
F: The family car has been a common thing in the United States for over 40 years.

M: How has the family car changed American life?
F: Many Americans have moved to the suburbs. Cars have become the means of transportation    for most Americans going to work, going shopping and going on vacations.

M: Do Americans only buy American cars?
F: No, Americans have bought cars from Japan, Germany and several other countries.





在这一课里, 我们先复习现在完成式, 然后练习直接宾语和间接宾语. 首先我们还是听一段对话, 内容是说亨利跟凯特谈到供大女儿珍妮上大学的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Henry, we owe the university 400 dollars for Jenny's tuition.
M: We have paid them, haven't we?
F: We paid them for the last semester. They sent us a bill for the new semester.
M: Luckily there are only two semesters a year.
F: Well, there's the summer session.
M: Does Jenny plan to go to summer school?
F: No, she wants to work and save some money in the summer.
M: That's good. Maybe she can help and pay the university some of her tuition next year.

现在我们再把整段对话听一遍, 请你注意听.

F: Henry, we owe the university 400 dollars for Jenny's tuition.
M: We have paid them, haven't we?
F: We paid them for the last semester. They sent us a bill for the new semester.
M: Luckily there are only two semesters a year.
F: Well, there's the summer session.
M: Does Jenny plan to go to summer school?
F: No, she wants to work and save some money in the summer.
M: That's good. Maybe she can help and pay the university some of her tuition next year.

刚才那段对话里有些句子包含了直接和间接宾语, 现在我们再把这些句子听一遍.

F: We owe the university 400 dollars for Jenny's tuition.
F: They sent us a bill for the new semester.
M: Maybe she can help and pay the university some of her tuition next year.


听完了对话现在我们来作练习. 首先我们来复习现在完成式. 以前我们学过现在完成式是用来表示到目前已经发生的事情而过去式表示在过去一个特定的时间所发生的事情. 下面我请英文老师念一些句子比较这两种时态. 男老师念现在完成式句子, 女老师念过去式句子, 请你注意听.

M: Henry and Kate have paid the tuition.
F: They paid it last month.
M: Henry has written a letter.
F: Henry wrote it last night.
M: Kate has taken the car to the garage.
F: She took it last week.

下面我们来练习这两种时态. 首先老师提出现在完成式问句, 然后老师给你念一个时间词组, 请你用过去式跟这个时间词组作肯定的答覆. 下面就是一个例子:

M: Have Henry and Kate paid the telephone bill?
M: last week
F: They paid it last week.

现在我们开始作练习. 练习里的句子都跟一般家务事有关系, 比方 "付电话费"pay the telephone bill, "贷款" get a loan, "报税" do the income tax, "洗衣服" do the laundry 等等. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Have Henry and Kate paid the telephone bill?
M: last week
F: Yes, they paid it last week.
M: Has Henry gotten a loan?
M: this spring
F: Yes, he got it this spring.
M: Has Henry done his income tax?
M: this April
F: Yes, he did it this April.
M: Has Kate taken the car to the garage?
M: several days ago
F: Yes, she took it several days ago.
M: Has Kate bought the groceries?
M: a few hours ago
F: Yes, she bought them a few hours ago.
M: Has Kate done the laundry?
M: the day before yesterday
F: Yes, she did it the day before yesterday.


刚才那个练习你都作对了吗?现在我们来学直接宾语和间接宾语的用法. 在英文里有些及物动词, 比方 "教" teach, "给" give, "写" write 等等, 可以有两个宾语. 比方有一句话: "凯特教琳达英文." Kate teaches Linda English. 在这句话里"琳达" 是间接宾语, "英文" 是直接宾语. 另外有一句话: "昨天亨利给珍妮写了一封信." Henry wrote Jenny a letter yesterday.在这句话里 "珍妮" 是间接宾语,"一封信" 是直接宾语. 下面我请两位英文老师念一些包含了这两种宾语的现在完成式句子, 内容是说亨利和凯特分别为儿女作些了什么事情. 在这些句子里指东西的都是直接宾语, 指人的都是间接宾语. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着老师重复一遍.

M: Henry has written Jenny a letter.
F: Henry has written Jenny a letter.
M: Kate has sent Jenny a package.
F: Kate has sent Jenny a package.
M: Henry has given Peter some money.
F: Henry has given Peter some money.
M: Kate has shown Peter a book.
F: Kate has shown Peter a book.
M: Henry has bought Linda a swimming suit.
F: Henry has bought Linda a swimming suit.
M: Kate has taught Linda an English lesson.
F: Kate has taught Linda an English lesson.

刚才我们用直接宾语和间接宾语练习了一些句子, 内容说到亨利和凯特为他们的儿女作了些什么事情. 现在我们继续练习, 可是方式不同. 这次由老师用" 什么" what 提出包含了间接宾语的现在完成式疑问句, 比方: What have Henry and Kate paid the university?接着老师念出一个直接宾语, 比方: Jenny's
tuition, 学生就用间接和直接宾语回答问题, 所以答案就是: They have paid the university Jenny's tuition. 好, 现在请你注意听老师问问题; 这些问题都是说到珍妮因为上大学搬到学校附近, 亨利和凯特担心女儿第一次在外边住可能觉得孤单, 所以给她买了无线电, 又怕没人给她缝衣服, 所以给她买了缝纫机,凯特又把汽车借给她, 亨利拿出地图来, 告诉她应该走哪条路等等.

M: What have Henry and Kate paid the university?
M: Jenny's tuition
F: They have paid the university Jenny's tuition.
M: What have they bought Jenny?
M: a radio
F: They have bought Jenny a radio.
M: What have they gotten Jenny?
M: a sewing machine
F: They have gotten Jenny a sewing machine.
M: What has Kate taught Jenny?
M: sewing
F: She has taught Jenny sewing.
M: What has Kate lent Jenny?
M: her car
F: She has lent Jenny her car.
M: What has Henry shown Jenny?
M: a map
F: He has shown Jenny a map.
M: What has Henry given Jenny?
M: some advice
F: He has given Jenny some advice.

刚才那个练习你都会作吗? 下面我们来学习另外一种用直接和间接宾语的方法. 首先请你听一个句子: Henry has written a letter to Jenny. 这句话跟我们刚才练习的说法, 也就是: Henry has written Jenny a letter. 意思一样, 只不过把间接宾语和直接宾语的顺序对调, 而且在间接宾语的前头加上介词 to, t-o, to.现在我们要作的练习就是把这两种说法作个比较. 请你注意听老师念我们刚才练习过的那种陈述句, 然后请你用上介词 to 把意思用另外一种说法表达出来. 首先举个例子.

M: Kate has taught Jenny sewing.
F: She has taught sewing to Jenny.

现在我们开始练习, 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Kate has taught Jenny sewing.
F: She has taught sewing to Jenny.
M: Kate has lent Jenny her car.
F: She has lent her car to Jenny.
M: Kate has mailed Jenny a package.
F: She has mailed a package to Jenny.
M: Henry has shown Jenny a map.
F: He has shown a map to Jenny.
M: Henry has given Jenny some advice.
F: He has given some advice to Jenny.
M: Henry has written Jenny a letter.
F: He has written a letter to Jenny.

在刚才那个练习里我们学习了直接宾语加上 to 再加上间接宾语的说法. 可是有些及物动词不应该跟 to 一起用, 而必须用另外一个介词 for, f-o-r, for. 最普通的两个例子就是 buy, b-u-y, buy 跟 get, g-e-t, get. 现在老师用这两个动词作几个句子说明亨利跟凯特买了些什么东西给珍妮.请你跟刚才一样作练习, 不过要记得改用介词 for. 现在我们开始.

M: Henry and Kate Have bought Jenny a radio.
F: They have bought a radio for Jenny.
M: They have bought Jenny a dictionary.
F: They have bought a dictionary for Jenny.
M: They have gotten Jenny a sewing machine.
F: They have gotten a sewing machine for Jenny.
M: They have gotten Jenny a desk.
F: They have gotten a desk for Jenny.

用上介词的说法你都会了吗? 这种说法很常用,尤其是直接宾语是代名词的时候就非用这种说法不可, 比方: Henry has given it to Peter. 在下面一组练习里,老师提出一些问句, 内容都是说到亨利和凯特为孩子们作的事情, 然后学生把句子里的主语跟直接宾语改为代名词, 再用上适当的介词作肯定的答覆. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Has Henry given Peter some money?
F: Yes, he has given it to Peter.
M: Has Kate shown Peter a new book?
F: Yes, she has shown it to Peter.
M: Has Henry bought Linda a swimming suit?
F: Yes, he has bought it for Linda.
M: Has Kate taught Linda an English lesson?
F: Yes, she has taught it to Linda.
M: Have Henry and Kate gotten Jenny a sewing machine?
F: Yes, they have gotten it for Jenny.
M: Have Henry and Kate mailed Jenny a package?
F: Yes, they have mailed it to Jenny.


今天我们要听的文章内容是说美国家庭怎么样应付孩子们的大学教育费,住宿费等等问题, 比方孩子小的时候他们就开始存钱, 孩子大了以后可以自己找份工作挣学费, 或是先向政府借贷等等.现在请你注意听.

Nearly all American students in colleges and universities pay for their educations. There
are many costs. First of all, there is tuition. At some schools, the tuition is very high, ten thousand dollars a year or more. At other schools, it may only be a few hundred dollars a year. At some community colleges, tuition is free.
There are other costs as well. Many students leave their homes to go to schools in other
cities. They may live in dormitories or apartments, and they must pay for it. Finally,
students must buy textbooks for their courses. Going to college or university can be a big
Some families start saving money for their children's education when the children are
small. Many students work to save money for tuition. They can also get loans from the
government. They pay the money back to the government when they finish their education.

现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题, 然后我会再请老师把整段文章念一遍.

M: What do American students pay for?

M: Is the tuition the same at all American colleges and universities?

M: How do Americans pay for college education?


Nearly all American students in colleges and universities pay for their educations. There
are many costs. First of all, there is tuition. At some schools, the tuition is very high, ten thousand dollars a year or more. At other schools, it may only be a few hundred dollars a year. At some community colleges, tuition is free.
There are other costs as well. Many students leave their homes to go to schools in other
cities. They may live in dormitories or apartments, and they must pay for it. Finally,
students must buy textbooks for their courses. Going to college or university can be a big
Some families start saving money for their children's education when the children are
small. Many students work to save money for tuition. They can also get loans from the
government. They pay the money back to the government when they finish their education.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 回答之后请你听老师念正确答案.

M: What do American students pay for?
F: They pay tuition and they buy textbooks for their courses. When they live in dormitories   or apartments they must pay for it as well.

M: Is the tuition the same at all American colleges and universities?
F: No, it is not the same. It may be ten thousand dollars a year or only a few
  hundred dollars a year. At some schools tuition is free.

M: How do Americans pay for college education?
F: American families save money for their children's education. Many students
  work to save money. They can also get loans from the government.




在这一课里, 我们学习怎么用 some, s-o-m-e, some 跟 any, a-n-y, any的用法.首先我们还是听一段对话,内容是说彼得暑假里跟着学校旅行团到纽约去玩,回来之后把他在纽约拍的照片给他的朋友玛丽看, 两个人谈话的经过. 请你注意英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Mary, have I shown you my pictures?
F: No, you haven't. Are these your pictures of New York?
M: Yes, they are. I took them last month.
F: Did you take any pictures of the skyscrapers there?
M: Yes, I took some. Here they are.
F: You took wonderful pictures! Did you have a good time in New York?
M: Yes, I did. Have you ever been there?
F: No, I haven't. I've never been anywhere!
M: Don't you want to visit New York sometime?
F: Yes, I do. I'll go there someday.


M: Mary, have I shown you my pictures?
F: No, you haven't. Are these your pictures of New York?
M: Yes, they are. I took them last month.
F: Did you take any pictures of the skyscrapers there?
M: Yes, I took some. Here they are.
F: You took wonderful pictures! Did you have a good time in New York?
M: Yes, I did. Have you ever been there?
F: No, I haven't. I've never been anywhere!
M: Don't you want to visit New York sometime?
F: Yes, I do. I'll go there someday.

在刚才那段对话里, 有些句子包含了我们今天要学的语法, 现在我请英文老师把那些句子念出来, 请你注意听.

F: Did you take any pictures of the skyscrapers there?
M: Yes, I took some.
F: I've never been anywhere!
M: Don't you want to visit New York sometime?
F: I'll go there someday.


首先学习 some, s-o-m-e, some 的用法. 这个字可以用来表示 "一些", 在下面这组练习里玛丽提出有关彼得在纽约的活动的问题, 比方 "他买了一些纪念品吗?" Did he buy some souvenirs? "他寄了一些明信片吗?" Did he send some postcards? "他去戏剧中心百老汇看了一些表演吗?" Did he see some shows on Broadway? 等等. 这些问题请你一一用 some 和复数名词作肯定的答覆. 每答完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

F: Did he take some pictures?
M: Yes, he took some pictures.
F: Did he buy some souvenirs?
M: Yes, he bought some souvenirs.
F: Did he send some postcards?
M: Yes, he sent some postcards.
F: Did he see some shows on Broadway?
M: Yes, he saw some shows on Broadway.

三.SOME 短句

刚才那个练习你都会作吗? 现在我们再来学另外一个用法. some 也可以跟一些别的字一起用, 来表示 "某一个", "某一些", 比方 "某个人" somebody,s-o-m-e-b-o-d-y, somebody, "某些东西" 或是 "某些事情" something, s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g, something, "某个地方" somewhere, s-o-m-e-w-h-e-r-e, somewhere, 等等. 在下面一组练习里老师提出一些有关到纽约旅行的问题,比方 "谁带彼得去看表演了?" Who took Peter to see the shows? 接着老师说 somebody, 请你用老师给你的字来回答问题, 所以正确答案就是: Somebody took Peter to see the shows. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Who took Peter to see the shows?
M: somebody
F: Somebody took Peter to see the shows.
M: Who gave Peter some information about New York?
M: somebody
F: Somebody gave Peter some information about New York.
M: What did Peter tell Mary about New York?
M: something
F: Peter told Mary something about New York.
M: What did Peter bring back from New York?
M: something
F: Peter brought back something from New York.
M: When will Peter go to New York again?
M: someday
F: Peter will go to New York again someday.
M: When will Mary visit New York?
M: someday
F: Mary will visit New York someday.


刚才我们学习了some 的一些用法, 现在我们来学习 any, a-n-y, any. 这个字表示 "任何". 在下面一组练习里玛丽用 any 问彼得一些他在纽约的活动的问题, 比方 "你在纽约有没有跟任何外国人说话呢? " Did you talk to any foreigners in New York? 或者" 你在动物园有没有看见任何熊猫呢? "Did you see any pandas in the zoo? 这些问题彼得都一一的作否定的答覆. 现在请你注意听玛丽问问题, 并且跟彼得一起回答问题. 请注意在这些句子里用的是复数名词.

F: Did you talk to any foreigners in New York?
M: No, I didn't talk to any foreigners in New York.
F: Did you see any pandas in the zoo?
M: No, I didn't see any pandas in the zoo.
F: Did you eat in any Chinese restaurants in New York?
M: No, I didn't eat in any Chinese restaurants in New York.
F: Did you buy any expensive souvenirs in New York?
M: No, I didn't buy any expensive souvenirs in New York.

下面我们把 some 跟 any 作个比较. 这两个字因为意思不同, 所以 some 常常出现在肯定句里, 而 any 常常出现在否定句里. 在下面一组练习里, 老师用慢速度念一些句子比较这两个字的用法. 这些句子还是跟彼得到纽约去玩有关系. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着重复一遍. 在你重复的时候要特别注意 some 跟 any 的区别.

M: Peter ate in some good restaurants in New York, but he didn't eat in any Chinese       restaurants.
F: Peter ate in some good restaurants in New York, but he didn't eat in any Chinese      
M: Peter saw some foreigners in New York, but he didn't talk to any of them.
F: Peter saw some foreigners in New York, but he didn't talk to any of them.
M: Peter bought some souvenirs in New York, but he didn't buy any expensive ones.
F: Peter bought some souvenirs in New York, but he didn't buy any expensive ones.
M: Peter went to some zoos in New York, but he didn't see any pandas there.
F: Peter went to some zoos in New York, but he didn't see any pandas there.

练习了刚才那些句子我希望你对some 和 any 两者的分别有了一些认识. any也可以跟别的字一起用, 比方 "任何人" anybody, a-n-y-b-o-d-y, anybody, "任何事情" 或 "任何东西" anything, a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g, anything, "任何地方" anywhere,a-n-y-w-h-e-r-e, anywhere 等等. 现在我们来作一组练习, 由玛丽问彼得一些有关他在纽约的问题,比方他在地铁上有没有跟某个人交谈, 在中国城有没有买某些东西等等. 这些问题彼得都一一的用我们刚才提到 anybody 跟 anything作否定的答覆. 请你注意听玛丽问问题, 并且跟彼得一起回答.

F: Did you talk to somebody on the subway?
M: No, I didn't talk to anybody on the subway.
F: Did you buy something in Chinatown?
M: No, I didn't buy anything in Chinatown.
F: Did you get something for your parents?
M: No, I didn't get anything for my parents.
F: Did you visit somebody in New York?
M: No, I didn't visit anybody in New York.


在下面一组练习里, 我们来比较 somewhere 跟 anywhere 的用法. 首先由老师提出一个陈述句, 接着老师提出问句,请你根据陈述句来决定用somewhere或是 anywhere 回答问题.每回答一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Peter lost his hat in New York.
M: Where did he leave it?
F: He left it somewhere.
M: Where did he find it?
F: He didn't find it anywhere.

下面老师又提出一个陈述句. 请你还是跟刚才一样练习.

M: Peter went travelling, but Mary stayed home.
M: Where did Peter go?
F: He went somewhere.
M: Where did Mary go?
F: She didn't go anywhere.

六.ANYWHERE 短语用在肯定句

刚才我们学习的 any, anybody, anything, 跟 anywhere 都出现在否定句里, 但是这些字也可以用在肯定句里: 下面英文老师用慢速度念几个例子, 内容都是说到纽约, 比方纽约地铁很方便, 你可以坐地铁到任何地方; 纽约的摩天大楼比美国任何地方都多, 纽约饭店和铺子很多, 要买什么, 要吃什么应有尽有等等. 每个句子老师念两遍,请你听一遍, 跟着重复一遍.

M: Anybody can take the subway in New York.
F: Anybody can take the subway in New York.
M: The subway is very convenient. You can go anywhere on it.
F: The subway is very convenient. You can go anywhere on it.
M: Anybody can visit the skyscrapers in New York.
F: Anybody can visit the skyscrapers in New York.
M: There are more skyscrapers in New York than anywhere in the United States.
F: There are more skyscrapers in New York than anywhere in the United States.
M: There are a lot of restaurants in New York. You can eat anything.
F: There are a lot of restaurants in New York. You can eat anything.
M: There are a lot of stores in New York. You can buy anything.
F : There are a lot of stores in New York. You can buy anything.


今天我们要听的文章是介绍纽约,谈到纽约是美国的商业和文化中心, 纽约除了有闻名世界的帝国大厦, 联合国, 自由女神像,大都会博物馆以外,还有吸引了成千上万观众的戏剧中心 "百老汇" 跟孩子们最喜欢的布朗克思动物园. 现在请你注意听, 等一会儿我们要根据这段文章问你几个问题.

To many people, New York is the United States. It is the commercial and cultural center of
the country. A lot of people have seen pictures of its skyscrapers. There are more
skyscrapers in New York than anywhere in the United States. The Empire State Building is
well-known throughout the world.
The city's theatre district, Broadway, is very famous as well. Thousands of people go
there to see the shows. There are different plays and musicals. One can always find
something interesting to see.
Every summer, high school students all over the United States tour New York. They can
take the bus or subway to visit famous sites such as the Unite Nations, the Statue of
Liberty, the Metropolitan Museum and the Bronx Zoo. The bus and subway are very
convenient. One can go almost anywhere on them.

刚才那段文章你都听懂了吗? 要是没有全懂不要紧, 等一会儿还有机会听. 现在我请英文老师先把今天测验的三个问题念一遍给你听.

M: How important is New York to the United States?

M: Are there a lot of skyscrapers in New York?

M: What are some of the famous sites in New York?


To many people, New York is the United States. It is the commercial and cultural center of
the country. A lot of people have seen pictures of its skyscrapers. There are more
skyscrapers in New York than anywhere in the United States. The Empire State Building is
well-known throughout the world.
The city's theatre district, Broadway, is very famous as well. Thousands of people go
there to see the shows. There are different plays and musicals. One can always find
something interesting to see.
Every summer, high school students all over the United States tour New York. They can
take the bus or subway to visit famous sites such as the Unite Nations, the Statue of
Liberty, the Metropolitan Museum and the Bronx Zoo. The bus and subway are very
convenient. One can go almost anywhere on them.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 回答之后请你听老师念正确答案.

M: How important is New York to the United States?
F: New York is the commercial and cultural center of the United States.

M: Are there a lot of skyscrapers in New York?
F: Yes, there are more skyscrapers in New York than anywhere in the United States.

M: What are some of the famous sites in New York?
F: The Empire State Building, Broadway, the United Nations, the Metropolitan Museum and the   Bronx Zoo are some of the famous sites in New York.




在今天这一课里, 我们要学习 let's 也就是 let us, l-e-t u-s, let us 的用法; 我们还要学习用连词 that, t-h-a-t, that 引导的宾语从句. 现在我们来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利提议周未全家一块去旅行的事情, 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Kate, let's go for a drive somewhere this weekend.
F: That's a good idea. Just the two of us!
M: I thought that the whole family could go together.
F: I'm afraid that the kids can't. Jenny is staying at the university this weekend to study.
M: What about Peter and Linda?
F: They are going on a trip this weekend with their school.
M: Oh, well. I thought that they would enjoy a family trip.
F: They probably would. But I think that they'll enjoy the school tour even more.
M: Okay. We'll go. Just the two of us.

现在我们再听老师用慢速度把整段对话念一遍, 请你注意听.

M: Kate, let's go for a drive somewhere this weekend.
F: That's a good idea. Just the two of us!
M: I thought that the whole family could go together.
F: I'm afraid that the kids can't. Jenny is staying at the university this weekend to study.
M: What about Peter and Linda?
F: They are going on a trip this weekend with their school.
M: Oh, well. I thought that they would enjoy a family trip.
F: They probably would. But I think that they'll enjoy the school tour even more.
M: Okay. We'll go. Just the two of us.

刚才那段对话里有些句子包含了我们今天要学的语法, 现在我请两位老师再把这些句子念出来给你听.

M: Let's go for a drive somewhere this weekend.
M: I thought that the whole family could go together.
F: I'm afraid that the kids can't.
M: I thought that they would enjoy a family trip.
F: I think that they'll enjoy the school tour even more.


首先我们学习 let's 也就是 let us 的用法. 这两个字用在一个句子的开头可以表示 "我们作什么事情吧!" 比方: "我们开车兜风去吧!" 这句话英文可以这样说: Let's go for a drive. 下面英文老师用这个词组作一些句子, 内容都是有关各种消遣活动, 比方:"滑雪" skiing, "滑冰" skating, "骑自行车" biking, "到海边去" go to the beach等等. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着老师重复一遍.

M: Let's go for a drive.
F: Let's go for a drive.
M: Let's go skiing.
F: Let's go skiing.
M: Let's go skating.
F: Let's go skating.
M: Let's go shopping.
F: Let's go shopping.
M: Let's go biking.
F: Let's go biking.
M: Let's go to the beach.
F: Let's go to the beach.

在下面一组练习里, 先由老师念一个陈述句, 比方: "明天放假" Tomorrow is a holiday. 然后老师提出一些跟休闲活动有关系的建议, 比方: "请客" have a party, 你先把第一句话重复一遍, 再用 Let's 开头把第二句话说出来, 所以答案就是: Tomorrow is a holiday. Let's have a party. 现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Tomorrow is a holiday.
M: have a party
F: Tomorrow is a holiday. Let's have a party.
M: There is a good program on television.
M: watch it
F: There is a good program on television. Let's watch it.
M: The weather is nice.
M: go for a walk
F: The weather is nice. Let's go for a walk.
M: I would like to go swimming.
M: go to the beach
F: I would like to go swimming. Let's go to the beach.


下面我们来学习用连词 that, t-h-a-t, that 引导的宾语从句. 首先请你听两个句子. 第一个句子是: "我想." I think, 第二个句子是: "我们应该开车到海边去."We should drive to the beach. 如果把这两句话合并, 说成 "我想我们应该开车到海边去", 在英文里就必须在两句话之间加上连词 that, 所以整句话就是:I think that we should drive to the beach. 现在我们以代换练习的方式学学这类句子, 练习的内容都是说到亨利想在周未里去玩. 首先老师念一个陈述句, 接着老师念一个宾语从句, 学生就把这个宾语从句代换到原来的句子里. 在学生作练习的时候也请你一起作.

M: I think that the weather will be nice this weekend.
M: We should go somewhere.
F: I think that we should go somewhere.
M: We should drive to the beach.
F: I think that we should drive to the beach.
M: It'll be a good trip.
F: I think that it'll be a good trip.
M: You'll enjoy it.
F: I think that you'll enjoy it.

现在我们来作一些否定句. think 这个动词的用法比较特别, 比方有一句话:"我想这个周未不会下雨", 这句话英文必须这样说: I don't think that it will rain this weekend. 现在我们来练习这类句子, 先由老师念一个否定句, 比方:It won't rain this weekend. 请你把句子改成 I don't think that it will rain this weekend. 这组练习里的字都是我们以前学过的. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: It won't rain this weekend.
F: I don't think that it will rain this weekend.
M: We shouldn't stay home.
F: I don't think that we should stay home.
M: We shouldn't take the train to the beach.
F: I don't think that we should take the train to the beach.
M: It won't be a boring trip.
F: I don't think that it will be a boring trip.
M: Jenny can't come home this weekend.
F: I don't think that Jenny can come home this weekend.
M: Peter and Linda can't go on the family trip.
F: I don't think that Peter and Linda can go on the family trip.


现在我们来学习包含宾语从句的问句. 比方有一句话: "这个周未会下雨吗?" Is it going to rain this weekend? 如果把这句话改成: "你想这个周未会下雨吗?" 英文就应该这么说: Do you think that it is going to rain this weekend? 现在我们来练习这类句子,首先由老师提出一个问句,比方:"我们应该请客吗?" Should we have a party?请你把句子改成:"你想我们应该请客吗?" Do you think that we should have a party? 这组练习里的句子都跟周未的休闲活动有关系的,现在我们开始作练习.

M: Should we have a party?
F: Do you think that we should have a party?
M: Should we go for a drive?
F: Do you think that we should go for a drive?
M: Should we go to the beach?
F: Do you think that we should go to the beach?
M: Should we go skating?
F: Do you think that we should go skating?
M: Should we go skiing?
F: Do you think that we should go skiing?
M: Should we go shopping?
F: Do you think that we should go shopping?

下面我们来学怎么用简短的方式回答刚才那种问句. 比方有人问你: Do you think that it is going to rain? 如果你认为会, 你就回答说: Yes, I think so. 如果你认为不会你就回答说: No, I don't think so. 现在我们来听亨利问凯特一些问题,每问一句, 老师就会提出一个 yes 或是 no, 然后请你根据这些作肯定或是否定的答覆. 现在我们开始.

M: Do you think that it is going to rain this weekend?
F: No
F: No, I don't think so.
M: Do you think that we can drive to the beach?
F: Yes
F: Yes, I think so.
M: Do You think that it is going to be crowded there?
F: Yes
F: Yes, I think so.
M: Do you think that you will enjoy the trip?
F: Yes
F: Yes, I think so.
M: Do you think that the kids can go with us?
F: No
F: No, I don't think so.


下面我们来学动词 think 的过去式 thought, t-h-o-u-g-h-t, thought 加上连词 that再加上宾语从句的用法.比方有一句话: I thought that he would come. 这句话可以表示 "我当时就认为他会来" , 也可以表示 "我以为他会来".比方在这课的对话里, 亨利听凯特说孩子们不能一起去旅行之后, 就说: I thought that the whole family could go together. 在这种情况下,这句话就应该解释为 "我以为可
以全家一起去". 下面我们来作一组练习, 学学这种用法.首先我们听凯特说一个否定句, Jenny is not coming home. 请你把句子改成: I thought that she was. 每作完一句就请你听亨利念正确答案.

F: Jenny is not coming home this weekend.
M: I thought that she was.
F: Peter and Linda are not going with us.
M: I thought that they were.
F: We can't have a family trip this weekend.
M: I thought that we could.
F: We can't take the kids with us.
M: I thought that we could.
F: The kids won't enjoy a family trip this weekend.
M: I thought that they would.


现在我们来作今天的听力测验, 首先还是请你听一段文章, 内容是说美国家庭在周未里作什么样的休闲活动, 他们除了请朋友们过来聚一聚, 还可以参加体育活动, 还可以上街买东西等等, 有些家庭利用周未种花, 种菜或是修修房子等等. 现在请你注意听:

Most American businesses are open five days a week. American school children attend
school five days a week as well. American families usually have a two-day weekend.
The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.
Over the weekend, people spend their time in many different ways. Many families enjoy
weekends together. They may go shopping, go for a drive, or visit friends. They may also
invite friends over and have a party at home. Many American families participate in sports
during the weekend. Running, biking, playing volleyball and swimming are popular in the
summer. Skiing and skating are the favorite winter sports.
Weekends are also a time for American families to work on something in their yards or on
their houses. Many families plant flowers and have vegetable gardens. Some families
use the weekends to paint or repair their houses. For most Americans, weekends are
very busy.

刚才那段文章比较长, 等一会儿我会请老师再念一遍,现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: What is the weekend in the United States?

M: What are some of the popular summer sports for American families?

M: What kinds of work do many American families do?


Most American businesses are open five days a week. American school children attend
school five days a week as well. American families usually have a two-day weekend.
The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.
Over the weekend, people spend their time in many different ways. Many families enjoy
weekends together. They may go shopping, go for a drive, or visit friends. They may also
invite friends over and have a party at home. Many American families participate in sports
during the weekend. Running, biking, playing volleyball and swimming are popular in the
summer. Skiing and skating are the favorite winter sports.
Weekends are also a time for American families to work on something in their yards or on
their houses. Many families plant flowers and have vegetable gardens. Some families
use the weekends to paint or repair their houses. For most Americans, weekends are
very busy.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在你回答之后,请你注意听老师念正确答案.

M: What is the weekend in the United States?
F: The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.

M: What are some of the popular summer sports for American families?
F: Running, biking, playing volleyball and swimming are some of the popular summer sports    for American families.

M: What kinds of work do many American families do over the weekends?
F: They plant flowers, have vegetable gardens, work in their yards, paint or repair their




我们先学习怎么用 ask, a-s-k, ask 来表达 "请求某个人作某件事", 然后我们要用动词 remind, r-e-m-i-n-d, remind "提醒" 和 hope, h-o-p-e, hope "希望" 作一些包含了宾语从句的句子, 最后我们要学习怎么应用 "立刻" right away, r-i-g-h-t a-w-a-y, right away. 现在我们来听这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利和凯特为了准备去野餐忙碌的情况. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Did you listen to the weather report this morning?
F: Yes, I did. It will be cloudy in the afternoon. I hope that it won't rain.
M: Have you made the sandwiches yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll start right away. Did you get the soft drinks?
M: Yes, I did. They are in the refrigerator.
F: Would you put plastic knives and forks in the picnic basket? And don't forget the paper
  plates and napkins.
M: Oh, Nancy called a while ago. She told me that she would like to bring something for
the picnic.
F: I'll call her right away and ask her to bring a bottle of wine.

现在我请两位英文老师用慢速度再把对话念一遍, 请你注意听.

M: Did you listen to the weather report this morning?
F: Yes, I did. It will be cloudy in the afternoon. I hope that it won't rain.
M: Have you made the sandwiches yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll start right away.Did you get the soft drinks?
M: Yes, I did. They are in the refrigerator.
F: Would you put plastic knives and forks in the picnic basket? And don't forget the paper
  plates and napkins.
M: Oh, Nancy called a while ago. She told me that she would like to bring something for
the picnic.
F: I'll call her right away and ask her to bring a bottle of wine.

刚才那段对话里有些句子包含了我们今天要学的语法, 现在我请英文老师再把这些句子念一遍给你听.

F: I hope that it won't rain.
F: I'll start right away.
M: She told me that she would like to bring something for the picnic.
F: I'll call her right away and ask her to bring a bottle of wine.


首先我们学习怎么用 ask, a-s-k, ask 来表达 "请求". 下面老师给你念几个句子说明凯特为了野餐会请亨利帮了什么忙,比方: Kate asked Henry to get the picnic basket ready. "凯特请亨利把野餐篮子准备好" 等等. 每个句子老师念两遍.

M: Kate asked Henry to help.
F: Kate asked Henry to help.
M: Kate asked Henry to buy soft drinks.
F: Kate asked Henry to buy soft drinks.
M: Kate asked Henry to get the picnic basket ready.
F: Kate asked Henry to get the picnic basket ready.
M: Kate asded Henry to put napkins in the basket.
F: Kate asked Henry to put napkins in the basket.

下面我们来作一组代换练习, 学习怎么说 "请求别人不要作什么事",比方凯特请南希不要预备吃的, 不要作甜点, 不要为了野餐而忙碌等等. 练习的作法是由老师念一个陈述句, 然后老师给你念一个词组,请你把这个词组代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句还是请你听正确答案.

M: Kate asked Nancy not to prepare food.
M: make dessert
F: Kate asked Nancy not to make dessert.
M: bring anything to eat
F: Kate asked Nancy not to bring anything to eat.
M: get busy for the picnic
F: Kate asked Nancy not to get busy for the picnic.
M: buy expensive wine for the picnic
F: Kate asked Nancy not to buy expensive wine for the picnic.

下面一组练习是说到凯特为了准备野餐会请亨利, 南希和儿女们帮忙作的事情. 比方她请珍妮作沙拉, 请琳达装饰甜点等等. 练习的作法是老师用 ask 提出一个问题, 接着老师给你念一个词组, 请你用这个词组来回答问题. 下面就是一个例子:

M: What did Kate ask Henry to do?
M: go to the supermarket
F: She asked him to go to the supermarket.

好, 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: What did Kate ask Henry to do?
M: go to the supermarket
F: She asked him to go to the supermarket.
M: What did Kate ask Jenny to do?
M: prepare salad
F: She asked her to prepare salad.
M: what did Kate ask Linda to do?
M: decorate the dessert
F: She asked her to decorate the dessert.
M: What did Kate ask Peter to do?
M: take out the garbage
F: She asked him to take out the garbage.
M: What did Kate ask Nancy to do?
M: bring a bottle of wine
F: She asked her to bring a bottle of wine.


除了动词ask以外, "提醒" remind, r-e-m-i-n-d, remind也可以跟我们刚才学的句型配合.比方 "亨利提醒凯特听天气报告" 这句话在英文里可以这样说: Henry reminds Kate to listen to the weather report. 我们也可以把句子改成 "亨利提醒凯特说她应该听天气报告." 那么英文就应该这样说: Henry reminds Kate that she should listen to the weather report. 第二种说法就是用上了我们上一课学
过的以连词 that 引导的宾语从句. 现在我们来作一组练习比较这两种说法. 比方老师问你: Did Henry remind Kate to listen to the weather report? 你就用宾语从句肯定地回答说: Yes, he reminded her that she should listen to the wether report. 现在我们开始作练习:

M: Did Henry remind Kate to listen to the weather report?
F: Yes, he reminded her that she should listen to the weather report.
M: Did he remind her to make sandwiches?
F: Yes, he reminded her that she should make sandwiches.
M: Did he remind her to call Nancy?
F: Yes, he reminded her that she should call Nancy.
M: Did Kate remind Henry to get the picnic basket ready?
F: Yes, she reminded him that he should get the picnic basket ready.
M: Did she remind him to get plastic knives and forks?
F: Yes, she reminded him that he should get plastic knives and forks.
M: Did she remind him to put paper plates in the basket?
F: Yes,she reminded him that he should put paper plates in the basket.


现在我们再来学习宾语从句. 下面一组练习是把 "希望" hope, h-o-p-e, hope 跟宾语从句配合起来. 比方 "我希望三明治好吃",英文可以这样说: I hope that the sandwiches are good. 现在我们以代换练习的方式学学这类句子.首先老师念一个陈述句, 然后老师念一个宾语从句,学生就把这个宾语从句代换到原来的句子里. 这些句子的内容都是说凯特有什么愿望, 比方她希望野餐的时候带的东西够大家吃,公园里不会太挤, 那儿有野餐用的桌子, 长凳子等等. 请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作.

M: I hope that the weather will be nice.
M: It won't rain.
F: I hope that it won't rain.
M: We have brought enough food.
F: I hope that we have brought enough food.
M: It won't be crowded in the park.
F: I hope that it won't be crowded in the park.
M: There are tables and benches in the park.
F: I hope that there are tables and benches in the park.

下面一组练习是由凯特说一句话, 比方: "天色阴暗" The weather is cloudy, 然后老师念一个宾语从句, 比方: "快点晴朗起来" It will clear up soon, 请你用hope跟宾语从句把凯特的愿望说出来.每作完一句就请你听凯特念正确答案.

F: Nancy is not here yet.
M: She will be here soon.
F: Nancy is not here yet. I hope that she will be here soon.
F: The weather is cloudy.
M: It will clear up soon.
F: The weather is cloudy. I hope that it will clear up soon.
F: There is a lot of food.
M: You can eat more.
F: There is a lot of food. I hope that you can eat more.
F: The park is crowded.
M: There are enought tables and benches.
F: The park is crowded. I hope that there are enough tables and benches.


下面我们来学习怎么用 right away, r-i-g-h-t a-w-a-y, right away. 这个词组可以用来表示 "马上" 或是 "立刻". 比方凯特在去野餐之前提醒亨利说: "你把野餐篮子拿到外面车上去了吗? "Have you taken the picnic basket out to the car yet?亨利回答说: "没有,我立刻拿出去." No, I haven't. I'll take it out right away.下面我们用这种方式作练习, 练习的内容都是说到预备去野餐的事情,请你注意听亨利问问题, 然后请你用 right away 回答, 每作完一句就请你听凯特念出正确答案.

M: Have you made sandwiches yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll make them right away.
M: Have you told Jenny to prepare salad yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll tell her right away.
M: Have you asked Linda to decorate the dessert yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll ask her right away.
M: Have you called Nancy yet?
F: No, I haven't. I'll call her right away.

下面两个问题是由凯特提出来的, 由亨利回答. 还是请你跟刚才一样作练习.

F: Have you taken the picnic basket out to the car yet?
M: No, I haven't. I'll take it out right away.
F: Have you put the paper plates in the basket yet?
M: No, I haven't. I'll put them in right away.


首先我们还是听一段文章内容是说亨利和凯特一家人约了南希和她的丈夫一起去野餐, 两家人到附近一个公园, 那儿有一条小河, 大家坐在树荫底下吃饭,聊天儿的情况. 请你注意听, 等一会儿老师会根据这段文章来问你几个问题.

Henry's family had a picnic over the weekend. They asked their friends, Nancy and her
husband, to go with them.
On Sunday morning, Henry's wife, Kate, got up early to prepare sandwiches for the picnic.
She asked Henry to get some soft drinks. Henry told her that they were in the refrigerator.
Then Kate asked him to get the picnic basket ready. She also reminded him that he
should put paper plates and napkins in it. At 10 o'clock in the morning Nancy called and
told Henry that she would like to bring something to the picnic. Kate called her back and
asked her to bring a bottle of wine.
Nancy and her husband arrived at noon. The two families went to a nearby park. A small
river runs through the park. There were tables and benches under the trees beside the
river. The weather was cloudy but it didn't rain. Everybody enjoyed the picnic and it was
a very relaxing Sunday afternoon.

刚才那段文章你听懂了吗? 如果没有都听懂等一会儿你还有机会听.现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: Who went on the picnic over the weekend?

M: What did they take to the picnic?

M: What did they see in the park?


Henry's family had a picnic over the weekend. They asked their friends, Nancy and her
husband, to go with them.
On Sunday morning, Henry's wife, Kate, got up early to prepare sandwiches for the picnic.
She asked Henry to get some soft drinks. Henry told her that they were in the refrigerator.
Then Kate asked him to get the picnic basket ready. She also reminded him that he
should put paper plates and napkins in it. At 10 o'clock in the morning Nancy called and
told Henry that she would like to bring something to the picnic. Kate called her back and
asked her to bring a bottle of wine.
Nancy and her husband arrived at noon. The two families went to a nearby park. A small
river runs through the park. There were tables and benches under the trees beside the
river. The weather was cloudy but it didn't rain. Everybody enjoyed the picnic and it was
a very relaxing Sunday afternoon.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 每回答一个问题就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Who went on the picnic over the weekend?
F: Henry's family, Nancy and her husband went on the picnic over the weekend.

M: What did they take to the picnic?
F: They took sandwiches, soft drinks, paper plates, napkins and a bottle of wine to the

M: What did they see in the park?
F: They saw a river, trees, tables and benches in the park.




在这一课里, 我们要学习以 that, t-h-a-t, that, which, w-h-i-c-h, which 和 who,w-h-o, who 开头的短句. 这种短句在整个句子里有修饰的功用. 首先我们还是听一段对话, 内容是说彼得和玛丽快要毕业了, 两个人见面谈起毕业典礼的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Next week we graduate from high school. I can hardly wait.
M: But first there are two more examinations which I have to pass.
F: And there are three more papers that I have to write.
M: Did you get your cap and robe for the graduation ceremony?
F: Yes, but the robe which they gave me is too long. The person who gave it to me told me to
  take it back.
M: The one that they gave me is too short. Maybe we should trade.

在刚才那段对话里有些句子包含了用 that, which 和 who 开头的短句, 现在我请英文老师再把这些句子念一遍给你听.

M: There are two more examinations which I have to pass.
F: There are three more papers that I have to write.
F: The robe which they gave me is too long.
F: The person who gave it to me told me to take it back.
M: The one that they gave me is too short.


听了刚才那段对话, 你可能已经注意到用一个短句来修饰一个词的时候, 它的位置是在那个词的后面,比方: "穿着长礼服戴着方帽子的学生," 英文应该这样说:The students that wear long robes and caps with square tops. 现在我们来练习这类句子, 每个句子都跟彼得和玛丽快要毕业有关系. 现在请你注意听男老师念句子. 然后跟着女老师把句子重复一遍.

M: There are two more examinations that Peter has to pass.
F: There are two more examinations that Peter has to pass.
M: There are three more papers that Mary has to write.
F: There are three more papers that Mary has to write.
M: Most students that graduate this year will attend the graduation ceremony.
F: Most students that graduate this year will attend the graduation ceremony.
M: The students that wear long robes and caps with square tops are graduating.
F: The students that wear long robes and caps with square tops are graduating.


刚才那些句子里用来修饰的短句都是用that 开头的, that 可以用来指人或是东西. 但是在专门指东西或事情的时候可以用 which, w-h-i-c-h, which 代替. The robe that they gave Mary is too long. 这句话也可以这样说: The robe which they gave Mary is too long. 下面我们作一组练习, 学学这种句子, 练习的作法是由老师用 "什么" what 提出一个问句, 比方 "什么是文凭?" What is a diploma? 然后老师念一个用 which开头的短句修饰的词, 比方 "高中毕业生得到的文件" The paper which a high
school graduate receives, 所以刚才那个问题的答案就是: "文凭是高中毕业生得到的文件." A diploma is the paper which a high school graduate receives. 在这组练习里, 你可以学习到怎么用英文来解释什么是 "学位" degree, d-e-g-r-e-e,degree, 什么是 "毕业舞会" prom, p-r-o-m, prom 等等. 现在请你注意听老师问问题, 并且在学生回答问题的时候也一起回答.

M: What is a graduation robe?
M: the robe which the graduates wear
F: A graduation robe is the robe which the graduates wear.
M: What is a graduation ceremony?
M: a ceremony which the graduates attend
F: A graduation ceremony is a ceremony which the graduates attend.
M: What is a diploma?
M: the paper which a high school graduate receives
F: A diploma is the paper which a high school graduate receives.
M: What is a degree?
M: the paper which a university or college graduate receives
F: A degree is the paper which a university or college graduate receives.
M: What is a prom?
M: the dance which the graduates go to
F: A prom is the dance which the graduates go to.


下面我们来学习用 who, w-h-o, who 作刚才那种短句, 比方有一句话: "老师就是教书的人" A teacher is a person who teaches. 在这句话里, who 指的就是"人" person p-e-r-s-o-n, person.
下面我们来作一组练习,首先由老师提出一个疑问句. 比方: "谁将在典礼上致辞?" Who will give a speech at the ceremony? 接着老师念出一个用 who 开头的短句修饰的词. 比方: "参加毕业典礼的官员们" The officials who attend the graduation ceremony. 所以刚才那个问题的答案就是: "参加毕业典礼的官员们将在典礼上致辞
." The officials who attend the graduation ceremony will give
a speech at the ceremony. 现在请你注意听老师问问题, 并且在学生回答问题的时候也一起回答.

M: Who will wear long robes and caps with square tops?
M: the students who graduate
F: The students who graduate will wear long robes and caps with square tops.
M: Who will attend the graduation ceremony?
M: the students who graduate
F: The students who graduate will attend the graduation ceremony.
M: Who will receive a diploma?
M: the students who graduate from high schools
F: The students who graduate from high schools will receive a diploma.
M: Who will receive a degree?
M: the students who graduate from universities or colleges
F: The students who graduate from universities or colleges will receive a degree.
M: Who will make a speech at the ceremony?
M: the graduate who has the best record in school
F: The graduate who has the best record in school will make a speech at the ceremony.


现在我们再来学习用短句. 在刚才作的几组练习里用的短句都是用来修饰主语的. 下面我们要用这种短句来修饰宾语. 比方有一句话: "父母和朋友向毕业的学生祝贺. "Parents and friends congratulated the students who graduated. 在这句话里, 短句 who graduated 修饰句子里的宾语 the students.
下面我们来作一组练习把两句简单的话合并成用短句修饰宾语的句子. 练习的作法是这样的: 老师先念一个句子 "彼得跟学生闲谈" Peter chatted with the students, 接着老师又念第二个句子 "典礼中坐在他附近的学生" The students sat near him at the ceremony.请你用 who 把第二个句子改为短句, 用来修饰第一句话里的 "学生", 所以答案就是 Peter chatted with the students who sat near him at the ceremony. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句还是请你听正确答案.

M: Peter talked to the student.
M: The student gave a speech at the graduation ceremony.
F: Peter talked to the student who gave a speech at the graduation ceremony.
M: Peter chatted with the students.
M: The students sat near him at the ceremony.
F: Peter chatted with the students who sat near him at the ceremony.
M: Parents and friends congratulated the students.
M: The students graduated.
F: Parents and friends congratulated the students who graduated.
M: Students met their friends and relatives.
M: Their friends and relatives came to the graduation ceremony.
F: Students met their friends and relatives who came to the graduation ceremony.
M: The graduates took pictures of their friends.
M: Their friends were in the same classes.
F: The graduates took pictures of their friends who were in the same classes.

下面我们用同样的方式练习怎么用以 which 开头的短句来形容一个句子的宾语, 比方老师说: "学生听演讲" Students listened to the speech. 接着老师又说:"校长在典礼中演讲" The principal gave a speech at the ceremony. 你就把第二句话改成短句来修饰第一句话里的宾语 " 演讲", 所以正确答案就是 Students listened to the speech which the principal gave at the ceremony. 好, 现在我们开
始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Mary didn't like the robe.
M: She got the robe for the graduation ceremony.
F: Mary didn't like the robe which she got for the graduation ceremony.
M: Mary wore the robe.
M: She traded the robe with Peter.
F: Mary wore the robe which she traded with Peter.
M: Students listened to the speech.
M: The principal gave a speech at the ceremony.
F: Students listened to the speech which the principal gave at the ceremony.
M: Students were very happy to receive the diplomas.
M: They earned the diplomas.
F: Students were very happy to receive the diplomas which they earned.
M: Students showed each other the pictures.
M: They took the pictures.
F: Students showed each other the pictures which they took.
M: Students danced to the music.
M: The band played music at the prom.
F: Students danced to the music which the band played at the prom.


今天我们要听的文章是谈到美国中学和大学的毕业典礼. 文章里许多句子都是我们刚才练习过的, 比方哪些学生可以毕业, 在典礼上谁致辞, 典礼之后举行毕业舞会, 毕业典礼是令人回味的活动等等. 现在请你注意听.

In American high schools and colleges, the last day of the school year is graduation day.
The students who finish their last year in the school will graduate.
The graduation ceremony is often in the school gymnasium. The people who come to
watch the graduation are teachers, parents and friends of the graduates. Those students
who will graduate will wear long robes and caps with square tops. The graduate who has
the best record in school will make a speech. The school principal and other officials will
also make speeches. Then each graduate will receive a piece of paper which has his
name and the name of the school. The paper which the students receive in high school is
a diploma. The paper which the students receive in college is a degree.
After the ceremony, students often chat with their teachers, friends and relatives who come
to congratulate them. They take pictures of each other. They will show each other these
pictures a few nights later at the graduation prom. Graduation is a memorable event.

刚才那段文章你听懂了吗? 等一会儿我会请英文老师再用慢速度念一遍给你听. 现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: Who attends the graduation ceremony?

M: What do graduates do at the ceremony?

M: What do students often do after the ceremony?


In American high schools and colleges, the last day of the school year is graduation day.
The students who finish their last year in the school will graduate.
The graduation ceremony is often in the school gymnasium. The people who come to
watch the graduation are teachers, parents and friends of the graduates. Those students
who will graduate will wear long robes and caps with square tops. The graduate who has
the best record in school will make a speech. The school principal and other officials will
also make speeches. Then each graduate will receive a piece of paper which has his
name and the name of the school. The paper which the students receive in high school is
a diploma. The paper which the students receive in college is a degree.
After the ceremony, students often chat with their teachers, friends and relatives who come
to congratulate them. They take pictures of each other. They will show each other these
pictures a few nights later at the graduation prom. Graduation is a memorable event.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题, 回答之后请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Who attends the graduation ceremony?
F: The school principal, officials,the graduates, their teachers, parents and friends attend
  the graduation ceremony.

M: What do graduates do at the ceremony?
F: They listen to speeches, and they receive diplomas or degrees.

M: What do students often do after the ceremony?
F: They chat with their teachers, friends and relatives.They also take pictures of each other.





在这一课里, 我们学习用 where, w-h-e-r-e, where, whom, w-h-o-m, whom 和when, w-h-e-n, when 作短句. 这些短句在句子里分别说明地点, 人物和时间. 现在我们来听彼得和玛丽两人之间的一段对话. 这段对话包含了我刚才提到的三种短句的用法. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Are you going anywhere on vacation this summer?
M: Yes, we're going back to a national park in California where we went camping
  last summer.
F: How nice! We're going to California too.
M: Are you going to the resort where you used to go on vacation?
F: Yes, and we're going to visit people whom we met there before.
M: When are you coming back?
F: I don't know the exact date; but I'll call you on the day when I get home.


F: Are you going anywhere on vacation this summer?
M: Yes, we're going back to a national park in California where we went camping
  last summer.
F: How nice! We're going to California too.
M: Are you going to the resort where you used to go on vacation?
F: Yes, and we're going to visit people whom we met there before.
M: When are you coming back?
F: I don't know the exact date; but I'll call you on the day when I get home.


M: We're going back to a national park in California where we went camping last summer.
M: Are you going to the resort where you used to go on vacation?
F: We're going to visit people whom we met there before.
F: I'll call you on the day when I get home.


听了上面的句子你可能已经注意到说明地点, 人物和时间的短句都出现在它们所修饰的词后面. 比方有一句话: " 彼得要到一个风景区去 ", 这句话英文可以这样说: Peter is going to a scenic area. 可是这究竟是一个什么样的风景区呢? 为了加以说明, 我们可以用一个以 where, w-h-e-r-e, where 开头的短句加以修饰, 比方: "他可以搭帐篷的风景区" a scenic area where he can set up his tent 所以整句话就是: Peter is going to a scenic area where he can set up his tent. 现在我们来作一组代换练习. 老师先说: a national park where he can relax, "一个他可以去调剂身心的国家公园 ", 接着老师说:"找到许多植物" find many plants,学生就把老师提出的字或词代换到短句里念出来, 答案就是:a national park where he can find many plants.现在我们开始作练习. 学生作的时候请你也一起作.

M: a national park where he can relax
M: go camping
F: a national park where he can go camping
M: set up his tent
F: a national park where he can set up his tent
M: go fishing
F: a national park where he can go fishing
M: go hiking
F: a national park where he can go hiking
M: go swimming
F: a national park where he can go swimming
M: find many plants
F: a national park where he can find many plants

刚才那组练习里的短句都是用来说明彼得所向往的国家公园. 下面一组练习是说彼得要去的地方,比方 "一个他可以用电的露营区" A camping area where he can have electricity, "一个他可以钓鱼的湖" a lake where he can go fishing 等等.我们还是以代换方式作这组练习,每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案

M: Peter is going to a national park where he can go camping.
M: a scenic area where he can set up his tent
F: Peter is going to a scenic area where he can set up his tent.
M: a camping area where he can have electricity
F: Peter is going to a camping area where he can have electricity.
M: a lake where he can go fishing
F: Peter is going to a lake where he can go fishing.
M: a forest where he can find many plants
F: Peter is going to a forest where he can find many plants.
M: a mountain where he can go hiking
F: Peter is going to a mountain where he can go hiking.
M: a place where he can relax
F: Peter is going to a place where he can relax.


下面我们来练习用 whom, w-h-o-m, whom 作修饰人物的短句. 另外有一个疑问词 who, w-h-o, who 也可以用来作短句修饰人物. 这两个字意思相同但是用法不同. 简单地说 who, w-h-o, who 代表主语, 比方认识玛丽的人 who knows Mary. 喜欢玛丽的人 who likes Mary 等等; 而 whom, w-h-o-m, whom 代表宾语,比方玛丽认识的人whom Mary knows, 玛丽喜欢的人 whom Mary likes 等等. 目前在一般谈话里代表宾语的 whom 已经慢慢被淘汰, 但是在文章或是演讲里仍然还用这个字. 下面我们来作代换练习, 学学用 whom 开头的短句形容玛丽的朋友, 比方她去年看到的朋友; 跟她一起旅行的朋友; 跟她交谈的朋友等等. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: friends whom Mary met last year
M: saw last summer
F: friends whom Mary saw last summer
M: likes very much
F: friends whom Mary likes very much
M: travelled with
F: friends whom Mary travelled with
M: chatted with
F: friends whom Mary chatted with
M: knew many years ago
F: friends whom Mary knew many years ago

下面一组练习是由老师问你一个问题, 比方 "玛丽要去探望谁? " who is Mary going to visit? 接着老师说: "她去年看到的朋友" friends whom she saw last year, 所以答案就是: Mary is going to visit friends whom she saw last year. 这组练习的内容都是说到玛丽在商业旅游区的各种活动. 现在我们开始作练习.

M: Who is Mary going to visit?
M: friends whom she saw last year
F: Mary is going to visit friends whom she saw last year.
M: Who is Mary going to have dinner with?
M: people whom she met last summer
F: Mary is going to have dinner with people whom she met last summer.
M: Who is Mary going fishing with?
M: a friend whom she likes very much
F: Mary is going fishing with a friend whom she likes very much.
M: Who is Mary going hiking with?
M: someone whom she has known for a long time
F: Mary is going hiking with someone whom she has known for a long time.
M: who is Mary going to play tennis with?
M: someone whom she travels with
F: Mary is going to play tennis with someone whom she travels with.

现在我们再来学习用 whom 作短句.下面一组练习是由老师念两个句子, 比方:"玛丽跟人们交谈" Mary chatted with people. 跟 "她去年认识他们" She met them last year. 请你把第二句话改成用 whom 开头的短句, 用来修饰第一句话里的 "人们" , 所以答案就是: 玛丽跟她去年认识的人们交谈. Mary chatted with people whom she met last year.这组练习的内容也都是有关玛丽在商业旅游区的活动. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句还是请你听正确答案.

M: Mary chatted with people.
M: She met them last year.
F: Mary chatted with people whom she met last year.
M: Mary took pictures of her friends.
M: She travelled with them.
F: Mary took pictures of her friends whom she travelled with.
M: Mary played volleyball with her friends.
M: She visited them.
F: Mary played volleyball with her friends whom she visited.
M: Mary went biking with someone.
M: She liked him very much.
F: Mary went biking with someone whom she liked very much.
M: Mary went for a drive with someone.
M: She knew her.
F: Mary went for a drive with someone whom she knew.


下面我们来学习用 when, w-h-e-n, when 开头可以说明时间的短句. 第一组练习是说彼得和父母到国家公园去露营, 第一个星期就碰上暴风雨, 帐篷被吹走了, 不得不住进父母的旅行拖车里. 下面男老师把彼得这次不愉快的经验一句一句的念出来, 每个句子都有说明时间的短句, 请你听了之后跟着女老师把句子重复一遍.

M: During the month when we went camping in the national park, we had a terrible experience. F: During the month when we went camping in the national park, we had a terrible experience. M: It happened on the day when I set up my tent.
F: It happened on the day when I set up my tent.
M: In the afternoon when we got back from fishing, it became windy.
F: In the afternoon when we got back from fishing, it became windy.
M: During the night when it started to rain heavily, I got out of my tent and went into my
  parents' trailer.
F: During the night when it started to rain heavily, I got out of my tent and went into my
parents' trailer.
M: The next morning when I got up, I found that my tent was gone.
F: The next morning when I got up, I found that my tent was gone.

在刚才那组练习里有一个字是 trailer, t-r-a-i-l-e-r, trailer, 这个字指的是美国人露营的时候常常用的拖车. 这种拖车就好象是带了轮子的房子, 里头有水电还分几间屋子. 有的拖车本身就是一辆汽车, 有的必须用一般汽车拖着. 这个字等一会儿在听力测验里还会出现. 下面老师要根据刚才那组练习提出一些问题. 请学生作肯定的答覆. 在学生回答问题的时候请你也一起回答.

M: Did Peter have a terrible experience during the month when he went camping?
F: Yes, he had a terrible experience during the month when he went camping.
M: Did it happen on the day when he set up his tent?
F: Yes, it happened on the day when he set up his tent.
M: Did it become windy in the afternoon when he got back from fishing?
F: Yes, it became windy in the afternoon when he got back from fishing.
M: Did he get into his parents' trailer during the night when it started to rain heavily?
F: Yes, he got into his parents' trailer during the night when it started to rain heavily.
M: Did he find that his tent was gone the next morning when he got up?
F: Yes, he found that his tent was gone the next morning when he got up.


今天我们要听的文章是说到美国人夏天里喜欢到国家公园去露营, 他们到那儿可以呼吸新鲜空气,可以享受湖光山色. 陶冶身心, 有的人开着旅行拖车去,有的人是在营区搭帐篷等等. 现在请你注意听.

One kind of vacation that many Americans enjoy is camping. Each summer millions of
Americans drive to the countryside where they find places to camp. The national parks,
many of which are in the mountains, are favorite camping places. Campers enjoy the fresh
air, the lakes and the forests which they find in these parks. Campers hike, swim and fish.
They can also find many kinds of animals and plants in the parks. Mostly, campers relax.
They enjoy a change from their busy lives in the city.
Some campers have trailers which they drive or pull behind their cars to their camp sites.
Trailers are like houses on wheels. They have many conveniences which people have in
their homes, such as electricity and hot water. But most campers don't have trailers.
They camp in tents which they set up in their camp sites. Campers in tents don't have the
conveniences that campers in trailers have. Tent campers enjoy a very simple life.

刚才那篇文章你听懂了多少? 如果没有全部听懂没有关系, 等一会儿还有机会听. 现在我请老师先把今天测验的问题念给你听.

M: What do campers find in the national parks?

M: Why do people enjoy camping?

M: What conveniences do campers in trailers have?


One kind of vacation that many Americans enjoy is camping. Each summer millions of
Americans drive to the countryside where they find places to camp. The national parks,
many of which are in the mountains, are favorite camping places. Campers enjoy the fresh
air, the lakes and the forests which they find in these parks. Campers hike, swim and fish.
They can also find many kinds of animals and plants in the parks. Mostly, campers relax.
They enjoy a change from their busy lives in the city.
Some campers have trailers which they drive or pull behind their cars to their camp sites.
Trailers are like houses on wheels. They have many conveniences which people have in
their homes, such as electricity and hot water. But most campers don't have trailers.
They camp in tents which they set up in their camp sites. Campers in tents don't have the
conveniences that campers in trailers have. Tent campers enjoy a very simple life.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 每回答一句就请你听正确答案.

M: What do campers find in the national parks?
F: They find fresh air, lakes, forests and many kinds of animals and plants.

M: Why do people enjoy camping?
F: They enjoy camping because they can relax and enjoy a change from their busy lives in the   city.

M: What conveniences do campers in trailers have?
F: They have electricity and hot water.




在这一课里, 我们学习过去进行式句子, 并且要学习用 when, w-h-e-n, when 跟while, w-h-i-l-e, while, 作表明时间的短句. 现在我们来听今天这一课的对话, 内容说到凯特告诉亨利她开车超速被交通
警察罚钱的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: I got a traffic ticket this afternoon.
M: Were you parking in the wrong place?
F: No, I was driving too fast.
M: How fast were you going?
F: 55 in a 35 mile per hour zone.
M: Why were you in such a hurry?
F: I left school late and I was trying to get home before the rush hour.
M: Did you make it?
F: No, when the police officer was giving me the ticket, the rush hour started. It took me
  twice as long to get home.

在刚才那段对话里有一个常用的词 rush hour, r-u-s-h h-o-u-r, rush hour 这个词指的是上下班交通最拥挤的时刻. 现在我们再把整段对话听一遍. 这次老师念的比较慢, 请你注意听.

F: I got a traffic ticket this afternoon.
M: Were you parking in the wrong place?
F: No, I was driving too fast.
M: How fast were you going?
F: 55 in a 35 mile per hour zone.
M: Why were you in such a hurry?
F: I left school late and I was trying to get home before the rush hour.
M: Did you make it?
F: No, when the police officer was giving me the ticket, the rush hour started. It took me
  twice as long to get home.

现在我把刚才那段对话里的过去进行式句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍给你听.

M: Were you parking in the wrong place?
F: I was driving too fast.
M: How fast were you going?
F: I was trying to get home before the rush hour.
F: When the police officer was giving me the ticket, the rush hour started.


听了上面那些句子,你或许已经注意到过去进行时态就是把动词加上i-n-g, 比方 "停车" park, p-a-r-k, park 变成 parking, "去" go, g-o, go 变成 going, 然后在这个动词前面斟酌情况用 was, w-a-s, was 或是 were, w-e-r-e , were. 现在我们来作一组练习, 由老师念一过去式句子, 请学生把句子改成过去进行式, 这些句子都是从刚才那段对话里挑出来的. 下面就是一个例子:

M: Did you park in the wrong place?
F: Were you parking in the wrong place?

好, 现在我们开始作练习. 学生作句子的时候请你也一起作.

M: Did you park in the wrong place?
F: Were you parking in the wrong place?
M: I drove too fast.
F: I was driving too fast.
M: How fast did you go?
F: How fast were you going?
M: I tried to get home before the rush hour.
F: I was trying to get home before the rush hour.
M: The police officer gave me a traffic ticket.
F: The police officer was giving me a traffic ticket.


在英文里过去时态是用来表示在过去某个时间里发生的事情; 而过去进行时态是用来表示在过去的一个动作已经发生的时候另外一个动作正在进行中. 这种句子只有在对话中才能够单独存在, 所以我们必须在刚才练习过的过去进行式句子后面分别加上一个用 when, w-h-e-n, when 开头的短句来说明过去两个动作的先后程序. 比方 "交通警察在写罚款单给我的时候,交通就开始拥挤起来了" 这句话应该这样说: The rush hour started when the police officer was giving me a traffic ticket. 现在我们来作一组练习, 把刚才学过的句子加上时间短句. 练习的作法是先由老师念一个有时间短句的过去进行式句子,然后你会听到一个简短的答覆,请你根据你所听到的来回答问题. 首先我们举一个例子:

M: How fast were you going when the police officer stopped you?
F: 55 miles per hour
F: I was going 55 miles per hour when the police officer stopped me.

好, 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Were you parking in the wrong place when you got a traffic ticket?
F: No
F: No, I wasn't parking in the wrong place when I got a traffic ticket.
M: Were you driving too fast when you got a traffic ticket?
F: Yes
F: Yes, I was driving too fast when I got a traffic ticket.
M: How fast were you going when the police officer stopped you?
F: 55 miles per hour
F: I was driving 55 miles per hour when the police officer stopped me.
M: Were you trying to get home before the rush hour when the police officer stopped you?
F: Yes
F: Yes, I was trying to get home before the rush hour when the police officer stopped me.
M: Was the police officer giving you a ticket when the rush hour started?
F: Yes
F: Yes, the police officer was giving me a ticket when the rush hour started.

下面我们用代换方式作另外一组练习. 在这组练习里用 when 开头的短句包含的是过去进行时态动词, 比方亨利问凯特: "在你超速的时候你知道时速限制是多少吗?" Did you know the speed limit when you were speeding? 这个练习谈的都是亨利问凯特关于她开车超速的时候的事情. 在这组练习里, 你可以学到跟交通有关系的几个词, 比方 "时速限制" speed limit, s-p-e-e-d l-i-m-i-t, speed limit, "规则" regulation, r-e-g-u-l-a-t-i-o-n, regulation, "交通标志" traffic sign,t-r-a-f-f-i-c s-i-g-n, traffic sign, "交通信号灯" traffic light, t-r-a-f-f-i-c l-i-g-h-t, traffic light, "公路" highway, h-i-g-h-w-a-y, highway 等等. 现在我们开始作练习.

M: Did you know the speed limit when you were speeding?
M: did you know the regulation
F: Did you know the regulation when you were speeding?
M: did you see the police car
F: Did you see the police car when you were speeding?
M: did you see the traffic sign
F: Did you see the traffic sign when you were speeding?
M: did you see the traffic light
F: Did you see the traffic light when you were speeding?
M: what was the speed limit
F: What was the speed limit when you were speeding?
M: how was the traffic
F: How was the traffic when you were speeding?
M: were you on the highway
F: Were you on the highway when you were speeding?
M: were you in a hurry
F: Were you in a hurry when you were speeding?


现在我们来学习用 while, w-h-i-l-e, while 作表明时间的过去进行语态短句. 这个字跟我们学过的 when 意思相同,但是在用法上有一些区别. while 只能跟进行语态一起用, 而 when 不受这个限制. 一般说来过去的两个动作同时都在进行的时候比较常用 while. 下面我们来作一组练习, 内容还是谈到亨利问凯特有关她被交通警察拦下来的事情. 现在请你根据亨利问的问题作肯定的答覆.每作完一句就请你听正确的答案.

M: Were you talking to the police officer while he was writing the ticket?
F: Yes, I was talking to him while he was writing the ticket.
M: Were you looking at him while he was writing the ticket?
F: Yes, I was looking at him while he was writing the ticket.
M: Were you listening to the radio while you were waiting in your car?
F: Yes, I was listening to the radio while I was waiting in my car.
M: Were you smoking while you were waiting in your car?
F: Yes, I was smoking while I was waiting in my car.
M: Were you thinking while you were smoking?
F: Yes, I was thinking while I was smoking.

下面我们来作另外一组练习, 内容是说凯特向亨利说明她开车的时候并没有在吃东西或是在打电话等等. 练习的作法是凯特先念一个句子, 接着你会听到亨利说出一个动作, 比方 "打电话" making a telephone call 或是 "作白日梦"daydreaming 等等. 请你用亨利说的字或是词来代换原来句子里第一个动词.每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

F: I wasn't eating while I was driving.
M: drinking
F: I wasn't drinking while I was driving.
M: sleeping
F: I wasn't sleeping while I was driving.
M: making a telephone call
F: I wasn't making a telephone call while I was driving.
M: daydreaming
F: I wasn't daydreaming while I was driving.
M: singing
F: I wasn't singing while I was driving.

下面一组练习是由老师念出两个过去式句子, 请学生把句子改成过去进行时态并且用 while 把两个句子合并成一个句子. 首先举个例子.

M: Henry watched television at home. The police officer gave Kate a ticket.
F: Henry was watching television while the police officer was giving Kate a ticket.

这组练习的内容是说当警察把罚款单给凯特的时候,别人都在作什么. 现在请你注意听老师念句子, 并且在学生作句子的时候也一起作.

M: Henry watched television at home. The police officer gave Kate a ticket.
F: Henry was watching television at home while the police officer was giving Kate a ticket.
M: Peter camped in a national park. Henry watched television at home.
F: Peter was camping in a national park while Henry was watching television at home.
M: Mary hiked in a forest.Peter camped in a national park.
F: Mary was hiking in a forest while Peter was camping in a national park.
M: Linda looked at Peter's graduation pictures. Mary hiked in a forest.
F: Linda was looking at Peter's graduation pictures while Mary was hiking in a forest.
M: Jenny studied in her dormitory. Linda looked at Peter's graduation pictures.
F: Jenny was studying in her dormitory while Linda was looking at Peter's graduation
M: The police officer gave Kate a ticket. Jenny studied in her dormitory.
F: The police officer was giving Kate a ticket while Jenny was studying in her dormitory.


首先我们来听一篇文章, 内容是说在美国街道和公路上开车有什么限制,比方要是有人开车超速, 警察就会写罚款单给他; 要是有人一连拿了好几张罚款单就可能暂时不准开车等等. 现在请你注意听.

Many regulations govern drivers on American streets and highways. The most common ones are the speed limits. The speed limit regulates how fast a car may go.
On streets in the city, the speed limit is usually 25 or 35 miles per hour. On the highways
between cities, the speed limit is usually 55 miles per hour. When people drive faster than
the speed limit, a policeman can stop them. The policeman gives them pieces of paper which people call traffic tickets. Traffic tickets tell the drivers how much money they must pay. When drivers receive too many tickets, they probably cannot drive for a while. The rush hour is when people are going to work or going home from work. At rush hour there are many cars on the streets and traffic moves very slowly. Nearly all American cities have rush hours. Drivers do not get tickets very often for speeding during the rush hours because they cannot drive fast.

刚才那篇文章你听懂了吗? 如果没全部听懂, 不要紧, 等一会儿我请英文老师再念一遍给你听. 现在我们先来听今天测验的问题.

M: What are the speed limits on American streets and highways?

M: What will happen when people drive faster than the speed limit?

M: How is the traffic during the rush hour?


Many regulations govern drivers on American streets and highways. The most common ones are the speed limits. The speed limit regulates how fast a car may go.
On streets in the city, the speed limit is usually 25 or 35 miles per hour. On the highways
between cities, the speed limit is usually 55 miles per hour. When people drive faster than
the speed limit, a policeman can stop them. The policeman gives them pieces of paper which people call traffic tickets. Traffic tickets tell the drivers how much money they must pay. When drivers receive too many tickets, they probably cannot drive for a while. The rush hour is when people are going to work or going home from work. At rush hour there are many cars on the streets and traffic moves very slowly. Nearly all American cities have rush hours. Drivers do not get tickets very often for speeding during the rush hours because they cannot drive fast.

好, 现在请你回答下面三个问题.

M: What are the speed limits on American streets and highways?
F: On streets in the city, the speed limit is usually 25 or 35 miles per hour. On the      highways,the speed limit is usually 55 miles per hour.

M: What will happen when people drive faster than the speed limit?
F: A policeman can stop them and give them tickets.

M: How is the traffic during the rush hour?
F: The traffic is usually very slow during the rush hour.




在这一课里,我们要学习被动语态. 比方有一句话: "我们的车修好了." Our car was repaired. 在这句话里, 主语 "车" car 就是动作 "修理" repair 的对象. 现在我们来听一段包含了被动语态句子的对话, 内容是说凯特跟亨利从修汽车谈到上成人学校的事情. 请你注意听两位英文教师的发音和语调.

M: Kate, our car needs to be fixed again.
F: But it was just repaired a few months ago.
M: I know. Maybe the repair job wasn't done well.
F: I hope that it will be fixed this time.
M: I hope so too. I wish I knew about car repair.
F: Why don't you learn? I'm sure courses are offered on car repair at Seattle Community
M: That's a good idea. I wonder when courses begin.
F: Let's get a school catalogue and see what courses are scheduled. I'd like to take a    
computer course.
M: Imagine, Kate, you and I going back to school.


M: Kate, our car needs to be fixed again.
F: But it was just repaired a few months ago.
M: I know. Maybe the repair job wasn't done well.
F: I hope that it will be fixed this time.
M: I hope so too. I wish I knew about car repair.
F: Why don't you learn? I'm sure courses are offered on car repair at Seattle Community
M: That's a good idea. I wonder when courses begin.
F: Let's get a school catalogue and see what courses are scheduled. I'd like to take a    
computer course.
M: Imagine, Kate, you and I going back to school.


M: Our car needs to be fixed again.
F: It was repaired a few months ago.
M: Maybe the repair job wasn't done well.
F: I hope that it will be fixed this time.
F: Courses are offered on car repair.
M: Let's see what courses are scheduled.


听了上面的句子,或许你已经注意到被动语态就是以助动词 be, b-e, be加上及物动词的过去分词构成的.
现在我请英文老师念一些句子把主动语态和被动语态作个比较. 句子的内容都是有关修理汽车的事情. 比方, 男老师说: " 修车工人装了新刹车." The mechanic installed new brakes. 女老师就用被动语态说: "刹车装好了." New brakes were installed. 现在我们开始. 请你注意听.

M: The mechanic repaired the car.
F: The car was repaired.
M: The mechanic did the repair job.
F: The repair job was done.
M: The mechanic changed the oil.
F: The oil was changed.
M: The mechanic installed new brakes.
F: New brakes were installed.

下面我们要比较否定句的主动语态和被动语态;句子的内容还是说到修车, 比方修车工人没有检查引擎, 没有换电池等等. 请你注意听.

M: The mechanic didn't fix the car.
F: The car wasn't fixed.
M: The mechanic didn't check the engine.
F: The engine wasn't checked.
M: The mechanic didn't change the battery.
F: The battery wasn't changed.
M: The mechanic didn't wash the car.
F: The car wasn't washed.

在今天这一课的对话里, 亨利和凯特除了谈修车以外, 还谈到社区大学为了让成人进修而在晚上设立的成人教育计划. 下面一组练习谈的就是成人教育计划. 比方他们排了很多课, 寄出了学校目录, 招收成人学生, 使学生的生活更充实等等.练习的作法是由男老师念主动语态句子, 请你把句子改成被动语态说出来. 每作完一句就请你听女老师念正确答案.

M: They offered various courses at night.
F: Various courses were offered at night.
M: They scheduled various courses at night.
F: Various courses were scheduled at night.
M: They sent out catalogues.
F: Catalogues were sent out.
M: They enrolled adult students at night.
F: Adult students were enrolled at night.
M: They enriched adult students' lives.
F: Adult students' lives were enriched.

刚才我们练习的都是过去式句子, 现在我们练习把那些句子改成现在完成式.现在完成式被动语态就是用 have been 或是 has been加上及物动词的过去分词. 练习的作法是老师用疑问词提出问句,接着老师念一个字或是词, 请你用你听到的回答问题. 每作完一句还是请你听正确答案.

M: What has been offered?
M: various courses
F: Various courses have been offered.
M: What has been scheduled?
M: various courses
F: Various courses have been scheduled.
M: What has been sent out?
M: catalogues
F: Catalogues have been sent out.
M: Who has been enrolled?
M: adult students
F: Adult students have been enrolled.
M: Whose lives have been enriched?
M: adult students'
F: Adult students' lives have been enriched.

下面一组练习是说人们为什么要上成人学校, 比方他们要受更多教育,需要更多知识; 他们也需要受特别训练, 得到特别技能, 以便找新职业和更好的工作等等. 练习的作法是老师念现在式主动语态句子,学生就用 is 或是 are 加上动词 "需要" 的过去分词 needed, 把句子改成被动语态说出来. 学生作练习的时
候, 请你也一起作.

M: Students need more education.
F: More education is needed
M: Students need more knowledge.
F: More knowledge is needed.
M: Students need special training.
F: Special training is needed.
M: Students need special skills.
F: Special skills are needed.
M: Students need new professions.
F: New professions are needed.
M: Students need better jobs.
F: Better jobs are needed.

刚才那个练习里有些字可能你不太熟, 现在我们再把练习里的被动语态句子重复练习一下. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着老师重复一遍.

M: More education is needed.
F: More education is needed.
M: More knowledge is needed.
F: More knowledge is needed.
M: Special training is needed.
F: Special training is needed.
M: Special skills are needed.
F: Special skills are needed.
M: New professions are needed.
F: New professions are needed.
M: Better jobs are needed.
F: Better jobs are needed.

刚才我们用被动语态句子叙述了学生的需要; 现在我们作一组练习, 看看成人学校应该教什么课程. 比方有一句话: "他们应该教工程学" They should teach engineering. 这句话改成被动语态就应该把should teach 变成 should be taught, 整句话应该是: Engineering should be taught. 这组练习的作法是由老师把刚才那句话念一遍, 接着老师念出一个课程的名称, 比方: "会计学"accounting. "通讯学" communication, "铅管业" plumbing, "修理电动设备"electrical repair, "先进技术" advanced technology 等等, 学生就把老师提出的字或是词代换到句子里. 现在我们开始作练习. 学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Engineering should be taught.
M: computer science
F: Computer science should be taught.
M: accounting
F: Accounting should be taught.
M: communication
F: Communication should be taught.
M: plumbing
F: Plumbing should be taught.
M: electrical repair
F: Electrical repair should be taught.
M: foreign languages
F: Foreign languages should be taught.
M: advanced technology
F: Advanced technology should be taught.

除了助动词 should 以外, 包含其它助动词的句子, 在变成被动语态的时候 也都是在助动词后面加上 be 再加上动词的过去分词. 比方: Engineering will be taught. Engineering can be taught 跟 Engineering might be taught 等等. 这种变化等一会儿我们还有机会练习. 下面我们练习用现在进行式被动语态来叙述成人学校这个学期正在教什么课. 老师先念一个主动语态句子, 学生就用 is 或是 are 加上 being, b-e-i-n-g, being 再加上动词的过去分词构成被动语态说出来. 在学生作练习的时候, 请你跟着一起作.

M: They are teaching electrical repair this term.
F: Electrical repair is being taught this term.
M: They are teaching advanced technology this term.
F: Advanced technology is being taught this term.
M: They are teaching communication this term.
F: Communication is being taught this term.
M: They are teaching foreign languages this term.
F: Foreign languages are being taught this term.
M: They are teaching computers this term.
F: Computers are being taught this term.
M: They are teaching engineering and accounting this term.
F: Engineering and accounting are being taught this term.

下面我们把刚才那组练习里的被动语态句子重复练习一下. 请你听一遍跟着老师重复一遍.

M: Electrical repair is being taught this term.
F: Electrical repair is being taught this term.
M: Advanced technology is being taught this term.
F: Advanced technology is being taught this term.
M: Communication is being taught this term.
F: Communication is being taught this term.
M: Foreign languages are being taught this term.
F: Foreign languages are being taught this term.
M: Computers are being taught this term.
F: Computers are being taught this term.
M: Engineering and accounting are being taught this term.
F: Engineering and accounting are being taught this term.

刚才我们作的几组练习都是说到成人学校的课程, 现在我们要作一组练习谈谈成人学校的贡献,比方成人学校可以满足人们多受教育的需求,可以使人们事业更发达, 生活更充实; 要是人们学会自己修东西就可以避免出高价请别人来修等等. 练习的作法是老师说出一个将来式被动语态句子, 请你把句子里的 will be 改成 is going to be 或是 are going to be 说出来, 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Older people's careers will be enhanced.
F: Older people's careers are going to be enhanced.
M: Their lives will be enriched.
F: Their lives are going to be enriched.
M: High costs for repairs will be avoided.
F: High costs for repairs are going to be avoided.
M: The demand for more education will be met.
F: The demand for more education is going to be met.


在下一课里我们还有机会练习被动语态. 现在我们来听今天这一课的文章.这篇文章谈到美国成人教育计划的课程和功用. 文章里的词汇都是我们刚才练习过的. 现在请你注意听.

Millions of people are enrolled in evening adult education programs across America.
Community colleges have become popular and their enrollments have increased rapidly.
Large universities are offering more courses in the evenings for adult students. In this way,the demand for more education is being met.
One reason for this is that many older people are changing their professions. They are
looking for different careers. Another reason is that repair costs have increased.
Adults are taking courses like plumbing and electrical repair. This way they hope that the
high costs for repairs can be avoided.
Advanced technology is the most important reason for the rise in adult education.
Engineers, teachers and businessmen are taking adult education classes. They have
found that more education is needed to do their jobs well. Various courses are offered.
Computers and business courses are taken by many adult students. Foreign languages,
accounting and communication courses are also popular. Some students attend classes
to earn degrees. Others take courses for the knowledge and skills that they can receive.
The lives of many people have been enriched because of adult education.

等一会儿我再请英文老师把文章念一遍, 现在请你先听今天测验的三个问题.

M: Where can one take adult education courses?

M: Why has adult education become popular?

M: What are some of the courses offered in adult education programs?

好, 现在我们再把文章听一遍. 这次老师念得比较慢, 请你特别注意上面三个问题的答案.

Millions of people are enrolled in evening adult education programs across America.
Community colleges have become popular and their enrollments have increased rapidly.
Large universities are offering more courses in the evenings for adult students. In this way,the demand for more education is being met.
One reason for this is that many older people are changing their professions. They are
looking for different careers. Another reason is that repair costs have increased.
Adults are taking courses like plumbing and electrical repair. This way they hope that the
high costs for repairs can be avoided.
Advanced technology is the most important reason for the rise in adult education.
Engineers, teachers and businessmen are taking adult education classes. They have
found that more education is needed to do their jobs well. Various courses are offered.
Computers and business courses are taken by many adult students. Foreign languages,
accounting and communication courses are also popular. Some students attend classes
to earn degrees. Others take courses for the knowledge and skills that they can receive.
The lives of many people have been enriched because of adult education.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 每回答一句就请你听老师念正确答案.


M: Where can one take adult education courses?
F: One can take adult education courses in a community college or university.

M: Why has adult education become popular?
F: Changing professions, high costs for repairs and advanced technology are some of the reasons for the rise in adult education.

M: What are some of the courses offered in adult education programs?
F: Plumbing, electrical repair, foreign languages, accounting and communication are some of   the courses offered in adult education programs.




在这一课里, 我们还是学习被动语态. 我们要把不同的动词用在不同时态的被动语态句子里, 反覆练习.
首先我们还是依照惯例听一段对话. 这段对话的内容是说亨利跟同事南希谈到办公室的各种变动. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: What's going on around here? All the offices were changed.
F: Haven't you heard? Where have you been, anyway?
M: I was sent to Chicago. I just got back.
F: Well, a lot of changes were made last week. For one thing, Marta was transferred.
M: Where is she now? Was she promoted?
F: Yes, she was transferred to the main office downtown.
M: I see. What about you? Were you promoted too?
F: No, at least not yet. But I was given a new office.
M: It's very nice. Congratulations!

现在我们把整段对话再听一遍, 请你注意听.

M: What's going on around here? All the offices were changed.
F: Haven't you heard? Where have you been, anyway?
M: I was sent to Chicago. I just got back.
F: Well, a lot of changes were made last week. For one thing, Marta was transferred.
M: Where is she now? Was she promoted?
F: Yes, she was transferred to the main office downtown.
M: I see. What about you? Were you promoted too?
F: No, at least not yet. But I was given a new office.
M: It's very nice. Congratulations!


M: All the offices were changed.
M: I was sent to Chicago.
F: A lot of changes were made last week.
F: Marta was transferred.
M: Was she promoted?
F: She was transferred to the main office downtown.
M: Were you promoted too?
F: I was given a new office.


听了上面那些句子, 你或许已经注意到每个句子都只是提到接受动作的对象而没有提到这些动作的执行者, 比方我们不知道是谁把玛尔塔调走了, 是谁给了南希一间新的办公室等等. 其实在英文里凡是不知道谁是动作执行者,或者这点并不重要的时候就常常用被动语态来表达意思. 下面我们作一组练习, 由男老师用 quot;某个人 quot; someone 把刚才对话里的一些句子用主动语态说出来,接着女老师把句子改成被动语态疑问句, 你听了问句之后请你用被动语态作肯定的答覆. 首先我们举一个例子:

M: Someone changed all the offices.
F: Were all the offices changed?
M: Yes, all the offices were changed.

现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Someone changed all the offices.
F: Were all the offices changed?
M: Yes, all the offices were changed.
M: Someone sent Henry to Chicago.
F: Was Henry sent to Chicago?
M: Yes, Henry was sent to Chicago.
M: Someone made a lot of changes.
F: Were a lot of changes made?
M: Yes, a lot of changes were made.
M: Someone transferred Marta.
F: Was Marta transferred?
M: Yes, Marta was transferred.
M: Someone promoted Marta.
F: Was Marta promoted?
M: Yes, Marta was promoted.
M: Someone gave Nancy a new office.
F: Was Nancy given a new office?
M: Yes, Nancy was given a new office.

下面我们来复习不同时态的被动语态句子. 练习的作法是老师念一个过去式被动语态句子, 接着老师念出一部份动词词组, 然后学生就把词组代换到句子里形成另外一种时态, 学生作练习的时候请你注意听.

M: Several changes were made in the office.
M: have been
F: Several changes have been made in the office.
M: will be
F: Several changes will be made in the office.
M: can be
F: Several changes can be made in the office.
M: should be
F: Several changes should be made in the office.
M: need to be
F: Several changes need to be made in the office.
M: are going to be
F: Several changes are going to be made in the office.
M: are being
F: Several changes are being made in the office.

下面我们按照刚才那个练习的作法, 一方面复习被动语态, 一方面学习一些有关办公室活动的词汇. 现在我们开始作练习, 请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作.

M: Company policies were established.
M: have been
F: Company policies have been established.
M: need to be
F: Company policies need to be established.
M: will be
F: Company policies will be established.
M: The company policies were carried out.
M: are
F: The company policies are carried out.
M: are being
F: The company policies are being carried out.
M: are going to be
F: The company policies are going to be carried out.
M: Office workers were supervised.
M: should be
F: Office workers should be supervised.
M: can be
F: Office workers can be supervised.
M: need to be
F: Office workers need to be supervised.
M: Office employees were trained.
M: are going to be
F: Office employees are going to be trained.
M: are being
F: Office employees are being trained.
M: have been
F: Office employees have been trained.
M: Education was emphasized.
M: has been
F: Education has been emphasized.
M: is
F: Education is emphasized.
M: needs to be
F: Education needs to be emphasized.
M: Business courses were offered.
M: will be
F: Business courses will be offered.
M: are going to be
F: Business courses are going to be offered.
M: are being
F: Business courses are being offered.
M: The graduates were placed in management jobs.
M: should be
F: The graduates should be placed in management jobs.
M: are being
F: The graduates are being placed in management jobs.
M: are
F: The graduates are placed in management jobs.
M: People with ability were selected.
M: will be
F: People with ability will be selected.
M: are
F: People with ability are selected.
M: have been
F: People with ability have been selected.
M: A responsible worker was promoted.
M: should be
F: A responsible worker should be promoted.
M: is going to be
F: A responsible worker is going to be promoted.
M: has been
F: A responsible worker has been promoted.


刚才我们复习了不同时态的被动语态句子, 也学习了一些新词汇. 现在我们练习用介词 by, b-y, by加上名词来表明被动语态句子里的动作执行者, 比方有一句话:Company policies are established by top managers. 这句话的意思就是: 公司政策是由高级主管制订的. 下面我们作一组练习学学这类句子. 练习的作法是由老师念我们刚才练习过的句子, 接着老师念出名词, 比方 "监督人员 "supervisors." 行政人员 "administrators" 等等. 请你用 by 和老师给你的名词说出被动语态句子. 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Company policies are established.
M: top managers
F: Company policies are established by top managers.
M: Company policies are carried out.
M: company workers
F: Company policies are carried out by company workers.
M: Office workers are supervised.
M: their supervisors
F: Office workers are supervised by their supervisors.
M: Education is emphasized.
M: the government
F: Education is emphasized by the government.
M: People with ability are selected.
M: administrators
F: People with ability are selected by administrators.

在被动语态句子里, 用介词by可以表明人物, 可是一般来说用 with, w-i-t-h, with可以表明东西, 比方 "商业区里到处是大公司总部. " The business district is crowded with corporation headquarters. "大楼里到处是政府机关." The large office buildings are filled with government agencies. 这两个句子就是很好的例子. 现在我们来作代换练习; 练习里的句子都是说到商业区到处是大楼, 银行和百货商店等等. 首先由老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个字或是一个词组,请你把你听到的代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: The business district is crowded with large office buildings.
M: banks
F: The business district is crowded with banks.
M: corporation headquarters
F: The business district is crowded with corporation headquarters.
M: department stores
F: The business district is crowded with department stores.


M: The large office buildings are filled with corporation headquarters.
M: banks
F: The large office buildings are filled with banks.
M: government agencies
F: The large office buildings are filled with government agencies.
M: small companies
F: The large office buildings are filled with small companies.


首先我们来听一篇文章, 内容是说美国重视商业, 在美国城市商业区里大楼林立, 一般办公室工作人员, 也就是所谓的 "白领阶级" 勤奋工作和进修的情况. 文章里有许多被动语态句子,许多词汇也都是我们刚才练习过的.请你注意听,等一会儿我们要根据文章问你几个问题. 现在开始.

The business of America is business. This was once said by an American president.
The business district of an American city is crowded with large office buildings which are
filled with banks, corporation headquarters, and government agencies. Every weekday
morning thousands of office workers enter these buildings and leave in the evening.
The men and women who do the office work are called white-collar workers. Secretaries,
computer operators and administrators are all white-collar workers. Many office workers
work and hope that they will be promoted to more responsible positions. They want to
supervise other workers and see that the company policies are carried out. These
policies are established by the top managers. Sometimes office workers are transferred
to other places.
Nowadays, education is emphasized in the selection of men and women for management
jobs. Courses in business administration are offered by many universities. The graduates
of these courses often are placed in middle management jobs. From these, they can be
promoted easily when they show the necessary personality and ability.

刚才那篇文章你听懂了多少? 如果没有全部听懂, 没有关系,等一会儿我们再听英文老师用慢速度念一遍. 现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: Who are the white-collar workers?

M: What does one find in the business district of an American city?

M: How can one get a management job?

好, 现在我们再听老师用慢速度把文章念一遍.

The business of America is business. This was once said by an American president.
The business district of an American city is crowded with large office buildings which are
filled with banks, corporation headquarters, and government agencies. Every weekday
morning thousands of office workers enter these buildings and leave in the evening.
The men and women who do the office work are called white-collar workers. Secretaries,
computer operators and administrators are all white-collar workers. Many office workers
work and hope that they will be promoted to more responsible positions. They want to
supervise other workers and see that the company policies are carried out. These
policies are established by the top managers. Sometimes office workers are transferred
to other places.
Nowadays, education is emphasized in the selection of men and women for management
jobs. Courses in business administration are offered by many universities. The graduates
of these courses often are placed in middle management jobs. From these, they can be
promoted easily when they show the necessary personality and ability.

好, 现在请你回答下面三个问题. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案看你答对了没有.

M: Who are the white-collar workers?
F: People who do office work are white-collar workers. Secretaries, computer operators and   adminstrators are all white-collar workers.

M: What does one find in the business district of an American city?
F: One finds large office buildings which are filled with banks, corporation headquarters    and government agencies.

M: How can one get a management job?
F: One should study business administration at a university.





在这一课里, 我们学习用简短的反问句,比方用在陈述句后面的 "是吗?" Is it?,"不是吗?" Isn't it? 等等. 现在我们来听这一课的对话. 这段对话的内容是说鲍勃和珍妮暑假过后回到学校, 在校园里谈到假期里作了什么事, 明年暑假预备作什么等等. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Hello, Bob. How was your summer? You studied Chinese this summer, didn't you?
M: Yes, Jenny. I finished my summer school class.
F: Well, how was the course? Chinese is pretty difficult, isn't it?
M: It seemed that way at first. But after a while it became easier.
F: I'll bet you were the best in the class, weren't you?
M: Well, I did get an A. But how about you? You were going to travel, weren't you?
F: Not this summer. I worked to save money. I'm going to Europe next summer.
M: I'm going to China. I guess we'll have lots to talk about next year, won't we?

现在我们听老师用慢速度把对话再念一遍, 请你注意听.

F: Hello, Bob. How was your summer? You studied Chinese this summer, didn't you?
M: Yes, Jenny. I finished my summer school class.
F: Well, how was the course? Chinese is pretty difficult, isn't it?
M: It seemed that way at first. But after a while it became easier.
F: I'll bet you were the best in the class, weren't you?
M: Well, I did get an A. But how about you? You were going to travel, weren't you?
F: Not this summer. I worked to save money. I'm going to Europe next summer.
M: I'm going to China. I guess we'll have lots to talk about next year, won't we?


F: You studied Chinese this summer, didn't you?
F: Chinese is pretty difficult, isn't it?
F: You were the best in the class, weren't you?
M: You were going to travel, weren't you?
M: We'll have lots to talk about next year,won't we?


听了上面的句子, 你对简短反问句的用法或许已经有些概念. 简单地说这种反问句有三个规则, 第一点就是当前面的陈述句是肯定的时候, 反问句就是否定的;而前面的陈述句是否定的时候, 反问句就是肯定的; 第二点就是这种简短反问句是用两个字构成的, 第一个字一定是在前面陈述句里出现的动词或是助动词; 第二个字一定是代名词而且指的就是陈述句里的主语; 第三点就是反问句和前面陈述句的时态必须一致.
好了, 现在我们按照规则作练习, 第一组练习是用 is 或是 are 作否定的简短反问句, 请你注意在否定反问句里动词或是助动词一定要跟 not 连起来说, 比方is not 说成 isn't, were not 说成 weren't 等等. 现在请你注意听男老师念一些跟刚才那段对话有关系的句子, 然后跟着女老师把句子重复一遍.

M: Bob is a university student, isn't he?
F: Bob is a university student, isn't he?
M: Jenny is in the same university, isn't she?
F: Jenny is in the same university, isn't she?
M: They are talking on the campus, aren't they?
F: They are talking on the campus, aren't they?
M: The campus is big, isn't it?
F: The campus is big, isn't it?
M: They are talking about traveling, aren't they?
F: They are talking about traveling, aren't they?

下面我们用代换方式练习用 will not 也就是 won't 作简短反问句, 练习的内容是说到鲍勃要到中国去旅行的事情, 比方他要坐飞机去, 要带旅游指南去等等. 老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Bob will fly to China, won't he?
M: take a guide book with him
F: Bob will take a guide book with him, won't he?
M: take a Chinese dictionary with him
F: Bob will take a Chinese dictionary with him,won't he?

下面老师换了一个句子, 练习用 should not 也就是 shouldn't 作反问句, 说明鲍勃去中国应该有护照和旅游签证等等. 请你跟刚才一样作练习.

M: Bob should have a passport, shouldn't he?
M: have a tourist visa
F: Bob should have a tourist visa, shouldn't he?
M: take enough money with him
F: Bob should take enough money with him, shouldn't he?

下面老师又换了一个句子, 练习用 cannot 也就是 can't 作反问句说明鲍勃到中国去能作什么. 请你跟刚才一样作练习.

M: Bob can go sightseeing, can't he?
M: take pictures
F: Bob can take pictures, can't he?
M: chat with Chinese
F: Bob can chat with Chinese, can't he?

下面我们练习在现在完成式句子后面用 hasn't 或是 haven't 加上主语代名词作否定反问句. 练习里的句子有些谈到珍妮决定到欧洲的事情,有的谈到珍妮和鲍勃在大学里的生活. 练习的作法是由老师念一个陈述句,学生就把句子重复一遍, 并且在句尾加上适当的反问句. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Jenny has decided to go to Europe.
F: Jenny has decided to go to Europe, hasn't she?
M: Jenny has saved some money for the trip.
F: Jenny has saved some money for the trip, hasn't she?
M: Jenny and Bob have taken many interesting courses.
F: Jenny and Bob have taken many interesting courses, haven't they?
M: Jenny and Bob have learned a lot.
F: Jenny and Bob have learned a lot, haven't they?

一般现在式句子的否定句是在动词前面加上 don't 或是 doesn't. 所以一般现在式句子的否定反问句就是在句尾用 don't 或是 doesn't 加上主语代名词. 现在我们来作代换练习,学学这种说法.请你在学生作代换练习的时候也一起作.

M: Bob and Jenny need education, don't they?
M: knowledge
F: Bob and Jenny need knowledge, don't they?
M: advice
F: Bob and Jenny need advice, don't they?
M: skills
F: Bob and Jenny need skills, don't they?

下面老师换了一个句子作代换练习, 内容是说鲍勃在开学之前需要作些什么.现在请你跟学生一起作练习.

M: Bob needs to get a school catalogue, doesn't he?
M: register
F: Bob needs to register, doesn't he?
M: pay tuition
F: Bob needs to pay tuition, doesn't he?

现在我们再来学习作简短的反问句. 用 There is 或是 There are 开头的句子在句尾加上否定反问句的时候必须用 isn't there 或是 aren't there. 现在我们来作一组练习, 谈谈美国教育. 练习的作法是先由老师念一个句子,学生重复一遍,并且在句尾加适当的反问句. 请你还是跟学生一起作练习.

M: There are a lot of universities and community colleges in the United States.
F: There are a lot of universities and community colleges in the United States, aren't here?
M: There are adult education programs as well.
F: There are adult education programs as well, aren't there?
M: There are a lot of foreign students in American universities.
F: There are a lot of foreign students in American universities, aren't there?

刚才我们作的练习都是在肯定的陈述句的句尾加上否定的反问句, 下面我们要练习在否定的陈述句后面加上肯定的反问句. 下面这组练习的内容都是有关鲍勃到中国去的事情.练习的作法还是由老师念一个句子. 学生在重复句子的时候在句尾加上适当的反问句, 在学生作练习的时候还是请你一起作.

M: Bob hasn't been to China yet.
F: Bob hasn't been to China yet, has he?
M: He won't go by boat.
F: He won't go by boat, will he?
M: He cannot get there by train.
F: He cannot get there by train, can he?
M: It isn't dangerous to fly.
F: It isn't dangerous to fly, is it?
M: He shouldn't worry about flying.
F: He shouldn't worry about flying, should he?
M: Bob doesn't plan to stop over in Hong Kong.
F: Bob doesn't plan to stop over in Hong Kong, does he?

下面一组练习是把被动语态跟反问句配合起来.练习的做法是老师念一个被动语态否定句, 学生跟着重复一遍, 并且在句尾加上适当的肯定反问句.这些句子都是说到游客到中国旅行应该注意的事情, 比方他们不应该用美元, 不应该跟私人换货币, 有些历史古迹还不开放等等. 请你跟学生一起作练习.

M: U.S. dollars aren't used in China.
F: U.S. dollars aren't used in China, are they?
M: English isn't commonly spoken.
F: English isn't commonly spoken, is it?
M: Dollars cannot be exchanged with private citizens.
F: Dollars cannot be exchanged with private citizens, can they?
M: Some Chinese historical sites haven't been opened to the public.
F: Some Chinese historical sites haven't been opened to the public, have they?
M: Pictures shouldn't be taken in some museums.
F: Pictures shouldn't be taken in some museums, should they?

刚才我说过反问句的时态必须跟前面的陈述句一致. 在下面一组练习里, 陈述句都是过去式句子, 所以句尾的反问句也必须是过去式的. 练习里的句子都是说到珍妮和鲍勃夏天里的活动, 有些句子是肯定的, 有些句子是否定的, 你听了老师念的句子之后请你把句子重复一遍, 并且在句尾加上适当的反问句. 每作一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Bob took Chinese in summer school.
F: Bob took Chinese in summer school, didn't he?
M: He finished the course.
F: He finished the course, didn't he?
M: He was the best in his class.
F: He was the best in his class, wasn't he?
M: He didn't have much free time.
F: He didn't have much free time, did he?
M: Jenny worked in the summer.
F: Jenny worked in the summer, didn't she?
M: She had a good time in summer.
F: She had a good time in summer, hadn't she?
M: She saved some money.
F: She saved some money, didn't she?
M: She wouldn't waste her money.
F: She wouldn't waste her money, would she?
M: She couldn't go traveling.
F: She couldn't go traveling, could she?


我们今天要听的文章就是介绍什么是简短反问句. 文章里除了谈到人们在什么场合用反问句, 还详细说明了用这种反问句的几个规则. 这些规则我刚才已经用中文说明过了, 我们也按照规则作了不少练习, 现在请你听听英文说明, 看看是不是听得懂.

Tag questions are commonly used in conversations by American English speakers.
Tag questions are short questions which are added to the end of statements. A person
uses a tag question because he isn't sure of what he has said. He adds a tag question
to his statement to make the listener talk. The listener may agree with the speaker or he
may correct the speaker.
Tag questions have two words. The first word is always a helping verb such as "is" or
"does". The helping verb of a tag question must be the same tense as the tense of the
main statement. All helping verbs can be used in a tag question. They may be positive
or they may be negative contractions with "n't". The second word of a tag question is
always a pronoun. The pronoun stands for the subject of the main statement. A name is
never repeated in a tag question.
Most languages have expressions like tag questions. But English tag questions are
more difficult than those of other languages. Each tag question must agree in tense and
subject with its preceding statement. However, when the statement is positive, the tag
question must be negative; and when the statement is negative, the tag question must
be positive. Tag questions in English are very difficult indeed.

刚才那篇文章你要是没有全听懂, 等一会儿还有机会听, 现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: What are tag questions?

M: Why do people use tag questions?

M: What are the two words of a tag question?


Tag questions are commonly used in conversations by American English speakers.
Tag questions are short questions which are added to the end of statements. A person
uses a tag question because he isn't sure of what he has said. He adds a tag question
to his statement to make the listener talk. The listener may agree with the speaker or he
may correct the speaker.
Tag questions have two words. The first word is always a helping verb such as "is" or
"does". The helping verb of a tag question must be the same tense as the tense of the
main statement. All helping verbs can be used in a tag question. They may be positive
or they may be negative contractions with "n't". The second word of a tag question is
always a pronoun. The pronoun stands for the subject of the main statement. A name is
never repeated in a tag question.
Most languages have expressions like tag questions. But English tag questions are
more difficult than those of other languages. Each tag question must agree in tense and
subject with its preceding statement. However, when the statement is positive, the tag
question must be negative; and when the statement is negative, the tag question must
be positive. Tag questions in English are very difficult indeed.

现在请你回答下面三个问题, 每回答一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: What are tag questions?
F: Tag questions are short questions which are added to the end of statements.

M: Why do people use tag questions?
F: People use tag questions because they are not sure of what they have said.

M: What are the two words of a tag question?
F: The two words are a helping verb and a pronoun.





在这一课里, 我们复习现在完成时态, 同时也要学习一些医药方面的词汇. 首先我们听一段对话, 内容是说凯特和亨利谈到医药保险的事情. 请你注意英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Our health insurance bill came yesterday. The cost has increased again.
M: Again? We have had two increases this year.
F: Medical care has been so expensive lately.
M: Remember when Peter was in the hospital after his accident last year?
F: I sure do. The hospital bill for that was over three thousand dollars; and how much did
  the doctor charge us?
M: I don't remember. But our insurance paid for all the bills.
F: And Peter got excellent care at the hospital, didn't he?
M: Yes, he did. I guess I can't complain about the money we have paid for health insurance
  all these years.


F: Our health insurance bill came yesterday. The cost has increased again.
M: Again? We have had two increases this year.
F: Medical care has been so expensive lately.
M: Remember when Peter was in the hospital after his accident last year?
F: I sure do. The hospital bill for that was over three thousand dollars; and how much did
  the doctor charge us?
M: I don't remember. But our insurance paid for all the bills.
F: And Peter got excellent care at the hospital, didn't he?
M: Yes, he did. I guess I can't complain about the money we have paid for health insurance
  all these years.


F: The cost has increased again.
M: We have had two increases this year.
F: Medical care has been so expensive lately.
M: I can't complain about the money we have paid for health insurance all these years.


从上面那些句子你可以听出来, 现在完成时态是用 has 或是 have加上动词的过去分词构成的. 这种时态可以用来表示 "经验",比方 "我得过心脏病" I have had a heart attack 等等; 在问句里人们常常用 ever, e-v-e-r, ever 和现在完成时态问别人从过去到现在是不是有过某种经验, 比方: "你输过血吗?" Have you ever had a blood transfusion? 下面我们作一组代换练习, 学学这类句子.练习的作法是由老师问你一个问题,比方 "你检查过身体吗?" Have you ever had a health check-up? 接着老师念一个字或词, 比方 "验血" a blood test, 你就把这个词代换到原来的句子里. 在作练习的时候你可以学到不少跟医疗或疾病有关系的字或词, 比方 "手术" an operation, "X光" an x-ray, "癌症" cancer, "小儿麻痹" polio, "肺病" tuberculosis 等等. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 老师就把正确答案念一遍给你听.

M: Have you ever had a health check-up?
M: a blood test
F: Have you ever had a blood test?
M: a blood transfusion
F: Have you ever had a blood transfusion?
M: an operation.
F: Have you ever had an operation?
M: an x-ray
F: Have you ever had an x-ray?
M: serious diseases
F: Have you ever had serious diseases?
M: high blood pressure
F: Have you ever had high blood pressure?
M: a heart attack
F: Have you ever had a heart attack?
M: cancer
F: Have you ever had cancer?
M: polio
F: Have you ever had polio?
M: tuberculosis
F: Have you ever had tuberculosis?
M: medical treatment
F: Have you ever had medical treatment?
M: medical care
F: Have you ever had medical care?

刚才那些问题都可以换一个方式问, 比方护士问亨利: "你从来没有得过高血压, 不是吗?" You have never had high blood pressure, have you? 就是一个例子.下面我们作一组练习, 一方面复习时态, 一方面复习我们刚才学的新词汇.请你注意听护士问亨利问题; 这些问题亨利都一一地作否定的答覆, 在亨利回答的时候, 请你也一起回答.

F: You have never had polio, have you?
M: No, I've never had polio.
F: You have never had tuberculosis, have you?
M: No, I've never had tuberculosis.
F: You have never had high blood pressure, have you?
M: No, I've never had high blood pressure.
F: You have never had a heart attack, have you?
M: No, I've never had a heart attack.
F: You have never had cancer, have you?
M: No, I've never had cancer.
F: You have never had serious diseases, have you?
M: No, I've never had serious diseases.
F: You have never had a long term illness, have you?
M: No, I've never had a long term illness.

下面我们作一组练习比较现在完成时态跟过去时态. 以前我们学过过去时态是用来表示在过去一个特定时间发生的事情; 而现在完成时态用来表示到目前已经发生的事情, 并不表明特定的时间. 在作下面这组练习的时候你会听到医生用现在完成时态问凯特作过某些事情没有, 这些问题凯特都一一的作肯定的答覆, 并且用过去时态补充说明事情发生的确定时间是 "上个月". 现在我们开始作练习,在凯特回答问题的时候也请你一起回答:

M: You have had a health check-up lately, haven't you?
F: Yes, I have had a health check-up. I had it last month.
M: You have had a blood test lately, haven't you?
F: Yes, I have had a blood test. I had it last month.
M: You have had an x-ray lately, haven't you?
F: Yes, I have had an x-ray. I had it last month.
M: You have had an operation lately, haven't you?
F: Yes, I have had an operation. I had it last month.
M: You have had a blood transfusion lately, haven't you?
F: Yes, I have had a blood transfusion. I had it last month.

下面一组练习还是比较过去时态和现在完成时态. 练习的内容是说到医学上的成就. 首先你会听到男老师念一个被动语态的过去时态句子, 比方: "去年有许多人住院." Many people were hospitalized last year. 接着女老师就用现在完成时态把句子改成 "从那以后有更多人住院." More people have been
hospitalized since then. 这组练习里有些词汇你可能不太熟, 比方 "实验"experiment, "技术" technique, "意外" accident, "避免" prevent, "成就"achievement 等等, 请你在听老师念句子的时候一面注意时态的变化, 一面注意这些词汇. 现在我们开始.

M: Many people were hospitalized last year.
F: More people have been hospitalized since then.
M: Many people were treated last year.
F: More people have been treated since then.
M: Many people were saved last year.
F: More people have been saved since then.
M: Medical experiments were done last year.
F: More medical experiments have been done since then.
M: Modern techniques were learned last year.
F: More modern techniques have been learned since then.
M: Some accidents were prevented last year.
F: More accidents have been prevented since then.
M: A lot of patients were cured last year.
F: More patients have been cured since then.
M: Several hospitals were built last year.
F: More hospitals have been built since then.
M: Medical achievements were made last year.
F: More medical achievements have been made since then.

现在我们再来复习现在完成时态. 下面一组练习是由老师用疑问词提出被动语态问句,接着老师念出一个词组,请你用老师给你的词组来回答问题. 每回答一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: What have been done?
M: medical experiments
F: Medical experiments have been done.
M: What have been learned?
M: modern techniques
F: Modern techniques have been learned.
M: What have been prevented?
M: some diseases
F: Some diseases have been prevented.
M: What have been built?
M: several hospitals
F: Several hospitals have been built.
M: What have been made?
M: medical achievements
F: Medical achievements have been made.

在今天这一课的对话里, 亨利和凯特谈到了去年彼得住院的事情. 下面这组代换练习的内容就是说到彼得去年在医院的时候, 那家医院设备非常好, 他的医药保险所包括的项目很周全等等. 练习的作法是老师先念一个句子, 接着老师提出一个名词或是形容词, 请你把你所听到的代换到句子里适当的地方. 在这一组练习里你可以学到一些有用的词汇,比方"医院设备"hospital equipment,"保险范围" insurance coverage, "保险费" insurance premium 等等. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句还是请你听老师念正确答案.

M: The hospital equipment was excellent.
M: medical treatment
F: The medical treatment was excellent.
M: insurance coverage
F: The insurance coverage was excellent.
M: expensive
F: The insurance coverage was expensive.
M: insurance policy
F: The insurance policy was expensive.
M: doctor's fee
F: The doctor's fee was expensive.
M: hospital's bill
F: The hospital's bill was expensive.
M: paid
F: The hospital's bill was paid.
M: last insurance premium
F: The last insurance premium was paid.

下面一组代换练习的内容是说目前医药费上涨了, 医生和医院费用, 甚至健康保险费都提高了, 不过医院设施和医护人员也增加了. 请你在学生作代换练习的时候也还是一起作.

M: Medical expenses have increased.
M: doctor's fees
F: Doctor's fees have increased.
M: hospital charges
F: Hospital charges have increased.
M: health insurance costs
F: Health insurance costs have increased.
M: hospital facilities
F: Hospital facilities have increased.
M: hospital employees
F: Hospital employees have increased.


今天我们要听的文章说到美国的医学成就和医药保险. 比方美国很多私人公司为员工设立了保健计划; 一般人也可以按月交保费给保险公司, 有大病的时候医药费用由保险公司来负责.另外还有一些大的医疗机构 办的健康保险,会员也是按月交保费, 有重病的时候就在医疗机构附设的医院治疗, 费用由医疗机构负责. 至于年老贫困的人, 政府也有医药照顾计划. 现在请你注意听.

Americans are proud of the medical achievements made in this country. Medical scientists
have found cures and prevention for such diseases as polio and tuberculosis. They have
learned a great deal about cancer and heart disease. Many lives have been saved.
American hospitals are the most modern and best equiped medical facilities in the world.
But this degree of excellence has been expensive. Medical costs in the United States are
very high. There is no national health plan for Americans. But there are many programs
available for this purpose. Many people have health plans at the companies where they
work. Under these plans, the company pays a fixed sum of money regularly into a fund.
Then when the employee needs medical help,he can use money from the fund to pay for it.
Other people have health insurance. They pay insurance premiums each month to
insurance companies which then pay for medical expenses when they are needed.
In some medical plans, the insurance company is also the medical institution. People
regularly pay the hospital directly. Then when they need medical treatment, they go to the
hospital without paying more money.
The government has health insurance programs for older people, poor people and those
with long term illness. These programs make medical care available to those without their
own health insurance.

刚才那篇文章你都听懂了吗? 如果没有, 等一会儿你还有机会听. 现在老师先把今天测验的三个问题念一遍.

M: What have American medical scientists done?

M: How do Americans pay for health costs?

M: Who are helped by government health insurance programs?

现在我们再听英文老师用慢速度把整篇文章念一遍, 请你特别注意刚才那三个问题的答案.

Americans are proud of the medical achievements made in this country. Medical scientists
have found cures and prevention for such diseases as polio and tuberculosis. They have
learned a great deal about cancer and heart disease. Many lives have been saved.
American hospitals are the most modern and best equiped medical facilities in the world.
But this degree of excellence has been expensive. Medical costs in the United States are
very high. There is no national health plan for Americans. But there are many programs
available for this purpose. Many people have health plans at the companies where they
work. Under these plans, the company pays a fixed sum of money regularly into a fund.
Then when the employee needs medical help,he can use money from the fund to pay for it.
Other people have health insurance. They pay insurance premiums each month to
insurance companies which then pay for medical expenses when they are needed.
In some medical plans, the insurance company is also the medical institution. People
regularly pay the hospital directly. Then when they need medical treatment, they go to the
hospital without paying more money.
The government has health insurance programs for older people, poor people and those
with long term illness. These programs make medical care available to those without their
own health insurance.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 每回答一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: What have American medical scientists done?
F: They have found cures and prevention for some diseases and they have learned about      others.

M: How do Americans pay for health costs?
F: They pay with health plans and health insurance.

M: Who are helped by government health insurance programs?
F: Older people, poor people and people with long term illness are helped.




在这一课里,我们学习现在完成进行时态, 比方 "一直在玩" have been playing."一直在学习" have been studying 等等. 现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话,内容是说彼得和玛丽谈起电脑的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Peter, where have you been?
M: I've been playing Pac Man at the Arcade in the student union.
F: Have you been wasting your time on those computer games again?
M: Not really, Mary. I've been studying a lot this week and I need a break.
F: Why don't you buy a computer and some of those games? Then you can play at home.
M: I have been looking at home computers.There are a lot of different kinds on market now.
F: I know, and they have been getting cheaper.
M: How do you know that?
F: I've been thinking of buying a home computer too.

现在英文老师再把对话用慢速度念一遍, 请你注意听.

F: Peter, where have you been?
M: I've been playing Pac Man at the Arcade in the student union.
F: Have you been wasting your time on those computer games again?
M: Not really, Mary. I've been studying a lot this week and I need a break.
F: Why don't you buy a computer and some of those games? Then you can play at home.
M: I have been looking at home computers.There are a lot of different kinds on market now.
F: I know, and they have been getting cheaper.
M: How do you know that?
F: I've been thinking of buying a home computer too.


M: I've been playing Pac Man at the Arcade in the student union.
F: Have you been wasting your time on those computer games again?
M: I've been studying a lot this week.
M: I have been looking at home computers.
F: They have been getting cheaper.
F: I've been thinking of buying a home computer too.


听了上面的句子, 我想你或许已经注意到现在完成进行时态是用 has been 或是 have been 和加了 i-n-g 的动词构成的. 这种时态是用来表示一个动作从过去一直持续到现在. 现在我请英文老师念一些跟刚才那段对话有关系的现在完成进行时态句子,每个句子各念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着老师重复一遍.

M: Peter has been taking computer courses this semester.
F: Peter has been taking computer courses this semester.
M: Peter has been playing computer games this afternoon.
F: Peter has been playing computer games this afternoon.
M: Mary has been thinking of buying a home computer recently.
F: Mary has been thinking of buying a home computer recently.
M: Mary has been looking at home computers lately.
F: Mary has been looking at home computers lately.

下面一组练习是由老师把刚才那些句子改成问句, 比方老师说: "彼得一直在学什么?" What has Peter been studying? 接着老师说 "电脑程式" computer programming,学生就回答说: Peter has been studying computer programming. 现在我们开始作练习, 学生回答问题的时候请你也一起回答.

M: What has Peter been taking?
M: computer courses
F: Peter has been taking computer courses.
M: What has Peter been studying?
M: computer programming
F: Peter has been studying computer programming.
M: What has Peter been playing?
M: computer games
F: Peter has been playing computer games.
M: What has Mary been thinking of?
M: buying a home computer
F: Mary has been thinking of buying a home computer.
M: What has Mary been looking at?
M: home computers
F: Mary has been looking at home computers.

下面一组练习的内容是说现代电脑进步的情况, 比方:现在电脑比以前便宜,比以前有效率, 也比以前受欢迎等等. 练习的作法是由男老师用have become 加上形容词比较级作句子, 比方: "电脑比以前实用了." Computers have become more practical, 请你用 have been getting 加上形容词比较级把句子改成 "电脑越来越实用." Computers have been getting more practical. 现在我们开始作练习, 请你每作完一句就听老师念正确答案.

M: Computers have become smaller.
F: Computers have been getting smaller.
M: Computers have become better.
F: Computers have been getting better.
M: Computers have become easier to use.
F: Computers have been getting easier to use.
M: Computers have become cheaper.
F: Computers have been getting cheaper.
M: Computers have become more economical.
F: Computers have been getting more economical.
M: Computers have become more useful.
F: Computers have been getting more useful.
M: Computers have become more practical.
F: Computers have been getting more practical.
M: Computers have become more efficient.
F: Computers have been getting more efficient.
M: Computers have become more convenient.
F: Computers have been getting more convenient.
M: Computers have become more popular.
F: Computers have been getting more popular.

刚才那组练习里有些形容词你可能不太熟, 比方 "经济实惠" economical, "有效率" efficient 等等. 现在我们作一组代换练习, 一方面复习现在完成进行时态,一方面复习这些形容词. 请你在学生作代换练习的时候也一起作.

M: Computers have been getting smaller.
M: better
F: Computers have been getting better.
M: more useful
F: Computers have been getting more useful.
M: more practical
F: Computers have been getting more practical.
M: more economical
F: Computers have been getting more economical.
M: more efficient
F: Computers have been getting more efficient.
M: more convenient
F: Computers have been getting more convenient.
M: more popular
F: Computers have been getting more popular.

下面一组练习的内容是说电脑的发展情况. 练习的作法是老师念一个被动语态的现在完成时态句子,比方 "更好的电脑已经设计出来了." Better computers have been designed. 接着老师念出名词, 也就是动作执行者, 比方 "技师"technicians, 请你用老师给你的名词把原来的句子改为现在完成时态的主动语态句子, 所以刚才那例子的答案就是: "技师一直在设计更好的电脑. "Technicians have been designing better computers. 这组练习比较难, 所以你要特别注意. 每作完一句老师会念出正确答案,让你作个比较, 看你作对了没有.

M: Small computers have been made.
M: technicians
F: Technicians have been making small computers.
M: Better computers have been designed.
M: technicians
F: Technicians have been designing better computers.
M: Computer science courses have been studied.
M: many students
F: Many students have been studying computer science courses.
M: Computer science courses have been taken.
M: many students
F: Many students have been taking computer science courses.
M: Home computers have been bought.
M: a lot of people
F: A lot of people have been buying home computers.
M: computers have been used at home.
M: a lot of people
F: A lot of people have been using computers at home.

下面一组练习的作法是老师念一个现在完成进行时态句子, 比方: "人们一直用电脑来计算复杂的问题. " People have been using computers to compute complex problems.接着老师念出一个词组, 比方: "存放资料" store information,请你把老师提出的词组代换到原来的句子里,所以答案就是 People have been using computers to store information. 在这一组练习里你可以学到电脑的许多用途, 比方: "记录生意状况" record business, "与别人沟通" communicate with others, "寄帐单给客户" send bills to customers, "记下存货数量" keep records of inventories, "记录开支数目" keep track of expenses, "开关电动器具" turn appliances on and off 等等. 这些词汇你可能不太熟, 请你作练习的时候特别注意听, 每作完一句就听老师再把正确答案念一遍.

M: People have been using computers to compute complex problems.
M: store information
F: People have been using computers to store information.
M: record business
F: People have been using computers to record business.
M: communicate with others
F: People have been using computers to communicate with others.
M: send bills to customers
F: People have been using computers to send bills to customers
M: keep records of inventories
F: People have been using computers to keep records of inventories.
M: keep track of expenses
F: People have been using computers to keep track of expenses.
M: turn their appliances on and off
F: People have been using computers to turn their appliances on and off.

下面一组练习是由老师念一个现在时态问句, 比方: Do people use computers for entertainment? 学生就用现在完成进行时态把句子改成 Have people been using computers for entertainment? 这组练习的内容还是说到电脑的用途.作这组练习一方面可以练习不同时态, 一方面也可以复习刚才学过的词汇.请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作.

M: Do people use computers for entertainment?
F: Have people been using computers for entertainment?
M: Do people use computers for communication?
F: Have people been using computers for communication?
M: Do people use computers for inventories?
F: Have people been using computers for inventories?
M: Do people use computers for record-keeping?
F: Have people been using computers for record-keeping?
M: Do people use computers to store information?
F: Have people been using computers to store information?
M: Do people use computers to compute complex problems?
F: Have people been using computers to compute complex problems?
M: Do people use computers to send bills to customers?
F: Have people been using computers to send bills to customers?
M: Do people use computers to keep track of expenses?
F: Have people been using computers to keep track of expenses?
M: Do people use computers to turn their appliances on and off?
F: Have people been using computers to turn their appliances on and off?


今天我们要听一篇关于电脑工业发展迅速的文章.这篇文章里有不少现在完成进行时态句子, 也有许多我们刚才练习过的词汇. 请你注意听, 等一会儿老师要根据文章问你几个问题.

The home computers industry has been growing rapidly in the United States for the last ten
years. Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use.
But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the
same time they have been made easier to use. As a result, their popularity has been
increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses.
Computers have been designed to store information and compute complex problems.
Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers to keep records
of their inventories and to send bills to their customers.
Offices use computers to type letters, record business and communicate with other offices.
People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of expenses and turn
appliances on and off.
One important new use for computers is for entertainment. Many new games have been
designed to be played on the computers. People of all ages have been playing these
games. They have been going to Arcades where the computer games can be played for
a small cost. People also have been buying home computers to play computer games at
home. They have become very popular indeed.

刚才那篇文章你都听懂了吗? 如果没有, 不要着急, 等一会儿你还有机会听. 现在老师先把今天测验的问题念一遍给你听.

M: Why have computers been getting more popular?

M: How can computers be used?

M: Who has been playing computer games?


The home computers industry has been growing rapidly in the United States for the last ten
years. Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use.
But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the
same time they have been made easier to use. As a result, their popularity has been
increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses.
Computers have been designed to store information and compute complex problems.
Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers to keep records
of their inventories and to send bills to their customers.
Offices use computers to type letters, record business and communicate with other offices.
People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of expenses and turn
appliances on and off.
One important new use for computers is for entertainment. Many new games have been
designed to be played on the computers. People of all ages have been playing these
games. They have been going to Arcades where the computer games can be played for
a small cost. People also have been buying home computers to play computer games at
home. They have become very popular indeed.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 每回答一个问题就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Why have computers been getting more popular?
F: It is because they are smaller, cheaper and easier to use.

M: How can computers be used?
F: They can be used to do any of the ten things mentioned in the reading.

M: Who has been playing computer games?
F: People of all ages have been playing computer games.




在这一课里, 我们学习间接引句的用法, 比方: "他说他不来." He said that he was not coming.等等.
现在我们来听今天这一课里的对话, 内容是说凯特在学校里跟同事, 也就是教体育的比尔, 谈到了一个学生缺课的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Is everyone here today?
F: No, Jimmy Taylor is absent.
M: That's strange. We're choosing teams today. He asked if he could be a captain. It's
    really too bad that he is not here.
F: He and his father came to see me early this morning. His father asked if Jimmy could be
excused today. He said that they were going on a trip.
M: How long will Jimmy be out of school?
F: His father didn't say, but he did give the reason for the trip.
M: What is that?
F: Jimmy's grandmother died.


M: Is everyone here today?
F: No, Jimmy Taylor is absent.
M: That's strange. We're choosing teams today. He asked if he could be a captain. It's
    really too bad that he is not here.
F: He and his father came to see me early this morning. His father asked if Jimmy could be
excused today. He said that they were going on a trip.
M: How long will Jimmy be out of school?
F: His father didn't say, but he did give the reason for the trip.
M: What is that?
F: Jimmy's grandmother died.


M: He asked if he could be a captain.
F: His father asked if Jimmy could be excused today.
F: He said that they were going on a trip.


第一组练习是由凯特或是比尔说一句话, 比方凯特说: Jimmy Taylor is absent.接着学生就用间接引句说: Kate said that Jimmy Taylor was absent. 请你注意在引述别人的话的时候应该把话里的现在时态动词改成过去时态. 现在我们开始作练习, 学生作句子的时候请你也一起作.

F: Jimmy Taylor is absent.
M: Kate said that Jimmy Taylor was absent.
F: Jimmy is excused from school.
M: Kate said that Jimmy was excused from school.
F: Jimmy's grandmother is dead.
M: Kate said that Jimmy's grandmother was dead.

下面学生引述比尔说的话, 还是请你跟着作练习.

M: It is strange that Jimmy is absent.
F: Bill said that it was strange that Jimmy was absent.
M: The school is choosing teams.
F: Bill said that the school was choosing teams.
M: Jimmy wants to be a captain.
F: Bill said that Jimmy wanted to be a captain.
M: It is too bad that Jimmy is not in school.
F: Bill said that it was too bad that Jimmy was not in school.

下面一组练习是由凯特自我介绍, 说明她是小学三年级教员, 并且叙述她的日常工作, 比方她教什么课程, 她预备教材, 跟学生和学生家长开会等等. 练习的作法是凯特说一句话, 比方: "我教算术." I teach arithmetic. 听了之后, 你就引述凯特的话说:"凯特告诉我她教算术."Kate told me that she taught arithmetic.请你注意在引述别人的话的时候不但要把现在时态动词改为过去时态, 并且要把话里的主词从 "我" 改成 "她". 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 老师会念出正确答案让你作个比较.

F: I am an elementary school teacher.
M: Kate told me that she was an elementary school teacher.
F: I am a third grade teacher.
M: Kate told me that she was a third grade teacher.
F: I teach arithmetic.
M: Kate told me that she taught arithmetic.
F: I introduce other subjects as well.
M: Kate told me that she introduced other subjects as well.
F: All my students are eight or nine years old.
M: Kate told me that all her students were eight or nine years old.
F: I prepare for my classes.
M: Kate told me that she prepared for her classes.
F: I have conferences with my students quite often.
M: Kate told me that she had conferences with her students quite often.
F: Sometimes I talk to my students' parents.
M: Kate told me that sometimes she talked to her students' parents.

下面一组练习是要请你引述比尔说的话. 练习的作法跟刚才大同小异, 这次是由比尔自我介绍, 说明他能作什么, 愿意为学生作什么等等, 比方比尔告诉你说: "我能教体育." I can teach physical training. 你听了之后就说: "比尔告诉我他能教体育. "Bill told me that he could teach physical training. 请你注意在引述比尔的话的时候必须把助动词 can 跟 will 改成 could 跟 would. 现在我们开始
作练习. 每作一句就听老师念正确答案.

M: I can teach physical training.
F: Bill told me that he could teach physical training.
M: I will teach my students how to play tennis.
F: Bill told me that he would teach his students how to play tennis.
M: I will play volleyball with my students.
F: Bill told me that he would play volleyball with his students.
M: I will take my students swimming.
F: Bill told me that he would take his students swimming.
M: I can teach my classes outdoors.
F: Bill told me that he could teach his classes outdoors.
M: I can enjoy sunshine when I am teaching.
F: Bill told me that he could enjoy sunshine when he was teaching.
M: I will help my students.
F: Bill told me that he would help his students.
M: I can make my students healthy.
F: Bill told me that he could make his students healthy.

刚才我们引述的句子都是陈述句, 下面我们学习怎么引述问句. 比方比尔问凯特: Is Jimmy coming to school? 引述这句话的时候就应该这么说: Bill asked Kate if Jimmy was coming to school. 请注意引述问句的时候必须用if, i-f, if 连接前后两句话, 并且必须把问句改为陈述句.现在我们作一组练习, 学学这种说法. 练习的内容都是关于比尔问凯特吉米来不来上课的事情. 每作完一个句子就听老师念正确答案.

M: Is Jimmy coming to school?
F: Bill asked Kate if Jimmy was coming to school.
M: Is Jimmy absent?
F: Bill asked Kate if Jimmy was absent.
M: Is Jimmy excused from class?
F: Bill asked Kate if Jimmy was excused from class.
M: Is Jimmy taking a trip?
F: Bill asked Kate if Jimmy was taking a trip.

下面请你引述凯特问比尔的话,内容都是说到吉米能够不能够参加校队去比赛的事情. 请你还是跟刚才一样作练习.

F: Can Jimmy still be a captain?
M: Kate asked Bill if Jimmy could still be a captain.
F: Will Jimmy be chosen to be a captain?
M: Kate asked Bill if Jimmy would be chosen to be a captain.
F: Can Jimmy still play in the game?
M: Kate asked Bill if Jimmy could still play in the game.
F: Will Jimmy make it to the game?
M: Kate asked Bill if Jimmy would make it to the game.

刚才我们学习了怎么引述问句, 现在我们继续学习. 在引述问句的时候除了用if 连接两句话以外, 也可以用whether, w-h-e-t-h-e-r, whether 来代替. 现在我们作一组练习,学学这种说法. 练习的作法是比尔问凯特一些有关她的工作的问题,凯特就用间接引句引述比尔提出的问题:比方比尔问凯特:"你有黑人学生吗?"Do you have black students? 凯特就说: "比尔问我, 我有没有黑人学生." Bill asked me whether I had black students. 比方, 比尔又问凯特: "你有其他少数民族学生吗?" Do you have other minority students? 凯特就说: "比尔问我: 我有没有其他少数民族学生."Bill asked me whether I had other minority students. 除了这两个问题以外, 比尔还问凯特是不是跟学生一起吃中饭, 是不是看着学生好好的吃饭, 教不教学生养成良好学习习惯等等. 现在我们开始作练习. 请你注意听比尔问问题, 并且替凯特引述比尔的话. 每作完一个句子. 凯特会念出正确答案让你作个比较, 看你作对了没有.

M: Do you give your students a lot of homework?
F: Bill asked me whether I gave my students a lot of homework.
M: Do you meet with your students' parents?
F: Bill asked me whether I met with my students' parents.
M: Do you eat lunch with your students?
F: Bill asked me whether I ate lunch with my students.
M: Do you make sure that your students eat well?
F: Bill asked me whether I made sure that my students ate well.
M: Do you make sure that your students drink milk?
F: Bill asked me whether I made sure that my students drank milk.
M: Do you teach reading,writing and arithmetic?
F: Bill asked me whether I taught reading, writing and arithmetic.
M: Do you have black students?
F: Bill asked me whether I had black students.
M: Do you have other minority students?
F: Bill asked me whether I had other minority students.
M: Do you teach your students to have good study habits?
F: Bill asked me whether I taught my students to have good study habits.


现在我们来作今天这一课的听力测验. 今天我们要听的文章是介绍凯特的工作. 文章里提到她每天几点上下班, 在学校里作些什么事情. 文章里许多词汇都是我们已经学习过的.现在请你注意听老师念这篇文章, 等一会儿我们要问你几个问题.

Kate is an elementary school teacher. She has a third grade class this year, with children
who are eight or nine years old. She has white students, black students and students of
other minorities. She teaches reading, writing and arithmetic. Other teachers teach music
and physical training. Kate uses reading to introduce history and other subjects to her
students. She gives them a lot of work, but she tries to teach them good study habits. She
also makes her lessons interesting.
Kate usually gets to school at 7:30 in the morning, an hour before classes begin. She uses
the extra time to prepare for her classes. Sometimes students and their parents come to
school early for conferences with Kate. This is one of the few occasions when Kate can
meet with her students' parents, because most of them work when their children are in
At lunch time Kate usually eats with her students. She wants to make sure that they eat well
and drink their milk. After class, Kate corrects the students' homework and prepares for the
next day. She usually doesn't get away from the school until nearly 4:30 in the afternoon.
She has a long day.

等一会儿我们再请英文老师用慢速度把整篇文章念一遍. 现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: What are some of the subjects taught in elementary school?

M: What does Kate do in school?

M: What hours does Kate work?


Kate is an elementary school teacher. She has a third grade class this year, with children
who are eight or nine years old. She has white students, black students and students of
other minorities. She teaches reading, writing and arithmetic. Other teachers teach music
and physical training. Kate uses reading to introduce history and other subjects to her
students. She gives them a lot of work, but she tries to teach them good study habits. She
also makes her lessons interesting.
Kate usually gets to school at 7:30 in the morning, an hour before classes begin. She uses
the extra time to prepare for her classes. Sometimes students and their parents come to
school early for conferences with Kate. This is one of the few occasions when Kate can
meet with her students' parents, because most of them work when their children are in
At lunch time Kate usually eats with her students. She wants to make sure that they eat well
and drink their milk. After class, Kate corrects the students' homework and prepares for the
next day. She usually doesn't get away from the school until nearly 4:30 in the afternoon.
She has a long day.
刚才那篇文章希望你都听懂了. 现在请你回答刚才老师念过的三个问题, 你回答之后老师会念出正确答案让你作个比较.

M: What are some of the subjects taught in elementary school?
F: Reading, writing, arithmetic, history, music and physical training are taught in       elementary school.

M: What does Kate do in school?
F: She prepares for her classes, teaches, has conferences with students, eats lunch with
  students and corrects students' homework.

M: What hours does Kate work?
F: She works from 7:30 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon.




在这一课里, 我们继续学习怎么样引述别人或是自己以前说过的话. 首先我们还是依照惯例, 听一段对话, 内容是说彼得转告凯特, 亨利打电话回家,交待了一些什么事情. 请你特别注意英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Mom, Dad called and said that he wouldn't be home for dinner.
F: Did he say why?
M: Yes,he said that one of the men was sick and he was going to stay for the afternoon
F: Did he say when he would be home?
M: He didn't say. But he did say that he was tired. He had had a busy day.
F: Did he say why?
M: He said that there had been a big fire in town and it had taken nearly all morning to put  
it out.
F: I hope that he wasn't hurt.
现在我们把整段对话再听一遍, 请你注意听
M: Mom, Dad called and said that he wouldn't be home for dinner.
F: Did he say why?
M: Yes,he said that one of the men was sick and he was going to stay for the afternoon    
F: Did he say when he would be home?
M: He didn't say. But he did say that he was tired. He had had a busy day.
F: Did he say why?
M: He said that there had been a big fire in town and it had taken nearly all morning to put  
it out.
F: I hope that he wasn't hurt.


M: Dad said that he wouldn't be home for dinner.
M: He said that one of the men was sick.
F: Did he say when he would be home?
M: He did say that he was tired.
M: He said that there had been a big fire in town.


从上面的几个句子你可以看出间接引句的一些规则,有一些我们在上一课已经学过; 有些我们今天要学.
首先我们复习上一课教过的. 第一组练习是由彼得或是凯特说几句话, 然后由别人引述一遍,请你注意听.

M: Henry is going to stay for the afternoon shift.
F: Peter said that Henry was going to stay for the afternoon shift.
M: He will be busy in the afternoon.
F: Peter said that Henry would be busy in the afternoon.
M: He can't come home for dinner.
F: Peter said that Henry couldn't come home for dinner.
F: Is Henry tired?
M: Kate asked if Henry was tired.
F: Is Henry hurt?
M: Kate asked whether Henry was hurt.


听了上面一组练习, 我想你对我们上一课教过的间接引句已经有了印象, 尤其是怎么样引述问句. 现在我们来学习怎么样引述用疑问词.比方 "为什么" why,"哪儿" where, "什么时候" when 开头的疑问句. 如果有人问你: "你什么时候下班?" When are you going to be off duty? 在引述这句话的时候你就应该这么说:Someone asked me when I was going to be off duty. 请你注意, 因为有疑问词,所以在间接引句里疑问词代替了我们以前学过 if, whether, 或是 that, 但是仍然必须把问句改为过去时态陈述句. 我再举一个例子, 比方有人问你:"怎么样才能作救火员?" How can one be a fire fighter? 在引述这句话的时候你就应该这么说: Someone asked me how one could be a fire fighter. 现在我们作一组练习,学学这种说法.练习的作法是由凯特问一些有关亨利跟其他救火员的情况的问题, 然后学生就把凯特的话引述一遍. 在学生 作练习的时候请你也一起作.

F: Why isn't Henry coming home for dinner?
M: Kate asked why Henry wasn't coming home for dinner.
F: Why is he going to stay for the afternoon shift?
M: Kate asked why Henry was going to stay for the afternoon shift.
F: Where is he?
M: Kate asked where Henry was.
F: How is he?
M: Kate asked how Henry was.
F: How are his fellow fire fighters?
M: Kate asked how Henry's fellow fire fighters were.
F: When is he going to be off duty?
M: Kate asked when Henry was going to be off duty.
F: When is he coming home?
M: Kate asked when Henry was coming home.

下面一组练习的内容是说彼得问母亲凯特怎么样才能够像父亲亨利一样作个救火员. 彼得提出了许多问题. 凯特都一一回答, 比方凯特告诉彼得作救火员必须小心, 镇静, 必须随时准备救火, 一有必要就得上夜班等等. 练习的作法是你会先听到一个疑问词开头的疑问句, 比方彼得问: How can one be a fire
fighter? 听了之后请你把话引述一遍,所以答案就是: Peter asked how one could be a fire fighter. 如果你听到的不是问句, 而是陈述句, 比方凯特回答: "他们需要小心, 镇静." One needs to be careful and calm. 在引述的时候你就必须这么说: Kate answered that one needed to be careful and calm. 现在我们开始作练习,每作完一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: How can one be a fire fighter?
F: Peter asked how one could be a fire fighter.
F: One needs to be careful and calm.
M: Kate answered that one needed to be careful and calm.
M: What are their duties?
F: Peter asked what their duties were.
F: They put out fire and rescue people.
M: Kate answered that they put out fire and rescued people.
M: When do they have to be ready to answer an alarm?
F: Peter asked when they had to be ready to answer an alarm.
F: They have to be ready at any hour of the day or night.
M: Kate answered that they had to be ready at any hour of the day or night.
M: How many shifts are there?
F: Peter asked how many shifts there were.
F: There are three shifts.
M: Kate answered that there were three shifts.
M: How often do they work the night shift?
F: Peter asked how often they worked the night shift.
F: They work the night shift as often as needed.
M: Kate answered that they worked the night shift as often as needed.

下面彼得问凯特作救火员危险不危险, 他们怎么救火; 怎么样帮助受伤的人等等问题; 凯特回答说救火员的工作有时候相当危险, 他们必须有救火设施, 必须给予受伤的人急救等等.还是请你跟刚才一样作练习.

M: How dangerous is the job?
F: Peter asked how dangerous the job was.
F: It can be very dangerous at times.
M: Kate answered that it could be very dangerous at times.
M: How do they enter a burning building?
F: Peter asked how they entered a burning building.
F: They use the necessary equipment.
M: Kate answered that they used the necessary equipment.
M: How do they help injured people?
F: Peter asked how they helped the injured people.
F: They give those people first aid.
M: Kate answered that they gave those people first aid.

刚才我们引述的句子本身都是现在时态. 所以在引述的时候必须把动词或助动词改为过去时态. 如果你要引述的句子是现在完成时态或是过去时态, 那么在引述的时候就应该用had, h-a-d,had加上动词的过去分词或是用 had been加上动词的过去分词把时态改为过去完成时态. 比方凯特问亨利: "发生了什么事?" What happened? 在引述这句话的时候就应该这么说:Kate asked what had happened. 再举一个例子, 比方凯特问亨利: "有多少人受伤情况严重?"How many people were in critical condition? 引述那句话的时候就应该这么说: Kate asked how many people had been in critical condition. 下面我们作一
组练习,学学这种说法.练习的内容是说亨利救火之后回到家里, 凯特问他有关火灾的种种情况,比方受伤的人被送进哪家医院,多少楼房被烧坏或是全部烧毁, 火灾多久才被扑灭等等. 这些问题亨利都一一答覆. 练习的作法跟刚才一样,还是每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

F: What happened?
M: Kate asked what had happened.
M: There was a fire in town.
F: Henry answered that there had been a fire in town.
F: When did it happen?
M: Kate asked when it had happened.
M: It happened in the morning.
F: Henry answered that it had happened in the morning.
F: How many people were injured?
M: Kate asked how many people had been injured.
M: A lot of people were injured.
F: Henry answered that a lot of people had been injured.
F: How many people were in critical condition?
M: Kate asked how many people had been in critical condition.
M: Four people were in critical condition.
F: Henry answered that four people had been in critical condition.
F: Which hospital were they taken to?
M: Kate asked which hospital they had been taken to.
M: They were taken to the hospital downtown.
F: Henry answered that they had been taken to the hospital downtown.
F: How many buildings burned down?
M: Kate asked how many buildings had burned down.
M: None of the buildings burned down.
F: Henry answered that none of the buildings had burned down.
F: How many buildings were damaged?
M: Kate asked how many buildings had been damaged.
M: Three buildings were damaged.
F: Henry answered that three buildings had been damaged.
F: How long did it take to put out the fire?
M: Kate asked how long it had taken to put out the fire.
M: It took three hours to put out the fire.
F: Henry answered that it had taken three hours to put out the fire.


今天我们要听的文章是说亨利在西雅图市政府作救火员, 文章里除了谈到救火员的责任, 比方如何随时准备救火, 还提到救火员必须要冒着危险进入燃烧中的房屋去救人, 有的时候接到火警赶到现场才发现有人谎报等等.文章最后一段还说到凯特对亨利作救火员有什么感想. 现在请你注意听.

Henry is an employee of the city of Seattle. He is one of more than 2,000 fire fighters there.
Seattle had a major fire nearly 100 years ago when most of the city burned to the ground.
Henry and his fellow fire fighters don't want that to happen again.
Henry is on duty eight hours a day. During his shift, he eats and sleeps at the fire house.
Fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm at any hour of the day or night. Most of
the alarms are for small fires which can be put out in a few minutes. There are also a few
fake alarms, when the fire fighters arrive to find that there isn't any fire at all. Big fires are
very dangerous. Most of the time the greatest danger comes from smoke. Sometimes,
Henry has to enter burning buildings to rescue people inside. He has been in serious
danger many times to save people's lives.
Kate is proud of Henry for his work, but she worries about his safety. Henry feels that his
job isn't dangerous if he is careful and stays calm. He also needs to stay in good
shape too.

刚才那篇文章如果你不能全部听懂, 等一会儿你还有机会听. 现在我们先把今天测验的问题念一遍.

M: Why do fire fighters have to work the night shift?

M: What do fire fighters do?

M: How does Kate feel about Henry's job?

现在我们再听英文老师用慢速度把整篇文章念一遍. 听完之后, 我们要请你回答刚才念的三个问题.

Henry is an employee of the city of Seattle. He is one of more than 2,000 fire fighters there.
Seattle had a major fire nearly 100 years ago when most of the city burned to the ground.
Henry and his fellow fire fighters don't want that to happen again.
Henry is on duty eight hours a day. During his shift, he eats and sleeps at the fire house.
Fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm at any hour of the day or night. Most of
the alarms are for small fires which can be put out in a few minutes. There are also a few
fake alarms, when the fire fighters arrive to find that there isn't any fire at all. Big fires are
very dangerous. Most of the time the greatest danger comes from smoke. Sometimes,
Henry has to enter burning buildings to rescue people inside. He has been in serious
danger many times to save people's lives.
Kate is proud of Henry for his work, but she worries about his safety. Henry feels that his
job isn't dangerous if he is careful and stays calm. He also needs to stay in good
shape too.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 回答之后请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Why do fire fighters have to work the night shift?
F: It is because they have to be ready to answer an alarm day and night.

M: What do fire fighters do?
F: They put out fire and rescue people.

M: How does Kate feel about Henry's job?
F: She is proud of Henry for his work, but she worries about his safety.





在这一课里, 我们要学习几个由动词和介词构成的常用语, 比方 "竞选" run for,r-u-n f-o-r, run for, "依赖" depend on, d-e-p-e-n-d o-n, depend on, "参预" take part in, t-a-k-e p-a-r-t i-n, take part in 等等. 我们也要学习许多跟选举有关系的词汇. 现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利跟同事南希谈起竞选话动的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Are you going to vote today, Henry?
M: I don't think so. There aren't any candidates I'm interested in.
F: Haven't you kept up on the issues?
M: I've seen the ads on TV, but I'm not up on what's going on.
F: You should be, you know. This is an important election. And a friend of mine is running
  for office.
M: That's why you've been bringing in all the campaign buttons.
F: Yes, Joe Brown is a really good candidate. He has taken part in a lot of community
activities and he knows what needs to be done.
M: And you would vote for him even if you weren't friends, right?
F: Right!


F: Are you going to vote today, Henry?
M: I don't think so. There aren't any candidates I'm interested in.
F: Haven't you kept up on the issues?
M: I've seen the ads on TV, but I'm not up on what's going on.
F: You should be, you know. This is an important election. And a friend of mine is running
  for office.
M: That's why you've been bringing in all the campaign buttons.
F: Yes, Joe Brown is a really good candidate. He has taken part in a lot of community
activities and he knows what needs to be done.
M: And you would vote for him even if you weren't friends, right?
F: Right!

现在老师把对话里包含了我们今天要学的常用语的句子挑出来, 再念一遍给你听.

M: There aren't any candidates I'm interested in.
F: Haven't you kept up on the issues?
M: I'm not up on what's going on.
F: A friend of mine is running for office.
M: You've been bringing in all the campaign buttons.
F: He has taken part in a lot of community activities.


听完了对话, 现在我们来练习对话里包含的常用语. 首先我们学习怎么用 run for 作句子. 比方有一句话: "有些律师在竞选总统." 这句话英文可以这样说:Some lawyers are running for the presidency.
下面我们作一组代换练习,学学这种说法. 在这一组练习里你可以学习到其他公职的名称, 比方市政会, 郡委会等等.现在我们开始作练习. 请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作.

M: Some lawyers are running for the presidency.
M: congressional office
F: Some lawyers are running for the congressional office
M: governor's office
F: Some lawyers are running for the governor's office.
M: mayor's office
F: Some lawyers are running for the mayor's office.
M: city council
F: Some lawyers are running for the city council.
M: county board
F: Some lawyers are running for the county board.


刚才我们作的几组练习都是有关竞选的事情. 下面我们作一组代换练习, 看看在美国参加竞选的人必须依赖谁的帮助才能够当选. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 比方: "候选人依赖竞选委员会主管人员来赢得选举." The candidates depend on their campaign managers to win the election. 你跟着重复一遍, 接着老师念出一些助选人员的名称, 比方 "竞选顾问" campaign advisors, "演讲稿撰写人" speech writers, "竞选工作人员" campaign staff. "支持者" supporters 等等, 请你把你听到的代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: The candidates depend on their campaign managers to win the election.
M: campaign advisors
F: The candidates depend on their campaign advisors to win the election.
M: speech writers
F: The candidates depend on their speech writers to win the election.
M: campaign staff
F: The candidates depend on their campaign staff to win the election.
M: supporters
F: The candidates depend on their supporters to win the election.


在上面那组练习里我们学习了怎么用 "依赖" depend on 作句子,下面我们要学习用interested in, i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-e-d i-n, interested in,再加上动名词词组来表示对什么什么感兴趣. 比方有一句话: "有些候选人对制造就业机会有兴趣." 这句话英文应该这样说:Some candidates are interested in creating job opportunities. 下面我们作一组代换练习, 一方面学习 to be interested in 的用法, 一方面学一学候选人所感兴趣的政治问题,比方 "争取女权" getting equal rights for women."对抗贪污" fighting corruption. "平衡政府预算" balancing government budget, "削减联邦政府规"cutting the size of the federal government, "改善教育计划"improving educational programs 等等. 现在我们开始练习.

M: Some candidates are interested in creating job opportunities.
M: getting equal rights for women
F: Some candidates are interested in getting equal rights for women.
M: fighting corruption
F: Some candidates are interested in fighting corruption.
M: balancing government budget
F: Some candidates are interested in balancing government budget.
M: cutting the size of the federal government
F: Some candidates are interested in cutting the size of the federal government.
M: improving educational programs
F: Some candidates are interested in improving educational programs.


下面我们作一组练习, 学一学 "参与" take part in 的用法. 首先由老师提出问题, 然后学生作肯定的答覆. 练习的内容还是跟政治活动有关系. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Did he take part in creating job opportunities?
F: Yes, he took part in creating job opportunities.
M: Did he take part in getting equal rights for women?
F: Yes, he took part in getting equal rights for women.
M: Did he take part in fighting corruption?
F: Yes, he took part in fighting corruption.
M: Did he take part in balancing government budget?
F: Yes, he took part in balancing government budget.
M: Did he take part in cutting the size of the federal government?
F: Yes, he took part in cutting the size of the federal government.
M: Did he take part in improving educational programs?
F: Yes, he took part in improving educational programs.


在下面一组练习里我们要学习用 take sides on, t-a-k-e s-i-d-e-s o-n, take sides on 来表达在各种不同政治军事等问题上表明立场.比方 "候选人应该在男女平权问题上表明立场吗?" 这句话英文应该这样说: Should the candidates take sides on the issue of equal rights? 在下面这组练习里除了可以练习 take sides on 的用法, 还可以学到许多有用的词汇, 比方: "民权" civil rights, "保护环境" environmental protection, "国防预算" defense budget, "核子能源" nuclear energy, "核武器" nuclear weapons 等等.请你注意听老师问问题, 并且跟学生一起作肯定的答覆.

M: Should the candidates take sides on the issue of equal rights?
F: Yes, they should take sides on the issue of equal rights.
M: Should the candidates take sides on the issue of civil rights?
F: Yes, they should take sides on the issue of civil rights.
M: Should the candidates take sides on the issue of environmental protection?
F: Yes, they should take sides on the issue of environmental protection.
M: Should the candidates take sides on the issue of defense budget?
F: Yes, they should take sides on the issue of defense budget.
M: Should the candidates take sides on the issue of nuclear energy?
F: Yes, they should take sides on the issue of nuclear energy.
M: Should the candidates take sides on the issue of nuclear weapons?
F: Yes, they should take sides on the issue of nuclear weapons.


刚才那组练习里的许多词汇如果你还不太熟, 现在我们再作一组代换练习, 复习一下, 不过这次我们换一个动词词组,这次我们用 keep up on, k-e-e-p u-p o-n,keep up on 来表示选民应该对各种与选举有关的问题随时注意.

M: Voters should keep up on the issue of civil rights.
M: defense budget
F: Voters should keep up on the issue of defense budget.
M: nuclear energy
F: Voters should keep up on the issue of nuclear energy.
M: nuclear weapons
F: Voters should keep up on the issue of nuclear weapons.
M: environmental protection
F: Voters should keep up on the issue of environmental protection.


下面我们作最后一组练习, 学学怎么用 appeal to, a-p-p-e-a-l t-o, appeal to 表达立场不同的政治家受不同选民的欢迎. 比方 "有些政治家受劳工的欢迎." 这句话英文应该这样说: Some politicians appeal to laborers, 在这组练习里你还可以学到其他有用的词汇, 比方 "女权运动者" feminists,"退伍军人" veterans,"少数民族" minority groups, "犹太后裔美国人" Jewish Americans, "西班牙后
裔美国人" Hispanic Americans. 现在我们开始作代换练习.

M: Some politicians appeal to businessmen.
M: laborers
F: Some politicians appeal to laborers.
M: feminists
F: Some politicians appeal to feminists.
M: veterans
F: Some politicians appeal to veterans.
M: minority groups
F: Some politicians appeal to minority groups.
M: Jewish Americans
F: Some politicians appeal to Jewish Americans.
M: Hispanic Americans
F: Some politicians appeal to Hispanic Americans.


今天我们要听的文章内容是说美国的选举制度, 说到怎么样从事竞选活动.文章里的词汇都是我们已经练习过的. 现在请你注意听.

Top officials in city, state and federal governments are elected to office by the people.
They run for office every two or four years and elections are held the first week of
November. People who run for elections are called politicians. Many of them are lawyers.
Successful politicians are often famous and important people in their communities.
Young lawyers who are interested in politics often join political clubs when they graduate
from law school. As club members, they help older politicians get elected. When they
have had enough experience and support, they run for office themselves. Before
 elections, political candidates are very busy. They have frequent meetings with their supporters. But most of their time is spent campaigning, shaking hands and making speeches to the public.
There are different groups of voters that politicians try to win support from. Most large
cities have black and Spanish speaking communities who elect powerful politicians.
Some politicians appeal to businessmen while others appeal to laborers. Many politicians run for office by taking sides on important issues such as balancing government 
budget, getting equal rights for women, fighting corruption and creating job opportunities.
Once politicians win elections, their futures depend on how well they do their jobs, and how
well the people hear of the work they are doing.


M: How often are elections held in the United States?

M: What do political candidates do to get elected?

M: What are some of the important political issues?


Top officials in city, state and federal governments are elected to office by the people.
They run for office every two or four years and elections are held the first week of
November. People who run for elections are called politicians. Many of them are lawyers.
Successful politicians are often famous and important people in their communities.
Young lawyers who are interested in politics often join political clubs when they graduate
from law school. As club members, they help older politicians get elected. When they
have had enough experience and support, they run for office themselves. Before
 elections, political candidates are very busy. They have frequent meetings with their supporters. But most of their time is spent campaigning, shaking hands and making speeches to the public.
There are different groups of voters that politicians try to win support from. Most large
cities have black and Spanish speaking communities who elect powerful politicians.
Some politicians appeal to businessmen while others appeal to laborers. Many politicians run for office by taking sides on important issues such as balancing government 
budget, getting equal rights for women, fighting corruption and creating job opportunities.
Once politicians win elections, their futures depend on how well they do their jobs, and how
well the people hear of the work they are doing.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 每回答一个问题老师会念出正确答案让你作个比较, 看你答对了没有.

M: How often are elections held in the United States?
F: They are held every two or four years.

M: What do political candidates do to get elected?
F: They campaign, shake hands and make speeches to the public.

M: What are some of the important political issues?
F: They are balancing government budget, getting equal rights for women, fighting
  corruption and creating job opportunities.




在这一课里, 我们学习虚词 it, i-t, it 的用法, 比方: "买房子不容易" It isn't easy to buy a house. "买房屋保险是必需的" It's necessary to buy house insurance等等. 另外我们要学习许多有关买卖房屋的词汇. 现在我们来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利跟凯特谈起了邻居卖房子的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Henry, the Fishers finally sold their house.
M: Well, it's good to hear that.
F: It hasn't been easy to sell a house these days. I was worried.
M: So was I. And the Fishers were so anxious to move. Did they get their price?
F: They got five thousand dollars less than they were asking for the house.
M: It isn't bad. It's expected to get less than what is asked.

下面我请英文老师把整段对话再用慢速度念一遍, 请你注意听.

F: Henry, the Fishers finally sold their house.
M: Well, it's good to hear that.
F: It hasn't been easy to sell a house these days. I was worried.
M: So was I. And the Fishers were so anxious to move. Did they get their price?
F: They got five thousand dollars less than they were asking for the house.
M: It isn't bad. It's expected to get less than what is asked.

现在老师把包含了it 的句子用慢速度再念一遍给你听.

M: It's good to hear that.
F: It hasn't been easy to sell a house these days.
M: It's expected to get less than what is asked.


听了上面几个句子, 我想你已经注意到 it 的用法. 比方 "拥有一幢房子很困难"It's difficult to own a house. 在这个句子里 it 指的就是 to own a house. 现在我们作一组练习, 学学这种用法. 练习里的句子都是跟买房子, 租公寓有关系的. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子,接着老师给你一个动词词组, 比方 "买公寓" to purchase a condominium, 老师也可能给你一个形容词, 比方 "经济实惠" economical, 请你把听到的代换到句子里.

M: It's difficult to own a house.
M: purchase a home
F: It's difficult to purchase a home.
M: costly
F: It's costly to purchase a home.
M: purchase a condominium
F: It's costly to purchase a condominium.
M: practical
F: It's practical to purchase a condominium.
M: economical
F: It's economical to purchase a condominium.
M: rent an apartment
F: It's economical to rent an apartment.
M: common
F: It's common to rent an apartment.

我希望刚才那组练习你都作对了. 下面我们再作一组练习, 用刚才那种句子构造学学买房子或是租房子应该注意的事情, 比方 "选择合适的地点" select the right location, "有好邻居" have good neighbors, "有个讲理的房东" have a reasonable landlord 等等. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问题, 请你作肯定的答覆. 每作完一句还是请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Is it important to select the right location?
F: Yes, it is important to select the right location.
M: Is it important to live in a good neighborhood?
F: Yes, it is important to live in a good neighborhood.
M: Is it important to have good neighbors?
F: Yes, it is important to have good neighbors.
M: Is it important to have a reasonable landlord?
F: Yes, it is important to have a reasonable landlord.

下面一组练习谈到买房子必须作的事情, 比方 "借钱" get a loan, "贷款" get a mortgage, "查利率" check the interest rate. "按期付款" make regular payments,"买房屋保险" buy house insurance, "付清贷款" pay off the mortgage 等等. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组. 请你把你听到的代换到原来的句子里, 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: It is necessary to pay for the house.
M: get a loan
F: It is necessary to get a loan.
M: get a mortgage
F: It is necessary to get a mortgage
M: check the interest rate
F: It is necessary to check the interest rate.
M: repay the bank
F: It is necessary to repay the bank.
M: make regular payments
F: It is necessary to make regular payments.
M: buy house insurance
F: It is necessary to buy house insurance.
M: pay off the mortgage
F: It is necessary to pay off the mortgage.

在下面一组练习里, 我们把两种意思相同但是句型不同的句子作个比较. 比方我们刚才练习过的一个句子: It is necessary to pay for the house. 这句话也可以这样说: Paying for the house is necessary. 现在我们开始作练习, 由老师用it 作一个句子, 比方 It is necessary to get a loan.请你把句子改成Getting a loan is necessary. 每作完一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: It is necessary to pay for the house.
F: Paying for the house is necessary.
M: It is necessary to get a loan.
F: Getting a loan is necessary.
M: It is necessary to get a mortgage.
F: Getting a mortgage is necessary.
M: It is necessary to check the interest rate.
F: Checking the interest rate is necessary.
M: It is necessary to repay the bank.
F: Repaying the bank is necessary.
M: It is necessary to make regular payments.
F: Making regular payments is necessary.
M: It is necessary to buy house insurance.
F: Buying house insurance is necessary.

在刚才的几组练习里我们学到了在美国买房子必须作的事情. 现在我们还是用 it 作句子, 学学在郊区买房子有什么好处和坏处. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问句, 比方 "住在郊区比较安全吗?" Is it safer to live in the suburbs? 接着老师提出一个形容词, 比方 "麻烦" troublesome, 你就用这个形容词的比较级把问句改成 Is it more troublesome to live in the suburbs? 好, 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 老师就把正确答案念给你听.

M: Is it safer to live in the suburbs?
M: quiet
F: Is it quieter to live in the suburbs?
M: economical
F: Is it more economical to live in the suburbs?
M: interesting
F: Is it more interesting to live in the suburbs?
M: comfortable
F: Is it more comfortable to live in the suburbs?
M: expensive
F: Is it more expensive to live in the suburbs?
M: troublesome
F: Is it more troublesome to live in the suburbs?
M: dangerous
F: Is it more dangerous to live in the suburbs?
M: convenient
F: Is it more convenient to live in the suburbs?

下面一组练习是说到住在城里的好处和坏处; 比方老师问学生 "住在城里比较不舒服吗?" Is it less comfortable living in the city? 接着老师念出一个形容词,学生就把形容词代换到原来的句子里, 请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作.

M: Is it less economical living in the city?
M: interesting
F: Is it less interesting living in the city?
M: comfortable
F: Is it less comfortable living in the city?
M: expensive
F: Is it less expensive living in the city?
M: troublesome
F: Is it less troublesome living in the city?
M: dangerous
F: Is it less dangerous living in the city?
M: convenient
F: Is it less convenient living in the city?

下面一组练习是由老师用疑问词 what 问你一个问题, 比方: What has become necessary? 接着老师念一个词组, 比方: "有收入" having an income. 请你用这个词组来回答问题,所以答案就是:Having an income has become necessary.然后你再用 it 把句子改成 It has become necessary to have an income. 每作完一个句子就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: What has become difficult?
M: purchasing a home
F: Purchasing a home has become difficult.
F: It has become difficult to purchase a home.
M: What has become costly?
M: buying a condominium
F: Buying a condominium has become costly.
F: It has become costly to buy a condominium.
M: What has become expensive?
M: renting an apartment
F: Renting an apartment has become expensive.
F: It has become expensive to rent an apartment.
M: What has become common?
M: paying high interest rate
F: Paying high interest rate has become common.
F: It has become common to pay high interest rate.
M: What has become important?
M: getting a mortgage
F: Getting a mortgage has become important.
F: It has become important to get a mortgage.


今天我们要听的文章是谈到美国人的住房问题. 文章里不但说到美国人民怎么样贷款买房子, 还谈到租房子或是租公寓有什么好处. 请你注意听, 等一会儿我们要根据文章问你几个问题.

In the U.S. today, the cost of housing is very high. It is common to pay one fourth to one
third of a family's income on a place to live. The price of a house depends on its size and
location. Big houses are more expensive than smaller ones. And houses closer to the center of big cities are more expensive than ones in the suburbs or in small towns.
Regardless of the cost, it is usual for people to buy their houses over a period of time.
When a family buys a house, it is necessary to borrow money from a bank to pay for it.
Then they repay the bank in regular payments. This kind of bank loan is called a mortgage. Families can take 30 years to pay-off the mortgage. Without a mortgage it would be impossible for most people to own their houses.
Many Americans don't own their own homes. They pay landlords to live in their homes.
The money they pay for this is called rent. Usually, it is cheaper to rent than it is to buy and to pay a mortgage. Also, when something needs to be repaired, it is easy for the renter to ask the landlord to fix it. Some people rent houses, but most renters live in apartments. Apartment buildings are located in cities where it is too costly to build houses. Recently it has become common for renters to buy their apartments. When this happens, the cost usually increases but the money goes to pay off the mortgage. Apartments bought this way are called condominiums.
刚才那篇文章如果你没有全部听懂, 没有关系, 等一会儿老师会再念一遍给你听. 现在我们先来听老师把今天测验的问题念一遍.

M: How much do most Americans pay for a place to live?

M: How do most Americans pay for a house?

M: What are some of the advantages of renting an apartment?


In the U.S. today, the cost of housing is very high. It is common to pay one fourth to one
third of a family's income on a place to live. The price of a house depends on its size and
location. Big houses are more expensive than smaller ones. And houses closer to the center of big cities are more expensive than ones in the suburbs or in small towns.
Regardless of the cost, it is usual for people to buy their houses over a period of time.
When a family buys a house, it is necessary to borrow money from a bank to pay for it.
Then they repay the bank in regular payments. This kind of bank loan is called a mortgage. Families can take 30 years to pay-off the mortgage. Without a mortgage it would be impossible for most people to own their houses.
Many Americans don't own their own homes. They pay landlords to live in their homes.
The money they pay for this is called rent. Usually, it is cheaper to rent than it is to buy and to pay a mortgage. Also, when something needs to be repaired, it is easy for the renter to ask the landlord to fix it. Some people rent houses, but most renters live in apartments. Apartment buildings are located in cities where it is too costly to build houses. Recently it has become common for renters to buy their apartments. When this happens, the cost usually increases but the money goes to pay off the mortgage. Apartments bought this way are called condominiums.


M: How much do most Americans pay for a place to live?
F: Most Americans pay one fourth to one third of their income for a place to live.

M: How do most Americans pay for a house?
F: They get a mortgage.

M: What are some of the advantages of renting an apartment?
F: It is cheaper and easier to get repairs.




在这一课里, 我们继续学习用虚词 it, i-t, it 作句子, 我们也要学习一些跟住房有关系的词汇. 首先我们还是按照惯例听一段对话, 内容是说凯特的父母退休之后从美国东北部搬到南部的事情. 请你注意英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Kate, where have you been?
F: I've been out shopping. Why Henry?
M: Your folks just called. It's taken so long but they finally sold their house.
F: Well, it's about time. Did they get a good price?
M: They didn't get the price they were asking, but it seems that they got a good deal.
F: Well, now they can move into their new place in Florida.
M: Yes, I think it is good that they bought a place there. They will like being free from
   the big house and cold weather.
F: I hope you're right.
M: They'll be OK, Kate. Let's go to visit them as soon as they are settled.


M: Kate, where have you been?
F: I've been out shopping. Why Henry?
M: Your folks just called. It's taken so long but they finally sold their house.
F: Well, it's about time. Did they get a good price?
M: They didn't get the price they were asking, but it seems that they got a good deal.
F: Well, now they can move into their new place in Florida.
M: Yes, I think it is good that they bought a place there. They will like being free from
   the big house and cold weather.
F: I hope you're right.
M: They'll be OK, Kate. Let's go to visit them as soon as they are settled.

现在老师把对话里包含了 it 的句子挑出来, 再念一遍给你听.

M: It's taken so long, but they finally sold their house.
F: Well, it's about time.
M: It seems to me that they got a good deal.
M: It is good that they bought a place there.


听了上面的句子,你或许已经注意到 it 的用法,比方 "是作练习的时候了." 这句话英文可以这样说: It's time to do the exercises. 再举一个例子,"是他们卖房子的时候了", 或是 "他们该卖房子了" 这句英文可以这样说: It's time for them to sell their house. 现在我们作一组练习, 学学这种说法, 练习的内容都跟凯特的父母应该退休有关系, 比方他们搬到暖和一点的地方去享受老年生活等等. 练习的作法是老师先念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 比方 "退休" retire,"找房地产代理人"find a real estate agent, "搬到热带地区" move to a tropical area 等等, 学生就把他听到的词组代换到原来的句子里.在学生作练习的时候, 请你也一起作.

M: It's time for them to enjoy life.
M: relax
F: It's time for them to relax.
M: retire
F: It's time for them to retire.
M: pay off the mortgage
F: It's time for them to pay off the mortgage.
M: sell their house
F: It's time for them to sell their house.
M: find a real estate agent
F: It's time for them to find a real estate agent.
M: move away from New Jersey
F: It's time for them to move away from New Jersey.
M: move to a tropical area
F: It's time for them to move to a tropical area.
M: move to a warmer region
F: It's time for them to move to a warmer region.
M: buy a condominium in Florida
F: It's time for them to buy a condominium in Florida.


现在我们学习 It's about time 的用法. 这句话可以用来表示某件事总算发生了,比方你等人等了半天, 这个人终于来了, 你就说: It's about time. 意思就是 "你总算来了!" 有的时候 It's about time. 也有催促人快点作某件事的意思, 比方你的朋友忙了半天, 一直没时间吃饭, 你就说 It's about time that you eat. 意思就是 "你也该吃饭了." 现在我们作一组练习, 学习用 It's about time. 催促别人作某件事情. 练习的内容都跟凯特的父母有关系的. 练习的作法是老师用刚才学过的句型提出一个问题, 比方 Is it time for them to move? 你就肯定的回答说: Yes, it's about time that they move. 现在我们开始作练习. 练习里的词汇都是我们刚才学过的.每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Is it time for them to enjoy life?
F: Yes, it's about time that they enjoy life.
M: Is it time for them to relax?
F: Yes, it's about time that they relax.
M: Is it time for them to retire?
F: Yes, it's about time that they retire.
M: Is it time for them to pay off the mortgage?
F: Yes, it's about time that they pay off the mortgage.
M: Is it time for them to sell their house?
F: Yes, it's about time that they sell their house.
M: Is it time for them to find a real estate agent?
F: Yes, it's about time that they find a real estate agent.
M: Is it time for them to move away from New Jersey?
F: Yes, it's about time that they move away from New Jersey.
M: Is it time for them to move to a tropical area?
F: Yes, it's about time that they move to a tropical area.
M: Is it time for them to move to a warmer region?
F: Yes, it's about time that they move to a warmer region.
M: Is it time for them to buy a condominium in Florida?
F: Yes, it's about time that they buy a condominium in Florida.


下面我们学习用 It takes time 加上 to 再加上动词词组来表示作某件事情需要时间. 比方 "适应新环境需要时间." 这句话英文可以这样说: It takes time to adapt to the new environment. 现在我们作一组代换练习, 学学这种说法, 练习的内容是说到凯特的父母搬到南部去之后需要花时间作的事情, 比方适应新的生活方式, 熟悉新社区等等.在这组练习里你还可以学到一些有用的词, 比方 "重新安顿下来" resettle, "老年人俱乐部" the senior citizens club. "气候" climate 等等. 现在我们开始作代换练习,每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: It takes time to adapt to the new environment.
M: resettle
F: It takes time to resettle.
M: become familiar with local community
F: It takes time to become familiar with the local community.
M: join the senior citizens' club
F: It takes time to join the senior citizens' club.
M: get used to a different climate
F: It takes time to get used to a different climate.
M: adapt to the new life style
F: It takes time to adapt to the new life style.

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 这次老师提出问题, 比方 "他们花了多少时间才重新安顿下来?" How much time did it take for them to resettle? 接着老师说:"一段时间" a period of time, 你就肯定的回答说: "他们花了一段时间才重新安顿下来." It took them a period of time to resettle. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: How much time did it take for them to adapt to the new environment?
M: a while
F: It took them a while to adapt to the new environment.
M: How much time did it take for them to resettle?
M: a period of time
F: It took them a period of time to resettle.
M: How much time did it take for them to become familiar with the local community?
M: about two months
F: It took them about two months to become familiar with the local community.
M: How much time did it take for them to join the senior citizens' club?
M: one week
F: It took them one week to join the senior citizens' club.
M: How much time did it take for them to get used to a different climate?
M: a few days
F: It took them a few days to get used to a different climate.
M: How much time did it take for them to adapt to the new life style?
M: a while
F: It took them a while to adapt to the new life style.


下面我们作一组练习, 由老师用动名词作主语说个句子, 比方 Moving south is good for them. 请你用 it 把句子改成 It's good for them to move south. 在这个句子里 it 指的就是 to move south. 这组练习的内容都是说作什么事情对凯特的父母有好处. 在作练习的时候你可以学到一些有用的词汇, 比方 "人口稠密的地区" a densely populated area. "工业区" an industrial area, "零度以下" below
zero temperature 等等. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Moving south is good for them.
F: It's good for them to move south.
M: Having tropical weather is good for them.
F: It's good for them to have tropical weather.
M: Moving away from a densely populated area is good for them.
F: It's good for them to move away from a densely populated area.
M: Moving away from an industrial area is good for them.
F: It's good for them to move away from an industrial area.
M: Getting away from the below zero temperature is good for them.
F: It's good for them to get away from the below zero temperature.


下面我们换个方式再把刚才学过的词汇练习一下. 这次老师用 it 加上从句说一句话, 比方 It's good that they can move south. 接着老师提出一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 请你跟学生一起作练习.

M: It's good that they can move south.
M: enjoy a better climate
F: It's good that they can enjoy a better climate.
M: move away from a densely populated area
F: It's good that they can move away from a densely populated area.
M: move away from an industrial area
F: It's good that they can move away from an industrial area.
M: get away from the below zero temperature
F: It's good that they can get away from the below zero temperature.


今天我们要听的文章是说美国哪些地区人口稠密,人们为什么纷纷的搬到西部和南部, 老人退休之后多半迁居到什么地方等等. 现在请你注意听.

The northern parts of the United States get very cold in the winter. It snows a great deal and the temperature often goes below zero degrees in January, February and March. But the
northeastern and northcentral regions of the country have been financial and industrial
centers, and they are heavily populated.
In recent years, people in these regions have begun to take vacations during these cold
winter months. They go to southern parts of the country where it is warmer. Many go to
Florida where the weather is tropical. Others go to the south western states of Arizona, New
Mexico and Texas where they find dry desert climates. It has become common, nowadays,
for older people to move south to these places when they retire. Typically these people
sell their houses in their home communities and move south to begin a new life as senior
citizens. Their children likely have homes of their own, and many of them are moving south
away from communities where they were raised.
The southern and south western parts of the country are now growing faster than any other
parts. Business and industry have opened many new offices and factories in the south.
California is already the most popular state in the country. Texas and Florida are growing
fast too. They may soon replace such states as New York and Pennsylvania in population.

等一会儿老师会把整篇文章再念一遍给你听. 现在我们先来听今天测验的三个问题.

M: What is winter weather like in the northern part of the United States?

M: Why do a lot of Americans move south when they retire?

M: How have American business and industry developed in the South?


The northern parts of the United States get very cold in the winter. It snows a great deal and the temperature often goes below zero degrees in January, February and March. But the
northeastern and northcentral regions of the country have been financial and industrial
centers, and they are heavily populated.
In recent years, people in these regions have begun to take vacations during these cold
winter months. They go to southern parts of the country where it is warmer. Many go to
Florida where the weather is tropical. Others go to the south western states of Arizona, New
Mexico and Texas where they find dry desert climates. It has become common, nowadays,
for older people to move south to these places when they retire. Typically these people
sell their houses in their home communities and move south to begin a new life as senior
citizens. Their children likely have homes of their own, and many of them are moving south
away from communities where they were raised.
The southern and south western parts of the country are now growing faster than any other
parts. Business and industry have opened many new offices and factories in the south.
California is already the most popular state in the country. Texas and Florida are growing
fast too. They may soon replace such states as New York and Pennsylvania in population.

现在请你回答刚才听过的三个问题. 每回答一个问题老师就会念出正确答案让你作个比较, 看你答对了没有.

M: What is winter weather like in the northern part of the United States?
F: It snows a great deal and the temperature often goes below zero degrees.

M: Why do a lot of Americans move south when they retire?
F: They want to begin a new life as senior citizens and to enjoy warmer weather.

M: How have American business and industry developed in the South?
F: They have opened many new offices and factories in the South.




在这一课里,我们学习反问句,比方 "你不懂吗?" Don't you understand? "你跟我一起看电视好吗?" Won't you watch television with me? 等等. 现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利跟凯特谈起看球赛的事情.请你注意两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Henry, why don't we go out to lunch today, and visit some friends?
M: And miss today's football game? Washington and Los Angeles are playing. I can't miss
F: Honestly, Henry. Don't you ever get tired of football games?
M: This will be one of the best games of the year, and I haven't seen Washington play for
F: Every year, as soon as the leaves start changing,you start spending Sunday afternoons in  
front of the television watching football.
M: Why don't you watch it with me? You might like it.
F: I have better thing to do with my Sunday afternoons. Besides, it's too rough for me.


F: Henry, why don't we go out to lunch today, and visit some friends?
M: And miss today's football game? Washington and Los Angeles are playing. I can't miss
F: Honestly, Henry. Don't you ever get tired of football games?
M: This will be one of the best games of the year, and I haven't seen Washington play for
F: Every year, as soon as the leaves start changing,you start spending Sunday afternoons in  
front of the television watching football.
M: Why don't you watch it with me? You might like it.
F: I have better thing to do with my Sunday afternoons. Besides, it's too rough for me.


F: Why don't we go out to lunch today?
F: Don't you ever get tired of football games?
M: Why don't you watch it with me?


听了上面的句子, 或许你对反问句的用法已经有了概念. 一般说来反问句都是以动词或是助动词否定结构. 比方 don't, can't, isn't 开头, 在追问原因的时候就把 why, w-h-y, why 放在句子的最前头, 比方对话里的 Why don't you watch it with me? 就是一个例子. 反问句有几种用途, 比方可以用来提出建议, 对话里的 Why don't we go out to lunch today? 意思就等于 Let's go out to lunch today! 也就是 "我们今天出去吃中饭吧!" 现在我们作一组练习, 把这两种说法作个比较, 练习的内容都跟各种不同运动有关系, 比方 "英式足球" soccer, "曲棍球" hockey, "赛车" car racing, "拳击赛"boxing match, "世界棒球赛" baseball world series, "锦标赛" championship game 等等. 练习的作法是老师用 let's 开头说一句话, 比方 Let's watch the championship game.你就用 Why don't we 开头把句子改成 Why don't we watch the championship game? 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Let's play soccer.
F: Why don't we play soccer?
M: Let's play hockey.
F: Why don't we play hockey?
M: Let's go see a boxing match.
F: Why don't we go see a boxing match?
M: Let's go see car racing.
F: Why don't we go see car racing?
M: Let's go running.
F: Why don't we go running?
M: Let's watch the baseball world series.
F: Why don't we watch the baseball world series?
M: Let's watch the championship game.
F: Why don't we watch the championship game?
M: Let's stay home and watch the football game.
F: Why don't we stay home and watch the football game?

下面我们作一组练习, 学学怎么用反问句邀请别人作一件事情, 比方你要邀请别人跟你一起打网球. 你可以这样说: Won't you play tennis with me? 这句话的意思跟我们以前学过的 Would you play tennis with me? 大同小异. 现在我们把这两种说法作个比较, 老师用 Would 开头说一句话, 你就用 won't 开头把句子改成反问句, 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Would you play tennis with me?
F: Won't you play tennis with me?
M: Would you go to the football game with me?
F: Won't you go to the football game with me?
M: Would you go to the soccer game with me?
F: Won't you go to the soccer game with me?
M: Would you go to the hockey game with me?
F: Won't you go to the hockey game with me?
M: Would you go see a boxing match with me?
F: Won't you go see a boxing match with me?
M: Would you go see car racing with me?
F: Won't you go see car racing with me?
M: Would you watch the baseball world series with me?
F: Won't you watch the baseball world series with me?
M: Would you watch the championship game with me?
F: Won't you watch the championship game with me?

下面我们作一组练习, 学学用 why don't you 向别人提出建议. 比方圣诞节快要到了, 凯特不知道该给儿子彼得买什么圣诞礼物. 她跟亨利商量.亨利知道彼得喜欢运动, 于是就建议说: "你为什么不给他买一根棒球棒呢?" Why don't you buy him a baseball bat? 现在我们作一组代换练习, 学学这种说法. 练习的作法是老师先念一个句子, 接着老师提出一些运动器材的名称, 比方 "棒球面罩"baseball mask, "足球头盔" football helmet, "网球拍" tennis racket, "旱冰鞋"rollerskates, "滑雪的时候穿的外套" ski jacket, "打曲棍球用的棍子" hockey stick 等等. 请你把你听到的代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句老师就念正确答案给你听.

M: Why don't you buy him a baseball bat?
M: a baseball mask
F: Why don't you buy him a baseball mask?
M: baseball gloves
F: Why don't you buy him baseball gloves?
M: a football helmet
F: Why don't you buy him a football helmet?
M: a tennis racket
F: Why don't you buy him a tennis racket?
M: a ski jacket
F: Why don't you buy him a ski jacket?
M: a hockey stick
F: Why don't you buy him hockey stick?
M: a pair of ice skates
F: Why don't you buy him a pair of ice skates?
M: a pair of rollerskates
F: Why don't you buy him a pair of rollerskates?

刚才我们用 why don't you 作了一些反问句, 表示向别人提议. 现在我们把这种说法跟另外一种反问句作个比较. 练习的作法是老师用 why don't you 提出一个建议, 比方 Why don't you buy him a baseball bat? 请你把句子改成:"给他买棒球棒不是更好吗?" Isn't it better to buy him a baseball bat? 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句老师就念正确答案给你听.

M: Why don't you buy him a baseball bat?
F: Isn't it better to buy him a baseball bat?
M: Why don't you buy him a baseball mask?
F: Isn't it better to buy him a baseball mask?
M: Why don't you buy him a baseball gloves?
F: Isn't it better to buy him a baseball gloves?
M: Why don't you buy him a football helmet?
F: Isn't it better to buy him a football helmet?
M: Why don't you buy him a tennis racket?
F: Isn't it better to buy him a tennis racket?
M: Why don't you buy him a ski jacket?
F: Isn't it better to buy him a ski jacket?
M: Why don't you buy him a hockey stick?
F: Isn't it better to buy him a hockey stick?
M: Why don't you buy him a pair of ice skates?
F: Isn't it better to buy him a pair of ice skates?
M: Why don't you buy him a pair of rollerskates?
F: Isn't it better to buy him a pair of rollerskates?


下面我们学学用反问句来表示对某件事情感到怀疑. 比方彼得最喜欢的球队要跟另外一个球队打决赛, 可是他居然因为有别的事不去, 他妹妹琳达知道了觉得很奇怪就问他说: "你难道不要给你最喜欢的球队加油吗?" Don't you want to cheer your favorite team? 当琳达发现彼得对看球赛不那么感兴趣了就问他说: "难道你从来不想跟职业运动员一样棒吗? "Don't you ever want to be as skillful as professional athletes? 下面琳达问彼得一些问题, 请你每听一句就跟着学生把句子重复一遍.

F: Aren't you going to the championship game tonight?
M: Aren't you going to the championship game tonight?
F: Don't you want to cheer your favorite team?
M: Don't you want to cheer your favorite team?
F: Can't you change your plan and go to the game?
M: Can't you change your plan and go to the game?
F: Don't you want to be as skillful as the professional athletes?
M: Don't you want to be as skillful as the professional athletes?
F: Don't you want to be as rich as the professional athletes?
M: Don't you want to be as rich as the professional athletes?


现在我们学习怎么回答反问句. 在中文里如果有人问你: 你不喜欢棒球吗? 要是你不喜欢你就回答说: 是的, 我不喜欢; 可是在英文里, 你就必须这样说: No,I don't like it. 在下面一组练习里,有人问凯特一些有关运动的问题, 这些问题凯特都一一的作否定的答覆. 下面就是一个例子:

M: Aren't you going to the football game tonight?
F: No, I am not going to the football game tonight.

现在请你注意听问题, 并且跟凯特一起回答问题.

M: Didn't you watch the football game last night?
F: No, I didn't watch the football game last night.
M: Didn't you know that it was the championship game?
F: No, I didn't know that it was the championship game.
M: Don't you feel sorry that you missed it?
F: No, I don't feel sorry that I missed it.
M: Don't you like professional sports?
F: No, I don't like professional sports.
M: Don't you think that professional sports are interesting?
F: No, I don't think that professional sports are interesting.


在刚才那组练习里, 凯特表示她对职业球赛不感兴趣, 但是一般美国人跟她大不相同. 许多美国人是运动迷, 他们对许多球类运动特别热衷,尤其是棒球. 下面我们要听的文章介绍的就是在美国很受欢迎的几种球类运动. 现在请你注意听. 等一会儿我们要根据文章问你几个问题.

Professional sports are very popular in the United States, and they are big business.
The most popular sports are baseball, football and basketball. Each has its own season,
and millions of supporters. Professional teams are named for the cities where they are
located. Their strongest supporters live in these cities. When a team plays in a championship game, most people in the city follow the game with interest and enthusiasm.
Basketball is well known around the world. Professional basketball games in the United
States are played indoors during the winter months. From November to April one can find
a professional basketball game several nights a week in most large American cities.
Baseball is an American sport. It has been called the national pass-time. The game is
played in the evenings nearly everyday of the week and on weekends as well.
The season begins in April and finishes with the World series in October.
Football has become the most popular professional sport in the U.S. It is played on
Sundays during the fall from August to January. American football is different from
international football, which Americans call soccer. Both games require strength and
specialized skills.
Professional athletes are very well paid. The most famous athletes make millions of
dollars for their playing skill. America's best athletes have higher salaries than the
country's president.


M: When are professional basketball games played indoors?

M: When is professional football played?

M: Do professional athletes make a lot of money?


Professional sports are very popular in the United States, and they are big business.
The most popular sports are baseball, football and basketball. Each has its own season,
and millions of supporters. Professional teams are named for the cities where they are
located. Their strongest supporters live in these cities. When a team plays in a
championship game, most people in the city follow the game with interest and enthusiasm.
Basketball is well known around the world. Professional basketball games in the United
States are played indoors during the winter months. From November to April one can find
a professional basketball game several nights a week in most large American cities.
Baseball is an American sport. It has been called the national pass-time. The game is
played in the evenings nearly everyday of the week and on weekends as well.
The season begins in April and finishes with the World series in October.
Football has become the most popular professional sport in the U.S. It is played on
Sundays during the fall from August to January. American football is different from
international football, which Americans call soccer. Both games require strength and
specialized skills.
Professional athletes are very well paid. The most famous athletes make millions of
dollars for their playing skill. America's best athletes have higher salaries than the
country's president.

现在请你回答你刚才听过的三个问题. 每回答一个问题, 就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: When are professional basketball games played indoors?
F: They are played indoors during the winter months.

M: When is professional football played?
F: It is played on Sundays during the fall.

M: Do professional athletes make a lot of money?
F: Yes, they do.





在这一课里, 我们学习动词加上 to, t-o, to 再加上另外一个动词的用法, 比方"拒绝参加" refuse to join, "要求得到" demand to get 等等. 我们还要学习许多关于工会的词汇. 首先我们来听今天这一课的对话,内容是说凯特和他的同事比尔谈起了参加教师工会的事情, 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Are you going to the union meeting tonight?
M: No, I refused to join a union. It's not professional.
F: I used to think that way, but not anymore. The union is here to stay, and I think it is a
  good thing.
M: Why do we need to have a union?
F: They communicate our views to the school board.
M: They demand to get more money and lighter workloads.
F: They work to get better learning situations for our students.
M: Like what?
F: They managed to get the school board to control class size and offer more courses.
M: Yes, they were helpful in those cases, but I still don't want to join the union.


F: Are you going to the union meeting tonight?
M: No, I refused to join a union. It's not professional.
F: I used to think that way, but not anymore. The union is here to stay, and I think it is a
  good thing.
M: Why do we need to have a union?
F: They communicate our views to the school board.
M: They demand to get more money and lighter workloads.
F: They work to get better learning situations for our students.
M: Like what?
F: They managed to get the school board to control class size and offer more courses.
M: Yes, they were helpful in those cases, but I still don't want to join the union.

下面我们再把对话里包含了今天要学的语法的句子挑出来, 用慢速度念一遍给你听.

M: I refuse to join a union. I don't want to join the union.
F: I used to think that way.
M: Why do we need to have a union?
M: They demand to get more money.
F: They work to get better learning situations.
F: They managed to get the school board to control class size.


听了上面那些句子, 我想你已经注意到用 to 连接的两个动词可以用来说明同一个主语. 现在我们作几组练习, 多学学这类动词词组. 首先我们学习 need to have. 比方 "工人需要减轻工作量." 这句话英文可以这样说: Workers need to have lighter workloads. 下面英文老师用 need to have 作一些句子, 说明工人需要有什么, 比方 "较高的工资" higher wages, "小额优惠" fringe benefits, "职业保障" job protection,"退休金" retirement pension,"工会代表" union representatives 等等. 你注意听
老师念句子, 并且跟着学生把句子重复一遍.

M: Workers need to have higher wages.
F: Workers need to have higher wages.
M: Workers need to have better working conditions.
F: Workers need to have better working conditions.
M: Workers need to have more fringe benefits.
F: Workers need to have more fringe benefits.
M: Workers need to have job protection.
F: Workers need to have job protection.
M: Workers need to have retirement pension.
F: Workers need to have retirement pension.
M: Workers need to have unions.
F: Workers need to have unions.
M: Workers need to have representatives.
F: Workers need to have representatives.


刚才那些新词汇如果你还不太熟没有关系. 现在我们作一组代换练习把这些词汇练习一下; 不过这次我请英文老师用 "需要得到" demand to get 作句子.练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 接着老师念出一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 在学生作练习的时候, 请你也一起作.

M: Workers demand to get higher wages.
M: better working conditions
F: Workers demand to get better working conditions.
M: more fringe benefits
F: Workers demand to get more fringe benefits.
M: job protection
F: Workers demand to get job protection.
M: retirement pension
F: Workers demand to get retirement pension.
M: lighter workloads
F: Workers demand to get lighter workloads

下面我们练习用 are allowed to 加上另外一个动词作一些被动语态句子,说明美国法律准许工人作什么事, 比方 "组织工会" form a union, "表示意见"express opinions, "组织罢工" organize a strike, "跟资方讨价还价" bargain with the management 等等. 老师念第一个句子之后, 接着老师会念出一些词组,请你把你听到的代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句, 老师会把句子再念一遍给你听. 我们现在开始.

M: Workers are allowed to form a union.
M: select their representatives
F: Workers are allowed to select their representatives.
M: express their opinions
F: Workers are allowed to express their opinions.
M: organize a strike
F: Workers are allowed to organize a strike.
M: bargain with the management
F: Workers are allowed to bargain with the management.

下面我们用 want to 加上另外一个动词作一些句子, 学学工会要作些什么事情. 在这组练习里你不但可以复习语法, 也可以学到一些有用的词汇, 比方"改善" improve, "磋商" negotiate, "吸收新会员" recruit new members 等等.现在请你注意听老师念句子, 每念完一句就请你跟着学生一起把句子重复

M: The unions want to represent workers.
F: The unions want to represent workers.
M: The unions want to recruit new members.
F: The unions want to recruit new members.
M: The unions want to improve workers' working situations.
F: The unions want to improve workers' working situations.
M: The unions want to negotiate with the management.
F: The unions want to negotiate with the management.
M: The unions want to communicate with the management.
F: The unions want to communicate with the management.


下面我们作一组练习, 学学怎么用 refuse to 加上另外一个动词来说明拒绝作什么事. 练习的作法是老师提出一些有关劳资双方讨价还价的问题, 比方老师问你: "资方拒绝妥协了吗?" Did the management refuse to compromise? 接着老师说: No, 你就回答说: No, they didn't refuse to compromise. 老师也许问你:"资方拒绝雇更多人吗?"Did the management refuse to hire more people?接着老师说: Yes,那么你就回答说: Yes, they refused to hire more people. 在这组练习里, 你还可以学到其他有用的词汇, 比方 "讨论" discuss, "减轻工作量" reduce workloads, "加薪" raise salaries 等等. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Did the management refuse to discuss with the union?
M: No
F: No, they didn't refuse to discuss.
M: Did the management refuse to compromise?
M: No
F: No, they didn't refuse to compromise.
M: Did the management refuse to reduce the workloads?
M: Yes
F: Yes, they refused to reduce the workloads.
M: Did the management refuse to hire more people?
M: Yes
F: Yes, they refused to hire more people.
M: Did the management refuse to raise the salaries?
M: No
F: No, they didn't refuse to raise the salaries.

下面我们用 managed to 作一些过去时态句子, 说明工会设法作了什么事. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 比方: "工会设法吸收了新会员." The unions managed to recruit new members. 接着老师提出一个词组, 比方 "充实力量"gain strength, "获得效率" gain effectiveness, "争取更好的合同" get a better contract 等等, 学生就把他听到的词组代换到原来的句子里,在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: The unions managed to recruit new members.
M: gain strength
F: The unions managed to gain strength.
M: gain effectiveness
F: The unions managed to gain effectiveness.
M: organize a strike
F: The unions managed to organize a strike.
M: negotiate with the management
F: The unions managed to negotiate with the management.
M: communicate workers' views to the management
F: The unions managed to communicate workers' views to the management.
M: get a good contract
F: The unions managed to get a good contract.

下面我们作一组综合练习, 用不同动词词组学学美国劳资双方怎么解决彼此之间的歧见.在这组练习里你可以练习几个很有用的动词,比方 "同意" agree,"威胁" threaten, "合作" cooperate 等等. 练习的作法是老师用疑问词提出一个问题, 接着老师念出一个词组, 请你用老师给你的词组来回答问题. 每作完
一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: What did workers want to do?
M: get higher wages
F: Workers wanted to get higher wages.
M: What did they begin to do ?
M: organize a union
F: They began to organize a union.
M: What did the union manage to do?
M: bargain with the management
F: The union managed to bargain with the management.
M: What did the union threaten to do?
M: organize a strike
F: The union threatened to organize a strike.
M: What did the management agree to do?
M: cooperate with the union
F: The management agreed to cooperate with the union.
M: What did the management decide to do?
M: raise workers' salaries
F: The management decided to raise the workers' salaries.


今天我们要听一篇介绍美国工会的文章. 这篇文章不但提到工会成立的经过,也谈到了什么是 "集体谈判" collective bargaining. 现在请你注意听.

Nearly 100 years ago, America's working people began to join together to improve their
wages and their working situations. They formed unions. The unions presented a united
position among workers in discussions with owners of businesses and factories. This idea
became known as collective bargaining.
Unions were started at separate local factories. Slowly unions in several factories started
to join together. As they gained size, the unions were able to gain strength and
effectiveness. By the 1950's unions were successfully representing their members in most
American industries.
Unions began as organizations for factory workers. Later skilled workers such as electricians and plumbers organized into unions. Recently professional people have also
begun to form unions. Many teachers and nurses, for example, belong to unions. Today
the largest unions have several million members.
The unions not only represent the workers in discussions with business management.
They also train workers for jobs, give members money if they lose their jobs, and pay
workers pensions when they retire. In many situations, a person is not allowed to take a
job unless he belongs to the union.
Unions have become established institutions of American industry. Unions and management have learned to work for the benefit of both workers and owners.


M: Why do American workers join unions?

M: What do unions do nowadays?

M: Are there professional unions in the United States?


Nearly 100 years ago, America's working people began to join together to improve their
wages and their working situations. They formed unions. The unions presented a united
position among workers in discussions with owners of businesses and factories. This idea
became known as collective bargaining.
Unions were started at separate local factories. Slowly unions in several factories started
to join together. As they gained size, the unions were able to gain strength and
effectiveness. By the 1950's unions were successfully representing their members in most
American industries.
Unions began as organizations for factory workers. Later skilled workers such as
electricians and plumbers organized into unions. Recently professional people have also
begun to form unions. Many teachers and nurses, for example, belong to unions. Today
the largest unions have several million members.
The unions not only represent the workers in discussions with business management.
They also train workers for jobs, give members money if they lose their jobs, and pay
workers pensions when they retire. In many situations, a person is not allowed to take a
job unless he belongs to the union.
Unions have become established institutions of American industry. Unions and management have learned to work for the benefit of both workers and owners.

现在请你回答你刚才听过的三个问题. 每回答一个问题,老师就会念出正确答案让你作个比较, 看你是不是答对了. 只要意思答对了就行, 不一定要每个字跟老师的说法一样. 现在我们开始.

M: Why do American workers join unions?
F: They join unions to improve their wages and working situations.

M: What do unions do nowadays?
F: They represent the workers, train them for jobs, give unemployed members money and pay    retirement pensions.

M: Are there professional unions in the United States?
F: Yes, there are.





在这一课里, 我们练习几个由动词和介词构成的动词词组, 比方 "继续" keep on, k-e-e-p o-n, keep on. "延迟" put off, p-u-t o-f-f, put off, "放弃" give up, g-i-v-e u-p, give up 等等, 我们还要学习由动词跟动名词构成的动词词组, 比方 "考虑参加" consider joining, "停止磋商" stop negotiating 等等. 现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说珍妮跟同学鲍勃谈起了大学毕业之后要不要上研究院的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Are you going on to graduate school when you get your BA?
F: I've considered going on for a Master's Degree, but I may postpone getting it.
M: Why is that?
F: I think I'd like to work for a while before I start graduate school.
M: I've considered working for a while, but I don't want to put off learning Chinese.
F: Have you considered taking time off to go to China again?
M: I've thought of doing that. If I get a chance, I will. Otherwise, I'll finish the
     graduate program and then go.
F: With a graduate degree, you will have more opportunities.


M: Are you going on to graduate school when you get your BA?
F: I've considered going on for a Master's Degree, but I may postpone getting it.
M: Why is that?
F: I think I'd like to work for a while before I start graduate school.
M: I've considered working for a while, but I don't want to put off learning Chinese.
F: Have you considered taking time off to go to China again?
M: I've thought of doing that. If I get a chance, I will. Otherwise, I'll finish the
     graduate program and then go.
F: With a graduate degree, you will have more opportunities.


F: I've considered going on for a Master's Degree.
F: I may postpone getting it.
M: I've considered working for a while.
M: I don't want to put off learning Chinese.
F: Have you considered taking time off?


听了上面那些句子, 我想你对我们今天要学的两种动词词组的用法已经有些概念. 第一种就是用上介词和动名词的动词词组. 下面我们用 is thinking of加上动名词来表示 "想作什么事", 比方 "珍妮想辍学". 这句话英文可以这样说 Jenny is thinking of quitting school. 下面我们作一组练习看看珍妮想作什
么. 由老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 请你跟学生一起作练习.

M: Jenny is thinking of quitting school.
M: selling all her books
F: Jenny is thinking of selling all her books.
M: moving to the east coast
F: Jenny is thinking of moving to the east coast.
M: finding a high paying job there.
F: Jenny is thinking of finding a high paying job there.
M: renting an apartment in the city
F: Jenny is thinking of renting an apartment in the city.
M: buying a car
F: Jenny is thinking of buying a car.


珍妮不想念书, 因为她想搬到东部找份工作.当然找工作不容易, 珍妮试了一次可是没成功, 她是不是应该继续试呢? 现在我们用keep on, k-e-e-p o-n, keep on加上动名词作一组练习说明珍妮应该继续作什么事. 在这组练习里你也可以学到在美国找工作的过程, 比方 " 查找求人的广告" checking want-ads,
"申请工作" applying for jobs. "寄履历表" mailing resumes 等等. 请你注意听老师提出的问题, 并且作肯定的答覆. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Should Jenny keep on trying?
F: Yes, she should keep on trying.
M: Should Jenny keep on looking?
F: Yes, she should keep on looking.
M: Should Jenny keep on checking the want-ads in the newspaper?
F: Yes, she should keep on checking the want-ads in the newspaper.
M: Should Jenny keep on applying for jobs?
F: Yes, she should keep on applying for jobs.
M: Should Jenny keep on writing letters to corporations?
F: Yes, she should keep on writing letters to corporations.
M: Should Jenny keep on mailing her resumes?
F: Yes, she should keep on mailing her resumes.

鲍勃想到中国去念书和教书. 为了这么作他必须把其他计划, 比方 " 念硕士学位" working for a master's degree. "念国际法" studying international laws," 作一星期四十小时的工作" taking a full-time job 等等往后延. 现在我们作一组练习, 用 "延期" put off, p-u-t o-f-f, put off 加上动名词作一些句子, 一方面练习语法, 一方面练习词汇. 现在请你注意听老师问问题. 并且作肯定的答覆. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Will Bob put off going to graduate school?
F: Yes, he will put off going to graduate school.
M: Will he put off studying international laws?
F: Yes, he will put off studying international laws.
M: Will he put off working for a master's degree?
F: Yes, he will put off working for a master's degree.
M: Will he put off taking a full time job?
F: Yes, he will put off taking a full time job.
M: Will he put off touring the United States?
F: Yes, he will put off touring the United States.

下面我们用 "放弃" give up, g-i-v-e u-p, give up 加上动名词作句子,看看鲍勃为了到中国去是不是应该放弃他的一些个人喜好, 比方抽烟, 画画儿等等. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问题, 学生就根据问题作否定的答覆.学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Does he have to give up smoking?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up smoking.
M: Does he have to give up studying?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up studying.
M: Does he have to give up traveling?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up traveling.
M: Does he have to give up painting?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up painting.
M: Does he have to give up playing tennis?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up playing tennis.
M: Does he have to give up camping?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up camping.


珍妮和鲍勃大学毕业之后都暂时不想继续念研究院. 可是在美国许多大学生在大三, 大四的时候就已经想好了将来要念哪个研究院; 美国许多研究院也不断地改善设施, 提高学生人数.下面我们作一组练习用succeeded in, s-u-c-c-e-e-d-e-d i-n, succeeded in 加上动名词作一些过去时态句子, 说明学校当局
成功地作了什么事, 比方 "使教学设备现代化" updating teaching equipment."筹募私人赠款" raising private donations, "消除预算赤字" eliminating budget deficit 等等. 练习的作法是老师先念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 你就把词组代换到原来的句子里, 每作完一句, 就请你听老师把句子再念一遍.

M: The university administration succeeded in increasing student enrollment.
M: improving school facilities
F: The university administration succeeded in improving school facilities.
M: updating teaching equipment
F: The university administration succeeded in updating teaching equipment
M: raising private donations
F: The university administration succeeded in raising private donations.
M: eliminating budget deficit
F: The university administration succeeded in eliminating budget deficit.


下面我们学习动词加上动名词的用法. 在上一课里, 我们学过一个英文句子里如果有两个动词都是说明同一个主语的时候必须在两个动词之间加上 to, 比方 I want to study 等等. 不过有些动词例外, 比方 "延迟" postpone, "考虑"consider, "停止" quit, "后悔" regret,"恢复" resume 等等. 要在这些动词后面再加一个动词的时候必须把第二个动词改成动名词, 比方 consider going, quit smoking, resume studying 等等. 现在我们作一组练习学学这种词组. 练习的内容都是跟学校有关系的, 比方学校当局延迟提高学费, 教师工会后悔组织罢工等等.练习的作法是老师提出一个问题,你就作肯定的答覆. 比方老师说: Did the professors regret organizing a strike? 你就回答说: Yes, they regretted organizing a strike. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Did the administration postpone raising tuition?
F: Yes, it postponed raising tuition.
M: Did the administration postpone cutting salaries?
F: Yes, it postponed cutting salaries.
M: Did the administration consider improving school facilitis?
F: Yes, it considered improving school facilities.
M: Did the administration consider updating teaching equipment?
F: Yes, it considered updating teaching equipment.
M: Has the administration quit negotiating with the teachers' union?
F: Yes, it has quit negotiating with the teachers' union.
M: Has the administration quit bargaining with the teachers' union?
F: Yes, it has quit bargaining with the teachers' union.
M: Did the professors regret organizing a strike?
F: Yes, they regretted organizing a strike.
M: Did the professors regret missing classes?
F: Yes, they regretted missing classes.
M: Have the professors resumed teaching yet?
F: Yes, they have resumed teaching.
M: Have the students resumed attending classes yet?
F: Yes, they have resumed attending classes.


现在我请英文老师念一篇介绍美国研究院的文章. 这篇文章谈到美国学生为什么要念研究院. 现在请你注意听, 等一会儿, 我们要根据文章问你几个问题.

Most American university students study for four years or more to get a college degree.
During this time, they are called undergraduate students. When a student completes his
courses, he earns a bachelor degree which will help him find a job. Many students
postpone finding jobs. They stay at the university and work for a higher degree. Other
studens take a job for a few years. Then they quit working, and they resume studying at
the university. These students work to earn higher degrees; a master's or a doctorate.
They are called graduate students.
Graduate students specialize in a particular field of study. They study to become experts
in this field and to learn new advances in their fields while they earn an M.A. or Ph.D.
Sometimes when they get an M. A. in one field they begin studying another field.
They hope that when they earn their graduate degrees they will succeed in finding
important jobs. They hope to get jobs that are interesting and high paying.
The life of a graduate student is often difficult. They are usually too busy studying to make a good living. Often they have to pay high tuition fees for their education. Some give up studying before they get their degrees. But most keep on working at their studies until they graduate.
In today's world, most graduate students don't regret spending time with their studies.
They are finding that things are changing very fast. New developments are occurring in all
fields. For many graduate study has become a necessity.


M: What degrees do graduate students work to earn?

M: Why do people go to graduate school?

M: Why has graduate study become necessary for many people nowadays?


Most American university students study for four years or more to get a college degree.
During this time, they are called undergraduate students. When a student completes his
courses, he earns a bachelor degree which will help him find a job. Many students
postpone finding jobs. They stay at the university and work for a higher degree. Other
studens take a job for a few years. Then they quit working, and they resume studying at
the university. These students work to earn higher degrees; a master's or a doctorate.
They are called graduate students.
Graduate students specialize in a particular field of study. They study to become experts
in this field and to learn new advances in their fields while they earn an M.A. or Ph.D.
Sometimes when they get an M. A. in one field they begin studying another field.
They hope that when they earn their graduate degrees they will succeed in finding
important jobs. They hope to get jobs that are interesting and high paying.
The life of a graduate student is often difficult. They are usually too busy studying to make a good living. Often they have to pay high tuition fees for their education. Some give up studying before they get their degrees. But most keep on working at their studies until they graduate.
In today's world, most graduate students don't regret spending time with their studies.
They are finding that things are changing very fast. New developments are occurring in all
fields. For many graduate study has become a necessity.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 回答之后, 老师会念正确答案给你听.

M: What degree do graduate students work to earn?
F: They work to earn a master's or a doctorate.

M: Why do people go to graduate school?
F: They hope to find important interesting and high paying jobs with their degrees.

M: Why has graduate study become necessary for many people nowadays?
F: It is necessary because of changes and new developments in all fields.




在这一课里, 我们学习动词加上宾语再加上动词不定式的用法, 比方 "用信用卡买" use credit cards to buy. "准许你用" permit you to use 等等, 我们还要谈一谈美国人怎么用信用卡代替现钱来买东西.
首先我们听一段对话,内容是说凯特跟亨利谈起了用信用卡的事情. 请你注意两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: I am happy I started carrying the credit card that the bank gave us.
M: Why is that, Kate? Did you use it to buy something?
F: I sure did. On the way home I stopped at the store to buy some beef for dinner. I forgot
  that I didn't have any cash with me.
M: And they permitted you to pay with the card?
F: Yes. They didn't even ask me to give them identification.
M: We have to be careful. If we lose them and someone finds them, the bank will charge us
for what they buy.
F: How much has the bank authorized us to spend with the card?
M: Fifteen hundred dollars. The bank encourages us to use the card, but they will also
require us to pay them back.
F: You are right, Henry. I'll remember that.But the card sure makes it easy to spend money.


F: I am happy I started carrying the credit card that the bank gave us.
M: Why is that, Kate? Did you use it to buy something?
F: I sure did. On the way home I stopped at the store to buy some beef for dinner. I forgot
  that I didn't have any cash with me.
M: And they permitted you to pay with the card?
F: Yes. They didn't even ask me to give them identification.
M: We have to be careful. If we lose them and someone finds them, the bank will charge us
for what they buy.
F: How much has the bank authorized us to spend with the card?
M: Fifteen hundred dollars. The bank encourages us to use the card, but they will also
require us to pay them back.
F: You are right, Henry. I'll remember that.But the card sure makes it easy to spend money.

下面我把对话里包含了今天要学的语法的句子挑出来, 请英文老师再念一遍给你听.

M: Did you use it to buy something?
M: And they permitted you to pay with the card?
F: They didn't ask me to give them identification.
F: How much has the bank authorized us to spend with the card?
M: The bank encourages us to use the card.
M: They will also require us to pay them back.


听了上面那些句子, 你可能觉得今天要学的语法并不难, 不过句子里有些词汇, 比方 "准许" permit, "授权"authorize. "鼓励" encourage 等等你或许觉得有点儿生疏. 现在我们作第一组练习, 一方面学习语法,一方面记词汇. 我请英文老师根据刚才那段对话念一些句子. 这些句子都跟凯特用信用卡有关系. 比方 "银行规定她必须有储蓄账户." The bank requires her to have a saving account. "银行可能要她付利息" The bank may ask her to pay interest.等等. 你先注意听男老师念句子, 然后跟着女老师把句子重复一遍.

M: The bank allowed Kate to use a credit card.
F: The bank allowed Kate to use a credit card.
M: The bank permitted her to charge with it.
F: The bank permitted her to charge with it.
M: The bank authorized her to spend 15 hundred dollars with it.
F: The bank authorized her to spend 15 hundred dollars with it.
M: The bank requires her to have a saving account.
F: The bank requires her to have a saving account.
M: The bank encourages her to use it.
F: The bank encourages her to use it.
M: The bank will ask her to pay the money back.
F: The bank will ask her to pay the money back.
M: The bank may ask her to pay interest.
F: The bank may ask her to pay interest.

下面我们再作一组练习把语法和词汇重复练习一遍. 练习的作法是老师用疑问词提出问句, 比方 What did the bank permit Kate to use? 接着老师念一个词组, 比方 a credit card, 学生就用词组来回答问题, 所以答案就是 The bank permitted Kate to use a credit card. 现在我们开始作练习.在学生回答问题的时候请你也一起回答.

M: What did the bank permit Kate to use?
M: a credit card
F: The bank permitted Kate to use a credit card.
M: What did the bank allow her to do with it?
M: charge with it
F: The bank allowed her to charge with it.
M: How much money did the bank authorize her to spend?
M: 15 hundred dollars
F: The bank authorized her to spend 15 hundred dollars.
M: What does the bank require her to have?
M: a saving account
F: The bank requires her to have a saving account.
M: What does the bank encourage her to do?
M: use the credit card
F: The bank encourages her to use the credit card.
M: What will the bank ask her to do?
M: pay the money back
F: The bank will ask her to pay the money back.
M: What may the bank ask her to pay?
M: interest
F: The bank may ask her to pay interest.

从刚才作的练习里我们可以知道, 在美国如果你在银行里有储蓄, 银行可能给你信用卡代替现款用, 一段时间之后你才加上利息还清. 下面我们作一组代换练习看看美国人常常用信用卡买什么东西, 比方买汽油, 买车票, 戏票, 付账等等. 美国人也用信用卡邮购东西, 也就是 place mail orders, 或是"证明自己的身份 "identify themselves. 现在我们开始作练习. 请你跟着老师把第一个句子重复一遍, 然后把老师提出的词组代换到原来的句子里, 每作完一句就请你听老师再把句子念一遍.

M: People use credit cards to buy a lot of things.
M: buy clothes
F: People use credit cards to buy clothes.
M: purchase gasoline
F: People use credit cards to purchase gasoline.
M: purchase tickets
F: People use credit cards to purchase tickets.
M: pay bills
F: People use credit cards to pay bills.
M: place mail orders
F: People use credit cards to place mail orders.
M: identify themselves
F: People use credit cards to identify themselves.

下面我们换一个方式作练习, 一方面复习今天教的语法, 一方面再学一学信用卡的用途, 比方 "买家具" buy furnitures, "订杂志" subscribe to magazines,"订礼物"order gifts 等等.练习的作法是老师念一个被动语态句子,请你用 one,o-n-e, one 作主语把句子改成主动语态说出来.下面就是一个例子:

M: Credit cards can be used to buy expensive things.
F: One can use credit cards to buy expensive things.

现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 老师就把正确答案念给你听.

M: Credit cards can be used to buy expensive things.
F: One can use credit cards to buy expensive things.
M: Credit cards can be used to buy furnitures.
F: One can use credit cards to buy furnitures.
M: Credit cards can be used to purchase food.
F: One can use credit cards to purchase food.
M: Credit cards can be used to purchase airplane tickets.
F: One can use credit cards to purchase airplane tickets.
M: Credit cards can be used to pay restaurant bills.
F: One can use credit cards to pay restaurant bills.
M: Credit cards can be used to subscribe to magazines.
F: One can use credit cards to subscribe to magazines.
M: Credit cards can be used to order gifts.
F: One can use credit cards to order gifts.

下面我们再作一组练习, 一方面再学学今天这一课的语法, 一方面也可以学一学在美国人们用信用卡的种种规定, 比方有固定收入的人才可以申请信用卡,顾客用信用卡买东西必须在账单上签名, 除了银行,大商店也可以发信用卡给信用好的顾客等等. 练习的作法是老师念一个有从句的被动语态句子, 比方"申请信用卡的人必须交出他们的财务方面的资料." People who are applying for a credit card are required to supply their financial information. 请你用商店作主语把句子改成主动语态, 所以答案就是 "商店要求申请信用卡的人交出财务方面的资料." The store requires people who are applying for a credit card to supply their financial information. 这组练习里的句子比较长, 请你特别注意听, 每作完一句, 老师会念出正确答案给你听.

M: People who have regular incomes are permitted to apply for a credit card.
F: The store permits people who have regular incomes to apply for a credit card.
M: People who are applying for credit cards are required to supply their financial
F: The store requires people who are applying for credit cards to supply their financial
M: People who make regular payments are allowed to use credit cards.
F: The store allows people who make regular payments to use credit cards.
M: People who have credit cards are authorized to spend money with them.
F: The store authorizes people who have credit cards to spend money with them.
M: Customers who have credit cards are encouraged to use them.
F: The store encourages customers who have credit cards to use them.
M: Customers who use credit cards are asked to sign the bills.
F: The store asks customers who use credit cards to sign the bills.


现在我们来作这一课的听力测验. 今天我们要听的文章是介绍美国人用信用卡的情况.文章里不但提到什么是信用卡,为什么许多美国人买东西不用现款,不开支票, 而用信用卡, 文章也解释了用信用卡的种种规定和信用卡的种种用途. 文章里的词汇都是我们以前学过或是刚才练习过的. 现在请你注意听.

Americans spend a lot of money in their daily lives. Working people spend money on
transportation to and from work and on various expenses throughout the day. Americans
enjoy shopping and buy many things that they need and want. They spend a lot of money
on entertainment. They buy sports equipment, go to sporting events and do many things
that cost money.
However, many Americans don't pay cash or write checks for these things. More and more
they pay for things with credit cards. Credit cards are small, rectangular plastic cards.
Banks give these cards to their customers. When the customer buys something at a store,
he shows his card at the store. This authorizes the store to charge the bank for the
customer's purchase. The bank collects all the charges for each customer. Then once a
month the bank requires the customer to pay all the charges for that month. The bank does
not force the customer to pay the full amount. It allows the customer to pay for the charges
in several payments over a period of time.
However, the bank requires the customer to pay interest on the unpaid part of the charges.
In this way the bank allows customers to buy things they cannot afford at one time.
People can use the card to buy what they want and pay for it over a period of time.
They also do not need to carry a lot of money.

刚才那篇文章如果你没有全部听懂, 没有关系, 等一会儿你还有机会听. 现在我们先把今天测验的三个问题听一遍.

M: How do Americans pay for things they buy?

M: What is a credit card?

M: What are some of the advantages in using credit cards?


Americans spend a lot of money in their daily lives. Working people spend money on
transportation to and from work and on various expenses throughout the day. Americans
enjoy shopping and buy many things that they need and want. They spend a lot of money
on entertainment. They buy sports equipment, go to sporting events and do many things
that cost money.
However, many Americans don't pay cash or write checks for these things. More and more
they pay for things with credit cards. Credit cards are small, rectangular plastic cards.
Banks give these cards to their customers. When the customer buys something at a store,
he shows his card at the store. This authorizes the store to charge the bank for the
customer's purchase. The bank collects all the charges for each customer. Then once a
month the bank requires the customer to pay all the charges for that month. The bank does
not force the customer to pay the full amount. It allows the customer to pay for the charges
in several payments over a period of time.
However, the bank requires the customer to pay interest on the unpaid part of the charges.
In this way the bank allows customers to buy things they cannot afford at one time.
People can use the card to buy what they want and pay for it over a period of time.
They also do not need to carry a lot of money.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 每回答一个问题, 老师就会念出正确答案给你听, 让你作个比较, 看你答对了没有.

M: How do Americans pay for things they buy?
F: They pay cash, write checks or use credit cards.

M: What is a credit card?
F: It is a small rectangular plastic card which is used for money.

M: What are some of the advantages in using credit cards?
F: People can buy things that they cannot afford at one time. They also do not need to
  carry a lot of money.





在这一课里, 我们学习动词加上宾语再加上动词的用法. 比方 "让我试试"Let me try, "看他吃" Watch him eat 等等. 我们还要学习许多跟电视节目有关系的词汇. 现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说彼得跟玛丽谈起了在家里头看电视的事情. 请你注意听两位英语文老师的发音和语调.

M: Mary, did you see the special on TV last night?
F: No. My folks wouldn't let me watch it. They wanted to watch something else.
M: What did they have you watch?
F: We watched the hockey team play their first game of the season. Dad wanted to see it.
M: I heard they won the game. Did you see them make the winning goal?
F: I saw them make it, but hockey doesn't excite me very much. What about the special?
M: It was great! It was on physical fitness and better health. It made me want to be more
  active. It convinced me to watch less television.


M: Mary, did you see the special on TV last night?
F: No. My folks wouldn't let me watch it. They wanted to watch something else.
M: What did they have you watch?
F: We watched the hockey team play their first game of the season. Dad wanted to see it.
M: I heard they won the game. Did you see them make the winning goal?
F: I saw them make it, but hockey doesn't excite me very much. What about the special?
M: It was great! It was on physical fitness and better health. It made me want to be more
  active. It convinced me to watch less television.

下面我把包含了今天要学的语法的句子挑出来, 请英文老师再念一遍给你听.

F: My folks wouldn't let me watch it.
M: What did they have you watch?
F: We watched the hockey team play their first game of the season.
F: I saw them make it.
M: It made me want to be more active.


听了上面那些句子后, 你可能已经注意到在英文里有些动词后面可以加上宾语再加上另外一个动词. 这些动词包括let, l-e-t, let, have, h-a-v-e, have, watch,w-a-t-c-h, watch, see, s-e-e, see, hear, h-e-a-r, hear, make, m-a-k-e,make, help, h-e-l-p, help 等等. 下面老师念两个句子让你作个比较. 第一个句子是 "他不准我看电视." He won't allow me to watch television. 第二个句子是 "他不让我看电视."He won't let me watch television. 在第一个句子里, allow me后面必须加上 to 再加上 watch; 而第二个句子里只需要说 let me watch 就行了. 下面我们作一组练习比较这两种说法. 练习的内容都是跟玛丽的父母不准或是不让她看什么电视节目有关系. 在这组练习里你还可以学到不同种类电视节目的名称, 比方 "有残暴镜头的节目" violent programs, "匪徒电影" gangster movies, "恐怖电影" horror films, "晚间电影" late movies, "爱情连续剧" soap operas, "游戏节目" game shows 等等. 现在请你注意听男老师用allow 作句子,并且跟着女老师改用 let 把句子说出来.

M: Mary's parents wouldn't allow her to watch some T.V. programs.
F: Mary's parents wouldn't let her watch some T.V.programs.
M: They wouldn't allow her to watch violent programs.
F: They wouldn't let her watch violent programs.
M: They wouldn't allow her to watch gangster movies.
F: They wouldn't let her watch gangster movies.
M: They wouldn't allow her to watch horror films.
F: They wouldn't let her watch horror films.
M: They wouldn't allow her to watch late movies.
F: They wouldn't let her watch late movies.
M: They wouldn't allow her to watch soap operas.
F: They wouldn't let her watch soap operas.
M: They wouldn't allow her to watch game shows.
F: They wouldn't let her watch game shows.

下面我们用代换练习的方式学学 have, h-a-v-e, have 加上宾语再加上其他动词的说法. 练习的内容都是说到玛丽的父母要她看什么电视节目, 比方 "新闻特写" news features, "记录片" documentaries, "杂耍节目" variety shows, "总统新闻记者招待会" presidential news conferences, "竞选报道" election coverage, "现场转播节目" televised programs 等等.请你跟着老师把第一个句子重复一遍, 然后把老师提出的词组代换到原来的句子里, 每作完一句, 老师会把句子再念一遍给你听.现在我们开始.

M: Mary's folks have her watch news.
M: news features
F: Mary's folks have her watch news features.
M: sports
F: Mary's folks have her watch sports.
M: science programs
F: Mary's folks have her watch science programs.
M: documentaries
F: Mary's folks have her watch documentaries.
M: variety shows
F: Mary's folks have her watch variety shows.
M: presidential news conferences
F: Mary's folks have her watch presidential news conferences.
M: election coverage
F: Mary's folks have her watch election coverage.
M: televised programs
F: Mary's folks have her watch televised programs.

在下面一组练习里,我们一方面复习刚才那些新词汇, 一方面比较 "鼓励她看"encourage her to watch 跟 "叫她看" make her watch 这两种说法. 练习的作法是老师说: Did they encourage her to watch news features? 学生就把句子改成 Did they make her watch news features? 学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Did they encourage her to watch news features?
F: Did they make her watch news features?
M: Did they encourage her to watch science programs?
F: Did they make her watch science programs?
M: Did they encourage her to watch educational programs?
F: Did they make her watch educational programs?
M: Did they encourage her to watch documentaries?
F: Did they make her watch documentaries?
M: Did they encourage her to watch variety shows?
F: Did they make her watch variety shows?
M: Did they encourage her to watch presidential news conferences?
F: Did they make her watch presidential news conferences?
M: Did they encourage her to watch election coverage?
F: Did they make her watch election coverage?
M: Did they encourage her to watch televised programs?
F: Did they make her watch televised programs?

在刚才那组练习里, 我们练习了语法也学到了一些电视节目的名称, 在美国,人们看电视的时候很喜欢看体育报道. 下面一组练习的内容就是说到观众能在电视上看到什么样的体育报道,比方可以看到运动员比赛, 领奖, 接受访问,作广告等等.这组练习里有些词汇可能你不熟,比方: "银杯" trophies, "评论员"
commentators,"访问" interview, "广告" commercials, "推荐" recommend 等等,请你特别注意听. 练习的作法是老师先念下面一个句子: Audiences can see athletes compete. 你就跟着重复一遍,接着老师念一个从句,比方: athletes win competitions 你就用这个从句把原来的句子改成: Audiences can see athletes win competitions. 现在我们开始作练习,每作完一句老师会把正确答案念给你听.

M: Audiences can see athletes compete.
M: people cheer their favorite athletes
F: Audiences can see people cheer their favorite athletes.
M: athletes receive trophies
F: Audiences can see athletes receive trophies.
M: commentators interview athletes
F: Audiences can see commentators interview athletes.
M: athletes do commercials
F: Audiences can see athletes do commercials.
M: athletes recommend sports products
F: Audiences can see athletes recommend sports products.

除了体育报道之外, 美国人对总统召开的记者招待会也非常注意, 下面一组练习的内容是说彼得问玛丽有没有在电视上看到总统在记者会上回答各种问题的实况. 现在请你注意听彼得问问题, 并且替玛丽作肯定的答覆. 每回答一句就请你听玛丽念正确答案.

M: Did you hear the president talk about Middle-East situations?
F: Yes, I heard him talk about Middle-East situations.
M: Did you hear the president talk about political issues?
F: Yes, I heard him talk about political issues.
M: Did you hear the president talk about agricultural achievements?
F: Yes, I heard him talk about agricultural achievements.
M: Did you hear the president talk about arms reduction talks?
F: Yes, I heard him talk about arms reduction talks.
M: Did you hear the president talk about the nuclear weapons negotiation?
F: Yes, I heard him talk about the nuclear weapons negotiation.


今天我们要听一篇介绍美国电视的文章. 这篇文章除了谈到看电视是美国人很喜欢的娱乐活动以外, 还介绍了美国的几家主要电视台. 现在请你注意听.

The most common form of entertainment in the U.S. is television. Nearly everyone watches
television at some regular time in their daily lives, whether in the morning, at night or on
Most families have color televisions and many have more than one set. Since its
beginning, the television industry in the U.S. has been controlled by three companies.
Those companies have formed networks of television stations in cities across the country.
Each station televises its company's television programs.
The three national networks are ABC, American Broadcasting Company, CBS, Columbia
Broadcasting System and NBC, National Broadcasting Company. Each network has news
features, dramatic presentations,comedies and sports events. Each network competes for
a larger percentage of the television audience by trying to present programs with wide
popular appeal. The programs are financed by advertising.
Companies pay the television networks to display their products on television. The more
popular a program, the higher the network can charge a company for commercials during
the program.
There is also a public television network. It has no commercials. Instead it receives
financial support from the government, some private corporations and individual donations.
Recently, a new type of television network has been gaining popularity. These networks
are called cable television. Cable television companies sell television programing directly
to the public. The viewer pays a monthly fee to the company. The company installs
a special line to his television set to receive the programs which he has paid the company
to watch.

刚才那篇文章如果你没有全部听懂, 没有关系,等一会儿老师会再念一遍给你听. 现在我们先把今天测验的三个问题听一遍.

M: What are the three major television networks in the U.S.A.?

M: Who supports the public television network?

M: How do viewers receive programs from cable television companies?


The most common form of entertainment in the U.S. is television. Nearly everyone watches
television at some regular time in their daily lives, whether in the morning, at night or on
Most families have color televisions and many have more than one set. Since its
beginning, the television industry in the U.S. has been controlled by three companies.
Those companies have formed networks of television stations in cities across the country.
Each station televises its company's television programs.
The three national networks are ABC, American Broadcasting Company, CBS, Columbia
Broadcasting System and NBC, National Broadcasting Company. Each network has news
features, dramatic presentations,comedies and sports events. Each network competes for
a larger percentage of the television audience by trying to present programs with wide
popular appeal. The programs are financed by advertising.
Companies pay the television networks to display their products on television. The more
popular a program, the higher the network can charge a company for commercials during
the program.
There is also a public television network. It has no commercials. Instead it receives
financial support from the government, some private corporations and individual donations.
Recently, a new type of television network has been gaining popularity. These networks
are called cable television. Cable television companies sell television programing directly
to the public. The viewer pays a monthly fee to the company. The company installs
a special line to his television set to receive the programs which he has paid the company
to watch.

现在请你回答下面三个问题, 你回答以后, 老师会念出正确答案让你作个比较, 看你答对了没有.

M: What are the three major television networks in the U.S.?
F: They are ABC, CBS and NBC.

M: Who supports the public television network?
F: The government, some private corporations and individuals support the public
  television network.

M: How do viewers receive programs from cable television companies?
F: They pay a monthly fee to the cable television companies.





在这一课里, 我们要学习几个由 look, l-o-o-k, look 或是 take, t-a-k-e, take 加上介词构成的动词词组, 比方 "看" look at, "找" look for, "从事" take up 等等. 我们还要学习一些跟手工艺品有关系的词汇. 现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说凯特跟亨利到手工艺品 交易会去. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Look at all the beautiful things these people have made. I'm really impressed. I wish
  I could do something artistic.
M: So do I. It looks like a museum of art around here, doesn't it? Woodcarving, glassware,
jewelry, pottery, even clothing.
F: Let's walk around to each booth. I want to find something for my parents.
M: Are you looking for anything special?
F: I'm looking forward to finding something to decorate their new house.
M: Have you notice these weavings? I am quite taken with them.
F: Yes, I have. They are beautiful but a little expensive.
M: Why don't you take up weaving and make something for them yourself?
F: I don't have the talent or the time. I wish I did.


F: Look at all the beautiful things these people have made. I'm really impressed. I wish
  I could do something artistic.
M: So do I. It looks like a museum of art around here, doesn't it? Woodcarving, glassware,
jewelry, pottery, even clothing.
F: Let's walk around to each booth. I want to find something for my parents.
M: Are you looking for anything special?
F: I'm looking forward to finding something to decorate their new house.
M: Have you notice these weavings? I am quite taken with them.
F: Yes, I have. They are beautiful but a little expensive.
M: Why don't you take up weaving and make something for them yourself?
F: I don't have the talent or the time. I wish I did.


F: Look at all the beautiful things these people have made.
M: Are you looking for anything special?
F: I'm looking forward to finding something to decorate their new house.
M: I'm quite taken with them.
M: Why don't you take up weaving?


首先我们学习 look at 的用法. 这个词组可以用来表示 "注意看". 比方有一句话: "他们在手工艺品交易会上看到皮货了吗?" 这句话英文可以这 样说: Did they see leather goods in the craft fair? 如果把问题改成: "他们在手工艺品交易会上看了皮货了吗? " 这句话英文就应该这么说: Did they look at leather goods in the craft fair?下面我们作一组练习, 比较这两种说法. 练习的内容都是说到亨利跟凯特在手工艺品交易会上看到或是看了什么手工艺品, 比方皮货, 素描, 小装饰品等等. 现在请你注意听老师用 saw 作句子, 并且跟学生一起改用 looked at 把句子说出来.

M: They saw home-made things in the craft fair.
F: They looked at home-made things in the craft fair.
M: They saw hand-made jewelry in the craft fair.
F: They looked at hand-made jewelry in the craft fair.
M: They saw pottery in the craft fair.
F: They looked at pottery in the craft fair.
M: The saw leather goods in the craft fair.
F: They looked at leather goods in the craft fair.
M: They saw glassware in the craft fair.
F: They looked at glassware in the craft fair.
M: They saw drawings in the craft fair.
F: They looked at drawings in the craft fair.
M: They saw hand-made decorations in the craft fair.
F: They looked at hand-made decorations in the craft fair.

下面我们要学习 "找" look for 这个词组的用法. 练习的作法是老师用 "要买"want to buy 作一些句子说明凯特跟亨利要买什么手工艺品给亲友邻居. 请你听了句子以后跟学生一起改用 are looking for 把句子说出来. 句子里的词汇都是我们学过的. 请你一边练习语法, 一边复习词汇.

M: They want to buy some home-made things for their friends.
F: They are looking for some home-made things for their friends.
M: They want to buy a drawing for their parents.
F: They are looking for a drawing for their parents.
M: They want to buy pottery for their cousin.
F: They are looking for pottery for their cousin.
M: They want to buy a wedding present for a relative.
F: They are looking for a wedding present for a relative.
M: They want to buy some glassware for their next-door neighbors.
F: They are looking for some glassware for their next-door neighbors.
M: They want to buy hand-made jewelry for their oldest daughter.
F: They are looking for hand-made jewelry for their oldest daughter.
M: They want to buy a hand-made sweater for their youngest daughter.
F: They are looking for a hand-made sweater for their youngest daughter.
M: They want to buy a pair of leather boots for their son.
F: They are looking for a pair of leather boots for their son.

下面我们作一组练习比较 "希望得到" hope to get 跟 "期望得到" look forward to getting 的用法. 练习的内容还是说到亨利和凯特在手工艺品交易会上给亲友们买东西. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问题, 比方 What do they hope to get for their friends? 接着老师说: some home-made things, 学生就用 are looking forward to getting 跟老师提出的词组来回答问题, 所以答案就是: They are looking forward to getting some home-made things for their friends. 现在我们开始作练习. 在学生回答问题的时候请你也一起回答.

M: What do they hope to get for their friends?
M: some hand-made things
F: They are looking forward to getting some hand-made things for their friends.
M: What do they hope to get for their daughter, Jenny?
M: hand-made jewelry
F: They are looking forward to getting hand-made jewelry for their daughter, Jenny.
M: What do they hope to get for their daughter, Linda?
M: a hand-made sweater
F: They are looking forward to getting a hand-made sweater for their daughter, Linda.
M: What do they hope to get for their son, Peter?
M: a pair of boots
F: They are looking forward to getting a pair of boots for their son, Peter.
M: What do they hope to get for their cousin?
M: pottery
F: They are looking forward to getting pottery for their cousin.
M: What do they hope to get for a relative?
M: a wedding present
F: They are looking forward to getting a wedding present for a relative.
M: What do they hope to get for their next-door neighbors?
M: some glassware
F: They are looking forward to getting some glassware for their next-door neighbors.

下面一组练习是要比较 "希望找到" hope to find 跟 "密切注意" look out for 的用法. 练习的内容是说亨利跟凯特到手工艺品交易会去所希望找到或是会留心什么样的东西, 比方价钱低、品质高的东西, 新颖、独具风格的东西等等. 练习的作法是老师用 hope to find 提出一个问题, 比方 Do they hope to find good bargains? 学生就用 are looking out for 肯定地答覆说: Yes, they are looking out for good bargains. 现在我们开始作练习, 在学生回答问题的时候请你也一起回答.

M: Do they hope to find good bargains?
F: Yes, they are looking out for good bargains.
M: Do they hope to find things with high quality?
F: Yes, they are looking out for things with high quality.
M: Do they hope to find something inexpensive?
F: Yes, they are looking out for something inexpensive.
M: Do they hope to find something unique?
F: Yes, they are looking out for something unique.
M: Do they hope to find something unusual?
F: Yes, they are looking out for something unusual.
M: Do they hope to find something original?
F: Yes, they are looking out for something original.
M: Do they hope to find something interesting?
F: Yes, they are looking out for something interesting.
M: Do they hope to find something valuable?
F: Yes, they are looking out for something valuable.


下面我们用 take, t-a-k-e, take 作动词词组表示对什么事情印象深刻,比方凯特跟亨利在手工艺品交易会上看到一些设计新颖的东西,觉得那些设计真不错,他们可以这么说: We are impressed with the unique designs. 这句话也可以换个方式这么说: We are quite taken with the unique designs.
下面我们作一组练习, 比较 are impressed with 跟 are quite taken with 的用法.练习的作法是老师提出一个问题, 比方Are Henry and Kate impressed with the good bargains? 请你肯定地回答说: Yes, they are quite taken with the good bargains. 你每回答一句, 老师就会把正确答案念给你听.

M: Are Henry and Kate impressed with the good bargains?
F: Yes, they are quite taken with the good bargains.
M: Are they impressed with the high quality?
F: Yes, they are quite taken with the high quality.
M: Are they impressed with the reasonable prices?
F: Yes, they are quite taken with the reasonable prices.
M: Are they impressed with the unique designs?
F: Yes, they are quite taken with the unique designs.
M: Are they impressed with the various styles?
F: Yes, they are quite taken with the various styles.

下面我们用 take 加上介词 up, u-p, up 来表示 "从事某项工作". 比方亨利跟凯特对手工艺品很感兴趣, 亨利就对凯特说: "你为什么不学纺织呢?" 这句话英文可以这样说: Why don't you take up weaving?下面我们作一组代换练习, 一方面练习语法, 一方面学学各种手工艺的名称, 比方 " 木 刻" woodcarving,"针织" knitting, "缝纫" sewing 等等. 请你先跟着老师把第一个句子重复一遍,然后把老师提出的词组代换到原来的句子里, 每作完一句老师就会把句子再念一遍给你听.

M: Why don't you take up weaving?
M: woodcarving
F: Why don't you take up woodcarving?
M: knitting
F: Why don't you take up knitting?
M: drawing
F: Why don't you take up drawing?
M: sewing
F: Why don't you take up sewing?
M: oil painting
F: Why don't you take up oil painting?


今天我们要听一篇介绍美国的手工艺品的文章. 在美国很多家庭主妇以作手工艺品作副业, 每隔一段时间就拿到定期举行的手工艺品交易会上去卖. 很多人觉得这种手工艺品各有特色, 价廉物美, 比工厂里用机器作出来的大批成品要好. 现在老师先用正常速度把文章念一遍. 请你注意听.

For a long time Americans preferred things which were mass produced in factories.
But recently many Americans have taken up crafts of various kinds. They make things out
of wood, metal, glass, wax, leather and cloth. They usually design the things they make
themselves and often they sell what they make too. The work of these crafts people has
become very good and very popular.
These people's crafts are sold at craft fairs. These are usually community sponsored
events. Some fairs are small, bringing together a dozen or so people. Such fairs are held
in shopping centers or churches. At large fairs, several hundred crafts people assemble
their works for people to admire and buy. These fairs are held in public parks or on county
Crafts fairs are usually held on weekends when people are free from work and looking for
things to do. The fairs are directed toward families. They offer rides and shows for the
children to keep them busy while the parents look at the crafts. The crafts people buy
include things to decorate their homes, clothes for their children, and gifts for their friends for holidays, weddings or special occasions. People go to craft fairs rather than shopping at stores because they look for things that are different and original. They also look out for bargains. The prices for works of art at craft fairs are usually very reasonable.


M: What are some of the things one can find in a craft fair?

M: Where are craft fairs held?

M: Why do people go to craft fairs?


For a long time Americans preferred things which were mass produced in factories.
But recently many Americans have taken up crafts of various kinds. They make things out
of wood, metal, glass, wax, leather and cloth. They usually design the things they make
themselves and often they sell what they make too. The work of these crafts people has
become very good and very popular.
These people's crafts are sold at craft fairs. These are usually community sponsored
events. Some fairs are small, bringing together a dozen or so people. Such fairs are held
in shopping centers or churches. At large fairs, several hundred crafts people assemble
their works for people to admire and buy. These fairs are held in public parks or on county
Crafts fairs are usually held on weekends when people are free from work and looking for
things to do. The fairs are directed toward families. They offer rides and shows for the
children to keep them busy while the parents look at the crafts. The crafts people buy
include things to decorate their homes, clothes for their children, and gifts for their friends for holidays, weddings or special occasions. People go to craft fairs rather than shopping at stores because they look for things that are different and original. They also look out for bargains. The prices for works of art at craft fairs are usually very reasonable.

现在请你回答刚听过的三个问题. 回答之后老师会念出正确答案给你听.

M: What are some of the things one can find in a craft fair?
F: One can find things made of wood, metal, glass, wax, leather and cloth there.

M: Where are craft fairs held?
F: They are held in shopping centers, churches, public parks or county fair grounds.

M: Why do people go to craft fairs?
F: They go to buy things that are different, original and not expensive.




在这一课里,我们一方面复习用when, w-h-e-n, when, before, b-e-f-o-r-e, before,since, s-i-n-c-e, since 等等介词开头, 用来表明时间的从句, 一方面复习以前学过的一些动词词组, 同时我们要学一学有关抽烟,戒烟的一些词汇. 首先我们来听今天这一课的对话,内容是说鲍勃告诉珍妮他想戒烟. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Jenny, I'm going to stop smoking when I finish this pack of cigarettes.
F: Good for you, Bob, but why are you telling me?
M: To help me stop. When I tell all my friends, then I won't dare to smoke in front of them. F: Why do you want to quit? I thought you liked to smoke.
M: I do. But it's getting so expensive. And now that I'm jogging, when I run, I can hardly
F: I'll help you quit. Whenever you want a cigarette, call me and I'll take your mind off   
M: Thanks, Jenny, I'll do it.
F: Bob, why don't you stop now? You don't have to smoke the rest of that pack.
M: I just bought it. I don't want to waste my money. I'll call you tomorrow.


M: Jenny, I'm going to stop smoking when I finish this pack of cigarettes.
F: Good for you, Bob, but why are you telling me?
M: To help me stop. When I tell all my friends, then I won't dare to smoke in front of them. F: Why do you want to quit? I thought you liked to smoke.
M: I do. But it's getting so expensive. And now that I'm jogging, when I run, I can hardly
F: I'll help you quit. Whenever you want a cigarette, call me and I'll take your mind off   
M: Thanks, Jenny, I'll do it.
F: Bob, why don't you stop now? You don't have to smoke the rest of that pack.
M: I just bought it. I don't want to waste my money. I'll call you tomorrow.

现在我把对话里包含时间从句的句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍给你听.

M: I'm going to stop smoking when I finish this pack of cigarettes.
M: When I tell all my friends, then I won't dare to smoke in front of them.
M: When I run, I can hardly breathe.
F: Whenever you want a cigarette call me.


现在我们开始作练习. 第一组练习是说鲍勃什么时候抽烟, 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词或是词组, 比方 "紧张" nervous, "在指定地区" in the designated area 等等, 学生就把他听到的词组代换到原来的句子里. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Bob smokes when he is studying for the exams.
M: nervous
F: Bob smokes when he is nervous.
M: in the designated area
F: Bob smokes when he is in the designated area.
M: watching television
F: Bob smokes when he is watching television.

下面一组练习是说鲍勃什么时候不抽烟, 比方在跑步的时候, 在禁烟地区的时候等等. 请你跟刚才一样作练习.

M: Bob doesn't smoke when he is in a theatre.
M: on a bus
F: Bob doesn't smoke when he is on a bus.
M: jogging
F: Bob doesn't smoke when he is jogging.
M: in a restricted area
F: Bob doesn't smoke when he is in a restricted area.

下面我们作一组综合练习, 用许多不同介词作表明时间的从句, 同时我们也要复习一些跟动名词一起用的动词词组, 比方 take up, keep on, give up 等等. 练习的内容也都跟鲍勃抽烟有关系. 请你注意听老师问问题, 并且根据问题作肯定的答覆. 每回答一句老师就会念正确答案给你听.

M: Did Bob take up smoking after he went to high school?
F: Yes, he took up smoking after he went to high school.
M: Has he kept on smoking ever since he was 15?
F: Yes, he has kept on smoking ever since he was 15.
M: Has he considered quitting smoking since he got back from China?
F: Yes, he has considered quitting smoking since he got back from China.
M: Did he tell Jenny his plan when he saw her?
F: Yes, he told her his plan when he saw her.
M: Was he smoking while he was talking to Jenny?
F: Yes, he was smoking while he was talking to her.
M: Did he say that he would give up smoking when he finished his last pack of cigarettes?
F: Yes, he said that he would give up smoking when he finished his last pack of cigarettes.

下面我们再用同样方式作一组练习复习动词词组和表明时间的从句. 练习的内容是说鲍勃的父亲在得肺癌之前老是抽雪茄, 后来住院的时候戒了, 出院以后又改抽烟斗的事情. 请你根据问题作肯定的答覆. 回答之后请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Did Bob's father use to smoke cigars before he got lung cancer?
F: Yes, he used to smoke cigars before he got lung cancer.
M: Did he try to put it off when he was told to quit?
F: Yes, he tried to put it off when he was told to quit.
M: Did he finally give up smoking cigars when he was in the hospital?
F: Yes, he finaliy gave up smoking cigars when he was in the hospital.
M: Did he look forward to smoking whenever he saw other people smoke?
F: Yes, he looked forward to smoking whenever he saw other people smoke.
M: Did he take up pipe smoking soon after he got out of the hospital?
F: Yes, he took up pipe smoking soon after he got out of the hospital.
M: Did he keep on smoking until the day he died?
F: Yes, he kept on smoking until the day he died.

下面我们再练习说明时间的从句. 练习的作法是老师用 when 提出一个 过去时态问题,比方"美国印地安人是什么时候开始种烟草的?"When did American Indians start growing tobacco? 然后老师说: "哥伦布到美洲大陆以前" before Columbus came to America, 你就回答说: They started growing tobacco before Columbus came to America. 老师也可能用 how long 提出现在完成时态问题,比方"烟草工业对美国经济具有重要性已经有多久了?" How long has the tobacco industry been important for America's economy? 然后老师说:"自从殖民地时代农民种植烟草外销以来" ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco for export.你就回答说:It has been important for America's economy ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco for export. 这组练习的内容跟美国烟草工业和美国人抽烟的情况有关系, 比方人们发现了某些疾病跟抽烟有关连以后, 香烟公司就开始卖有过滤嘴的香烟, 而政府也制定了一些有关抽烟的法规等等. 在这组练习里你可以学到一些有用的词汇, 比方 "降低" decline, "制定"institute, "法规" regulation, "主要" major, "目标"aim, "牌子"brand,"过滤嘴"filter, "疾病"ailment等等. 这组练习比较难, 请你在回答问题之前特别注意听,每回答一句, 老师就会念出正确答案给你听.

M: When did American Indians start growing tobacco?
M: before Columbus came to America
F: They started growing tobacco before Columbus came to America.
M: How long has the American tobacco industry been large?
M: ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco in large quantities
F: It has been large ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco in large quantities.
M: How long has the tobacco industry been important for America's economy?
M: ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco for export
F: It has been important for America's economy ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco for
M: How long has cigarette smoking been popular in the U.S.?
M: since the 1800's
F: It has been popular in the U.S.since the 1800's.
M: When did the tobacco industry begin selling different brands of cigarettes?
M: When cigarettes smoking became popular
F: It began selling different brands of cigarettes when cigarette smoking became popular.
M: When did the tobacco industry begin selling cigarettes with filters?
M: after ailments were linked to smoking.
F: It began selling cigarettes with filters after ailments were linked to smoking.
M: How long has cigarette smoking been expensive?
M: since taxes on cigarettes were increased in the 1970's
F: It has been expensive since taxes on cigarettes were increased in the 1970's.
M: How long has physical fitness been a major aim of millions of Americans?
M: since the late 1970's
F: It has been a major aim of millions of Americans since the late 1970's.
M: When were regulations on cigarette smoking instituted?
M: after smoking was found to be dangerous to health
F: They were instituted after smoking was found to be dangerous to health.
M: When did the number of smokers start to decline?
M: after people were warned that smoking was dangerous to health
F: The number started to decline after people were warned that smoking was dangerous to     health.


今天我们要听的文章简单说到美国烟草工业的历史, 同时也谈到在美国人们因为注重健康而避免抽烟的趋势. 文章里许多词汇都是我们刚才练习过的. 现在请你注意听.

American Indians grew and smoked tobacco before Columbus came to America.
The tobacco industry has been large and important for America's economy ever since
colonial farmers grew tobacco for export 300 years ago. Even today tobacco is grown in
large quantities along America's Eastern Coast.
Since the 1800's the most common form of smoking tobacco is in cigarettes. Men and
women of all ages smoke cigarettes and there are dozens of brands sold in the U.S.
Nearly all cigarettes now sold have filters. Pipe smoking has some popularity and cigars
are usually only smoked by older men.
Over the past fifteen years, many people have stopped smoking. This movement away
from cigarettes began when lung cancer and other ailments were linked to smoking.
In the 1970's when taxes on cigarettes were greatly increased, cigarette smoking became
much more expensive. Since the late 1970's physical fitness has become a major aim of
millions of Americans. These three factors have been the major causes for many people
to stop smoking.
Today in the U.S. cigarette smoking is restricted in many ways. When smokers are in
restaurants, on trains and in public buildings, they may smoke only in designated areas.
When they are on public buses, in theaters and in classrooms, they may not smoke at all.
Cigarettes are not advertised on television or radio. A notice is on every package of
cigarettes sold in America warning that smoking is dangerous to health. These regulations
have reduced cigarette smoking very much since they were instituted. Smoking is on the


M: How is tobacco smoked in the U.S.?

M: What has caused many Americans to stop smoking?

M: What are some of the regulations on smoking in the U.S.?


American Indians grew and smoked tobacco before Columbus came to America.
The tobacco industry has been large and important for America's economy ever since
colonial farmers grew tobacco for export 300 years ago. Even today tobacco is grown in
large quantities along America's Eastern Coast.
Since the 1800's the most common form of smoking tobacco is in cigarettes. Men and
women of all ages smoke cigarettes and there are dozens of brands sold in the U.S.
Nearly all cigarettes now sold have filters. Pipe smoking has some popularity and cigars
are usually only smoked by older men.
Over the past fifteen years, many people have stopped smoking. This movement away
from cigarettes began when lung cancer and other ailments were linked to smoking.
In the 1970's when taxes on cigarettes were greatly increased, cigarette smoking became
much more expensive. Since the late 1970's physical fitness has become a major aim of
millions of Americans. These three factors have been the major causes for many people
to stop smoking.
Today in the U.S. cigarette smoking is restricted in many ways. When smokers are in
restaurants, on trains and in public buildings, they may smoke only in designated areas.
When they are on public buses, in theaters and in classrooms, they may not smoke at all.
Cigarettes are not advertised on television or radio. A notice is on every package of
cigarettes sold in America warning that smoking is dangerous to health. These regulations
have reduced cigarette smoking very much since they were instituted. Smoking is on the

现在请你回答你刚才听过的三个问题. 每回答一个问题, 老师就会念出正确答案给你听.

M: How is tobacco smoked in the U.S.?
F: Tobacco is smoked in cigarettes, cigars and pipes.

M: What has caused many Americans to stop smoking?
F: Ailments, taxes on cigarettes and physical fitness have caused many Americans to stop    smoking.

M: What are some of the regulations on smoking in the U.S.?
F: Smokers can only smoke in designated areas. Cigarettes are not advertised on television   or radio and people are warned that smoking is dangerous to health.




在这一课里, 我们要复习被动语态; 我们也要谈一谈美国的妇女运动, 学一学有关妇女运动的词汇.
现在我们按照惯例先听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利跟小女儿琳达谈起了妇女就业的问题. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Dad, did Grandma go to the university when she was young?
M: No, she wasn't encouraged to do that.
F: Why not?
M: Well, at that time it was considered improper for a woman to have a higher education.
  Grandma got married when she was eighteen and she spent all her life taking care of her
husband and the kids.
F: You mean she never had a job?
M: No, women were told that they could not have a family and a career at the same time.
F: Mother could. She has a family and she is also a teacher. Isn't that a career?
M: Yes. Time has changed. Nowadays women are permitted to do things that they were not     allowed to do before.


F: Dad, did Grandma go to the university when she was young?
M: No, she wasn't encouraged to do that.
F: Why not?
M: Well, at that time it was considered improper for a woman to have a higher education.
  Grandma got married when she was eighteen and she spent all her life taking care of her
husband and the kids.
F: You mean she never had a job?
M: No, women were told that they could not have a family and a career at the same time.
F: Mother could. She has a family and she is also a teacher. Isn't that a career?
M: Yes. Time has changed. Nowadays women are permitted to do things that they were not     allowed to do before.

现在我把对话里包含被动语态说法的句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍给你听.

M: She wasn't encouraged to do that.
M: It was considered improper for a woman to have a higher education.
M: Women were told that they could not have a family and a career at the same time.
M: Women are permitted to do things that they were not allowed to do before.


第一组练习的内容是说妇女过去不准作的事情, 比方投票, 拥有土地, 追求事业, 担任公职等等. 练习的作法是老师用 weren't permitted 作一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把他听到的词组代换到原来的句子里. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Women weren't permitted to vote.
M: own land
F: Women weren't permitted to own land.
M: get a higher education
F: Women weren't permitted to get a higher education.
M: pursue a career
F: Women weren't permitted to pursue a career.
M: practice most professions
F: Women weren't permitted to practice most professions.
M: hold public office
F: Women weren't permitted to hold public office.
M: hold important positions
F: Women weren't permitted to hold important positions.

下面一组练习是把主动语态跟被动语态作个比较. 练习的内容还是说到妇女过去不准作的事情. 练习里的词汇都是我们刚才学过的. 练习的作法是老师用 could not 作一个句子, 学生就用 weren't allowed 把句子改成 被动语态说出来. 下面就是一个例子:

M:Women could not vote.
F: Women weren't allowed to vote.

现在我们开始作练习, 在学生作句子的时候请你也一起作.

M: Women could not vote.
F: Women weren't allowed to vote.
M: Women could not own land.
F: Women weren't allowed to own land.
M: Women could not get a higher education.
F: Women weren't allowed to get a higher education.
M: Women could not pursue a career.
F: Women weren't allowed to pursue a career.
M: Women could not practice most professions.
F: Women weren't allowed to practice most professions.
M: Women could not hold public office.
F: Women weren't allowed to hold public office.
M: Women could not hold important positions.
F: Women weren't allowed to hold important positions.

下面我们作一组综合练习, 复习不同时态的被动语态句子. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问题, 比方 "过去女性受男性支配吗?" Were women dominated by men? 或者 "妇女一直被禁止担任公职吗?" Have women been prohibited from holding public office? 接着老师提出一个表明时态的词组, 你就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 首先我们给你举一个例子,请你注意听.

M: Were women dominated by men?
M: have been
F: Have women been dominated by men?
M: are being
F: Are women being dominated by men?
M: should be
F: Should women be dominated by men?

现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句, 老师就会念出正确答案给你听.

M: Have women been encouraged to pursue a career?
M: were
F: Were women encouraged to pursue a career?
M: are being
F: Are women being encouraged to pursue a career?
M: need to be
F: Do women need to be encouraged to pursue a career?


M: Have women been prohibited from holding public office?
M: are being
F: Are women being prohibited from holding public office?
M: should be
F: Should women be prohibited from holding public office?
M: can be
F: Can women be prohibited from holding public office?


M: Was it considered improper for a woman to have a profession?
M: has been
F: Has it been considered improper for a woman to have a profession?
M: is
F: Is it considered improper for a woman to have a profession?
M: should be
F: Should it be considered improper for a woman to have a profession?

下面我们再作一组练习比较主动语态跟被动语态. 练习的作法是老师用主动语态说出一个句子,比方"社会对妇女加以限制"The society placed restrictions on women. 请你把句子改成被动语态, 并且用 by 指明动作执行者, 所以答案就是: Restrictions were placed on women by the society. 在这一组练习里你可以学习到美国妇女过去受到的限制跟他们多年来争取到的权利; 你也可以练习许多跟妇女运动有关系的词汇, 比方 "保证" guarantee, "女权运动者"feminists, "支持" support, "男女平等权修正案" the equal rights amendment,"招收" admit 等等. 现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: The society placed restrictions on women.
F: Restrictions were placed on women by the society.
M: Men did not respect working women.
F: Working women were not respected by men.
M: The management paid female workers less.
F: Female workers were paid less by the management.
M: Female workers did not hold top positions.
F: Top positions were not held by female workers.
M: Some state laws guaranteed women the right to vote.
F: Women were guaranteed the right to vote by some state laws.
M: Feminists established colleges and universities for women.
F: Colleges and universities were established for women by feminists.
M: These schools admitted female students.
F: Female students were admitted by these schools.
M: Feminists reduced some social restrictions.
F: Some social restrictions were reduced by feminists.
M: A lot of politicians supported the equal rights amendment.
F: The equal rights amendment was supported by a lot of politicians.
M: Some states approved the equal rights amendment.
F: The equal rights amendment was approved by some states.

下面我们再作一组练习, 一方面复习被动语态, 一方面复习刚才学的一些词汇. 练习的作法是老师用疑问词提出一个问题, 比方 What was placed on women? 接着老师说: social restrictions, 学生就用老师提出的词组来回答问题,所以答案就是: Social restrictions were placed on women. 现在我们开始作
练习. 在学生回答问题的时候请你也一起回答.

M: What was placed on women?
M: social restrictions
F: Social restrictions were placed on women.
M: Who was paid less?
M: female workers
F: Female workers were paid less.
M: Who was guaranteed the right to vote?
M: both men and women
F: Both men and women were guaranteed the right to vote.
M: What was established for women?
M: colleges and universities
F: Colleges and universities were established for women.
M: What was supported by a lot of politicians?
M: the equal rights amendment
F: The equal rights amendment was supported by a lot of politicians.
M: What was approved by some states?
M: the equal rights amendment
F: The equal rights amendment was approved by some states.


今天我们要听一篇谈美国妇女运动的文章. 这篇文章里有许多被动语态句子,文章里许多词汇也是我们刚才练习过的. 现在请你注意听.

America has been called a democracy since its independence more than 200 years ago.
However, at that time, only men were permitted to vote. Only men could own land and
practice most professions. Women could not get a higher education or hold public office.
The woman's place was considered to be the home. Working women were not common.
They usually had poor jobs and little respect.
Through the history of our country, many American women have worked to reduce the
restrictions that society placed on them. They have met opposition. Slowly, however, the
opportunities for women have increased. Colleges and universities were established for
women. Later women were admitted to schools originally established only for men.
In the early part of this century, American women were finally allowed to vote. During and
since World War II American women have become a considerable part of the American
work force.
Today, many women in America hold important positions or are pursuing careers that
they could not pursue in the past. But many women are dissatisfied with the current
situation. They point out that women are often paid less than men for the same work they do. The top positions in nearly all fields are still overwhelmingly held by men. In many ways,
a woman's life is still dominated by her father or her husband.
Recently women worked to get an amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing their rights. The equal rights amendment, as it was called, was supported by most congressmen and most states. It did not get the support of two-thirds of the states which is necessary for a constitutional amendment. Nevertheless, the role and the rights of American women is an important concern in the U.S. today.

刚才那篇文章如果你没有全部听懂, 没有关系, 等一会儿你还有机会听. 现在老师先把今天测验的三个问题念一遍给你听.

M: How were American women restricted by the society?

M: What are some of the things which women are dissatisfied with?

M: Are women's rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution?

现在老师再用慢速度把整篇文章念一遍. 请你注意听.

America has been called a democracy since its independence more than 200 years ago.
However, at that time, only men were permitted to vote. Only men could own land and
practice most professions. Women could not get a higher education or hold public office.
The woman's place was considered to be the home. Working women were not common.
They usually had poor jobs and little respect.
Through the history of our country, many American women have worked to reduce the
restrictions that society placed on them. They have met opposition. Slowly, however, the
opportunities for women have increased. Colleges and universities were established for
women. Later women were admitted to schools originally established only for men.
In the early part of this century, American women were finally allowed to vote. During and
since World War II American women have become a considerable part of the American
work force.
Today, many women in America hold important positions or are pursuing careers that
they could not pursue in the past. But many women are dissatisfied with the current
situation. They point out that women are often paid less than men for the same work they do. The top positions in nearly all fields are still overwhelmingly held by men. In many ways,
a woman's life is still dominated by her father or her husband.
Recently women worked to get an amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing their rights. The equal rights amendment, as it was called, was supported by most congressmen and most states. It did not get the support of two-thirds of the states which is necessary for a constitutional amendment. Nevertheless, the role and the rights of American women is an important concern in the U.S. today.

现在请你回答你刚才听过的三个问题. 每回答一个问题, 老师就会念出正确答案给你听.

M: How were American women restricted by the society?
F: They could not vote, could not own land, could not get a higher education, practice most
  professions or hold public office.

M: What are some of the things which women are dissatisfied with?
F: Some women are paid less, very few women hold top positions, and some women are dominated   by men.

M: Are women's rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution?
F: No, they aren't.




在这一课里, 我们学习用助动词 should 和 could 加上 have再加上动词的过去分词作句子来表示跟过去事实相反的情况, 比方 "你昨天不应该开他的车."You shouldn't have driven his car yesterday. 或是"我本来可以到超级市场去."I could have gone to the supermarket. 我们还要学习用助动词 might 或是 must加上 have 和动词的过去分词来表示猜测过去发生的事情, 比方 "他昨天可能说了." He might have said it yesterday. 或是 "他昨天一定到过这儿了." He must have been here yesterday.
现在我们还是先听一段对话,内容是说玛丽和彼得到饭馆去吃饭, 结果彼得肚子不舒服. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Mary, I don't feel too well. I have a stomach ache.
F: Well, you shouldn't have eaten all that pizza.
M: I didn't have that much. Besides it might have been something else that I ate.
F: What else did you eat?
M: I had a salad. Something in the salad could have upset my stomach.
F: Maybe, but I had a salad too, and I feel fine. What kind of dressing did you have on your
M: Just oil and vinegar.
F: Then I don't think it was the salad. It must have been the pizza. Anyway, I hope you feel
better soon.
M: Thanks, I think I'll lie down for a while.


M: Mary, I don't feel too well. I have a stomach ache.
F: Well, you shouldn't have eaten all that pizza.
M: I didn't have that much. Besides it might have been something else that I ate.
F: What else did you eat?
M: I had a salad. Something in the salad could have upset my stomach.
F: Maybe, but I had a salad too, and I feel fine. What kind of dressing did you have on your
M: Just oil and vinegar.
F: Then I don't think it was the salad. It must have been the pizza. Anyway, I hope you feel
better soon.
M: Thanks, I think I'll lie down for a while.


F: You shouldn't have eaten all that pizza.
M: It might have been something else that I ate.
M: Something in the salad could have upset my stomach.
F: It must have been the pizza.


现在我们开始作练习首先我们练习 shouldn't have 加上动词过去分词的用法.以前我们学过怎么用 shouldn't 劝人不应该作某件事情. 比方有个朋友在公共汽车上抽烟,你看见了就告诉他: "你不应该在公共汽车上 抽烟." You shouldn't smoke on a bus. 如果你的朋友告诉你, 他昨天在公共汽车上抽了烟, 你认为他昨天不应该抽, 你就说: You shouldn't have smoked on a bus. 现在我们作第一组练习,学学怎么表示不赞同别人过去作的事情. 在这组练习里你还可以学到一些跟快速食品有关系的词汇, 比方 "牛肉饼店"a hamburger joint, "乳酪牛肉饼" cheeseburger, "意大利馅饼店" a pizza parlor 等等. 练习的作法是彼得说出一些过去时态句子, 比方: " 我去了一家快餐店, 在那儿吃了一个烤牛肉三明治." I went to a fast food restaurant. I had a roastbeef sandwich there. 请你用 shouldn't have 加上动词过去分词把句子改成 You shouldn't have had a roastbeef sandwich there. 每作完一句, 老师就会把正确答案念一遍给你听.

M: I went to a fast food restaurant, I had a roastbeef sandwich there.
F: You shouldn't have had a roastbeef sandwich there.
M: I went to a hamburger joint. I ate a cheeseburger there.
F: You shouldn't have eaten a cheeseburger there.
M: I went to a pizza parlor. I ate 3 pieces of pizza there.
F: You shouldn't have eaten 3 pieces of pizza there.
M: I ate so much.
F: You shouldn't have eaten so much.
M: I had a big meal.
F: You shouldn't have had such a big meal.

下面我们用代换方式练习怎么劝别人在过去应该作某件事. 练习的内容都是说到彼得告诉玛丽他在前一天晚上吃多了肚子疼之后,玛丽劝彼得的话,比方彼得既然吃饱就不应该再吃, 应该小心的选择食物, 肚子疼就应该看大夫,吃药, 躺下来休息等等. 练习的作法是玛丽说一句话, 然后老师会念出一个用过去分词开头的词组, 请你跟玛丽一起把词组代换到原来的句子里.

F: You should have stopped eating when you were full.
M: eaten less
F: You should have eaten less.
M: been more careful about what you ate
F: You should have been more careful about what you ate.
M: chosen the right things to eat
F: You should have chosen the right things to eat.
M: had dinner at home
F: You should have had dinner at home.
M: gone to a doctor
F: You should have gone to a doctor.
M: taken some medicine
F: You should have taken some medicine.
M: lain down and rest
F: You should have lain down and rest.


下面一组练习是用 must have 加上动词过去分词来表示自己认为过去一定发生的事情. 比方玛丽听说彼得前一天晚上吃那么多就下结论说:当时你一定觉得很不舒服; 你肚子疼一定是吃太多, 太快了, 等等.
练习的作法是玛丽说一句话, 然后老师说出一个动词词组请你用动词过去分词作代换练习. 每作完一个句子, 老师就会念出正确答案给你听.

F: You must have felt sick.
M: feel terrible
F: You must have felt terrible.
M: have an upset stomach
F: You must have had an upset stomach.
M: have too much food
F: You must have had too much food.
M: eat something bad
F: You must have eaten something bad.
M: eat too fast
F: You must have eaten too fast.


下面我们作一组练习, 学习用could have been 作句子来揣测过去发生的事情.比方玛丽听说彼得吃坏了肚子, 就猜测可能是彼得前一天晚上在饭店吃的东西不干净. 她问彼得许多问题, 彼得都一一的作肯定的答覆.在这组练习里你可以学到美国快餐店常常有的食物和调味品, 比方 "炸薯条" french fries, "牛
奶冰淇淋混合饮料" milkshake 等等. 现在请你注意听玛丽问问题, 并且跟彼得一起做肯定的答复.

F: Could it have been the pizza that you had?
M: It could have been the pizza that I had.
F: Could it have been the salad that you had?
M: It could have been the salad that I had.
F: Could it have been the salad dressing?
M: It could have been the salad dressing.
F: Could it have been the roastbeef sandwich that you ate?
M: It could have been the roastbeef sandwich that I ate.
F: Could it have been the cheeseburger that you ate?
M: It could have been the cheeseburger that I ate.
F: Could it have been the french fries?
M: It could have been the french fries.
F: Could it have been the milkshake that you drank?
M: It could have been the milkshake that I drank?
F: Could it have been the coffee that you drank?
M: It could have been the coffee that I drank.

五.SHOULD + 完成时态

在下面一组练习里, 玛丽用 should 加上完成时态向彼得提出建议, 比方 "你当时应该慢慢吃." You should have eaten more leisurely. 彼得就用 could 加上完成时态回答说: "我当时是可以慢慢吃,可是我没有." I could have eaten more leisurely, but I didn't. 现在请你注意听玛丽的建议, 并且跟彼得一起回答.

F: You should have gone to a more traditional restaurant.
M: I could have gone to a more traditional restaurant, but I didn't.
F: You should have ordered better food.
M: I could have ordered better food, but I didn't.
F: You should have eaten more leisurely.
M: I could have eaten more leisurely, but I didn't.
F: You should have had dinner at home.
M: I could have had dinner at home, but I didn't.
F: You should have cooked something for yourself.
M: I could have cooked something for myself, but I didn't.
F: You should have made a better decision.
M: I could have made a better decision, but I didn't.

六.MIGHT + 完成时态

下面我们学习用 might 加上完成时态来揣测过去发生的事情.比方说彼得去快餐店吃饭,排队排了半天一直没有服务员来招呼他; 好不容易来了服务员,彼得叫了菜, 服务员拿来的却不是他要的.下面老师用 maybe 和过去时态作句子揣测发生这种情况的原因, 比方彼得可能站错了队,服务员可能心不在焉,可能把
别人叫的菜给了彼得等等,请你改用might 和完成时态把原来的意思表达出来.下面就是一个例子:

M:Maybe Peter stood in the wrong line.
F: Peter might have stood in the wrong line.

现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Maybe Peter stood in the wrong line.
F: Peter might have stood in the wrong line.
M: Maybe the clerk was busy.
F: The clerk might have been busy.
M: Maybe the clerk was absent-minded.
F: The clerk might have been absent-minded.
M: Maybe the clerk misunderstood him.
F: The clerk might have misunderstood him.
M: Maybe the clerk gave him someone else's order.
F: The clerk might have given him someone else's order.


今天我们要听一篇介绍美国快餐店的文章. 这篇文章谈到快餐店的种类,特色,跟受美国人欢迎的原因.
请你注意听. 等一会儿我们要根据文章内容问你几个问题.

The favorite food in the United States is the hamburger, a kind of round sandwich of cooked
ground beef. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast food restaurant. At fast food
restaurants, people order their food, wait a few minutes, and carry it to their tables
themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurants, people can order their food, pay for it and pick it up without leaving their cars.
There are many kinds of fast food restaurants in the United States. The most numerous sell
hamburgers, french fries and milkshakes, which are traditionally popular foods among
Americans. In addition, fast food restaurants that serve Chinese food, Mexican food, Italian
food, chicken, seafood and ice cream are very numerous.
The idea of a fast food restaurant is so popular that nearly every kind of food can be found
in one. Fast food restaurants are popular because they reflect American life style.
First, they are not formal restaurants. Customers wear any type of dress when they go to a
fast food place.
Second, they are fast. People who are busy do not want to spend time preparing their own
food or waiting while someone else prepares it. In fast food restaurants the food is usually
ready before the customer even orders it.
Finally, most food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. Therefore, people can afford
to eat at a fast food restaurant often, while they may not be able to afford a more traditional and more expensive restaurant very often.


M: What kinds of food can people get in fast food restaurants?
F: They can get hamburgers, french fries, milkshakes, pizza, chicken, seafood, ice cream
  and others.

M: Why do Americans go to fast food restaurants?
F: It is because fast food restaurants are fast, informal and inexpensive.

M: Is the food cooked to order in a fast food restaurant?
F: No, it is not.





在这一课里, 我们要学习用 "如果" if, i-f, if 作假设性的句子来表达跟现在的情况相反的条件和结果. 比方你的好朋友邀请你跟他一起去看电影,可是你必须念书, 不能去, 所以你就告诉他: "如果不是我得念书, 我就跟你去看电影." 这句话英文应该这么说: If I didn't have to study, I would go to the movies with you.现在我们来听英文老师念一段对话, 多举几个例子给你听. 对话的内容是说凯特的父母搬到佛罗里达州, 凯特很想念他们,亨利想法子安慰她的情况. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: I miss my folks. I wish we could see them.
M: Well, if they lived closer, we would see them more often.
F: If we owned a bigger house, they could live with us.
M: You know they would never do that. They would feel that they were intruding.
F: You're right. But I wish I were with them now. Let's go visit them.
M: All the way to Florida? We could if we didn't have to work and if the kids didn't have
F: Maybe they will come to visit us when it gets warmer.
M: I'm sure they will. Maybe we can go there to see them this summer on vacation.Meanwhile,  
why don't you call them on the phone?
F: I just did. That's why I miss them so much right now.


F: I miss my folks. I wish we could see them.
M: Well, if they lived closer, we would see them more often.
F: If we owned a bigger house, they could live with us.
M: You know they would never do that. They would feel that they were intruding.
F: You're right. But I wish I were with them now. Let's go visit them.
M: All the way to Florida? We could if we didn't have to work and if the kids didn't have
F: Maybe they will come to visit us when it gets warmer.
M: I'm sure they will. Maybe we can go there to see them this summer on vacation. Meanwhile,  
why don't you call them on the phone?
F: I just did. That's why I miss them so much right now.


M: If they lived closer, we would see them more often.
F: If we owned a bigger house, they could live with us.
M: If they lived with us, they would feel that they were intruding.
M: We could if we didn't have to work and if the kids didn't have school.

二.用 IF 引导跟现在事实相反的情况

听了上面那些句子, 你可能已经注意到怎么表达跟现在事实相反的情况.在下面一组练习里你可以更仔细地把事实跟假设作个比较. 练习的作法是亨利用现在时态说一句话, 比方 "我们没有大房子. 他们不能跟我们一起住." We don't have a big house. They cannot live with us. 接着凯特就用过去时态把句
子改成:"如果我们有大房子,他们就可以跟我们一块住." If we had a big house,they could live with us.这组练习的内容都是说到凯特的愿望.这些愿望都跟凯特的父母有关系. 练习里有些词汇可能你不熟, 比方"照顾他们" take care of them,"照料他们自己" look after themselves, "陪伴他们" keep the company 等等.请你在听老师念句子的时候一方面注意语法的变化, 一方面注意词汇.

M: We don't have a big house. They cannot live with us.
F: If we had a big house, they could live with us.
M: They don't live with us. We cannot see them everyday.
F: If they lived with us. We could see them everyday.
M: We don't see them every day. We cannot take care of them.
F: If we saw them everyday, we could take care of them.
M: They are not young. They cannot look after themselves.
F: If they were young, they could look after themselves.
M: We have jobs in Seattle. We cannot move to Florida.
F: If we didn't have jobs in Seattle, we could move to Florida.
M: Long distance phone calls are expensive. We cannot talk to them everyday.
F: If long distance phone calls weren't expensive, we could talk to them everyday.
M: We are busy. We cannot go to visit them.
F: If we weren't busy, we could go to visit them.
M: Our kids have to go to school. They cannot visit the grandparents.
F: If our kids didn't have to go to school, they could visit the grandparents.
M: We cannot visit them. We cannot keep them company.
F: If we could visit them, we could keep them company.
M: We are not there with them. We cannot buy groceries for them.
F: If we were there with them, we could buy groceries for them.
M: We are not living with them. We cannot do their laundry for them.
F: If we were living with them, we could do their laundry for them.

在用过去时态表达跟目前相反的情况的时候,be动词一律用were,w-e-r-e, were.比方凯特不住在佛罗里达州, 所以她不能够照顾父母. 她可以这样说: I am not in Florida. I cannot take care of them. 要是把这句话改成: "如果我在那儿, 我就可以照顾他们." 英文就应该这样说: I could take care of them if I were there. 下面我们作一组代换练习学学这种说法, 同时复习刚才那组练习里的一些词汇.
现在请你注意听凯特说一句话, 接着老师念一个词组,请你跟凯特一起把词组代换到前半个句子里.

F: I could take care of them if I were there.
M: look after them.
F: I could look after them if I were there.
M: keep them company
F: I could keep them company if I were there.
M: help them
F: I could help them if I were there.
M: cook for them
F: I could cook for them if I were there.
M: buy groceries for them
F: I could buy groceries for them if I were there.
M: do their laundry
F: I could do their laundry if I were there.
M: take them shopping
F: I could take them shopping if I were there.

下面我们再作一组代换练习, 一方面学习今天教的语法,一方面复习形容词比较级.练习的内容是说如果凯特的父母跟女儿, 女婿一块住会有什么好处. 请你跟着凯特把第一个句子重复一遍, 然后跟凯特一起把老师提出的词汇代换到后半个句子里.

F: If they lived with us, it would be more economical for them.
M: less expensive
F: If they lived with us, it would be less expensive for them.
M: more convenient
F: If they lived with us, it would be more convenient for them.
M: less troublesome
F: If they lived with us, it would be less troublesome for them.
M: easier
F: If they lived with us, it would be easier for them.
M: less difficult
F: If they lived with us, it would be less difficult for them.

下面我们再作一组练习, 学学怎么表达跟目前相反的情况. 练习的内容都是说到在美国六十五岁以上的老人,也就是所谓的 senior citizens 能得到什么好处.在这组练习里你可以学到许多有用的词汇, 比方 "福利" benefit, "退休金"retirement pension,"义务" obligation,"无忧无虑"care-free. "志愿工作" volunteer work 等等.现在请你先注意老师用现在时态说明目前的情况; 然后请你用过去时态否定句说明跟目前相反的情况. 下面就是一个例子:

M: We are senior citizens. We are able to enjoy senior citizen benefits.
F: If we weren't senior citizens, we wouldn't be able to enjoy senior citizen benefits.

现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句就请你听老师把正确答案念一遍.

M: We are senior citizens. We are able to enjoy senior citizen benefits.
F: If we weren't senior citizens, we wouldn't be able to enjoy senior citizen benefits.
M: We don't have to work full time. We have time to enjoy our hobbies.
F: If we had to work full time, we wouldn't have time to enjoy our hobbies.
M: We don't have many obligations. We are carefree.
F: If we had many obligations, we wouldn't be carefree.
M: We don't need to work full time. We are free to do volunteer work.
F: If we needed to work full time, we wouldn't be free to do volunteer work.
M: We do volunteer work. We have a lot of new experiences.
F: If we didn't do volunteer work, we wouldn't have a lot of new experiences.

下面我们再作一组练习. 这组练习的作法是由老师念一些句子说明美国老年人目前的生活情况, 比方 "我们从事志愿工作以免与社会脱节." We do volunteer work so that we don't lose contact with the society. 请你用might 把句子改成:If we didn't do volunteer work, we might lose contact with the society.在这组练习里, 除了复习今天教的语法你还可以学习一些有用的词汇, 比方"跟什么什么失去联系" lose contact with."跟某某人交往" associate with, "团结" united, "为了要" in order to 等等. 请你在作练习的时候特别注意. 每作完一句老师就会念出正确答案让你作个比较,看你作对了没有.

M: We do volunteer work so that we don't lose contact with the society.
F: If we didn't do volunteer work, we might lose contact with the society.
M: We are active so that we can enjoy life.
F: If we weren't active, we might not enjoy life.
M: We associate with fellow senior citizens to be able to share our interests.
F: If we didn't associate with fellow senior citizens, we might not be able to share our
M: We are united in order to have social influence.
F: If we weren't united, we might not have social influence.


今天我们要听一篇谈美国老年人生活的文章. 请你注意听. 等一会儿我们要依照惯例根据文章问你三个问题.

People over the age of 65 in the U.S. are called senior citizens. Life for these people is
different than for younger Americans. Most senior citizens retire, or no longer work full time.
Also it is unusual for people of this age to live with their children and grandchildren.
Grandparents tend to live in their own houses or apartments away from their families.
For many senior citizens, the years after 65 are not enjoyable. They feel unproductive
when they no longer work. Their lives lose meaning. In addition, they may feel lonely
being away from their families and the contacts they had in their work. Moreover, they
become more concerned with their health as they grow older. If they live in big cities, they
often worry about their safety.
Other senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising families. They now have time to enjoy hobbies and
sports and travel. They associate with their fellow senior citizens who have common
interests and equal free time. Many senior citizens move to retirement communities
located in warm climates. Some senior citizens continue to work beyond retirement age.
Many find new careers and professional opportunities after they retire.
The number of senior citizens in the U.S. is increasing rapidly because people are living
longer than before. The average life span for Americans is now more than 74 years.
Because of their larger numbers and more active life styles, senior citizens are gaining
social influence in the country, both politically and economically. Their concerns are
receiving a wider audience than ever before. The time may come when all Americans
will look forward to becoming senior citizens.

现在请你回答三个问题. 每回答一个问题, 老师就会念出正确答案给你听.

M: Who are senior citizens?
F: Senior citizens are people over 65 years of age.

M: What are some of the problems for senior citizens?
F: Some of them feel unproductive, lonely and unsafe.

M: Why are senior citizens gaining social influence?
F: It is because the number of senior citizens is growing and because senior citizens are
  more active.




在这一课里, 我们学习用 "如果" if, i-f, if 和过去完成时态作句子来表示跟过去事实相反的条件和结果.比方,"当时我要是看见了你,我一定会跟你打招呼的."这句话英文应该这样说: If I had seen you. I certainly would have said hello to you. 下面我们念一段对话, 多举几个例子给你听.这段对话的内容是说凯特跟同事比尔谈起了他们小时候上历史课的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: When did you decide to be a school teacher,Kate?
F: When I was in grade school, I had a teacher who I liked very much. I wanted to be like
  she was.
M: What made her so special?
F: She used to make things interesting and exciting to learn.
M: Like what?
F: If you had heard her history lessons, you would have thought that history was ascinating. M: If you had been in our history class, you would have found history very boring. Our
teacher just taught names and dates.
F: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become something besides a teacher.
M: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become a history teacher instead of a
  gym teacher.

现在我们把对话再念一遍给你听. 这次老师念得比较慢, 请你注意听.

M: When did you decide to be a school teacher,Kate?
F: When I was in grade school, I had a teacher who I liked very much. I wanted to be like
  she was.
M: What made her so special?
F: She used to make things interesting and exciting to learn.
M: Like what?
F: If you had heard her history lessons, you would have thought that history was ascinating. M: If you had been in our history class, you would have found history very boring. Our
teacher just taught names and dates.
F: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become something besides a teacher.
M: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become a history teacher instead of a
  gym teacher.


F: If you had heard her history lessons, you would have thought that history was ascinating. M: If you had been in our history class, you would have found history very boring.
F: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become something besides a teacher.
M: If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become a history teacher.

二.用 IF 引导跟过去事实相反的情况

听了上面那些句子, 我想你已经注意到怎么样用过去完成时态作句子来表达跟过去事实相反的情况. 现在我们开始作练习, 多学学这种说法. 第一组练习的作法是比尔用过去时态说明发生在过去的事情. 凯特就用过去完成时态作假设性句子, 说明如果比尔过去那么作了, 他可能会有什么结果. 下面就是一

M: I wasn't in your class. I didn't become a history teacher.
F: If you had been in my class,maybe you would have become a history teacher.

现在请你一边听句子的意思, 一边注意语法的变化.

M: I wasn't in your class. I didn't become a history teacher.
F: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have become a history teacher.
M: I wasn't in your class. I didn't think that history was fascinating.
F: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have thought that history was fascinating.
M: I wasn't in your class. I didn't think that history was exciting.
F: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have thought that history was exciting.


F: I wasn't in your class. I didn't become a gym teacher.
M: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have become a gym teacher.
F: I wasn't in your class. I didn't think that history was boring.
M: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have thought that history was boring.
F: I wasn't in your class. I didn't think that history was just names and dates.
M: If you had been in my class, maybe you would have thought that history was just names
  and dates.

在刚才那组练习里我们用 "也许" maybe 加上 would 再加上完成时态作了一些假设性句子, 这种说法也可以改用 might 加上完成时态来表达. 比方:Maybe he would have become a history teacher. 可以改为 He might have become a history teacher. 下面我们作一组练习把这两种说法作个比较.首先请你注意听老师用第一种说法说一句话,然后请你跟学生一起改用代名词跟第二种说法把那句话表达出来.下面就是一个例子:

M: If Bill had been in Kate's class, maybe he would have become a history teacher.
F: If he had been in her class, he might have become a history teacher.


M: If Bill had been in Kate's class, maybe he would have become a history teacher.
F: If he had been in her class, he might have become a history teacher.
M: If Bill had been in Kate's class, maybe he would have thought that history was
F: If he had been in her class, he might have thought that history was fascinating.
M: If Bill had been in Kate's class, maybe he would have thought that history was exciting.
F: If he had been in her class, he might have thought that history was exciting.
M: If Kate had been in Bill's class, maybe she would have become a gym teacher.
F: If she had been in his class, she might have become a gym teacher.
M: If Kate had been in Bill's class, maybe she would have thought that history was boring.
F: If she had been in his class, she might have thought that history was boring.
M: If Kate had been in Bill's class, maybe she would have thought that history was just
names and dates.
F: If she had been in his class, she might have thought that history was just names and

下面我们用美国历史作例子, 学学跟过去事实相反的说法. 练习的作法是老师用过去时态说出美国历史上的一项事实,比方"移民来到美洲; 殖 民地因此成立." The immigrants came to America. The colonies were established. 学生就把句子改成:"如果移民没有到美洲, 殖民地就不会成立." If the immigrants
hadn't come to America, the colonies wouldn't have been established.在这组练习里有些新词汇,比方 "压迫" oppress, "革命" revolution,"打败" defeat,"奴隶"slave 等等. 请你注意听. 学生作句子的时候请你也一起作.

M: The immigrants came to America. The colonies were established.
F: If the immigrants hadn't come to America, the colonies wouldn't have been established.
M: The taxes were raised.The colonists were unhappy.
F: If the taxes hadn't been raised, the colonists wouldn't have been unhappy.
M: The colonists were oppressed. There was a revolution.
F: If the colonists hadn't been oppressed, there wouldn't have been a revolution.
M: The colonists fought the revolution against the British. They gained independence.
F: If the colonists hadn't fought the revolution against the British, they wouldn't have
   gained independence.
M: The colonists gained independence. The U.S. became a country.
F: If the colonists hadn't gained independence, the U.S. wouldn't have become a country.
M: France needed money. It sold a piece of land to the U.S.
F: If France hadn't needed money, it wouldn't have sold a piece of land to the U.S.
M: The U.S. bought that piece of land. The size of the U.S. doubled.
F: If the U.S. hadn't bought that piece of land, the size of the U.S. wouldn't have doubled. M: People of Texas fought a war against Mexico. They became independent.
F: If people of Texas hadn't fought a war against Mexico, they wouldn't have become
M: Texas became independent. It joined the U.S.
F: If Texas hadn't become independent, it wouldn't have joined the U.S.
M: The U.S. defeated Mexico. California and New Mexico became part of the U.S.
F: If the U.S. hadn't defeated Mexico, California and New Mexico wouldn't have become part  
of the U.S.
M: The North won the Civil War. Slaves were freed.
F: If the North hadn't won the Civil War, slaves wouldn't have been freed.
M: Russia sold Alaska to the U.S. It became an American state.
F: If Russia hadn't sold Alaska to the U.S., it wouldn't have become an American state.

现在我们再来练习怎么表达跟过去事实相反的条件和结果.下面我们还是请老师用过去时态说出美国历史上的一些事迹, 比方 "英国宣称北美洲部分土地属于他们. 因此加拿大没有变成美国的一部分." England claimed part of North America.Canada didn't become part of the U.S. 请你用 might 把句子改成
"如果英国没有宣称北美洲部分土地属于他们, 加拿大就可能变成美国的一部分." If England hadn't claimed part of North America, Canada might have become part of the U.S.这组练习里也有一些有用的词汇, 比方 "解决" settle,"歧见" difference, "妥协" compromise, "反对" oppose. "避免" prevent 等等,请你在作练习的时候特别注意听. 你每作完一句老师就会念正确答案给你听.


M: England claimed part of North America. Canada didn't become part of the U.S.
F: If England hadn't claimed part of North America, Canada might have become part of the
M: England and the U.S. settled their differences.They didn't go to war.
F: If England and the U.S. hadn't settled their differences, they might have gone to war.
M: England and the U.S. compromised. They didn't fight against each other.
F: If England and the U.S. hadn't compromised, they might have fought against each other.
M: The South opposed President Lincoln's policy. The Civil War couldn't be prevented.
F: If the South hadn't opposed President Lincoln's policy, the Civil War might have been
M: The South was defeated. The U.S. didn't become two countries.
F: If the South hadn't been defeated, the U.S. might have become two countries.


今天我们要听的文章简单谈到美国建国的经过; 文章里许多词汇和句子都是我们刚才练习过的. 现在请你注意听. 等一会我们要根据文章内容问你几个问题.

Compared to the history of China, the history of the United States is quite short. It began
little more than 200 years ago. In 1776, 13 colonies located on the eastern coast of North
America declared independence and fought a revolution against the British. In 1783 the
colonists won the revolution and gained their independence.
After the revolution, the United States bought a large section of country from Napoleon
of France. This purchase doubled the size of the United States. Napoleon needed money
for his European wars. If he hadn't needed that money, the United States might have
stayed a small country. Texas and most of what is now the southwestern part of the United
States belonged to Mexico. The people of Texas fought a revolution against Mexico.
They became independent and joined the United States. Later, the United States and
Mexico went to war. If Mexico had defeated the United States, in that war, California and
New Mexico would have been part of Mexico today.
The British and the Americans both claimed the northwestern part of the country. They
settled their differences with a compromise. South of the 49th parallel was the United States.
North of the 49th parallel was Canada which was controlled by England.
In 1861 one-half of the United States did go to war with the other half. This was the Civil War.
President Lincoln wanted to free slaves. He was supported by the North but opposed
by the South. The South wanted to separate from the rest of the country and become
independent. After 4 years of war, the South was defeated.
Following the Civil War, the United States bought Alaska from Russia. At that time many
people didn't think Alaska was important, but today it is the largest state in the country and a very important one too.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 你回答之后, 老师会念出正确答案给你听,让你作个比较, 看你答对了没有.

M: How did the United States become a country?
F: Colonists defeated the British in a revolution.

M: Which countries have sold land to the U.S.?
F: France and Russia have sold land to the U.S.

M: What was the outcome of the U.S.-Mexican War?
F: Mexico was defeated. California and New Mexico became part of the U.S.




在这一课里, 我们要复习怎么作假设性句子来说明跟现在或是过去的事实相反的条件和结果, 比方: "如果他在这儿, 他会跟我们一块去." If he were here,he would go with us. "如果他昨天在这儿, 当时他会跟我们去. "If he had been here yesterday, he would have gone with us. 等等, 同时我们也要复习 hope,h-o-p-e, hope跟 wish, w-i-s-h, wish 在意思跟用法上的分别.首先我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说鲍勃跟珍妮谈起了选举跟助选的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Did you vote in the last election?
F: No. I wish I had voted, but I wasn't old enough. Did you?
M: Yes, I did. But I wish I had worked in the campaign. I would certainly have if I hadn't
  gone to China.
F: Did you have a chance to work on a campaign?
M: Yes, I was offered a job as a campaign lead man.
F: What would you have done if you had accepted the job?
M: I would have gone to states where there were primary elections. I would have set up
rallies and organized people.
F: You could have traveled all over the country.
M: Yes, I could have. But instead I traveled all over China.

现在我们再把整段对话听一遍. 这次老师念得比较慢, 请你注意听.

M: Did you vote in the last election?
F: No. I wish I had voted, but I wasn't old enough. Did you?
M: Yes, I did. But I wish I had worked in the campaign. I would certainly have if I hadn't
  gone to China.
F: Did you have a chance to work on a campaign?
M: Yes, I was offered a job as a campaign lead man.
F: What would you have done if you had accepted the job?
M: I would have gone to states where there were primary elections. I would have set up
rallies and organized people.
F: You could have traveled all over the country.
M: Yes, I could have. But instead I traveled all over China.

下面我把对话里包含了今天要复习的语法的句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍给你听.

F: I wish I had voted.
M: I wish I had worked in the campaign.
F: What would you have done if you had accepted the job?
M: I would have gone to states where there were primary elections. I would have set up
F: You could have traveled all over the country.

二.复习 IF 引导的跟事实相反的情况

现在我们开始作练习, 一方面复习语法, 一方面复习词汇. 第一组练习的作法是由老师根据对话内容提出跟过去事实相反的问句, 比方: What would Bob have done if he hadn't gone to China? 接着老师说: work in the campaign. 学生就用老师提出的词组来回答问题, 所以答案就是: He would have worked in the campaign if he hadn't gone to China. 请你在学生作练习的时候也一起作. 现在我们开始.

M: What would Bob have done if he hadn't gone to China?
M: work in the campaign.
F: He would have worked in the campaign if he hadn't gone to China.
M: What would he have done if he had worked in the campaign?
M: travel all over the country
F: He would have traveled all over the country if he had worked in the campaign.
M: What would he have done if he had traveled all over the country?
M: go to primary elections
F: He would have gone to primary elections if he had traveled all over the country.
M: What would he have done if he had gone to primary elections?
M: set up rallies
F: He would have set up rallies if he had gone to primary elections.
M: What would he have done if he had set up rallies?
M: organize people
F: He would have organized people if he had set up rallies.
M: What would he have done if he had organized people?
M: help his friend win the election
F: He would have helped his friend win the election if he had organized people.

三.复习 WISH

以前我们学过 wish, w-i-s-h, wish 可以用来表达没有实现的愿望, 比方你的朋友不能够跟你去看电影, 你觉得很遗憾, 你就说: "我真希望你能跟我一起去."I wish you could go with me. 如果这件事发生在昨天或是更早以前, 你就必须这么说: I wish you could have gone with me. 现在我们作一组练习, 学学第二种说法, 看看怎么表达跟过去事实相反的愿望. 练习的内容都跟鲍勃没有参加助选团而感到遗憾有关系. 练习的作法是由老师用过去时态说明鲍勃没有作的事情, 比方: "他没有去参加政治会议." He didn't go to the political conventions. 请你把句子改成: He wishs he had gone to the olitical
conventions. 每作完一句老师就会把正确答案念给你听. 现在我们开始.

M: He didn't vote.
F: He wishes he had voted.
M: He didn't take part in the primary elections.
F: He wishes he had taken part in the primary elections.
M: He didn't hear the candidates' campaign speeches.
F: He wishes he had heard the candidates' campaign speeches.
M: He didn't participate in the campaign.
F: He wishes he had participated in the campaign.
M: He didn't go to the political conventions.
F: He wishes he had gone to the political conventions.
M: He didn't set up political rallies.
F: He wishes he had set up political rallies.
M: He didn't help his friend win the election.
F: He wishes he had helped his friend win the election.


现在我们复习hope, h-o-p-e, hope的用法.这个字可以用来表达未来可能实现的愿望. 下面一组练习的内容都跟鲍勃希望将来能够作的事情有关系. 练习的作法是先由男老师提出过去时态疑问句, 比方: Did he vote?女老师就回答说: No,he didn't. He hopes to do it next time. 在女老师回答之后请你再跟她一起把答案重复一遍. 现在我们开始.

M: Did he vote?
F: No, he didn't. He hopes to do it next time.
M: Did he work in the campaign?
F: No, he didn't. He hopes to work in it next time.
M: Did he take part in the primary elections?
F: No, he didn't. He hopes to take part in them next time.
M: Did he go to the political conventions?
F: No, he didn't. He hopes to go to them next time.
M: Did he set up political rallies?
F: No, he didn't. He hopes to set them up next time.
M: Did he help his friend win the election?
F: No, he didn't. He hopes to help his friend win it next time.


下面我们再作一组练习, 一方面复习跟过去事实相反的说法, 一方面复习以前学过的词汇,比方平衡预算, 裁减赤字, 制造就业机会, 争取民权等等. 练习的内容是说鲍勃所支持的候选人没有当选; 不过如果他当时选上了, 他会不会设法实践竞选诺言. 练习的作法是由珍妮问鲍勃一些问题, 比方: Would he have
tried to carry out his campaign promises if he had been elected? 鲍勃就肯定地答覆说: He would have tried to carry out his campaign promises.请你注意听珍妮问问题,然后跟鲍勃一起回答.

F: Would he have tried to carry out his campaign promises if he had been elected?
M: He would have tried to carry out his campaign promises.
F: Would he have tried to balance the budget if he had been elected?
M: He would have tried to balance the budget.
F: Would he have tried to cut spending if he had been elected?
M: He would have tried to cut spending.
F: Would he have tried to reduce the deficit if he had been elected?
M: He would have tried to reduce the deficit.
F: Would he have tried to create job opportunities if he had been elected?
M: He would have tried to create job opportunities.
F: Would he have tried to improve the economy if he had been elected?
M: He would have tried to improve the economy.
F: Would he have tried to fight for civil rights if he had been elected?
M: He would have tried to fight for civil rights.
F: Would he have tried to look after senior citizens if he had been elected?
M: He would have tried to look after senior citizens.

六.复习 WISH

下面我们作一组练习, 一方面复习用 wish 来表达跟现在的情况相反的愿望,一方面学习新词汇, 比方 "工作卖力" dedicated, "有果断力" decisive, "知识丰富" knowledgeable, "能言善道" eloquent, "思想创新" innovative 等等. 练习的内容说到鲍勃决定不选某个候选人的种种原因. 练习的作法是鲍勃用if 说出跟目前的情况相反的话,比方: If he were more experienced,I would vote for him. 请你把句子改成: I wish he were more experienced. 每作完一句, 老师就会把句子再念一遍给你听. 现在我们开始.

M: If he were more experienced, I would vote for him.
F: I wish he were more experienced.
M: If he were more dedicated, I would vote for him.
F: I wish he were more dedicated.
M: If he were more organized, I would vote for him.
F: I wish he were more organized.
M: If he were more decisive, I would vote for him.
F: I wish he were more decisive.
M: If he were more knowledgeable, I would vote for him.
F: I wish he were more knowledgeable.
M: If he were more eloquent, I would vote for him.
F: I wish he were more eloquent.
M: If he were more innovative, I would vote for him.
F: I wish he were more innovative.


今天我们要听一篇介绍美国总统选举的文章. 这篇文章谈到大选的基本程序,美国两个主要政党提名的候选人怎么样从事竞选等等.现在请你注意听, 等一会儿我们还是依照惯例按着文章内容, 问你三个问题.

Every four years, Americans elect a president. According to the constitution any American
citizen over 40 years of age who was born in the U.S. can be president. There are always
many candidates who hope they will be elected.
There are many political parties in the United States, and most of these will have
candidates for president. However, two political parties are much stronger than the others.
They are called the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. For over a hundred years, the man elected as president has always been either a Democrat or a Republican.
All American citizens over 18 years of age can vote for a president. The process of electing a president takes nearly a year. During the election year there are numerous local elections, called primary elections, held in many of the fifty states. These elections
indicate who the most popular candidates are. In primary elections, usually held in the
winter and spring, candidates run against members of their own parties. In this way they try
to get support of party members around the country. During the summer,both parties have
conventions where the party members make the final choice for the party's presidential
candidate. Each party chooses a person to run for president and a person to run for vice
president. The two candidates work as a team. They will win or lose the election together.
Once the final candidates are chosen, they campaign around the country, trying to win votes.
The national election is held in November. The candidate who wins becomes president the following January. The election process is long and costly. Thousands of people work for the leading candidates. Millions of dollars are spent. Individuals prepare to run for presidency for many years. Nearly all of these people fail to ever win.

现在请你回答问题. 在你回答之后老师会念出正确答案给你听.

M: How do Americans choose a president?
F: They hold elections every 4 years.

M: What are "primary elections"?
F: They are local elections held before the national election.

M: When are the final candidates chosen?
F: They are chosen in party conventions during the summer.





在这一课里, 我们学习怎么样简化用来修饰名词的从句, 比方 "唱歌的人" the man who is singing 可以简化为 the man singing; "他唱的歌" the song which was sung by him 可以简化为 the song sung by him. 另外我们还要学习一些跟音乐有关系的词汇. 现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利跟小女儿琳达谈起了听流行歌曲的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Linda, turn down the record player. I'm trying to read.
F: That's my new record, Dad. Don't you like it?
M: The man singing, is he the one who won all the music awards?
F: Yes, he is also the one singing in the movie we saw last night on T.V.
M: Well, I'm not too fond of his songs. He doesn't sing about meaningful things.
F: He does! You just don't listen to his songs.
M: You play them so loudly. Anyone not listening must be deaf.
F: Okey, Dad. I'll turn down the record player.

现在我们再把整段对话听一遍. 请你特别注意听.

M: Linda, turn down the record player. I'm trying to read.
F: That's my new record, Dad. Don't you like it?
M: The man singing, is he the one who won all the music awards?
F: Yes, he is also the one singing in the movie we saw last night on T.V.
M: Well, I'm not too fond of his songs. He doesn't sing about meaningful things.
F: He does! You just don't listen to them.
M: You play them so loudly. Anyone not listening must be deaf.
F: Okey, Dad. I'll turn down the record player.


M: the man singing
F: the one singing in the movie
M: anyone not listening


听到这儿,我想你对怎么简化从句已经有点儿概念. 现在我请英文老师再念一些句子进一步作比较.首先男老师念两个句子,比方:The man asks Linda to turn down the record player. He is Henry. 女老师就把两个句子合并成一句:The man who asks Linda to turn down the record player is Henry. 然后女老师再用动词加上 i-n-g 把从句加以简化,所以整个句子就变成: The man asking Linda to turn down the record player is Henry. 老师念句子的时候请你注意听.

M: The girl is listening to the record. She is Linda.
F: The girl who is listening to the record is Linda.
F: The girl listening to the record is Linda.
M: The man is talking to Linda. He is her father.
F: The man who is talking to Linda is her father.
F: The man talking to Linda is her father.
M: The man asks Linda to turn down the record player. He is Henry.
F: The man who asks Linda to turn down the record player is Henry.
F: The man asking Linda to turn down the record player is Henry.
M: The man is singing. He won many awards.
F: The man who is singing won many awards.
F: The man singing won many awards.

下面我再请老师念一些句子给你听, 看看怎么简化被动语态从句. 首先男老师念两个句子,比方: Linda is listening to the record. It was bought recently. 接着女老师就把两句话合并为一句:Linda is listening to the record which was bought recently. 最后女老师再用动词过去分词把从句简化. 所以句子就变成: Linda is listening to the record bought recently. 老师念句子的时候请你注意听.

M: Linda is playing a record. It was recorded by her favorite singer.
F: Linda is playing a record which was recorded by her favorite singer.
F: Linda is playing a record recorded by her favorite singer.
M: Linda is listening to the record. It was bought recently.
F: Linda is listening to the record which was bought recently.
F: Linda is listening to the record bought recently.
M: Linda likes to listen to songs. They are sung by her favorite singer.
F: Linda likes to listen to songs which were sung by her favorite singer.
F: Linda likes to listen to songs sung by her favorite singer.
M: The song won many awards. It was sung by Linda's favorite singer.
F: The song which was sung by Linda's favorite singer won many awards.
F: The song sung by Linda's favorite singer won many awards.

下面我们作一组练习, 一方面把从句简化, 一方面学习新词汇. 练习的作法是由老师念一个有从句的词组, 比方 "描述日常生活的歌曲" song which depict day to day situations. 学生就用动词加上 i-n-g 把词组简化为: songs depicting day to day situations. 这组练习里有许多有用的词汇,比方 "表达" express, "形容" describe, "反映" reflect, "以...为特点" feature,"主题" theme, "旋律" melody,
"步调" pace, "节拍" rhythmic beat 等等, 请你在作练习的时候特别注意听.学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: songs which depict day to day situations
F: songs depicting day to day situations
M: songs which express human emotions
F: songs expressing human emotions
M: songs which reflect the lives of American blacks
F: songs reflecting the lives of American blacks
M: songs which feature simple themes
F: songs featuring simple themes
M: songs which feature simple melodies
F: songs featuring simple melodies
M: songs which feature fast pace
F: songs featuring fast pace
M: songs which feature rhythmic beats
F: songs featuring rhythmic beats

下面我们作一组代换练习, 用我们刚才练习过的词组作句子说明哪些歌曲老少皆宜. 练习的作法是由老师先念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 请你跟学生一起作练习, 一方面复习语法, 一方面复习我们刚才学的新词汇. 现在开始.

M: Songs depicting day to day situations are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: expressing human emotions
F: Songs expressing human emotions are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: reflecting the lives of American blacks
F: Songs reflecting the lives of American blacks are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: featruing simple themes
F: Songs featuring simple themes are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: featuring simple melodies
F: Songs featuring simple melodies are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: featuring fast pace
F: Songs featuring fast pace are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: featuring rhythmic beats
F: Songs featuring rhythmic beats are enjoyed by people of all ages.

下面我们看看怎么样简化否定的从句. 比方有一句话: " 不了解美国文化的人能够欣赏美国歌曲. " People who don't understand American culture can appreciate American songs.这句话可以简化为: People not understanding American culture can appreciate American songs. 下面我们作一组练习多学学这种说法. 练习的内容是说美国歌曲在世界各地普遍受欢迎, 连不说英文, 听不懂歌词的外国人都喜欢. 现在请你注意听老师念一个有从句的句子, 然后请你把从句简化, 再说出整个句子. 每作完一句老师会把句子再念一遍给你听.

M: People who can't speak English listen to American songs.
F: People not speaking English listen to American songs.
M: People who don't live in the U.S. sing American songs.
F: People not living in the U.S. sing American songs.
M: People who can't understand the lyrics like American songs.
F: People not understanding the lyrics like American songs.
M: People who don't understand American culture can appreciate American songs.
F: People not understanding American culture can appreciate American songs.

下面我们作一组练习, 一方面谈一谈美国的摇滚乐, 一方面学习把用来修饰名词的被动语态从句简化. 练习的作法还是由老师念一个有从句的句子, 比方"受听众欢迎, 市场广大的摇滚乐在世界各地都听得到." Rock music, which is marketed to a demanding audience,is heard throughout the world. 请你把句子改为:Rock music,marketed to a demanding audience, is heard throughout the world.这组练习里也提到 "美国乡村歌曲" country music, "美国黑人音乐布鲁斯"blues 跟 "早期摇滚乐" rock-and-roll, 请你在作练习的时候一边注意句子的结构,一边注意句子的意思.每作完一句老师就把句子再念一遍给你听.

M: Rock music, which was influenced by the blues and country music, was first known as
  rock-and-roll in the 1950's.
F: Rock music, influenced by the blues and country music, was first known as rock-and-roll
in the 1950's.
M: Rock music, which is played on the radio everyday, is listened to by millions of people.
F: Rock music, played on the radio everyday, is listened to by millions of people.
M: Rock music, which is performed often by young musicians, is popular with young people.
F: Rock music, performed often by young musicians, is popular with young people.
M: Rock music, which is usually sung in English, is often translated into other languages.
F: Rock music, usually sung in English, is often translated into other languages.
M: Rock music, which is marketed to a demanding audience, is heard throughout the world.
F: Rock music, marketed to a demanding audience, is heard throughout the world.


今天我们要听一篇介绍美国音乐的文章. 这篇文章除了提到美国流行歌曲的种类和特点, 还提到这些歌曲在世界各地都受欢迎的原因. 文章里 许多句型和词汇都是我们刚才练习过的.

One of America's most important exports is her modern music. American popular music is played all over the world. It is enjoyed by people of all ages in all countries. Though the lyrics are English, nevertheless people not speaking English enjoy it.
The reasons for its popularity are its fast pace and rhythmic beat. The music has many
origins in the United States. Country music, coming from the rural areas in the southern
United States, is one source. Country music features simple themes and melodies describing day to day situations and the feelings of country people. Many people appreciate this music because of the emotions expressed by country music songs.
A second origin of American popular music is the blues. It depicted mostly sad feelings
reflecting the difficult lives of American blacks. It is usually played and sung by black
musicians, but it is popular with all Americans.
Rock music is a newer form of music. This music style, featuring fast and repetitious
rhythms, was influenced by the blues and country music. It was first known as rock-and-roll
in the 1950's. Since then there have been many forms of rock music, hard rock, soft rock,
punk rock, disco music and others. Many performers of popular rock music are young musicians.
American popular music is marketed to a demanding audience. New popular songs are heard on the radio several times a day. Some songs become popular all over the world.
People hear these songs sung in their original English or sometimes translated to other
languages. The words may differ but the enjoyment of the music is universal.

现在请你回答三个问题. 回答之后老师会念出正确答案给你听.

M: What are some types of American popular music?
F: Country, blues and rock are some types of American popular music.

M: What is country music?
F: It features simple themes and melodies describing day to day situations and the feelings   of country people.

M: Does American music have a wide audience?
F: Yes, it does.




在这一课里, 我们学习以 t-i-o- n 结尾的名词. 比方 education, introduction,production 等等. 我们还要学习以 a-l 结尾的形容词, 比方 national, emotional,historical 等等. 首先我们还是听两位英文老师念一段对话,内容是说彼得和玛丽谈起了有一出歌舞剧在纽约上演轰动一时的事情.请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Peter, listen to the lyrics of this song.
M: What's so special about this song?
F: It's from the musical that is so popular in New York right now. Do you like it?
M: Not very much. It sounds too emotional to me.
F: That's why it is so popular. It was recorded by Barbara Martin. I've heard that when she
  sang this song on stage the opening night, she created quite a sensation.
M: I'm afraid my association with Broadway musicals is rather limited.
F: Well then, you need an introduction. The school drama club is putting on a musical
production. Why don't you take me?
M: I have a better idea. Let's go to a jazz concert and I'll give you an education in jazz.


F: Peter, listen to the lyrics of this song.
M: What's so special about this song?
F: It's from the musical that is so popular in New York right now. Do you like it?
M: Not very much. It sounds too emotional to me.
F: That's why it is so popular. It was recorded by Barbara Martin. I've heard that when she
  sang this song on stage the opening night, she created quite a sensation.
M: I'm afraid my association with Broadway musicals is rather limited.
F: Well then, you need an introduction. The school drama club is putting on a musical
production. Why don't you take me?
M: I have a better idea. Let's go to a jazz concert and I'll give you an education in jazz.


F: It's from the musical that is so popular in New York right now.
M: It sounds too emotional to me.
F: She created quite a sensation.
M: My association with Broadway musicals is rather limited.
F: You need an introduction. The school drama club is putting on a musical production.
M: I'll give you an education in jazz.


第一组练习是比较动词跟以 t-i-o-n 结尾的名词. 这些名词都是由动词演变来的. 比方 "打算" intend 变成 intention, "申请" apply 变成 application, "竞争"compete 变成 competition, "通知" inform 变成 information, "吸引" attract 变成attraction 等等. 现在老师给你念一些句子, 比较这种动词和名词在用法上的分别. 句子的内容主要说到我们刚才在对话里提到的那位歌舞剧红星早年是怎么样到纽约戏剧中心百老汇演歌舞剧的. 请你注意听男老师念句子,并且跟着女老师把句子重复一遍.

M: New York attracts a lot of people. Broadway musicals are one of its attractions.
F: New York attracts a lot of people. Broadway musicals are one of its attractions.
M: Barbara intended to go to New York. She told her parents about her intention.
F: Barbara intended to go to New York. She told her parents about her intention.
M: They described New York for her. Their description sounded very exciting.
F: They described New York for her. Their description sounded very exciting.
M: She applied for a singing role in a Broadway show. Her application was accepted.
F: She applied for a singing role in a Broadway show. Her application was accepted.
M: She competed with a lot of applicants for the role and won the competition.
F: She competed with a lot of applicants for the role and won the competition.
M: The company informed her of the good news. She was very happy to hear the information.
F: The company informed her of the good news. She was very happy to hear the information.

刚才那些句子说明芭芭拉怎么样在纽约百老汇的一出歌舞剧里找到了演唱的机会. 我希望你都听懂了. 如果没有完全听懂, 不要紧, 现在我们再作一组练习换一个方式把那些句子重复练习一遍. 练习的作法是老师根据刚才那些句子提出问句, 接着老师念出一个词组, 学生就用词组来回答问题. 下面就是一个

M: What did Barbara tell her parents?
M: her intention to go to New York
F: She told her parents about her intention to go to New York.

请你跟学生一起作练习. 同时特别注意以t-i-o-n结尾的名词.

M: What is one of the attractions in New York?
M: Broadway musicals
F: Broadway musicals are one of the attractions in New York.
M: What did Barbara tell her parents?
M: her intention to go to New York
F: She told her parents about her intention to go to New York.
M: What sounded exciting?
M: the description of New York
F: The description of New York sounded exciting.
M: What was accepted?
M: Barbara's application for a job in a Broadway musical
F: Barbara's application for a job in a Broadway musical was accepted.
M: What did she win?
M: the competition for the job
F: She won the competition for the job.
M: What did the company tell her?
M: the information that she was hired
F: The company told her the information that she was hired.


下面我们作一组练习, 学学以 a-l 结尾的形容词. 这些形容词都是从名词演变来的. 比方 "感情" emotion 变成 "激动" emotional,"喜剧"comedy 变成 "滑稽"comical, "戏院" theater 变成"有戏剧性的"theatrical,"音乐" music 变成 "有音乐才能" musical 等等. 不过 musical 这个字也可以当名词用, 意思就是"歌舞剧".下面这组练习里的句子是说到芭芭拉在音乐和演戏方面的才华. 练习的作法是由老师念一个句子, 学生就跟着念一句. 请你跟学生一起练习并且特别注意新词汇.

M: Barbara loves music. She is very musical.
F: Barbara loves music. She is very musical.
M: She has a career in the musical theatre, because she is also talented in doing theatrical
F: She has a career in the musical theatre, because she is also talented in doing theatrical
M: Her acting is full of emotion. She can be very emotional when it is necessary.
F: Her acting is full of emotion. She can be very emotional when it is necessary.
M: When she acts in a comedy, she is comical.
F: When she acts in a comedy, she is comical.
M: She studies history before she plays a historical role.
F: She studies history before she plays a historical role.
M: Her performances are sensational. Her shows created a sensation on Broadway.
F: Her performances are sensational. Her shows created a sensation on Broadway.
M: She plays in many cities across the nation. She attracts national attention.
F: She plays in many cities across the nation. She attracts national attention.

下面我们以问答的方式重复练习刚才那些句子和新词汇. 请你注意听老师问问题, 然后跟学生一起用老师提出的字或是词组来回答问题.

M: Is Barbara talented in doing theatrical works?
M: yes
F: Yes, she is talented in doing theatrical works.
M: When is she emotional?
M: when she acts
F: She is emotional when she acts.
M: When is she comical?
M: when she acts in a comedy
F: She is comical when she acts in a comedy.
M: When does she study history?
M: before she plays a historical role
F: She studies history before she plays a historical role.
M: Does she give sensational performances?
M: yes
F: Yes, she gives sensational performances.
M: Does she attract national attention?
M: yes
F: Yes, she attracts national attention.


下面我们再作一组练习多学学以 t-i-o-n 结尾的名词.这些名词仍然是动词演变而来的, 比方 "跟某某人交往" 或是 "跟什么什么有联系" associate 变成association,"提升" 或是 "宣传" promote 变成 promotion, "制作" produce 变成"作品" production, "即兴表演" improvise 变成 "即兴作品" improvisation 等等.这组练习的内容是说芭芭拉在歌舞剧方面的经验和成就. 请你注意听男老师念句子, 并且跟着女老师把句子再念一遍.

M: Barbara associated with other artists.The close association with them was helpful to her. F: Barbara associated with other artists.The close association with them was helpful to her. M: The company promoted her. A lot of money was spent on her promotion.
F: The company promoted her. A lot of money was spent on her promotion.
M: The company produced many shows for her. The productions were successful.
F: The company produced many shows for her. The productions were successful.
M: When she sang she often improvised. Her improvisations were unique.
F: When she sang she often improvised. Her improvisations were unique.
M: The songs she sang were translated into other languages. The translations made the songs
  popular abroad.
F: The songs she sang were translated into other languages. The translations made the songs   popular abroad.


M: Did Barbara have close associations with other artists?
F: Yes, she had close associations with other artists?
M: Did the company spend a lot of money for her promotion?
F: Yes, the company spent a lot of money for her promotion?
M: Were the productions produced for her successful?
F: Yes, the productions produced for her were successful.
M: Were the translations of her songs popular?
F: Yes, the translations of her songs were popular.


今天我们要听的文章谈到两种美国流行歌曲,一种是起源于非洲宗教乐曲和民谣, 由美国黑人音乐家发扬光大的爵士音乐, 一种是以纽约戏剧中心 "百老汇"为大本营的美国歌舞剧. 现在请你注意听. 并且注意我们刚才学过的词汇在文章里的用法.

When people talk about American popular music, they don't just mean country music or rock music. There are two other types of popular music with national and international appeal that are basically American. One is Jazz. The other is a musical form associated with New York City theaters.
Jazz originated from African religious and folk music. The themes and melodies of jazz
music have historical origins. They came from songs sung by black Americans in church or at work. There have been different kinds of jazz music, the blues, ragtime, swing boogie-
woogie and others.
In playing jazz music, the performers blend rhythms and melodies with their skills of
improvisation. Modern jazz music has developed into a complex musical style enjoyed more by musicians and older jazz lovers than by the general public.
American theater has developed another American musical style. It is associated with a
street in New York City, Broadway. Broadway musicals are dramatic productions in which the story is told partly by dialogue and partly through songs. The lyrics of these songs give
background information about the story and express the feelings of the characters in the
story. Many Broadway musicals have been made into movies that have been shown all over the world. "Oklahoma", "Sound of Music", "My Fair Lady", and "West Side Story" are some good examples.
Songs from these musicals and others have translations in various languages that are sung around the world. Many of them have become popular with people who have not even seen the musicals for which they were written.

现在请你回答三个问题. 每回答一个问题就请你听老师给你念正确答案.

M: What are two types of American popular music with international appeal?
F: They are Jazz and Broadway musicals.

M: What are the origins of American Jazz?
F: The origins of American Jazz are the religious and folk music of American blacks.

M: How is the story told in American musicals?
F: It is told partly by dialogue and partly through songs.




在这一课里, 我们要复习五种在英文字后头加上字母 s 的说法. 头两种是把两个字简化为一个字, 比方把 he is 说成 he's, 或是把 he has 说成 he's; 第三种是用来表示复数名词,比方 teachers, students, 第四种是第三人称单数动词, 比方 "买" buys, "吃" eats 等等; 最后一种是用来表示所有格, 比方 "美国人的"American's, "政府的" government's 等等. 同时我们也要学习跟美国赋税制度有关系的词汇. 现在我们来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利跟凯特谈起了缴所得税的事情. 请你注意两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Henry, our income tax is due soon. Did you call our accountant?
M: He's figuring out our taxes right now. I gave him all the records on our income and
  expenses last week.
F: The government has deducted taxes from our paychecks all year. I hope we get some of that  
money back or at least that we won't have to pay more.
M: Remember the money your aunt left us when she died, and the money you made when you    
taught night school?
F: Yes.
M: Well, that's all taxable income.That money has put us in a higher tax bracket.
F: What does that mean?
M: It means we have to pay more taxes.
F: Well, it looks like we'll have to make more money this year just to pay last year's     taxes.


F: Henry, our income tax is due soon. Did you call our accountant?
M: He's figuring out our taxes right now. I gave him all the records on our income and
  expenses last week.
F: The government has deducted taxes from our paychecks all year. I hope we get some of that  
money back or at least that we won't have to pay more.
M: Remember the money your aunt left us when she died, and the money you made when you    
taught night school?
F: Yes.
M: Well, that's all taxable income.That money has put us in a higher tax bracket.
F: What does that mean?
M: It means we have to pay more taxes.
F: Well, it looks like we'll have to make more money this year just to pay last year's     taxes.


M: He's figuring out our taxes right now.
M: I gave him all the records on our income and expenses last week.
F: The government has deducted taxes from our paychecks all year.
M: That's all taxable income.
M: It means we have to pay more taxes.
F: It looks like we'll have to make more money this year just to pay last year's taxes.


首先我们根据对话内容一方面练习把she is 简化为 she's, 把 he is简化为 he's,一方面也复习对话里的新词汇. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 比方: Kate is talking to Henry. 学生就把句子改为: She's talking to Henry. 请你跟学生一起作练习. 现在我们开始.

M: Kate is talking to Henry.
F: She's talking to Henry.
M: Kate is asking Henry about their income tax.
F: She's asking Henry about their income tax.
M: Kate is suggesting that Henry call their accountant.
F: She's suggesting that Henry call their accountant.
M: Henry is telling Kate about their taxable income.
F: He's telling Kate about their taxable income.
M: Henry is explaining the higher tax bracket to Kate.
F: He's explaining the higher tax bracket to Kate.

下面我们还是根据对话内容一方面练习把 he has 简化为 he's, 把 she has 简化为 she's, 一方面也复习词汇. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问题, 比方: Has Kate talked to Henry? 学生就用简化的方式作肯定的答覆, 所以答案就是: Yes, she's talked to Henry. 还是请你跟学生一起作练习. 现在开始.

M: Has Kate talked to Henry?
F: Yes, she's talked to Henry.
M: Has Kate asked Henry about their income tax?
F: Yes, she's asked Henry about their income tax.
M: Has Henry kept records on their expenses?
F: Yes, he's kept records on their expenses.
M: Has Henry given the records to their accountant?
F: Yes, he's given the records to their accountant.
M: Has Henry explained the higher tax bracket to Kate?
F: Yes, he's explained the higher tax bracket to Kate.


下面我们复习在名词后面加上 s 或是 e-s 来表示复数. 练习的内容说到美国人必须缴什么税, 比方对话里提到所得税, 还有 "购物税" 或是 "营业税" sales tax, 买奢侈品的时候付的税 luxury tax, 承继遗产的时候付的税 inheritance tax 等等. 现在请你听男老师念句子, 并且跟着女老师把句子重复一遍.

M: Different kinds of taxes are paid in the U.S.
F: Different kinds of taxes are paid in the U.S.
M: Most American citizens pay income taxes every year.
F: Most American citizens pay income taxes every year.
M: The income tax is usually deducted from paychecks.
F: The income tax is usually deducted from paychecks.
M: Americans keep records on their expenses.
F: Americans keep records on their expenses.
M: They pay sales taxes when they make purchases.
F: They pay sales taxes when they make purchases.
M: They pay property taxes for the houses they own.
F: They pay property taxes for the houses they own
M: They pay luxury taxes when they buy luxury items.
F: They pay luxury taxes when they buy luxury items.
M: They pay inheritance taxes when they inherit properties or money.
F: They pay inheritance taxes when they inherit properties or money.

下面我们再作一组练习复习复数名词. 练习的内容是说政府收了税用来作什么, 比方付国家开支, 提供服务, 建桥梁, 修公路, 帮助失业的工人, 补助低收入家庭等等. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 接着老师提出一个词组,学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Taxes are used to pay for national expenses.
M: provide public services
F: Taxes are used to provide public services.
M: build bridges
F: Taxes are used to build bridges
M: repair highways
F: Taxes are used to repair highways.
M: help unemployed workers
F: Taxes are used to help unemployed workers.
M: support low-income families
F: Taxes are used to support low-income families.


现在我们练习在动词后面加上 s 或是 e-s 来表示主语是第三人称单数. 练习的内容说到美国的购物税, 比方每个州的税率是否不同, 税率是不是各州自己定的等等.练习的作法是老师提出一个以第三人称为主语的问句, 请你一一地作肯定的答覆. 这组练习里有些词汇可能你不熟, 比方 "居民" residents , "百分比" percentage, "不同" vary, "累进税制度" graduated taxation, 请你在作练习的时候特别注意. 每作完一句老师就会把正确答案念给你听. 现在开始.

M: Does New York State require its residents to pay sales tax?
F: Yes, New Yowk State requires its residents to pay sales tax.
M: Does everyone who makes a purchase pay it?
F: Yes, everyone who makes a purchase pays it.
M: Does the sales tax percentage vary from state to state?
F: Yes, the sales tax percentage varies from state to state.
M: Does each state set its own tax percentage?
F: Yes, each state sets its own tax percentage.
M: Does every state use graduated taxation?
F: Yes, every state uses graduated taxation.
M: Does a customer pay more sales tax when he makes more purchases?
F: Yes, a customer pays more sales tax when he makes more purchases.

五.在名词后面加 's 来表示所有格

最后一组练习是在名词后面加上 's 来表示所有格. 比方有一句话: "税收是政府收入的一个主要来源",这句话可以这样说: Taxes are the main source of the revenue of a government. 这句话也可以简便一点用所有格这样说: Taxes are the main source of a government's revenue. 现在我们作一组练习把这两种说法作个比较. 练习的作法是老师念一个包含了of 的句子, 请你把句子改为所有格说出来. 练习的内容谈的还是美国的税, 比方付税是人民的义务; 房地产税的高低是按照房地产的价格而定的; 遗产税应该在继承死者的财富的时候缴等等. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句老师就会把正确答案念给你听.

M: Taxes are a part of the life of every American.
F: Taxes are a part of every American's life.
M: It's the obligation of a citizen to pay taxes.
F: It's the citizen's obligation to pay taxes.
M: Taxes are the main source of the revenue of a government.
F: Taxes are the main source of a government's revenue.
M: When the income of a family rises, its income tax increases too.
F: When a family's income rises, its income tax increases too.
M: The property tax is based on the value of the property.
F: The property tax is based on the property's value.
M: Inheritance tax should be paid when the wealth of a dead person is inherited by someone.
F: Inheritance tax should be paid when the dead person's wealth is inherited by someone.


今天我们要听一篇介绍美国赋税制度的文章. 文章里许多词汇都是我们练习过的. 现在请你注意听.

There are many different kinds of taxes paid in the U.S. The most common tax is the sales
tax. When someone buys something, he pays the price of his purchase plus a small additional percentage. This percentage is the sales tax. The revenue from the sales tax goes to the state government to help pay for public schools, public safety, roads, parks and benefits for the poor.
Each state sets its own tax percentage. Some states are considerably lower than others.
In some states there is no sales tax.
A second type of tax is the income tax. This tax is a percentage of all the money earned by
a family each year. Americans pay income taxes to the federal government which uses the revenue for national expenses such as defense, help for the needy and other public services. Some states also have a state income tax. The income tax, like other taxes, is usually graduated. This means the tax percentage increases as a family's income increases.
A third kind of tax is the property tax. This tax is paid by anyone who owns land or a house.
The amount of the tax is based on the property's value. The revenues from this tax go to
local governments for schools and community services.
In addition people must pay the luxury tax when they purchase certain things such as
cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
A fifth kind of tax is the inheritance tax. When someone dies, usually his family inherits the dead person's wealth and property. However, those who inherit must pay a percentage of
this wealth to the government as an inheritance tax. As we have heard, there are five kinds
of taxes that Americans pay. Most Americans don't want more taxes.

现在请你回答问题. 在你回答之后老师会念出正确答案给你听.

M: What are the five kinds of taxes Americans pay?
F: They are sales tax, income tax, property tax, luxury tax and inheritance tax.

M: Does the federal government set the sales tax percentage?
F: No, it doesn't.

M: What are some of the public services Americans get by paying taxes?
F: National defense, public schools, public safety, roads, parks and help for the needy are
  some of the public services Americans get for paying taxes.




在这一课里, 我们学习一些以 i-v-e 结尾的形容词, 比方active, impressive 跟一些以 i-t-y 结尾的名词, 比方 possibility, popularity 等等. 另外, 我们也要学习一些跟新闻传播有关系的词汇. 现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话,内容是说亨利跟女儿琳达谈到了看电视新闻的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Dad, what are you watching on television?
M: I'm watching the news, Linda. Why don't you join me and watch it too?
F: The news is boring. It's always the same thing.
M: You should know what's going on in the world. There's always the possibility that things
  could affect you.
F: I like things that are more active, more creative and more entertaining.
M: If you watched the news regularly, you would find it very informative.
F: Well, if you want me to watch the news with you, can we change to Channel 7?
M: Why?
F: Because the anchor-man on Channel 7 has a personality.

现在英文老师再把整段对话念一遍, 请你注意听.

F: Dad, what are you watching on television?
M: I'm watching the news, Linda. Why don't you join me and watch it too?
F: The news is boring. It's always the same thing.
M: You should know what's going on in the world. There's always the possibility that things
  could affect you.
F: I like things that are more active, more creative and more entertaining.
M: If you watched the news regularly, you would find it very informative.
F: Well, if you want me to watch the news with you, can we change to Channel 7?
M: Why?
F: Because the anchor-man on Channel 7 has a personality.


M: There's always the possibility that things could affect you.
F: I like things that are more active, more creative and more entertaining.
M: If you watched the news regularly, you would find it very informative.
F: Because the anchor-man on Channel 7 has a personality.

二.以-TIVE 和 -SIVE 结尾的形容词

首先我们练习一些以 t-i-v-e 结尾的形容词. 这些形容词都是从动词演变来的.练习的作法是由男老师念动词, 然后女老师把这个动词演变成的形容词念出来, 接着男老师用那个形容词作句子, 女老师就照样重复一遍. 下面就是一个例子.

M: act
F: active
M: Reporters are active in gathering news.
F: Reporters are active in gathering news.

这组练习里的句子都是说到电视记者的工作, 比方新闻界竞争激烈, 记者们忙着跑新闻, 尽量把消息告诉观众, 希望作到消息又新又快; 他们必须要文笔好又得知道观众的喜好,因为他们知道观众可以自由选择节目, 不受欢迎的节目就会被淘汰等等. 现在请你注意听, 并且跟女老师一起把句子重复一遍.

M: act
F: active
M: Reporters are active in gathering news.
F: Reporters are active in gathering news.
M: inform
F: informative
M: They want to be as informative as possible.
F: They want to be as informative as possible.
M: select
F: selective
M: They know the viewers are selective.
F: They know the viewers are selective.
M: sense
F: sensitive
M: They are sensitive to viewers' tastes.
F: They are sensitive to viewers' tastes.
M: create
F: creative
M: They do creative writing on news items.
F: They do creative writing on news items.
M: compete
F: competitive
M: They have to be competitive to do a good job.
F: They have to be competitive to do a good job.
M: repeat
F: repetitive
M: They try not to be repetitive.
F: They try not to be repetitive.

下面我们再作一组练习, 复习我们刚才教的词汇. 练习的内容还是谈到电视记者的工作. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问题. 比方 "记者们设法塑造一个好形象吗? " Do reporters try to create a good image? 请你作肯定的答覆: Yes, they try to create a good image. 在你回答之后, 老师会把正确答案念一遍给你听.

M: Do reporters act fast when something happens?
F: Yes, they act fast when something happens.
M: Are they active in gathering news?
F: Yes, they are active in gathering news.
M: Is their job to inform people?
F: Yes, their job is to inform people.
M: Are their reports generally informative?
F: Yes, their reports are generally informative.
M: Are viewers free to select good programs?
F: Yes, they are free to select good programs.
M: Are viewers selective?
F: Yes, they are selective.
M: Do reporters sense what viewers like to watch?
F: Yes, they sense what viewers like to watch.
M: Are they sensitive to viewers' tastes?
F: Yes, they are sensitive to viewers' tastes.
M: Do they try to create a good image?
F: Yes, they try to create a good image.
M: Do they do creative writing on news items?
F: Yes, they do creative writing on news items.
M: Do they compete with other reporters?
F: Yes, they compete with other reporters.
M: Are the news media competitive?
F: Yes, the news media are competitive.
M: Do reporters sometimes repeat what was reported?
F: Yes, they sometimes repeat what was reported.
M: Do they try not to be repetitive?
F: Yes, they try not to be repetitive.

下面我们学习几个以s-i-v-e 结尾的形容词.这些形容词也是由动词演变而来的,比方 "延伸" extend 变成 "广泛的" extensive, "说服" persuade 变成 "有说服力的" persuasive, "渗透" pervade 变成 "深远的" pervasive, "触怒" offend 变成"冒犯人的" offensive 等等. 现在我请男老师念动词, 请女老师念形容词, 然后男老师用形容词作一个句子,请你跟女老师一起把句子重复一遍. 现在开始.

M: extend
F: extensive
M: American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election.
F: American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election.
M: impress
F: impressive
M: The election coverage is impressive.
F: The election coverage is impressive.
M: offend
F: offensive
M: They avoid making offensive reports.
F: They avoid making offensive reports.
M: persuade
F: persuasive
M: Their analyses and comments are quite persuasive.
F: Their analyses and comments are quite persuasive.
M: pervade
F: pervasive
M: They have pervasive influence on the public opinions.
F: They have pervasive influence on the public opinions.

下面我们再以问答方式把刚才教的形容词复习一遍.首先请你注意听男老师问问题, 然后请你一一的作肯定的答覆. 每作完一句老师就会把正确答案念给你听. 现在开始.

M: Do American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election?
F: Yes, American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election.
M: Is the election coverage impressive?
F: Yes, the election coverage is impressive.
M: Do they avoid making offensive reports?
F: Yes, they avoid making offensive reports.
M: Are their analyses and comments persuasive?
F: Yes, their analyses and comments are persuasive.
M: Do they have pervasive influence on the general public?
F: Yes, they have pervasive influence on the general public.


下面我们学习几个由形容词演变而成的名词. 这些名词都是以 i-t-y 结尾, 比方"能力" ability,"可靠性" credibility,"活动" acitivity,"敏感度" sensitivity 等等. 现在我请男老师念形容词, 女老师念名词, 接着男老师用形容词作个句子, 然后女老师就改用名词说出意思相同或是相关的句子. 这些句子说到一位名字叫瓦特, 很有名的电视记者.他的报导深入,可靠,很受欢迎等等.现在请你注意听.

M: active
F: activity
M: Walter is very active.
F: He is interested in political activities.
M: able
F: ability
M: He is able to do in-depth reports.
F: He has the ability to do in-depth reports.
M: credible
F: credibility
M: His reports are credible.
F: He has high credibility.
M: sensitive
F: sensitivity
M: He is sensitive to the interests of the public.
F: He has a sensitivity to the interests of the public.
M: popular
F: popularity
M: He is very popular with audiences.
F: He enjoys popularity with audiences.
M: possible
F: possibility
M: It is possible that some Chinese have heard of him.
F: There is a possiblity that some Chinese have heard of him.

下面我们用问答方式练习刚才教的名词. 练习的作法是由老师根据刚才念过的句子提出问题, 请你作肯定的答覆; 在你回答之后老师会把正确答案念一遍给你听.

M: Is Walter interested in political activities?
F: Yes, Walter is interested in political activities.
M: Does he have the ability to do in-depth reports?
F: Yes, he have the ability to do in-depth reports.
M: Does he have high credibility?
F: Yes, he have high credibility.
M: Does he have a sensitivity to the interests of the public?
F: Yes, he have a sensitivity to the interests of the public.
M: Does he enjoy popularity with audiences?
F: Yes, he enjoys popularity with audiences.
M: Is there a possibility that some Chinese have heard of him?
F: Yes, there is a possibility that some Chinese have heard of him.


我们今天要听的文章谈到美国的新闻媒介. 文章里除了说到一般民众依赖新闻传播了解国际情况, 同时也描写新闻界为了迎合一般民众的口味而争先恐后抢新闻的情景. 现在请你注意听.

The news media in the U.S. consist of radio, television and newspapers. Together they are pervasive on the lives of many Americans and influential on their daily routines.
Many Americans begin their day reading the newspaper or watching a morning news program on television while drinking their coffee. While driving to work, the news can be heard on the car radio. Throughout the day the news is broadcast repeatedly on the radio and television.
In the evening news is a prime feature on television with up to two hours of news in the
early evening and more news late at night. For those who prefer reading, the evening
newspaper offers the reader the possibility of reading the news others see and hear on
The news media are free of government control. It is up to the general public to choose
what to read, watch or listen to. Therefore, the media must have a sensitivity to the
interests of the public.
News is big business. However, it is a very competitive business, as each station or each
newspaper competes for audiences and readers. Each tries to present the news Americans want to know. When an item becomes newsworthy,such as an election or a war,Americans will become familiar with the most minute details as the news media scramble to be as informative as possible. But the result is that the news becomes repetitive.
As the news media report the same news items estimated to be the most interesting and impressive, listeners, viewers or readers might find it difficult to be selective.
Nevertheless, most Americans would not criticize their news media too harshly.
The credibility of the news media is generally acknowledged and accepted by the American public.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 在你回答之后, 老师会念正确答案给你听.

M: How do Americans get the news?
F: They get the news through radio, television and newspapers.

M: When can Americans get the news?
F: They can get the news in the morning, throughout the day and in the evening.

M: How do the news media compete for audiences and readers?
F: They try to report what Americans want to know as fast as possible.



在这一课里, 我们学习几个很有用的常用语, 比方 "打定主意" make up one's mind, "解决" work out, "应付" cope with 等等. 我们还要学习一些跟家庭生活有关系的词汇. 首先我们依照惯例听一段对话, 内容说到亨利的同事南希要跟丈夫史蒂夫分居的事情. 请你注意两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Kate, Nancy and Steve are breaking up.
F: It's really a shame. I've heard that they quarrel, but they've always made up afterward.
M: Things are not working out this time. They are getting a separation soon.
F: What is going to happen to their daughter, Bonnie?
M: Nancy is going to take her.
F: The cost of living is so high. It will be difficult for her to take the responsibility.
  She had better think the whole thing over.
M: She seems to have made up her mind. She said she would rather be a single parent than   
cope with an unhappy marriage.
F: Well, I hope her parents will be able to talk her out of it.

现在我请英文老师再把对话念一遍. 请你注意听.

M: Kate, Nancy and Steve are breaking up.
F: It's really a shame. I've heard that they quarrel, but they've always made up afterward.
M: Things are not working out this time. They are getting a separation soon.
F: What is going to happen to their daughter, Bonnie?
M: Nancy is going to take her.
F: The cost of living is so high. It will be difficult for her to take the responsibility.
  She had better think the whole thing over.
M: She seems to have made up her mind. She said she would rather be a single parent than   
cope with an unhappy marriage.
F: Well, I hope her parents will be able to talk her out of it.


M: Nancy and Steve are breaking up.
F: It's really a shame.
F: They've always made up afterward.
M: Things are not working out this time.
F: It will be difficult for her to take the responsibility.
F: She had better think the whole thing over.
M: She seems to have made up her mind.
M: She would rather be a single parent than cope with an unhappy marriage.
F: I hope her parents will be able to talk her out of it.


现在我们从你刚才听到的句子里挑出一些常用语分别作练习. 首先我们学习break up, b-r-e-a-k u-p, break up 的用法. 这个词组的意思就是 "分裂, 解散". 用来说人, 尤其是夫妻的时候, 意思就是 "分手". 现在老师用这个词组作句子,提出一些有关南希和史蒂夫的问题, 比方他们是不是已经决定分手; 他们夫妻分居或是离婚会不会造成家庭分裂等等问题. 这些问题学生都一一地作肯定的答覆. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Have Nancy and Steve decided to break up?
F: Yes, Nancy and Steve have decided to break up.
M: Do Henry and Kate know that they are breaking up?
F: Yes, Henry and Kate know that they are breaking up.
M: Are Henry and Kate concerned about their breaking up?
F: Yes, Henry and Kate are concerned about their breaking up.
M: Does their family break up when they get a separation?
F: Yes, their family breaks up when they get a separation.
M: Does their family break up when they divorce?
F: Yes, their family breaks up when they divorce.


下面我们练习 make up, m-a-k-e u-p, make up 的用法. 这个词组可以用来表示"和好如初". 现在老师用这个词组提出一些有关南希跟史蒂夫的问题,比方"如果他们不彼此怨恨,他们会不会和好如初呢?" Would they make up if they didn't resent each other? 然后老师提出 yes 或是 no, 学生就根据他所听到的作肯定或否定的答覆. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Have Nancy and Steve always made up before?
M: yes
F: Yes, Nancy and Steve have always made up before.
M: Are they willing to make up this time?
M: no
F: No, they are not willing to make up this time.
M: Would they need a separation if they were willing to make up?
M: no
F: No, they wouldn't need a separation if they were willing to make up.
M: Would they make up if they didn't resent each other?
M: yes
F: Yes, they would make up if they didn't resent each other.
M: Would it be better for their daughter if they made up?
M: yes
F: Yes, it would be better for their daughter if they made up.


下面我们学习用make up one's mind 来表示 "打定主意". 比方有一句话: "南希已经决定不跟史蒂夫和解." 这句话的英文可以这样说:Nancy has made up her mind not to reconcile with Steve. 现在我们作一组代换练习学学这个常用语. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 这组练习里的句子都是说到南希决定怎么样处理她的婚姻和家庭问题. 现在请你注意听, 并且跟学生一起作练习.

M: Nancy has made up her mind to break up her marriage.
M: not to reconcile with Steve
F: Nancy has made up her mind not to reconcile with Steve.
M: to get a separation
F: Nancy has made up her mind to get a separation.
M: to be a single parent
F: Nancy has made up her mind to be a single parent.
M: to keep her daughter
F: Nancy has made up her mind to keep her daughter.
M: to take the responsibility
F: Nancy has made up her mind to take the responsibility.


下面我们学习怎么用 work out, w-o-r-k o-u-t, work out. 这个词组可以用来表示"解决"; 比方 "他们不能够解决彼此间的歧见." They cannot work out their differences. 也可以用来表示 "顺利"; 比方 "他们的婚姻不顺利." Their marriage isn't working out. 下面老师问学生一些跟南希的婚姻生活有关系的问题.每问一个问题, 老师就会提出 yes 或是 no, 学生就根据他所听到的作肯定或否定的答覆. 在学生作练习的时候请你一起作.

M: Can Nancy and Steve work out their problems?
M: no
F: No, Nancy and Steve cannot work out their problems.
M: Can they work out their differences?
M: no
F: No, they cannot work out their differences.
M: Is their marriage working out?
M: no
F: No, their marriage isn't working out.
M: Would it work out if they didn't resent each other?
M: yes
F: Yes, it would work out if they didn't resent each other.
M: Would it work out if they reconciled?
M: yes
F: Yes, it would work out if they reconciled.


下面我们学学怎么用 cope with, c-o-p-e w-i-t-h, cope with 来表示 "对付" 或是"应付". 比方, "对付心理问题是不容易的." 这句话英文可以这样说: To cope with psychological problems is not easy. 现在我们作一组代换练习,学学这种用法. 首先老师念一个句子, 学生跟着重复一遍, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 学生作练习的时候,请你也一起作.

M: To cope with an unhappy marriage is not easy.
M: single parenthood
F: To cope with single parenthood is not easy
M: the high cost of living
F: To cope with the high cost of living is not easy.
M: emotional problems
F: To cope with emotional problems is not easy.
M: psychological problems
F: To cope with psychological problems is not easy.
M: financial problems
F: To cope with financial problems is not easy.


下面我们学习用 had better, h-a-d b-e-t-t-e-r, had better 加上原型动词来表示"最好"作某件事情. 比方 "她最好开始找个托儿所." 这句话英文可以 这样说:She had better start looking for a child-care center. 现在我们作一组代换练习学学这种用法. 练习的内容是说到南希既然决定跟丈夫分居,自己带大孩子, 她最好作些什么安排, 比方存钱, 找公寓, 找托儿所等等. 请你跟学生一起作练习.

M: Nancy had better save some money.
M: get herself a car
F: Nancy had better get herself a car.
M: find an apartment
F: Nancy had better find an apartment.
M: start looking for a child-care center
F: Nancy had better start looking for a child-care center.
M: ask her parents to help
F: Nancy had better ask her parents to help.

下面一组代换练习的内容是说凯特认为南希应该跟父母谈一谈,最好三思而后行等等. 请你跟刚才一样作练习.

F: Nancy had better talk to her parents.
M: think the whole thing over
F: Nancy had better think the whole thing over.
M: work out the problems with Steve
F: Nancy had better work out the problems with Steve.
M: make up with Steve
F: Nancy had better make up with Steve.


最后我们学习怎么用英文来表示 "宁愿怎么样也不愿意怎么样". 比方 "婚姻不美满还不如分居." Having a separation is better than having an unhappy marriage. 这句话可以换一个方式用 would rather, w-o-u-l-d r-a-t-h-e-r, would rather 加上原型动词开头的词组再加上 than, t-h-a-n, than 改成 "我宁愿分居也不愿意有不美满的婚姻."I would rather have a separation than have an unhappy
marriage. 下面我们作一组练习把这两种说法作一个比较. 练习的作法是南希用 is better than说一句话, 请你用南希作主语再加上would rather ...than 把句子说出来. 下面就是一个例子:

F: Coping with the high cost of living is better than coping with emotional problems.
M: Nancy would rather cope with the high cost of living than cope with emotional problems.

这组练习比较难, 请你特别用心. 每作完一句老师就会把正确答案念给你听.

F: Having a separation is better than having an unhappy marriage.
M: Nancy would rather have a separation than have an unhappy marriage.
F: Breaking up with Steve is better than having quarrels with him.
M: Nancy would rather break up with Steve than have quarrels with him.
F: Being a single parent is better than staying with Steve.
M: Nancy would rather be a single parent than stay with Steve.
F: Coping with financial problems is better than living with Steve.
M: Nancy would rather cope with financial problems than live with Steve.
F: Coping with the high cost of living is better than coping with emotional problems.
M: Nancy would rather cope with the high cost of living than cope with emotional problems.


今天我们要听的文章谈到美国一般人的家庭和婚姻状况. 请你注意听.

In the past, American families tended to be quite large. Parents raising five or more
children were common. Over the years the size of the family has decreased. One reason
for this is an increase in the cost of living.
On the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them
financially dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better
dressed and have more money to spend on entertainment. The parents usually take the
responsibility for all the expenses.
Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers
work away from home. The break up of the family occurs when the parent divorce.
A lot of children in the U.S. live part of their young lives with only one parent.
Broken families usually result in problems for children and parents alike. Children blame
themselves when their parents separate. They grow up feeling unsettled as they are
moved back and forth between parents.
Usually one parent takes the responsibility for raising the children. These single parents
must care for the children's emotional and psychological needs while also supporting
them financially. This is very demanding and leaves very little time for the parent's own
personal interests.
Single parents often marry other single parents. In this type of family, unrelated children
are forced to develop brother or sister relationship. The situations of many American
families today are not good.
However, recent signs indicate that things are getting better. The divorce rate is declining.
The rate of childbirth is rising. Perhaps Americans have learnd how important families are.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 在你回答之后请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Why have American families become smaller?
F: It is because the cost of living has increased.

M: What problems might children have when their parents break up?
F: They might have emotional and psychological problems.

M: What is a single parent?
F: A single parent is a person who raises his or her child alone.




在这一课里, 我们学习几个跟时间有关系的常用语,比方 "准时"on time,"及时"in time, "总是" all the time, "有时候" from time to time, 等等. 另外我们要谈美国人的时间观念, 顺便谈一谈在这套教材里出现过的人物. 首先我们依照惯例听一段对话, 内容是说珍妮早晨起来去跑步, 作运动, 回家路上遇到鲍勃, 两个人谈话的经过. 请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Jenny, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been?
F: I've been busy, Bob. How are you?
M: I'm fine. You have been running, haven't you? Where do you find the time?
F: It does take a lot of time, but I really enjoy it. Why don't you try it?
M: Well, I think about it from time to time, but it seems like I never have enough time.
F: Speaking of not having enough time, I really need to get home and take a shower. I have
  a class in an hour. I want to be on time for it.
M: Okay, I'll talk to you some other time.


M: Jenny, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been?
F: I've been busy, Bob. How are you?
M: I'm fine. You have been running, haven't you? Where do you find the time?
F: It does take a lot of time, but I really enjoy it. Why don't you try it?
M: Well, I think about it from time to time, but it seems like I never have enough time.
F: Speaking of not having enough time, I really need to get home and take a shower. I have
  a class in an hour. I want to be on time for it.
M: Okay, I'll talk to you some other time.

刚才那段对话里包含了许多跟时间有关系的俗语. 现在我把这些有俗语的句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍给你听.

M: I haven't seen you for a long time.
M: Where do you find the time?
F: It does take a lot of time.
M: I think about it from time to time.
F: I want to be on time for it.
M: I'll talk to you some other time.


现在我们挑出几个表明时间的常用语分别作练习. 首先我们练习 "准时" 或是"守时" on time, o-n t-i-m-e, on time 的用法. 下面男老师用这个词组作一些句子说明珍妮很守时, 比方 "珍妮无论作什么事总是想着要准时." Jenny is preoccupied with being on time. "她总是准时赴约会." She is always on time for an appointment. 等等. 请你注意听男老师念句子, 并且跟女老师一起把句子重复一遍.

M: Jenny wants to be on time for her class.
F: Jenny wants to be on time for her class.
M: She was taught to be on time when she was small.
F: She was taught to be on time when she was small.
M: She feels that being on time is a good habit.
F: She feels that being on time is a good habit.
M: She thinks that being on time is important.
F: She thinks that being on time is important.
M: She is preoccupied with being on time.
F: She is preoccupied with being on time.
M: She is always on time for an appointment.
F: She is always on time for an appointment.
M: She is always on time for work.
F: She is always on time for work.
M: She tells her boss if she cannot be on time for work.
F: She tells her boss if she cannot be on time for work.
M: She wants to be on time because she values time.
F: She wants to be on time because she values time.

下面我们作一组代换练习, 一方面练习 on time 这个词组,一方面看一看什么样的人通常比较准时. 练习的作法是老师念一个有从句的问题, 然后老师念另外一个从句, 请你把从句代换到原来的句子里. 这组练习里有些词汇可能你不熟,比方 "珍贵" precious, "注重时间的" time-oriented, "繁忙的" hectic, "时间表"schedule, "认真地" conscientiously, 请你在作练习的时候特别注意. 每作完一句老师就把正确答案念一遍给你听. 现在开始.

M: Are those who have a watch usually on time?
M: who worry about being late
F: Are those who worry about being late usually on time?
M: who value time
F: Are those who value time usually on time?
M: who consider time precious
F: Are those who consider time precious usually on time?
M: who live in a time-oriented society
F: Are those who live in a time-oriented society usually on time?
M: who have a hectic schedule
F: Are those who have a hectic schedule usually on time?
M: who work conscientiously
F: Are those who work conscientiously usually on time?


下面我们练习怎么用 "及时" in time, i-n t-i-m-e, in time 作句子. 练习的作法是鲍勃问珍妮一些问题, 比方"你今天早上赶上那班直达车了吗?" Did you catch the express bus this morning? 珍妮就用 in time 作肯定的答覆. 请你注意听.

M: Did you catch the express bus this morning?
F: Yes, I caught it in time.
M: Did you make it to your class?
F: Yes, I made it in time.
M: Did you finish the exam?
F: Yes, I finished it in time.
M: Did you talk to your advisor before he left the office?
F: Yes, I talked to him in time.
M: Did you make it to the doctor's appointment after school?
F: Yes, I made it in time.
M: Did you get home before the traffic hour started?
F: Yes, I got home in time.

下面我们再作一组练习. 首先老师说一句话, 比方: Jenny talked to her advisor just before he left the office. 请你把句子改成: She talked to her advisor in time.这组练习不但提到珍妮还提到其他在这套教材里出现过的人物跟他们做过的一些事情, 希望你还记得.现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Jenny talked to her advisor just before he left his office.
F: She talked to her advisor in time.
M: Bob got back from China the day before the semester started.
F: He got back from China in time.
M: Henry and Kate paid their income tax before it was too late.
F: They paid their income tax in time.
M: Henry and other firemen put out the fire just before it started to spread.
F: They put out the fire in time.
M: Nancy finished typing the fire report an hour before it was due.
F: She finished typing the fire report in time.
M: Kate picked up her car just before the garage close.
F: She picked up her car in time.
M: Peter got into his parents' trailer before it started to rain.
F: He got into his parents' trailer in time.
M: Mary got her graduation cap and gown the day before the graduation ceremony.
F: She got her graduation cap and gown in time.
M: Linda bought a swimming suit for Jenny on the last day of the sale.
F: She bought a swimming suit for Jenny in time.


现在我们练习怎么用 from time to time, f-r-o-m t-i-m-e t-o t-i-m-e, from time to time 这个词组的意思就是 "不时" 或是 "有时候". 下面老师用这个词组提出一些跟工作有关系的问题, 比方美国人有时候感到工作沉重, 有时候觉得受到时间的束缚等等, 请你一一地作肯定的答覆. 你回答之后老师会把答案再念一遍给你听.

M: Are Americans preoccupied with their jobs from time to time?
F: Yes, Americans are preoccupied with their jobs from time to time.
M: Do they feel job pressure from time to time?
F: Yes, they feel job pressure from time to time.
M: Do they cope with a hectic schedule from time to time?
F: Yes, they cope with a hectic schedule from time to time.
M: Do they work extra hours from time to time?
F: Yes, they work extra hours from time to time.
M: Do they complain about their jobs from time to time?
F: Yes, they complain about their jobs from time to time.
M: Do they need to relax from time to time?
F: Yes, they need to relax from time to time.
M: Do they need to get away from their jobs from time to time?
F: Yes, they need to get away from their jobs from time to time.


下面我们学习怎么用 all the time, a-l-l t-h-e t-i-m-e, all the time. 这个词组可以用来表示 "总是". 比方: He's always busy. 可以改成: He's busy all the time. 现在老师作一些句子说明在这套教材里出现过的一些人物.比方: Peter doesn't like to wear a watch. He's always late. 学生就把句子改成: Peter doesn't like to wear a watch. He's late all the time. 学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Jenny is preoccupied with time. She always worries about being late.
F: Jenny is preoccupied with time. She worries about being late all the time.
M: Peter doesn't like to wear a watch. He's always late.
F: Peter doesn't like to wear a watch. He's late all the time.
M: Henry has a hectic schedule. He's always busy.
F: Henry has a hectic schedule. He's busy all the time.
M: Kate is persuasive. Her students always listen to her.
F: Kate is persuasive. Her students listen to her all the time.
M: Bill is a competitive coach. He always talks about winning a game.
F: Bill is a competitive coach. He talks about winning a game all the time.
M: Bob likes politics. He always campaigns for somebody.
F: Bob likes politics. He campaigns for somebody all the time.
M: Nancy has financial problems. She always complains about the high cost of living.
F: Nancy has financial problems. She complains about the high cost of living all the time.
M: Bonnie has psychological problems. She's always upset.
F: Bonnie has psychological problems. She's upset all the time.


今天我们要听的文章谈到美国人很重视时间. 这一点从语言, 生活习惯等等方面都可以看出来. 文章里许多词汇都是我们刚刚练习过的. 现在请你注意听.

Americans think a great deal about time. They constantly refer to time and the value of
keeping busy. From childhood, they learn to value time, and their language reflects this
preoccupation with it.
As children, they are taught to be on time for events and to do work on time. They learn
that the price of committing a crime is to do time in prison. When they are having a good
time, they say that time flies; they say sadly of someone who is dying that he is living on
borrowed time. From the time of its beginning, American English has reflected this
preoccupation with time.
Nowhere can this sense of time be seen more clearly than in the working place. Working
Americans are bound to the clock. It is a commonly held belief that one should balance
work against a set time, for example an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week. Anything over these
time limits is overtime, and the worker should receive more money per hour for work done
during overtime.
Time during nonworking hours is also considered very precious. Whether an American
decides on a hectic weekend schedule, when Saturday and Sunday are filled with activities,or on a relaxed weekend,the time will be regarded as valuable. Some Americans feel they have a love / hate relationship with time. They love the comforts that progress has brought through work, but they hate the bondage to the clock and the pressures of a time-oriented society. There is little doubt that many Americans feel they have become servants of the clock.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 回答之后老师会念正确答案给你听.

M: What are some of the expressions reflecting Americans' preoccupation with time?
F: To be on time, have a good time, live on borrowed time and to do time are some of the
  expressions reflecting Americans' preoccupation with time.

M: What is overtime?
F: Anything over an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week is overtime.

M: Why do many Americans feel they have become servants of the clock?
F: It is because they live in a time-oriented society.




在这一课里, 我们学习几个连接词, 比方 "既然" since, "虽然" although, "可是"nevertheless, "为了要" in order to 等等. 我们还要谈一谈有关移民的事情. 首先我们来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说凯特跟她的同事比尔谈到了学校里的外国学生. 请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Kate, how's the new student in your class doing?
F: The kid from Haiti? He's having a rough time communicating since he doesn't speak
  much English. However, the other kids seem to include him pretty well.
M: Our students are used to new kids who don't speak much English since we have had so
many new immigrant families move into our school district.
F: Don't I know it! This year I have had a Vietnamese, an Ethiopian, a Cuban and the kid
  from Haiti in my class. I spend a lot of time with them after class so that they can    
catch up.
M: It must have been hard for you since you have to give them special attention in order to
help them.
F: It has been. Nevertheless, it's really rewarding to see them progress and make friends.

现在我们再把对话听一遍. 请你注意听.

M: Kate, how's the new student in your class doing?
F: The kid from Haiti? He's having a rough time communicating since he doesn't speak
  much English. However, the other kids seem to include him pretty well.
M: Our students are used to new kids who don't speak much English since we have had so
many new immigrant families move into our school district.
F: Don't I know it! This year I have had a Vietnamese, an Ethiopian, a Cuban and the kid
  from Haiti in my class. I spend a lot of time with them after class so that they can    
catch up.
M: It must have been hard for you since you have to give them special attention in order to
help them.
F: It has been. Nevertheless, it's really rewarding to see them progress and make friends.


F: He's having a rough time since he doesn't speak much English.
F: However, the other kids seem to include him pretty well.
F: I spend a lot of time with them after class so that they can catch up.
M: You have to give them special attention in order to help them.
F: Nevertheless, it's really rewarding to see them progress and make friends.


首先我们练习用 since, s-i-n-c-e, since 来表明一件事情的原因. 比方,有一句话"他觉得别扭因为他长得跟别的孩子不同." 这句话英文可以这样说: He feels awkward since he looks different from the other kids. 现在请你注意听比尔提出跟海地来的那个学生有关系的问题, 比方: Why doesn't he speak English?接着凯特说出原因: He was never taught the language. 请你跟凯特一起这样回答问
题: He doesn't speak Englihs because he was never taught the language. 好, 现在我们开始.

M: Why doesn't he speak English?
F: He was never taught the language.
F: He doesn't speak English since he was never taught the language.
M: Why does he have a rough time communicating?
F: He doesn't speak much English.
F: He has a rough time communicating since he doesn't speak much English.
M: Why doesn't he play with the other kids?
F: He has a rough time communicating.
F: He doesn't play with the other kids since he has a rough time communicating.
M: Why does he feel awkward?
F: He looks different from the other kids.
F: He feel awkward since he looks different from the other kids.
M: Why is he behind?
F: He doesn't understand much English.
F: He's behind since he doesn't understand much English.


下面我们练习用therefore, t-h-e-r-e-f-o-r-e,therefore来表明一件事情的结果. 比方"他还小, 因此他会很快学好英文." 这句话可以这样说: He's young. Therefore he'll pick up English quickly. 现在还是请你注意听比尔提出一些跟从海地来的那个学生有关系的问题, 比方: Will he make friends? 接着凯特说: Yes, the other kids like him. 请你跟凯特一起这样回答: The other kids like him. Therefore he'll make friends. 现在我们开始.

M: Will he pick up English quickly?
F: Yes, he's young.
F: He's young. Therefore he'll pick up English quickly.
M: Will he catch up?
F: Yes, he studies hard.
F: He studies hard. Therefore he'll catch up.
M: Will he make progress?
F: Yes, He's in the special programs.
F: He's in the special programs. Therefore he'll make progress.
M: Will he be accepted by his classmates?
F: Yes, he's not the only foreign student in his class.
F: He's not the only foreign student in his class. Therefore he'll be accepted.
M: Will he make friends?
F: Yes, the other kids like him.
F: The other kids like him. Therefore he'll make friends.


下面我们作一组练习, 比较连接词 "然而" however, h-o-w-e-v-e-r, however 跟"虽然" although, a-l-t-h-o-u-g-h, although 在用法上的分别.比方老师念两个句子,第一个句子是: "他是移民." He's an immigrant. 第二个句子是 "然而他不觉得受排斥." However, he doesn't feel rejected. 学生就把两个句子合并成一句, 变为 "虽然他是移民, 但是他不觉得受排斥." Although he's an immigrant, he
doesn't feel rejected. 这组练习里的句子都是说到凯特班上那个从海地来的新学生, 比方他英文说得不好, 又有口音, 可是他不气馁, 还是设法跟同学交往等等. 请你跟学生一起作练习.

M: He's an immigrant. However, he doesn't feel rejected.
F: Although he's an immigrant, he doesn't feel rejected.
M: He looks different. However, he's accepted.
F: Although he looks different, he's accepted.
M: He has a rough time communicating. However, he isn't discouraged.
F: Although he has a rough time communicating, he isn't discouraged.
M: He cannot express himself clearly. However, he tries to make friends with the other kids. F: Although he cannot express himself clearly, he tries to make friends with the other kids. M: He speaks English with an accent. However, the other kids understand him.
F: Although he speaks English with an accent, the other kids understand him.


除了 however 这个字以外, 另外一个字,也就是 nevertheless, n-e-v-e-r-t-h-e-l-e-s-s, nevertheless 也可以用来表示 "然而". 现在我们作一组练习, 一边学习这个连接词的用法, 一边谈一谈外国移民移居美国的经历. 练习的作法是老师用 although 作一个句子, 比方 "虽然移居很因难, 但是许多移民还是迁移到美国来了." Although it was difficult to resettle, many immigrants migrated to the United States. 学生就把句子改成: It was difficult to resettle. Nevertheless,many immigrants migrated to the United States. 这组练习里有些词汇可能你不熟, 比方 "谋生" make a living, "适应" adapt to, "苦难" hardship 等等, 请你跟学生一起作练习的时候特别注意. 现在开始.

M: Although it was difficult to resettle, many immigrants migrated to the United States.
F: It was difficult to resettle. Nevertheless, many immigrants migrated to the United
M: Although they were born in foreign countries, they've become Americans.
F: They were born in foreigh countries. Nevertheless, they've become Americans.
M: Although their English wasn't good, they had other skills to make a living.
F: Their English wasn't good. Nevertheless, they had other skills to make a living.
M: Although it wasn't easy to cope with the new environment, they finally adapted to the
new life style.
F: It wasn't easy to cope with the new environment. Nevertheless, they finally adapted to
the new life style.
M: Although they suffered hardships, they don't feel regret.
F: They suffered hardships. Nevertheless, they don't feel regret.


现在我们学习用 in order to, i-n o-r-d-e-r t-o, in order to. 这个词组可以用来表示"为了要".比方有两句话: "他们移居到新大陆."They migrated to the New World."他们要有新生活." They wanted to have a new life. 这两句话用 in order to 连接起来就变成:They migrated to the New World in order to have a new life. 现在我们作一组练习, 由老师念两句话, 学生就用 in order to 把两句话变为一句.这组练习的内容说的是外国人离乡背井移居美国的原因. 练习里有些词汇可能你不熟, 比方 "信仰宗教" to worship a religion. "政治动荡不安" political unrest, "先进技术" advanced technology, "团圆" to be united with 等等,请你跟学生一起作练习的时候特别注意. 现在开始.

M: They migrated to the New World. They wanted to have a new life.
F: They migrated to the New World in order to have a new life.
M: They resettled in America. They wanted to worship their religions freely.
F: They resettled in America in order to worship their religions freely.
M: They moved to the U.S. They wanted to avoid political unrest.
F: They moved to the U.S. in order to avoid political unrest.
M: They relocated in this country. They wanted to study advanced technology.
F: They relocated in this country in order to study advanced technology.
M: They came from their native countries. They wanted to be reunited with their families in
  the U.S.
F: They came from thier native countries in order to be reunited with their families in the   U.S.


下面我们作一组练习比较 in order to 跟 "因此" so that, s-o t-h-a-t, so that 在用法上的分别, 同时也谈一谈到美国的移民. 练习的作法是老师说: They left their homelands in order to have better working conditions. 学生就把句子改成: They left their homeland so that they could have better working conditions. 学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: They migrated to the New World in order to have a new life.
F: They migrated to the New World so that they could have a new life.
M: They resettled in America in order to worship their religions freely.
F: They resettled in America so that they could worship their religions freely.
M: They moved to the U.S. in order to avoid political unrest.
F: They moved to the U.S. so that they could avoid political unrest.
M: They relocated in this country in order to study advanced technology.
F: They relocated in this country so that they could study advanced technology.
M: They left their homelands in order to have better working conditions.
F: They left their homelands so that they could have better working conditions.


首先老师给你念一篇文章介绍到美国定居的各国移民, 并且谈到美国为什么是个大熔炉. 请你注意听.

America is a country of immigrants. Nearly the entire population can trace its origins to
someplace outside of the U.S. The group of people with the longest period of residence in North America are American Indians. It is believed that they migrated from Asia several
thousand years ago. The next people to come to what is now the U.S. were Europeans.
They came as colonists between 350 and 250 years ago. Many of these colonists came from England and settled along the Atlantic coast. Other colonists came from Spain and settled in Florida and in the southwestern part of the country. When the colonists had established themselves, large numbers of Africans were forced to come to North America as slaves.
Through the 19th century, many immigrants came to the U.S. The earlier ones were largely from Ireland, Germany and other parts of western Europe. Later, many immigrants came from northern and southern Europe and from Asia. In this century many Eastern Europeans have come to the U.S. and more recently thousands of people from Southeast Asia and the Caribbean area have come to live in the U.S.
These people have come to the U.S. for many reasons. Some came in order to make better lives for themselves in a new country. Others came so that they could worship their religions more freely. Many immigrants left their homelands because of war, political unrest or bad economic and living conditions.
Although most immigrants chose to come to the U. S. themselves, they often suffered
hardships getting to the country. The conditions in which many people lived when they first
arrived were very difficult. However, most immigrants managed to establish themselves
and have good lives in the U.S. The U.S. today is called the melting pot since people
who came from different countries have all become Americans.

现在请你回答问题. 你回答之后老师会把正确答案念给你听.

M: Where did American immigrants come from?
F: They came from all over the world.

M: What were some of the reasons for immigrants to leave their homelands?
F: Religion, war, political unrest, bad economic and living conditions were some of the
  reasons for immigrants to leave their homelands.

M: Was it difficult for immigrants to get to the U.S.?
F: Yes, it was often difficult.




在这一课里, 我们来复习以前教过的一些基本语法, 同时也谈一谈在美国学校里的英语教学课程. 首先我们还是先听一段对话, 内容是说鲍勃和珍妮在校园里谈到了暑假里计划作些什么. 请你注意两位老师的发音和语调.

M: Well, Jenny, the school year is almost over. We just have two more weeks before exams.    What do you plan to do this summer?
F: I'm going to teach English to some immigrants in the university's community service
M: That sounds interesting. Don't you need to speak a foreign language for a job like that?
F: No, you don't. You just have to present the language simply and give the students a
chance to practice speaking.
M: Come to think of it, that's the way I was taught to speak Chinese. But speaking Chinese
didn't help me learn to read and write Chinese.
F: My students won't want to read and write English, at least not now. They are more
interested in speaking.
M: You sound very knowledgeable about all this, How do you know so much?
F: I took a Teaching English as a Second Language course last year when you were in
  China. I've also talked with the program administrators quite a lot. I think I would like   to be an ESL teacher when I graduate.

今天我们要复习的语法包括时态, 语态, 动词词组, 时间从句和形容词从句等等. 现在我们再把整段对话听一遍. 这次请你特别注意句子的语法构造.

M: Well, Jenny, the school year is almost over. We just have two more weeks before exams.    What do you plan to do this summer?
F: I'm going to teach English to some immigrants in the university's community service
M: That sounds interesting. Don't you need to speak a foreign language for a job like that?
F: No, you don't. You just have to present the language simply and give the students a
chance to practice speaking.
M: Come to think of it, that's the way I was taught to speak Chinese. But speaking Chinese
didn't help me learn to read and write Chinese.
F: My students won't want to read and write English, at least not now. They are more
interested in speaking.
M: You sound very knowledgeable about all this, How do you know so much?
F: I took a Teaching English as a Second Language course last year when you were in
  China. I've also talked with the program administrators quite a lot. I think I would like   to be an ESL teacher when I graduate.


现在我们开始作练习. 首先我们复习不同时态. 练习的作法是老师根据对话的内容提出各种不同时态的问题, 请学生作肯定的答覆. 学生作练习的时候请你也一起作, 并且特别注意时态的用法.

M: Is the school year almost over?
F: Yes, the school year is almost over.
M: Is Jenny talking to Bob?
F: Yes, Jenny is talking to Bob.
M: Has she gotten a job for the summer?
F: Yes, she has gotten a job for the summer.
M: Is she going to teach English to some immigrants in the university's community service
F: Yes, she is going to teach English to some immigrants in the university's community
service program.
M: Will it be a helpful experience for her?
F: Yes, it will be a helpful experience for her.
M: Did she take an English as a Second Language course last year?
F: Yes, she took an English as a Second Language course last year.
M: Had she thought about being an ESL teacher before she took that course?
F: Yes, she had thought about being an ESL teacher before she took that course.

三.复习动词 + TO + 动词

下面我们复习动词加上 to, t-o, to 再加上动词的用法. 练习的内容说到移民到美国之后需要学英文的原因. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 学生跟着说一遍, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 这组练习里的词汇都是以前学过的. 请你跟学生一起作练习.

M: The immigrants would like to learn English.
M: enroll in an English class
F: The immigrants would like to enroll in an English class.
M: need to
F: The immigrants need to enroll in an English class.
M: make a living in the U.S.
F: The immigrants need to make a living in the U.S.
M: talk to people in English
F: The immigrants need to talk to people in English.
M: want to
F: The immigrants want to talk to people in English.
M: communicate with people in English
F: The immigrants want to communicate with people in English.
M: resettle in the U.S.
F: The immigrants want to resettle in the U.S.
M: hope to
F: The immigrants hope to resettle in the U.S.
M: establish themselves in the U.S.
F: The immigrants hope to establish themselves in the U.S.
M: become American citizens
F: The immigrants hope to become American citizens.


下面我们复习用来表明时间的从句. 练习的内容说到移民学英文的情况. 练习的作法是老师提出问题,比方: "自从他们搬到美国以来, 他们学到了一些俗语吗?" Have they picked up some idiomatic expressions since they moved to the U.S.? 学生就作肯定的答覆.请你跟学生一起作练习的时候特别注意时间从句的用法. 现在开始.

M: Did some of them study English before they left their homelands?
F: Yes, some of them studied English before they left their homelands.
M: Did some of them enroll in school as soon as they resettled in the U.S?
F: Yes, some of them enrolled in school as soon as they resettled in the U.S.
M: Did some of them go to night school after they started working full time?
F: Yes, some of them went to night school after they started working full time.
M: Have they picked up some idiomatic expressions since they moved to the U.S.?
F: Yes, some of them have picked up some idiomatic expressions since they moved to the U.S.
M: Do they try to speak English whenever they have a chance?
F: Yes, they try to speak English whenever they have a chance.

五.复习 WHEN 开头的时间从句和形容词

下面我们一边复习用 when 开头的时间从句, 一边复习形容词. 练习的内容说到一般学英语的人在学习过程中的心情. 比方有困难的时候觉得气馁, 说错了觉得很窘等等. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个从句或是一个主要句子. 学生必须要斟酌情况正确地把句子代换到原来的整句话里. 你跟学生一起作练习的时候要特别注意应该代换哪个部分. 现在开始.

M: They feel discouraged when they have difficulties.
M: when they make a mistake
F: They feel discouraged when they make a mistake.
M: They feel embarrassed.
F: They feel embarrassed when they make a mistake.
M: when they don't understand what people say
F: They feel embarrassed when they don't understand what people say.
M: They feel helpless.
F: They feel helpless when they don't understand what people say.
M: They feel nervous.
F: They feel nervous when they don't understand what people say.
M: when they express their thoughts in English
F: They feel nervous when they express their thoughts in English.

六.复习 WHEN 开头的形容词从句

刚才我们作的几组练习都是说到外国人在美国学英语的情况. 现在我们作一组练习一方面复习用 when, w-h-e-n, when 开头的形容词从句, 一方面谈一谈许多美国人学外国话的原因. 练习的作法是老师说一句话, 接着老师念一个从句. 学生就把从句代换到原来的句子里. 请你跟学生一起作练习的时候一边注意语法结构, 一边复习词汇. 现在开始.

M: Those who want to understand a foreign culture need to learn a foreign language.
M: who want to do business with a foreign company
F: Those who want to do business with a foreign company need to learn a foreign language.
M: who want to negotiate with a foreign corporation
F: Those who want to negotiate with a foreign corporation need to learn a foreign language.
M: who want to communicate with foreigners
F: Those who want to communicate with foreigners need to learn a foreign language.
M: who want to travel in a foreign country
F: Those who want to travel in a foreign country need to learn a foreign language.
M: who want to live in a foreign country
F: Those who want to live in a foreign country need to learn a foreign language.


下面我们作一组练习一方面复习被动语态, 一方面谈一谈鲍勃学中文的经验.练习的作法是老师念一个主动语态句子,请你把句子改成被动语态说出来. 每作完一句, 老师就把正确答案念给你听.

M: Foreign languages impress Bob.
F: Bob is impressed with foreign languages.
M: His parents have always encouraged him to study a foreign language.
F: He has always been encouraged to study a foreign language.
M: His mother had taught him Chinese when he was small.
F: He had been taught Chinese when he was small.
M: His Chinese instructor told him about the study-abroad program when he was a
  university student.
F: He was told about the study-abroad program when he was a university student.
M: He hopes that a university in China will offer him a scholarship to study there someday.
F: He hopes that he will be offered a scholarship to study in China someday.


今天我们要听的文章谈到美国学校为了帮助外国人学英语而设立的英语教学计划. 请你注意听.

The United States is primarily an English speaking country. The majority of the population
speaks English as their native language. Business, education and most public aspects of life are conducted in English.
Across the country, people pronounce English sounds in several different ways and some regional vocabulary differences exist, but for the most part, Americans speak one common language. This language is sometimes called American English. However, not everyone in the U.S. is a native speaker of English. Most immigrants to the country are speakers of other languages. There are hundreds of communities around the U.S. where English is not the most commonly used language. Chinese, Italian, German, Armenian,Greek, Vietnamese and French are all spoken in numerous communities in the U.S. Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language after English in the U. S. It is widely spoken in New York and across the southern part of the country.
For speakers of other languages, learning English is important, but traditionally teaching
people to speak English as a second language was given little attention. Non-English
speakers were expected to "pick up" the language through contact in public. Recently, this
has changed. Today, most large public schools and community colleges have ESL,English as a Second Language, programs. American English teachers feel that English students should learn the language the way they will be using it. Therefore, ESL programs teach different English lessons to different students. Some programs teach students to communicate in English in public. Other programs teach the kind of English people will need on their jobs.
American ESL instructional methods emphasize the importance of communication to language learning. These methods do not feature grammatical explanations and translation.
The instructional goal is to get the English learners to learn by using their target language.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 你回答之后老师会把正确答案念给你听.

M: What languages are spoken in the United States?
F: Many languages are spoken in the United States.

M: Where can one take English as a Second Language courses in the U.S.?
F: One can take ESL courses in public schools and community colleges.

M: What do American methods of teaching ESL emphasize?
F: They emphasize communication.