Knowledge Audit Toolkit for Helpdesk Sub-unit - Pooja Songar’s KM Blogs

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/03 02:46:01
Knowledge Audit Toolkit for Helpdesk Sub-unit
In my previous post on Knowledge Audits, I have discussed why and when knowledge audits must be performed and general steps for performing knowledge audits. Today I am going to share a Knowledge Audit Toolkit. This toolkit can be used to conduct knowledge audit in any helpdesk sub-unit. This toolkit is developed based on my experiences with a knowledge audit in the helpdesk, IT and Quality Assurance departments of a leading manufacturer of self-adhesive backed (pressure-sensitive) paper products located in Stow, Ohio.
You can include other departments such as Information Technology and Quality Assurance in the target area as these departments work closely with Helpdesk.
How to conduct knowledge audit using this toolkit?
The knowledge audit toolkit for helpdesk sub-unit consists of a survey questionnaire, value chart and a knowledge scale to analyze the audit data. If you like to use the online survey questionnaire developed using XHTML, ASP and MS-Access, email me for a copy.
Survey Questionnaire
The survey questionnaire consists of 22 questions. Each question has some numerical value associated with it except the last question. The last question collects participants’ feedback on what keeps them from performing their job well. Additional comments can be provided by participants for questions 10, 11 and 15. It is highly recommended to avoid collecting personal information such as name when not needed as it could influence participants’ response. If other departments are included for survey please collect the department name from participants as it will help in data analysis.
How many times are users problems understood easily?
_____ Always _____ Very Often _____ Less Often _____ Rarely _____ Never How often are problems solved by Helpdesk?
_____ Always _____ Very Often _____ Less Often _____ Rarely _____ Never How easy is it to locate solution for problem in hand?
_____ Very Easy _____ Easy _____ A Bit Difficult _____ Difficult _____ Tough Do you know where the answers to users’ problems can be found? E.g., documentation, person, etc?
_____ Always _____ Very Often _____ Less Often _____ Rarely _____ Never Do you have knowledge resources to help you solve users’ problems?
_____ Yes _____ No How often do problems repeat?
_____ Always _____ Very Often _____ Less Often _____ Rarely _____ Never How many times can you identify if the problem is repeated?
_____ Always _____ Very Often _____ Less Often _____ Rarely _____ Never If a problem has been solved once, and it comes up again, how often can it be solved by the Helpdesk?
_____ Always _____ Very Often _____ Less Often _____ Rarely _____ Never How effective is _______ (Fill in with organizational tool) as a tool for identifying repeated problems and its solution?
_____ Very Effective _____ Effective _____ Less Effective _____ Not Effective Does ______ (Your organization’s name) need a better tool to effectively access existing knowledge resources?
_____ Yes _____ No. Explain __________________________________________ If Helpdesk is not able to solve the problem; is it effectively documented for QA and Development?
_____ Yes _____ No Explain __________________________________________ What percentage of calls is passed to QA and Development if helpdesk is not able to solve the problem?
_____ Less than 5% _____ 6-10% _____ 11-25% _____ 26-50% _____ More than 50% Are electronic/non-electronic collaboration, teamwork, and cooperation part of ________ (Organization’s name) IT process?
_____ Strongly Agree _____ Agree _____ Disagree _____ Strongly Disagree How many experts exist in _________ (Organization’s name)?
_____ 0 _____ 1 _____ 2-5 _____ More than 5 Do you know who to go to for help on specific areas of ________ (Organization’s helpdesk tool)?
_____ Yes _____ No Explain _______________________________ Documentation is highly practiced and encouraged in ________ (Organization’s name)?
_____ Strongly Agree _____ Agree _____ Disagree _____ Strongly Disagree Information is stored and organized in a way that makes it easily available and accessible when required?
_____ Strongly Agree _____ Agree _____ Disagree _____ Strongly Disagree Information is stored from many sources in an integrated manner and cross referenced, facilitating better communication and decision making?
_____ Strongly Agree _____ Agree _____ Disagree _____ Strongly Disagree No policies or technical security issues prevent the sharing of information and knowledge required?
_____ Strongly Agree _____ Agree _____ Disagree _____ Strongly Disagree Collaborative meetings to gather information and share knowledge is practiced and encouraged in the organization?
_____ Strongly Agree _____ Agree _____ Disagree _____ Strongly Disagree _______ (Organization’s name) values knowledgeable staff members?
_____ Strongly Agree _____ Agree _____ Disagree _____ Strongly Disagree What do you feel from a knowledge perspective, keeps you from doing your job well?
Explain ________________________________________
Value Chart
Calculate the average response for each question (Total Response from all participants/ No. of participants) and the final score for the survey (Average response for question 1 + Average response for question 2 + ……. Average response for question 21) using the value chart below.
Question No. Value for Option 1 Value for Option 2 Value for Option 3 Value for Option 4 Value for Option 5
1 4 3 2 1 0
2 4 3 2 1 0
3 4 3 2 1 0
4 4 3 2 1 0
5 4 0 _ _ _
6 0 1 2 3 4
7 4 3 2 1 0
8 4 3 2 1 0
9 4 3 1 0 _
10 4 0 _ _ _
11 4 0 _ _ _
12 4 3 2 1 0
13 4 3 1 0 _
14 0 1 3 4 _
15 4 0 _ _ _
16 4 3 1 0 _
17 4 3 1 0 _
18 4 3 1 0 _
19 4 3 1 0 _
20 4 3 1 0 _
21 4 3 1 0 _
Knowledge Scale
Based on the knowledge scale below determine the status of organization’s Knowledge Management (KM) activities.
Final Score 0-30 31-60 61-74 75-84
Conclusion Ignorance about KM and its activities. Knowledge resources either do not exist or are not managed properly. Organization is aware about the benefits of proper management of knowledge resources and KM activities but no specific KM activities per se exist in the organization. KM activities in the organization are in their initial stages. Organization has started receiving benefits from KM but still a lot needs to be done. Effective KM activities are part of the organizational business.
Prepare Recommendations from Knowledge Audit
Perform data and gap analysis of responses from survey including comments at individual and group level. Prepare necessary recommendations for management based on knowledge audit such that knowledge management (KM) activities can be improved in the organization.
Conduct another knowledge audit few months after the changes have taken place in the system to check if the problems are fixed.